RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Which is why the scenario I am proposing is:

When Weiss is still mad that Ruby was made leader, she unwisely makes some off hand wish about having never gone to Beacon.
It gets all monkey pawed and either just her or all of RWBY and JNPR wake up in an alternate reality where Weiss went to Atlas instead. Maybe that also causes Ruby to fail to get into Beacon or something.
They now all have to find each other and work out how to fix the timeline.
Keep in mind that Ruby getting into Beacon was by pure coincidence, because she happened to be in one of the stores mugged by Roman's goon, leading to Glynda taking her in custody and Ozpin discovering that Tai's youngest kid inherited Summer's eyes, prompting him to offer her a place in Beacon two years in advance.
If we're talking about a butterfly effect, then maybe whatever point of divergence happened with Weiss led to that store in Vale not existing (or not selling Dust), which means no mugging that Ruby prevents, no custody by Glynda and Ozpin never discovering Ruby's Silver Eyes and thus no Ruby in Beacon early. Maybe the snowboarder Ruby we see is her on a vacation from her combat school at Signal?
If we're talking about a butterfly effect, then maybe whatever point of divergence happened with Weiss led to that store in Vale not existing (or not selling Dust), which means no mugging that Ruby prevents, no custody by Glynda and Ozpin never discovering Ruby's Silver Eyes and thus no Ruby in Beacon early. Maybe the snowboarder Ruby we see is her on a vacation from her combat school at Signal?
Could even be as simple as Salem having a different plan on how to do things if she even shows up.
Ice Queendom details

BoringGeoff - Post - Rooster Teeth

Hey FNDM! Well that was a helluva weekend, huh?? We hope you’re as excited for RWBY: Ice Queendom as we are. This moment has been a long time coming. Believe it or not, this new show has been in the works for almost a decade. The story goes that, about 8 years ago, Monty was at a convention...
Interesting. So Queendom will be set between volumes 2 and 3 and is supposed to not be an AU or reboot.

So whatever the crew encounter, it will be within the 'canon' RWBY setting.
First, the world of RWBY: Ice Queendom is NOT an alternate universe or a reboot. While the story is set in the same universe as the main show, we're calling it "canon adjacent". The new show is incredibly faithful to the original, while also taking some fun new liberties to switch things up a bit. The first two episodes of RWBY: IQ will recap V1 - V2 before kicking things off into a bold new adventure, full of new characters, new settings, new surprises, and (of course) new Grimm. Not only that, but you'll also see a ton of familiar faces, too. While changes made to the existing RWBY content are not technically considered canon, it's a story that absolutely could exist alongside other RWBY content -- we just wanted the Japan team to be able to have as much fun with it as they wanted. Now as to what the story of the show is all about….well you'll just have to wait and see!
Hmm, that's surprising. I suppose it could be like the Justice League comic where the events happened but the extra characters leave at the end of adventure so the end result doesn't really change the status quo. Which does kind of fit the idea of them traveling to an AU or something.
I think they might not be using 'Alternate Universe' in the common fandom use, that is: any noticeable deviations from the canon world, whether it be putting the characters in the modern world or just changing up a few pieces of backstory.

The line about 'taking some new liberties' to me sounds like this will be a soft alternate universe, something that tweaks parts about the setting without actually changing all the big stuff. Like how when DC and Marvel keep rebooting, their new universes are basically the same each time, but with tweaks and differences here and there.
Wait, first two episodes are recaps. Urobuchi is famous for things going off the rails in episode 3.

Also considering they're condensing both of the first two volumes I'm pretty sure sure the trailer was all literally episode 1
I mean, volumes 1 and 2 each kinda already fit in the same length as a typical anime episode, right?
Volumes 1 and 2 both clock in at about two hours of run time total, you'd need to get to some very aggressive trimming to get the main plot beats into one episode each. And even then you'd be condensing things to well recap episode levels of coverage.
I mean, volumes 1 and 2 each kinda already fit in the same length as a typical anime episode, right?
For context's sake, the TV edit of the Japanese dub condensed Volume 1 into 3 episodes, and that's counting the fact that it excised Jaundice and Forever Fall from that lineup.

Third episode, coincidentally, is where the Stray and Black and White happen, so if the theory that the divergence happens during those episodes, then it lines up.
How much run time did Jaundice take up in V1?
Well, going by pure episode lengths on wikipedia, Jaunedice in total is 12:15 and Forever Fall is the same. Of course, they're probably a bit shorter because both are double features so the intros and credits take up twice as much space. But basically the entire thing is just a bit more than the standard anime episode length.
Well, going by pure episode lengths on wikipedia, Jaunedice in total is 12:15 and Forever Fall is the same. Of course, they're probably a bit shorter because both are double features so the intros and credits take up twice as much space. But basically the entire thing is just a bit more than the standard anime episode length.
And also keep in mind that the dub TV edit needed to fit the 12 episode quota so if Jaundice got its own episode, that would mean less time for Volume 2 and 3 which had more content that they would need to cut.
I think they might not be using 'Alternate Universe' in the common fandom use, that is: any noticeable deviations from the canon world, whether it be putting the characters in the modern world or just changing up a few pieces of backstory.

The line about 'taking some new liberties' to me sounds like this will be a soft alternate universe, something that tweaks parts about the setting without actually changing all the big stuff. Like how when DC and Marvel keep rebooting, their new universes are basically the same each time, but with tweaks and differences here and there.

I think it sounds a lot more like they are saying it's going to be a side story that can fit into canon which I think is more evidence for some kind of alternate universe crossover or timeline shenanigans where everything goes back to normal at the end, or it was all a vision or something. Hell, it would even be kind of appropriate if it turned out that Weiss just suffered a head injury and dreamed the whole thing and wakes up saying "You were there and you were there"... Or did she!? dun dun dun
A further update on Arryn and Ice Queendom:

TL;DR: She'll be reprising her role as Blake, but she had discussed matters with the studio(s) and worked out that she'll be donating her paychecks to charity, though that's the most she'll be saying about it.
Slightly worrisome that there's truth to the allegations (or at the very least there's not enough to disprove it). I got to ask, why do all the VAs act like they're reprising the roles after a long time? Is it cause they're redoing Volume 1 and 2 stuff
Slightly worrisome that there's truth to the allegations (or at the very least there's not enough to disprove it). I got to ask, why do all the VAs act like they're reprising the roles after a long time? Is it cause they're redoing Volume 1 and 2 stuff
I think the JP dub for Rwby has been on hiatus much longer. like the EN one piece dub.

Personally I feel it's more of a hedging bets type to deal.
Ruby could have gotten on her radar now he doesn't know
But also there's a change she will Continuously do things like this even if she isn't at his school
So bringing her in early will At least let him know about it much easier
Slightly worrisome that there's truth to the allegations (or at the very least there's not enough to disprove it)
That or it could be a case of Arryn telling them she can't in good faith work on a project penned by Tow, regardless of if the allegations were true or not, and the compromise is that she refuses to make a cent off this.