RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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My theory is that the point of divergence in this timeline is Ruby calling Weiss a stinky doo doo head, making her break down crying in her bedroom. That's my narrative and I'm sticking to it.
Idle aside, I do thinkj it;d be kind of fun if RWBY had just started getting those none canon, cannot fit into the timeline movies some anime get with the character just plucked from whatever point in the canon they are and boom, now they're dealing with some other thing.

So you'd have maybe an early V1 set one with them still in growing pains, then pre Fall, followed by a post fall where the cast is shuffled around but maybe Blake or Weiss get to show up and be mysteriously cool, followed by a V6 era one where they're still in Mistral and have to do a thing, ETC.

I have no idea what id anything this would amount to but it would be very amusing I think XD
I'm wondering if they'll tie the Ice Queendom stuff into what Weiss was doing during the Black and White episodes?
Maybe it's why she seemed to switch tracks too fast for some people to believe?
I mean seriously, from everything I've seen in-show Faunus don't appear to enjoy getting treated like/referred to as animals. Why would they dress in a manner that prompts that?
Neon apparently does it a little bit to piss off racists by making it clear she's a faunus?
Ok, after thinking a little about it, I think that the Other Team RWBY character designs make sense. They are what previous authority figures, parents in the case of RWY and Adam in Blake's want them to be, with a twist.

Queen Weiss became a vehicle to expand the Schenee family power, that is why she looks unhappy in every image, she doesn't want to rule but it is what her name demands, the twist, well if she is the queen then Jaques isn't in charge any more.

Blake became what Adam want a deathly pet, a piece of eye candy that he can sick of his enemies, the twist is probably going to be that she isn't his pet but either Queen Weiss or maybe someone who is trying to deprogram her, like Yang.

Yang follows Raven in not getting involved in the Secret War, but she is probably still going to be a defender of some sort that would cause problems with Raven.

Ruby, if my reading of Red Like Roses is correct then Summer didn't want Ruby to be a Huntwomen and for her to live a safe life, so I think that Ruby isn't going to be a Huntwoman but she is going to be a trillseeker.

So what do you guys think?
I mean I do think Beacon is a decent place to start a story like this even if it does feed into the idea, true or not, that Japan is focused on Beacon exclusively. Going all the way back to volume 1 is a bit surprising but I imagine they want to do stuff with Weiss that really wouldn't work post volume 1.
I mean I do think Beacon is a decent place to start a story like this even if it does feed into the idea, true or not, that Japan is focused on Beacon exclusively.
Or that the franchise as a whole is biased towards the Beacon years to some capacity.

The games are either exclusively set around the Beacon era or make references only to the Beacon era (with the exception of Amity Arena that brings in later Volumes or Arrowfall which takes place exclusively in a post-Beacon story), the novels are all about prominent characters from the Beacon era in spite of two of them taking place after the Fall of Beacon (to the point where the first novel was called "After the Fall"), the manga spin-offs almost entirely focus on Beacon Era, RWBY Chibi explicitly disconnects itself from Post-Beacon with the classic line of "nothing bad ever happened", and the only RWBY content to focus on anything but Beacon is that D&D spin-off set in Anima/Mistral.

It's one thing to say that a fanbase from a different demographic is biased towards one era of the show than another, but it's another when the studio making the show always seem to return to Beacon or make passing, explicit references to it.
Queen Weiss became a vehicle to expand the Schenee family power, that is why she looks unhappy in every image, she doesn't want to rule but it is what her name demands, the twist, well if she is the queen then Jaques isn't in charge any more.
Seeing that Winter joined the military to escape her father and the defaced Schnee logo on AU!Weiss' cap, my guess is that the point of divergence is not that she stayed alongside her father, but rather that she too joined the Atlas academy and afterwards the army. That or indeed she stayed alongside her father, but at some point took over the SDC and eventually the whole country as a dictator.
Although both possibilities implies that this AU!Weiss is not the same age as Volume 1-3 Weiss, but older.
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I mean I do think Beacon is a decent place to start a story like this even if it does feed into the idea, true or not, that Japan is focused on Beacon exclusively. Going all the way back to volume 1 is a bit surprising but I imagine they want to do stuff with Weiss that really wouldn't work post volume 1.
It also just makes it easier to hook new viewers who aren't already familiar with RWBY: starting from the beginning lets you use the introductory character beats that the original did and minimizes the amount of history that you have to exposit or reestablish. With fanfic, a familiarity with canon events can be reasonably assumed, but if you want your canon-divergence AU to be able to stand on its own, starting at or near the beginning makes sense.
I'm not entirely convinced by the "Weiss is the queen theory," and the more I think about it the less I like it.

For starters, the whole thing seems a bit too on the nose. Beyond that, Weiss's uniform looks military, not royal and, while it's possible she came to power through a military coup, I'd expect that to result in a military title, in much the same way that General Ironwood is still called General.

There's also a question of why Weiss would be the queen. In canon, Winter was disowned by Jaquese for joining the military, but any scenario that has Weiss taking the throne almost certainly removes him from consideration and, consequently, should put both Winter and Willow in line before Weiss. The main way I could see Weiss still taking the throne is if one or both of them get assassinated before the events of the show. That's certainly possible, and wouldn't surprise me with Urobochi on board, but it also seems like a bit of a leap without more evidence.

On an unrelated note, I just noticed something from the trailer:


"Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful."​

If taken literally, this line could be the first hint we've seen about how humanity resurrected after the brothers wiped out all life on remnant: Dust deposits naturally give rise to life, if left alone for long enough. It might also be a hint about the nature of dust. If dust didn't exist before the Brothers wiped out life, and it naturally gives rise to life, then it could be the condensed souls of everything that was annihilated. This could even explain why Faunus appeared after the fall: The dust formed from humans got mixed with dust formed from animals and produced something of a hybrid.
On an unrelated note, I just noticed something from the trailer:


"Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful."​

If taken literally, this line could be the first hint we've seen about how humanity resurrected after the brothers wiped out all life on remnant: Dust deposits naturally give rise to life, if left alone for long enough. It might also be a hint about the nature of dust. If dust didn't exist before the Brothers wiped out life, and it naturally gives rise to life, then it could be the condensed souls of everything that was annihilated. This could even explain why Faunus appeared after the fall: The dust formed from humans got mixed with dust formed from animals and produced something of a hybrid.

I mean......that was basically the line the show opened to all those years ago with Salem's monologue back when she was just the mysterious narrator.
You can't use Volumes 4 or 5 unless you wanna split focus like they did. And no one's exactly chomping at the bit for a RNJR game or show set while they're sitting around in Mistral. I mean I think a Tropico game of Blake running Menagerie into the ground as a dictator would be hilarious, but that's not exactly a large target audience.
If you're making a spinoff show/manga/novel then I don't see why you couldn't just focus on one specific volume 4/5 storyline instead of trying to do all of Team RWBY at once. The CFVY and Roman Holiday don't feature Team RWBY at all (aside from a few flashbacks in After the Fall) so there's no reason you couldn't make a decent anime/game/manga/novel spinoff showing Team RNJR's adventures between setting out from Patch and prior to the Geist fight in volume 4.

Their road trip is pretty much tailor made for a plot of the week format that would be very suitable for anime. Instead of tapping into the High School style anime it could be tap into the wandering group of heroes that solve problems wherever they go format of anime.

It would be a great way to expand the world building and flesh out Mistral/Anima and maybe even Vale if the show focused on the part where they're leaving Vale too. Actually show Patch on screen for example.
If you're making a spinoff show/manga/novel then I don't see why you couldn't just focus on one specific volume 4/5 storyline instead of trying to do all of Team RWBY at once. The CFVY and Roman Holiday don't feature Team RWBY at all (aside from a few flashbacks in After the Fall) so there's no reason you couldn't make a decent anime/game/manga/novel spinoff showing Team RNJR's adventures between setting out from Patch and prior to the Geist fight in volume 4.

Their road trip is pretty much tailor made for a plot of the week format that would be very suitable for anime. Instead of tapping into the High School style anime it could be tap into the wandering group of heroes that solve problems wherever they go format of anime.

It would be a great way to expand the world building and flesh out Mistral/Anima and maybe even Vale if the show focused on the part where they're leaving Vale too. Actually show Patch on screen for example.

Heck we see what you're talking about with the DC Comics of all things.
RNJR dealing with a village scared of Huntsmen
Ruby getting high af
Weiss fighting Willow
Yang recovering
Blake's past haunting her in some way
Heck we see what you're talking about with the DC Comics of all things.
RNJR dealing with a village scared of Huntsmen
Ruby getting high af
Weiss fighting Willow
Yang recovering
Blake's past haunting her in some way
The comic kind of had the typical RWBY comic problem of trying to do everything and recap everything for everyone.

A proper RNJR show would have the advantage of being able to truly explore the locations RNJR visit in depth, give more exposition about where those settlements are and when/why they were built and have more complete mini-story arcs related to them instead of just skimming over things.

Especially if the show focused on just Team RNJR and either did separate seasons for the rest of team RWBY or skipped them since RNJR were a lot more active in the gap between V3 and V4 than any other member of team RWBY.

Anyway, Atlas dance fanart.
