RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Pardon me, but what were the allegations that are bothering miss Zech?
I would note the charges weren't dismissed, his wife refused to press charges, which is extremely common with domestic abuse cases in general and statistically even more-so in Japan for culture reasons, not helped by a legal system set up that Lawyers will only bother taking sure thing cases.
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I would note the charges weren't dismissed, his wife refused to press charges, which is extremely common with domestic abuse cases in general and statistically even more-so in Japan for culture reasons, not helped by a legal system set up that Lawyers will only bother taking sure thing cases.
I see. That would explain it. Thank you for your time.

Nothing ahead is certain,
But I'm here
I'm by your side

The shared love between two people,
It trembles,
And their pain,
And weakness,
And loneliness,
Melt away

Don't extinguish, don't extinguish
That cry of life
Look for, look for, look for
That sunlight
The light of dawn is taking off, on its way

WhiteRose fans are gonna go nuts
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Ice Queendom details

BoringGeoff - Post - Rooster Teeth

Hey FNDM! Well that was a helluva weekend, huh?? We hope you’re as excited for RWBY: Ice Queendom as we are. This moment has been a long time coming. Believe it or not, this new show has been in the works for almost a decade. The story goes that, about 8 years ago, Monty was at a convention...
Oh heck yes. Finally something resembling a solid date to latch onto. This summer huh? And from the wording in the comments it sounds like Arrowfell might come out later than IQ. Having some idea of when to expect things is so much better than having no clue, even if this does mean steeling myself for no RWBY content in the coming months.

Basically it seems like they're saying not an AU because to them it seems like an AU means a completely different universe not just a divergent one.
Oh heck yes. Finally something resembling a solid date to latch onto. This summer huh? And from the wording in the comments it sounds like Arrowfell might come out later than IQ. Having some idea of when to expect things is so much better than having no clue, even if this does mean steeling myself for no RWBY content in the coming months.
As far as V9 goes, I wouldn't expect it until late October or early November.

"Summer" for IQ probably means the summer anime season, which begins in late June. So end of June to mid July seems likely. So that's probably 3 months at most until IQ.
As far as V9 goes, I wouldn't expect it until late October or early November.

"Summer" for IQ probably means the summer anime season, which begins in late June. So end of June to mid July seems likely. So that's probably 3 months at most until IQ.

that does line up with my thought the other day
some of the most recent anime have hit episode 12 recently so that means the current season is ending, so this mean the Winter block is done so we're about to get Spring's block
so ya, 12 to 13 weeks from now we'll have RWBYIQ
That or it could be a case of Arryn telling them she can't in good faith work on a project penned by Tow, regardless of if the allegations were true or not, and the compromise is that she refuses to make a cent off this.

If I had to guess, she was told she has a contract, and if she broke it, she wouldn't be back to play blake again.
If I had to guess, she was told she has a contract, and if she broke it, she wouldn't be back to play blake again.
I highly doubt that -.-
Yeah, doesn't seem likely.

A similar idea I heard was that whoever high up was pissed at the potential PR damage she did and was put into a long, tough meeting where they came out with a compromise that she won't see a penny from working on Ice Queendom.

I don't think that's likely either, namely because I don't think the drama blew up as badly as people make it out to be. The fact that the timeline of events of "Arryn finds out Tow is writing IQ" to "Arryn is announcing she's donating her cheques to charity" heavily implies a case of her electing to donate her salary rather than earn it from a project penned by someone she just brought up had made her uncomfortable when she heard he's doing IQ.

Since it makes more sense for her to say "I'd rather not earn anything from this" than someone mandating that to her.
I feel like the people above are rather glossing over the fact learning to use Aura effectively takes time, effort and developing Semblances is not standard operating procedure.

Like, Jaune spent six months at an academy and being tutored by the best of the generation to get up to 'acceptable' and even then only developed a Semblance in response to a desperate need.

Frankly, this feels like "Why doesn't Storm just sell her weather control services, much more practical than being an X-Man", IE a sort of willing blindness to the genre and world building that make such things unlikely to be super common.

None of which says the general idea doesn't have potential, I just find the hyperbolic complaint laden delivery irksome; but as to the question:

Aura's passive healing would be good in any labor based industry both making it easier to move heavy objects and recover from scrapes and strains. I imagine people working with dangerous chemicals would also benefit from a low level protective field they can turn on and off again. I suppose actors and especially stunt performers would enjoy the added protection nd versatility it could add to a performance. Beyond that though... Honestly not a ton.

Like, I recall Cracked.Com doing a "What super power would you want" video and pointing out enhanced strength is really only good for showing off in 98% of modern contexts or is otherwise a very minor boon. Your average stoke broker benefits not a wit from Aura, doctors have no guarantee of ever developing a Semblance let alone a healing centric one rather than saw energy blade chainsaw hands and so on.

It ultimately has some uses, especially on low level things, IE the low level healing, but its a lot of work and time to cultivate and I can see why the average person who's never left "Insert city here" doesn't bother, or why farmers who have to work exhaustive amounts for long stretches don't have the time.

Well we know Fox uses Telepathy on and off the field.

I agree with with Zam on this.

In the end, I don't think the people of Remnant see their semblances in that light. Instead they see it like they see their weapons. Extensions of themselves and a means to defend themselves and the people. AT least when it comes to decent Huntsmen.
Yeah, doesn't seem likely.

A similar idea I heard was that whoever high up was pissed at the potential PR damage she did and was put into a long, tough meeting where they came out with a compromise that she won't see a penny from working on Ice Queendom.

I don't think that's likely either, namely because I don't think the drama blew up as badly as people make it out to be. The fact that the timeline of events of "Arryn finds out Tow is writing IQ" to "Arryn is announcing she's donating her cheques to charity" heavily implies a case of her electing to donate her salary rather than earn it from a project penned by someone she just brought up had made her uncomfortable when she heard he's doing IQ.

Since it makes more sense for her to say "I'd rather not earn anything from this" than someone mandating that to her.

Just seems odd for her to say that she won't talk anymore about it. Comes off as a directive from higher up, is all.
Like doesn't Aura in general only come from training or help from someone with Aura? And even people with Aura (Like Torchwick) can develop Aura but never manifest a Semblance. It's not like bending in Avatar or Korra, you don't need to be a trained fighter to manifest the ability to water bend for example, but you kind of do with Aura and Semblances. This feels like people complaining about the lore not being what they wanted rather than the lore being bad.

Also I feel like we get a decent amount of worldbuilding for Remnant. Like Brunswick Farms gives a good idea of what living outside a city can be like for people who aren't super rich.
Just seems odd for her to say that she won't talk anymore about it. Comes off as a directive from higher up, is all.

Probably because she's had her problems answered, and trying to continue the discussion will only work the hatemob that worships her abusive ex and the RWBY HTDM into even more of a bloodthirsty rage, and she's already getting enough death threats daily for daring to exist.
Probably because she's had her problems answered, and trying to continue the discussion will only work the hatemob that worships her abusive ex and the RWBY HTDM into even more of a bloodthirsty rage, and she's already getting enough death threats daily for daring to exist.

That's a fair point. I don't follow HTDM that much, so I wasn't aware that had anything to do with her ex.
That's a fair point. I don't follow HTDM that much, so I wasn't aware that had anything to do with her ex.

They fused into one horrible mass of hate, stupidity and misogyny. There's currently the usual idiots screaming she shouldn't be allowed to voice Blake ever again for this horrible act, and that she blocked their twitter accounts because she's afraid of their 'questions'.
They fused into one horrible mass of hate, stupidity and misogyny. There's currently the usual idiots screaming she shouldn't be allowed to voice Blake ever again for this horrible act, and that she blocked their twitter accounts because she's afraid of their 'questions'.

Jesus christ. I'm glad I've mostly avoided that bullshit.