RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Even after going through your posts in this thread, I'm still a little vague on what exactly your complaint is here. Care to elaborate?
Shoddy writing. Fight scenes are good, character interactions are even better, plot is worth shit. Great climactic scenes with tons of build-up are rushed as hell, plotlines are dropped without a single word, very little foreshadowing, awkward infodumps, and worldbuilding is in entire "episodes" of exposition (World of Remnant).

When the comedy series makes more sense than the actual serious show, you know you've got major problems.
Shoddy writing. Fight scenes are good, character interactions are even better, plot is worth shit. Great climactic scenes with tons of build-up are rushed as hell, plotlines are dropped without a single word, very little foreshadowing, awkward infodumps, and worldbuilding is in entire "episodes" of exposition (World of Remnant).

When the comedy series makes more sense than the actual serious show, you know you've got major problems.

Well...okay. I personally don't see any of that (especially since the end of volume 1) and my biggest problem with the show is still just clunky dialogue and iffy voice-acting, but if the show itself hasn't changed your mind I'm not going to try to do so.
and worldbuilding is in entire "episodes" of exposition (World of Remnant).

I don't really think of World of Remnant as episodes. They're interludes specifically designed to fuel fan speculation as a cost effective way to keep RWBY in the minds of their viewer base between seasons.

Frankly, I skipped all of the World of Remnant episodes and have only gone back to watch the one about Grimm and it hasn't hurt my ability to follow the show. To be fair there are also a couple of info dumps inside of the proper episodes which could have been handled far better. -Cough- Aura -Cough-
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I don't really think of World of Remnant as episodes. They're interludes specifically designed to fuel fan speculation as a cost effective way to keep RWBY in the minds of their viewer base between seasons.

Frankly, I skipped all of the World of Remnant episodes and have only gone back to watch the one about Grimm and it hasn't hurt my ability to follow the show. To be fair there are also a couple of info dumps inside of the proper episodes which could have been handled far better. -Cough- Aura -Cough-
Yeah, none of the World of Remnant episodes have been at all plot-relevant so far. Sure, they give plenty of information about the setting, but nothing actually necessary to understanding the show or the plot is included in them. They're purely EU materials so far, and have had as much impact on the show as the Star Wars EU did on the primary canon (the movies and TCW and Rebels).
Given they explained how the towers worked last time and Cinder has infected said towers, that feels pretty relevant to me. The other stuff may be relevant later or just means they don't need to explain it in world why no one has tried capturing and experimenting on Grim, they did try, it just failed. It fills in plot holes is what I'm saying and gives us exposition without the need for Jaune.
Well...okay. I personally don't see any of that (especially since the end of volume 1) and my biggest problem with the show is still just clunky dialogue and iffy voice-acting, but if the show itself hasn't changed your mind I'm not going to try to do so.
Okay, for build-up with little payoff, take the incredibly rushed Season 2 finale. Despite building up to the Breach for nearly two entire seasons, it is wrapped up in less than 10 minutes with no casualties or even serious injuries. Speaking of the finale, it's been seven episodes since Yang and Raven had their little conversation, and Yang's behavior is like nothing ever happened. There was once scene in S3 where Yang looked back at Emerald and Mercury while everyone else was walking off, and fans started predicting that maybe Raven told Yang some stuff and the blonde knew more than she was letting on. But nope, she still has no idea what the fuck is going on. And that scene where Blake talks about her backstory to Ruby? Why wasn't that Weiss, the person she is actually conflicting with?

An example of an awkward infodump is the explanation of Yang's Semblance. Until the fight against Torchwick and his mech, the only time Yang has gone Super Saiyan is when she gets angry. But suddenly Ruby infodumps that it's actually taking damage that makes her stronger? Where did that come from? Not only does the moment suffer from a lack of foreshadowing, it runs into the always-awkward anime trope where an onlooker explains a character's power in the middle of a fight.
Speaking of the finale, it's been seven episodes since Yang and Raven had their little conversation, and Yang's behavior is like nothing ever happened.
You mean the one that's been speculated to be just a dream? Or, what I personally believe which is probably more likely IMO, may actually be a scene yet to come? Where the only thing that happens is Raven saying 'We need to talk'? We don't even know if a conversation even happened at all, much less what sort of effect it'd theoretically have.

And that scene where Blake talks about her backstory to Ruby? Why wasn't that Weiss, the person she is actually conflicting with?
Because no sane ex-terrorist would go up to one of their former high priority targets and hope that a tragic backstory will somehow magically let them not get thrown into maximum security prison after what'd probably be a very long, arduous, and painful interrogation session grilling them for as much intel as can be squeezed from them? It'd be like if a former Jewish extremist was trying to explain to the Neo-Nazi that it's all cool because they're totally not a terrorist anymore, so they can still be friends right?
Except Weiss was willing to accept Blake without any explanation whatsoever. And what evidence is there that it is a dream? Because I'd say showing up and keeping Neo from killing an unconscious Yang was pretty damn real.
espite building up to the Breach for nearly two entire seasons, it is wrapped up in less than 10 minutes with no casualties or even serious injuries.
I think its worth remembering that RWBY forced the Breach plan to go ahead way ahead of schedule and tore through the White Fang force likely meant to only engage in civil destruction leading to it being much less powerful than originally planned, which, given the cast are meant to be the heroes I regard as a good thing there's no point to their efforts if the villains plan goes ahead without at least hitting speed bumps lessening the 'crash'. Wow what a tortured metaphor.

Speaking of the finale, it's been seven episodes since Yang and Raven had their little conversation, and Yang's behavior is like nothing ever happened.
Its entirely possible she mistook the whole thing for a dream, or that what Raven told her has nothing to do with the villains and will come into effect later.
And that scene where Blake talks about her backstory to Ruby? Why wasn't that Weiss, the person she is actually conflicting with?
Do you mean Yang not Ruby?

An example of an awkward infodump is the explanation of Yang's Semblance. Until the fight against Torchwick and his mech, the only time Yang has gone Super Saiyan is when she gets angry. But suddenly Ruby infodumps that it's actually taking damage that makes her stronger? Where did that come from? Not only does the moment suffer from a lack of foreshadowing, it runs into the always-awkward anime trope where an onlooker explains a character's power in the middle of a fight.
That was actually them getting screwed on time, it was meant to be Neptune who freaked out and at that point Yang didn't really 'need' help against the mech given what happened next.
Except Weiss was willing to accept Blake without any explanation whatsoever. And what evidence is there that it is a dream? Because I'd say showing up and keeping Neo from killing an unconscious Yang was pretty damn real.
The 'evidence" such as it is seen is how Beacon looks, all blurry and weird, at least that's what people say to me.
The 'evidence" such as it is seen is how Beacon looks, all blurry and weird, at least that's what people say to me.

Considering the ending was rushed in part because RT is terrible at budgeting their time, I wouldn't be surprised if the blurriness of Beacon is because RT didn't bother to properly animate the background.

Not to mention, why would Yang imagine Raven showing up in the first place?
Considering the ending was rushed in part because RT is terrible at budgeting their time, I wouldn't be surprised if the blurriness of Beacon is because RT didn't bother to properly animate the background.

Not to mention, why would Yang imagine Raven showing up in the first place?
Given they already have the set for Beacon designed I feel making it blurry would be harder than keeping it normal. As to why, no idea, my theory is Raven was dream walking but Yang doesn't realize her dream was 'canon' yet.
Except Weiss was willing to accept Blake without any explanation whatsoever. And what evidence is there that it is a dream? Because I'd say showing up and keeping Neo from killing an unconscious Yang was pretty damn real.
Sure the train thing was legit, but I've seen and heard comments that the post credit night rendezvous was either a dream or something else. I, again, believe it's just a flash-forward to something that has yet to happen; especially since we're in a prime moment for Raven to bust Yang out, followed by Yang chasing her mom all confused and angry and in full on 'WTF' mode which leads in perfectly into the whole "We need to talk" thing.

As for Weiss, Blake has no idea about that; hell, she wasn't even sure if Ruby or Yang would be ok with her being what she was. One of the things I liked about that episode was how not blatantly racist Weiss was; we already knew her as a by-the-book, rules oriented, prim and proper type of person and all her comments were aimed not at the faunus as a whole but instead at the White Fang and the type of degenerates who join up with them. To which Blake, a former member, takes offense to because nobody likes being called a degenerate; even if by association only.

It's all in Blake's head, which fits with her background of being a faunus who's been oppressed and constantly fighting for her rights to the point of doing terrible things all for the sake of equality along with her own tendencies to want to run away and avoid trouble.

Considering the ending was rushed in part because RT is terrible at budgeting their time, I wouldn't be surprised if the blurriness of Beacon is because RT didn't bother to properly animate the background.

Not to mention, why would Yang imagine Raven showing up in the first place?
That makes no sense, if they were on a time constraint and wanted to cut corners with the scene they wouldn't throw in extra effects into said scene; they'd do the opposite and take things away to make it easier.

As to why? Gee, the emotionally charged girl with blatant mommy issues has a dream about mommy dearest; what are the odds?

IMO it's too much of a copout, which is why I'm still betting on some sorta en media res thing or a flash forward sneak peak into a scene we're gonna see in a later episode rather than some mystic 'it was a dream' BS.
I have complete faith in RoosterTeeth. Faith that they have no idea where the fuck they're going. And this isn't just because Monty is dead and they're using his notes. This was a problem back in seasons 1&2.

But I'm tired of hearing the diehard defenders. It's like listening to OT Star Wars fans when someone dares point out a flaw in their beloved movies.
It's either maintenance (unlikely but who knows) or the rush of people to watch the episode is too much (more likely). Again.
Ok that episode.....
Merc's legs are Fake Yang didnt do anything to him in reality
Cinder got her powers via a Grimm
Neo is adorable
Emerald can Mind screw people.
Most likely Yang DID attack Merc but it was under emeralds influence
Cinder wants the other half of Amber's power
The fall powers are literally elemental control of massive scale

edit sorry screwed up the spoiler tags
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But I'm tired of hearing the diehard defenders. It's like listening to OT Star Wars fans when someone dares point out a flaw in their beloved movies.

Right, as opposed to letting you roll over them with your cheery disposition and welcoming attitude?

I'm not even a particular fan for RWBY or Monty Oum and your posts still seem to explode off the page with condescension.

Not like other people haven't stated the same criticisms a little more civily and gotten those same die hard fans to admit the sentiment is valid.
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