RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So, while I tend to that the Grim control the majority of the planet I feel episode 7 shone some interesting light on life outside the four Kingdoms.

The first I Mercs house, a seemingly isolated cabin just sitting out in the woods, probably not the nicest place to live given Merc kicked his dad to death either but it was people that destroyed it not the Grim.

Next there's the White Fang camp, this one's pretty minor because much like their efforts in Mountain Glenn its filled with armed people and some high level fighters but still they didn't seem to be constantly fending off Grim like they were Sarah Kerrigan about to be left behind by her former boss.

Finally there's the place Amber visited, no village in sight but there was a functional fence, despite Grim destroying the works of "man" maybe a woman or Faunus built it ;), and Amber didn't seem to find it odd that a child would be playing or crying out there.

Basically, it seems like life outside the Kingdoms can be pretty stable all things considered and even allow for a decent amount of personal territory for the village and its people and the issues only come up when either Grim attack in force (Like how the Breach would have gone with no/few Hunters and an army in the area) or when a big Grim shows up to wreck everyone's day.
I really only have one grievance with this entire show, and it's the whole "Aura" shtick being used to explain feats that look...downright impossible to perform or survive.
Like Yang literally being smacked into orbit (judging by fall time) by Nora, or Zwei being lit on fire and accelerated to a high enough speed to stagger a mech.
It's feels like it's being inconsistent.
I really only have one grievance with this entire show, and it's the whole "Aura" shtick being used to explain feats that look...downright impossible to perform or survive.
Like Yang literally being smacked into orbit (judging by fall time) by Nora, or Zwei being lit on fire and accelerated to a high enough speed to stagger a mech.
It's feels like it's being inconsistent.
Aura, or an equivalent like Ki/Chakra/Chi is fairly common across almost all mediums that indulge in similar stuff to RWBY, like DBZ or Naruto for instance.
Aura, or an equivalent like Ki/Chakra/Chi is fairly common across almost all mediums that indulge in similar stuff to RWBY, like DBZ or Naruto for instance.
Yeah, and I'm not to fond of those two franchises either.
More specifically, it seems more like it was made more for the convenience of the writers, rather than for the sake of the actual plot. An excuse to be capable of pulling off ridiculous maneuvers and surviving obviously fatal attacks.
I like RWBY a lot...but that irks me.
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Yeah, and I'm not to fond of those two franchises either.
More specifically, it seems more like it was made more for the convenience of the writers, rather than for the sake of the actual plot. An excuse to be capable of pulling off ridiculous maneuvers and surviving obviously fatal attacks.
I like RWBY a lot...but that irks me.
Sorry if this question comes across as a bit odd, but are there any shows where people do physically impossible stunts you like? Like, super hero shows for instance, or Fullmetal Alchemist?
Yeah, and I'm not to fond of those two franchises either.
More specifically, it seems more like it was made more for the convenience of the writers, rather than for the sake of the actual plot. An excuse to be capable of pulling off ridiculous maneuvers and surviving obviously fatal attacks.
I like RWBY a lot...but that irks me.

Hmm... so you suspect that characters have the ability to perform and survive insane and physically impossible combat stunts in RWBY because the writers wanted to make a show about characters who perform and survive insane and physically impossible combat stunts?

Seriously, why is the fact that they try to explain why Ruby is able to fight with a scythe bigger than she is that is also a sniper rifle whose recoil can send her flying 20 feet in the opposite direction a problem for you?
Hmm... so you suspect that characters have the ability to perform and survive insane and physically impossible combat stunts in RWBY because the writers wanted to make a show about characters who perform and survive insane and physically impossible combat stunts?

Seriously, why is the fact that they try to explain why Ruby is able to fight with a scythe bigger than she is that is also a sniper rifle whose recoil can send her flying 20 feet in the opposite direction a problem for you?
I spend a lot of time watching shows that are a bit less extreme when it comes to stunts, so it feels...weird to me.
I still like the show, mostly for the character development and setting, but that just irks me slightly.
Sorry if this question comes across as a bit odd, but are there any shows where people do physically impossible stunts you like? Like, super hero shows for instance, or Fullmetal Alchemist?
Not really. I watch shows more centered around history, or, if they manage the impossible stunts, or more through the assistance of technology rather than magic or supernatural capability.

Don't worry, I'm sure your perfectly reasonable and logical interpretation will be ignored in favor of "anyone who steps outside the walls will be immediately attacked by 600 billion Goliaths and stomped all over until even their clothes are reduced to their component molecules!"... even though evidence against that nonsense has been present since the Red trailer.

I'm sorry if I sound bitter, but this fandom sometimes makes me roll my eyes so much, I'm surprised I haven't pulled a muscle yet.
So, while I tend to that the Grim control the majority of the planet I feel episode 7 shone some interesting light on life outside the four Kingdoms.

The first I Mercs house, a seemingly isolated cabin just sitting out in the woods, probably not the nicest place to live given Merc kicked his dad to death either but it was people that destroyed it not the Grim.

Next there's the White Fang camp, this one's pretty minor because much like their efforts in Mountain Glenn its filled with armed people and some high level fighters but still they didn't seem to be constantly fending off Grim like they were Sarah Kerrigan about to be left behind by her former boss.

Finally there's the place Amber visited, no village in sight but there was a functional fence, despite Grim destroying the works of "man" maybe a woman or Faunus built it ;), and Amber didn't seem to find it odd that a child would be playing or crying out there.

Basically, it seems like life outside the Kingdoms can be pretty stable all things considered and even allow for a decent amount of personal territory for the village and its people and the issues only come up when either Grim attack in force (Like how the Breach would have gone with no/few Hunters and an army in the area) or when a big Grim shows up to wreck everyone's day.
Sounds reasonable, I think the main reason Goliaths and the larger Grim don't attack smaller villages is because they think it's not worth the effort. While a Goliath could certainly kill the population of a village on it's own doing so would just land it as a target for the hunters, which just isn't worth it.

I believe that the largest Grim will only get involved if there are enough people to justify it or if a suitable opportunity presents itself.
Don't worry, I'm sure your perfectly reasonable and logical interpretation will be ignored in favor of "anyone who steps outside the walls will be immediately attacked by 600 billion Goliaths and stomped all over until even their clothes are reduced to their component molecules!"... even though evidence against that nonsense has been present since the Red trailer.

I'm sorry if I sound bitter, but this fandom sometimes makes me roll my eyes so much, I'm surprised I haven't pulled a muscle yet.
That does sound a little excessive XD Though in all fairness Ruby did get swarmed by Beowolves, that she proceeded to stomp but not everyone's a sniper wielding badass either. In some respects I can see where people are coming from in terms of "The Grim must have overwhelming numbers otherwise they'd all be dead" given the majority of Grim having been shown to be huge threats yet, especially since the Breach (though the plan did go off early of course) and while I do tend to imagine they outnumber people a decent amount it seems unlikely its to the excessive amount sometimes pictured.
Sounds reasonable, I think the main reason Goliaths and the larger Grim don't attack smaller villages is because they think it's not worth the effort. While a Goliath could certainly kill the population of a village on it's own doing so would just land it as a target for the hunters, which just isn't worth it.

I believe that the largest Grim will only get involved if there are enough people to justify it or if a suitable opportunity presents itself.
That's a very good point, plus the Goliath don't know who might be hiding out there, for all they know some super badass is just waiting for a Goliath to attack so they feel its better to wait until say, an attack by its lesser kind went down well and there hasn't been time for reinforcements, or the people were fighting each other ETC.

Agreed, or someone walks into their house and yanks on their tail or jumps on them mid-flight XD

Thanks for the responses to the idea, I'm glad people found them worth reading :)
That does sound a little excessive XD Though in all fairness Ruby did get swarmed by Beowolves, that she proceeded to stomp but not everyone's a sniper wielding badass either. In some respects I can see where people are coming from in terms of "The Grim must have overwhelming numbers otherwise they'd all be dead" given the majority of Grim having been shown to be huge threats yet, especially since the Breach (though the plan did go off early of course) and while I do tend to imagine they outnumber people a decent amount it seems unlikely its to the excessive amount sometimes pictured.

That's a very good point, plus the Goliath don't know who might be hiding out there, for all they know some super badass is just waiting for a Goliath to attack so they feel its better to wait until say, an attack by its lesser kind went down well and there hasn't been time for reinforcements, or the people were fighting each other ETC.

Agreed, or someone walks into their house and yanks on their tail or jumps on them mid-flight XD

Thanks for the responses to the idea, I'm glad people found them worth reading :)
While I agree that there are probably a lot more Grim than humans it seems to me that it all falls to a simple war of attrition, without strong enough defenses the humans lose in the long run as their fighting forces are worn down. It's why the main cities are in naturally defensive positions so that they might negate the Grim's numbers advantage enough to allow their forces to recover.

Also on the subject of the Grim swarming ruby in her trailer we need to keep in might that Ruby had just visited her Mother's grave and was probably feeling a few negative emotions as a result which attracted those new born grim.
My headcanon for the Grimm is that they mostly just stick to their territories unless something, like say negative emotions from a recent attack, draws them in.

It works for them honestly considering that if humanity wants to expand, they have to go to them instead of the other way around.

Oh! Also there's a little funny thing in the new preview if you turn on the CC thing. At the end, it says.

*Transcriber throws down notepad and leaves with a fading shout: I AM NOT DEALING WITH ALL THESE FEELS!*
While I agree that there are probably a lot more Grim than humans it seems to me that it all falls to a simple war of attrition, without strong enough defenses the humans lose in the long run as their fighting forces are worn down. It's why the main cities are in naturally defensive positions so that they might negate the Grim's numbers advantage enough to allow their forces to recover.
The problem is the ruins in the Emerald Forest looked pretty defensible as well (in a Thermopolye way), so the plan only works for so long. The comparison of the Grimm and the Titans are not unreasonable, once the equivilant of the Collasal Titan (more like a Goliath Stampede) would destroy any semblance of peace the Kingdoms have. The only reason we as the audience have any hope in a True Victory is because RWBY (and Ruby...that must get annoying in classes) has a lot of optimism.

Also on the subject of the Grim swarming ruby in her trailer we need to keep in might that Ruby had just visited her Mother's grave and was probably feeling a few negative emotions as a result which attracted those new born grim.
Being the dead of winter most likely didn't help. Patch looks pretty nice during the fall, but bare trees and near endless snow would only add to whatever sadness she was feeling. Though why Yang and Taiyang would let her out during winter to the grave alone (little awesome or not) surprises me.
The problem is the ruins in the Emerald Forest looked pretty defensible as well (in a Thermopolye way), so the plan only works for so long. The comparison of the Grimm and the Titans are not unreasonable, once the equivilant of the Collasal Titan (more like a Goliath Stampede) would destroy any semblance of peace the Kingdoms have. The only reason we as the audience have any hope in a True Victory is because RWBY (and Ruby...that must get annoying in classes) has a lot of optimism.
Yeah and the reason why I think the Kingdoms are able to hold them off is because of how dug in they are, I wouldn't be surprised if their defenses are ridiculously fortified to stop even Goliath level Grim and before someone mentions the Breach that was specifically exploiting the remnants of an underground railway connection that probably bypassed a large majority of it.

Also if there was a war not the long ago I think that might be the reason that certain places are in ruin even if they looked highly defensible. Due to the war resources (IE Hunters and the like) had to be taken away from defense. This resulted in an opportunity that the Goliath level Grim were waiting for and with the negative emotions a war usually generates there were probably a ton of lesser grim as well.

Being the dead of winter most likely didn't help. Patch looks pretty nice during the fall, but bare trees and near endless snow would only add to whatever sadness she was feeling. Though why Yang and Taiyang would let her out during winter to the grave alone (little awesome or not) surprises me.
Well who's to say they even knew she was out there? If I had to assume I'd say that something happened that really upset Ruby and she went to her Mother's grave as a way to comfort herself.
While I agree that there are probably a lot more Grim than humans it seems to me that it all falls to a simple war of attrition, without strong enough defenses the humans lose in the long run as their fighting forces are worn down. It's why the main cities are in naturally defensive positions so that they might negate the Grim's numbers advantage enough to allow their forces to recover.

Also on the subject of the Grim swarming ruby in her trailer we need to keep in might that Ruby had just visited her Mother's grave and was probably feeling a few negative emotions as a result which attracted those new born grim.
I completely agree with you on that front, humanity & Faunus are almost certain to lose any attempt at a war of attrition, sorry if it seemed I was trying to say otherwise.

That is true, though the Grim's ability to sense negative emotions seems very jumpy at time given they didn't attack the White Fang, though their older brethren or Cinder may have more to do with that.

*Transcriber throws down notepad and leaves with a fading shout: I AM NOT DEALING WITH ALL THESE FEELS!*
I was right there with them :(
I completely agree with you on that front, humanity & Faunus are almost certain to lose any attempt at a war of attrition, sorry if it seemed I was trying to say otherwise.

That is true, though the Grim's ability to sense negative emotions seems very jumpy at time given they didn't attack the White Fang, though their older brethren or Cinder may have more to do with that.

I was right there with them :(
Honestly I think the Grim not attacking the White Fang is mostly due to the Fang probably having methods of drawing Grim away from their base camp. Like in the latest episode you can see jars of red tree sap in Adams tent and if the "Really big Ursa" incident is anything to go by certain species of Grim are attracted to certain things.
Honestly I think the Grim not attacking the White Fang is mostly due to the Fang probably having methods of drawing Grim away from their base camp. Like in the latest episode you can see jars of red tree sap in Adams tent and if the "Really big Ursa" incident is anything to go by certain species of Grim are attracted to certain things.
You know, I hadn't considered that but that makes a ton of sense. It would also give more justification to Oobleck taking samples of the local environment and such, to look not just for physical evidence of the WF like gun powder and such but to see if they are leaving Grim lures elsewhere.