RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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... You didn't realize?
I mean, it's an admirable thing, in- and out-setting, but that episode kind of hammered home (to me) that Ruby isn't quite mentally normal. Her team-mates all have doubts, but Ruby, who is 2 years younger, is quite happy to live a life of killing things. That's not a normal outlook, or one that someone with a normal, healthy mind* is likely to develop.

She's unlikely to be a danger to humans, but she's going to raise quite a few flags for fanaticism, psychopathy, and other traits that soldiers tend to develop to cope with their work. Less extreme, in some cases, because she's fighting literal monsters, but they're still going to be there.

* Normal and healthy. Ruby is very much not a normal person, and in real-life her outlook would be disturbing to most people.
The way I see it, Ruby has a very deep hatred of the Grimms because they killed her mother, which made it personal for her. Yang probably copes by trying to find her biological mother, while Ruby only has fighting and killing Grimms as an outlet to her grief, and her problem is that often she lets that personal hate of Grimm take most of her life and cloud her judgment, making her someone that constantly want to go outside and defeat them at the expense of her social life (Ozpin even warned her about it during the dance) and also make her jump into fight that she shouldn't (if it wasn't for Oobleck stopping her, Ruby would had probably ended as a stain under a Goliath's foot)
Well, a complete translation of the first chapter is already around the net, I don't know if I have the right to post links, but it's very easy to find.

Seriously, Ruby, the huge weapon nerd with a father and uncle Hunters that trained her since a child, not knowing about Dust!? :facepalm:
I realize that the As You Know route is pretty much the only one available to explain the lore with such short chapters, but come on, keep it consistent with the characters!
The banter between Ruby and Weiss is good though.
Well, a complete translation of the first chapter is already around the net, I don't know if I have the right to post links, but it's very easy to find.

Seriously, Ruby, the huge weapon nerd with a father and uncle Hunters that trained her since a child, not knowing about Dust!? :facepalm:
I realize that the As You Know route is pretty much the only one available to explain the lore with such short chapters, but come on, keep it consistent with the characters!
The banter between Ruby and Weiss is good though.
I think she's asking about the origins of Dust which Weiss says they don't know about, not about how its used.
Forgive me if I am wrong, but didn't Ruby and the gang killed a bunch of faunus at the end of the second volume? I believe even Cinder and her henchmen mentioned that fact at the end.

Just wanted to point out that Ruby and her friends don't fight grimm all the time.
Forgive me if I am wrong, but didn't Ruby and the gang killed a bunch of faunus at the end of the second volume? I believe even Cinder and her henchmen mentioned that fact at the end.

Just wanted to point out that Ruby and her friends don't fight grimm all the time.

Yeah, but that was all indirect and in the heat of the moment. It's a lot easier to justify that kind of thing to yourself, especially if you don't think about it. RWBY kind of had other stuff on their minds.
Besides, said Faunus were trying to bomb Vale's protective wall, letting the Grimms in and killing a lot of innocent people. (although seeing how pushover those Grimms were...)
Besides, said Faunus were trying to bomb Vale's protective wall, letting the Grimms in and killing a lot of innocent people. (although seeing how pushover those Grimms were...)

Most of those Grimm were pretty much grunt level if we're going to be honest. A horde of Beowolves, those weird reptiles I can't remember the name of, Boarbatusks, and Ursas with at least one King Taijitu and a few Nevermores and Deathstalkers and elders of the grunts. Most of said elites were taken down by proper application of weapon and skill and the Nevermores and Deathstalkers were mulched by a minigun.

Doesn't really help that they only had one way in and anything that wasn't the initial wave was probably slaughtering the White Fang.
The RWBY fandom over on SB is beginning to get to me a bit. It seems like every single day all most of them want to do is complain about LGBT fans wanting some representation or artists who use different, even only slightly different, skin tones for the characters. Every single day it seems.

This has, I feel, been taken to the height of absurdity in the pictures thread where a picture of future Blake, that has shown up before and been well liked, now has people insisting "she looks like a dude" and saying-
If there's one thing people like doing to Blake almost as much as they like making her black, it's making her fall outside the gender binary.
seriously why do they do that?
They apparently decided she's not a walking trope for subjugated people, so they "fixed" her.

Its a freaking suit! Look at it! A suit! She's clearly female! She wears pants in the show! The Tumblr this comes from never even brings up gender stuff as far as I'm aware!

Edit: The person who made the initial dude comment explained that to them it was less the suit, though it played a part, and more Blake's face. I'm still not seeing it myself, she looks sharper and older and drawn in a different style but otherwise... Yeah I just don't get it.

That's not even getting into the ridiculousness of some of the other complaints. I mean, look at RWBY, all the pairings hinted at or that exist, are straight, all the background pairs at the dance, were straight barring the Blake-Yang dance which ended and moved over to Blake-Sun (Not complaining just explaining) There are no openly LGBT main or side characters and most of the cast, background or otherwise are assumed, or often treated, or portrayed as straight. (I am not complaining about this, just highlighting a fact.) Now, some members of the LGBT community, or even outside of it, would kind of like a bit more diversity and people, who are currently the most well, and only, represented group in the show seem intent on spending every singly day complaining about about people with no representation asking for some despite currently having all of it! I could perform a sociology thesis on this line of thinking!

(pant, pant, pant)

OK, I'm sorry, needed to vent a little and for what it worth I am aware that not everyone who asks for LGBT representation or hopes of it does so in a manner that is particularly polite or well phrased. That doesn't mean everyone who does should be demonised or that the very concept should be held in contempt, or that a picture of Blake should be hated because the artist put her in pants.

I now await the incoming influx of hate and people telling me I'm 100% wrong and that there is no middle ground and that their side is completely right and no other sections of the RWBY fandom ever behaves like jerks except for the LGBT portion apparently.

Also, is it weird that, I, who hates certain sections of the RWBY fandom, like the OP OC, Jaune wank, people insisting Jaune should be the MC, yada, yada, scarcely if ever sees stuff like this and never takes it to the forum threads to complain about despite knowing it exists? How hard could it possibly be for people to ignore the areas of the fandom where this stuff is discussed? I do it all the time!
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Its a freaking suit! Look at it! A suit! She's clearly female! She wears pants in the show! The Tumblr this comes from never even brings up gender stuff as far as I'm aware!
Ah, the "Future AU", personally the problem I have with it is that the original design made everyone into a butch lesbian, both in appearance and behavior, seriously even Ruby was built like fucking Star Platinum! :o
It works for Yang to an extend, but not for the rest of the team.
Ah, the "Future AU", personally the problem I have with it is that the original design made everyone into a butch lesbian, both in appearance and behavior, seriously even Ruby was built like fucking Star Platinum! :o
It works for Yang to an extend, but not for the rest of the team.
Given their lifestyles I find the cast not being muscular really weird and kind of off-putting in most cases.
A fair and valid point, but it begs the question why Cardin and some of the others need to be ripped or Yatsuhashi top be as absurdly ripped as he is :D. Technically I know its just audience/creator preference to not have muscular women but I always support fanart with it as I tend to prefer such designs.

I could see Ruby at least getting a bit more buff. As it stands her entire style is based on speed and the momentum from firing off Crescent Rose, without which she's been shown to be....less than stellar. So I expect she'd try to compensate for that to some degree, at least with physical training
There's getting a bit more buff, and there's this:

That's a physic that could suit Yang seeing her fighting style, not the rest of the team and certainly not Ruby.
Eh, I like it, but different strokes for different folks. If Aura lets people be tiny and delicate and kick ass it can led muscle bound people be super fast.

Though reflecting on the Aura strength thing, I now have this mental image of all Aura Users being super tiny and thing and no one suspecting how strong they are until the kick a car out of the way or up end a truck.
I don't have any real opinion on it in general, but that's Ruby with Sun's abs. :p
We have seen an active senior Hunter in canon: Qrow. And he seems pretty built, so its definitely not an SoD breaking design choice. Maybe students and teachers don't need to be bulit, but if one plans to be a full time Hunter I would assume they'd want to be in the best shape possible.

Aura, son also works as an explanation for why they became so built. If freaking Jaune of all people can have muscle, it can't be that hard.

There's getting a bit more buff, and there's this:

That's a physic that could suit Yang seeing her fighting style, not the rest of the team and certainly not Ruby.
Yang and Ruby are siblings. It is not exactly uncommon for siblings to have similar builds. If Yang had the potential to train into that build, its likely Ruby would as well.

Furthermore Ruby has the same style as Qrow, so
the argument that muscles aren't suited for her style holds no water.
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someone called Kyman said:
I'm suddenly reminded of an exchange I saw on the RWBY subreddit. Paraphrased, it went roughly like this.

A: Where are the characters getting these new tricks out of nowhere?! How is Blake getting all these new Semblance tricks? And how did Weiss learn to do THAT with her Glyphs?! What the hell kind of asspulls are they pulling?
B: Maybe Weiss learned to do those Semblance tricks in school? You know, where she's learning how to be a Huntress?
A: Well if we're going to accept that kind of answer we might as well give the writers justification to pull ANYTHING out of their ass.
To which I responded:

"Poor A. The sad child has grown dependent on manga spoon-feeding him Training Arcs to let him know that Naruto or Sasuke has learned an awesome new jutsu."