RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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....What kind of software were they using?
Kotaku Australia wrote an article on the backend they used:

One Panel At RTX Australia Was Not Like The Others | Kotaku Australia
(excerpts below)
The technology was provided by Opaque Media — the company behind the Earthlight VR demo that caught our interest at PAX last year.

It's not the first time Opaque has worked with Rooster Teeth. Back at PAX in 2014 they used a Kinect to map fans' movements to a model of Ruby Rose, allowing them to dance, gesture or generally move around as Ruby in any way they liked.

This time they're taking it a step further, using software from Faceware Tech for a real-time motion capture performance.

The setup for this technology isn't simple, but there are a few main components needed for it to work. Each actor has a GoPro for their facial capture, along with a lapel mic to broadcast their voices. A single Kinect captures arm and body movement for both actors.

They're also provided with a screen to check their mocap performance and another with a live camera feed from the theater room, so that they can interact with the audience. Both actors can also use certain special expressions (such as sticking their tongue out) by pressing a button to trigger the animation.
While it isn't Opaque's first time providing this kind of service, the stylized RWBY faces can come with their own challenges when mapping from a human face, as the range of expression each one can make is often restricted. Each character has their own unique expressions and facial movements as well.

One of the biggest problems encountered with this technology is the fact that the Kinect isn't great at discerning the palm of a hand from the back of a hand, resulting in some weird glitching while the camera tries to figure out which is which. In the end they decided to lock off hand movement completely, bypassing the problem. It did create a few interesting situations for the actors, however — especially when they tried to do the moves to the YMCA with restricted hand movement.

Overall the reaction to the panel was incredibly positive, however, with most people I spoke to afterwards being very impressed by the technology. One 'hiccup' that Opaque's Norman Wang mentioned to me was when Rooster Teeth's Burnie Burns decided to mess with the stream, telling Yang's voice actor Barbara Dunkelman to announce that she would do her best Burnie impression — and then speaking into the mic himself.

Being so close to the actor, Burnie also managed to hijack the mo-cap from the Kinect in the process, but while this could have seemed like a small disaster to the Opaque team, it was also one of the crowd's favourite moments. You can see it here on the official Twitch stream.

After everything, the crowd loved it. The theater room — like a lot of RTX over the weekend — was completely packed out. "They went nuts," says Norman. He's not planning on leaving it here, however, with plans for further collaborations with Rooster Teeth in the future.

Now that they've done full body capture and facial capture separately, he wants to one day combine the two — this time using a proper motion capture suit, rather than relying on cameras. This would allow the RWBY actors to walk around a stage and perform naturally as their characters.

Sounds like the process of adapting the RWBY character models for live action is still a work in progress, and they plan to continue refining it.

Also, another funny piece from the livestream, Jaune's 30 seconds of screen time:

Ruby: Jaune. :rolleyes:
Could someone explain to me how Atlas can even survive? Their hunters are shunted into the military after they graduate, but Neo can take out a a full airship of them effortlessly when she didn't even attempt to fight Raven and GTFO'd. They have absolutely no Opsec, not even bothering to check if their system's been compromised after Ironwood himself sees Ruby fight off an infiltrator. Apparently they have no passcodes and design everything so a random schmoe can just jump in and use their tech for whatever end, and they create an android with a soul out of ferrous metals? I'm surprised the magnet that was attached to Penny's head didn't short out whatever systems are in her head.

Like, is there any part of Atlas that is actually competent?
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Could someone explain to me how Atlas can even survive? Their hunters are shunted into the military after they graduate, but Neo can take out a a full airship of them effortlessly when she didn't even attempt to fight Raven and GTFO'd. They have absolutely no Opsec, not even bothering to check if their system's been compromised after Ironwood himself sees Ruby fight off an infiltrator. Apparently they have no passcodes and design everything so a random schmoe can just jump in and use their tech for whatever end, and they create an android with a soul out of ferrous metals? I'm surprised the magnet that was attached to Penny's head didn't short out whatever systems are in her head.

Like, is there any part of Atlas that is actually competent?
The part that actually created an android with a soul.
Could someone explain to me how Atlas can even survive? Their hunters are shunted into the military after they graduate, but Neo can take out a a full airship of them effortlessly when she didn't even attempt to fight Raven and GTFO'd. They have absolutely no Opsec, not even bothering to check if their system's been compromised after Ironwood himself sees Ruby fight off an infiltrator. Apparently they have no passcodes and design everything so a random schmoe can just jump in and use their tech for whatever end, and they create an android with a soul out of ferrous metals? I'm surprised the magnet that was attached to Penny's head didn't short out whatever systems are in her head.

Like, is there any part of Atlas that is actually competent?
It seems like Atlas's ideas are good idea wise, but a little bad in execution. It seems that while Hunters are put into the military, they only bother to use grunts most of the time. Whether this is because they're a bit lacking in competent Hunters to fill all the positions or because of bad planning is beyond me.
Could someone explain to me how Atlas can even survive? Their hunters are shunted into the military after they graduate, but Neo can take out a a full airship of them effortlessly when she didn't even attempt to fight Raven and GTFO'd. They have absolutely no Opsec, not even bothering to check if their system's been compromised after Ironwood himself sees Ruby fight off an infiltrator. Apparently they have no passcodes and design everything so a random schmoe can just jump in and use their tech for whatever end, and they create an android with a soul out of ferrous metals? I'm surprised the magnet that was attached to Penny's head didn't short out whatever systems are in her head.

Like, is there any part of Atlas that is actually competent?
I'm fairly confident that Atlas Specialists is a career choice as opposed to somehting all their students are shunted into. As for Neo taking them out, we don't know if there were any Specialists on there and even if there were Neo's apparently meant to be one of the better fighter in the series and one of the things about a setting where people with powers are present is that numbers and being part of an official organisation doesn't necessarily make them better than somebody from outside it like Neo or Raven. Just because we didn't see them check doesn't mean they didn't and I would hardly describe Cinder, or Roman, as random Schmoes. Maybe they don't have access to other metals and or that was the best metal for her design? Given she has a soul it not shorting out her CPU makes sense to me and there's likely a limited number of people with a magnet based Semblance anyway.
You sure there was a new Grimm? If you mean that thing Ironwood was facing (hooray, we finally get to see him in action, and possibly serious Qrow) I'm pretty sure that was an alpha/older Beowolf. I could be wrong.

Also everything is on fire.
True, well its a new design at least and it looks freaky and cool so I'm happy :D

That is less good, but also exciting, plus ABRN are back! :)

Though my hopes for a White Fang internal revolution seem to have been lost with them seemingly zipping around dumping Grim on people from on high. Which is both terrifying and hilarious.
Though my hopes for a White Fang internal revolution seem to have been lost with them seemingly zipping around dumping Grim on people from on high. Which is both terrifying and hilarious.

Normally I'd say there's still hope, and there might be given the fact that they're being forced to work for Cinder, but Adam is still at the head of this and twice now they've gone along releasing Grimm on Vale. If there's redemption for them, it's even further away from them than the equality they want.

Surprisingly, the cunning plan of 'launch a major attack during the Vytal Tournament' has hit the flaw of 'launch a major attack during one of the largest gatherings of Huntsmen on Remnant.' Who would have seen that coming?
Normally I'd say there's still hope, and there might be given the fact that they're being forced to work for Cinder, but Adam is still at the head of this and twice now they've gone along releasing Grimm on Vale. If there's redemption for them, it's even further away from them than the equality they want.
Indeed, that does appear to be the case, sadly, hopefully it can become a thing one day.
Surprisingly, the cunning plan of 'launch a major attack during the Vytal Tournament' has hit the flaw of 'launch a major attack during one of the largest gatherings of Huntsmen on Remnant.' Who would have seen that coming?
I highly doubt Cinder has missed this fact, chances are she just regards it as a risk worth taking with whatever forces she's got arrayed against her potential enemies.
Yup, the attack on Vale is just a means to an end for Cinder. Her goal is almost certainly Amber's comatose body; the Grimm et al. are just a distraction, with the potential side benefit of eliminating some of her strongest enemies.
Yup, the attack on Vale is just a means to an end for Cinder. Her goal is almost certainly Amber's comatose body; the Grimm et al. are just a distraction, with the potential side benefit of eliminating some of her strongest enemies.
This does indeed appear to be true, though at the same time she was getting Roman on-board even before the White Fang so I'm beginning to think she may have a;ways planned to destroy Vale, just, well, with full on Maiden powers and an army of White Fang and Grim rather than with on;y half of Amber's power.
Surprisingly, the cunning plan of 'launch a major attack during the Vytal Tournament' has hit the flaw of 'launch a major attack during one of the largest gatherings of Huntsmen on Remnant.' Who would have seen that coming?
Correction launch an attack with a LARGE amount of Grim and White Fang and while the Hunters are busy you know saving everyone sneak in steal the full maiden powers and what ever else Cinder wants while all the guardians play Hero.

Considering how on ball Cinder has been I doubt very much her whole destroy Vale thing is even an optional objective point for her its more likely a smokescreen I feel to disguise what she is really after since Ozpin and Co STILL dont know its her.
Could someone explain to me how Atlas can even survive? Their hunters are shunted into the military after they graduate, but Neo can take out a a full airship of them effortlessly when she didn't even attempt to fight Raven and GTFO'd. They have absolutely no Opsec, not even bothering to check if their system's been compromised after Ironwood himself sees Ruby fight off an infiltrator. Apparently they have no passcodes and design everything so a random schmoe can just jump in and use their tech for whatever end, and they create an android with a soul out of ferrous metals? I'm surprised the magnet that was attached to Penny's head didn't short out whatever systems are in her head.

Like, is there any part of Atlas that is actually competent?

1. Graduates of Atlas are not "shunted" into the military, just strongly encouraged. And they join as Specialists (i.e. Special Operatives), not as grunts. To give a RL example you don't put a squad of Green Berets or Delta Force in every military installation and vehicle because that's a terrible use for them and you wouldn't have enough to do it anyway. If any of them were on that airship, there wouldn't be likely to be more than one or two.
2. Even leaving aside the above, Neo is being set up as pretty badass and likely had the element of surprise, what with her Semblance and all. Her running from Raven is clearly meant to show just how badass Raven is, not that Neo's weak.
3. No, they don't show them checking if the systems were compromised. You could either say that Ironwood is so cripplingly retarded that he made such a horrific oversight despite the show treating him as though he's a reasonably competent person, or you can assume that he checked offscreen and didn't find anything.
4. RWBY runs on comic book/anime logic, and by that kind of logic "magnetism" is really just telekinesis that only works on metal. And uh, it's not like the Grimm, which Penny was almost certainly built with fighting in mind, are going to be able to exploit that particular weakness.
5. The fact that a magnet to her head didn't have any affect on her clearly shows they took some steps to make sure that didn't happen, so there's that.
I highly doubt Cinder has missed this fact, chances are she just regards it as a risk worth taking with whatever forces she's got arrayed against her potential enemies.

So what I'm taking from this is that there's a heavy swing in the show between 'the Grimm aren't a threat, why are they still a problem?' and 'Any potential civil disturbances, no matter how minor, could summon a Grimm attack. How has humanity survived?' Especially during, y'know, that hella massive war against the Color Cartel or whatever, or during the Faunus Rights Revolution. You can't tell me that some rule breaking, cheap shots, and one major incident at a tournament put out more negative mojo than an entire subspecies actively engaged in an armed struggle for independence.
So what I'm taking from this is that there's a heavy swing in the show between 'the Grimm aren't a threat, why are they still a problem?' and 'Any potential civil disturbances, no matter how minor, could summon a Grimm attack. How has humanity survived?' Especially during, y'know, that hella massive war against the Color Cartel or whatever, or during the Faunus Rights Revolution. You can't tell me that some rule breaking, cheap shots, and one major incident at a tournament put out more negative mojo than an entire subspecies actively engaged in an armed struggle for independence.
I suppose that also was a problem then? I mean, why not?