RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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[Discussion] Volume 3, Chapter 4: Lessons Learned
Man what a great episode
As the rounds progress the arena is split into more and more sections
Everyone loves Coco
Emerald and Mercury OP please nerf
Emerald can do illusions? Or shapshifting? or they snuck Neo in and she did it
Winter confirmed for not bitch
Semblances are usually not hereditary, but the schnees one is
Glyphs confirmed as semblances and not just other magic
TIME DILATION, if this doesn't leas to Za Warldo i'll be so mad
Summoning is hard guys
Qrow confirmed for most anime
Ravens face covered by Qrows thumb, accident, symbolism, purposeful or all, you decide.
Ruby continues to be cute
Qrow is really good at them fight games
Weiss really doesn't want to talk to her dad.
Also can anyone else confirm if they see taht weir dglitch in the opening, trying to figure out if it's on purpose or not.
Going to give a general spoiler-free review.

The fight scene was great. That magic from the last two volumes was really there for this one - the choreography, music, animation, smoothness - it was all there in spades. Easily the best fight of the Volume so far IMO.

The other scenes were of similar quality. We got character development, we got very smooth exposition, we got comedy, we got more great music, we got feels.

This episode really had it all and if they continue to get better and better the way they have for the last two eps, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the greatness by the time we reach the volume finale.
When does it become available for us lesser peons?

Also every now and then RWBY makes me think of a certain character from No More Heroes 2:

I think the reason why is fairly obvious...
OK, that fight was amazingly awesome, Mercury seems to have some wind control thing going on or just has some very good Dust and Emerald some sort of illusion/hallucination power... or Neo was messing about.

Dang, the Paladins were in the prototype stages, blarg so many points of view I had are now invalidated. Ah well, could be worse.

Seems like Winter and Weiss don't get along so great with Papa Schnee and a mother nowhere in sight it seems.

Cool info about Semblances.

Never stop moving forward, hmm, I think he was saying more there than intended, always running from the past Qrow?

Winter is awesome sibling. Qrow is a cool uncle. Both offer good advice.

This episode rocked all kinds of socks and that ending! :D
OK, so I've had a thought about Cinder, like just moments ago. Looking at the Vale COuncil we saw them as shadowy figured barking at Ozpin for screwing up, we know Ozpin and others have their own secret club for fighting conspiracies and if Blake's stylised flashback about the WF means anything they may in fact be led in a similar manner. Now, traditionally, this is probably how Cinder would be portrayed as well just with her side being even 'more' secretive, with 'more' secret bases and such, with her in the shadows or on a throne ETC.

But that's not how she rolls and I think that's intentional, possibly for a few reasons. Look at the Infiltration mission, she didn't send a mook, she went herself, when it came to dealing with Roman, she was there in person, same for the Beacon operation and the first Dust theft. However, until recently Ozpin and CO thought she was a mere minion, a mook or semi-elite trooper like Roman was, not the leader and I'm wonder if that's sort of an air she tries to cultivate.

For example, lets say Cinder went to the WF, she doesn't go so much as an equal or a super powered badass stomping their faces and forcing compliance but more like a contractor, a temporary ally who will aid them, and hey if the plans fail its no on her, the plan was good the hired hands, exemplary Roman Quality here folks, and if her goal just so happens to not directly match the WF's and she still accomplished it using their mooks and resources all while seemingly appearing more like a member of a quirky mini-boss squad the better. This may even suit her end game as she may not 'want' to sit on a throne or pull the strings and trying to out secret hand shake club other people isn't really useful for her needs either. I don't know, just a thought.
And after watching the episode today I have to agree with the sponsors.

Merc and Em are assassins not huntsmen. The skillsets of those two are definitely geared towards taking out other humans and not Grimm. Sure they can take out Grimm but it's not their specialty.
I have to say I am really interested in some of the things in this episode.
Specifically the part about summoning, as in the sword we briefly see at the end which looks an awful lot like the weapon used by the giant knight we saw in the White trailer.
And after watching the episode today I have to agree with the sponsors.

Merc and Em are assassins not huntsmen. The skillsets of those two are definitely geared towards taking out other humans and not Grimm. Sure they can take out Grimm but it's not their specialty.
Pretry much, weapons like coco's minigun and Yatsu's quake blade are perfect for dps AoE attacks on grimm.

While weapons like Mer's leg shots, and Yang's shotgun gaunlets are perfect for 1v1 human or humanoid grimm opponents.

In the end, it was a simple mismatch and Cinder knew how to effectivelu handle her opponents in a controlled environment.

So i personally cant wait for the uncontrolled
Pretry much, weapons like coco's minigun and Yatsu's quake blade are perfect for dps AoE attacks on grimm.

While weapons like Mer's leg shots, and Yang's shotgun gaunlets are perfect for 1v1 human or humanoid grimm opponents.

In the end, it was a simple mismatch and Cinder knew how to effectivelu handle her opponents in a controlled environment.

So i personally cant wait for the uncontrolled
It was more than a mere mismatch. Mercury was schooling them by himself and Emerald took out Coco at 70% Aura in one hit. Those two are pretty clearly crazy strong, Mercury was able to block the full force of Yatsuhashi's strongest attack without issue despite obviously focusing more on speed than strength.
It was more than a mere mismatch. Mercury was schooling them by himself and Emerald took out Coco at 70% Aura in one hit. Those two are pretty clearly crazy strong, Mercury was able to block the full force of Yatsuhashi's strongest attack without issue despite obviously focusing more on speed than strength.
Well to be fair when he did block the attack Mercury had his entire body braced against the ground which probably helped a bit. Also while he was fighting both Coco and Yatsuhashi he was making sure to remain very close to them so as to prevent them from properly bringing their weapons to bear without the fear of hitting their partner.

Also the strike Emerald did on Coco probably hit a really vulnerable part which most likely compounds any aura loss.
Case in point...Scarlet. While we can argue the nutshot was for comedic effect- okay, it was entirely for comedic effect :p -the point remains.
I have to say it was quite satisfying seeing Coco and Yatsuhashi getting their asses kicked. I still hold a grudge against them for stealing the show at the end of season 2.
Also, it's nice to have my personal suspicion about the arena confirmed -- all of those different panels means that the field will be divided in more than two ways. The singles matches might divide things even further.

Assuming that Cinder is controllling the field as well, she definitely picked good terrain for Mercury and Emerald. The tall grass was an easy way to break visual contact, letting Mercury get to a place where he could shoot off into the sky and come down for a surprise attack, and letting Emerald pick her field.

The forest really worked to Emerald's advantage. She could use the trees to swing around quickly while also providing cover against Coco's firepower, and she could use the trees to retreat from or advance on Coco without being seen.

The urban ruin terrain might have worked out almost as well, if Emerald lost control of where the fight traveled.

Mercury didn't seem to need any terrain advantage for this fight, or at least not any after the tall grass. He got Yatushashi to land on the steam vent, but Yatsuhashi picked that battlefield; Mercury merely used it better.

Anyway, Summer being the leader of Team Parents really makes sense. Especially now that I know that Qrow isn't the responsible and serious kind of person I imagined him to be, and thus wouldn't be a good leader.

I was about to say something about how it makes sense that her death would destroy her team, but then I remembered that Raven had already left the team and Taiyang, with Summer dying years later.

Also, Bloodline Limit-type Semblances, confirmed! Having the Uchiha and their Sharingan has a native part of Remnant could work even better now. Even the damned Magenkyo Sharingan, as much as I would like to ignore it, doesn't seem that farfetched considering how MANY things it seems that Schnee Gylphs can do. Summoning your defeated enemies is just as unrelated to "circle that can accelerate or block objects" as "generate fire" is to "record anything you see".

Getting cut off from Daddy's money and deciding to stay that way is PROBABLY why Winter's rapier doesn't have all of the Dust chambers that Myrtenaster has.

Weiss may have to get REALLY good at summoning, before she runs out of more expensive ways to Wizard.
It was more than a mere mismatch. Mercury was schooling them by himself and Emerald took out Coco at 70% Aura in one hit. Those two are pretty clearly crazy strong, Mercury was able to block the full force of Yatsuhashi's strongest attack without issue despite obviously focusing more on speed than strength.
Mercury was deliberately keeping the two close because Coco's weapon in close range is a bad-idea with Yatsu being close and vice-versa. The two don't have a counter against each other. Having your friend without striking distance of your BFS is generally bad if you had the consider accidentally knocking them off balance or hitting them directly.

Mercury also had the ground and his fullbody contact to block said attack. It could easily be placed as the two know exactly how to fight human targets more so than Grimm. Because we see Yatsu's attack when he's getting ganged up on by Grimm.
Yatsuhashi and Coco also HAD to stick close together; if Coco had tried to make distance, then Mercury could either catch her and dismantle her before Yatsuhashi caught up, or keep maneuvering with impunity around the too-slow Yatsuhashi to use him as cover against Coco's firepower.
Also, it's nice to have my personal suspicion about the arena confirmed -- all of those different panels means that the field will be divided in more than two ways. The singles matches might divide things even further.

Assuming that Cinder is controllling the field as well, she definitely picked good terrain for Mercury and Emerald. The tall grass was an easy way to break visual contact, letting Mercury get to a place where he could shoot off into the sky and come down for a surprise attack, and letting Emerald pick her field.

The forest really worked to Emerald's advantage. She could use the trees to swing around quickly while also providing cover against Coco's firepower, and she could use the trees to retreat from or advance on Coco without being seen.

The urban ruin terrain might have worked out almost as well, if Emerald lost control of where the fight traveled.

Mercury didn't seem to need any terrain advantage for this fight, or at least not any after the tall grass. He got Yatushashi to land on the steam vent, but Yatsuhashi picked that battlefield; Mercury merely used it better.

Anyway, Summer being the leader of Team Parents really makes sense. Especially now that I know that Qrow isn't the responsible and serious kind of person I imagined him to be, and thus wouldn't be a good leader.

I was about to say something about how it makes sense that her death would destroy her team, but then I remembered that Raven had already left the team and Taiyang, with Summer dying years later.

Also, Bloodline Limit-type Semblances, confirmed! Having the Uchiha and their Sharingan has a native part of Remnant could work even better now. Even the damned Magenkyo Sharingan, as much as I would like to ignore it, doesn't seem that farfetched considering how MANY things it seems that Schnee Gylphs can do. Summoning your defeated enemies is just as unrelated to "circle that can accelerate or block objects" as "generate fire" is to "record anything you see".

Getting cut off from Daddy's money and deciding to stay that way is PROBABLY why Winter's rapier doesn't have all of the Dust chambers that Myrtenaster has.

Weiss may have to get REALLY good at summoning, before she runs out of more expensive ways to Wizard.
My current theory for the sheer versatility of the Schnee family semblance is that each generation adds something to the family semblance, possibly related to the semblance of whoever they had children with.

So theoretically if Weiss and Ruby had a child, that child would get the Schnee semblance with a new speed based glyph added to it. At least that's the theory.
Taiyang: HOW?!

Weiss: One of the Schnee family Semblance's 101 miraculous techniques, inherited from my great-grandmother, Platinum Schhee, and her wife.

I'm serious, we can now add "Schnee family Semblance" to the number of toolkit options for "a wizard did it", right up there with Dust and Atlesian cybernetic technology.
Pick one?
-Schnee Family Semblance
-Atlesian Scientists Fooling Around Again
-It's A Cinder Conspiracy