RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Since I haven't found a RWBY pic thread, I might as well post it here.

Drawn By dishwasher1910
I have no words.

Yeah, that pic is kinda old.

Makes me wonder who would be the other Servants though. Cinder would probably be Caster, but I am not sure about the other ones.
I've had a thought, what if one of the main reasons why Pyrrha was picked to be a Maiden had less to do with her raw strength as a fighter, but because of how much of a wallflower she is.

When things went to shit and people needed to be moved in the first big fight of the series it was Jaune, not Pyrrha the famed tournament champion that got things rolling. It has been repeatly shown that while Pyrrha is very confident in her combat skills, and not unduly, she's probably the best fighter in her generation, but in contrast she is extremely unsure of herself in social situations and putting herself forward. Jaune was picked as leader of JNPR over her for a reasons, despite his issues and lack of combat experiance or skill he can get people into posisiton and moving very well.

What I'm getting at his that Pyrrha was picked over all of the other extremely skilled girls in her school; like Coco or Velvet or even Yang (though I think she might be Spring) or any of the others was because she is easier to control and direct than her peers.
I've had a thought, what if one of the main reasons why Pyrrha was picked to be a Maiden had less to do with her raw strength as a fighter, but because of how much of a wallflower she is.

When things went to shit and people needed to be moved in the first big fight of the series it was Jaune, not Pyrrha the famed tournament champion that got things rolling. It has been repeatly shown that while Pyrrha is very confident in her combat skills, and not unduly, she's probably the best fighter in her generation, but in contrast she is extremely unsure of herself in social situations and putting herself forward. Jaune was picked as leader of JNPR over her for a reasons, despite his issues and lack of combat experiance or skill he can get people into posisiton and moving very well.

What I'm getting at his that Pyrrha was picked over all of the other extremely skilled girls in her school; like Coco or Velvet or even Yang (though I think she might be Spring) or any of the others was because she is easier to control and direct than her peers.
Yikes. That does not look good for Pyrrah remaining Pyrrah does it?
she is easier to control and direct than her peers.

That theory kinda falls apart when you take into account the possibility of her personality changing due to the transfer.

Remember the previous episode: Ozpin gave his reasons for choosing Pyrrha. She is strong, kind, and, most importantly, she is ready. Meaning she is the best candidate not because she's easy to control, but because she is basically the actual best candidate.
Do anyone remember in which bradcast they said that not all technology in Remnant is powered by Dust?

This fit together very nicely with what was revealed. Tech is mostly dependant on Dust because it's much more convenient than anything else, but now that civilization got some breathing room (period of unprecedent peace and all), they can research alternatives for more ambitious goals, like space.
Do anyone remember in which bradcast they said that not all technology in Remnant is powered by Dust?

This fit together very nicely with what was revealed. Tech is mostly dependant on Dust because it's much more convenient than anything else, but now that civilization got some breathing room (period of unprecedent peace and all), they can research alternatives for more ambitious goals, like space.
I think it'd be in the WoR on Dust.
Do anyone remember in which bradcast they said that not all technology in Remnant is powered by Dust?

This fit together very nicely with what was revealed. Tech is mostly dependant on Dust because it's much more convenient than anything else, but now that civilization got some breathing room (period of unprecedent peace and all), they can research alternatives for more ambitious goals, like space.

All that nice breathing room about to go away because of Cinder?
Teaser for the next episode is out and boy does it look like it will explain some things we've wanted to know for a while



Also, on the subject of the CCTs: there's a theory that the CCT isn't just a communications tower, providing radio and wireless internet, but is also a Wardenclyffe Tesla Tower, providing free wireless transmission of power to the Cities. If that is true... then Cinder's Chessmaster Virus can not only cut off communications all over the globe, but also disable all anti-Grimm perimeter defenses.
While I appreciate finally getting backstory and motivations for the villains, it is also coming at a terrible time, further cementing my belief that this is being written by the seat of RT's pants. This would have been much better placed either just before episode 6, or episode 8 after we find out what happened to Yang.

Come to think of it, this would fit perfectly right before the Yang vs Mercury fight. Let's assume that this next episode portrays team CMEN in a sympathetic light. This would naturally cause the viewers to think they really aren't all that bad, and deserve some sympathy.

Then the Mercury duel comes along, and throws a glass of cold water on the sympathy card RT was playing up, showing the audience that even though CMEN have been through hard times, they are still the bad guys and are gleefully willing to throw innocents and (possibly) friends (Yang) under the bus to achieve their goals.
While I appreciate finally getting backstory and motivations for the villains, it is also coming at a terrible time, further cementing my belief that this is being written by the seat of RT's pants. This would have been much better placed either just before episode 6, or episode 8 after we find out what happened to Yang.

Come to think of it, this would fit perfectly right before the Yang vs Mercury fight. Let's assume that this next episode portrays team CMEN in a sympathetic light. This would naturally cause the viewers to think they really aren't all that bad, and deserve some sympathy.

Then the Mercury duel comes along, and throws a glass of cold water on the sympathy card RT was playing up, showing the audience that even though CMEN have been through hard times, they are still the bad guys and are gleefully willing to throw innocents and (possibly) friends (Yang) under the bus to achieve their goals.
This is... honestly not news. Rooster Teeth's been that way since their inception, for better or for worse. They might have general multi-year outlines, but they've always written each season of their shows as they come. Sometimes it lets them do some really crazy, creative shit: see the incredible revision of RVB between The Blood Gulch Chronicles and Reconstruction. It's really damn impressive considering how nonsensical and slapstick the former could get. Of course, many times it doesn't pan out as well, so...

It's probably a fundamental characteristic of the company, sadly--I don't know if you could slap the "indie" label on them, but their animation and writing department just doesn't have the resources to really devote themselves to a project year round and really give it a super professional polishing.

As an aside, while it is true RT writes by the seat of their pants, I also think placing an important expository/flashback episode just after a cliffhanger is just a quirk of Miles Luna's writing style. He did the same thing in RVB 12 with the captured Reds and Blues with the Federal Army and then for RVB 13 with Locus's backstory episode. It's his fundamental implementation of a narrative turning point, and to heighten tension and the dramatic impact of cliffhangers.

Still, I disagree with your supposed structure. I very much doubt episode 7's purpose is to garner sympathy for the baddies; rather, judging from Miles's past writing, it's going to enlighten us in some way about the basic conflict of the season (and maybe even the series), recasting everything that's come before in a new light.
[Discussion] Volume 3, Chapter 7: Beginning of the End
So, here's my attempt at a play by play reaction of the newest RWBY episode, here's hoping I can offer somehting of worth!

It begins!

A brief trailer for the lazer movie thing, but then straight into the opening. I wonder if that big red swirly eye thing is some ancient Grim or the creator of Grim?

Blacks screen, Cinder's I want to be strong, someone commenting on a beautiful ring, he'snow freaking out "call the police!" Cinder's caught Emerald having stolen something, she has tons of swords. Cinder discusses Emerald's skill with theft, then we fade to bake, apparently she'll question everything she knows, Emerald says impossible and I hear Grim, now it sounds like someone 'Cinder' wants to take on an apprentice and its not going well.

Woah Mercs knees are super bloody and his house on fire... he killed his dad, an assassin. Cinder also abuses Emerald, slapping her. Roman apparently flirted with Cinder when they met, and Merc viewed this as getting to knows a cities 'rats' now we're in a tent with Adam, the lieutenant, the glasses wearing soldier and Adam who notes they could have gone to almost anyone but came to him.

Cinder is laying on the flattery, Adam does not appreciate it. Adam does not approve of his "men" dying for a human cause and tell her to leave, and Cinder does... Hey its Blake just before she left the WF! fade to black, seems they're tracking down Amber through some guy she passed by. Amber's on a horse, in the woods, hmm a fence as well, interesting the Grim haven't taken it.

There's a small child who fell off a bike crying, but from another perspective we're seeing someone standing, waiting, watching as Amber approaches, oh dear, seems they had illusion before Neo. Amber offers the scared "kid" an apple its Emerald who looks less than pleased, it seems to be a physical illusion or an imperfect mental one as Amber noticed some dirt move as Emerald approached. Amber's wielding a staff and blasting blocking bullets with it and her hands, there's some glowing and a white gem on top of her stave. Wind Dust, in comes Merc, the two are tag teaming Amber who almost torches Mercury and... holy wow Merc has robot legs! And then Emerald stomps Amber into the ground, they look cocky and now Amber is creating a huge gale from nothing and her eyes are radiating fire, Em and Merc are standing up to it though for now.

Amber's flying and going Storm on their asses! But they keep dodging, but she has a forcefield and can control leaves into a tornado, wow magic OP pls nerf. Amber doesn't seem to reccognise Cinder who woah, takes her ice ice leaf tornado attack apart and turns it into burny shard things and knocks Amber out of her "Avatar State" Cinder is crazy fast, like she moves and she disappears fast! Along with incredibly skilled, using Em and Merc as distraction to set up some arrows that explode seemingly taking out Amber's Aura but not her magic which she uses to knock everyone out, though she looks exhausted, she can barely move and looks desperate and merciless as she's about to strike down Em, then Cinder shoots her in the back and looks fine.

Em and Merc push Amber up, Cinder looks cocky as she approaches, sh- AAAH! Cinder puts on a glove with some rune on the back and summons a tiny Grim beetle, Amber freaks out and begs "please don't and it spits black ooze in her face on her face, I have chills and this sets off her powers somehow. No, it didn't its calling them out but the bug is sliding out of Cinder's glove not summoned, like its a part of her and the ooze connecting it to Amber allows it to drag out her magic, Cinder's eyes are glowing and the the eye thing from the opening pops up below them!

Now Qrow runs in and cuts the tether before Cinder can finish, hmm, I guess stress and not seeing Cinder's face in person could be why he hasn't called her out yet, though it certainly explains why Mercury ran upon seeing him. OK, so Cinder absorbs the glove into herself and it seemingly turns into the square sigil on her back, the marks on Autumns face are from the Grim's ichor stuff and Cinder is using magic to make the ground explode, but runs off and Qrow looks at Amber.

Huh, it seems the people who said Cinder was working for someone, or at least with an equal partner were right, she sounds like she's given a report and claims to like the feeling of hunger inside her. Back at the White Fang camp the Lieutenant swear he'll track down Blake, presumably, but Adam says he needs to head back to Mistral, then Cinder and her flunkies attack, well, they stomped the camp, Cinder throws down her weapons and says their plan will beneficial for one of us, or both of us, then starts a fire in-front of him as Em and Merc open brief cases of Dust and money.

Now we cut back to the fight, the screen is hazy as Yang attacks and some medics arrive. This illusion does good work, it convinced the medic Merc has injured flesh legs and they run off with him and Em in tow as Yang stands around silently freaking out, Yang tries to explain but gets told to shut up as she's "already caused enough of a scene." Cinder is wearing a medic uniform and claims there's an ambulance ready to go, air ambulance? Awesome. I was right it was cool.

Merc is making jokes about never walking again and Em hits him, citing that she has a head ache due to using her powers on more than one person, seems she was affection perception, I withdraw my initial thesis with humility, apologies folks! Cinder compliments them on a job well done, "driver included" Neo is there, in a medic outfit and smiles.

Lisa Lavender of the news is back, interviews show an angry public questioning Beacon and then we see a spike in Grim activity with Atlas calling for reinforcements from available Hunters. The TB gets turned off as Merc complains and fixes his leg. Apparently he can still feel through the machine legs. Cinder and Em are heading off, Merc has to hang low and his legs glow. Apparently CMEN is going to get another fight which will go "just as smoothly" Epic opera at the end.

Another add for laser team movie.
God fucking dammit, they extended the Yang cliffhanger. Urrrrgh.

Other than that, great episode. Cinder is now believably terrifying. Confirmation that Merc knew about the plan and it it went off without a hitch. Fucking robot legs. It looked like he got shot in the non-robot part, though? Eh whatever. Called it, they didn't let Yang explain because people were panicking.

I think the second mind Emerald was tricking was Qrow, otherwise I have no idea why he hasn't have killed all three of them yet.

Cinder seems oddly confident that the tournament will not be canceled or postponed. I guess it is a symbol so they can't let it be interrupted, but still if the grimm attacks are so severe they're calling in more hunters for support...
Cinder seems oddly confident that the tournament will not be canceled or postponed. I guess it is a symbol so they can't let it be interrupted, but still if the grimm attacks are so severe they're calling in more hunters for support...

I guess they're expecting that people will calm down in a couple days or so. The outrage over one incident of foul play can't last that long, at least with the sheer emotional mass needed to bring in lots of Grimm.
I guess they're expecting that people will calm down in a couple days or so. The outrage over one incident of foul play can't last that long, at least with the sheer emotional mass needed to bring in lots of Grimm.
It's the still escalating Grimm attacks I think would cause issues with continuing the tournament. There were multiple Goliaths moving on the cameras, shit hit the fan.
Oh yeah, did anyone else notice Cinder used a smaller version of same portal thingy Raven teleports with to summon her Grimm?
I have to say, the one thing this episode did not do well imo was convince me that Cinder makes particularly good long-term plans.

She pretty much tripped over Emerald existing, and got lucky that Mercury murdered his dad the day she came to recruit him. And while I at least get why Emerald stayed ("You'll never go hungry again!" -Scar, Lion King 1994) I still don't get why Mercury joined her.

Her plans succeed less because she's a super tactician and more because she tripped into two ridiculously well spec'd minions. Mind control and assassination are one helluva combo.

Even more disappointingly, it turns out she didn't tell them the whole plan yet, and physically abuses them when they step out of line. Why are they so loyal?
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I think the second mind Emerald was tricking was Qrow, otherwise I have no idea why he hasn't have killed all three of them yet.
I'm pretty sure the the two minds Emerald was tricking were just the paramedics. Emerald was the illusionist responsible for Yang attacking--she was easily able to show Yang an image of Mercury attacking, while everyone else saw him actually offering a friendly surrender. Then when the paramedics came, she needed to show the two of them Mercury with actual legs instead of his prosthetics, otherwise they would've known it was all a grand ruse.
Oh yeah, did anyone else notice Cinder used a smaller version of same portal thingy Raven teleports with to summon her Grimm?
I have to say, the one thing this episode did not do well imo was convince me that Cinder makes particularly good long-term plans.

She pretty much tripped over Emerald existing, and got lucky that Mercury murdered his dad the day she came to recruit him. And while I at least get why Emerald stayed ("You'll never go hungry again!" -Scar, Lion King 1994) I still don't get why Mercury joined her.

Her plans succeed less because she's a super tactician and more because she tripped into two ridiculously well spec'd minions. Mind control and assassination are one helluva combo.

Even more disappointingly, it turns out she didn't tell them the whole plan yet, and physically abuses them when they step out of line. Why are they so loyal?
The swirly thingy is undoubtedly setup for the overall plot arc of the series. There's obviously a connection now between Raven and Cinder, and there's also the mysterious unvoiced entity that Cinder was addressing in the scene interludes. We'll see how quickly these come into play.

Mercury joining wasn't really luck; she was coming to hire his father anyway. As of yet, Mercury is really Cinder's least valuable minion (which is probably why his key role was just to fake getting kneecapped): Roman is a local crime boss, Neo is a murder-child illusionist, Emerald has a potent illusion ability of her own, and Adam has all the resources of the White Fang. Mercury's a glorified thug. I'm presuming he's sticking with her just because he has nowhere else to go, and maybe out of some gratitude for saving his life and/or getting him his prostheses. If he left, Cinder's not really losing anything, and Mercury probably knows that.

Emerald stays because she seems to genuinely like Cinder. You can hear the jealousy in her voice when Mercury signs up: she probably liked being in a duo with Cinder. It comes off as a textbook abusive relationship, especially with the "You will never go hungry line."

And unrelated reactions:
I wonder how the Maidens' powers are differentiated? I should probably watch the fairy tale from episode 6 again to see how well Amber's powers correlate to what Autumn received in the myth, but I'm lazy :p. Avatar-style elemental manipulation is damn impressive (if less impactful in the super-powered RWBY setting compared to the Avatar-verse); I'm curious to see whether the burning eye super mode is common to all the Maidens, or is just Autumn's signature shtick.

Also, yay Laura Bailey cameo! I'm kinda sad she doesn't have a bigger role, but it's understandable as she's based in LA now.