RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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This is an excellent insight, RWBY & Co have in a very short time been consistently screwed over or abjectly failed by authority figures.

I am also suddenly reminded of this take I saw awhile ago basically saying "Hey, people need to re-watch/read their fave media to avoid fanon overtaking canon in their brains" and I think that kind of feeds into this as well. Its easy to forget lots of the foreshadowing and smaller details in favor of big splashy moments with enough times passage, but a lot of character arcs flow more smoothly when watched one after the other rather than divided by large periods of time.
authority figures over multiple volumes.
This post makes me remember how hard it will be for Theodore to play the trust fall game with RWBY once/if they get to Vacuo given how many times they've been burned by authority figures (especially Ironwood who had the vouching of friends and family, so you couldn't use "well, CFVY and SSSN can vouch for him" excuse).

And if any of that was relevant it would have come up when Oscar and Yang who were both there and aware of it asked why they were lying to Ironwood.

There is no way it wouldn't come up if it was actually a reason not to tell Ironwood. Either Yang and Oscar aren't going to even ask because they were there and thus would know about it, or Ruby would remind them. That fact that nobody brought it up nice means it wasn't a factor.

Never mind how it ignores that RWBY was willing to lie to the adults and do things behind their backs since Volume 2, it's just Ozpin covered for them back then.

This post makes me remember how hard it will be for Theodore to play the trust fall game with RWBY once/if they get to Vacuo given how many times they've been burned by authority figures (especially Ironwood who had the vouching of friends and family, so you couldn't use "well, CFVY and SSSN can vouch for him" excuse).

They are coming to him with a refugee problem he has to deal with and not much else to show for their efforts since they lost both Relics on top of blowing every secret he has been hiding for years, and this is their first meeting with him so they don't have a prior relationship to work with. So if anything they need to come up with a reason for him not to just thank them and send them on their way.

And no Ruby being on TV telling everyone about Salem wouldn't help since if Theo dismisses her as a crackpot she's in an even worse position.
They are coming to him with a refugee problem he has to deal with and not much else to show for their efforts since they lost both Relics on top of blowing every secret he has been hiding for years, and this is their first meeting with him so they don't have a prior relationship to work with. So if anything they need to come up with a reason for him not to just thank them and send them on their way.
To add to this, said refugees are comprised of practically every single person from Atlas and Mantle put together that they could manage to get. And since they're going with that "the people are the kingdom" business, that basically means that, yes, they brought the kingdom that strip mined Vacuo all those years ago, or at least the people who descended from those very people.

Then you have RWBY dipping from the first impressions (not by their own hand, though) and leaving things to be discussed with the B-team, among them being Winter (who up until recently had been Ironwood's second in command), Ren (who up until recently had been a yes-man to Ironwood and vocally against RWBY), and Emerald (who helped cause the mess that is the Fall of Beacon and thus is a contributor to Tyrantwood and the mess they're currently in).

So... Holy shit, if anything, it's gonna be RWBY that's gonna have to earn Theodore's trust.
I can't help but think office hours with James would be kind of weird and awkward. and as time goes on, more and more weird and awkward. Hopefully the last student he sees doesn't get shot...
Not really. He was repeatedly shown up to the end of Volume 7 to be good at talking to students and assuring them of the right paths to take. Back in Volume 2 he praised Ruby for taking action during Cinder's infiltration of the CCT, he outright told all the Beacon students they were free to leave during the Fall, offered Weiss a free ticket to Atlas Academy to get her away from Jacques, and provided Yang a prosthetic without even needing to be asked.

James was repeatedly shown to be good with children up to this point in the show, him having open office hours helps explain diagetically to the audience that he's also liked among the student body enough that this is a service he voluntarily offers while juggling his duties to the Atlas Council and managing the Academy/military.

James' priorities in his best moments were for the people of Remnant. That included the students under his care.
Darker idea: the last student was waiting in his office, unaware that people were getting the memo to get the fuck out of dodge and so they became another casualty in the Fall of Atlas
Glowing portal would have shown up, and at least JNR were going between them to make sure people were coming from each one instead of sitting back afraid of them or whatever.

Besides, he had the students on the battlefield, too far to come back and ask him questions before that.
Glowing portal would have shown up, and at least JNR were going between them to make sure people were coming from each one instead of sitting back afraid of them or whatever.

Besides, he had the students on the battlefield, too far to come back and ask him questions before that.

It's for the best. The student was from a political studies class, and had questions about the flaws of military coups, and I don't think they wanted that particular final grade.
Beacon James - Not under immense pressure and not surrounded by Yes Men

Atlas James - Trying to be the Titan his nation is named after while being haunted by his failure at Beacon while never admitting to any of the blame, and surrounding himself with people who will not question him

same character, same man, different experiences.

As for Vacuo and trust....did some people forget the big lessen of Atlas?
Ya know...."Trust is a risk."
So I'd say it would be a safe guess that Team Refugee (Nora, Ren, Oscar, and a lesser extent Emerald) are going to put their trust in the people at Shade Academy, and the Beacon Brigade will help enable trust between both groups. After all, the Brigade eared the trust and respect of the people of Vacuo.
As for Team Island, they will learn to try Trust again as they build themselves back up in their journey on the island and will be ready for another round once the rejoin their friends.
same character, same man, different experiences.
You can see the same flaws between the two, it's just that one is (mostly) willing to listen to some people and has something of a safety net, while the other (usually) doesn't when the pressure comes in, due to the flaws being played upon over time due to him not being willing to deal with his trauma.
The detective AU is so cute!

I love that second one especially cos its so canon accurate XD

As ever, the comparisons between Gundam Witch's MCs and Whiterose make me smile :)
And if any of that was relevant it would have come up when Oscar and Yang who were both there and aware of it asked why they were lying to Ironwood.

There is no way it wouldn't come up if it was actually a reason not to tell Ironwood. Either Yang and Oscar aren't going to even ask because they were there and thus would know about it, or Ruby would remind them. That fact that nobody brought it up nice means it wasn't a factor.
Yang also never said she took Blake running away particularly bad because she has abandonment issues over her mom ditching her, yet that's not a hard through line to figure out. Kind of like Winter never spelt out that she doesn't drink because of her mom, but if you look at her during the Schnee Manor dinner scene she's the only one drinking water instead of wine.

People don't spell everything out, because it'd be tedious if they did. Stories aren't face value and nothing else.
Yang also never said she took Blake running away particularly bad because she has abandonment issues over her mom ditching her,

Literally had a scene making it pretty damned clear and not expecting people to fill it in the blanks with head canon on that one.

People don't spell everything out, because it'd be tedious if they did. Stories aren't face value and nothing else.

It's less not spelled out and more not treated as remotely a thing, this isn't something you vaguely imply unless they are also implying Oscar and Yang it's not a good enough reason.

Never mind how they property much treated as not a good reason when they were on the other side of it.
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Literally had a scene making it pretty damned clear and not expecting people to fill it in the blanks with head canon on that one.
I explicitly said no one spelt out, which was the metric we were talking about. Yang never really said anything to directly connect the dots between Blake and her mom, it's all left up to implication. Like this is.

And your last sentence is just incomprehensible.
I explicitly said no one spelt out, which was the metric we were talking about.

It was actually implied as opposed to just assuming Leo factored into things becuase Yang and Oscar asking about it and Ruby and co. never once bringing him up at all means we are just supposed to assume his betrayal was a factor.

Seriously you can't say Leo was a factor when Ruby was flat out asked why she lied to Ironwood and she never brough him up.

And RWBY is usually as subtle as a train so no they don't imply things without it being obvious as fuck.
It was actually implied as opposed to just assuming Leo factored into things becuase Yang and Oscar asking about it and Ruby and co. never once bringing him up at all means we are just supposed to assume his betrayal was a factor.

Seriously you can't say Leo was a factor when Ruby was flat out asked why she lied to Ironwood and she never brough him up.

And RWBY is usually as subtle as a train so no they don't imply things without it being obvious as fuck.
You mean like when they were compared to Ozpin? The guy who was acting ultra paranoid because of Leo? That comes off as implication to me.
You mean like when they were compared to Ozpin? The guy who was acting ultra paranoid because of Leo? That comes off as implication to me.

And they kept insisting that they weren't being like Ozpin, and were still mad at Ozpin about it to the point of apparently having more of a grudge with him over then they did with Emerald over her trying to kill them.
You're not even on the same point anymore. You've segued into complaining about them being mad about Ozpin

My point is that at NO ACTUAL POINT was Leo previously betraying them being treated remotely as a reason to not tell Ironwood and any comparison to Ozpin was to how they saw him as a lying bastard and didn't care why he did it.

For fuck's sakes their whole thing with Ozpin was them feeling a few betrayals weren't justification to be a paranoid secret keeper.


"Uncovered" is the second episode of Volume 6 and the sixty-eighth episode of RWBY. It premiered for Rooster Teeth FIRST members on November 3rd, 2018 and was made public on the Rooster Teeth site on November 10th, 2018. It was released on YouTube on November 9th, 2019. Cinder Fall awakens...

Yang: Look, we're supposed to be in this together. You can trust us! We're not gonna turn our backs on you.

Ozpin: Do you really think Leo was the first?!

Ozpin: That he didn't say those exact same words to me? I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I... (suddenly stops and realizes something) Where's the Relic?

Ruby: Right here. It got scattered in the crash.

Ozpin: Please, hand it over.

Ruby: So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?

This is very much them not agreeing with the idea that previous betrayals justify lying to your allies.