RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Fan fic idea Bread and Roses(cuz you know what Union shit can be cool

idea. That was already something I brought up over a year ago, And now it's relevant because crwby decided to fuck with labor unions in their video game)

Ruby Rose was many things, Hunteress, a union organizer, card carrying iww member, a die hard syndicalist. In other words, Her blood was red as roses..
Also a 15-year-old with a hero complex. Despite her gothic laliota fashion sense, Helping people just made her feel Giddy. Ruby just loved red and black.

as a young lass born into a small house on "The Patch." ( a Settlement: small area in the mountains with great weather decent agriculture works and a co-ops)

She started all out as a normal girl raised by a polycule triad along with her older sister Yang xiao Long.

Her absolutely wonderful inspiration for her mother, Summer, was a huntress and part-time labor organizer. Ruby's inspiration She strived to fight against meny forces plaguing society. Fought hand and blade against Pinkertons and reactionaries, overthrew corrupt nations. And maybe strong a few politicians into doing what the The average folk actually voted for..

Not to different from what Ruby's new favorite comic book hero does. Made by two drewish 17-year-old kids.* He's really cool and can jump really high.

But what really matters was his heart.

You could see how big the shoes Ruby had to fill..


(The shot was shaking and swaying. The camera man must have been drunk. Stumbling and swaying but still making a conceit effort to get a perfect video of the adorable scene.)

Summer rose sat on her family living room couch with a wonderful bundle of joy wrapped in scarlet cloth cradled in her arms..

The crisp white cloak obscured Mother Rose's face to the camera's purview. However, the Young hatchling was a perfect view of the camera. Quietly staring into her mothers silver eyes

Summer Rose :"My dear sweet child there are many virtues I wish to impress upon you, there is a whole magnificent world to teach…. But i hope you do not forget these words: Always be a friend to producers, and no being has the right to chain One's soul"

Camera man: "Aw how sweet trying to radicalize her already? I do hope you to keep her away from car bombing some slum landlord before she reaches Middle School."

*emphasizing with a bit of a shake of the handheld camera. As if he was trying to bow *


*Summer twists her body to see the intruder/ tai and hers boyfriend/team member Qrow Branwen
Summer: Oh look what the Bar finally kicked out.
Qrow: I wass naoott kicked out!
With that noise, the little bundle of joy and quietness erupted.

"Great! You're woke the baby." Handing off the crying child to the drunk was in most cases a bad idea.

Summer knew for a fact he wouldn't be that dumb. And he was decently good with kids.... even in when he was drunk.

"Summer please make it stop! " He begged for Mercy, She wasn't giving him mercy.
"You know I was going to do that but then you decided to wake my daughter, when I was about to tuck her in,You can deal with her Loudmouth... "
Summer disappeared.

Leaving qrow alone with a crying child.

'Damn semblance, teleporting bs.." qrow grumbled.

There were many things that caused young Ruby to be radicalized but this is one she remember all too vividly. …

It was Oktober 31st, all hallows eve.
Meny In the world of awoke to a rather chilly morning, Cold enough to see ones owns warm breath. the moring dew was entirely frosted over
There was a particular icy nipping in the air. This was how she remembered that wonderful-horrific few days

many of the once luscious emerald green Leaves had been shed as a their multicolored merage of reds, yellows, orange and dark pink leaves. Leaving branches almost or totally barren. To some, this process was a forgein as the concept of a freezing white blizzard.

Scientifically this process caused by the lack of daylight and temperature drop, prevented the leaves from making their food. chlorophyll broke down, the lush green fading into the multicolor splendor. because no food was being produced by the leaves not getting enough sunlight. Essentially shedding the now useless leaves as a means of survival. So that next year can have more leaves. Much like a worker being laid off for the winter.

Many places were hit hard by the gradually ever dropping temperatures.

but The confederation "Bulmin&Co" coal mining company towns were hit the hardest. today was the end of the billing month. Who ever couldn't afford to pay would be toss to the street some poor sods were cursed with the dreaded black lung were thrown out like a sack of rocks. No workers comp...

It was this day, That Raven had decided on visiting with Ruby

It was supposed to be a simple miners strike march....

Carrying rifles and wearing red bandanas around their necks some 10,000 coal miners
From the capital of the state to deap into Mingo County. Heartland of the company town system.
They were determined to put an end to the Mine Guard System as well as multiple other and free their brethren who had been jailed under martial law. It was only a few counties down south.

Mingo County was the most anti union area, being central point for the company town system for the"Bulmin&Co" company.

As Ruby recalled

The "picket line" was simple.(Marchers demands)

  • end to the sub slavery conditions that plagued the mines

  • An end to the practice of the mine guard system (having a company guy overlooked and weight in coal.)

  • End company scribe system. (Company making its own money, that the workers are dependent upon)

  • End paid for in practically for pennies in Lien. (So that even a simple mistake, That if it ends in the hospital, would put the family in debt to the company)

  • End the unofficial practice of extorting the women into near prostitution in exchange for buying scribe So that the family can live. And not be thrown out onto the streets. or so that families wouldn't "have" to also have their children. "Extorted" behind the back of the coal miner. (The wives and daughters should not be playthings to the company men just for basic human dignities like food and shelter If it means keeping their husband in a medical bed to heal.)

  • The weight of a ton of coal is 2000 lb. No more or less,It cannot be decided upon by the company guy at the weigh-in.

  • No more anti-union "Grimm" company men being allowed to beat the workers.
  • And end to the cocaine mandatory usage, as "anti-grimm" efforts, better pay and better wages and a union would suffice.

  • freeing the union men who have been jailed under martial law for unionizing.

  • Better wages, better working conditions etc.

Simple stuff

This was not revolutionary, This was not threatening to burn down the coal mines. They just wanted decent living conditions for better pay.

That was how Ruby remembered so vividly in her mind. This was how she remembered that big Burley coal Miner told her. She didn't remember his name or face but she remembered his voice.

Hewas a kind soul. From what little was she remembered. He was the first one she asked about why they were marching.

Raven felt it was better for someone whose own issues to speak about it then her to explain it. She could summarize but a worker who experienced it is a lot more important to know about it. Even this simple difference is in speaking could convey a lot.

Thousands of Faunus, humans, dwarves, elven folk, and others held there signs in solidarity against Baldwin mining company. Their bandanas and rifles at their side. They would for a fight if things went bad.

Ruby set on birdmas (Raven's) shoulders.. peering through past the bird's nest that was Raven's hair.

who along the Branwen tribe had sided with the miners and co (Ruby was only there to be as cheerleader, a tiny mascot, Raven had no intention her witnessing any blood spilled)

decided to be armed backup in case of anything dangerous happening(a small brigade Not the full tribe)

bringing ammunition to their comrades in case things go south

For a while as as morning turned to dusk, there was many things that happened but marching many of the men and women sang songs" solidarity forever," "Commonwealth of toil ", "workingfolk unite" andso much more
Ruby was amazed by at much joy and happiness! Despite the constant marching, More like a long walk,

And there are many breaks, given a chance for more camaraderie and brotherhood, This was was something entirely new to the young child

This strange sense of community

Faunus singing and dancing with humans, fae drinking with vampires (not the rich vampires but New blood poor starving vampires) a with a pint of donated blood and the green fairies drink.Elves singing there tunes of time and labor, dwarves Drummed heavy tunes of their forefathers, of prosperity of their future sons and daughters.

Many of them just had a simple bandana tied around their necks to show They were a part of this.

It was absolutely ecstatic she loved every minute of it, thanking Raven for showing her what her mom's aspiration truly meant!

How many people's lives were affected by this simple march, And they hadn't even finished.
All was well and good
Or at least it was.....
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Oh neat point here XD

black out the sky

imo if ozma wasn't sure about whether humanity could survive the gods' judgment, a good fallback strategy would have been to sponsor huge annual festivals dedicated to the god of darkness, humanity's…

That reminds me. I still wonder how much of the details Oz had worked up the courage to ask Jinn about in the past, before she gave RWBY the unedited version.
OK this is barely RWBY but a RWBY character is in it and its buck wild regardless:

Trans catgirl!

This inspired me to do a search of the Hamilton ship tags I find the funniest so here they are for you all. Disclaimer: This isn't meant to ship bash, I just think they're funny. Also, please don't…

*sees the RWBY related part*
*thinks of RWBY/Hamilton style.....*
So.....the Schneeblings as the The Schuyler "Siblings"
.....this would make Winter Angelica....meaning Winter will never be Satisfied
and that makes me sad.