RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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More seriously, maybe the animation will get better with another lead? If they find one?
Dillon will probably take up the lead animation role, IMO.

It's a big step up for him, so I hope he can handle it, but his animation is pretty damn good. He did the Emerald-Mercury VS Coco-Yatsuhashi fight, for example, and that wouldn't have looked out of place in either of the previous two volumes.
Am I the only one who thinks that Yang's Mother set her up so that she would no longer be one of the goody two shoes, leave the school/be expelled so she can join her?
... It is?

I mean, the only times we've seen her are when she showed up to save her daughter from the villains and the time she showed up in a photo of an old, heroic Hunt.

About the only villainous indication she has that I can think of is she wears a mask reminiscent of the White Fang. That's... Pretty thin.
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Frankly, everything about Raven to me screams independent. Clearly she had a falling out (or is very deeply undercover) vis-a-vis the Oz group, but Neo's reaction strongly implies she's not working for/with Cinder either.

Now if that's good, grey, or evil independent is up in the air.
According to the upcoming video thing on Rooster Teeth's site, the next episode is called Destiny.
Neo showed recognition, and she used the same portal haze that Cinder used.

We may disagree, but she has obvious ties to the bad guys.
This is only true for certain if you consider "has punched them in the face before" to be an obvious tie. There's clearly something there, but whether it's an alliance, opposition or simple familiarity, we have no idea.
Neo showed recognition, and she used the same portal haze that Cinder used.

We may disagree, but she has obvious ties to the bad guys.
Neo might have recognized Raven, or she might have just been scared shitless by the scary lady with a long sword who swiftly appeared out of a portal and drove her back with two swings. The former is probably the case, but the latter is more funny.
The latter was confirmed to be the case in the volume 2 commentaries, I believe.

They said she GTFO quick-time because she recognised that Raven was someone she didn't have a hope in hell of beating.

Which, given the shit Mercury's gotten up to in Volume 3, and given that Word of Monty was that Neo would beat Mercury in a fight, would make Raven... pretty fucking scary in a scrap.
[Discussion] Volume 3, Chapter 8: Destiny
Well its about to start, hopefully I can watch it and also not cry. Probably not gonna do a running commentary on this one though, I'm sick,its hot and this episode terrifies me.

So one thought before the episode. Ami I the only one who thinks Ursa look kinda cute/adorable when they run? Its like a little trundle!

(Sigh of relief) OK, not as heart wrenching as I thought, just as stressful butnot as painful. Yang's room was under droid guard, Ironwood was being fairly reasonable and understanding, figuring Yang had a stress induced hallucination though he roared when Yang tried to insist Merc attacked her but calmed down right quick and said it didn't matter whatever the truth was because people's mind were made up. Merc apparently went home with his team but Emerald is still hanging round in public and gets spotted by Ruby, her Semblance must need line of sight and a certain amount of distance to allow such a compromise and presumably Neo couldn't/did't provide cover. Also Merc arrives, seeminggly to stop a suspiccious Ruby who picked up on both Coco and Yang suffering hallucinations while fighting Emeralds team, Merc notes that polarity against metal is bad and Ruby doesn't have Crescent Rose. Though why she can't just turn back I am not sute, though he could probably stop her, fully expecting dual fight scenes next episode. Also Penny looks so happy and Pyrrha so broken...

Blake did end up opting to trust Yang after going over her memories of Adam which was wonderful, Nora and Ren try to support Pyrrha winning but just like RWBY they end up mounting the pressure on her. Jaune does good leadery things and suggest they all get some fresh air to give Pyrrha space. I like Jaune this episode.

Jaune tried to comfort Pyrrha and did well at first but ended up accidentally, and this wasn't his fault given his lack of context, just freaking Pyrrha out more who ended up accidentally slamming him into a wall and running off crying. Wow. Pyrrha, Jaune, Yang, my sympathy fives go out to you all.

Qrow is, less than helpful, the crazy or lying line was in fact in response to the Merc situation but he dismisses it all pretty fast and says Yang should move on, she brings up her mother and it turns out she has sought out Qrowin the past, up and to including being a source for him, though he cannot find her apparently. Also she's kind of a jerk because she said for Qrow to tell Yangnot to expect her help again and Qrow says she has a weird way of looking at the world he doesn't agree with but seems to be angling to either send Yang off on a trip or take him with her on a mum finding mission.

Nora wins Ren stuffed animals, I like that :D Also they had their first true quarrel which was hilarious.

Jaune has "parents" not very supportive one's as they had little confidence he'd get into Beacon but they didn't seem to be of the 'super pressure' type.

Oh Pyrrha, all the feel feels.

Velvet is a terrible photographer but she has an awesome camera.

Ruby is a little detective and I love it.

OK, I know we are all sick to death of such theories but bear with me. What if Neo was meant to be guarding against Ruby or sent to stop her and is posing as Merc to screw over her bosses and maybe plans to throw the fight?

Edit: Though him being dumb is also a possibility.
I will do a running commentary then!
The episode is called Destiny so that's not ominous.
Lazer team ad, excited to see how that goes.
This OP has definitely grown on me.
Oh so she's under armed guard.
Stress and Adrenaline not a bad idea in itself.
Disqualified, no big surprise there.
Holy shit Weiss believes her, but Blake doesn't what the fuck.
Adam fucked up Blake emotionally, so trust issues around violence.
Si she does want to believe that's good.
Oh and duh of course Ruby believes in her.
Oh and JNPR believes in her of course.
Oh Weiss and Blake are getting along, and having Tea.
Yay Nora.
Aw Nora.
Yay Ren.
No Ren.
Ren stop.
Life advice from Nora.
Jaune being a cool guy, because he's best boy.
Ninja Qrow is sneaky.
And also an asshole.
Yang no dont doubt yourself.
Confirmation on mum-ness.
Fucking Raven is an awful Mum, she can communicate and she just doesn't.
Nikos is sad, like really fucking sad.
Jaune is best boy.
Nora looking out for the shippers.
Back to the sads!
Destiny is fucking hard.
Not a bad view of it.
Oh no its bad.
She just wants to protect people, please no.
No here's Velvet for less sadness.
Oh man she's making porn now.
Oh god Ruby a cute.
Back to the tournament.
Thats some good fucking sight Ruby, christ.
Oh no Mercury
Good episode.
So one thing I noticed and kind of loved about this episode when combined with the last one is the difference in perspective from Hunters/Soldiers to civilians. The civilians are all angry and ticked off while most Hunters regard what Yang did as an unfortunate accident but an expected result from adrenaline and their line of work, sometimes in the heat of battle or just after you see things or don't respond appropriately because you're still wired to fight and smash. Its sad, its bad, it happens, move on. Its just interesting, I don't 100% agree with either side and Yang being innocent naturally makes me want to side with the Hunters/Soldiers totally but I can see why civilians would be upset.

Also, I think this episode may get some flack for being "underwhelming" by resolving some of Yang's drama after foreshadowing it, and while I could see such a point I would disagree with it; one of the things I love most about RWBY is that it largely avoids drawn our painful BS where the end result will be the same regardless... Usually, when its not romance. Like the cast actually discuss their issues maturely like... not adults but like mature people who understand themselves and each others not drama batteries set to "make things more dramatic".
That Episode man....
Ok I dont think Merc was being stupid like people are claiming. I noticed that when Emerald was spotted by Ruby Emerald narrowed her eyes like she was spotting ruby as well.
So Mercury was most likely called in to clean up a loose end.
Makes me wonder about Jaune's parents Seven Sisters and saying its ok if he fails to get into beacon he can come back and he says Pyrrha was the first to believe in him. I think Jaune is the Youngest child and it may be a case of Jaune having Genius sisters. He isnt one and if you compare the two...yeah that could explain a LOT.
Qrow Raven and yang....oh boy. So its most likely the whole Raven thing at Season 2 is a call forward since Qrow says he can help yang find her something we know she has wanted to do for a while.
And Qrow says she sees the world differently then he does and he doesnt like it. So what is her goal? Why save Yang then say dont expect that again? So far Raven has been the most mysterious character by far.

Poor Pyrrha so many things wrong and Jaune is just trying to make it better but without knowing what is going on he isnt doing so well despite the fact he is trying to the best of his abilities.

Next episode is going to be awesome.
So one thing I noticed and kind of loved about this episode when combined with the last one is the difference in perspective from Hunters/Soldiers to civilians. The civilians are all angry and ticked off while most Hunters regard what Yang did as an unfortunate accident but an expected result from adrenaline and their line of work, sometimes in the heat of battle or just after you see things or don't respond appropriately because you're still wired to fight and smash. Its sad, its bad, it happens, move on. Its just interesting, I don't 100% agree with either side and Yang being innocent naturally makes me want to side with the Hunters/Soldiers totally but I can see why civilians would be upset.
Velvet and Qrow both have reasons to be sympathetic toward Yang, and Ironwood seems pretty fair-minded in general. There could be plenty of others that assume Yang is a dangerous loose cannon.