RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I have a theory

Cinder hacked the sensors.

See they have the ability to measure someones aura chances are good someone using an ability outside of a match would "normally" set those same sensors off. But Cinder hacked them so Neo creating Illusions, which I am unsure if it effected the crowd or not looking again at horrified Ruby's face I think it did, didnt set them off like they normally should have.

Now the big question is WHY? What does cinder gain from this? Obviously attention being heavily pulled to Yang but there is a chance people will look at Mercury and realizing somethings up.
We know Yang is Raven's daughter, who she has met in secret, and we know Neo is terrified of her. So chances are good Yang was picked both for already being a large thorn in Cinder's side but also to strike at Raven possibly Qrow as well if they are aware of his relation to her.
But its most likely Cinder doesnt expect the Issue to last long instead......OH.

She is pulling them away from the vault.
Ironwood, Ozpin and the rest will naturally HAVE to be there for Yang's trial. While they are all off doing that Cinder can go in and finish stealing amber's powers. Most likely by using Penny as an assassin. Ironwood would most likely have her close by and with what we can guess Cinder most likely has the ability to take control of penny. So 2 distractions and Cinder is free to Claim the Fall powers in full.
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So apparently the Faunus Rights Revolution that led to the birth of the peaceful White Fang lasted about three years, and it took five or so years before they got sick of the status quo, got a new leader and turned to violence. I'm beginning to wonder, could this have taken place during Blake and the main casts lifetime? Like maybe they were babies when the war was being fought but could that be the case? Could that also be why Raven left, to go fight in (I assume) Mantle/Atlas where I'd expect the most heated fighting to be taking place?
Pretty sure we see a child blake protesting in one of the flashbacks
So apparently the Faunus Rights Revolution that led to the birth of the peaceful White Fang lasted about three years, and it took five or so years before they got sick of the status quo, got a new leader and turned to violence. I'm beginning to wonder, could this have taken place during Blake and the main casts lifetime? Like maybe they were babies when the war was being fought but could that be the case? Could that also be why Raven left, to go fight in (I assume) Mantle/Atlas where I'd expect the most heated fighting to be taking place?
Blake was there to witness the White Fang turn from a peaceful rights group into terrorists. the Black Trailer was the last straw for her.
Pretty sure Cinder is in fact a grimm wearing a human suit, and her plan is 'kill all humans'.
Nah, I'm sure she wants to avenge Summer after Ozpin left her to die.

Why? Her song's lyrics ("Born an angel heaven sent" (she was a good guy) "the moon will sadly watch the roses die in vain" (Cinderella's tale is based on the time of the night so moon would fit for her, the roses are pretty self explanatory) "What if all the plans you made were not worth the price you paid, even with the life you stole, still no closer to your goal" (Ozpin is a schemer, and how the hell did he stay alive for so long?)) and it's a valid reason for how she learned about the Maidens.
Pretty sure we see a child blake protesting in one of the flashbacks
That's actually part of what convinced me the war must have happened recently as the WF were created after it and stayed peaceful for only about five years.

Blake was there to witness the White Fang turn from a peaceful rights group into terrorists. the Black Trailer was the last straw for her.
I am aware of that :)

Sorry to ask but I'm wondering, what do people think I was trying to say in my post regarding Blake?
That's actually part of what convinced me the war must have happened recently as the WF were created after it and stayed peaceful for only about five years.

I am aware of that :)

Sorry to ask but I'm wondering, what do people think I was trying to say in my post regarding Blake?
I think they thought you were talking about the Great War that was ended on Vytal, not the Faunus Revolution. Or they thought you mixed up or merged the two.
I think they thought you were talking about the Great War that was ended on Vytal, not the Faunus Revolution. Or they thought you mixed up or merged the two.
That makes sense. Someone over on SB noted that the WF only turned violent five years prior to canon, not five years after their conception so that throws my idea out anyway I'm afraid XD Ah well, it does add weight to a different idea I was toying with but that's best reserved for the BR thread, thanks for the clarification regardless.
Considering the maiden magic is definitively not aura/semblance manipulation, the creatures of Grimm are likewise stated to be soulless and yet still have power, and Cinder having a portion of Fall's power while creating things that "are fear," I can't help but wonder if one of the past Maiden's went rogue and created the Grimm some thousands of years ago. It'd certainly explain a lot, though most of the "evidence" is circumstantial.

Assuming the Maidens' power is essentially Creation Magic, the Maidens wouldn't necessarily be good in a fight and thus need protection (Amber being attacked and defeated by Cinder, Cinder being driven off by Glynda).

It'd also explain what the hell is up with the Faunus - they didn't evolve that way, they were designed that way. Provides an explanation for why everyone seems to discriminate against them, too - they're literally the Grimm's cousins.

Shame I don't actually have any evidence. :(
Okay, THIS SATURDAY, they're going to be holding another Question & Answer session thing. Awesome, this time I won't be at work!

But I think this time we might want to take a more organized approach to pushing our questions through, past all of the "When will Weiss kiss Ruby" and "When will Winter come back" and "What will happen to Yang/Pyrrha/Torchwick" questions.

1) We compile a list of questions
2) Each poster here chooses one of those questions to post
3) EVERYONE HERE "Likes" EVERY comment in which one of those questions was posted

Last time, Roosterteeth asked us to not repeat a question someone already asked, but to Like such comment/questions. I'm not familiar with Facebook, but apparently this makes a comments more visible, or bumps it up a rank.

Last time, Roosterteeth didn't seem to answer any comment loaded with more than one question; Too Long; Didn't Read.

If we work together, we might be able to push forward a bunch of spoiler-free World Building questions and get at least a few of them answered.

Here are a few of the questions I wanted to ask last time:

1) Do kingdoms supply electricity to whole cities from central power-plants, or does everyone (household or business) fuel their appliances, air conditioners, and water heaters with their own supplies of Dust?

2) Do whole rocks of Dust expend all of their power/mass all at once for a greater effect than Dust-sand, whereas Dust-sand can be spent in smaller, controlled amounts?

3) Has Remnant discovered gunpowder, or are bullet-propellants made solely with Dust?

4) Is there a type of Dust that can be used to heal injuries?

5) Are the doctors of Remnant trained to use their Auras and Dust to heal people? Can such dedicated physicians develop healing Semblances?

6) Are some Semblances just better than others? Pyrrha can affect metal, but Glynda can affect ANYTHING -- does Glynda trade that versatility off for weaker control, slower response, or a greater cost?

7) What classes do Taiyang and Qrow and Professor Peach teach at Signal and Beacon, respectively?

Here are some new ones:

8) Is "hunter" or "huntsman" the gender-neutral term?

9) Can anyone awaken their Aura on their own, or does someone always need to unlock it for them?

10) At what age do children normally awaken their Auras or have them unlocked? During combat school, or is it earlier for children of professional hunters?

11) At what age or school year do combat school students tend to discover their Semblances?

12) Does Nora absorb electricity automatically, or does she need to actively make it happen?

13) Can/did Nora channel her electrical charge into her ammunition?

14) When Blake blurs away after creating a clone, is she moving at her normal ninja-speed or is her Semblance helping her move faster for that one burst?

15) Does Schnee time dilation require Dust?

16) Do combat school students have to pay for their own weapon parts and ammunition?

17) Do hunting academy students have to pay for their education, or is it all tax-funded?

18) Can you flunk out of a hunting academy, or be held back a year?

19) What does a team do if one member is held back a year? Or dies, flunks out, or gets expelled?

20) Do 3rd and 4th year hunting students spend a lot or even most of the year off-campus shadowing professional hunters?

21) Is Fox Alistar blind?

22) How old is Winter Schnee?

23) Does the kingdom of Vacuo extend up from the point on the map all the way to its Northern coast, like Vale extends to its Western coast?

24) Can hunters put more or less Aura into their bullets? Coco ripped apart some really tough Grimm, but not the trees she shot when missing Emerald, and only Emerald's first shot from surprise seemed to glow. May Zedong's shot at Nora also glowed whereas others didn't.

25) Are there salt-water Grimm? Fresh-water?

26) Are there any known human settlements on the continents which don't have kingdoms, such as Menagerie?

27) Did the Faunus Rights Revolution happen after the Great War? How long after?

28) Can the four basic elements of Dust be found anywhere in Remnant?

29) Do Grimm ever "mysteriously appear / spawn" inside human territory, or do they all approach from the wilderness where humanity can't see?

30) Do certain Grimm ever reach a maximum size and stop growing bigger, only bonier?

YANG SEMBLANCE Questions (revised from last time):

1) Does Yang gain strength from damage to her body, or does she merely recycle the Aura energy lost from taking hits? Both? Or rather than damage, is she absorbing the kinetic energy of strikes, as some fans are suggesting?

2) Does Yang's "red eye" mode increase the power of her Dust shell blasts and the fires she generates from her Aura?

3) Yang's hair never shines immediately upon being hit; does she have to consciously create her Super Energy, or is it an automatic reaction?

4) Can Yang use her Semblance's super-strength for bursts of "leg strength" speed, like she seemed to do to surprise the Malachite Sisters and Junior in her trailer?

5) Are there times outside of the Yellow Trailer and Painting the Town that Yang's hair should have glowed brightly, but it wasn't worth animating? Like her fight with Mercury?

SB Link for ease of editing in new questions:
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I "think" Winter is 23-24.
Weiss is 17 at the start we know Winter is Older, Wiess said she wanted bunk beds as a kid. At first I thought this meant Winter was cold to weiss but the episodes with her show her to be caring for her sister so most likely Winter was too old for bunk beds which suggests to me as being a good 5 years older then weiss at least.
She Also suggests she knows weiss is using her dad's money even though she isnt talking to him making it sound like Winter did the same thing this suggests a few years of doing that until she figured it out to me.
Winter is also an Atlas Specialist and a high ranking one based on her interactions with Ironwood. Again this suggests she has been in that position for a time. We know Atlas recruits hunters after graduation which is 17-18.
She also looks older then Weiss and not by a little amount.
She is noticably taller and curvier then Weiss is which since they are sisters suggests more then a few years seperating them.

So I think Winter is probably 20 at the earliest and more likely 23 to 24.
We know Atlas recruits hunters after graduation which is 17-18.

Beacon students graduate at 21 (Ozpin's speech at initiation says they'll be here for 4 years). Unless there's specific information that says Atlas students attend school and graduate way earlier, Beacon should probably be considered the baseline, since all 4 Hunter Academies were made at the same time anyway.
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Beacon students graduate at 21 (Ozpin's speech at initiation says they'll be here for 4 years). Unless there's specific information that says Atlas students attend school and graduate way earlier, Beacon should probably be considered the baseline, since all 4 Hunter Academies were made at the same time anyway.
Did he?
I will need to check I thought it was 18 but if its 4 years....
Yep you are right "First Step" while there is no proof this is the baseline for all schools since we have no examples that counter it we do have to assume that 4 years is the basic.
So that means 17 start and 21 finish usually in most students ages.

Since we know Winter Graduated that means at least 21 and she is in a respected position with Ironwood which I doubt a newly graduated Huntress would have, I think its most likely 24.
*Tries to revive thread*

So I tried to count the amount of bullets in Mercury's tornado, including some of the bullets that were intersecting and on top each other. Key word is tried. Let's just say that the numbers got a little high...and for some reason, I can't find Bullet # 34. The ending number ended up around 141, although I'm sure that it's nowhere near accurate, especially considering the middle cluster and me doing this when dozing off. :lol

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Reloading is overrated (I mean, it's not like anyone has had to reload in the series thus far, why start now?)