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A quest about a simple transaction and the consequences that follow.
A Simple Transaction


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- A Simple Transaction -
- I -

Every story spoken has been spoken before.

The boy from Earth stumbles into another realm. A world of wonder and magic, suffering beneath the Tyrant's cruel yoke. The boy becomes a man, the man becomes a hero, the hero defeats the Tyrant, and all live happily ever after. So destiny has decreed.

But the Tyrant is not so easily overcome.

He is wise to destiny's tricks, greater than destiny's stewards. He sets the world spinning to the direction of a new master. Destiny falters; only causality remains. And mere causality does not suffice a hero from coddled Earth to stand against the Tyrant.

The hero fails, time and again. The people of the world suffer for his impudence. He loses an arm, an eye, half a lung, all the natural vigor of his youth. The companions with which he journeyed become a procession of the dead. His quest, prophesied as the dalliance of a season, becomes a grim slog of years.

There is no certainty of victory; barely any chance of it. But the hero's heart is full of hate, and it is much too late to stop.

He learns from his enemy. Mirrors the monster's unmerciful cunning, turns to those forbidden arts his long-dead mentors warned him against. Finds in them, at last, an arena in which his talent exceeds his adversary's.

Years more of preparation, to realize the power that talent portends. Time bought dearly with the blood of his allies, a patchwork insurgency of the desperate and condemned. In sparse moments, the hero and his surviving companions carve out a life for themselves, stealing what joy they can. The long, bitter path of his journey trudges towards culmination.

One final sally against the Tyrant. As before, their powers are unevenly matched. But for the first time, that imbalance is in the hero's favor.

And yet even that is not enough. The gap in power does not suffice to overcome the gulf of skill still between them. There is no more time. There are no more chances.

The killing stroke descends. The hero's final companion throws herself into its path. The hero becomes a widower.

In the Tyrant's implacable guard, a momentary opening appears.

Burning selfhood like tallow, the widower mounts one final onslaught. In his eyes there is no more victory, no more dreams of failure or success. Only the enemy which must be destroyed, no matter the cost.

The widower prevails. The Tyrant is no more. The peoples of the world celebrate their liberation. Joy and adulation rain upon their silent champion, who stares ahead unblinking.

After the parade the widower buries his wife and their unborn child. It is eleven years to the day since he arrived in this world.

Crippled by the effulgence of that final strike, the widower is a pale shadow of his prior self. But in the eyes of the people, he is still the hero that was; their protector, their shining knight, their salvation, howsoever delayed though it may have been. And, with the passing of seasons, a glimmer of hope arises in the hero's heart. That, though the cost was ruinous, more than he could bear, there was good in the world still waiting to be fostered.

Freedom, Justice, Truth. In time, democracy. A society with the power and wherewithal to be organized around its highest ideals, rather than brute necessity. It is what they would have wanted - and if he no longer wields a hero's strength, still he has a hero's influence.

But the world did not sit idly while he mourned. The kings and dukes who fought alongside the hero have filled the vacuum of power left by the Tyrant. And they are content with the system at hand. Theirs is a society of nearly faultless structure, stably and evenly arranged. Their yoke is light, the people are fed. Is that not justice? There is no place here for the instruments of modernity, much less its frivolous ideals.

The hero is not dissuaded. Too many have died for him to surrender this dream. In that resolve the nobility see the beginnings of a Tyrant by a different name. They act. Treachery achieves what all the overlord's power could not: the hero undone at last. Discarded by those who had no more use for him.

In the hero's final moments, despair and hate raging equally across his heart, comes a being with the form of a man, offering vengeance in the form of a bargain.

The being is power beyond measure, beyond the hero's wildest reckonings, the solemn steady heartbeat of all creation, the sword by which all stories would end.

"Are you the-"

The man cuts him off with an upraised hand. "No, I'm not the Devil, nor am I associated with any that claim to be him. There will be no souls, no contracts, no signing in blood. My offer is that of a simple transaction. I am bound by countless Curses, leaving me greatly diminished, a thin figment of what I once was. Take up a portion of my burdens, and in exchange receive a fraction of my power."

Power enough to escape this world, or remake it. This he understands without speaking. Even knowing this, he can not help but dislike the being. If this Accursed one had deigned to act sooner, could his wife and son have been saved?

But it had not, and mere dislike means nothing.

What else is there to say?

"I accept."

Mournfully the being closes its eyes. "So be it."

"If you wish only to survive," it continued, "I will grant you a modest portion of my burdens, and power enough to be free of this realm and its shackles. But if you seek vengeance against the powers truly responsible for your suffering here, then you must take on a far more onerous burden. In exchange, you will receive the power of unbounded progression, growth without limit or surcease."

[ ] Freedom - The eyes of the Accursed open. The ghost of a smile plays across his face, almost too quickly to catch. "Perhaps the wiser choice. Be careful which burdens you undertake; they will accompany you for eons to come. Go, enjoy your freedom. You've earned it."

*Become a Combat-type Cursebearer, granted immense personal might at the cost of 2 Curses.
*Yours will be power sufficient to crack planets and shatter nations, to drown the oceans themselves in ash, blot out sun and stars, the fire and impact of a nuclear bombardment as immaterial as rain against your skin.
*Your power will include some means of travel between worlds, allowing you to depart this wretched realm.
*Unless you decide otherwise, relatively comfy quest of nation-building, adventuring & slacking off.
*Perhaps the best revenge is living well.

-Granted power will not grow naturally.
-It is unlikely you will ever discover the truth behind your suffering, much less avenge yourself upon its architects. But the strings are cut, you are a puppet no more. Forget them, and live on.

[ ] Vengeance - "...If that is what you wish."

"If you survive, no power will be beyond you. In time, there will be no blade you cannot sunder, no force you cannot rout, no foe you cannot ruin, no throne you cannot claim. Take care that you do not become that which you despise."

*Become a Progression-type Cursebearer, granted the potential to attain power beyond all reason through ingenuity and effort, at the cost of the Geas of Indenture, the Apocryphal Curse, and 2 additional Curses.
*Receive only a modest boon of power to start, but you will almost certainly grow rapidly.
*The Geas will take you away from this place, to a world more conducive to your growth, though no less dangerous.
*Should you survive the trials to come, you will almost certainly grow strong enough to plumb this realm of its secrets and overcome its true masters.
*Some say the best revenge is living well. They are lying to themselves. One can strive to live well regardless, but there is no true substitute for revenge. No substitute for doing unto them what they did unto you, for passing sentence upon their richly deserving selves. King or noble, brazen masters or hidden ones... it matters not. When the hour arrives at last, there will be no justice here. Only vengeance.

-Limited initial power
-Forced to take a large number of Curses
-Including the dreaded Apocryphal Curse


The choice came upon him, knowledge of the Curses appearing unbidden in his mind. All could be mitigated with time and effort, though it would take increasingly heroic efforts to overcome more than a modest fraction.

[ ] The Geas of Indenture - Mortgage your future to pay for the present? The term of your service shall be no less than 937 octillion years. Immediately you will be transported to another world and given a task to complete. Nearly every task will fall into one of two forms: you will be required either to kill a predestined 'Chosen One' of some kind, or to conquer some amount of territory.

You will be granted full discretion in the completion of your tasks and there is no penalty whatsoever to slacking off provided you complete your mission within the generous time window allotted. Assassination tasks typically have a 100 - 500 year window, while conquest tasks usually have a 1,000 - 10,000 (or greater) year window, depending on the scope of the territory in question. Should you complete your mission early, you may choose to vacation in your current world for up to 10 more years before departing to the next task. Your assigned tasks will always be within your given capabilities to achieve. Failure to complete your task within the time window will result in death. You will not be assigned tasks that are totally abhorrent; assassination of a well-meaning hero is about as bad as it gets.

[ ] The Decimator's Affliction - You will naturally absorb the total fundamental life force of the realm you currently inhabit at a rate of 10% per year. Area affected is exceptionally large and scales with your own power; a weak Progression-type might only affect half a continent, while a Combat-type would affect an entire solar system. In the absence of sufficient life force, you will begin to bleed essence, losing components of your powers, skills, identity, memories, and ontological veracity at a proportional rate. Though there are many paths of mitigation available, none of them are pleasant or easy.

[ ] Affliction of Slumber - A curse of the body. No matter how powerful your physical form becomes, you will require at least sixteen hours of sleep every twenty-four hours. Missing even a single hour will result in severe physiological consequences. If enemies consistently interrupt your sleep, you will find yourself near-constantly disoriented and enervated. Your waking hours are the very stuff of life. With this choice, you surrender half your conscious existence, your very presence in the world, upon the altar of a Curse.

[ ] Brand of the Champion - It is the champion's remit to solve problems, to answer the call of heroism wheresoever it should arise. The champion stands unconquered but alone. Everyone you interact with aside from a select few individuals will refuse to assist you, even in trivial ways, unless you perform some inane or perilous task for them first. Even if all conventions of morality, duty, or good sense would impel them otherwise, they will simply find it unthinkable to aid you without due recompense. The difficulty of tasks is usually equivalent to the degree of assistance you request, though not always.

There is no escaping the Brand, even the Accursed is affected by this, but if you are calling in a Primary Remittance that hinges on his intervention, such as Three Wishes, the tasks he assigns you will be moderately difficult at most.

[ ] Doom of the Tyrant - You absolutely refuse to submit to, or even acknowledge the legitimacy of, any rule, custom, law or authority above your own, unless that authority is at least as powerful as a specific instruction from the Accursed himself. Your ability to operate within the context of any organization you are not unequivocally in charge of is utterly crippled. Diplomacy is a laughable dream.

Enemies that are aware of this can provoke you via reverse psychology, though this can only cause you to attack them - you aren't compelled to do the opposite of whatever they order. This Curse comes pre-mitigated in that it does not affect the Accursed, but is very difficult to mitigate further.

It's inadvisable to take this alongside any Brand effect if you intend to ever work with others. Example:

You request a subordinate do something for you -> They refuse until you collect 20 bear pelts -> You refuse to acknowledge the Brand's legitimacy, as it is not greater than the Accursed -> You are unable to ever get your 'subordinate' to do anything

[ ] Doom of Lunacy - The large majority of your power (75%) is sealed within a monstrous battle-form that forcefully emerges under conditions of extreme duress. You may voluntarily enter this form, but doing so causes you to go absolutely berserk, attacking without regard to friend or foe until everything in your vicinity is destroyed. Affected area scales with your power, but is always very large. Anyone who perceives the form is afflicted by terror and hatred as if by a Brand-type Curse; all but the most stalwart of allies will turn upon you in the face of it.

This Curse can only be effectively mitigated by one means. Very occasionally you will encounter certain individuals that are highly compatible with you in some way. It is highly likely that any such individual(s) will be substantially weaker than you in most regards. In their presence the Doom will begin to shift to the Geas of Lunacy, if you do not suppress the change. The Geas of Lunacy does not limit your power in any way, but afflicts you with an unhealthy level of devotion to the individual in question. Their happiness and safety are certainly more important than your own and you will find it difficult to refuse even their slightest whims. It is always surprisingly difficult to augment their power beyond its natural rate of progression.

[ ] Plenary Brand - Like a blazing sun, the radiance of your power is wholly unconstrained, and the shadow of your potential looms perilously, a pall over reality that is impossible to ignore. The truth of your essential nature is broadcast without concealment or pretext. Even if it would normally do so, this effect will not cause others to like you more.

You automatically attract the attention of everyone who perceives you, and your rough capabilities are made apparent to them, to whatever degree they can reasonably comprehend. Disguise is impossible, your nature is blindingly obvious, and enemies so informed of your abilities will act accordingly. Snip Progression-types in the bud with overwhelming strength, retreat and attempt to outscale Combat-types, etc. One of a Cursebearer's greatest strengths is the ability to grow in power undetected by the mighty; anonymity is very often the greatest defense. With this Curse, enemies will never overlook or forget the severity of the threat you pose. Even ostensible allies will likely foment contingency plans.

The Plenary Brand overpowers any forms of stealth or misdirection you might attempt. Furthermore, in any situation where it is remotely reasonable to do so, all enemies will focus their efforts on defeating you first.

Unlike most Curses, the strength of this Brand slowly increases with time. Unless efforts are paid towards mitigation, your mere existence will eventually sear ten billion impressions of yourself into the minds of your allies, rendering them comatose, while your enemies become monomaniacally determined to end you.

[ ] The Apocryphal Curse - "May you live in interesting times."

The challenges this presents will usually not be beyond your ability to overcome, but very occasionally you will be forced to dig deep and discover whether you are truly worthy of the Accursed's mantle. Remember: the greater the reprieve, the more terrible the chaos that follows. "Better to be a dog in times of peace, then a man in time of war."

*Counts as 2 Curses. Don't take it unless you have to.


But alongside those burdens came power, the Remittances of the Accursed that he had paid so dearly for:

[ ] The Regalia - A crown and throne of stars.

A combination of Remittances. While it lacks in focus, it presents its recipient with an arsenal of superior versatility. A practical choice that focuses on minimizing risk and mitigating downside.

*Fortune: Once, upon your death or suffering of an unacceptable loss, you may rewind the relevant timelines up to one hundred years, though not to any point before you became a Cursebearer. All Cursebearers will retain their memories of the period rewound. Triggers unprompted if you die unexpectedly.
*Force: You will acquire a modest but useful superpower synergistic with your existing capabilities.
*Favor: Choose one additional Lesser Remittance.
*Wild: Copy any one of the above effects, making new choices for the copy.

Any powers granted by Remittances are scaled to your current power unless otherwise noted. A Combat-type Cursebearer would receive a greater boon than a starting Progression-type, though the latter might need it more...

[ ] The King's Scepter - Power, plain and simple.

The scepter represents temporal power, power over the world. Shallow though it may be, immediate power represents more than just safety in the moment. Certainly you can't train if you're dead. But power in the moment is also leverage to face stronger foes, to reap greater rewards, to provide greater space for optimization, more resources with which to accelerate your training.

Taking the Scepter all but guarantees you won't be snuffed out before you get a chance to advance, and accelerates your growth curve by giving you the leverage to take risks.

*The Accursed will grant you a mighty power, broad in remit and scope of action and well-suited to your nature. If you are a Combat type, the power granted will be of formidable scale. If you are a Progression type, the power will be optimized to grow with you.

[ ] Three Wishes - Your heart's desire.

The Accursed will grant certain of your requests. Do not squander his favor. Substantially mitigating your Curses or otherwise exceeding the Accursed's high expectations will recharge some fraction of either the Least, Lesser, or True Wishes depending on the scale and magnificence of your achievement.

Least Wish - You may wish for anything you could accomplish given a year's worth of effort, knowing what you know now. For example, "Improve my parameters as if I trained with my current methods for a year."

Lesser Wish - You may wish for most anything within reason, though it may not excessively surpass your current power level or that of the reality in which you currently reside. For example:

"Improve my parameters as if I had trained in a reasonably optimal manner for a human lifetime, without any of the negative side effects thereof."
"I wish for a superpower well-tailored to my current situation." Its general power level would be below that of the King's Scepter.
"I wish this enemy were dead beyond the possibility of recovery" would work on a greater variety of enemies than "I wish for this enemy to become my loyal servant."

Resurrection, time travel, social and political power etc are all within the realm of possibility, though each has limits.

True Wish - You may only employ the True Wish defensively unless the Accursed feels you have earned it. Earning it is very difficult. Used defensively, the Accursed will decisively resolve even the direst of situations in your favor. This is as good a guarantee of safety as exists in creation, for no entity you encounter in your travels will be even remotely capable of challenging the Accursed. The elder horrors of the omniverse could turn their unbridled might against you, but sheltering under his aegis you would not feel so much as a breeze.

Used proactively, you may wish for anything, and the Accursed will grant it if it is in your best interests.

Invoke this power with care, for the Accursed does not grant a favors of this scope for all but the most incredible of achievements. Most Cursebearers only get one.

[ ] The Sword That Ends The World - Accursed blade.

Access the Praxis, the Accursed's personal casting style. A style of magic that emanates completely from the self, relies completely upon the self, and is developed completely by the self. Advancement in the Praxis depends little on talent, much on effort and self-sacrifice. A dream of fairness, defiant against an uncaring universe. And power enough, in time, to make the universe care.

The Praxis is renowned for its limitless potential and complete omni-dimensional reliability. Where all other magics fail, the Praxis operates with unerring consistency. It excels at inflicting and preventing harm, but struggles in matters of renewal or restoration. This Remittance only grants access to the Praxis, but only Combat-type Cursebearers will start with skill in its application. Unlike the other Primary Remittances, this Remittance offers no immediate power to a Progression-type Cursebearer.


Lesser Remittances will be chosen after your Primary Remittance is selected. They include choices such as companions, objects of power, slight upgrades to your Primary Remittance and so on. It would be unwise to rely on them for safety in the short or medium term.

Please first vote for your favored combination of [ ] Freedom / [ ] Vengeance, Curses, and Primary Remittance.

Example Lesser Remittances:

Companion: Gisena Allria, the Nullity Sorceress

Physical **
Social ****
Mental ****

On the brink of her execution by a mighty foe, the Nullity Sorceress employed a novel and highly risky application of her powers to tear a hole between realms. Nihilistic, cunning, and disarmingly vivacious, she is an exceptionally talented technologist and socialite. Beautiful, and fond of using her charms to tease, manipulate, and frustrate friend & foe alike.

Modestly superhuman strength, speed, constitution, appearance, and quickness of thought. Her Sorcerous Graces allow her to nullify, negate, or weaken a very broad range of supernatural effects, or, in theory, aspects of reality. Well-suited to Curse mitigation. Not immune to the Brand of the Champion, not compatible with the Doom of Lunacy.

Artifact: Hunger

A ring of power, two thin bands of black surrounding a band of blood-red. When worn, it merges onto the finger, unable to be removed. The user's appetite for all the visceral pleasures of life is notably sharpened, increasing motivation and drive but with the obvious side effects. Indestructible as far as you can tell.

Dramatically reduces the benefits of training, but explosively increases rate of progression during active conflict. An active Cursebearer would progress many times faster in total.

Upgrade: Accursed Favor

Forgo a Lesser Remittance. Causes the Accursed to like you slightly more. Benefits uncertain, can be taken multiple times.

By default you have one Lesser Remittance, but you can acquire more in the following ways:

*Each additional Curse you take beyond the requirements grants 3 Lesser Remittances
*The Regalia grants 1-2 Lesser Remittances
*Thread Participation (see below)
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Statement Index
The below is an outdated version. Look here for the current version.

The Foremost
The Foremost
So we have a dungeon town. Also I've got a really drawn out God damn for what the Foremost pulled off.

Dungeon universe, yeah. It's only about the size of Jupiter on the outside, though. The human megacity on the unwarped space is pretty large too, about 30 miles a side.

The Foremost were hardcore.

So It's a magic dungeon for giant robot pilots.

Well, it's a magic dungeon. Not really sure what it's for, though humans have speculated as to a number of reasons. The Foremost trolling by making a literal isekai verse is one of the more prominent theories.


Now, speculation: Cursebearers live a really long time. A million years doesn't even get you a billionth of a billionth of the way through the Geas after all! Could the Foremost have had an ancient cursebearer who forged the Armaments, as a duplication of his own powers? That would explain where they came from. Perhaps the Accursed put us here because our ancient predecessor left things behind which would be helpful for a Progression-type that's dealing with the Apocryphal? We should seek out Foremost ruins if any exist. And communing with Verschlengorge just became higher priority.

Foremost ruins... an easy way to get yourself killed! Which means plenty of sweet, sweet Experience... and Apocryphal procs!


Now I wonder if the Forebearers were founded by an ancient Cursebearer, who himself aped the Accursed by passing parts of his curse along to others in exchange for power. Except those others were giant mechs.

The Foremost are certainly an enticing mystery! Be careful not to end up dead by it. You don't have New Game+!

The Voyaging Realm

On another note, are all these worlds really just dimensional variants of Earth? The Manifest Realm changed irrevocably by the presence of findross, this world by these Foremost,

The Voyaging Realm is definitely not Earth.

It's good but I don't think it's a significant enough improvement to spend 2 arete on it. Especially considering no drain for a month means a month where we aren't weakened if there's nothing living around us.

You're in the Voyaging Realm, though! There's life all around you!

Looking back, I'm curious how that high medieval city state is able to function or even arose in the first place. Even if they face drastically less monster attacks do they not get lost when going out to their fields? Does the space warping function more like you can travel freely in one tile but then you get a semi-random result when crossing to another? Did they get picked up wholesale as well or what?

An interesting question that Hunger was rather unconcerned with! It seems like the scale of locales that shift are probably greater than "a city-state and its environs," though. Like a massive 4-D jigsaw puzzle with pieces of varying size rather than churning pandemonium.

You're in pretty bad shape, but you're certainly still stronger than the vast majority of wild beasts! Especially if you pick up some exhaustion mitigation or just enough raw stats to compensate for your injuries.

I remembered something. Money can be traded for goods and services. Like people helping us accelerate our healing process. Presumably this is Voyaging Realm currency.

It's the currency of the traders' society, but given that they're traveling around the Voyaging Realm it's presumably accepted in many places.

Astral Beings
And these monsters seem to be hive minds of sort looking at the coordination or at least pieces of the same mind separated from the main body. At least that's my reading. In which case, it might just be better to go after the main monster.

It's very much the case that the hive mind is mostly unconcerned with the loss of individual bodies, but the individual bodies are causing most of the mayhem and slaughter in the city below, so there's still value in killing them... as long as the wurm beast doesn't, say, disgorge more.


The classic giant robot versus Kaiiju. Both seem biological; the monster reminds me more of Getter Robo, while piloting a humanoid abomination is the classic EVA twist. Both seem to fly despite not emitting any obvious thrust; unfortunately given the capabilities of "Science" in Super Robot shows they could still technically be scientific.

They're not flying, they're just really tall! And the walls themselves aren't massively high.


Well, given the starting scene, it would have been RIP the Hero otherwise.

Mm, he would have been strong enough to beat these guys with good tactics and decent rolls, movement kiting etc. They're individually pretty weak. But Scepter was strong enough to steamroll them without involving tactics.


A bit of an anticlimax, honestly? What a disappointing dance parter, no stamina at all! It didn't score a hit on us, or try to explode, or really turn out to have any nasty surprises. Still, a satisfying victory on the whole. Without Gisena and the Devourer, this could've been a tremendous pain to deal with. Maybe it did have a trump card up its sleeve and died without a chance to display it because of Nullity?

Yes, much harder without Gisena, though not insurmountably so. If anything her knowledge was even more valuable than her powers, as going directly for the head is much more efficient than trying to wound its more accessible body.



I don't disagree that she's doing work, but Cat would have also been able to fight. Where Gisena is showing her worth is in closing the rifts.

The rifts do close by themselves eventually, but speeding it up is very useful indeed! And debuffing the special abilities of one's foes.


Actually I wonder if it's the Decimation that's attracting the monsters or is it just a result of having a sufficiently large rank?

No, Astral denizens prefer to attack Armaments when Rits occur, and the Rifts created by Astral travel tend to occur around active Armaments. This is what Letrizia knows.


The explanation we were given is that Armaments stabilize space with their presence - I assume the Astrals monsters don't like being prevented from invading the real world and can sense the source of the barrier. Whether that's the actual truth is a different question, maybe Armaments simply look super-tasty to them.

Hm... are apex predators super tasty?
The Human Sphere
The Human Sphere
I mean we could try conquering each world personally but even if we just have to control 90% of the inhabited worlds we'd have to conquer each one in under 2 months in order to make it in time for our 1500 year deadline. If we have to take over the uninhabited worlds as well we'd have something like 20 days per planet which seems a bit rough.

The uninhabited ones not just worlds, but star systems! You'd technically only need to control the resource extraction stations, which are usually owned by commercial or government interests of one of the three polities, however.

Oof does that mean that even if we somehow control the three governments we still won't be done because some of the systems are controlled by corporations instead?

As long as the corporations are under the control of the government to a decent degree, no. You don't have to nationalize them or anything, just have the authority to do so if you wanted and have your orders carried out reasonably well.


If Gisena agrees to become our lackey and we maneuver her into become empress does that count as us controlling it for the purposes of our Geas? If so we could use devourer and enough strength to pose as the villan forcing the polities to unite against us while the valiant Gisena champions the cause of overturning our evil?

Hm... is Gisena anybody's lackey? But sure, if you control it from behind the scenes or whatever, that still counts as controlling it. The appearance of rule is not irrelevant, but the practicality of rule is paramount. Thus being a puppet emperor would not qualify, but the absolute power behind the throne (if you truly are such) certainly could.


And yet she doesn't have a mobile device of some kind at hand?

Not every society is as obsessed with cell phones as our own!

These people are more technologically advanced, after all.


Regardless, this place is inhabited and interaction with it is relegated to a third party. Why? It is natural for nations to want power and influence. Why give up such a resource rich place with goddamn magic in it?

Well, the resource density is not very high, the place is impossible to navigate except for Armaments, and it's quite dangerous to navigate as well! Exploitation may not scale very well, and they already have sophisticated technology for effects...


The Houses aren't individually great enough to comprise nations. Remember, the Amarlt main line doesn't exist anymore aside from Ceathlynn alone!


It's interesting that Armaments have been around for Millennia which I think means they had FTL that long, but Terra still seems to command a pretty strong cultural influence.

Preservation of information and broad distribution lead to cultural continuity... though the life imitates art aspects of it may have played a major role for that specific piece of media.


Huh. Well, first of all we'd be a pretty valuable test subject for these guys, especially if we can teach them about Accretion. It's clear they don't know all that much about the powers they're toying with. The Shroud is pretty reminiscent of the Monarch. If Rank is the primary relevant factor in these fights and humans can only reach Rank 3 at most, we might actually have the highest personal power among all humans, other than other weirdo outlanders. It'll become a lot more certain once we've gotten a chance to progress for more than a few days.

Well, they do have those mid-Rank Armor Prototypes... and whatever whacky abilities outlanders might bring to the table!

I still find the connection with the mecha weird, it seems like it's also a depleted icon so there's a similarity but why it engendered this response seems odd. It started before we had settled on accretion anyway so it doesn't have to do with that.

Maybe it's broadcasting something.

The affinity has little to do with Accretion, yes.


That was a bit anticlimactic. What kind of monster doesn't have another Phase to fall back on? But then Sword slashes and Nullity bolts to the brain probably aren't good for one's health.

DRAGON: Foolish Devourer, you teeter on your last legs but this isn't even my final form!

DRAGON: BEHOLD, my wounds now spawn countless hyena-beasts, and the very act of their creation restores my health! I am invincible! The rake of my arms is tenfold scythes, my scales battlements, shock of my tail a hurricane wall, my blood the stuff of life itself!

THE DEVOURER: I'll admit, this looks bad. But you forgot one thing, Dragon.

DRAGON: And what is that?

THE DEVOURER: He who reveals his trump card first...

THE DEVOURER: *Calls out across the infinite cosmos for a Cursebearer that shares a perfect affinity for itself. Watches the ensuing battle.*

THE DEVOURER: ...always loses.


Bloody greenskins, you just can't escape them! But seriously, is this a coincidence or did some absolute madman create a hybrid orc EVA? If so, how? The affinity's a little worrying given how, ah, obviously evil it is? But I suppose we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, given how tattered Hiro's own is. They're similar in having been through the wringer if nothing else.

If it resembled an orc, Gisena would likely have commented so!


I'm tossing in a search for artifacts, because three is a great number, we lack defensive options, and I want to have at least one option that encourages a bit of ranging about and scouting this strange world. Accretion needs time, consistency, and something worthy of a legend. I'd like to see if we can find two out of three here by getting that third item early.

Well, you do have an object of power right next to you! One of the most powerful you may ever have access to in this universe!

Though it does already have a pilot...


I would argue that the lesser amount of votes is proportional to the lesser amount of shinies.

Now on votes...

[X] Plan Your Trip

[X] Speak with Gisena I

[X] Speak with Letrizia I

[X] Seek Worthy Opponents

[X] Zee

Honestly, the only reason I'm voting for Lettizia is because the idea of Hunger giving someone a nickname is hilarious.

Hunting monster's is important for Huger's build and Gisena social is always nice. For us. Fairly straightforward vote.

Note that you do get fights automatically regardless of option picked, since Astral Rifts will spawn monsters targeting Verschlengorge regardless!


How strong is the devourer compared to other mechs in the Human Sphere? Is it a super mech or just a run of the mill one? Or are there not very many of them and each one is a custom job?

Letrizia's willingness to answer detailed tactical / strategic / political questions is finite, depending on how deep your relationship with her is. She's not certain you don't have ill intentions, after all! Even if your help is necessary.

But you get the sense that Armaments, when fully operational and working to their potential, are at the high end of strategic-grade weapons for her civ. They're Foremost tech, after all! Presumably they're at min. more powerful than nukes by a substantial margin?


It's a legitimate question whether or not the robot could get low enough to actually reach a ship meant for the river.

It can, though it'd be fairly clumsy at doing so. Verschlengorge is capable of far more agility but not when its internals, Rank and support systems are this badly damaged.


It's also interesting that we now feel less affinty to the mech than before. I guess it's always hungry?

You could say that...


I'm pretty sure our affinity to it is related to the curse given that's it's lessened immediately after we mitigated it for a time.

But what does it mean...


Given the mech is related to our curse somehow and possibly would make it even worse or has a similar effect I'm not sure piloting it is a good idea even if it's stronk.

Verschlengorge's affinity for you can only be a good thing! For you.


Sure they know about it but they're apparently so okay with it they built and pilot a mech that does it. It's not like we can hide the massive decimation aura anyway, at best we can blame it on her mech as long as we're nearby but they'll figure it out eventually.

Well, humanity didn't build Verschlengorge. But yes, they're keeping it around and in a populated area as well.


[X] Spill

[X] Of Fishermen, A King

We need that curse information. And this is a fairly safe environment for testing telling people about our thing. Picking King of Fishing mostly for the fun of it TBH.

Yeah, it's definitely safer for Affliction disclosure than say, in civilization itself. Especially since her giant robot is (presumably) dealing with the same problem!


Impressive, but we already knew that Verschlengorge was no laughing matter. Getting in the robot was called out as another Arete spending point, one reason I'd like to save our juice for a later date.

Mm. I'll note that you don't necessarily have to pilot Verschlengorge to benefit from its Curse-related... attributes. Though of course the compound synergy of Accretion with Verschlengorge itself would be interesting to discover. Would its overwhelming Rank render yours effectively superfluous, or would there be a beneficial dynamic there?


That was a great scene, nothing like having the Armament speak and bow its head to make an impression. In hindsight, Spill was worth it for the plot hooks alone; when the pigeons inevitably come home to roost, we'll deal with them. But for that, we need power.

[X] Of Fishermen, A King

[X] El Stats

Getting in the robot constitutes an Arete expenditure opportunity, so reserving some for that would be nice. Call me callous, but I don't think we can afford to take Conclusion here, not in any sense but the most literal. The opportunity costs are just too painful. This is apparently something the Human Sphere has experience with, so they're likely to have options. We have a month of total reprieve already, before even seeing what Gisena brings to the table in terms of mitigation.

You're investigating Verschlengorge, but you didn't take Commune With It, so any Arete expenditures coming up will be a while yet.


Oh hey, Verschlengorge can Truthsay.

[X] Of Fishermen, A King

[X] A Curse, Deferred

Double mystery box. One more and we get a free toaster!

This is not merely the Truth.


We aren't communing yet I think. We need more exposure to commune.

That's correct, no Arete expenditure on the robot right now.


How much storage space does Letrizia have in there anyway. 3 peoples supplies for at least two months. Plus all the munitions Gisena's messing with. Is this stuff just in the part of the aftermarket modifications/repairs we saw done to the armor or does it dig space into the flesh itself like the piloting system?

The mech's 250 feet tall and quite the lighting bruiser, with a juggernaut-like frame that's heavier than most Armaments without sacrificing mobility. It's got plenty of storage space, especially with her hypertech food that's both reasonably appealing and extremely nutritious per unit volume!


Oh, so the robot was magical after all, what a shame. And for shame, Versch, losing to this pretender! Where is your pride as the most powerful Foremost Armament?!

It's high ranked even among Armaments, but I wouldn't say it's the foremost!

Mech Piloting
Rihaku, is there synergy between Learn to Pilot and Seek Out Worthy Foes? Would it allow us to train Piloting by fighting using the mecha?

Potentially. Learn to Pilot alone is still pretty basic, you can of course raise the piloting skill in actual combat as well once you know the basics. Communing with the mech could also be important to the process if you seek true mastery.


That's we are training to be a mecha pilot and not just training to punch people in the face tho. These mechas are some real shit.

You can do this geas quest without ever gaining substantial mech piloting skill, but mech piloting has fairly decent synergy with Accretion and is a good lever for multiplying your power. It's also safer in the short term. Either path is viable.


If we go with communion is Zea going to be okay with us stealing her mecha? Presumably we'll have to return it at some point unless we murder her or something. If not is piloting going to be useful without a super mecha to drive around in? Or will we just attune to it with accretion and Zea won't be able to do anything about it?

I mean... someone's got to pilot it while you're sleeping. Or maybe you can engineer a dual-piloting setup! Plenty of lateral ways around it with the power of Progression!

In fact, the latter could even be a useful project for improving your science skills, since there are actual stakes!


If we fight using the mech presumably we'll only level up our mech fighting skills. I mean I guess we'll get a little stronger over two months thanks to slumber and raise our accretion rank some but we won't have any better fighting skills outside of it than before.

You'd improve your Agility and Wits, plus get Accretion progress for defeating notable foes.


I also question whether the mechs will even function in the next world, as it might not have the Astral. Our Accretion has been augmented to work in more worlds, but that doesn't necessarily carry over to all the functions of the mech even if we take it as an artifact.

Perhaps it's not a matter of whether or not the mech will work, but whether you devote enough energy to making it work! Such is the case for many fields in the journey of a Progression-type.


Turning back and continuing to adventure until we can kill a full strength mech seems like a viable plan

Maybe, depending on the exact mechanics of the Voyaging Realm. But it would take a really long time.


I wonder why they bothered with the doublespeak when it was an Astral Rift? Can the monsters that come out be sentient? Or was she just having fun? I'm also curious to see the commonalities between Nullity resealing the rifts and the Armaments forcibly restabilising reality. As a sidenote, how much do you want to bet that part of the plot is gonna end up being about the overuse of Astral technology potentially leading to mass reality failures in the future, giving a real humanitarian purpose to our conquest as we try coordinate humanity so that they can avoid a full blown Astral invasion.

Mm, fully powered Armaments are strong enough to repel even the strongest of Astral invaders that would bother with the effort, as far as anyone knows.


Oh, additional question for you @Rihaku! If the Verschlengorge corresponds to the Affliction of the Decimator, is there/could there be an Armament for The Apocryphal Curse?

You don't know of any reason why not.


Our stats aren't that relevent since we're just going to get in the giant mecha, aren't we?

You didn't pick Learn to Pilot, so you're only entering the mech to investigate it. Hunger intends to continue fighting outside for the foreseeable future. And stats (Agility especially) would still be highly relevant inside it!
Isekai World
Isekai World
Strange that the hero would immediately jump to fey as the explanation for Gisena beauty when we know that Accretion can boosts the appearance of its users. Plus, in any case, using explanations from his previous world to judge that kind of thing doesn't seem very sensible.

She has an inhuman hair color. The people from his world have normal hair!

Not very anime, I know. But Accretion isn't.

I wonder what the alternate universe versions of hunger are doing?

Assuming they're not dead? Probably something very interesting...

Dead Companions
Something to consider for Accretion in the case of Forsaken mask, the Hero's wife should also have it.

@Rihaku can you tell us what the wife's archetype would be?

I feel like if I start giving any details about the wife then waifuism will start to grip the thread and it'll disrupt the vote. She'd have a unique Soul Evocation if Seven Seals is picked as well, the only system with broadly available commonalities is Battle Magic.

The People

Uhm, Vengeance leaves as well. Geas of Indenture and all. The People on his current world are in all likelihood never going to see the hero again. That he will try to hunt down whatever vague higher power that wronged him and him specifically throughout the multiverse will almost certainly have no impact on the world he leaves behind.

To be fair, their lives are a lot better than they were under the Tyrant. Even if he should abandon them, he's still saved them billions of QALYs!


Basic human rights, protections for the common man, educational opportunities, and a buyout clause for serfs? That's too a high price for salvation? Seriously?

Well, infrastructure for enforcing basic human rights would actually be kinda expensive... far cheaper to just assassinate one man! At least five times cheaper! Maybe even seven!

Presumably that was the words of the Nobles talking about justice. If they knew not their caste, would they be born into this world voluntarily? Would it pass the test of a Veil of Ignorance?

Perhaps they might argue that stripped of their essential characteristics they would not consider such a being to be themselves. An answer that certainly elides the question of consciousness.


This is an example of his affinity for the forbidden surpassing the Tyrant, who apparently also jacked others' artifacts. But how many data points was he working with, here? Just the one abduction? Maybe the Forebear was simply disappointed in his descendant. Hiro's eye color did change when he stole it, which could be indicative of other alterations.

The Tyrant had his own weapon, no need for that of his Forebear's! Whether or not it was a mistake given the Forebear's greater power would be a matter of compatibility.


What the fuck was the hero even calling himself between the years of killing the Tyrant getting assassinated? Did people call him by his name, it registered for a while and then just disappeared? Or did people just call him the Hero?


You know, if over rank 7 is hero at 75% full power, and the tyrant was also high rank 7, it really makes you wonder how the hero who entered the world as a newb with destiny protection disabled, managed to keep the game afoot (Even engaging him in directly multiple times before the last fight) and stayed alive for the eleven years. That took some doing indeed.

Destiny was still active when the hero first entered. The Tyrant had to deal with them in real time!


Yes, how dare we defend ourselves from random attacks. How horrible of us.

The Hidden Ones
We acted yes, we failed yes. Now we have the opportunity to get back to track, fix our world and then enjoy our Freedom. We also have a choice of abandoning our world, dooming ourselves to eventual death or at least misery for virtual eternity in search for bloody vengeance from those who are the root of this.

Freedom will depart from this world just as Vengeance does, since Freedom lacks the power to oppose the hidden masters. Best leave as soon as you can, especially if the Accursed's not around.


So in the end,The Tyrant that we spend everything to defeat is just a pawn for this greater mastermind?

It's left vague. The implication seems to be that the structure of the hero's entire life was more or less engineered by these hidden ones.


Poor, dumb bastards. The truth is worse than they could ever imagine. Or maybe better? Its not like they'll be alive by the time the Hero's strong enough to return for vengeance and unless something drastic changes along the way, he won't genocide their descendants or anything.

Linear time is of little concern to beings of such power as the hero avenged would have to be.


You know, I just realized... we've only been promised freedom from the hidden masters if we pick Combat Cursebearer, presumably by either putting us far enough away distance-wise from their reach or just by marking us as off-bounds. So what if they're not as limited now? Maybe they can still reach us - especially with the Apocryphal Curse working in the background. Is that how we're going to fight them (initially) despite the Geas restricting us?

That wouldn't go well... for you.

The Forebear
It's not really a matter of wishes, is it? Having passed up on more conventional heroism, we'd do well to take charisma when offered, no mattered the form in these early days where the protagonist's character is still in flux enough for them to be offered. Competence upgrades are basically impossible to come by, and if the Forebear's anything like the Tyrant he was extremely successful.

Many would argue he was more successful by far! He didn't die to a hero, after all.

Getting stabbed in the back by your son is not a considerable improvement!

The Forebear is actually the tyrant's distant ancestor, and it is said he died peacefully at a very advanced age!

Our hero is currently a hollow husk of his former self, missing a lot of memories, what do you think is going to happen when we take thick as thieves twice right now? I would be more willing to take it if our hero had an stable mental foundation with an strong personality but taking TAT now means that a lot of his personality might be adversely effected by the former tyrant. This is literally the worst time to take it in my opinion.

Come now, the Forebear was not nearly so puny and constricted a thing as that middling Tyrant! Good and evil, oppression and heirarchy, these are tools to frame how we see the world! But the world is as it ever was, perspective merely the angle from which we examine it. Why not entertain a grander perspective and take a truly long view? Even time itself must yield to Progression, so it's only permanent if one says so.


Yeah, on reading the name I wondered if these 'Echo' skills aren't leading up to us getting the option for a Forebear simulacrum in our head or something. You said it doesn't give memories 'to an appreciable extent', but that it's possible at all's interesting! If the sword's something like a phylactery, does that make him a lich? What an absurd advantage, with this voterbase.

That would be too overpowered, I think. Perhaps you might call upon the Forebear one day... if you somehow managed that, you'd potentially gain a tremendous amount of insight into the nature of the Hidden Ones!
With regards to the Praxis, I'll say this -

It's most suitable for those who are exceptionally capable of hard work and willing to spend selfhood for power. Granted the hero is quite good at this, but his past experiences in that very vein have left him a broken shadow of a man. Is that really the well he would return to when given an actual choice?


How very... rational. Kind of reminds me of Jeanne, who could ignore her own feelings, even those caused by the Brand, and work past them.

Conflict forges a man. Regardless of initial disposition a decade of guerilla warfare will focus them on strategies that work, and discard those obstacles to their implementation.


Vendetta is the maximum fights, tension and power levelling path.

Hm... Vendetta will probably have the most fights, but it wouldn't be constant tension and battle. Vendetta with King's Scepter probably resembles playing First Age Odyssial immediately post-exaltation. Consumed with hatred of the titans, faced with incredible danger, but possessed of the will and the power to see his mission through. Not as capable as Odyssial was, but the power of Progression advances more quickly than a baseline Solar Exalt as well.

It's been a while since we've had a really determined protagonist. Nameless was spoiled and easy-going, Seram was isolated and neurotic, Arthur plain and ordinary.


I am completely uninterested in playing a revenge-driven madman, especially one suicidal enough to take the Praxis with Progression and the Geass. I think the only reason Vengeance+Praxis is even a thing is people voting Praxis for meta reasons, which I dislike.

I don't think you need to vote tactically at this juncture. Vote your true preference and switch over later if necessary! All that needs to happen for Balance to have a chance is for a few large fanwork creators to select it!

That said, I wouldn't say Vengeance is a madman (perhaps an absolute madman). Many people are obsessed with things while still navigating life in a functional manner. There's nothing precluding healthy relationships if you put in the effort.


Oh snap, another nameless protagonist. At least this one need not remain so. Seems like a very traditional isekai protagonist before he got turbofucked by the Tyrant. Interesting that he'd sooner forget the face of his father than the the ideals of his home. Shit, he can't even remember where he's from, except for probably being a 21st century liberal democracy.

He probably visited America at some point. Or read their comic books.


vali's write in was gold. Its like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. You know this guy is gonna live a life of constant, unremitting violence against an endless calvacade of enemies. Its on a mountain of their corpses that he'll reach the heights necessary to avenge and then revive his companions.

Oh, he intends to revive them fairly quickly. Once he has cheap easy cross-dimensional resurrection, probably. Could theoretically be well within the scope of this quest.


What they said. Also, Accretion means we can accidentally meme ourselves into comedic flaws.

Thinking a bit of Mr. Extrusion from EFB, with the pointed criticism, but more of a forced character development/degeneration depending on our deeds.

I'm betting the first thing tied to our legend is the inability to say no to a pretty foot face.

Really? I don't think the hero is particularly susceptible to feminine wiles.


I'd been assuming he was American, going by the western ideals in the absence of cosmetic details. But that even he doesn't know is just painful. It's surprising he remembered enough religion to ask if the Accursed was the devil, though I guess he didn't get to finish the question. We've underestimated the toll his past took on him, which is not an error I thought possible. He lost his name? Surely someone reminded him in the wake of the tragedy? My expectations for that wretched realm are low, but... wow. We should get this guy to a mirror, maybe we can guess nationality from the appearance and give artists some details to work with.

Searing your name and identiy from your soul has consequences that cannot be trivially undone merely by being reminded of it! Else why would such fuel have value at all, in the language of metaphors?


Interesting that the Hero would feel all these things so viscerally. The Accursed did say that the user interface of a cursebearer adapts to take a form the user would find intuitive and comforting, so it's probably a symptom of that.

Often one grows to enjoy what one is good at. And the skills of battle were something the hero was forced to hone quite extensively.


Also, raw force of personality may help deal with... Gisena. I'd almost forgotten how annoying she was.

The hero's doing better than most. At least he's not simpin'. Perhaps a bit paranoid, but that's quite justifiable under the circumstances!


I'm surprised Hunger remembers. But if commitment to the sciences was high enough on his priority list to be included in the post-sacrifice reforms, maybe he prioritized its retention alongside epic fights and the names of his comrades? Also, it occurs to me that Hunger has literally forgotten the face of his father.

He remembers general knowledge, background stuff. That isn't as profitable to burn for attack power as one's personal identity!


I do suppose the maximum fight options are the ones which guarantee the most safety if we succeed. We are getting a ride here and can't set our own pace; we should take the power when it's offered.

You took the greedy option of long-term INT and CHA with long-term scaling over short-term physical power; would immediately engaging in repeated physical contests play well to those strengths? Remember, you are determining not just Hunger's response to this enemy but also setting his level of risk tolerance for this journey.

Or, put another way: why would the Apocryphal Curse put you in this situation?

More power would be very helpful when we reach civilization, but apparently we need to worry about long-term conditioning from the Curse, so let's condition ourselves to be "wise".

It's not conditioning from the Curse, it's retroactively determining Hunger's characterization.


Hmm, if we want to start a mercenary band now would be the best time to begin recruitment. We're likely to find people with useful skills that are currently rather helpless. The best time to make an offer. It'll also likely help our sales pitch in the future to have more than 1-2 people.

Hm... but the Decimator's Affliction makes such things truly dangerous for any prospective recruits. You have it sated for now, but would Hunger even allow himself to stay around people long-term without some more advanced mitigation?


Hunger: I forgot my name and my origins, burned my life and memory on the pyre of victory.

Hunger: Only the dearest memories I held onto, skill and knowledge only so much timber for the fire.

Hunger: But never! Would I forget the fine culture of the East (or was it West?) that brought us such rich memes!

Indeed. A man of Culture to the very, very end...

Or rather, he just didn't have perfect control of which memories he lost!

She never stood a chance, did she? This can't be said to be social combat anymore, he's completely steamrolling Letrizia and has her eating out of his hands. She's so desperate for acknowledgement and he is such an obvious role model (on the surface) that this result was inevitable with the social skills of the Nightmare Praetor.

Mm, I wouldn't call it social combat per se. Hunger's not really trying to impose his agenda on her, just give her some advice while he's resting!

unless this is secretly an attempt to brainwash letrizia into the Dao of Fishing

This is a bit curious, was he just putting on a strong front when he first started using the title due to the uncertain situation which he can now relax on due to knowing them better, or has his mindset actually changed? His egalitarian values poking through once more perhaps, or just the shame of bearing such a tryhard name.

My interest in Hunger was seriously linked to how he could justify Decimator, but the in narrative weaving of it in the quest as well as the ring's options for mitigation have won me back, so let's slay this beast a little bit.

The reason he took it is because the Accursed told him this one had some of the most varied Mitigation options. "So I just have to TRY HARDER? I can do that."

What a tryhard.

Remember that the hero only has one hand, one eye, and is missing half a lung.

Oh yeah, can we recover them or are we stuck with them like Odin after his hanging?

There's nothing stopping you from healing them if you have the means. They just don't come pre-healed!

Our character has lost half a lung and "all the natural vigor of his youth", so I doubt we'd be able to run very fast for any extended period of time...

Ironic that he's actually somewhat younger than Seram! Not remaining pure in body and mind really does a number on ya...

It's a relatively piddling detail, but are the Hero's missing eye and arm on the same side of the body, or on opposite sides?


Also, livid gold eyes? A fanged maw? Is this thing part-orc or something? I wonder if it's calling out for a pilot.

Actually, the hero has yellow eyes as well. They used to be a different color, but changed when he abducted the Forebear's Blade.


Mainly hoping the extreme regeneration in Feast of Lives will restore the Hero's missing body parts.

Hm... wouldn't that be distracting during battle, though? Regaining an entire arm would throw your balance right off. And he's adjusted to hampered depth perception...


She's also got some interesting tastes if a half-cripple qualifies as handsome in her eyes.

High Accretion rank increases majesty, supernal and (to a degree) physical! Given his former apex, the hero's facial structure could probably rival a high king of the Dunedain!


Initial reaction was that Gisena's engaging in disingenuous flattery, but if Accretion Rank comes with physiological changes maybe she can derive his features pre-maiming. As a Sorceress she's familiar with cosmetic augmentation, the source is even somewhat similar.

Why discard the possibility that the hero is rather handsome even if maimed? Scars are the in thing.


Nnnn I'm still not quite settled on a look for our boy Hunger, I just know I'm really attached to having that cape on the side with the missing arm??? Great for drawing attention away/sleight of hand bullshit?

Not satisfied, but Priest said something along the lines of "but RihaKredits tho" so here we are

Nice! I like 1 and 3 best, maybe 3 slightly more. He looks a bit older than either, with more gray in his hair. Possibly full gray. Some facial scarring as per 1 makes sense. Forebear's Blade has a straight guard and normal colored blade, but I like the cracks, as if there's forge-light shining through.


Like, do people just sort of forget what we voted for? Last choice was No Quarter vs Prudence Dictates. We choose No Quarter specifically to get more short term power - and now, we have a minor wound vs Hunger proc boost(say Echo+Fell-Handed Strike). We are massively stronger than we would be with Prudence Dictates, and Prudence Dictates was supposed to be safe enough to allow us to finish the journey.

Prudence dictates would have lowered your risk tolerance as well, though there's never a true guarantee from the Apocryphal Curse. And I wouldn't classify your wound as minor, fighting at 91% efficiency is a noticeable debuff, especially with only 82% of your health.


That had me rather concerned when I read it for the first time. Thankfully, we actually escaped with a minimum amount of damage.

Mm, I wouldn't consider it minimal. Even a modest wound drags down your future performance, and your health doesn't recover that quickly. Without magical healing you'll be carrying even that relatively unserious wound for days or weeks.


This begs the question of just where the 'skilled thug' got that armor. Just luck or connections? Either is possible in a dungeon like this, but with Apocrypha in play I would tip on the latter.

Well, a skilled thug to Hunger's like is well into "capable knight" for the average person. Hunger's standards are those of an endgame melee protagonist, after all!

God, I missed build votes. Just reading all the shinies on display makes me all giddy!

Okay, now onto more useful commentary. Someone or something shattered fate and made the job harder for the hero, huh? Do I sense a connection to previous quests? Also, I admit I am very tempted by the Combat Type cursebearer, even if it means less ramping up and less build votes. Some comfy empire building/waifuing sounds fun, and it is what the poor hero was denied. Let him build his dream of a true democracy!

Freedom's great, it's even one of the ideals he was fighting for! He can work on realizing his dream immediately instead of carrying endless baggage from his past life


Just think about it our dude can have all his dreams. His wife back and he can forge an democracy on a world which will than be tested on the crucible of the apocalypse, he can than leave for another world and repeat the process all the while increasing his power by impressing Accursed-sempai and using the wishes for shinies. What's not to like? The only sacrifice he will have to make is that he will have to face a great trial once in a while. A fair price I would say for everything he will get.

If we take this path we can spread FREEDOM and FREE MARKET all over the universe! :p Making the multiverse a better place one world at a time!

His goals weren't really that ambitious, they'd be more on the level of like,


Basic civil / legal protections for all citizens

Legal protections for commoners against noble abuse, and the actual enforcement thereof


Some form of reasonably decent education available to a good fraction of the general public

Investing in science


Giving serfs and the like a reasonably achievable option to purchase / acquire their freedom, or at least that of their kids

Wow, he died for that little, huh?

They're fairly dramatic reforms from the perspective of a medieval society, but he was trying to balance realistic expectations with ideals.


Kind of tragic that the ideals that he held to through years of brutal guerilla war are the first things he casts aside on his quest for vengeance. He gave up so much to keep those memories intact. Wonder what else he'll feed to the fire before all this is done.

Perhaps he let them go after seeing where such good intentions lead.

Nightmare Praetor
Well, Thick as Thieves is out as a choice immediately. Mental contamination with the Hero's current barely healed mind and soul? No thanks.

Some of the Forebear's influence may be profitable for he who wishes to rule.

I don't think I would pick Might's Repose either, despite it being an easy immortality and growth option, as while we only have the option thanks to not taking Affliction of Slumber, it takes up too much time. Well, might still be worth it since it can probably be combined with time manipulation unlike Slumber. Hmm, that would be a really potent combination, but we don't have time manipulation at the moment, and neither does our companion.

Might's Repose also makes time dilation considerably more useful for you, since you only receive marginal benefits from personal training! Still have to deal with Decimator's Affliction of course. On the other hand, the rate at which reverse aging improves your stats is fairly modest. Nonetheless it's an additional form of progression, and one that deals with the pesky matter of age.

I also wouldn't count out the attribute boosts! This is a way to slightly improve intelligence and charisma without personality modifiers besides having to sleep a lot! And the physical buffs are relevant too.

Thick as Thieves does grant a larger boost than Repose, however.

Might's Repose grants "immediate" boosts to our mental stats after our first sleep. It also gives us "significant" physically stat buff.

Rihaku, how does Repose counts sleep for the buff? Do we need to give nine hours of sleep in last 24h, or nine hours of sleep in current day?

Sleeping for at least 9 hours grants the buff for about 15 hours.

Largely uninterpreted nine hours or would bunch of short naps work too?

Uninterrupted is most efficient, else you wouldn't get the buff for the inter-nap periods.

I'm pretty sure Nightmare is the riskiest build in the set. It requires time to ramp up. It requires planning to be dangerous. Most of the time the real danger is the stuff we don't see coming.

Well, Nightmare does have the ability to see more things coming / prep more efficiently for those things and ramp up slowly over time with Might when there aren't opportunistic enemies to slay. It's not that great in a direct fight without prep but it's not any worse than you currently are. Even without Fell-Handed Stroke you still have the power of Ruin infusing every strike, etc.

I would say the detrimental effects of mental pollution are overstated, but we don't even know what they are, so it's hard to argue. I don't think they would be problem exactly because the hero is so early in his characterization; being influenced by the Tyrant now would be far less jarring. It also would give him more time to settle and readjust should those memories rattle him rather than harm him should he take it at a desperate moment.

It doesn't give memories to an appreciable extent, just characteristics.

Btw guys, if you're voting to fight (or any of the riskier options), do realize you don't have any magical healing options or Immortal Sheathe. You have some baseline power and Gisena's backup but the build you took has less direct combat strength than any of the other builds. It's very possible for risky engagements to land you into hot water! Now, when you reach civilization in 2 (or however many) months, the increased mental and social stats may serve you well as they did this update, but it may not be prudent to act greedily here if you're not comfortable with risk.

Or, at the very least, you'll need to kill something strong fast so you can get more power so you can add more combat capabilities to your build. Or pilot the robot instead of fighting outside where your vulnerable flesh can be wounded.


Hm... I wouldn't put the hero's charisma at 'superb,' he's still not on Gisena's level, but he's definitely more capable than most. "Very competent," perhaps; a bit above that when well-rested.

Of course, if you can take Evening Sky it's a different story!

The Evening Sky
Sevenfold just lets us punch so much farther up, The Evening Sky does have quite the coolness factor though. Charisma only takes you so far, being able to Fell Handed Strike from range though... there will be other cool Artifacts eventually I'm sure.

Though if I knew The Sky would let us make our own crew via the power of Nakama, it would still probably be the wrong choice but one I might be compelled to take.

Well, they provide different kinds of advancement. The Evening Sky is a defensive asset without peer among those you presently have access to, preventing you from losing to a variety of conditions that might otherwise disable you.


Rihaku mentioned us having access to an artifact made by a progression type cursebearer right now.

That's the Evening Sky in the sense that Hunger himself would be 'making' it - or rather extracting it and subordinating it to his purpose!


Well, not that steep. Losing 18% of our health isn't nothing, but it could be a lot worse. Also, it's kind of sad that the Evening Sky mantle straight up abandoned him rather than staying attached to the armor and now we need to pay 7 Arete, which we don't have, to get it back. Would have been too easy otherwise, I suppose.

The version you can buy is considerably better than his, not to mention more loyal!


If we can style all over Letrizia in social combat this badly then think how fucking amazing Hunger'll be with Evening Sky? That puts us at like Gisena level, minimum. Plus it defends against everything.

Well, +Charisma is simplified somewhat; the actual effect is a boost to physical appearance and raw presence, so the hero would be more attractive / authoritative / commanding, but not necessarily any better at manipulating people. He would be considerably better than Gisena at things like staring down an enemy or making foes cower, but not any better at witty comebacks, for example. But yes, the halo effect would certainly smooth the way for Hunger in many social situations, at least when they don't consider him an offensive superstimulus!


In all seriousness though, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that my originally aesthetic-driven choice is the best one. Remember in EFB Nameless's early game got carried hard by two FB purchases, and 7 arete is about the equivalent to a FB. Between the two choices, Evening Sky provides better defenses, and survival is paramount! Our charge is to live and grow strong. Star-Cloaked Shroud provides the protection to live, and the long-term potential to grow strong.

It also gives you more thematic availability in your Accretion advancement! Convert that combat Experience into an even broader array of effects!


Is the thunder of midnight effect of the cloak toggleable or will we sound super dramatic in every scenario?

The latter.

Just kidding, the former.

Seram was also dogshit at start, while we started with full anime level of power.

Right now, we are likely overall weaker than Seram as he was when he fought Gisena, although we should eke out a victory due to Evening allowing us to resist direct effects of his aura.

Well yeah, Seram had at least two major grinding sessions by that point and had also killed hundreds of level-appropriate encounters in the orcs! More than two, actually, since that was well after he'd started optimizing with training with Jeanne's assistance.

As to whether you could kill him, well, he still has kinetic Amplitude so your only real edge would be Accretion Rank and Charisma, since Evening Sky's resistance isn't immunity. Remember that he survived Witch Slayer attacks throwing axes at hundreds of miles per hour. I imagine he'd win almost every time unless you engaged him under very favorable circumstances. Plus, he's only got the one Curse to deal with.


I'm wondering if the Unmoving Plaid trope would be in order for his new cloak?

Hm... probably not. The sky within does move, so if it's a window then it's not a static window!


...So we can resist nuclear explosions. Not that such forces are that big of a deal in Rihakuverses, but goddamn, we've barely started and are already at a level where WMDs have to be deployed against us. Though we were told that while Armaments are rare, the current civilizations have managed to produce cheap knockoffs that have middling Accretion Rank, so magical opponents won't be rare even there.

You can resist the pressure wave and kinetic damage from a kiloton-grade atom bomb if it's non-magical, yes. But remember that even an Astral Rank 2 soldier using a signature weapon counts as slightly magical. There's a huge difference between 100% and 99% resistance to damage.

Fell-Handed Stroke
There is potential in this. A single great strike could breach defenses normally far too strong for the Vengeful One, the anti-spiritual property means that foes with no physical corpus won't be safe from it and counters regenrative factors.

You'd have to land a hit first, but that's not impossible with a decent Rank.


Feast and Fell handed seem like a great combo, burnout to make the kill then 1-up back to full ready to do it again from the juice.

Somewhat. It's not just physically draining on its wielder, though killing powerful enough foes could infuse you with enough power from Hunger's base effect to pay it off if you buy the right things. At least for a little while.

Depending on what we're burning I'm a lot less enthused then. Gotta go green.

You're not burning anything permanent like selfhood or whatever, it's just tiring on a physical and spiritual level. Not spammable now, but in the future...


Just tell her fuck up all the magic in the area and we can destroy our opponent through FELLHANDED SORD!

Fell-Handed Stroke is really cool... you don't even have to use it on enemies, it can also be used to destroy obstacles!


Fell-Handed Stroke is interesting. It's an option whose value increases geometrically the better your physical stats are, but if you're up against an enemy you can't land it on, it's kind of useless. Taking alongside King of Thieves would be decent synergy, since you get ++Agility and +Stealth to strike from ambush.

Once and Future
Ah yes, good old trans level stats. This is especially good if "military matters" includes personal combat which it likely does. If we get to 8.1 and get this we will fight at 10.1. Maybe even better than Cultivation buffs due to how Rank works, although it's more expensive too. I implies that this would unlock more of the same, so there could be a way to discount this?

It's much rarer compared to Cultivation stage boosts as well.

I'd almost say it was unfair and completely unbalanced if it wasn't for the painful price.

Almost certainly the strongest direct combat buff of the three, especially at higher Ranks.


This is utterly ridiculous at high Astral Rank, as each cumulative rank is higher value then the last. This is a strong lategame purchase.

It's quite formidable even at your current rank! Going immediately to the high 5s in Accretion Rank would vastly increase your might.

Once and Future is the most immediate power of the three. It's straightforward and hits like a truck. And I think there's a hidden benefit as well - the description says we'll catch a glimpse of the Forebear's true history - that might give us lore on the Isekai world, and possibly information on the Hidden Masters who we are sworn to defeat!

True. An important in-character consideration, if deliberating which path to research!

The last two are there just because they're good. Once and Furure King is the equivalent of a pure power EFB, while Ruling RIng is more of Progression/power Hybrid. Both are good, buoth are thing I want huger to have, but they are less essential than the above two. They'd still be a worthy goal to pursue.

They're both hybrids to a degree, as Once and Future grants implicit scaling via the nature of the Rank system at high+

Age and Treachery
Immortalizing your battle this update as a Feat is something you may want to pursue for character considerations regardless of mechanics - it doesn't do anything to the character sheet, but treating this episode as significant can definitely affect Hunger's psyche in a variety of ways. More willing to use deception in combat, more willing to use literal social combat, more careful, more aware of lateral means of attack, but also somewhat more ruthless, etc. It's slight, but could be relevant down the line if tendencies are reinforced.

One question I would pose to you guys is: given your current level of power, is it the proper time to be chasing utility effects, or should you make a serious effort to raise your baseline stats? There is a strong case to be made for the latter. Echo of the Forebear has not been offered so many times just because it's simple! Whether it's brute physical power or the highly-encompassing Rank, fundamentals are key to strength early game and late.

Pristine Star
[X] The Plumed Offering

[X] Evening Sky - Pristine Star

We're quite injured as is. Let's just recover first. Progression means that survival is the most valuable thing, after all.

Note that Pristine Star does not enormously improve speed of healing, so you'll be injured and Letrizia will be injured for at least several more days. Impairing not only your mobility, but your time free of the Decimator's Affliction!

@Rihaku: Hunger has several permenant injuries including a lost arm, and eye.

...does pristine star have the ability to fix that?

No, they were made by the Tyrant's blade. "Enemy effects may contest this" would certainly apply to a weapon of such power!

Expected as much but good to know. I'm assuming a sufficiently powerful ability can break that, but that's the kind of thing we'll find at higher Rank.

Pillars of Creation certainly could, or a specialized 3-pick effect. Some 7 Arete effects may be able to as well.

Second Form
Broadly speaking, I think Second Stage is an important form of damage mitigation in that it allows survival through an avenue that is neither healing nor protection. While it is unclear how long of a cooldown it has (and I expect an ability as useful as this to have a fairly long cooldown), it doubles our effective healthbar, provide a lethal surprise attack with increased speed and a chance to catch enemies off guard, prevents overflow damage (which is useful in withstanding a catastrophic blow far above our level), and provides progression for an ominous sounding Rage Form and the chance to say "This isn't even my Final Form!". This is the kind of benefit I would be willing to spend 2 Arete for and then stop investing in (probably to spend on Astral Rank) because of the sheer personal safety it provides.

It doesn't have a cooldown. Giving you twice the effective health and some utility benefits is good, but it's not that huge a buff in the long term compared to something like King of Thieves. It still doesn't offer any combat-speed healing, only healing you after a day has passed!

Actually now I have to ask this: @Rihaku: Forebear's Blade - Second Stage gives us a second form and reversion to full health. Does that include fixing our lost body-part injuries? I'm assuming not given it's only 2 arete, but it's also a forebearer effect, and those seem like exactly the kind of thing that could beat the Tyrant at his own game.

No, you don't even have those limbs in ghost form! The Tyrant's power is not to be underestimated!
But seriously, Vanguard's not that bad. High survivability, a hedge against betrayal and potential teamwork synergies, it does a little of everything. Not trusting Gisena just feels like a waste when we spent a Lesser Remittance on her and there are material rewards for it. The other builds make good use of that fourth pick and we can't use the Null Resistance tactics without her collaboration.

You are voting for the option yourself, you know! Though I do think the Gisena relation is overblown, she's your ally either way, it's more a matter of their personal feelings rather than compromising practical effectiveness. A good relationship might lead to increased effectiveness; it would be in areas more subtle than "use the obviously best strategy in a given life-or-death fight."


[X] Spill

This would put Letrizia at ++++. For reference sake, that was enough for Suizhan to offer us her eyes, so if there is any parity between this and EFB it would be rather massive.

Mm, it's not quite the same system as EFB, no. +Relations are still valuable, but it's not a 10 point scale and the +s you see on screen are just an indicator for their more nuanced complete feelings towards you. Nor is a high numbers of +s necessarily romantic!

But, a reasonable loyalty analogue nonetheless.


Given we didn't spend the extra arete to get a mitigation this update we aren't exactly strapped for it at the moment. Relationship +'s normally also have a mechanical effect at certain milestones as well as a narrative one. Plus since we need Gisena quite a bit more than she needs us I'd prefer she like as much as possible.

I wouldn't go that far! You're a Progression-type Cursebearer with an extremely broad set of powers whereas she's a highly specialized support-type mage with only moderately superhuman stats. She's hardly helpless by herself but she benefits much more from synergy than you do.

Is Seram's story actually affected at all if we take Gisena, for example the Accursed just clones her, or is it actually significantly affectrd, and Seram suddenly is an Amplitude User since she never used her Ultimate?

Could be a version of Gisena from a Manifest Realm that Seram never visited!


Balance honestly seems the most suitable for me to enjoy playing the more I think about it, we should be able to get its first slumber mitigation in not too hellishly long a time period

If you get Gisena, her Graces make it straightfoward to achieve first mitigation of any non-Doom Curse within a reasonable period of time. She's a highly specialized Third Coalescence Sorceress, basically the definition of a powerful archmage with respect to this specific application!


By the way, there are some synergy bonuses! For example, if you get both Gisena and Prolessarch, they will commiserate about how much they both hate elves, increasing group morale!


If we went with The King's Scepter I'd want the Forebear's Blade. While I'm quite keen on Praxis, I'm tempted by something like:

Interesting synergy, though you can probably afford to drop Intensify for Talon/Retinue/Relinquishment or a Companion. Gisena's fast Curse mitigation attacks the same problem that Intensify does (early survival) if you target the Apocryphal Curse, and with less variance.


Is this the same Gisena we knew in a simple transaction or an alternate universe version?

The latter, but her personality is pretty much the same.


Gisena can only be said to have the strongest effect on our early survivability if she is specifically tasked on mitigating the Apocryphal Curse, which A) means that we need to provide some impetus for her to help us basically nigh-constantly, and B) means that she is not doing anything else, including help mitigate our other Curses or help handle the concrete situation-on-the-ground, which, if we pick Praxis and don't pick something that adds additional combat abilities on top of it, could be bad enough to kill us both, even without Apocrypha.

Gisena mitigates all your other Curses too, given some more time. She offers a reasonably fast First Stage Mitigation for every Curse on top of her winning personality!

That said, I do think people are sleeping on the other companions and not just a little bit. I will say this. Given the characteristics of the thread, you will probably regret not taking Ceathlynn when you had the chance. Though that would make for a better story... hm.


[X] King's Knights

-[X] The King's Scepter

-[X] Accretion

-[X] Gisena Allria, the Nullity Sorceress

-[X] Forebear's Blade

-[X] Retinue

I like Seals a lot, but I really want to take Gisena here and I can't figure out a build with the two I like, so, given all this great info about Accretion that's come to light, I'll switch over. I've warmed up to it and it's starting to sound pretty cool!

Forebear's Blade is great with Accretion for smooth progression and Retinue+Gisena gives us a potential route to 2nd mitigations on our Curses.

There are ways to induce Coalescence as well. Just gotta get some findross or findross-equivalent energy!


Sure thing!

[X]Plan Maximum Curse Mitigation(Gisena Edition)

-[X]The King's Scepter

-[X]Seven Seals

-[X]Gisena Allria, the Nullity Sorceress

-[X]Forebear's Blade


Would it be possible for Talon to "drop" some findross for Gisena?

Hunger has it's uses, yeah, but as with Relinquishment I am trying to make Remittance agnostic vote; having Hunger with Praxis sounds somewhat impractical.

The easiest way by far to get a findross-equivalnt substance would probably be through Accretion.


Last game ended with us buffing blue girl to the gils and letting her solo Fates. Besides, if you are at point where you are advancing too fast for your allies to follow you are already winning anyway.

Hmm, Gisena's own superhuman social should allow us to Retinue people we otherwise wouldn't, now that I think about it.

I wouldn't say she's superhuman overall, unless you mean plebs who simp for her superhuman Appearance. She's probably like... CHA 4 MAN 4 APP 7?


Ahh, maxing out Appearance. Truly an exemplar Exalted character.

It's more that Sorceress Form boosts APP more than CHA and MAN, especially without a relevant Grace. Gisena's base form (before she attained Third) was probably something like CHA 3 MAN 3 APP 4.


Might actually be synergistic, since the Grace of the Maiden comes through acting in accord with Duty rather than studying. Fighting to defend the helpless (i.e. us) could count?

Fighting to assist a chosen hero, no less! Or would that actually penalize her Graces given the nature of her realm's Hero?

Gisena is not exactly the exemplar of Implicate Duty that Jeanne or Porcelain might be, but she does take her Sorcerous advancement seriously. She'll have a fairly good idea of what needs to be done for her to advance in power, both in terms of actions and artificial findross concentration.


[X] Luna Conquerer

It's nostalgic to be shooting for the moon again! Relinquishing Relinquishment hurts, there's no doubt about it, but Gisena gives us Curse mitigation and can pay her own way with the Geas of Indenture. With two avenues of thwarting dreaded the Apocryphal Curse, maybe we won't drown in our ideals and die? I say we're living in interesting times, and then this Curse crops up? Feels bad, man.

Anyway, this is the shonen murderhobo build from earlier, just with Gisena to mitigate Curses and provide social utility... and also presumably us kicking ourselves however many decades-to-centuries down the line that we have no vacation time. Its synergies are simple but potent: the blade which laid low the Tyrant, growing alongside us, and strategic displays of Hunger to try and coax Accretion into upgrading it.

Don't forget the synergy between high levels of Accretion and Gisena's advancement! Just as with Twice-Great, you get "free" advancement for your companion out of your inherent power combinations! Though it doesn't scale quite as quickly or seamlessly, Sorcerous boosts are very comprehensive!


Gisena's great! Avoid her cooking.


Finnneeee. Though, Gisena can also do some SCIENCE eventually?

She's actually very good at science, having superhuman Wits and all!


I thought Wits only gave superhuman thinking speed and acuity?

Which, combined with her natural intelligence, makes her an excellent researcher!


Gisena's three Graces are her tech affinity, bolts of energy and her nullification, right?

Her Graces are purely nullification-based. The energy bolts are bolts of nullification. She also has a very powerful aoe nullification, and a more precise close-range nullification ability.

Feels like the Maiden's trying to tell her something. But what?


It does pair well with our man's backstory. Speaking of, this was an impressive first showing, plowed through the enemy lines like an ambulatory meteor and got the kill. I wonder what Gisena thinks of this, her previous experience with golden-eyed enhanciles with absurd martial prowess hasn't been great.

His magic is closer to that of a Sorceress than an orc, so she's probably not bothered at all! But even if she were, would she show it? The hero is not the only one who must decide how much to trust their erstwhile ally, after all.


Think though we take a hit to our relationship short term long term it will help us fight by Gisena if we have some resistance to her ability.

It's true that she can't use her Tides of Nullity Grace indiscriminately while you're around, only able to unleash it in directions you're not or rely on her bolt attack. Get your Null Resistance high enough and you're basically looking at an asymmetric antimagic field situation!


That's not just ballsy anymore, she's completely entrusting her safety to the Hero. If he fails, she'd be the weakest target in vicinity of the giant monster. Yet she still offers a plan with such high risks to herself. Either she trusts him that much, has a trump card or two up her sleeve, or just plain doesn't care about the risks.

Once again, it's hard to tell with Gisena.

What's risky for Gisena is not necessarily what's risky for other people, both because of her nihilistic outlook but also because she rarely has to deal with anything above a peak human while she herself is superhuman. If the monster presumed to attack her, perhaps it would suddenly find itself dealing with the inconvenient mechanics of the square-cube law and all the other problems of behemoth physiology! Similarly, she's unafraid of most orcs (save those of Warlord class or higher) since she can reduce them to barely better than men.

Gisena is the master of dragging the fight down to the lowest level and beating you with experience!


I don't quite remember if that was a thing for Sorceresses. Did they have regeneration?

Well, Gisena does have superhuman CON, so she may have a Radiant Health-like effect. Or it may just be difficult to develop callouses due to said CON!


It is a bit annoying to have Force Unto lose and suddenly encounter problems it would've solved, but maybe this update wouldn't have gone so smoothly without the charisma boost. So it goes, live and learn.

Yeah, Gisena might have pwned you even more frequently if you hadn't gotten that +Charisma!


Thinking about Gisena, @Rihaku , how does her null powers work in the grand scheme of things?

Does she nullify what she considers supernatural, or what the "universe" considers supernatural? If, say, we go to a universe where the laws of physics are different, would nullify work according to it's laws? Does nullifying work in sufficiently advanced technology?

She doesn't know yet, she's only used it in 1.01 universes so far! It seems she can sense the nature of things she can nullify to some extent, since she was aware of the exact distribution of magical energy in the dragon-jackal's physiology?


Burning out a Grace sounds like the diegetic representation of an Ultimate's cooldown. It's promising that Nullity's capable of this at all. If she did it once, she can do it again. Perhaps the process can be reversed, letting her return home? But without severe time dilation, there might not be anything left by the time we're done with our task.

The Geas would make that difficult, moreso if she is heavily bound to Hunger. But it would theoretically be possible for one or both of them to go, with sufficient mitigation.


Perhaps we should ask Gisena to speak Joanian at us at some point to see if we understand it?


Gisena appears to have never lost composure in front of us so far. Personally I think her mask isn't far off how she really feels, but we can in no way be certain of that.

You don't think she's keeping anything major and immediately relevant from you, no. But she has her secrets!


That said, kissing wounds like that is deeply unsanitary Gisena. Please don't even joke about that, you're not a vampire-elf.

She has CON 50, she'll live. And so will Hunger! Unless he dies of embarassment first...


I stopped thinking of Gisena in terms of points once she became a character, but we did in fact use one of our lesser remittances on her. She's doing serious work, and we haven't even had curses mitigated yet. Fighting gribblies and pirates at the same time would've sucked. Was a good choice.

To say nothing of the work she's doing for team morale! Much as they'd protest otherwise, it's good to have someone with bright energy around, even if she is annoying...


That said, a question for you @Rihaku. I haven't read the original quest, so I'm not sure the answer, how long will Elves in general and Gisena in particular likely live, without the Decimation Curse factoring in?

Depends on a number of factors, Sorceresses of her power usually don't age much and she's still young (only a few years older than Jeanne, who was 19). If she continues to grow in power, it's possible that she can outscale the drain for a time. She's got CON 50 under Quantified World, which is a fair bit beyond peak human, so her natural lifespan is probably 2-3 hundred years.


omg you guys pls

I don't know that even the Accursed can protect us from the hammer that is Sanrio's lawyers

also are you SURE you guys don't regret picking Gisena now

Hm... I suppose she does have superhuman lung capacity for playing the trumpet. And, being a Renaissance Woman, might have taken the time to learn. But the real question is, where would she hide a trumpet? Certainly not in the Backpack of Starry Nights if it's Hunger's artifact!


One thing to think about if we're voting Keep, we already voted to tell Gisena about our curses last chapter and sought her help in mitigating them. So unless we social Gisena so that she's firmly in our corner we don't really have any guarantee she won't just tell Letty.

She does seem like a gossip, though a noble gossip!

You are pretty sure that Gisena would keep your secrets if you asked her to and/or made it a precondition to disclosing them in the first place. Not absolutely certain, but you do trust her with your life already...


Damn Gisena, how hard have you been hitting the books? If you weren't so gorgeous and charismatic, I'd call you a total fucking nerd. Seriously, she went from "wow guns are real neat" to "hold my beer and watch me dismantle this mortar". Sure, her nihilism plays a role but for Zia to not be freaking the fuck out, she must have displayed some serious knowledge.

She has superhuman wits and near-peak human intelligence, so her rate of learning is exceptionally quick! She was able to deduce something of the nature of your Curses just with her Grace's senses, after all!


Helping Gisena Coalesce might have something to do with getting a locale bonus for Accretion and giving it properties similar to the Manifest Realm. Easier with Rank, but... probably not going to happen here? The +Gisena's curious, though.

Why stop at incremental advancement when Sorcerous Evolution is on the table? The power of Progression knows no bounds!


It's amusing that Gisena disapproves of doing what you could claim is our duty!

Is that what she disapproves of? It could be as simple as working on something that will keep as opposed to something that is time-sensitive! There's no penalty for passing out, after all.


My, so solicitous of Gisena! I'm sure she'd be touched... but ultimately the subject of contention is still a fish. Might she get upset over such a thing? Perhaps, it is potentially of scientific interest and you did exhaust yourself procuring it. But there's no real risk of your actual cooperation being impeded.


More fuel for my spirit theory though, that its power was described as holy. Considering the name of the previous chapter, was this the pond Excalibur was thrown into? Did this fish have a bit of Excalibur in it or otherwise absorb a fraction of its power? Truly irrespressable vitality though, to recover so quickly from Gisena's nullification. I'm curious to see how it would fare against the Tide.

That wide-area attack was a Tide of Nullity! Just a smaller one.


Finally, since I cut Tyrant mitigation due to a more conservative Curse mitigation philosophy, I'm no longer taking an option that makes +Gisena tactically necessary. In light of that, I find Abstraction's point that it's better to get the + from choosing to interact compelling. Let's try to keep our relationships supported by on-screen scenes so our hero's sentiments and ours can grow together!

Hm... what the +Gisena bonus actually does is re-interpret the scene that happens this update to be ++Gisena instead of +Gisena. If you are interested in Gisena's character, it's a rather substantial difference.


She only has one dress, though, how's she supposed to spare another for the fish?!

You underestimate her... sewing skills.


At least empirical self-assessment means she's aware of her 'exceptional' cooking skills. Can't help but note she went from accepting defeat to dragging us off to assist with the fish in a short exchange.

She accepted defeat in one exchange and swiftly began another! Speed, the essence of battle.


And also I think this is a good in to findross research, considering that we didn't save Total Eclipse. Going to need to happen sometime. As-is, Gisena is...too squishy. I mean, in a good way, but also in a bad way. Healing is only relevant when your companions can survive attacks.

GISENA: Hm? I think you mean 'the perfect amount of squishy!'

We've fortunately dodged Doom of the Tyrant problems, so I think we need to seize this opportunity to forge closer connections so we'll have good intros into society down the line. I think we'll have plenty of time and opportunities for the other tasks. Repose is a patient build, so we should be patient.

Yeah, double +Charisma means that Letrizia was too intimidated by the hero to assert herself overmuch. She's actually got quite a fiery personality when speaking with her peers...


Runes? Glyphs? *Salt intensifies* Also, if that's a manual, we may have a literal case of the falling into the cockpit trope in action here people. Also for whatever reason I don't fully get I'm drawing Crest of the Stars connections now.

She's looking at the manual to see the proper protocol for dealing with Riftborne outsiders inside the Voyaging Realm! Isn't that adorable?


Someone with one of the most powerful mechs, even if it is injured and weakened, in this setting is undoubtedly Important. We'll pilot it yet! Preferably after learning to in the middle of an important fight. She's also a Duchess, so her support could mean more resources inclined in our direction when we join civilization.

Letrizia is actually a very important person! Her rank alone, plus being one of the few Armament pilots. Too bad her first on-screen social combat was against Gisena Allria and the hero!


Impressive that she's willing to trust the Hero on his word and isn't worried he would try to steal her mech or something. Can it act on its own or maybe remote controlled? That would explain some of her confidence, assuming she isn't just trusting blindly.

She's a Duchess! It's possible to live in battle and still be sheltered... by the likes of a giant robot!


'First Contact For Dummies'? They must encounter this sort of situation very often for such a book to simply be at hand inside the capsule. Even high-ranking military officers don't seem to have hand-held computers and are still using paper books for information storage.

Reliability has advantages that convenience can't match, for independent field units! Plus, books are cute!


Whether she can be trusted once we reach the city depends, I think, mostly on her incentives. We will need to keep those in mind as the decision of how or if we enter society approaches.

Good thing you guys voted to speak to her twice! Though as you've noted, there's nothing truly stopping you from dissolving your compact with her once she's reached her destination.


Hmm, if we drop her off at the city, go back in and get caught in a trap of not finding enough enemies to advance in Rank enough to navigate the area then wasting our time trying to get out for years that could be very bad. So convincing Letz to make this a summer joyride and delay getting back the corporate grind for as long as feasible seems like the better option. Especially since we chose to build a rapport with her.

And to do that, you need to... show her the joys of Fishing!


[ ] Spill

Substantially is probably mandatory if we do this

The hero does outclass Letrizia fairly substantially on the social scale. If you guys are telling Gisena everything about your Curses (which you are, assuming she doesn't already know, since that was already voted for), what's the marginal harm in telling Letrizia? Now you and Gisena will be able to discuss it openly as well!


While content-wise this may be the most attractive, I do still think that Spill+Fisher King is too risky; even if we prioritize Letrizia+s in the future, and she reaches sufficient loyalty to both spill any mitigation secrets she knows and not spill that we also bear the Decimator's Affliction to the governments, it changes how someone looks at you when they know that you're slowly killing them by being anywhere near remotely close to them

And she's already concerned about running out of time! However, the fact that you've mitigated this Curse and are making mitigation a priority (if you indeed are doing that) would certainly help a lot!


That said, anime white hair being more professional? What the hell is with the fashion trends of this century? Or is that her just being completely and utterly out of touch as a noble? Good to hear that she's actually got people willing to talk smack about her; she's not completely isolated.

"Isn't white hair cold, imperious and distant? Noble too. That's what all I shows I watch tell me."


Really don't know what to pick now, it'll depend heavily on just how much influence Letrizia actually has. She's really, really young though, can't be too much.

She's past her age of majority and has access to the privileges of her title plus personal wealth. Plus, it's not like just anyone can pilot Verschlengorge!


So the anime hair isn't natural, what a relief to know! I'd been worried we would develop some of our own if we spend too much time here - after all, Seram didn't expect to become a male Sorceress, but these universes have a strange habit of infecting invaders with their particularities.

You still could, the implants are cheap enough and not very intrusive. Get a thick head of your old hair, or your money back! For real this time.


That reaction was far better than I was even thinking to hope for. Sure all this talk about study to advance astral science could lead to bad places, but overall it turned out excellent so far.

Her Armament did just bow to Hunger. Power needs no prerogative.


Zee is just... not reacting to the Decimation thing. Even if she carts it around and is used to it, more unease feels warranted. Admittedly there's a lot going on.

She had a response, you just couldn't hear it over the Elder Implement awakening! Given that she's lived with knowledge of it for... a while, the fact that you have it is probably stranger to her than the damage it does...


Seriously, now that we know that they apparently already made peace with living with the Decimator's Affliction and that the Armaments are indeed connected to Curbearers, mitigation of Decimator became far less of a priority. If they hunt us down, it's because we would be an interesting specimen, not because of the damage we'd cause.

You don't know for certain, as Letrizia is not exactly a representative member of their society. And you did tell her that your Curse had receded.


It emerges from the water with a grace bordering on the obscene-- a sinuous thing of white scale, pink fin, and luminous eyes, like shattered rubies scarcely eclipsing a cold alien sun. Toroids of diaphonous metal, brighter than gold and lighter than air, serenely orbit its frame- buoyed by some manner of formless emanation.

It also... couldn't have been more than a meter long.

[You.] it intones, wordless, absent of any motion beyond refocusing its gaze upon Gisena.

[You have the potential to become a magical girl.]

For once, the Nullity Sorceress seemed at a loss for words. Perhaps taking her silence as implicit agreement, it wobbled about in the air from its place on your line; jockeying with gravity for a better view, maybe?

"But I'm already-"

Somehow, mouth still clamped shut around your Bait, the bizarre bass-like creature emits a noise of scarcely-veiled contempt before continuing to speak over her, unabated.

[Make a contract with me, and you can become a real magical girl.]

It may have also mentioned something about granting a wish, but it was hard to hear its disembodied voice over the violet-haired witch beside you.


The Legendary Kyubass

191 words

drawing? never heard of it

anyway what gisena needs is more transformation sequences, clearly

Tho honestly Letrizia would be more likely to be a candidate. The selection criterion is having strong emotions, after all!


Getting mitigation for tyrant can save us from one big social blow-up, and Gisena's the one I trust to actually know when best to use this. Letrizia might spend it on something less then vital because it seems important to her, which is bad.

Letrizia knows more about local customs, though!


The Duchess having a palace isn't a surprise, exactly, but it raises my estimate of her importance.

One has to hold a lot of territory to be a Duchess in an empire of twenty-seven hundred worlds!

[X] Pillars of Creation

[X] Hunt for Healing

[X] Forebear's Blade - What Rains May Come

[X] Fury - +1 pick above

New build after the clarification on What Rains May Come works. Eliminates wound penalities for us, essentially a better version of gamers body in that we no longer care about hp until we reach 0 and we get stronger the closer we are to 0. Neatly resolves Zea's injuries while giving a substantial power boost, letting us then hunt for healing to bring Gisena and us back to full health.

Pillars of Creation because after the revelation of how useful rank is when we're tired i.e not at all, I don't particularly care for an option that does nothing but boost our rank. I weep for the far superior Total Eclipse though. Now we can never have eye lasers.

Just because an option is not picked for Long-Term Planning doesn't mean it's eliminated!

Anyway, Rank is not very easily depleted, you only became Exhausted because you chose to pursue a legendary feat almost immediately after overexerting yourself by spamming dozens of high-powered blade winds in order to break your enemy's Evening Sky. The Tired condition is uncommon and the Exhausted condition is very rare unless you do something incredibly reckless, and Tired is very much preferable to Exhausted.

Would we be exhausted even if we had 3 +'s worth of Con?

It's a matter of spiritual force (which you're low on due to blade winds), so unfortunately yes.


If exhaustion goes away in two days... I would say it's an amazing trade for something worth 1 Arete, if not for the Apocryphal Curse taking every opportunity to be a dick. Still, not as bad as I thought. Which leaves a lot of room, 'cause I thought it was gonna be really bad.

It is really bad. If attacked by that pirate captain at this stage you would have had a significant chance of death.


[X] King's Blood

Not sure about the rest, but I think we want that full heal

While it will cure your wounds, it will not remove the Exhausted Condition! But none of the effects will achieve that.


If you shill Sealing at least do it right. It allows us to seal tiredness caused by Edge, allowing us to both spam it and apply that same tiredness on opponent - which, apparently, stops them from using Rank at some point.

The Exhausted condition refers to spiritual exhaustion - that caused by spamming too many Pressure-intensive effects i.e. blade projection and uber fishing.

Arete Debt
Well we've seen what 'fiscal responsibility' has done to real world countries: fucked them over super ultra hard forever. We're a country with military that can se FU to debt collectors progression class cursebearer, we can write checks, default on them when they come due, then outscale whatever auditors come in to investigate our marinated and well-done balance sheets.

Since you're writing checks of Arete, there's no audit involved, and the only way you're getting funny money is by paying me tribute discussion and omakes!

Or cold hard cash I guess, but the exchange rate on that would be pretty fucking heavy.


You'll probably want 7, instead of 6, if you're going with Fisher King. Exhaustion plus Arete Debt is not a combination I'm going to allow you to take because it would be suicidal.


How bad would a 19 Arete debt be? I think convincing people to go for Dead not Dreaming might be doable! Is it compound interest or....

More than 1 Arete debt = instant death.

But you can't take it on without my permission anyway! So no need to worry.


Is Spill that dangerous? Who is she gonna tell? Even her mom ignores her in favor of a doll!

Not Spilling gives Arete, which could alleviate Arete Debt or prevent it. And Arete Debt is quite dangerous, though not to the degree where you'd end up net weaker after taking a 7 Arete option.


Even in combination with Fisher King? Or is Arete debt a worse debuff than Exhausted?

It's worse, yes.

Like butter spread over too much bread...
[ ] Accretion

This sounds like the most disconnected from physical stats. More depending on mentality and will. It's probably best with either of the Vengeance paths and Dread but not Forsaken.

It's more to do with the achievements you make with the object and how well the two of you fit into a mythic archetype or compelling legend.


I would take it if I were voting Freedom, but it seems less good as Progression.

All arts are viable with the builds presented. Progression + Accretion means you would build links with items faster and get more results per iota of shared legend, for example. In a sense it's actually very good for Progression because of its indifference in the face of overwhelming firepower. Kind of like having access to perfect defenses.


Well I guess it's Nobilis Aspect/Treasure for me.

With high levels of Accretion it's also possible to create links to techniques, habits, and even locations! From Tsubame Gaeshi to Elrond's guardianship of Rivendell, or even (eventually) replicating the effects of an EFB Ring!


[X] Accretion

Good point about us wanting a power that still works well if we go berserk. Wonder if it can help when protecting someone important to us? Protagonist becoming more powerful when protecting someone is a really common trope.

[X] The Forsaken Mask

The mythic archetype of a berserker, while perhaps conducive to your overall power level while berserk, would not assist in reducing the collateral damage thereof, which would the the Mask's main concern. Since the Doom of Lunacy can be mitigated only by turning it into the Geas, none of the magical arts would particularly help in resolving its downsides.


Leaving aside any synergies/external powers, how much control do we have over Accretion's development? Are we stuck with a primarily defensive one, or can we respec into restoration?

One of Accretion's main weaknesses is lack of control. You'll get something fitting your thematics and the story you tell yourself / people tell about you. On the other hand, fewer build votes. But you're not allowed to complain if you don't like what you get - you chose this, after all!


Given that the thread is gunning towards Accretion, and looking ahead at the example Lesser Remittances we would get, I've really got to recommend picking up the Ring of Hunger. Just think about it: The Ring massively multiplies all experience earned in battle, which is then partially fed via Accretion into the Ring, thus strengthening it and increasing the EXP multiplier for the next fight, which would then feed more EXP into Accretion, which loops back to strengthen the Ring of Hunger...

Depends if Hunger is an iconic part of your core panoply. You don't really want to go past 2-3 signature items/techniques/locales until you get really high up there. People have limited memories and you don't have full control of what they will choose to associate with your legend. You can nudge things by prominently bringing up the ring at critical moments and displaying it openly, but it's not completely your say.


[X] Vendetta

-[X] Remittance: The Sword

[X] Seven Seals

Swapped back to Seals because I'm indecisive. While Accretions is undeniably powerful, being stuck with only 2-3 effects that we don't have real control over is kinda suboptimal. Even though Seals don't have quite the power available to them that Accretions do, the ability to have access to lots more effects definitely offsets that.

With Seals, a Vendetta Protagonist at least has some easy seals to cast and effects that he could use to bootstrap himself up. But with Accretion, there doesn't seem to be a way of training it naturally, relying on the slow speed of a Legend to congeal around you.

Seals gives us growth quicker, gives us access to sorely needed utility options, and still has room to grow via conceptual affects. Sorry, Accretion, but the lure of functional utility magic is too strong.

While I don't think Accretion is quite as convenient or powerful as its supporters may espouse, the primary benefit is not the 2-3 utility tricks but rather the increased metaphysical potency when hero and object are united. In White Wolf terms, it'd be comparable to raising your Essence / Arete / Blood Potency / Gnosis in a world where most people have a value of 1 or 0 in that stat. Your shit works well on them, their shit doesn't work well on you, even if on face it's numerically superior, and you have access to effects that just trump them in certain situations.


I'm surprised Accretion is so popular given the lack of control you would have. Its passive benefits are broad but building any sort of reliable special effect takes time, experience and notable feats, something that may be less practical to accomplish than simply training / studying or fighting enemies (with a Hunger build). Plus, with both Battle Mastery and Seals you can direct that progress the direction you desire, instead of being forced to simply accept the powers that unfurl. As a Cursebearer you don't lack for other options to establish conceptual primacy in the mid to long term either.


Interesting. Is Accretion actually falling behind? I will say that sufficient quantities of Accretion can act as a natural check to the horribleness of the Apocryphal Curse. The curse is basically all the bad parts of being the Main Character with none of the good parts, whereas Accretion allows one to literally develop a Plot Armor.


[X] Trustworthy Enough

Eh, how useful can magic resistance be really?

Resistance to your own magics being suppressed? It's quite a valuable hedge, given how dependent you can be on them. Of course you have some degree of natural resistance from your Accretion Rank but it's nice to have a more reliable defense too.


Keep Your Distance+Feast of Lives: Decimator's Affliction Mitigation and Meta Protection for our magic. Also Regeneration/lifesteal if you find that relevant compared to Decimator's Affliction

You do somewhat lack other forms of healing at the moment... not only does it grant lifesteal, but the out of combat regeneration should patch you up between fights! Though Rank would cause you to be less hampered by wounds than you ought.


400% Growth and ability to break conceptual limits to Accretion is rather massive.

On the other hand, Accretion is one of the magic systems with the fewest limits to break!


Yeah but how much harder is it to pilot a mech with 1 arm and 1 eye? Think of all the causalities from firing the super duper missile with that depth perception! We'd need a lot of Heartlessness to go with Shattered in that case.

It doesn't matter as much as you'd think with a high enough Rank...


Based on the comment about rank having a good chance of inducing coalescence, I wonder if that means Accretion can do things like create a scaling sub-boss if you set things up properly, Palpatine and Vader, reactor shaft optional.

Nothing so complicated as that!


Ah, but if people show they will vote for combat regardless of the risks then they enforce incentives to vote for combat enhancing upgrades to our magic powers!

But if you get wounded and can't fight then it'll create a death spiral where you're unable to get combat enhancing upgrades because you can't fight!

Accretion does lack outright magical healing unless you have a relevant power or artifact, unlike Battle Magic and Seals, so the risk of something bad happening to you is significantly higher. Of course, your Rank makes it hard to land telling blows on you and lets you heal more completely from most types of wounds, but there are limits to both and you can certainly be ground down over time and repeated engagements!

Since you're fighting a considerable number of enemies regardless of which option you pick, it may be wise to avoid picking options that cause you to fight even more enemies unless you are willing to risk it all on getting a useful effect!


I guaran-fucking-tee that Undying's gonna be super relevant, don't want to rely only on Accretion bullshit for survival. This update proves that it's good shit, don't get me wrong, but you can't be a glass cannon with our Curse selection. Also with this build we no-sell attacks while sleeping, shit'll be hilarious.

Undying is technically part of Accretion bullshit!


Evening Sky's unique to this update, but King of Thieves is as well. If we somehow manage to afford the former, it'd dovetail nicely with our charisma boost and make us less squishy. It has an amazing aesthetic, though if either of our resident artists don't find it appealing, it should be avoided no matter what. Hunger is by his own admission a shadow of his former self, but he could just be a shadow in general! Our nameless adversary managed to imbue his crew with shadows of the Evening Sky, maybe we could turn it into a bargain-bin Retinue?

Hm... the Evening Sky wouldn't shroud him completely, nor would it need to to provide its protective effects under Accretion's influence. Can't have a single object take over the impression of the panoply, after all!

One consideration would be available panoply slots, but the three artifacts you've got on hand are plenty versatile. Two objects imbued with a spark of power from the Accursed and one spun and clotted through the efforts of a Progression-Type Cursebearer!


Remember we're still a pathetic scrub even compared to our peak, who is a pathetic scrub compared to Verschlengorge's peak, and Verschlengorge's peak should end up being at best a scruffy youngster with potential compared to a hard working decently optimized Progression Cursebearer at the end of their stay in this realm.

There's actually an important element of your advancement that hasn't been touched on yet - your physical (and other stats) are mostly buffs from the Forebear's Blade, while the actual basis for your power is your Accretion Rank. Raising Accretion Rank allows you to perform mighty feats even without the corresponding stats, though stats are of course helpful (often very helpful) to have!

However, Accretion Rank is also one of the harder attributes to raise.


I'm curious that the phenomena she was describing this update are still so unexplored that she as a youngster in her 20s thought it was reasonable she'd be able to present novel insights into the field relatively soon. The fact she mentions that studies have only recently proved humans can gain rank makes me wonder if there's been some sort of background shift. Otherwise you'd think this would have been covered hundreds of years back.

Perhaps the instruments required to measure such things objectively only became available recently! Theory needs data to advance.

I'm impressed they're still making real progress at all despite the sheer scale of their empire. No method of storing information is infallible, after all.

Well, isolated or concentrated research clusters exploiting economies of scale (when applicable) can certainly help!


I guess it depends on how significant rank 3 is, the way she talked didn't give me the impression that it was previously some widely known/accepted phenomenon that just hadn't been fully quantified but everyone accepted was a thing. If rank three is still potentially within human norms

3.0 isn't blatantly superhuman in a provable way unless you've got them under pretty comprehensive surveillance, and even then most of the time they just seem like a really powerful normal human. Like a young Exalt with no peripheral, conserving motes and only using Excellencies, though that's an imperfect analogy.


Well, performing a legendary feat of some kind is one of the more reliable ways to raise Accretion Rank...

Note that most Accretion Rank gains will be fractional, especially as you approach the higher tiers. Kind of like EFB Stages but without flat stage buffs.


That we live in a mass media society is great for this because it makes it possible to fuel Accretion through resources. I don't think we've ever had a hero whose also been a sci-fi!Hollywoood superstar celebrity. We've even got the shitty attitude to go with it. Get the organization to pay for the promotion of our image, the countless battles we've been through would be a spectacular story. Movie deals, videogames, HBO TV shows, push our image as far as it will go. With out gorgeous face, solid charisma and incredible physicality, we'll rise to the top in no time. Imagine how far our Accretion Rank will advance when our name is on the lips of an entire interstellar civilization. When our face is on every billboard and poster. Gisena could be our co-star!

Careful that you're not branded a memetic hazard for taking too many +Appearance choices in the meantime! Imperia's problem could become your own!

And think of the fangirl swarms... *shudder*

Btw, fame is relevant to Accretion Rank but it's not necessarily an integral part, you can get just as much by painstakingly working on your weapon and manually improving it over time with ingenuity/craftsmanship, or by accomplishing great feats with it even if unnoticed. Though, the nature of the powers you would be offered may differ!


I want to be at 3.75 when the next opportunity comes! Accumulation happens one step at a time.

Well, if you fight a powerful enough enemy then you might get it all in one go, theoretically...


At least Saber helps us in that interim. Y'all saying that Rank ups are easy to get and will how up naturally in our adventure, but we got exactly zero Rank from killing a giant monster, not to mention all the critters and pirate crew we defeated along the way.

Killing a giant monster wasn't particularly difficult, however. In fact the fight itself was almost trivial with Gisena's aid! And neither was the pirate truly a match for the hero.


But that just confirms we need to put our ass into the fire for Rank increases. We have made it out of this with our behinds only a bit singed, so we should take it now unless we want to spend even more for it later.

But when you do something really difficult, you may gain back all that Rank or more! Assuming you don't have access to alternate means of Rank development at that juncture.


Given we have Hunger and Forebear's Blade, it was 'worth' killing 10 giant monsters and 10 pirates as a Progression Cursebearer. What a crazily synergistic pick. Seram was, what, level 30 at this point in time?

Yup, and you received Experience appropriately. But Experience does not translate into Astral Rank without some means of conversion!


This really impressed me. Did you come up with it on the fly following the arrete choices, or did you have it in the wings, waiting to mix it up until there were three things chosen?

Thanks! The former, but the idea that the hero would be constrained to three Accretion slots (unless Progression was used to improve that parameter) was planned for this system.


That said, I think our artifact set up is pretty good right now. We've got the Blade for offense and stat ups, the Cloak for defense and social and Hunger for scaling and utility. I've been working on something that could hopefully unify them thematically too but I think we're honestly good as far as elements on our panoply go. Better to develop what we have right now than think about messing around with anything else; once our Rank is higher then perhaps we could add Gisena?

You can't add a person to your panoply! Unless that person is an aeons-old biomechanispiritual horror utilized to suborn the nature of physical reality to its pilot's will, or something...


Now we shall become the archetypal adventuring party: fighter, mage, and giant robot pilot.

You really need a healer, though! Accretion's one weakness... at this point you basically have to hope for another pertinent Hunger proc after turning down Feast of Lives, find/hire a healer, or get access to another magic system!


The existence of Conjunctional Advancements is interesting. If we get Verschlengorge as part of our panoply, could we develop some for him?

One doesn't see a reason why not... the power of Progression is not bound by such limitations, after all!


Speaking of ways to buff Gisena, the Tyrant's Rank buff would certainly get you closer to a relevant Rank for Accretion-based findross manipulation... this on top of the Arete and Curse mitigations!

The Praxis
So, how does being a Combat Type affect the Praxis? Apparently all that matters to advance with it are effort and self sacrifice, so a Progression type should not advance faster with it than the same person as a Combat type. So either it doesn't advance fast enough to keep up with Progression, or it effectively makes a Combat type a Progression type.


They can both grow in the Praxis, but the Progression type will grow faster. This will become increasingly apparent at higher levels.


Rihaku, is it incidental that [ ] The Sword That Ends The World is described as 'the Praxis' rather than 'the Imperial Praxis', or will this remittance be granting us access to a different tier or version thereof?

The Praxis is the Imperial Praxis, yes. It's the lesser forms that have to include the prefix for clarification.


Hm... if one really wanted to be the Hulk, King's Scepter should be taken instead of Sword. That would perhaps make more sense since Praxis usage while berserk isn't a great combination tactically or morally.


With regards to the Praxis, I'll say this -

It's most suitable for those who are exceptionally capable of hard work and willing to spend selfhood for power. Granted the hero is quite good at this, but his past experiences in that very vein have left him a broken shadow of a man. Is that really the well he would return to when given an actual choice?


And sealing sound really interesting. What kinds of things would the hero start out being able to seal? What kinds of things are valid categories, outside of fire, stone, and self? It sounds like this magic can lead to some really fun potential for exploits and creative idea gathering.

But the Praxis is so demanding, if you go full Sword you won't have many opportunities to explore other arts, especially if you want to ramp up quickly!


I wonder if the reason that option was stated to be unimaginable hubris wasn't because of the Accursed himself, but because Nameless was using time-travel to steal a power set that's probably protected from that brand of nonsense. Why do I get the feeling he would've walked away with different Passions and orb choices because Cursebearer Nameless from the alternate timeline would have stolen his power, killed him, and then casually taken his place?

It's a kaleidoscope, but also a mirror. What do you do when every reflection gazes back?

Cursebearer Nameless would be a lot weaker unless Thrice-Great Nameless fucked up the temporal polarity and got something from the opposite direction (the very far future), so there wouldn't be any way to do so even if that's something he were willing to do! Besides, it's just the Noble Praxis, there are plenty of species that have access to that.


Interesting. There are entire species that have access to the Noble Praxis? We know of three levels - Imperial, which is implied to be cursebearers only, Royal, which can be gotten via lesser wish from a combat type, and Noble. I wonder if Noble is the lowest level or if there is more?

So, speculation time! How did entire species gain access to the Noble Praxis? I can think of a few scenarios.

A cursebearer spending Accursed favor or a wish to give an entire species magic?

Perhaps cursebearers who take the Imperial Praxis can get a lesser remittance that lets them teach a lower form of Praxis to people?

Maybe the Accursed has favorite nations or peoples who are given access en mass?

I did have an idea a while back about a hypothetical cursebearer Nameless who took Cultivation and the Praxis - if such a person ever developed a titanic inner world, perhaps the inhabitants would be able to use the Noble Praxis? A Dao of the Cursebearer could be really interesting.

Perhaps it's simply a dream of (somewhat) fairness, defiant against an uncaring universe? After all, even the Noble Praxis in time commands power enough to make the cosmos care!

Hmm, are stats boosts additive or linear increase? I.e. if we pick three, are we getting three times +10 or three times *1.1.

Closer to the latter, but it's a small difference.

Force unto is just incredibly linear in comparison; good at fighting and killing, but not anything that comes before and after. It would be even worse had it had no charisma, so we will still be more socially competent, just less so than Praetor and we wouldn't have the intelligence to back that up.

Mm, I wouldn't say it's purely linear. Having high physical parameters can help out a lot in various matters like reconstruction, delivery, fetch quests and so on. It's also not terribly linear in combat, just look at the variety of tactics our hero already displayed in the two fights he's participated in! Most fights at this level are about manipulation of physicality with the studied use of a few trump cards or special rules so having a great baseline and consistent sustain are very nice.

Interesting, Seram needed a title to unlock Presence: Intimidation, since social skills were beyond the remit of his Progression.

Seram didn't have a magic system that boosted social ability! Luckily the Forebear's Blade provides.

That's not really how it works though, we just got a full charisma build out of killing a jackal dragon, it had tangential relationship at best. We'd get some mech progression and some other generalized stuff, except due to the far higher tempo the mech grants us even the generalized stuff could end up being more than the total gains of some other potential outcomes

Yup, you can get a reasonable degree of control over your advancement even with Hunger because of how versatile Accretion is. Not as easy as the ability to train whatever you want, but that's the price of power.

Also, something I just thought of, may have already been mentioned in the thread(updates tend to take place at sleep o clock for me, so I get here for the later ends of discussion.)

Ten Thousand Inhabited Worlds. Just take a nice long look at that.We've only got 2.5K Years here, so if we personally were trying to conquer worlds 1 at a time we'd have to manage 4 every year including this one. More and more I'm finding myself quite happy with Nightmare Praetor, because this setting is large enough that personal power might just take a backseat to the ability to set up and run a faction.

Well, the nature of Progression is that it is far less subject to diminishing returns than ordinary forms of advancement...

There are many possible routes, some faster and safer than others! But personal power can yield victory, eventually, if clever decisions are made.


@George Agility is the equivalent of Seram's Dexterity stat, yes. It covers physical speed (to an extent, alongside Strength) and bodily coordination / control.


Sounds really powerful! As a Progression-type Cursebearer this would eventually make us, pretty much, literally Azathoth (except smarter and, hopefully, less evil, of course). Plus, not dying when we're killed is, indeed, very nice. But look a that cost!

You wouldn't need an ability such as this to become greater than that! If you survive, and grow strong.


This is the best upgrade, because it's free!

It costs Experience, as all selections do!


Azure moon doesn't provide healing in a relevant time frame. We'll have to pay 7 arete to get the magic system then spend precious time studying like a pleb and even then the better healing options will probably cost even more arete because that's just how Rihaku does things. The healing probably also won't be as convienant as "stab enemy feel better".

Advancement from Experience is different from Arete-based advancement, and not necessarily inferior. Consider Unshattered. How many Arete would it cost to replicate this effect? Unshattered would have taken you from Rank 3.5 to over Rank 7 at the cost of all your Experience (+To Shatter Heaven, +Permanent Maiming) from the dragon fight.


But we actually do want be fighting all the time. If we could find a way to stay in combat constantly we'd skyrocket in power.

Only if fighting against relevant opponents...


Feast of Lives vs Pitiless Maw is an instructive comparison. Feast of Lives, gained from Experience, cost 2 picks and significant opportunity cost. Pitiless Maw costs 1 pick and 7 Arete.

In most combat situations, Pitiless Maw is categorically superior, and by a fairly large margin

In terms of utility, Feast of Lives is superior (moderate regen even when not fighting, rare Decimator's mitigation)

On balance we can say the Pitiless Maw is better, but not strictly so. Even in combat there are situations where Feast of Lives would be superior (ranged duels). If one had to make a direct analogy, how much Arete do you think Feast of Lives would be worth? Assuming you're not bound by the 2/7/25 cost structure.


I mean, issue is that 0.75 Arete is not that good to be taken over Fury. Like, I think that standard minimal value of Arete is 1.5 stats(2 Arete for 3 stats with Undying Echo*), while minimal value of Fury here would be Echo(2 stats) instead of 0.75 Arete.

And we are not quite in position to save.

*Working under assumption that Con is "base" stat, similar to Might and Agility, as opposed to Wits, Charisma and Protection which appear to be "advanced" stats that are twice as expensive as base ones.

Might is Strength and Constitution. In isolation, Agi is considered more valuable than Con which is considered more valuable than Str. Remember, Undying Echo cost 0 picks and is a pre-req for more advanced options!

Int is considered more valuable than Cha which is considered more valuable than Wits, but all of this depends on the specifics of your build.

Astral Rank
What. Do we have to worry about being sacrificed to make a giant robot now? Or is it something like the Shadow Remittance Nameless could get? What a plot twist. What the fuck were the Foremost planning with the Armaments to artificially create something with a Accretion Rank?

Their method is actually not identical to Accretion, though the effects are basically similar to those of Accretion Rank.

With a fairly high Accretion Rank too considering the scale given. Its quite possible those Armaments surpass Hunger at his peak against the Tyrant. @Rihaku could you tell us what Hunger would guess his current self and peak self on the scale given for Accretion Ranks?

Rank 10 is to the Tyrant what the Tyrant would be to a toddler. It's vastly, almost immeasurably greater. Imagine if no physical force in the universe (or even arbitrary levels of physical force) were unable to so much as bruise the Tyrant, that's Rank 10. It's the point where things below a certain Rank just can't fight you at all.

I think Spilling would have more social consequences in terms of the civs rather than for Letrizia. If we tell her we can continue to accumulate power and Rank endlessly in return for being Cursed, she might understand us to be some sort of mini-Armament. That's something quite shocking, but maybe immensely valuable to the civs, especially if we can teach our own magic and break the Rank 3 cap humans of this universe seem to have.

It's already apparent that you can achieve Ranks higher than the humans of her society can, whether through expertise (perhaps Accretion is more efficient than the methods they're trying) or innate capability. Such Rank would you make an unparalleled tactician, administrator, general, etc... if they have no way of enhancing humans to match you.

It looks like Rank 10 = Stage 15 in Cultivation-verse. Infinite Power!

Mm, not quite. They do different things. A Stage 15 Cultivator is literally throwing around transfinite levels of force, while a Rank 10 being could have theroretically the stats of a normal human but the power of their spirit is so immense that they're able to defeat Stage 15 Cultivators (depending on matchups, Reality Effects and the like).


So the Monarch would be Rank 10 or above then?

It doesn't work on the Rank system, but a Rank 10 would utterly stomp the Monarch. Challenging a competent Rank 10 in direct combat would probably require access to at least the... 20th Ordinal or so.


Also that thing can still fucking talk. These thing are less EVA-like by the minute.

Of course it can talk, it's (theoretically) Rank 10! There's very little in this universe it cannot do, if properly motivated.

How does it feel to be reduced to merely another Implement in the Foremost Catalogue? A Legendary Progression-type for their ImpleDex, as was preordained!


Sure, for a whole day. I know immediate power can sometimes be weighed above long term growth, but are we really so hard done for that we need to sacrifice for a single day of better safety?

The Curse in question doesn't need a day, it only needs an instant! But you're not sacrificing all that much in the first place, it's not like .25 Ranks is that huge!


Non-outsider humans in this setting typically have a Rank between 1 and 3. If each whole Rank represents gains analogous to a full Cultivation Stage, we definitely want to get to 4 as fast as possible. Crown puts us within striking distance, so next time we do something heroic we're eligible for a Rank-up.

Mm, they're not quite like Cultivation stages. The early Ranks are smaller in distance, the later ones are greater. For example, a single peak Organ Refiner can slay dozens or hundreds of Ego Barrier experts, not so for Rank 2 versus Rank 1. To kill hundreds of trained and reasonably well-armed men in single combat would require Rank in the 3s, where our hero started.

In terms of actual combat results, it would be something like:

Low Ranks (1 to 3) - A 1 point difference in Rank is noticeable, 2 points is overwhelming (90%+ favored if other stats equal)

Middle Ranks (3.1 to 8) - A 1 point difference in Rank is overwhelming, 2 points is nigh-unwinnable

High Ranks (8.1 to 10+) - A .5 point difference in Rank is overwhelming, 1 point is nigh-unwinnable

Both the Hero and the Tyrant were around the high end of Middle Rank by the end of his journey.


Also unclear is why anyone would use this weird-ass scale, unless power increments naturally come in fixed units of Rank. If so, we should definitely go for Rank increases wherever possible, because they will compound on themselves and give us ever more returns for a given level of challenge. Rank+0.25 is nothing to sniff at now, but it'll be worth much more once we're in the higher levels, even allowing for our much greater power at that point.

Oh, I can think of a few reasons...


An interesting spread of initial votes! Note that .05 Astral Rank at this juncture represents significantly more than when you only had 3.5 Astral Rank!


An interesting spread of initial votes! Note that .05 Astral Rank at this juncture represents significantly more than when you only had 3.5 Astral Rank!
Hmm, does the Decimator's 1 year count time objectively or subjectively? IE if you use time magic to speed yourself up by a factor of 2, does that mean you now decimate all life every half year? Either way time manipulation would allow for some mitigation.

When were things that simple with the Curses? Unless we can time-freeze the Curse itself as mitigation (all but impossible given the blurb's "none of them are pleasant or easy"), it's bound to count the time in the most inconvenient way possible.

Yes, it's the most inconvenient framing, but there are ways to mitigate that. Direct conceptual assault is usually the cleanest method, it varies from Curse to Curse, but other ways are viable and often cheaper but not as broad.


If our affinity to the Devourer is linked to our Decimator's Affliction Strength, and communing with it gets us the opportunity to spend Arete points, what are the odds it gives us either

A. A way to turn the Affliction into a focused weapon

B. Decimator's Mitigation.

If the mech is somehow able to cause a third impact analogue we may get a lot of mitigation eventually.

An interesting question! Weaponizing the Affliction is a popular idea, but the concept that a Curse will allow you to use it for your own benefit... well, that'd take some serious B)!


Amazing that a Curse can be held at bay for 2 entire years through just mortal effort, even from a Progression-type Cursebearer. Makes me wonder about the nature of the Affliction. For it to be sated by by something like that indicates that the key to mitigation might now just be in growing infinitely stronger and attacking them with increasingly sophisticated and powerful forms of conceptual+++ assault.

Perhaps! For some cases the latter really is what's required...


@Rihaku, are there no individual Affliction mitigation? I don't want Gisena or Zee to lose her life force.

It's theoretically possible, as almost any form of mitigation theoretically is. But you've never been offered any options like that.


That said, since it's a part of mitigation as opposed to an implicit part of the curse itself... @Rihaku, if we do eventually get to a point where we think getting 40% better conventional mitigation is more useful to us than being able to hunt things down to Sate Hunger, can Gisena undo this mitigation? And if she does, would that "reset" mitigation process on the curse by one degree, or would that stage of mitigation be lost forever with no long term benefit?

You're not certain, but Curses being what they are, it would probably be optimistic to think so.

If you don't spend the 2 Arete here, it means Gisena is still working on the un-mitigated Curses in the background, but she's not making good progress on them for one reason or another. Time taken up by greater priorities, or just finding the Curse resistant to mitigation (Tyrant, Apocryphal). If you do, it means Gisena has a flash of genius and makes good progress on mitigating all three immediately dangerous Curses.


@Rihaku you missed my question: If we take both Decimator mitigations at once right now does the hunter one reduce the effect of the direct one, or does that only apply to future efforts?

You can't, that would be 2 stages of mitigation. Gisena's not that strong. If she could Nullify the whole universe...


Most importantly though, it has super-high synergy with Huntress's Moon. This can be used once a month, and can probably generate a hunger sated target. Guess what, Decimator's is done with permanently. This is super increasing my enthusiasm for Huntress's Moon, I hope the vote hasn't closed yet. If we get Huntress's Moon this is absolutely the best 25 Arete option.

Like most forms of non-mainline mitigation it will probably work well at first, then slowly spawn fewer and fewer Huntress targets over time. Still, an incredibly valuable asset in the long run.


We are on a timer thanks to Decimator and don't progress much from training besides. I wouldn't hold out on developing non-combat applications for it. We also need to Hunt, and this would be a pretty good provider.

Would it not be better to reserve the game of Pillars until you've reached some degree of depletion from natural targets? That way you won't invoke Curse-based efficacy degradation until you need to.

Decimator Mitigation
These are major mitigations; that means per curse the next one costs the energy output of a whole universe while the first can be done by a skilled archmage like Gisena. It's very important we take the right one because we won't be getting a second any time soon. We're moderately delaying our first major/permanent Decimator mitigation to explore our options, not giving up a bargain.

The Decimator's does have means of mitigation that are adjacent to the mainline mitigation, as seen with A Hunger Sated and Feast of Lives. It's "easier" to mitigate in that you can combine those with mainline mitigation to get a good result if you're willing to put in the time / effort.


This is an oblique but emphatic warning against Huntress, which impedes other mitigation approaches. If Huntress only interfered with Decimator mitigation I might be willing to consider arguments, but given the information we have now my vote will have to change.

Huntress' Moon Technique does only interfere with Decimator mitigation, yes.


Apocrypha and Hunger already exist though. Murdering level-relevant opponents is what we are doing anyway, so we don't really need to change our gameplan to benefit from Hunter.

Being a murderhobo solves everything, basically.

Note that the requirements for Huntress' Moon do include notability or challenge, but by themselves do not suffice. For example, you could have to target a highly guarded nobleperson, or a prominent artist of some kind.


Or, the pirate reminded us of the Tyrant and triggered a response from us, which ultimately sated Hunger. So the Moon increases the chances of provoking a visceral response from us that also leads to Hunger being sated with killing the reflection of our enemy.

It doesn't do that, but interesting thought!

Tyrant Mitigation
I do think people are underestimating the value of having some Tyrannical mitigation at this stage - while you're not in civilization yet, there are still societies within the Voyaging Realm that have their own internal laws and customs, and many would be capable of taking you as you are now! If you want to leverage your power of Thick as Thieves and +CHA from Evening Sky most effectively, either of the Tyrant mitigations could help. Direct Mitigation is quite useful when you already have overwhelming personal presence and force of spirit, and people are more likely to be polite and deferential in the first place! And Counsel has obvious uses as well. As a Progression-type, power is often the easiest thing to gain over time. Mitigation however is a precious near-irreplaceable treasure.

A Hunger Sated
Honestly I think that this is rather a downgrade. We don't know about its additional effects be they positive or negative, but what we do know is that it no longer prevents Decimator's Affliction from draining the world. Hunger Sated at the moment, so long as we rigger it monthly, will straight up stop Decimators Affliction. So long as we can do 6ish battles against worthy foes per year it matches Quelling without us having to bother spending Arete, and its possible to get even greater effect.

You don't know whether Hunger Sated is repeatable, or under what conditions it triggers. You weren't offered it for beating the dragon, which actually gave more base power than this guy.


Hmm, we were offered it implicitly in Time and Tides.

The big question, really, is: Does selecting an Arete benefit for Hunger Sated affect future procs of Hunger Sated? Because this would be highly helpful in mitigating that curse.

You don't have any concrete information on the mechanics of A Hunger Sated. Probably best to assume it will occur infrequently if at all.

Hmm. @Rihaku, question: does Quelling start ticking down immediately or only after hunger sated fades? Because if its immediately its not a good choice at this point in time, given we can probably earn enough arete before hunger sated fades to buy it then.

Well, this is your only chance to spend Arete on A Hunger Sated for this proc. You don't yet know how common the procs are but it's perhaps safest to assume they're not very common!

By default, we can kill and consume one mini-boss tier enemy to suppress the curse entirely for 1 month.

The specification needed to qualify as a valid Hunger Sated target is far more narrow than just "mini-boss!" Without Huntress Moon you have no idea of when you'll encounter a Hunger Sated target again. Even with Huntress Moon it's possible it could be very infrequent.
The mentor occupational hazard's universal. With the mortality rate in these quests it's a wonder anyone but the already-Doomed ever take on apprentices.

The Preceptor's Doom

*You will meet a talented apprentice who is eager to learn your ways. They possess potential the equal or greater of yours, follow reasonable orders, and are likely to carry your teachings, both practically and morally, with them on their continuing adventures. Loyal, resolute, and capable, a well of incalculable power lies within them, just waiting to be awakened.

*... Why is this a Curse?


Interesting thought, we would thus submit to our own rules and customs. Which, if our hero still has modern world sensibilities internalised, could mean that he largely refuses to haggle or bargain on prices, treating initial offers as the only possible sticker price. Absent sales and coupons, and not counting buying cars, real estate, or other such exceptions as make sense in his head and/or emotions.

Possibly with the occasional demand to see someone's manager, if service is not to his satisfaction.

Doom of the Karen

You will always receive substandard service. The person you speak to about it will always be the manager, and will always be unhelpful. Any attempts to escalate this will always end up with your roundly mocked and humiliated in a public arena. You feel compelled to escalate nonetheless, but will never successfully escalate beyond line management. Before employing other methods of conflict resolution, you always sincerely attempt complaining first, even in matters of violence, even if your interlocutors have been unresponsive before.

Yes. I'd take the three wishes option, and use one wish to resolve my current life in some satisfactory manner that doesn't leave my parents and loved ones grieving my disappearance for the rest of their lives. Not sure on the exact build, but it wouldn't matter that much. Compared to real-world curses like watching someone you love get dementia, or things like anxiety and depression, the ones offered by the Accursed just aren't that bad.

The versions he offers are only what mortals can bear and remain effective Cursebearers with!


Brand of the Champion would work well with Doom of the Matyr.

We might not even notice.

That would be terrible! Brand provokes quests and Doom makes you unable to resist them from a subset of the population.


Given that Curses are a level "below" the Accursed, how would Doom of the Tyrant interact with Doom of Lunacy? Would it just lock Lunacy in "Doom" mode and prevent the transition to "Geas of Lunacy", or would there be a more complicated interaction?

The Geas transforms your values such that the target of your devotion is more important to you, so you'd do things "for their own good" while refusing to acknowledge any boundaries or rules they set up. It would probably lead to an extremely dysfunctional relationship.


I mean, Tyranny and Decimator are kinda the best to take together as their downside is more or less the same, which is to say being enemy of the world and stuff. Then you have something like Sleeping and Lunacy which directly exacerbate each other, with sleep giving you less time to train and Lunacy dropping your stats on top of that

The Decimator's Affliction has far more practical consequences than that, if unmitigated. Slowly killing everyone around you, requiring you to stay in life-rich areas or die yourself, the entirely justifiable and non-existential angst of being a literal Wound that Walks, etc. And since Decimator has many mitigation options, you may want to keep the capability of peaceful cooperation in case one of the better ones requires it!


Between Slumber and Lunacy, my instinct is Champion+Slumber or Plenary+Lunacy, because Lunacy is a more severe nerf but offers less room for our enemies to exploit it, though then again Sword offers an element of progression and presumably curse-mitigation regardless and thereby is anti-synergestic with Lunacy. Or we could go Champion+Plenary and just sacrifice social.

Plenary + Lunacy actually does have a real synergy in that the Plenary Brand broadcasts the truth that this isn't even your final form. Makes threats a lot more credible!

Affliction of Slumber
I also thought like that but then, well most people already give half of their existence to sleep. Sleeping 16 hours every 24 hours is basically sleeping 8 hours every 12 hours. Which is the recommended amount for a human.

It's true that people can do it with less but humans still give 1/3 of their existence to sleep even with the best case.

So the curse is...well not that bad. Especially if you have the power to make sure you are safe. We can even lower it to 14 hours easily, which means 7 hours of sleep every 12 hours if we do the previous math.

Slumber's most restrictive aspect is that it stops you from benefiting from time dilation. Its second most restrictive aspect is how badly it weakens you if you lose sleep, creating a vulnerability that intelligent enemies can target. Of course, the latter matters less if you're a Combat type that outscales most opposition, but your enemies really only have to succeed once... unless you have the Regalia or Three Wishes.

In conclusion: Consider the Remittances that come with inbuilt plot armor!

Decimator's Affliction
So, it's not explicitly spelled out, but I'm guessing Decimator absorbing 10% of the life force of an area every year would be very bad for the people and things actually living in that area? Will everyone and everything start dying off if we drain too much life force? If so, I can't really justify taking that.

Yup. But it's one of the easier Curses to mitigate.

I prefer decimation thought.

Why paid the price yourselves when you can have Mexico other people paid for it?

Well, depending on the sophistication of the society you're interacting with, they may discover the source of the decimation afflicting their world... the Curse doesn't provide any special means of concealing what you're doing, after all.


What sort of mitigation is available? If we are in a subspace-like realm, are we treated as in the absence of such, or does it depend on the amount of life in the sub-realm? So we could create for example a dedicated lush realm that regenerates itself of all life constantly as a mitigation method.

There are many types of mitigation, but no such realm is likely to survive multiple decimations intact. Remember, the Curse affects total life force. It doesn't matter that only 1% of that life force is being expressed in the realm with the rest held as resevoir for regeneration. There is no sustainable low-effort way to mitigate the Curse indirectly!

Huh, what if we gained a way to restore, create or convert life force? Think that was one of the abilities of the Scepter. Would the Curse just automatically expand its region, so we don't "gain" on it?

Depends on the conceptual weight of the power itself. Either the life force wouldn't fully qualify or the fundamental basis of the power would erode over time. You'd get some use out of it, just not sustainably.


Additionally, Is the absorption as such:

100->90->81->... (*0.9)

or as such?


It's multiplicative.


The Decimator's Affliction sounds like it'd pair well with the Geas of Indenture. An Afflicted Cursebearer's presence is a sword of Damocles hanging over the world entire; if they don't comply with our demands, cede sovereignty over whatever territory the Geas has charged us with conquering or offer up the hero's head on a platter... well. The matter's not up to us, the Curse is an effective precommitment if the radius is large enough; only they have the power to let us move on and become somebody else's problem. Utility would vary world-to-world and it'd be more of a headache with longer task durations, but it'd be manageable.

It varies heavily. Some civs wouldn't be able to confirm your claims or wouldn't believe you. Most civs that can take you would probably prefer to kill you, much simpler than transferring their government over. And if they're weak enough to capitulate anyway, the Affliction itself provides no gain.


This does raise the question of how the multiverse survives when the Accursed has the Affliction of Decimation. Who would have thought applying that to the Accursed would be a good idea!?

Who says it does? Because the affliction is multiplicative, it won't ever quite run down to zero - we might just be living in the impoverished remaining (0.9)^n % of reality that's left after an axiomatic and retroactive destruction effect repeatedly destroyed a full tenth of all concepts that once were possible but now are not, and will only continue to exist until the next XK Class Reality Restructuring event again decimates us.

The answers to this particular matter are actually quite accessible if you take the Curse in question. Suffice to say there are plenty of options besides letting the decimation run its course!


I'm worried that this will directly kill off 10% of people, or worse, if there are a few super strong people and their friends and family, it might take all the life force from the latter, leaving us with many powerful enemies.

It will reduce everyone's lifespan in the radius by 10% per year. Very unhealthy people could die, yes.


I don't get people picking [ ] The Decimator's Affliction on either the freedom or vengeance paths. It doesn't follow at all from the character introduced in the opening post and just smacks of mechanics based bullshit. At the end of the day, the hero still held to his idealistic dreams of a better world. This is at minimum a 1/2 a continent scale wide (up to solar system wide for combat types) death effect that @Rihaku literally says can kill weaker people and will shave 10% of the lifespan off of everyone else in range per year. Imagine how many dead children, elderly and just plain unwell people that is per year. The hero is actively choosing to kill hundreds of thousands or millions of people by his very presence each year. And mitigation is explicitly called out as being really hard and really unpleasant.

All forms of mitigation are difficult, unpleasant, or come with some type of drawback. The Decimator's Affliction is actually one of the easiest to mitigate in that it offers lots of mitigation options that are at least somewhat effective. Basically you're paying a time and effort tax to reduce the damage the Curse does. Or you could live somewhere with only villainous inhabitants.


[X] Balance

As much as I like the combo of Vengence and Praxis, having my cake and eating it too isn't worth the risk. So long, Praxis.

I picked this over Vendetta because slowly killing the world is kinda shitty, especially given the protagonist clearly cares about the common people. I like a bit of EDGE, but cold rage and plotting appeals to me more than fury and daring the gods to strike us down. Though they both have their appeals.

Also because it lets us pick our battles. Vendetta, simply by existing, demands that the world come to him and strike him down before he kills them all. Balance on the other hand is free to engage or disengage as he pleases. One enemy at a time please.

The lack of time is a problem, but the the artifact Hunger shows that this is a problem we can solve, though not easily.

Hunger also makes sleeping comfier! The best of both worlds!

I will say that the Decimator's Affliction does not necessarily provoke people to attack you - they have to figure out that you're the source first, the speed of which depends on a number of factions including the sophistication of their civilization. And by the time they've determined that, you may have mitigated the Affliction in a way that transfers the costs elsewhere.


Rihaku, given that we have the Decimator's Affliction, do we have a sense for the amount of life-force in our target area (even if only on the level of 'sufficient/insufficient'), or is it hidden barring another ability?

You'll start feeling the drain yourself if the life force is insufficient. So it's a binary thing.


The other reason why Retinue is especially useful is that our companions don't suffer Curses, so they are well equipped to handle our problems. Diplomacy, curse mitigation or effort expenditure on our behalf - If getting other people to do the work for you appeals, then this is the option for it. In particular with the Apocryphal Curse and Decimation Curse, they scale to our level, not to our companions, so that can be considered mitigation in of itself already.

That's one way of mitigating the Decimator's Affliction! Just never be strong enough to increase its range and have loyalty-pledged Companions do all the work for you! A Nameless-level strat!


...Plus, it'd be possible to chuck all our companions into a Hyperbolic Time Chamber, as they wouldn't be affected by our Curses that make that kind of thing bad for us to do.

You don't have the Affliction of Slumber, so you can use Time Chambers. Just gotta find a way to deal with Decimator's drain.


Well, I was more referring to Decimation with Time Chambers. I suspect it would be difficult to be safe in a similar concentration of life energy of monsters compared to people, plus monsters don't usually clump together as much unless they have a form of community? And guaranteeing we had say, one continent of people-free space loaded with enough monsters to Decimate would probably be time consuming, to say the least.

Decimation doesn't care about type of life, only about total life energy. If you live on a planet with only animals and trees then you'd be just as healthy as if you lived on a civilized world.


This seems like it's not going to matter much soon. Unless we get a weird Xanxia world that's thousands of times bigger than normal once we hit the whole planets range which will be soon if we haven't already (Or solar system if it's got orbital colonies and such) further increases in AoE will still be doing intrinsic damage to the space, but it's on a level no one will really be able to notice or see any effects of until we increase into galaxy relevant sizes.

The actual focus on mitigation seems like it's more productively set on how to slow the life drain of what's going on in our range rather than slowing the increase in size. Worrying about what happens when we're a galaxy drainer can wait until we have a better idea of how it actually works.

Unmitigated, the life force requirement would continue to increase, however!


I don't think a difference in magnitude will really help. Gisena is useful for the other Curses but when we're talking about something on the scale of the Decimator, the change needs to be qualitative, not quantitative.

Luckily the Affliction of Decimation is one of the Curses with the largest variety of mitigation methods, both in terms of means and end function!

The Ring offers nice Reaper mitigation, but arguably the worse case for the Reaper is we get put into a place with not much lifeforce and Reaper starts to cannibalize us.

Reducing the drain rate does reduce the energy requirement overall (though the arrow of causality is actually in the other direction), so it would help with this unless you also run out of food as well.

And what does 10% fundamental life force even mean? Do we suck about people's lifespans? Prevent fertility?


Oh yeah... Show's where that was at in my priority list. Looking at it, 50% for 6 months (Plus Mystery) for 2 arete is kind of an awkward middle ground. It's hard to get too excited about it, partially probably because the way Decimator works is kind of abstract to begin with, you don't see that visceral reaction of having Gisena wasting away before our eyes as an example. So even though there's a big impact in drain rate it doesn't feel all that significant.

Externalities just aren't that sexy.

Indeed, the fact of the matter is that the Decimator's Affliction is doing more damage to both environment and inhabitants than almost any ecological disaster or resource-extracting megacorp... and yet the response is to do the bare minimum from the majority! Interesing how priorities go, of course one can make the argument that your survival will instigate a greater good but who doesn't say that?


If they have a similar curses to our affliction, they may have specific solutions and mitigations too. I say Spill but will vote for it later.

Perhaps... Letrizia isn't dead or unnaturally aged to a noticeable degree, but they may just have vastly higher lifespans in the Human Sphere!

Brand of the Champion

[X] Brand of the Champion

It's time to collect 20 bear asses.


Champion is in some ways even worse than Wretched - a powerful Cursebearer can simply browbeat people into doing as he demands, even if he is hated. A Champion must perform the requested task regardless. No amount of coercion or even common-sense willingness to avoid conflict can compel them to do as you say with the inane task unfulfilled. It's less risky than Wretched and less harmful to one's ego (for those who care), but also much more inconvenient when it matters.


It just seems like it would be annoying to be unable to do something as simple as buy food or ask for directions without undertaking some task first. I would expect that this would eventually lead to a very high degree of isolation or reliance on intermediaries simply in order to avoid being overwhelmed with tasks.

You can't get around it with intermediaries unless they're immune to the Brand. The intermediary will typically ask of you a task that incorporates the difficulty of tasks to be delegated.


Are the requests something that must be from the person?

It's a side quest, so killing unrelated creatures to clear the way to the quest giver doesn't affect it.


I wonder if Brand of the champion can be partially mitigated by simply allowing one of our potentially immune partners to do most of the talking or act as the intermediary while we stay far away. But that sounds too easy?

You can have them do anything they would normally be able to do, but if they need outside help for a task on your behalf then the sidequests will occur at that stage. But we are talking a mostly unmitigated Brand. The Doom of the Tyrant is very difficult to mitigate, but the Brand is not especially so. You can ease into society from side-quest hell if you put in the effort.


[X] The Forsaken Mask

Just grab your waifu and have a happy laifu.

1/4 the power of a Combat Cursebearer is nothing to ignore either, to be frank, and with this we can, like, actually talk to people and society and not be an asshole?

We'll still probably be stronger than we were at our peak in the previous world, especially once we actually heal our injuries, so I don't see much reason we couldn't use that power to still progress towards building that better world, should our new home require such efforts.

You could do that with Balance as well! Honestly I'm not sure why the Champion's Brand gets such hate. It can be mitigated and there are people naturally immune! The simple fact of its mitigation means that it's probably less annoying than Tyrant in the long run.


Also, people falling for Rihaku's devil advocacy, smh. Balance is the option which literally most limits our contact with the world thanks to Champion+Slumber without giving anything unique like Scepter or Sword. It's versatility ultimately falls short of Three Wishes, and the minor powers and extra lesser Remittances are not especially relevant given the escalation and acquisition capabilities of a Progression-type. The most relevant effect it has is the rewind; which is there to compensate the lack of raw power. But we can just get power. We can get ludicrous power. Especially with Sword. I'd rather have a single, key power than a butch of minor advantages that may or may not be useful.

I really don't see why people keep thinking Champion's Brand is more isolating than Tyrant's Doom. Given mitigation it's certainly not true in the long run, and even in the short run there are people who are immune. If you just want to socialize you can just do some minor task for a character to have them be willing to socialize normally for a week. And it's less dangerous than Tyrant as well, since you're less likely to go around making enemies everywhere!


Plenary Brand
Do note that taking the Plenary Brand without Progression will eventually force you into some form of progression in order to keep up with its scaling! That's not very comfy.


Doom of the Tyrant is probably the next best option, although it definitely harms our ability to negotiate for power. Plenary is probably still fine if we take effort to mitigate it to some extent. And take care not to broadcast attention to us, although the curse makes that pretty problematic..

Plenary is still pretty inconvenient from a quality of life standpoint, just not as bad as something like Brand of the Wretched. But you'd still basically be like an A-list celebrity who has to walk around in their most recognizable getup all the time. Either develop a reputation as an asshole or have fun being swarmed!


Plenary Brand and a defensive Accursed True Wish that could stop H.P. Lovecraft's worst nightmares trying their level best to kill us seems like a great combination honestly. Even Lunacy has the upside that people seem to be skipping over, namely that we can suppress the change from Doom to Geas if we put in the effort, in case the target of it would cause more problems than having a Hulk for would solve. Not without effort of course, but some discussion was having it be a sure switch over.

Plenary Brand broadcasting 'hey we could kill you' without actually having to go Lunacy Hulk and risk people around us to prove it also works as great synergy as noted.

You don't know whether Plenary Brand would advertise the True Wish to characters remotely near your level. It may be beyond their comprehension. The power of a Combat-type, sure, but it may also include definitive weaknesses like "can't actually use his power without killing everything on the planet, including his wife and child, and therefore won't use his full power unless absolutely necessary." There's a lot they can get away with before reaching that boiling point, especially if the hero is the type of personality to choose Forsaken Mask in the first place.

Brand of the Wretched
If Seram had made the choice to scram immediately I think he probably would have lived so I don't particularly agree that the starting scenario would definitely have changed.

Seram also had the Brand which caused the orc to attack him. There are many decisions he could have made to survive that encounter, like taking Pay to Win or New Game Plus.

Apocryphal Curse
I waa wondering, can Aprochral Curse be mitigated, and if so what are the forms?

Yes, the Apocryphal Curse can be mitigated. Common forms are, "make it so that it only triggers every X years," causing catastrophic events every time but giving you some peace of mind in the interim, or just "make it less bad / less frequent."

Relinquishment has some interesting uses. Activate it before your confrontation with the Apocryphal-granted nemesis and ensure they don't get a helping hand from the Curse,

Wait we have a nemesis?

Should you survive, you'll have many! Sometimes multiple at once!

Wow no wonder the Apocryphal curse is worth two regular curses if it spontaneously generates nemeses. We should probably mitigate it first.

It does a lot more than that!


Interesting. Is Accretion actually falling behind? I will say that sufficient quantities of Accretion can act as a natural check to the horribleness of the Apocryphal Curse. The curse is basically all the bad parts of being the Main Character with none of the good parts, whereas Accretion allows one to literally develop a Plot Armor.


I mean isn't that a good thing. Instead of spending our time grinding in isolation, we can actually go out, deal with the plot, fight our enemies and do awesome shit.

Hunger + Accelertion synergize pretty damn well.

Plus, even if you tried to grind isolated, you'd still live in interesting times! Grinding is just asking for trouble...

Keep Your Distance Builds(I realized this may have potential as a form of insurance against Apocrypha Bullshit):

Indeed, encountering some form of power sealing at some point is almost inevitable with the Apocryphal Curse!

He means we've been promised a regular supply of nemeses from the Apocryphal Curse. Though I don't think it means they'll be automatically as strong as we are, so advancing swiftly still has value.

Correct, similar to the Geas (though not as permissive) the Apocryphal Curse only has imperfect scaling, and some of its challenges aren't scaled at all or are disruptive in a way that doesn't risk your personal safety. It's possible to get ahead of the curve if you do well, or fall behind if you do poorly. Considerably less forgiving if you do fall behind, though.

I wasn't really considering that kind of risk at all, just whether fighting this convenient Tyrant stand-in right as we both need progression and want emotional resolution is a good thing or not.

It's definitely a substantial coincidence or Apocryphal Curse proc. The time you spend here could well see either you or Gisena get injured, which would set you back the rest of your trip, complicate matters further down the line, etc.

The Apocryphal Curse is already putting us into trouble lol

Grabbing power will always be risky because of Hunger; we can't just sit and train. We have to take the risk anyway.

Not quite. You do have the opportunity to seek out worthy opposition independent of Apocryphal Curse procs. This is preferred as you won't be laboring under the "interesting" circumstances of the Apocryphal Curse. Example - if you'd found this ship when not under attack by Astral Beasts, your chances of being injured while fighting this particular Experience-granting opponent would be much lower, as you would have Gisena's backup and possibly the mech's.

The Apocryphal Curse is the test. Endeavours you seek out are the prep.

That said, if you guys wanna try making some severe demands and see if he caves, there's nothing stopping you from writing that in as a suboption. "Throw your sword and scatter your armor into the ocean," "Have your crew disarm," "Your GP or your HP" etc.

Well, if this is a test, we have already met a success condition with his offer; the choice is to push further for more gains or fold now.

That's a pretty good metaphor; the gains are certainly higher if you push through and win, but the expected value may not be depending on the probability of loss or injury. It's complex because there's also the situation where you win and gain significant power from Hunger, but are injured - either to a degree that counters your gains, or one that doesn't.

Now that we know that things we seek out usually don't benefit from Apocryphal Curse; skipping this for a planned expedition is much safer.

Mm, I would say that your independent expeditions usually aren't affected by the Apocryphal, but there's no hard rules. It is the nature of interesting times to create changing circumstances!


I'm also following the trend of saving up our Arrete. Who knows, maybe we'll have enough discipline to purchase exclusively EFB equivalent picks this time around? Given that they provide the most bang for your buck, that might be the best way to stay ahead of Apocraphya's level curve!

You could do that with Progression alone! Right now you need the power to survive!


Our early game in EFB was completely carried by a couple of FBs. Here, too, saving a 7APs should be the most efficient way to go.

Depends how badly injured you get in the course of saving 7 Arete! Assuming you survive to that point. Why not spend some Arete now to improve your odds substantially?

You're under the Apocryphal Curse, there's literally nothing that could be thrown at you and be unfair!


The apocryphal curse only promises "interesting times", which encompasses more than just being randomly attacked. Could it perhaps have drawn us here, that we might in our hubris contest with some god-fish, interupt the sleep of some wayward celestial carp with our foolish antics? Perhaps it considers such a thing interesting.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

The Apocryphal Curse typically (though not always) waits longer between worse 'procs.' Since you just had a proc it's most likely not the Apocryphal Curse, and if it is it's likely not one of the bad scenarios. But who knows?

Well, you will. If you choose the option to become a King among fishermen!


The Apocryphal Curse has recently procced, but ultimately it obeys no single rule. Such is the nature of interesting times.


Do you guys have any plans to deal with Exhausted? Seriously, it's implied to be pretty crippling. We don't know how long it lasts either; if Apocrypha prods again before we recover, we are screwed. We can't go to Arete debt this update, so I urge anyone voting for a 7 Arete option to vote for Substantially so that our moment of weakness is diminished. It's wise to take no chances when it comes to the Apocryphal Curse. And it's not like we don't benefit substantially from +Letrizia now that we have decide to spill.

So let's try to avoid disaster, hm?

True, there is no real or pressing need for you to achieve a legendary feat of fishing at this juncture, especially not at such a cost when you've just gotten a major power boost and need only survive long enough to take advantage of it! Substantially also increases your Letrizia rank! And improves your nutrition, all relevant factors for good performance and morale.

Gotta get those omega-3s!

More importantly, you guys can't get into the habit of yoloing every vote and relying on luck or Arete to bail you out. There are some risks that those things just don't work very well against! To succeed against the tribulation that is the Apocryphal Curse will require not just determination, but planning and wisdom as well!


Sure, for a whole day. I know immediate power can sometimes be weighed above long term growth, but are we really so hard done for that we need to sacrifice for a single day of better safety?

The Curse in question doesn't need a day, it only needs an instant! But you're not sacrificing all that much in the first place, it's not like .25 Ranks is that huge!


It's getting late, but you guys should really consider switching to Saber. Remember, the Apocryphal Curse doesn't follow rules; just because it usually waits between procs and longer waits are deadlier doesn't mean it can't hit you with an overwhelming proc right now - that would, in fact, be quite interesting!


If 'Ber' isn't killed, does he remain 'the apocryphal curse's attack', or does he just become 'a guy that hates you', such that Apocryphal could hit us again the moment he attacks, basically doubling it's power?

You don't know how the Apocryphal Curse works, but it's safest to assume that it can always hit you again, even if someone is currently its attack.


Mm, there are two concepts at play there. Firstly, the Apocryphal Curse does not follow any absolute rules. It always can throw yet another thing at you, even in the middle of throwing three things at once at you, with no regards to timing or circumstance. Now, such travails are typically unlikely (though see the caveat above). However, usually the Apocryphal Curse does not attack you with problems you are completely unequipped to handle. Not always, because that wouldn't be interesting, but usually.


Long term with the Apocryphal Curse a bigger fish will always show up who defeats our preparations if they aren't updated

Medium term, we can seek findross production to empower Gisena; she held him off for hours as it is, who knows what she would manage with a Fourth Coalescence.

If you grow in power (or ability) above a certain base rate, you will outscale the Apocryphal Curse to a limited degree. Not as easily as one can outscale the Geas, but it's definitely possible to get a noticeable or even near-overwhelming advantage against Apocryphal procs.

Doom of the Tyrant
We chose Vengeance above all. Let's act like it.

If Luna Conqueror wins (which seems reasonably likely, at the moment) then we have a build uber-specialized to advance through battle with Notable foes... and due to the Doom of the Tyrant, we're terrible in social situations. Instead of indulging our heroic sensibilities (and quite possibly saving fewer people, ultimately), begin as we mean to go on: rapidly acquiring power in the interests of taking that sweet sweet revenge. This vote determines a great deal about our character -- let's not waste this opportunity to specialize in what's most useful to us.

Hm... I wouldn't say you're terrible in all social situations necessarily, the hero's reasonably experienced even with all the holes in his memory. He's not going to have Seram levels of dropping his spaghetti in typical scenarios. Tyrant makes social interaction inherently dicey, though. It's probably best modeled as an environmental modifier (X% chance of things going horribly wrong dependent on the dynamics of authority / legitimacy / custom relevant to a given conversation) than a lack of skill per se.

Does this have unique interactions with other Cursebearers?


The solution is combo between wretch and Tyrant so there are no misunderstanding.

But Wretched turns off supernatural influence, so you wouldn't even have the Tyrant's recourse of legitimately dominating society with unsurpassed charisma!


Yeah, that charisma and probable opinion boost is going to be essential in dealing with Tyrant's Doom.

The best way to go about conquering things eventually is to first act as an Hero for a while, win there trust and when we eventually take over for there own "Good", They might actually cheer us.

Well, even with increased Charisma the Tyrant's Doom is a pretty major impediment to social interaction. As soon as someone hits one of your red lines it'll be difficult not to be seen as rude. Of course, if you have the power to back that up it may not matter. Kind of like being Malfeas!

Are we allowed to explain that Curse of not being able to accept authority to our companions, or does it block it somehow? Mainly asking because at least they might be more understanding of our assholery when we do so.

Yes, you can explain it to anyone, but you probably won't want to because you don't give a shit about their customs or authority. And if you do, they're unlikely to believe you or will just think you're crazy and/or unreasonable. To some degree, they're right!


Quite possibly, yes.

[X] Humanitarian Efforts

[X] King of Sorcerers

If this does look like a sci fi verse, which it may be, personally I'm kind of looking forward to telling people we're a wizard, and our good friend here is a sorceress. Sadly, the descriptions of our new target realm aren't really giving enough info, and it is probably not that likely that we're a completely unprecedented phenomenon like that.

But there is also the aspect that our goal is to gain and maintain political power. Much of the challenge will not be biggatons, most likely. High utility seems like a good plan for accomplishing that.

Biggatons do convert to political power... eventually. Power flows from the tip of a sword, after all! But there are often difficulties in the exact details of that process. Especially if one is a rigid and inflexible tyrant!


This seems quite solid, just need to raise our profile as a strange vigilante hero that comes and goes like the wind capturing the imagination of the populace (I.E. fight monsters and look good, but never talk to anyone so they never realize what an asshole you are) until we've grown enough we can start taking over.

Actions that care nothing for law or custom are often provocative as well! To the authorities if not the populace.


[X] The Decimator's Affliction

[X] Doom of the Tyrant

[X] Doom of Lunacy

Seems like the optimal build to me. As long as it's not the Champion, almost anything is okay.

Tyrant's pretty bad too, unless you avoid civilization you may be constantly getting into completely unnecessary conflicts! Cutting lines, taking whatever you please... it's the behavior of a barbarian, or a king.

Brand of the Wretched: Everyone thinks you're an asshole

Brand of the Champion: Everyone's kind of an asshole to you

Doom of the Tyrant: You are an asshole


I'd like to call out this scenario as an Argument for Unburdening, specifically using the Decimator's mitigation we get from Name of the Curse and Putting Gisena on Doom of the Tyrant.

Mm, it's difficult to mitigate the Doom of the Tyrant, moreso than the other Curses. You'd have better luck just delaying the return to civilization so you can scale up more before interacting with society!


Thinking about the political system, it'd be great if the fact she's a Duchess might mean her polity is basically space feudalism. As that would work well for us considering feudalism in some periods is one of the political systems we might actually be able to operate decently in. If a rebellious vassal had a strong fortification in a suitable locale and said "Ah no, I don't think I'll be paying any taxes or providing you any support or basically acknowledging your authority at all" very often there was basically nothing to be done about it and that was a relatively accepted state of affairs.

They might still require an oath of fealty even if they had no practical control, which would still be untenable. No, best to just become Emperor.

Captain of a mercenary band is viable as well. Or wandering murderhobo.


Maybe if we make sure to insulate ourselves from our backers properly so they can't trigger us this would be a good strategy. Would mean we don't benefit from our charisma as much though.

You'd pretty much require the same rules as with Letrizia - you kill stuff for money and they don't give you orders or expect you to coordinate with their forces in any reliable way. Charisma (and the raw power to justify such freedom) would be helpful in securing that latitude of action.

Doom of Lunacy
[ ] Doom of Lunacy

Losing 75% of our power is meh, although it depends on the nature exactly. Levels are exponential, after all.

(Hyper)exponential progression only matters if you're a Progression-type, and Progression-types have to take a Curse that makes the un-mitigated Doom of Lunacy very, very bad. For a Combat-type, losing 75% of your power can be highly relevant indeed, especially if you're going for versatility over raw might.


What is the nature of the power-sealing? For example, with Nameless, would he have lost 0.75 of temporal acceleration, 0.75 of physical strength, so on and so forth, or would he effectively have just lost a stage of power instead, or something along those lines?

It's a Curse, so it will be in a way that's extremely inconvenient for the affected. Perhaps something like, "Nameless doesn't benefit from Cultivation or Binary Magic or 33% of his Diagram spells, and all skills and fated protection above those of a baseline human are reduced by 75%, while in his sealed form."

It's most safe to assume that the wording which is worst for the Cursed individual is accurate.


There's still an ambiguity about "forcefully emerges under conditions of extreme duress" vs "You may voluntarily enter this form but doing so causes you to go absolutely berserk". Under extreme duress conditions we may be able to use the battle form while lucid.

Yes, you're sane if it's induced non-voluntarily. Lunacy is already crippling enough, and its immunity to mitigation except by one specific method makes it unusual. However, I will note that inducing it non-voluntarily is extremely difficult and there's basically no way to do so reliably. What qualifies as 'extreme duress' the first time may become 'been there, done that' after a while.


It's only annoying if you let it be annoying. There's a dynamic to it that I think most questers would enjoy; being a knight to a lord, the proverbial monster on the leash. The task is to find someone worthy of your services.

You don't even have to serve them, if they're not particularly ambitious you just have to cater to their whims (which could be easy) and protect them. That said, finding a compatible individual, much less one with those traits, can be very near an exercise in futility.


[X] The Forsaken Mask

The way the two curses work together here interests me.

How people will react to the MC's 'threat' of Hulking out will be fun.

I doubt the story will be a fluff piece for long, there will always be someone who has to poke the sleeping dragon.

Were that the case, you would be poorly prepared for the ensuing battle! Being unable to employ coherent tactics while using your strength (and also wiping out all life in a massive radius) are not conducive to the dragon's quality of life!


Forsaken Mask seems to me like it's asking for the Wife and Child to get killed again. It will be so much more tragic when we do it ourselves, I guess?

Well, there are ways to avoid it - strongly commit never to go berserk while they're in range (though this does effectively cripple your power), find a Geas compatible character, become really fucking good at using the 25% of your power you can access, etc.

Geas of Indenture
I don't think the possibilities of us refusing either Vengeance or Praxis are very great.

You're free to pick one of the two, it's the combination that's especially risky! Imagine if Seram had had to fight that Orc Weakling without Amplitude.

The hero is stronger than Seram, but his tasks are commensurately more dangerous as well!

Mm, you're in each world for a substantial amount of time per mission, plenty of time to explore each given setting and even put down roots. Especially for conquest-type missions.

In-universe, yes, but less so out-of-universe.

I don't expect your character to leave the initial Geas universe for a substantial amount of time, if it is chosen. Both in-character and out. Future Geas worlds will either have a similar level of focus or be summed up quickly.


I'm liking Twice Great and Luna Conqueror. I'm also liking that we didn't my worst-case scenario, VSword, and given our landing site I feel vindicated in opposing such.

Fun fact: You would have gotten different 'landing sites' depending on the Curses you chose!


I'd be really interested in being Prog, but I don't know if I could handle Indenture. I would want to know if I were able to significantly reduce the duration via mitigation.

Not more concerned about the Apocryphal Curse? A confident one, aren't you!

But yes, duration mitigation is available for the Geas. You're still looking at scientific notation time in all but the unlikeliest of scenarios though.


With diplomacy made impossible, how does one do Conquest quests?

Conquest Geas missions are always at least 1,000 years, very frequently longer, so there will be plenty of time to build up Brand mitigation. Surviving the Apocryphal for that long is a more pressing concern.


@Rihaku, do we have an intrinsic understanding of whether a territory is conquered or not? For example whether or not swearing someone to a certain standard of vassalage would be enough to count their territory?

You have an intuition for when things qualify as advancing your progress to completing your Geas, and a sense of when ruled territory is considered sufficient to start the countdown, yes.

I will say that the curses we've see are a mixed bag, which makes me wonder if the "Cursebearer" thing is a positive multiversal trend. On balance, you have to wonder how many of the Accursed's interferences are like Seram's first Task: undo a world's terrible destiny by handing a bunch of power to an OCP and tasking them to kill the crux of it.

Terrible for whom? To an outside observer it may well be that a world run by Heroes is far grander than one ruled by arrogant fools or the Maiden's simpering cousins.


In fact, if we could mitigate by only going to terrible worlds I'd make this my first choice. Maybe throw in Doom of the Tyrant; it would be both fitting and funny if we showed up and immediatly started disrespecting and simultaneously draining whoever runs the place..

Alas, you are unable to see the world you'll be visiting before you choose your Curses! So it was with Seram.


Okay just found that this exists but legit question. Is there a current "build" post? Also wouldn't the life sucking curse kinda be a road about way of fullfilling the geas? 10% of 0 is 0.

You don't know whether killing everyone in the target area would qualify as ruling or not. You could try it, but if it doesn't qualify because you don't control the territory because you have nothing to control it with, for example, you'd be shit out of luck! Nor do you know whether the range of the Affliction is equal to the range of the target area you must conquer!
Though it seems his Remittances were also initially weaker due to his low level?

Hm... I'd say they were different, not necessarily weaker. Pay to Win is basically a stockpile of defensive True Wishes. New Game Plus is a more powerful but narrower Regalia. Game of the Year is King's Scepter, weaker in absolute terms but proportionally pretty much the same. And Admin Privilege is The Sword That Ends the World.

Fortune doesn't recharge, Wild is one-time use, yup.

The King's Sceptre

I wasn't pleased with Arthur in general, but crossing that bridge heralded the end of the quest. Glib remarks aside, yeah, Slumber's a serious disadvantage. But the additional three Lesser Remittances can likely pay for an increase in our growth that outweighs the lost time. To Shatter Heaven cost Seram 1 RV for a 400% rate of increase in his GotY power training rate. Sure, he was Progression-type, but I'll eat my hat if there aren't blurbs aplenty to make it worthwhile. Healthy, baseline humans already accept spending a third of their total time asleep.

The King's Scepter already has To Shatter Heaven built into its Progression-type version! You won't get the same Lesser Remittances as Seram. He couldn't even select companions!


Maybe not only we can learn something from the Armaments, but their civilization can also learn quite a bit from us. I didn't think much about it before, but our Cursebearer's presence might not only lead to societal and technological upheaval, it could lead to massive changes in magical systems or even the introduction of completely new ones when applicable! A sort of cross-pollination between the magics of different worlds.

Hm... depends whether others can use Accretion as you can. Is it a superior method of Rank Cultivation, or simply an anomaly preserved via the King's Scepter? You'll find out in time!
Lesser Remittances
Lesser Remittances
You see, the biggest weakness of Vengeance plus Sword is the lack of immediate power. Therefore, we would want to maximize any offerings of such here in chargen, by picking up as many Lesser Remittances as possible.

Important PSA: Lesser Remittances do not grant immediate power. The best they can do is strengthen your Primary Remittance some, but if your Primary Remittance has a starting power of 0 due to being purely potential-based, like The Sword, that would not solve your problem.


But Lesser Remittances can be allies/minions, no? How would having a powerful ally to protect us not grant immediate power? Do we need to work hard to get their favour before they'll fight for us, even if just to save our life from a stray wandering ork?

The companions on offer are usually not primary combatants. It's assumed the Cursebearer will fill that role. And yes, they're not automatically loyal to you, though the Accursed wouldn't offer them if they weren't compatible at all.


Either? But if I had to choose, as Progression Cursie.

You wouldn't be able to. Unless you manually travel there and convince her to join you and pay the Geas mitigation to allow that, etc.


On that note, @Rihaku what actually is it we get by buying someone as a companion? Their presence, or cooperation, or obedience, or what?

Their presence. The Accursed has determined that they would be compatible with the hero.


Some other synergies of note:

*Most Scepter builds have great synergies with Hunger! You're good at fighting, so exploit it to get better scaling!

*For example, Scepter Accretion + Hunger + Forebear's Blade + Intensify gives an incredible amount of scaling. Intensify gets you the highest starting point, then you have a multiplicative scaling factor (Hunger) on top of a geometrically compounding one! Now that's synergy.

*Scepter Seals + Hunger + Forebear's Blade + Talon does not scale in raw power quite as hard, but offers a great amount of utility (Seals + Talon = resources to seal and recombine, plus the utility of the equipment itself) alongside your growth. Or take Gisena to get Curse Mitigation and social utility.

*Hunger + Talon = ultimate blood knight, get multiplied xp and drops from killing enemies!

*Forebear's Blade + Seals + Ceathlynn = You can try to awaken Ceathlynn's Soul Evocation!

*Seals + Forebear's Blade + Prolessarch = Rapidly improve the esoteric foundation of your Seals rather than their raw power!

Forebear's Blade
Forebear's Blade doesn't start off any more powerful under Accretion, it's just got the ability to grow and scale with you (geometrically, since the blade itself and the Accretion partnership are both expanding in might / finesse).


Accretion get us a guaranteed useful artifact, but Seven Seals is the real winner here. Better initial combat power and long-term scaling are fantastic. Incompatible with Intensify.

Accretion has the better scaling of the two options with Forebear's, but they're both pretty good.


The Sword That Was Stolen serving as a visible metaphor for Hiro's recovery as a person is one reason why I don't want Unshattered. Fun as it would be, acceptance of and deriving power from his current state's more of a Freedom thing, and I want to see what other Forebear's Blade forms we'll unlock down the road. Concerning that theft is an integral part of its legend, though, we need to steer it away from that as soon as possible or the Apocryphal Curse is going to run roughshod over us.

The Forebear's Blade is more resistant to theft than most. It can leap to your hand from some distance if necessary, after all!


It's about as courteous as asking him to surrender a limb, and he can't afford to lose another of those!

The Forebear's Blade would be more important than his right arm!

After all, he can still wield it in his teeth.


I was thinking about that, I don't think we'd want to do so repeatedly because he could get wise to it and trap the blade. Doing it once at a crtitical moment could be good though.

You don't really benefit much from thrown attacks, either, since you already have a short-range option with blade winds!


Also, does anyone think that Vershlengorge gets anything about of eating Astral beings? I can't tell what's worse, if it does and is slowly recovering its strength by doing so or it doesn't and just eats shit for fun. I'm not even going to entertain the idea that its purely for combat effectiveness because look at the fucking thing. As a sidenote, just noticed the foreshadowing of pommel strikes being useful against armour, rip. Even if it wasn't intentional, I still feel dumb for not thinking of that kind of tactic.

The Mordschlag is a formidable blow! And with the power of ruin, far more devastating than a mundane warhammer.


No, every weapon you wield (including your fists) is infused with the power of ruin as a consequence of carrying the Forebear's Blade.


If no choices are picked to repair it, will the Forebear's Blade still fix itself in time?

If the answer is no, I really think we should pick it. There will likely be more options to keep fixing it until we have the whole blade once more.

You don't know for sure how the Forebear's growth will manifest itself.


How would we expect to repair the blade just based on Accretion rules? (As opposed to accretion + progression.) Could we just take it somewhere suitably dramatic and reforge it with minimal loss? Would a person's Rank cause their panoply to repair itself?

Depends on the nature of the Blade's legend / history and your combined powers. Some would naturally regrow, others would repair themselves. Your Blade is independently growing in power alongside your own Experience track, but we've just been consolidating that into the build votes for simplicity's sake. Basically you've been getting your effective Experience multiplied by your Ring and then the results doubled by the Blade every time, which is why Hunger has gotten notably stronger despite only fighting two (now three?) moderately challenging opponents.


By movement I am mostly referring to super speed, combat relevant teleport, interplanetary teleport(of us and others) etc. I'm sure that we can go full Bleach and just stand on air after certain Rank without needing artifacts for that.

Now, I could see Evening allowing us to teleport or turn into mist, so there is that.

You already have super speed from the Forebear's Blade.


I think that this is overall most efficient combination. Gisena protec while Blad attac, Curse mitigation for days, Gisena can cover our dogshit social, Retinue allow us to get a cadre of trusted Lieutenants despite our Tyrant curse and so on.

Hunger vs Retinue is an interesting consideration. Retinue is probably stronger late-game assuming good decision making, but Hunger offers much more power and utility in the early to midgame. Assuming you guys are appropriately aggressive, Hunger should increase growth rate to 300-500% of baseline, plus it improves motivation and makes your character less depressed.


Speculation for opposition to Hunger: Fear of getting hit by Nameless tier heroic passions and the ensuing social penalties combined with Doom of the Tyrant.

Hunger's boost to visceral pleasures is mostly a good thing for the hero. It's not remotely close to the Spoiled Heroic Passion.


That sounds pretty interesting. Not only is it a significant boost to our advancement speed, but it can also function as a form of therapy. The Hero had burned his self away on the pyre of vengeance and there is little else left in its wake, but this can help him relearn the simple joys of life.

Yup! Though it may lead to oversleeping at times.

[ ] Learn to Pilot - As you are bound to the Ring Hunger, your learning speed outside battle is slightly worse than an average mortal's. The intricacies of the Armament are easy to learn, difficult to master, and many functions are incomplete or unavailable due to its state. Still, there is time enough for the fundamentals of movement.

Oh wow, that is a bigger decrease to noncombat learning than I was expecting. Good for raw power still, but that really cuts into our utility.

You can advance through genuine endeavor as well. For example, making speeches to real crowds with real stakes, or working on research where the outcome is personally important and you have something to lose.
As Rihaku mentioned earlier, Hunger benefits from any goal when pursued with sufficient desire and vigor, not only combat.

oo good point, if we can work with Doom of the Tyrant we could be a badass at politics

It requires real stakes to the endeavor in question, but certainly!

Worried about interacting with an interstellar empire... but at least we have this lady help us out on this front.

[X] Speak with Gisena I

[X] Speak with Gisena II

Gisena may be a true Renaissance Woman, but is even she capable enough to manage interstellar politics of this scale? Perhaps if she underwent some form of Sorcerous Evolution, then in time...

You'll need to substantially improve your Accretion Rank for such a feat, however!


It's plausible that if somebody somehow manages to pull it off we'd lose it. Of course, all the powers are Artifact/Ring linked so there's no way around this stuff no matter what you vote for.

To deny you Hunger they'd have to cut off your fingers or something! What dark lord has anything to fear from something like that!?


I don't understand the focus on No Querter's Curse Mitigation - I'm here for some Hunger procs and that bitch ass armor.

You could get Hunger procs from normal Worthy Opponents without the inconvenience of the Apocryphal Curse!


I like the arguments for Undying. For a progression-type cursebearer, survival is the most critical thing. As long as you survive you keep scaling up, and there's not really anything that can outscale a Progression-type. Essentially, high-risk high-reward plays are less good because we always have high rewards anyway, the proportion of gains relative to risk is not great.

Yup! Though this is somewhat different for you since you have Hunger requiring you to fight level-appropriate enemies to advance. But in exchange your total growth rate is absurd... just a matter of creating a build that can fight level-appropriate enemies with minimal risk, or that can expend resources to deal with highly challenging enemies on your own terms.


Going for A King for a couple reasons. One, reeling in a Legendary Fish and all the effort therein might count as a Hunger proc, given it could be described as a "battle" of a sort.

Hm... an interesting thought. Hunger rewards genuine endeavor, after all, and not just battle!


Analysis Summary: The more effort we put on mitigating Decimator's Affliction through alternate means, the less valuable direct mitigation is, but if we don't put considerable effort anyway, the Human Sphere is still in trouble. A very convincing argument for Moon in my opinion.

Weirdly enough, just a single activation every four months makes Sated have double the efficiency of Direct mitigation. That's pretty huge, and tells how good Sated is.

Don't forget, it does somewhat nerf your growth rate in the meantime! Perhaps not terribly relevant if you don't use it often, but in the long run it all adds up...

Somewhat like in a clicker game, where a 2x can feel like nothing on paper, but then you realize that to hit the true endgame numbers you need every. single. multiplier!

Luckily Verschlengorge may have its own means of mitigation to offer you!

Scepter + Intensify eliminates our Scepter's non-combat utility, which likely means that it can no longer be used as a General Buff to our underlying magic system, and in particular either means our Scepter is entirely disjoint from Sealing or else significantly hampers our ability to use Seals out of combat (and thus, hampers our ability to use them to Mitigate).

It doesn't eliminate noncombat utility, but vastly reduces it.

I wonder how the volunteer system for Relinquishment works, getting on the list eventually seems like it might be pretty valuable.

Certainly. One gets to experience novel Curses in a semi-controlled environment! It's like training weights for your badass level. And you get the gratitude of knowing "at least I don't have to deal with this Curse all the fucking time!"


[ ] Relinquishment - For each decade of service as a Cursebearer, gain one week of freedom from your Curses. Your burdens will be transferred to volunteering Cursebearers for that time. You are free to travel even with the Geas but must be back before the week is over. You may improve the term and frequency of Relinquishment by mitigating your Curses more.

Oh my god. While this is unlikely to be chosen since it doesn't have practical benefits in quest, out of quest this is the sort of thing that a Cursebearer would kill for. It gives a respite from an otherwise eternity living with your Curses, which is otherwise essentially an impossible dream, since complete Mitigation would only occur in scientific scales of time forward.

It's also quite useful on a tactical level, like, if your enemies think a particular Curse is your weakness, or if you REALLY need to conduct diplomacy to stop your empire from disintegrating around you, etc. Or want to visit another world for some quick-to-acquire power up.


I assume the weeks of freedom can be 'stored' up? Do they need to be used in discrete quantities, or in a continuous manner?


Which is amazing, a decade is an eyeblink in the eon-spanning journey of a Cursebearer. Better yet, time off stacks. Tactically duck our Curses, trigger this during a period of Apocryphal upheaval or if we've been politically outmaneuvered while wearing Tyrannical blinders.

Relinquishment has some interesting uses. Activate it before your confrontation with the Apocryphal-granted nemesis and ensure they don't get a helping hand from the Curse, use it in conjunction with super speed + dimensional travel to get large amounts of prep done during the week, prove to the peoples of the galaxy that you can compromise, it's just that your opponents' proposals are usually too stupid for you to yield, etc.

My scepter build is similar to this, but if we're going with Scepter/Accretion, we're going to be relatively strap for versatility, which Intensify would hamper us even further with. Retinue meanwhile lets us expand the abilities of our overall party if not ourself (without having to entangle us with the remnants of any former quests).

What if you don't find anyone suitable to include in your Retinue? Conversely, Gisena or Catherine + Retinue would both be incredibly strong! Extremely fast scaling of a power highly specialized in nullifcation of things like Curses, or of a soldier with masterful combat skills who just needs superhuman stats to excel!


Can we get Catherine to train Gisena?

Yes, but that's unlikely to yield any sort-term results of significance. Retinue only works on their primary focus.


Forebear's blade provides immediate power, meager as it might be compared to the threats we face, with the attendant bonus to survival. Also we better slap a bandaid on the Apocyphal Curse ASAP.

Retinue gives us a bribe to help attain Gisena's service, as well as making sure that our immediate purchase of a Companion remains a useful investment in the mid-term. It also means we can have actual loyal companions, which will obviously improve survival chances.

Relinquishment really is fantastic, but if we're going to be grabbing the Sword, I don't think we can afford to grab an option that will only provide benefits years from now.

Hm, while Retinue pledges do prevent betrayal, they don't force your Retinue to listen to your commands necessarily. They can still refuse orders and do nothing under most circumstances (standing by while you're being assassinated would probably not be allowed, but refusing to go on a given mission is usually fine). Of course, it's nice having people you trust to watch your back. Or people you don't trust, whose possibility of betrayal has been removed by the Accursed.


Retinue with Sword is not only good because it lets us offer something to any companions we get so they follow us; it also gives us something to offer to the people of the world we go to. And since we retain a majority of the progression factor and get even more exponential progress thanks to the Praxis, the chance of betrayal is low, especially if we demand the loyalty ceremony as a requirement for joining.

You can't, pledges only work after you add them and removing them is costly. You could try to enforce it after the fact, but the pledge itself must be voluntary so coercion wouldn't work well.


One worry I have regarding Retinue is that it might still be short term.

Nah, it's great in the long term as long as you pick your companions correctly. You're basically getting the cross-system synergies of an Xth-Great, where X is the number of characters in your Retinue. Like, would it be worth losing 77% of Cultivation speed in order to get access to the Diagram and Artifice? And that's not taking into account character-specific multipliers like Intensify Praxis, Ordinal Purist, unique conditions, etc.


After all, I doubt that a 33% Cultivator focused Thrice Great + a 33% artificer focused Thrice Great + a 33% Diagram Mage focused Thrice Great would stack up to a 100% Nameless.

Again, the most important caveat is "if you choose your companions correctly." For example, in the presented scenario, who are the Cultivator, Artificer/Naturalist and Diagram Mage in question? If it's Zang Kong With Progression + Aurelia With Progression + Tyranshal With Progression, then I would expect them to outscale Nameless at some point, sure. If it's like... Taishan, Amouthanos (who has no essence left) and Xylitemerral, probably not.

The point is there are character-specific multipliers beyond that 25%, and some systems are only attached to certain characters.


I am not criticizing the last quest, but Retinue and the thread attitude. Last time we assumed that the one stage thing was an absolute statement instead of one dependent on in game entities. I fear we might be making a similar mistake here. What does "Advances with one fourth the potencyof our own" actually mean? It clearly doesn't that they will advance fourth as fast as we will, or you would have written that.

Just as an example, I'm not sure if it would account for one time fortuitous encounters that boost the Avengers skill level. What happens if we discover an outrageous synergy that boosts our primary skill exponentially? Can Retinue really contrive equably ridiculous Synergies for our companions skillsets? Advancing at one fourth of an exponential growth is still exponential after all.

All character-unique multipliers remain character-unique, but that's true for them as well as you! If they have some innate talent or access to special multipliers, they would benefit from enhanced learning speed that you might not. I do think on balance that Hunger is preferable to Retinue in terms of getting a good start and even well into the midgame. You already have the massive greed of being a Progression-Type Cursebearer with 5 Curses; why push it?


Imagine if we stumble upon a combat cursebearer. With how difficult it is for them to grow, would they join our Retinue in order to be able to.?

You can't Retinue other Cursebearers.

It's beneath their dignity!


Could she Nullify a Retinue connection if we make a bad choice? (Please ignore the possibility of her Nullify a loyalty oath to us)

Retinues are enforced with the power of the Accursed.
If manually calculating, you can cut the voting power of approval votes in half. Basically they're counted as half supporting each of the two options.


Since a Catherine Based build doesn't seem to be picking up any steam...

[X]A Simple Transaction

[X] The Sword That Ends the World

[X] Seven Seals

[X] Gisena Allria, the Nullity Sorceress

[X] Forebear's Blade

[X] Retinue

Advocating for Catherine might still get her in the consolidation vote as a secondary option, though!


Surreptitiously advertising for the Accursed now are we? Now I know what to look for if half the questers suddenly disappear.

You truly believe 50% of questers have remained pure in body and mind for 30 years?

Regardless of how we might or might not feel, we can't just say such things!


Assuming relevant Omakes/Reactions for this vote start at Teach me Eyepatch Sensei and BraininAJars Reaction afterwards, Things look like this from a word count angle. King of Sorcerors voters who are primarily in it for the Seals may want to consider switching to Twice Great.

It starts at Nature of Magic with a decay function, but don't bother manually counting it for this vote. It would be too troublesome for you to get a non-misleading number now that there are two confounding variables (subjective quality and decay).


Allowing Approval voting has literally brought Auspicious Vanguard from the brink of defeat to the leading option. Interesting.

Yeah, this is pretty much what I thought approval voting would do. The option that few really like but everyone can compromise on tends to win. But what a bland and dreary quest that would make if every vote was such! And something like ranked choice voting is just a logistical nightmare...

Why did we even pick Hunger via Luna Conqueror if we aren't going to be fully exploiting Hunger's benefit to powerlevel by killing monsters?

There is still a way to kill monsters somewhat safely despite your not taking any healing effects. But it requires you to develop some new skills!

Get in the robot, hero.

(To be clear, it's entirely viable to win this mission without substantially developing your piloting skills. However, not developing piloting while also trying to greed the combat-focused journey part of this mission while also having no healing is probably not the wisest decision. There's already some degree of risk from the monsters you'll passively be attacked by for traveling with Verschlengorge in the first place!)


Hey guys, don't forget that the consolidation vote is important too and even more open to arguments!


I think one issue you guys may be running into is an overestimation of how much mitigation Unburdening is going to get you, and furthermore the value of the mitigation you are getting. What's important in a time- and safety-limited environment like this is spending every resource you get in an efficient way that directly contributes to your chances of overall success. If you're going to mitigate the Decimator's for some time by (presumably) killing this guy, why then triple down on Unburdening as well when half of its mitigation will be less relevant for some number of days?

Conversely, getting physical power or political knowledge are areas with low-hanging fruit. While I know it can be difficult to maintain strategic focus across the voterbase for prolonged periods of time, that is one of the benefits of argument and omake power! It's true that curses are bad. Their badness can be addressed by mitigation (on a superexponential curve) or having enough power (personal, political, mental) to deal with their shit. Ideally you combine the two solutions for compound reward.

Similarly, your vote on No Quarter vs Prudence Dictates will decide the degree of aggression Hunger demonstrates against the continuous threats Verschlengorge attracts. A more aggressive posture here could result in great rewards as the ring feeds and Hunger resolves some of his trauma, but it also means he's the type of person to take such risks. A favorable risk in isolation will still grind you down if you take too many coinflips, or injure you for truly critical fights. You were lucky that this Apocryphal proc was easy enough to deal with and you can certainly fight worthy opponents outside of Aprocryphal procs that are designed to dredge up Hunger's traumas and provoke him under unfavorable circumstances. Consider carefully!


You guys may want to start thinking about long term plans, as @George has... while it's likely not sustainable to remain in the Voyaging Realm indefinitely, due both to your time limit and the increasing slim chance of finding worthy opposition (to say nothing of what the Decimator's Affliction might do), you don't have to stick with Letrizia once she makes it back to the city. Alternatively you could delay the final return and extend your time with Letrizia so that you're more powerful when the time to interact with her civilization finally comes. Or, if you've plenty of +Intelligence and +Charisma, simply waste no time and go directly!

Ruling the Human Sphere is one thing. Getting a reasonably maximal amount of power from this universe is another!


You guys are pretty low on Arete. Besides choices which themselves give Arete, don't forget you can get additional bonuses for discussion unrelated to the vote at hand!


But the problem is that Rank doesn't seem to "independent" of ourselves so to speak; that is, if we make things easier for ourselves, we will gain less Rank too. So taking survivability might actually make Rank ups harder to find by making us have to search for stronger foes. It just seems safer to me take the Rank now. Especially since we are Exhausted for now and have that whole thing with the Devourer later, we might not actually get time to build our legend for a while.

Well, in the short term it's definitely safer to take Saber now!

There are a number of ways to approach the problem of fighting foes stronger than you. Offensive supremacy (Lord Reaper) to kill them before they can act too many times, defensive supremacy (Evening Sky) to neutralize their attacks and outlast them, lateral supremacy (Nightmare Praetor) to overcome them with circumstance, and so on and so forth! And more powerful enemies, regardless of difficulty, do still yield more Experience, which still translates directly into power if not Rank...


What I'm off put by is the idea that (Is this arete for guaranteed availability thing a trap?) is a question that can't be answered satisfactorily without mind reading; will Rihaku slot things around quickly enough that you'd basically have access to spare, or will the cups spin to the exact tune such that we'll only see EFB equivalents when we're at 18.4 arete in a one day gap between chapters? Not to mention the proportion of upgrades likely to disappear permanently is similarly unknown.

The way it works is: there is a model of the world which responds to the actions of Hunger. The model does not level scale whatsoever, so for example - if you are attacked by a group of enemies which the model says should attack you, there will be no accounting for your Exhausted Condition making you weaker than usual. Similarly, if you are powerful enough to just dumpster the opposition (such as, for example, Nameless vs the Fates), that is what will happen.

Similarly with access to any Arete purchase conditions, though I may stretch things out so that you have more time to accrue Arete for a given purchase if I feel the thread both wants that purchase and is making a good effort.

Btw, you guys can write in tactics to increase your survivability. Both in and outside of combat. Second Thoughts is also an entirely valid option! Would allow you to better control the tempo of fights so you can play to your strengths (prepped fights with research) rather than being forced on the defensive. Letrizia has already given you plenty of context about this place and the Human Sphere, and Gisena needs a tank and dps so she'd stick with you.

Non-combat tactics can be relevant too! For example, is there anything you might be able to do right now while you're in this city to reduce the risk of injury in the future?

You guys should compile the actions you want into a write-in, ideally with prioritized list since you may not have time / ability to do them all!


'Kay, might want to keep the tactics straightforward, or at least frontload anything complicated, because I'm not sure how well Hunger can follow anything that isn't directly violent. Combining the fights as @Wolfy says might be too much for his mental state, even though I agree that the voidspawn would probably not avoid fighting him.

He can fight intelligently, though only tactics with some degree of support will be used.


It'd be easier to argue for Prudence if we knew what sweet shinies Arete can give us, if any. Right now the option is basically to content ourselves with survival, but most people want to gain stuff. Shit, I want to get stuff. Power will be crucial in the days ahead, so I might still switch back before this done.

If either No Quarter (w/ sufficient tactics - remember, tactics for this fight must receive support to have a chance at inclusion, aside from those tactics generated by the hero himself) or Commune With Verschlengorge win, you'll get an opportunity to see what Arete can buy, and will probably deeply regret not having more!


As for tactics, so far the most popular one seems using the deck to our advantage, by having our opponent drop his foot through the floor and lose his balance. One thing we could try is tying the rope around him, throwing the other side to Verse and then having mecha yeet us to it.

The most legible way to indicate support would probably be to:

1) quote the tactic(s) you are supporting

2) mention in bold that you are supporting them and

3) include any commentary on said tactics.

Remember, I have to review the thread for these things and usually don't have time to go in depth, so visibility and ease of communication are key!


The following were all the explicit tactics posts I found. Can we trust the Hero to distinguish between what is feasible or not or will he try to perform any tactic as long as we support it, not matter how impractical?

It's a compound function of feasibility (in his opinion) and support. A great tactic with no support will not get used; a bad tactic with lots of support will get used unless it's obviously suicidal.


Well let's do this. By those standards, we benefit the most from every tactic having a similarly mild amount of support. That way, the value will be decided by the Hero who's presumably smarter than us.

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on his mental state among other things. He may favor tactics that are objectively unwise if they have certain attributes. For example, No Quarter inherently implies a more aggressive mindset, or at least one that is more emotionally compromised. Recklessness, risk-taking, etc.


Hm... most tactics don't have a characterization element, but pretending to honor the flag of truce and then immediately defecting would, yes.

Given Rihaku's earlier remark A Simple Transaction I Original, I wanted to say communing with the robot and seeking worthy opponents will either go horribly or be utterly awesome.

Too bad the hero doesn't get re-rolls like Seram! Though Arete can improve results in some situations.

Oh, note also that the Arete bonus for discussion increases as the number of posts within the span of a given major update goes up (vote consolidations and non-major vote updates don't truncate your progress, but major votes like Jotunheim / Elysium would). So you get considerably more for your last marginal post than your first, etc.

Is Arete like BP in that buying more expensive options is better value for money than buying cheap options?

Going from EFB, we generated ~1 BP/ update, with extremely intense fanworking. Equating to Arete, we'd generate ~2.5 Arete/update.

They don't use the same formula, so it wouldn't be equivalent, but it's 2.2 Arete to 1 BP.

Quite an interesting fight! It also shows that Hunger has... quite a bit of anger inside of him.

Now, question, if we take an option without arete, can we upgrade it later, or does it work like EFB?

It depends. King of Thieves and Evening Sky are both unique to this update. As for the others... upgrading an existing parameter to achieve a given function is within the remit of Progresison, though it may not be as efficient as an intuitive leap that achieves it wholesale.
There is one crucial difference between Hunger and Nameless that I'd like to elucidate - while Nameless' Thrice-Great progression was exceptional due to its inherent synergies, he only had Beyond Points to serve as further stimulus. Hunger has Experience and Arete, and even if he never spends his Arete in an efficient manner, if it lets him survive so that he continues to gain Experience, he can scale up without limit. It's not just about getting the best bang for your buck with your Arete, but rather how Arete expenditures affect your journey as a whole. If they help you survive a perilous time, that can be much more valuable than some incremental efficiency here or there, because no matter what you do with Arete you'll still be a Progression-type Cursebearer on top of that.

Given our lack of access to healing abilities, this would probably be remarkably useful. On the other hand, Rihaku as confirmed that higher expenditure of Arete are generally more efficient, so it's bound to be somewhat inneficient.

Efficiency in isolation is not necessarily efficiency in combination! There are certainly effects which in synergy are worth more than the sum of their Arete cost.


I see them pretty regularly, and from what I remember only from you. I would guess you use a different word editor?

I see the King of Thieves as weaker than it appears. It gives 1 Agility more than Echo, which is nice. And it does give long term benefits. But it's hard for me to believe that they are actually that great. I feel like the thieving abilities are probably going to need further powerups to be very useful against things our level, and I'm not sure I want to devote choices to making it useful.

It gives a lot of benefits, but I'm not sure most would want to further spread from Warrior to Thief, especially because I feel like Mage is going to be the choice for most voters as soon as we get the opportunity.

A Thousand Cuts could be the great basis of a build meant to destroy foes your own level. But I'm not sure on the chances of us getting to 7 in time, I would guess low.

Hm... if we have decent thread activity and a few omakes I think 4 is very possible, and 6 if we have great participation over a number of days (since the escalating value per post doesn't drop until a major update). With the value of a 7 cost you can go into 1 Arete debt reasonably safely, which gets you there.


[X] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear

[X] Forebear's Blade - Fell-Handed Stroke

Financial responsibility, saving for our college etc.

You played EFB, you know how this works.

Not quite! There's a difference between a Cultivator hoarding their BP for the best moment when they already possess overwhelming strength, and a Cursebearer with unlimited Progression trying their best to survive some dire circumstances!


Translation: We aren't killing our way to indefinite total mitigation.

Well, with enough Arete...


@Rihaku Can we choose whether we spend 1 Arete or gain Exhausted for Of Fishermen, A King? If so it might be worth going for, Accretion grows as we accomplish legendary actions, which means that'd boost us.

If you have enough Arete left over, you'll spend it to avoid the Exhausted Condition, yeah. It's pretty punishing.


Did our arete progress counter reset after the update?

The escalating Arete bonus per post did reset, as it counts as a major update, yes. Which was unfortunate, because you guys were pretty close to an even larger bonus, but I had already delayed the update by that point and couldn't countenance delaying it much further. Still, if we keep up the same level of activity as the last update your Arete troubles should be very manageable.


I'd like to see the full effect of the 2 Arete Ring of Blood's healing before I consider Pitiless Maw. Though it is quite the powerful healing effect. It's the kind of thing I'd kill for in most games.

You can't save up for 2 Arete effects, they're too cheap!


As an aside, I'm really not liking this tying of powerup options to omake and discussion. It's much better in AST, when our options were ancillary, supporting to the main options (EXP) as opposed to overpowering and far superior.

EFB ended successfully, and AST did not, so we're using EFB's system. That said, though the system has been nearly transposed wholesale, there are substantial differences - you've been offered Arete almost every single vote option this week, so the amount of Arete Hunger generates himself can be substantial if you choose. Nor do you really need 25 Arete options to win if you are prudent, intelligent, and use the power of Progression to scale strategically.


Wow, all three top options are 25 Arete now. I should've expected it would swing this way. Frigging long-term planning memes.

Well, no amount of Arete will actually help you if you're to fight at this stage!


Too bad an additional pick is so useful, Wolf Moon would have been a neat prize for this debacle and Arete options seem to fall by the wayside much like BP options did so often in EFB.

Indeed. I hope people aren't taking the thread's Arete generation for granted! Taking more general Arete would at the very least give normal voters more say, as right now omake power is a huge determinant in spending decisions since almost all the Arete is from omakes!


The second best option for getting ourselves back online while still helping Letrizia would be Offering/Vanguard, which I guess is why you're pushing it so hard. The problem with that is it puts us into Arete debt, which I believe exhausts us again? We just did that and it didn't work out so well.

Arete debt doesn't exhaust you, but it is a fairly punishing condition. Not as bad as Exhausted though. Still, you'd only need to earn 1.5 Arete before the next update to avoid it. Probably less since there have been fanworks since I last updated Arete, and with sufficient discussion you don't even need the fanworks.

Speak with Gisena I: 19

Speak with Letrizia I: 19

Errantry: 12

Seek Worthy Opponents: 9

The Name of the Curse: 6

Learn to Pilot: 5

Speak with Gisena II: 3

Speak with Letrizia II: 3

Errantry II: 3

Seek out Artifacts: 3

Commune with Verschlengorge :1


At least we've learned that options with "Plan" are trouble

PS. If someone changed their vote and voted twice I counted both times. Since I will be doing tally manually, please make sure that when you change your vote you either delete or edit previous one too.

Interesting! It really is a lot more efficient to double social one character, though. You're getting three +s for 2 actions instead of 1 + per action, that's a 50% increase! Plus their respective II benefits. Almost any stage II option is considerably more efficient than stage I, though. Sometimes (as with Errantry II), this comes with risk. And sometimes it mitigates risk!

Hoh. I thought it was + for one choice and ++ for both, not that second option carried ++ by itself. This changes a lot.

Hm... maybe I'll edit the option to make it clearer. But yeah, committing / specializing yields greater basic results for any given stage II, in addition to any hidden benefits.


To clarify Rihaku, does selecting an arete suboption count as taking a second option?

No. Suboptions don't take a pick.


[x]Fell-Handed Stroke


You can take one more option, the Curse Mitigation ones below the divider aren't part of that section and don't take picks.


My reason is this; first we need some more combat power. Second, the sooner we take the increased strength gain from aging, the more we will benefit from it. Plus storing excess sleep for rainy days is a great preparation tool.

Yup, that's correct. You can take any suboptions you can afford along with 2 main options.
Current Mission
Ignoring Arete options for now because we might want to bank those for stronger options though a good long term option for Arete is the Slumber of Aeons - allows for banking of sleep, increases threshold, perfect for the monotonous interludes that will inevitably pop up once we're a few years into ruling. If we're going to go for short term, Undying Echo isn't bad, increasing constitution massively.

I wouldn't ignore Arete expenditures entirely this vote. You guys already took a greedy build last vote, and Hunger has to get through dozens or hundreds of encounters before this escort mission's over. Most of them won't be as hard as this one, but some may be harder.


This definitely isn't bad, but on the other hand we're on like day 2-7? right now and consider our growth so far. Even though that will also slow down it's still going to be quite major, might end up making sleep gains almost irrelevant.

Yeah, a lot depends on how you guys play the pace of this quest. There are all sorts of leads you could chase down during this escort mission with Gisena! Verschlengorge's too bulky.

The Gamer
MMO players but in real life. How terribly obnoxious. I feel we should put them to the sword for that alone, even if they weren't keen on randomly assaulting people for wholly arbitrary and probably stupid reasons.

Hey, everyone's got to eat.

What the fresh hell

Why is this our life now

Don't you know it's every Tyrant's destiny to be pursued by an intrepid hero and his party?


I mostly pity them, they're only children, really. They know not what they do.

Only one of them is a Gamer, the rest are his 'beloved' and faithful companions!


I can't believe we're this pressured by a fucking generic OP Isekai Harem Protagonist.

It's not your fault that his game skills translated near perfectly to life in the Voyaging Realm!

It is your fault for being Exhausted though. Still, even at full strength actually killing this guy would have been quite the feat.


Oh, man. There's no way these guys are as ridiculous as they come off, their dignity is yet another casualty of the Apocryphal Curse. As is our naptime. At least we're not Very Exhausted?

Not super into hunting Ber, don't want to deal with his patron. Hunt for Healing... risky, unless we go all-in on stat boosts rather than the other shinies.

I absolutely want Amaranth Star, especially right now, because duh. But as an El Stat voter I also like that +++. Age and Treachery is coooool, but we're exhausted, but I'll probably vote to rest anyway, so.

What Rains May Come is weird. There's gotta be cheaper healing, and while reversing wound penalties is some wacky hax I wound prefer if injury didn't happen in the first place. Purple votes for me, I think.

Fury over Calculating, 'cause Exp seems to have more relative value when it pays for basic bitch stuff like immediate stats, and Arete is for cool stuff.

[X] Recuperate

[X] Evening Sky - Amaranth Star

[X] Feat - Age and Treachery

[X] Fury - +1 pick above

Elizabeth, Seralize, 'Mercenary,' and Ber... should have taken the hint after your first hundred teleports failed. Hunger well knows that anyone is "allowed" to die. I feel bad for these guys. Pawns to the Astral Lord, the Curse, each other?

The Curse foremost, surely! One almost feels sorry for them. They had such a promising start, and now one bad decision has put them in the crosshairs of a greater power. But don't underestimate this guy's short-term growth curve. It's entirely possible, though not likely, that he can match or exceed your own rate of growth for a few weeks or months.


Not a chance, I'm already tired of being Exhausted, and with the Curse and a tiring supermove, bleh. Numbers going up speaks for itself.

On another note, it was nice to see Hunger being a Master Baiter, really exposing his... Charisma and Intelligence to Seralize at the moment of penetration.

Edit: Even if it did only last a single stroke.

Terrible to see such a nice girl heartbroken like that. So courageous, and loyal to her friends...


oh my! Really cool scene with lots of interesting moments and a complicated vote. Let's take our time and discuss in detail to see what bases we can cover and how we can blunt the risks we face.

I do think Press the Attack is being prematurely discarded, your enemy is exhausted and currently has zero companions. You could save yourself a lot of trouble later by nipping this problem in the bud. You're in bad shape but so is he, and you do have Gisena to tip the scales...


Nothing says 'interesting times' as much as being an unwilling MMO Event Raid Boss

That being said, too bad they picked on someone their own size, huh

Don't you just hate it when that happens?


He's literally an Isekai protagonist. And a fairly recent one. This is likely the first time Destiny has ever failed him. So... yeah, he honestly thinks his companions couldn't die... because short of us they couldn't.

Poor Seralize. She had it all planned out, and then she ran into Hunger...


This guy is overconfident and overreliant on his system for tactical decisions. He's gonna show up later, thinking that he's outleveled us in the interim (can't read our info and therefore can't tell the difference), and THAT is when we'll beat his ass.

Or maybe he'll actually have outleveled you! He's sure to pull out all the stops against an unknown level threat, and without his party to hold him back suggest the path of prudence there's nothing to stop his relentless optimization!


I found it funny none of them basically reacted at all to the first one we killed in comparison the dramatics later. Poor fodder, no one cared about you. Seralize on the other hand based on Ber's reaction gives me the impression she was potentially the equivalent of a GMPC. It seemed like her sword lost whatever force was powering it at the end, was that the case with all the rest of the enchanted gear we noticed I wonder? There's also still the King Fish stuff Gisena got interrupted examining... Sheesh the inventory is piling up and we don't even have a Gamer power!

She was a real person! It's not her fault her entire life was engineered for this purpose! It's pretty horrible if you think about it.

It looks like her sword is non-magical now, yeah. The power of Ruin often destroys lesser artifacts but it seems this one was just tied to her life force in some way.


You don't know whether he actually has backing from an Astral Lord, or whether the Astral Lord is just a "quest-giver" that offered him some reward for killing Verschlengorge. Now, is it likely that an Astral Lord would be opposed to the existence of Verschlengorge? Certainly. Are they necessarily allied to this Gamer character? Possibly not.


And sure, you're always welcome, mister walking bag of experience.

BER: Right back at ya, fuckwad.


Is Ber his actual name, or is it short for something? Some suggestions for possible names: November, Amber, Ember, Bertrand, Kimberlee, Bernard? Ember sounds suitably gamer, so that would be my guess.

It's not his true name, but it is shorthand for it.


I just don't think Ber is that big a threat.

He's a teleport-spamming Gamer with the ability to launch skyscraper-sized energy blasts that your most powerful current artifact (Evening Sky) could only barely redirect after Gisena had hit it with a focused Nullity. The only reason he left was because his Assess failed against you!


Also I just re-read Age and Treachery and realized both groups consist of two sexy women, one machine, and one man, and that in both cases the single man is the most powerful. Lol.

Three women in his case, and the machine is the strongest in yours! It just can't use that power - it's broken.

And Gisena's effective level under Quantified World is a bit higher than yours!


Bolding is mine. Again, I'm only a little worried about this guy. He cautious, so much so that when he couldn't see our power level he ran. His allies are dead and he'll need to hire new ones. He mentioned leveling up, so given his caution I assume that means going to some zone and grinding, rather than some crazy instant level-up plan where he fights monsters with a 10% chance of killing him. Our fight with him exhausted him.

Hunger believes it's likely, yes. But on what time scale will you outpace him? And what does "likely" mean? It could well represent a greater than 10% chance, which the voters already aren't willing to take. A 70% chance could be in the range of "likely."


I'm not sure what the mono-Pristine Star plan is... just wait and hope that you'll still be able to outscale Ber after gaining no combat-relevant abilities and taking five+ days off to heal? If he attacks you when you have 17 Arete stored up and kills you (or Gisena / Letrizia, which would be much easier), that Arete won't have helped at all!

If you want to take an incredibly greedy option in exchange for serious risk, the Tyrant Beast offers much better odds!

With Second Stage, you can full heal every day which vastly improves your risk-reward posture. With Pitiless Maw, every battle. With Undying Vanguard, you have much higher stats and your companions can tank and heal. Your speed of Experience gain is faster (or much faster) in all cases. If you'd had Azure Moon on long term planning I could see the logic, but you don't so you're not guaranteed any 7 Arete options with great potential in the next (however many days/weeks before Ber attacks again).


Hm... if you do get Second Stage, you're not too far off from Form of Rage Arete!

BER: A THIRD Stage? Shit, how many forms has this guy got!?

BER: Right. Hidden boss. I better retreat and grind to level cap or something.


Going full Inigo Montoya, not even once. This declaration betrays both her inexperience and initial objectives. And really, money and glory? She's going to try and claim the moral high ground after coming here on an assassination mission? Rage isn't rational, but there's serious hypocrisy here. If this story has a moral, it's that if you come at a Cursebearer, you better not miss.

Solipsistic entitlement from nobles? It's more likely than you think!


So, this is what the receiving end of Pressure feels like. Sera's Rank is impressive enough by the standards of the Human Sphere that I wonder if she and Ber aren't outsiders too? The Voyager's Realm has no end of ammunition for the Apocryphal Curse to throw at us. That we're taking wounds from a random swordswoman, not even the primary thrust of this Apocryphal proc, isn't a great sign. If Hunger had access to his own Pressure the bout would be more even, but this encounter leaves me with the worrying feeling that we need to get good fast.

Mm, Seralize is skilled, moreso than the pirate captain, and her speed is her strength. Even were Hunger not Exhausted she wouldn't be a pushover.
Last edited:
Fanwork Index
Not currently being updated as of December. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Cursed thoughts (748 words, Orm Embar)
THOU MUST (1180 words, Addio)
Initial decision point analysis (1054 words, Crimson Moon)
A Simple Transaction reaction (2284 words, runeblue360)
JUST (219 words, Salty)
Ultimate Vengeance Waifu Quest (1383 words, Unelemental)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (2670 words, Unelemental)
A Poem About Vendetta + Sword (758 words, KidFromPallet)
Bad Decisions (695 words, ImperatorV)
GenericYoutubeGuy Presents: A Reaction To: My Isekai Adventure Couldn't Possibly Be This Simple Of A Transaction! (797 words, KidFromPallet)
Fanwork: An Explanation (622 words, KidFromPallet)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (1463 words, BrainInAJar)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (1046 words, Orm Embar)
The Leviathan Breaks the Epilogues (227 words, Conjured Blade)
The Leviathan Has Come (567 words, Conjured Blade)
Daily Life of a Husband: Teach me Master! (1029 words, Maragas)
THE REAL CHAMPION (470 words, Salty)
THOU MUST reaction (841 words, runeblue360)
Curse classification thoughts (581 words, runeblue360)
Curse opinions (475 words, Maragas)
Sword Without a Hilt (1194 words, Sickul)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (1465 words, Maragas, overrides Curse opinions because it contains the same text)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (1873 words, Birdsie)
That which begins in flame, ends in flame (1246 words, Cerillian)
Who Is Next? (537 words, Enohthree)
A Cursed Legend (1239 words, Unelemental)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (1331 words, Conjured Blade)
Despite Everything (1125 words, BrainInAJar)
How it Really Went Down (600 words, KidFromPallet)
Lesser Remittances analysis (361 words, Conjured Blade)
A Simple Transaction Reaction (932 words, formalAI)
ODDLY FATHER BEYONDER (3266 words, runeblue360)
The Astral Eye (1195 words, Unelemental)
Teach me Eyepatch Sensei! (746 words, Conjured Blade)
Vote Update 1 to Lesser Remittances reaction (1466 words, BrainInAJar)
Compelled to Battle reaction (471 words, Conjured Blade)
Goin' Anywhere (1524 words, Box Lunch)
Compelled to Battle reaction (2464 words, runeblue360)
Wizard, Muscle Wizard! What can you do? (1040 words, Maragas)
The Last Alchemy Montage (615 words, Conjured Blade)
Humanitarian tactics (553 words, runeblue360)
Compelled to Battle reaction (2742 words, Unelemental)
Compelled to Battle reaction (1566 words, Orm Embar)
Compelled to Battle analysis (927 words, formalAI)
Compelled to Battle reaction (1342 words, BrainInAJar)
Why Utility Builds Are Great (1125 words, KidFromPallet)
Heart of the Matter reaction (447 words, Conjured Blade)
Heart of the matter decision analysis (1020 words, Crimson Moon)
Build combination analysis (570 words, Conjured Blade)
Heart of the Matter reaction (2440 words, runeblue360)
Heart of the Matter reaction (2899 words, Unelemental)
Lexicon of the Fingers (400 words, Aabcehmu)
Heart of the Matter reaction (2040 words, Orm Embar)
Heavenly King of Curses: Lucky Day Indeed (1000 words, Maragas)
HotM consolidation analysis (526 words, runeblue360)
Not a Simple Transaction (1182 words, Unelemental)
Heart of the Matter analysis (1024 words, formalAI)
Heart of the Matter reaction (826 words, Maragas)
Heart of the Matter reaction (1029 words, BrainInAJar)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (409 words, Conjured Blade)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (2110 words, Orm Embar)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (2984 words, Unelemental)
Times and Tides reaction (332 words, Conjured Blade)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (1952 words, runeblue360)
Times and Tides reaction (1962 words, runeblue360)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (1425 words, BrainInAJar)
Speculation on Armaments and the Astral (1039 words, BrainInAJar)
Times and Tides reaction (1358 words, Orm Embar)
Evening Sky reaction (864 words, Conjured Blade)
Evening Sky analysis (718 words, formalAI)
Evening Sky reaction (2563 words, Unelemental)
Evening Sky reaction (1922 words, runeblue360)
Evening Sky reaction (747 words, Projectile)
You (Isekai) Get What You (Isekai) Pay For (1275 words, DarkSideBard)
Fisher King reaction (564 words, Conjured Blade)
Project Candle Light Hate Date (630 words, Conjured Blade)
Fisher King reaction (2436 words, runeblue360)
Fisher King reaction (1704 words, Orm Embar)
Fisher King reaction (2278 words, Unelemental)
Life Goals (1214 words, runeblue360)
Passing Out After a Major Battle is Cliche (1000 words, Aabcehmu)
The Legendary Kyubass (191 words, Priest)
Fan Curses (705 words, ImperatorV)
Praehihr & Aloft to Murder reaction (476 words, Conjured Blade)
Aloft to Murder reaction (2155 words, runeblue360)
Aloft to Murder reaction (2264 words, Unelemental)
Thoughts on Rank & Mitigation (531 words, Projectile)
Lady of the Lake decision point analysis (1011 words, Redshirt Army)
Decimation mitigation analysis (2003 words, Skelm)
A Hero's Panoply analysis (973 words, Unelemental)
Lady of the Lake reaction (1757 words, Orm Embar)
Lady of the Lake & Hero's Panoply reaction (899 words, Conjured Blade)
Lady of the Lake reaction (2549 words, runeblue360)
Enduring and Fleeting analysis (1337 words, Orm Embar)
Ephialtes (2151 words, Unelemental)
Age and Treachery reaction (700 words, Conjured Blade)
Combinatoric Build analysis (1149 words, Conjured Blade)
Age and Treachery reaction (2985 words, Unelemental)
Analysis of Curses and Remittances (1321 words, ImperatorV)
Hero (3317 words, vali)
Age and Treachery reaction (2370 words, Orm Embar)
Age and Treachery reaction (1572 words, formalAI)
Flawlessly Typical Creature (578 words, Fumbles)
Temple of the False Moon (1211 words, Conjured Blade)
Wolf Moon reaction (403 words, Conjured Blade)
Wolf Moon reaction (1215 words, Orm Embar)
Wolf Moon reaction (1426 words, Unelemental)
Temple Temptation (311 words, Redshirt Army)
A Drake of Empty Night (666 words, Byzantine)
Complication analysis (852 words, Wolfy)
Synchronization Complete reaction (1621 words, Unelemental)
Twilight Throw-Down (1417 words, Fumbles)
A Moment's Reprieve build analysis (470 words, Genesys)
Synchronization Complete reaction (1508 words, Orm Embar)
Age and Treachery reaction (2646 words, runeblue360)
(Isekai) 2, Eccentric Ingenue (2580 words, DarkSideBard)
Seems Legit (259 words, LordOfMurder)
A Moment's Reprieve reaction (1109 words, Orm Embar)
Maw of the Moon (946 words, Hirorubie)
Heart of the Matter reaction (1246 words, Byzantine)
The Solitary Moon reaction (1036 words, ImperatorV)
The Solitary Moon reaction (1617 words, Orm Embar)
The Solitary Moon reaction (1844 words, Unelemental)
Regiment/Conservative contingencies (1137 words, Projectile)
The Solitary Moon reaction (803 words, Projectile)
Wolf Moon reaction (1681 words, runeblue360)
Ghost Stories reaction & vote (2922 words, runeblue360)
Synchronization Complete (2409 words, runeblue360)
War and Wind reaction (412 words, Conjured Blade)
War and Wind reaction & vote analysis (913 words, Genesys)
Strategic analysis (1098 words, DarkSideBard)
Vote & plan analysis (587 words, cheesyme)
War and Wind reaction (1101 words, Byzantine)
On Form of Rage's appeal (692 words, runeblue360)
Just Imagine (336 words, Wolfy)
War and Wind reaction (1335 words, Orm Embar)
War and Wind reaction (2707 words, Unelemental)
Temple of the False Moon Real-Estate Listing (440 words, vali)
War and Wind decision analysis (451 words, formalAI)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (1185 words, Bilbo Baggins)
The Winnowing Garden vote analysis (1174 words, DarkSideBard)
Plants vs. Astral Monsters (809 words, Harried)
Totally Not a Dune Reference (934 words, Box Lunch)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (2522 words, Unelemental)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (667 words, Conjured Blade)
Ordinalist build for Hunger (802 words, Conjured Blade)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (1361 words, Orm Embar)
Cutting Through reaction (644 words, Conjured Blade)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (1038 words, Byzantine)
To Sunder Everything (501 words, Byzantine)
The Myriad Paths (532 words, Byzantine)
Synchronization Complete to Solitary Moon reactions (1359 words, Conjured Blade)
A Moment's Reprieve reaction (1727 words, runeblue360)
Moon mercenary blurbs (1306 words, Conjured Blade)
Cutting Through reaction (2275 words, Unelemental)
Ordinalist Gisena build (451 words, Conjured Blade)
Blumenkranz (569 words, Conjured Blade)
The Mountains of Reflection (1515 words, DarkSideBard)
Promenade of Glories decision analysis (960 words, DarkSideBard)
Promenade of Glories decision analysis (389 words, ImperatorV)
Atop a Throne of Stars (1789 words, Xalvitor)
Dreadbeast tactics (551 words, BrainInAJar)
Rank Q&A (495 words, Wolfy)
Magus tactics (464 words, Orm Embar)
Dreadbeast tactics (524 words, Projectile)
Magus tactics (626 words, Unelemental)
Power and Speed: Splitting a Moment. (557 words, Byzantine)
The Dreadbeast (179 words, Redshirt Army)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (856 words, ImperatorV)
Heart of the Matter (Twice Great Edition) (2147 words, Conjured Blade)
For She Trod Upon the Stars (857 words, Sickul)
Gardener's Choice (657 words, ImperatorV)
Ordinalist Letrizia build (502 words, Conjured Blade)
The Solitary Moon reaction (2387 words, runeblue360)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (3601 words, Projectile)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (2471 words, Orm Embar)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (923 words, Fumbles)
Build analysis along three axes (833 words, runeblue360)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (4153 words, Unelemental)
Chad and Thad, the Rad Lads (292 words, Redshirt Army)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (716 words, Prospalz)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (2435 words, Conjured Blade)
Coin and Realm decision analysis (810 words, DarkSideBard)
Coin and Realm decision analysis (580 words, Unelemental)
Camp vs. Gisena analysis (533 words, Zampano)
Outrider tactics (615 words, Fumbles)
Knight-Commander tactics (573 words, Fumbles)
Knight-Commander tactics (517 words, Talace)
Knight-Commander tactics (505 words, Unelemental)
Red of Sky and Fang reaction (1723 words, Zampano)
VR Valor (739 words, Taka)
Knight-Commander diplomacy tactics (326 words, BrainInAJar)
Bad Life Choices (650 words, Unelemental)
Knight-Commander tactics (576 words, Projectile)
Coin and Realm reaction (627 words, Conjured Blade)
Immediate & short term plans (676 words, runeblue360)
Red of Sky and Fang reaction (2352 words, Unelemental)
Red of Sky and Fang reaction (929 words, Conjured Blade)
Fending Off reaction (724 words, TwistedJester)
Fending Off reaction & vote analysis (1621 words, Genesys)
Fending Off reaction (1189 words, Prospalz)
Fending Off reaction (3161 words, Projectile)
Fending Off reaction (2491 words, Unelemental)
Hypothetical Knight-Commander Defining Advancements (553 words, Talace)
Dao of the Reckless Fool (308 words, formalAI)
Titanic Ascension (1942 words, Xalvitor)
Heedless analysis (724 words, Talace)
Meditations on the Sword vote analysis (1720 words, Zampano)
Learning to Select a Thematically Coherent Powerset (1686 words, Talace)
Fisher King reaction (1702 words, Projectile)
Bloodslayer argument (452 words, Xalvitor)
CursedLand omake reaction (5897 words, runeblue360)
Temple of the Moon's Tail: Part 1 (1689 words, Unelemental)
Fending Off reaction (772 words, Conjured Blade)
Cutting Through reaction (1010 words, Byzantine)
Fending Off reaction (1256 words, Enohthree)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (1352 words, Byzantine)
Coin and Realm reaction (911 words, Byzantine)
Throne and Alter vote analysis (941 words, Talace)
Throne and Alter vote analysis (666 words, Genesys)
Knight of Holly analysis (472 words, Box Lunch)
Throne and Alter vote analysis (781 words, Taka)
Throne and Alter vote analysis (423 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Fending Off reaction (1264 words, Gerrou)
Throne and Alter reaction (2156 words, Projectile)
Throne and Alter reaction (2388 words, Unelemental)
Throne and Alter reaction (512 words, Genesys)
Opportunistic Raiding argument (471 words, Box Lunch)
Breach the Middle tactics (668 words, Projectile)
Breach the Middle tactics (853 words, Unelemental)
Coin and Realm reaction (1620 words, Orm Embar)
Red of Sky and Fang reaction (2074 words, Orm Embar)
Fending Off reaction (2408 words, Orm Embar)
Throne and Alter reaction (2156 words, Orm Embar)
Throne and Alter reaction (1877 words, Conjured Blade)
Lady of the Lake (1276 words, vali)
Honor Unstained reaction (872 words, TwistedJester)
Once and Future reaction (1809 words, Orm Embar)
Honor Unstained reaction (1507 words, Box Lunch)
Honor Unstained reaction/tactics (2635 words, Projectile)
Honor Unstained reaction (2708 words, Unelemental)
Sky Above Sky reaction (1876 words, Fumbles)
Sky Above Sky vote analysis (1117, DarkSideBard)
Sky Above Sky reaction (1860 words, ImperatorV)
Sky Above Sky reaction (1132 words, TwistedJester)
Honor Unstained reaction (1309 words, Prospalz)
Once and Future reaction (1556 words, Conjured Blade)
Honor Unstained reaction (1070 words, ImperatorV)
Sapling (882 words, Maragas)
Sky Above Sky reaction (1686 words, Projectile)
Sky Above Sky reaction (2236 words, Unelemental)
Coin and Realm reaction (1400 words, Prospalz)
FEAST (761 words, Hirorubie)
A Moment's Reprieve reaction (981 words, Prospalz)
Circle (511 words, Hirorubie)
Post-Uttermost build planning (779 words, ImperatorV)
Arisen Again reaction (1833 words, Projectile)
Arisen Again reaction (2241 words, Unelemental)
Thunder of Blood vote analysis (1059 words, Unelemental)
Arisen Again reaction (993 words, Prospalz)
Mercenary Company Report (706 words, Taka)
Thunder of Blood vote analysis (565 words, Zampano)
5.75 Rank argument (698 words, Wolfy)
Thunder of Blood vote analysis (587 words, ImperatorV)
A Successful Operation (911 words, Taka)
Combinatorial path analysis (500 words, ImperatorV)
No Breaks (831 words, Hirorubie)
Arisen Again reaction (1283 words, Conjured Blade)
Vacation tactics (866 words, Projectile)
Thunder of Blood reaction (2139 words, Unelemental)
Impunity reaction (1611 words, Prospalz)
Thunder of Blood reaction (1732 words, Conjured Blade)
Sky Above Sky reaction (2093 words, Conjured Blade)
Ghost Stories reaction & build (2698 words, Conjured Blade)
Honor Unstained reaction (1838 words, Conjured Blade)
Rihakuverse A Simple Transaction AI Dungeon Session (2602 words, Conjured Blade)
Impunity reaction (1094 words, Strange9)
A headpat for your efforts (759 words, Taka)
Impunity reaction (1927 words, Byzantine)
Headpat reaction & vote (591 words, runeblue360)
Throne and Alter reaction (2360 words, Prospalz)
Moths to the Flame (581 words, Byzantine)
Thunder of Blood reaction (2514 words, Projectile)
Honor Unstained reaction (2023 words, BrainInAJar)
You Cannot Escape Your Fate (784 words, Sharkey_smt)
Evening Sky reaction (1329 words, Prospalz)
Your Next Directive (764 words, Taka)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (741 words, TwistedJester)
A Simple Transaction reaction (2535 words, agumentic)
Impunity reaction (1390 words, Conjured Blade)
Thunder of Blood reaction (1420 words, Byzantine)
Praehihr reaction (490 words, Prospalz)
Impunity reaction (2610 words, Projectile)
Impunity reaction (2231 words, agumentic)
Impunity reaction (926 words, Enohthree)
Your Next Directive analysis & vote (636 words, runeblue360)
Impunity reaction (4024 words, Unelemental)
Genre Shift (1422 words, Fumbles)
All Along the Watchtower vote analysis (486 words, ImperatorV)
The Tide (476 words, Byzantine)
Surgecraft (1165 words, Talace)
Negaverse: Erii Quest (839 words, Genesys)
Lady of the Lake reaction (1540 words, Prospalz)
All Along the Watchtower vote analysis (1221 words, Unelemental)
Fishing is the answer to everything (1195 words, Sharkey_smt)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (1716 words, Prospalz)
Bait (534 words, Sharkey_smt)
Naptime (1306 words, PurposefulZephyr)
Surge samples (1117 words, Unelemental)
Expendability (1100 words, Taka)
All Along the Watchtower vote analysis (1679 words, Projectile)
Bloodwraith thoughts (996 words, Hirorubie)
Accretion interactions speculation (608 words, ImperatorV)
Imaginary Elements (251 words, Box Lunch)
Experience (3160 words, Zfglx)
Genre Shift vote & analysis (557 words, runeblue360)
GHOST STORIES 2 (933 words, Addio)
Introduction & questions (2198 words, Raydom)
Accursed Implement reaction (2166 words, ImperatorV)
Accursed Implement reaction (2827 words, Projectile)
Thunder of Blood reaction (1208 words, ImperatorV)
Checkup musings (773 words, Hirorubie)
Accursed Implement reaction (1239 words, Conjured Blade)
Just According to Plan (826 words, Redshirt Army)
Elementary School (3617 words, Fumbles)
Erii Quest reaction & vote (726 words, runeblue360)
Travelers, and Caravans (1439 words, Zfglx)
Heart of the Matter reaction (1668 words, Projectile)
Accursed Implement reaction (2457 words, Orm Embar)
Accursed Implement reaction (4213 words, Unelemental)
Accursed Implement reaction (498 words, Genesys)
The Imperial Numerals (633 words, ImperatorV)
Rihaku - The Heart of Magic (706 words, Sara)
Vertiginous Heights analysis (1104 words, DarkSideBard)
Vertiginous Heights analysis (1163 words, Duquette7)
Vertiginous Heights analysis (1032 words, Unelemental)
Findross & edeldross speculation (461 words, vali)
Inksky arguments (1299 words, DarkSideBard)
Accursed Implement reaction (3473 words, Prospalz)
The Fishing Lesson (3176 words, DarkSideBard)
The Solitary Moon reaction (2056 words, Prospalz)
Aloft to Murder reaction (1140 words, Prospalz)
Accursed Implement reaction (1685 words, formalAI)
All That Glitters (1293 words, Unelemental)
Yet another simple transaction (1800 words, Xalvitor)
Impunity reaction (1258 words, formalAI)
Stay and Train characterization commentary (421 words, Taka)
Farm, then Clear arguments & tactics (1564 words, Talace)
Stay and Train arguments & tactics (833 words, Projectile)
Edeldross training theories (474 words, ScalesLikeCinder)
Expendability reaction & vote (529 words, runeblue360)
Stats with multipliers (466 words, BrainInAJar)
Spreadsheet Overdrive (404 words, Talace)
High Glades vote analysis (1665 words, Zampano)
Yet another simple transaction reaction & vote (511 words, formalAI)
Yet another simple transaction part 2 (1302 words, Xalvitor)
Scarlet Legion vote analysis (617 words, Fumbles)
Ennobling argument (417 words, Raydom)
Vigor/Transfusion/Experimentation argument (496 words, ScalesLikeCinder)
Scarlet Legion vote analysis (1465 words, Zampano)
High Glades reaction (2003 words, Projectile)
Philosopher's Wreath argument (522 words, Sara)
Valor or Discretion (765 words, Taka)
Yet another simple transaction part 2 reaction & vote (1616 words, formalAI)
Lord of the Fish (1061 words, Sharkey_smt)
Scarlet Legion reaction (3650 words, Unelemental)
YAST Pt. 2 vote reaction (1033 words, Xalvitor)
Infiltration & Tyrant interactions speculation (446 words, Garlak)
Negotiating concerns (429 words, Garlak)
Subtle and Quick vote analysis (394 words, vali)
Subtle and Quick recruit analysis (354 words, Orm Embar)
Methodical farming tactics (402 words, Talace)
Subtle and Quick vote analysis (1579 words, Unelemental)
Cutting into the Temple (1289 words, Hirorubie)
Scarlet Legion reaction (1870 words, Projectile)
Subtle and Quick reaction (3150 words, Projectile)
Victoryash (187 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Crash Course: Introduction reaction & vote (778 words, runeblue360)
Subtle and Quick reaction (2592 words, Unelemental)
Valor or Discretion reaction & vote (591 words, runeblue360)
Brief Respite vote analysis (889 words, Fumbles)
Least Curses (682 words, Orm Embar)
Dominion: War argument (570 words, Kurowari)
Negaverse Erii Quest: Part 2 (1212 words, Genesys)
Fleeting Respite vote analysis (2687 words, Unelemental)
Edeldross Adept argument (581 words, Sara)
Not a Man; Not a Hero (1211 words, Taka)
Time and Tides reaction (1870 words, Box Lunch)
Evening Sky reaction (2850 words, Box Lunch)
Argument for Adept/against flashbuying (936 words, Sara)
Fleeting respite option analysis (481 words, Taka)
Learning to Prepare for Enemies with Obvious Abilities (3218 words, Talace)
High Glades reaction (2197 words, Prospalz)
Fleeting Respite reaction (2887 words, Projectile)
Fleeting Respite vote analysis (488 words, formalAI)
A Weighty Transaction (1668 words, Unelemental)
Major build vote analysis (1139 words, ImperatorV)
Gondar & Crimson Flare argument (626 words, Dark Abstraction)
Soteriological Conqueror (371 words, Talace)
Gondar tactics (514 words, Taka)
Silver of Evening argument (1145 words, ImperatorV)
The Self-Defeating Stance (272 words, Xalvitor)
Fleeting Respite reaction (2013 words, Prospalz)
Second Silver of Evening argument (444 words, ImperatorV)
The 360 Blue Runes (411 words, Xalvitor)
Promenade of Glories: II tactics (4951 words, Projectile)
Promenade of Glories: II analysis (936 words, Hirorubie)
Avecarn diplomacy tactics (393 words, Orm Embar)
Subtle and Quick reaction (1953 words, Prospalz)
Promenade of Glories: II vote analysis (393 words, formalAI)
Silver of Evening argument (428 words, runeblue360)
Scarlet Legion reaction (mistitled as Subtle and Quick) (1092 words, Prospalz)
Archetypical Classhood (528 words, TwistedJester)
The Emanations of Age (531 words, TwistedJester)
High Glades reaction (978 words, Conjured Blade)
All The World's A Joke (250 words, Talace)
Sactomancy (172 words, Aabcehmu)
Harlequin (171 words, Shard)
Fumbleborn (220 words, Talace)
Competence (152 words, Shard)
Scarlet Legion reaction (2046 words, Orm Embar)
Accursed Implement reaction (2013 words, Byzantine)
Force of Nature reaction (1755 words, Sharkey_smt)
Force of Nature reaction (1147 words, Simon_Jester)
Force of Nature reaction (2737 words, Projectile)
Force of Nature comments (560 words, Sara)
Onward, For Everyone's Tomorrow (1221 words, Taka)
Promenade of Glories: II reaction (891 words, Sharkey_smt)
Force of Nature reaction (2521 words, Talace)
A Minor Transaction (280 words, Taka)
Sky Above Sky reaction (2033 words, BrainInAJar)
Force of Nature reaction (3353 words, Prospalz)
Fleeting Respite reaction (1189 words, Sharkey_smt)
Scarlet Legion reaction (776 words, Sharkey_smt)
Avecarn tactics (1043 words, ScalesLikeCinder)
All for Nothing (1207 words, Sharkey_smt)
Unelementalism & Valiance (642 words, Orm Embar)
Welcome, Apostle (1270 words, Taka)
Subtle and Quick reaction (1002 words, Sharkey_smt)
A Simple Transaction partial reaction (928 words, Prospalz)
The Trials (754 words, Zfglx)
Flip / A Fist Of One's Own / A Mirror, Darkly (627 words, Talace)
High Glades reaction (1527 words, Byzantine)
The Universe (599 words, Byzantine)
Negaverse: Erii Quest Part 3 (1116 words, Genesys)
A simple transaction: Part 3 (2298 words, Xalvitor)
Marshal social combat tactics (449 words, Hirorubie)
Force of Nature reaction (2629 words, ImperatorV)
Avecarn tactical flowchart (1350 words, Projectile)
Welcome, Apostle analysis & vote (671 words, runeblue360)
Build planning & budgeting Arete for the future (739 words, Redshirt Army)
Fleeting Respite reaction (1526 words, Orm Embar)
Accursed Implement reaction (2002 words, agumentic)
Age and Treachery reaction (3945 words, Projectile)
Trials Askew (1711 words, Zfglx)
Force of Nature reaction (8271 words, Unelemental)
Scarlet Legion reaction (1536 words, Byzantine)
Inner Edifice (299 words, TwistedJester)
A Simple Transaction reaction (1654 words, Projectile)
Shaping, Origins (1103 words, Zfglx)
A Simple Transaction reaction (1302 words, Sara)
Shardcraft (290 words, Talace)
Argument against Renaissance Woman (527 words, Kurowari)
A Simple Transaction reaction (3868 words, Kurowari)
Vote Update 1 reaction (2293 words, Kurowari)
Fisher King reaction (4281 words, Box Lunch)
Validation Vindication (620 words, Taka)
Sovereigngun (151 words, HoratioVonBecker)
A Wind Full of Knives vote analysis (502 words, formalAI)
A Wind Full of Knives reaction (1630 words, Prospalz)
A Wind Full of Knives reaction (805 words, formalAI)
A Wind Full of Knives reaction (1330 words, Sharkey_smt)
A-DS argument (571 words, Orm Embar)
Shaping, a not so brief guide (1268 words, Zfglx)
Force of Nature reaction (1369 words, formalAI)
Doomed Quest (1686 words, Unelemental)
Shaping, mastery (1367 words, Zfglx)
A Wind Full of Knives reaction (1130 words, Mannan)
Star-Forge reaction (1493 words, Fumbles)
Star-Forge analysis (1265 words, Garlak)
Temple civilization speculation (894 words, Garlak)
Nature of Magic reaction (2407 words, Kurowari)
Burdens of Our Authority (1360 words, Taka)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (1977 words, Sharkey_smt)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (1110 words, formalAI)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (2258 words, Projectile)
A Place That Is Destroyed (490 words, Aabcehmu)
FormalAI (589 words, Xalvitor)
Hunger's Soul Evocation: An Explanation (546 words, vali)
Thoughts on rebellion (575 words, Simon_Jester)
Rank argument redux (418 words, Wolfy)
A Promise Kept (1025 words, Taka)
To Battle's Close reaction (5823 words, Hirorubie)
Genesys (459 words, Xalvitor)
Meet the Tyrants (1780 words, Sharkey_smt)
Thoughts on strategy (668 words, Taka)
Princess's Grace (440 words, Xalvitor)
Scarlet Legion reaction (1498 words, Conjured Blade)
Hero's Ruby (420 words, Xalvitor)
To Battle's Close reaction (7445 words, Kurowari)
GHOST STORIES 2 reaction & vote (1346 words, runeblue360)
To Battle's Close reaction (2554 words, Projectile)
Negaverse: Erii Quest Part 4 (1435 words, Genesys)
The Provinces, Roused vote analysis (544 words, Fumbles)
The Provinces, Roused vote analysis (992 words, Zampano)
The Provinces, Routes ally analysis (729 words, Taka)
Larissa & the nature of heroism argument(694 words, Sara)
Lances And Marks (1150 words, Taka)
The Provinces, Roused vote analysis (429 words, formalAI)
To Battle's Close reaction (1820 words, Sharkey_smt)
The Provinces, Roused reaction (720 words, Sharkey_smt)
Edeldross analysis (402 words, vali)
Sarandipity & The Vermilion Legion (626 words, Orm Embar)
Yet another simple transaction: Part 4 (2173 words, Xalvitor)
The Apocryphal Garden (1431 words, vali)
The Black End (573 words, Xalvitor)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (1342 words, Byzantine)
Rot In Peace (976 words, Taka)
Scorched Earth tactics (1814 words, Projectile)
AST Part 4 reaction & vote (483 words, formalAI)
Analysis of Projectile's tactics (1335 words, Byzantine)
Ruby vs. the Gaoler Beast (801 words, Aabcehmu)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (5093 words, Unelemental)
Day of Independence reaction (3245 words, Projectile)
Tactics for Sten fight (958 words, Talace)
Sten tactics (383 words, BrainInAJar)
Lesser Remittances reaction (7313 words, Kurowari)
Build thoughts (793 words, Wolfy)
Analysis of parallels between Sten & Hunger (1076 words, Unelemental)
Against All Odds (1454 words, Taka)
A Farewell to Arms reaction (4272 words, Projectile)
Steva thoughts (545 words, Projectile)
Speaking Of Rhetorical Displays (124 words, Box Lunch)
Yet another transaction part 5 (3517 words, Xalvitor)
Subtle and Quick reaction (1694 words, Conjured Blade)
Treachery omake (800 words, Orm Embar)
Fleeting Respite reaction (1252 words, Conjured Blade)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (1452 words, Conjured Blade)
Tactics for Treachery (520 words, Talace)
Force of Nature reaction (1161 words, Conjured Blade)
A Mercenary's Bearing (1321 words, Taka)
Build arguments (537 words, formalAI)
YAST Pt. 5 reaction & vote (609 words, formalAI)
Day of Independence reaction (2927 words, Unelemental)
The Ultimate Price reaction (843 words, formalAI)
The Ultimate Price reaction (2812 words, Projectile)
A Wind Full of Knives reaction (1358 words, Conjured Blade)
A Farewell to Arms reaction (3383 words, Orm Embar)
Forefront reaction (2998 words, Zampano)
Arguments for all builds (1005 words, Zampano)
A Spineful of Bravery (679 words, Taka)
Letrizia von Artriez, Hero of the Empire (985 words, Sharkey_smt)
Day of Independence reaction (1107 words, Sharkey_smt)
Beauty And The Beasts (1695 words, Taka)
Ruby's Meal Plan (730 words, Aabcehmu)
Negaverse: [A]drift - Prologue Sequence (370 words, Talace)
To Battle's Close reaction (1366 words, Conjured Blade)
Forefront reaction (1265 words, Projectile)
Shaping, Taboos (1167 words, Zfglx)
In Wake of Silence vote analysis (753 words, Box Lunch)
In Wake of Silence reaction (439 words, noliar)
Negaverse: [A]drift - Names (879 words, Talace)
The Ripper Mage (749 words, Shard)
Something To Protect (1294 words, Taka)
Yet another simple transaction part 6 (3151 words, Xalvitor)
A Farewell to Arms reaction (2892 words, Unelemental)
Shaping, Shapes and Shaping (1460 words, Zfglx)
In Wake of Silence vote analysis (505 words, formalAI)
In Wake of Silence reaction (2601 words, Projectile)
The World Your Oyster vote analysis (427 words, SpectatingRaven)
The World Your Oyster vote analysis (650 words, ImperatorV)
The Ripper Mage: Lost Glories I (473 words, Shard)
The World Your Oyster vote analysis (793 words, formalAI)
YAST Pt. 6 reaction & vote (582 words, formalAI)
The World Your Oyster vote analysis (3318 words, Zampano)
Lunar Coronet vassalization analysis (500 words, Zampano)
Negaverse: Adrift - Names reaction & vote (239 words, formalAI)
Ruby's Gorging (660 words, Aabcehmu)
The Ripper Mage: LG 1 reaction & vote (177 words, formalAI)
Seeds Unthawing (1651 words, Taka)
The Māragagan & Ferry Magic (736 words, Orm Embar)
YAST Pt. 5 reaction & vote (4209 words, UDwarf)
Response to UDwarf's reaction & vote (712 words, Xalvitor)
The Lord of the Rings vote analysis (792 words, ImperatorV)
Gangs of AST (2050 words, Sharkey_smt)
My life as an otome heroine didn't go as expected. (1173 words, Xalvitor)
Retrospective on the Temple and Apocryphal risk assessment (561 words, DarkSideBard)
The Zampano (730 words, Xalvitor)
Lord of the Rings reaction (1150 words, Zampano)
Footsteps Beneath Yellowed Skies (590 words, Taka)
Other groups, locations and notable individuals in the world of AST (1082 words, Sharkey_smt)
A Letter of Appreciation and A Letter of Challenge (635 words, runeblue360)
An Oath To Heroism (3425 words, Taka)
Reply to the honored R. Blue – Official Archivist of AST (502 words, Sharkey_smt)
Sharkey_smt (450 words, Xalvitor)
Negaverse: [A]drift - I Did Say This Would Get Surreal (1105 words, Talace)
The Lord of the Rings vote analysis (537 words, formalAI)
The Lord of the Rings reaction (2127 words, Projectile)
Subtle and Quick reaction (2056 words, Byzantine)
Day of Independence reaction (579 words, Conjure Blade)
LotR tactics (1605 words, Projectile)
LotR vote analysis (935 words, Zampano)
The Ultimate Price reaction (3583 words, Unelemental)
Fleeting Respite reaction (2017 words, Byzantine)
Nine White character sheet (518 words, runeblue360)
Praxis vote analysis (429 words, Duquette7)
Errantry write-in (730 words, Projectile)
The Staircase of a Broken Sun (999 words, Taka)
Threefold Meditations reaction pt. 1 (1808 words, Zampano)
Why You Should Spend On the Praxis (1022 words, runeblue360)
Love in the Fire's Light (1013 words, runeblue360)
Monkey Talk (1127 words, Aabcehmu)
Negaverse: Erii Quest Part 5 (1312 words, Genesys)
Negaverse: Erii Quest Part 6 (2732 words, Genesys)
A Path Untaken: A Business Trip (1391 words, Taka)
Threefold Meditations vote analysis (1022 words, formalAI)
CRASH COURSE [UPDATE 2] (523 words, Priest)
Accursed Pact chapter 1 (2889 words after subtracting copied Curses & Remittances, ImperatorV)
Threefold Meditations reaction (1649 words, formalAI)
MAGIC FANTASY TERTIARY INSTITUTE DATING SIM QUEST reaction & vote (2903 words, runeblue360)
Accursed Pact reaction & vote (443 words, Da Boyz)
Accursed Pact reaction & vote (411 words, formalAI)
Cursed Cat (1821 words, Tyrant_Rayne)
Threefold Meditations reaction pt. 2 (1357 words, Zampano)
Threefold Meditations reaction (3581 words, Projectile)
Yet another simple transaction part 7 (3059 words, Xalvitor)
Palatial Tyranny (123 words, Aabcehmu)
YAST 6 (First half) beta/response (2975 words, UDwarf)
HEAVENS: DEFIED|EARTH: UNCARING (2331 words, runeblue360)
Aabcehmu's Magic Repository (436 words, Xalvitor)
Threefold Meditations reaction (5571 words, Unelemental)
The Tyrant's Authority (555 words, Xalvitor)
Shaping, Shaping Methodologies (1173 words, Zfglx)
Negaverse: Vanreir Interlude (1100 words, Genesys)
An Even Simpler Transaction (1914 words, formalAI)
Threefold Meditations reaction pt. 3 (1317 words, Zampano)
An Even Simpler Transaction reaction & vote (659 words, runeblue360)
Radiance (754 words, Zfglx)
Threefold Meditations reaction (712 words, TwistedJester)
Threefold Meditations reaction pt. 4 (1163 words, Zampano)
A Simple Transaction CYOA (6164 words, vali)
Forefront reaction (1748 words, Pechum)
Curselike CYOA playthrough (475 words, Projectile)
A Dream of a Transaction (1345 words, zinay)
Response to UDwarf's comments on YAST Pt. 6 (649 words, Xalvitor)
More Curses (336 words, Enohthree)
vali's CYOA build (410 words, vali)
A Farewell to Arms reaction (1720 words, Sharkey_smt)
The Lord of the Rings reaction (1709 words, Prospalz)
Meditations on the Praxis (3037 words, Projectile)
Weighing The Scales (1311 words, Taka)
Austerity CYOA build (806 words, runeblue360)
Forefront reaction (1001 words, Sharkey_smt)
Dwarven Craftsmanship (678 words, Xalvitor)
Quality of Life CYOA build (594 words, HoratioVonBecker)
YAST Pt. 7 reaction & vote (506 words, formalAI)
Various builds (2483 words, UDwarf)
A Simple Transaction reaction (2283 words, Dieb)
A Farewell to Arms reaction (3025 words, Prospalz)
Nocturnal CYOA build (1025 words, Orm Embar)
The Ageless Hour vote analysis & tactics (1942 words, Fumbles)
The Ageless Hour vote analysis (623 words, formalAI)
A Curse, Twice Given (1291 words, Byzantine)
A Curse, Twice Given Part 2 (1050 words, Byzantine)
A Call for Aid Tactics (2655 words, Projectile)
Wild Intelligence (1164 words, Taka)
The Ultimate Price reaction (1940 words, Sharkey_smt)
Catacombs of AST (1140 words, Sharkey_smt)
Negaverse Quartet (2556 words, Xalvitor)
Saving Private Mizuku speculation (528 words, Garlak)
Hand Held Opportunities + Path addendum (1772 words, Taka)
Mists of Quickening reaction (3563 words, Projectile)
Mizuku tactics (663 words, Unelemental)
Mists of Quickening vote analysis (504 words, formalAI)
Build & Pearlescence commentary (857 words, UDwarf)
A Lonely Flight (592 words, runeblue360)
Pests (468 words, Aabcehmu)
Alternative builds in Hunger's place (885 words, ImperatorV)
A Choice of Import vote analysis (916 words, Talace)
Response to ImperatorV's prompt (1223 words, Conjured Blade)
A Choice of Import vote analysis (600 words, runeblue360)
A Choice of Import vote analysis (2852 words, Unelemental)
Negaverse: [A]drift - Prologue End, Motherfuckers (908 words, Talace)
A Triumphant Roar (1433 words, Taka)
An Even Simpler Transaction part 2 (1585 words, formalAI)
Reverse Allotment argument (702 words, Kurowari)
Apocalypse Now analysis & vote (639 words, Fumbles)
A Theatre Of Heroes (1624 words, Taka)
In Wake of Silence reaction (1850 words, Sharkey_smt)
EFB Isle of pleasure brief overview (992 words, Sharkey_smt)
A Triumphant Roar & An Even Simpler Transaction Pt. 2 reaction and vote (907 words, Xalvitor)
Crisis of Faith (840 words, Sharkey_smt)
Do It All tactics (482 words, noliar)
Shaping, Ascendant Grand Shapers (1210 words, Zfglx)
Shaping, The Truth Seeker School (1211 words, Zfglx)
Choose your Sacrifices (1287 words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Praxis, a Theoretical Approach (502 words, vali)
A Wind Full of Knives reaction (2394 words, Projectile)
Eidolon of the Grand Travail reaction (4003 words, Projectile)
Poll response (987 words, Kurowari)
Pyres For Our Dawn (1219 words, Taka)
Poll response & future build analysis (889 words, Unelemental)
Team Rotbeast tactics (559 words, Projectile)
The Chivalry of Nothing (772 words, runeblue360)
Negaverse: low effort minipost quest (862 words across multiple posts, Talace)
GPT-2 AST test run (680 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Ten GPT-2 AST snippets (7780 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Frontal Assault + Outer Sky tactics (382 words, Talace)
At The Cost of Survival (2316 words, Taka)
Outer Sky tactics + arguments (812 words, Projectile)
Mathemagical vote analysis (772 words, Conjured Blade)
Ambush Rotbeast tactics (1009 words, Projectile)
Arisen Anew reaction (3349 words, Box Lunch)
Fan Curses 2.0 (572 words, ImperatorV)
Nine AST 1 GPT-2 snippets (6840 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Rank maximization & anti-Hold Back argument (600 words, Zampano)
A Farewell to Arms reaction (1349 words, Conjured Blade)
EFB AI shitposting (580 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
EFB AI shitposting 2: Electric Boogaloo (9640 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
GPT-2 build vote (1153 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Rotbeast tactics (546 words, Projectile)
GPT-2 power generation (7200 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Against Shackled Impossibility (1881 words, Taka)
Endless Tides reaction (1980 words, Projectile)
Negaverse: Erii Quest Part 7 (863 words, Genesys)
Yet another simple transaction part 8 (2714 words, Xalvitor)
Sea of Nullity argument (475 words, Zampano)
A Simple Transaction reaction (1734 words, HeWhoAdds)
Scaling Heights (857 words, Taka)
Most High GPT-2 shitposting (8273 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
In Wake of Silence reaction (3407 words, Pechum)
The Ageless Hour reaction (4472 words, Unelemental)
Mists of Quickening reaction (4667 words, Unelemental)
Eidolon of the Grand Travail reaction (6063 words, Unelemental)
Endless Tides reaction (3337 words, Unelemental)
Apocalypse Now reaction (2000 words, Zampano)
Mists of Quickening reaction (2476 words, Prospalz)
The Ageless Hour reaction (3485 words, Zampano)
Eidolon of the Grand Travail reaction (2040 words, Prospalz)
YAST Pt. 8 reaction & vote (542 words, formalAI)
Endless Tides reaction (1474 words, Hirorubie)
Endless Tides reaction (1000 words, Prospalz)
YAST Pt. 8 vote responses (828 words, Xalvitor)
Kindness Rendered (2658 words, Unelemental)
A Fire Woken reaction (1954 words, Prospalz)
Decay, Cleansed (1738 words, Taka)
EFB Narrative and Character Analysis and Speculations Part 1 (1713 words, Zfglx)
A Fire Woken reaction (3147 words, Projectile)
Horatio's updated CYOA build (1783 words, HoratioVonBecker)
A Fire Woken vote analysis (493 words, formalAI)
A Fire Woken vote analysis (2939 words, UDwarf)
Heart of the Matter reaction (1852 words, HeWhoAdds)
Trinity speculation (1224 words, Projectile)
Sky Above Sky reaction (1680 words, Prospalz)
A Fire Woken reaction (6930 words, Unelemental)
Thoughts on long-term planning (605 words, ImperatorV)
A Fire Woken reaction pt. 1 (1222 words, Zampano)
Horatio's CYOA build, second update (874 words, HoratioVonBecker)
To Battle's Close reaction (2280 words, Prospalz)
A Fire Woken reaction pt. 2 (1138 words, Zampano)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (1134 words, HeWhoAdds)
The Words of the Hills (2333 words, BrainInAJar)
A Fire Woken reaction (3426 words, Hirorubie)
A Bloody History (1355 words, Unelemental)
Synchronization Complete reaction (3167 words, Projectile)
A Simple Transaction reaction (1747 words, Tyrant_Rayne)
Yet another simple transaction part 9 (2725 words, Xalvitor)
In Wake of Silence reaction (1746 words, Prospalz)
Forefront reaction (779 words, Prospalz)
Negaverse: Vanreir Interlude Part 2 (564 words, Genesys)
The Halls of Astone (337 words, ImperatorV)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (813 words, Enohthree)
YAST Pt. 9 reaction & vote (814 words, formalAI)
APK argument (501 words, DarkSideBard)
Sovereign Jewel vote analysis (483 words, ImperatorV)
Trinity analysis (3723 words, UDwarf)
Sovereign Jewel vote analysis (749 words, formalAI)
Threefold argument (969 words, Orm Embar)
SJUC analysis (727 words, Byzantine)
Brand-name Genes I (2914 words, Addio, Priest, and Microwave MKII)
Aobaru's Squire Curriculum (2091 words, Projectile)
Quirk: Absolute Body Control (365 words, Priest)
Sovereign Jewel reaction (7241 words, Unelemental)
GPT-2 Bleach Quest shitposting pt. 1 (1850 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
GPT-2 Bleach Quest shitposting pt. 2 (1277 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Illustrious Stage (268 words, PurposefulZephyr)
Dawn and Thereafter analysis & strategies (1345 words, Hirorubie)
Dawn and Thereafter vote analysis (400 words, formalAI)
GPT-2 Jounin Quest shitposting (2175 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
A Simple Transaction: Gabrielos Gaiden (4637 words, Birdsie & his friend Gabriel)
Dawn and Thereafter vote analysis (2273 words, Unelemental)
The Wave (1771 words, vali)
Doom of the Piscine (131 words, Aabcehmu)
Dawn and Thereafter reaction (5522 words, Zampano)
Tactics for the Tower, Contest, and trip to either (3450 words, Projectile)
Realms of Myth vote analysis (737 words, ImperatorV)
Realms of Myth vote analysis (1320 words, Kurowari)
Reform brainstorming & tactics (787 words, Fumbles)
Realms of Myth vote analysis (1613 words, Orm Embar)
Pre-government brainstorming (2048 words, Projectile)
GPT-2 Projectile-posting (772 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
GPT-2 Projectile-posting pt. 2 (5850 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Eidolon of the Grand Travail reaction (2250 words, agumentic)
GPT-2 Zampano zingers (7149 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Realms of Myth reaction (3515 words, Zampano)
The King's Speech (1201 words, Enohthree)
Jewel of Artifice (1006 words, Box Lunch)
Endless Tides reaction (1530 words, agumentic)
King Hunger tactics (1832 words, Enohthree)
Brand-name Genes II (3219 words, Addio, Priest, and Microwave MKII)
Hypothetical no-Arete playstyle (2150 words, Zampano)
BNG II reaction & vote (1152 words, Unelemental)
Hypothetical No-Arete playstyle (676 words, BrainInAJar)
Public Access TV Rant (1105 words, Zampano)
So, Challenges of Democracy! (1234 words, Fumbles)
Magical musings (896 words, Xalvitor)
Magefire (417 words, ImperatorV)
Soul Evocation: The Accountant (338 words, Talace)
Dreambog (585 words, ImperatorV)
On the Crown analysis (3165 words, Unelemental)
Pro-Constitution argument (575 words, BrainInAJar)
Imaginary Element crafting guidelines (982 words, ImperatorV)
Soul Evocation: The Fool (302 words, Xalvitor)
Liberty discussion (1253 words, Zampano)
Constitution of the Elixir Sovereignty (1908 words, Rah13)
Bioalteration & Cometwake (425 words, Talace)
Constitution feedback (801 words, Elero)
Forgestar (286 words, Talace)
On the Crown vote analysis (660 words, SpectatingRaven)
Cannonshadow & Constitution thoughts (385 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Wyrmspite (378 words, Talace)
Shattershock (253 words, Orm Embar)
Shattershock & Voidchain (545 words, Talace)
Brokenpromise (687 words, Duquette7)
Sing of the Ring (223 words, Projectile)
The Platinum Expanse advancement analysis (1173 words, Projectile)
Dawn and Thereafter reaction (4306 words, Unelemental)
The Dissatisfied (2474 words, Zfglx)
Praehihr reaction (1677 words, Box Lunch)
Vertiginous Heights reaction (2909 words, Box Lunch)
Opalescent Tower tactics (1342 words, Projectile)
The Shadow of Nilfel reaction (518 words, vali)
Scenic Route tactics (1012 words, Projectile)
Entrench tactics (500 words, Projectile)
Smoke and Miren vote analysis (794 words, SpectatingRaven)
On the Crown reaction (2724 words, Projectile)
Esoteric Way psychology of learning tactics (2261 words, Conjured Blade)
Smoke and Miren reaction (5224 words, Hirorubie)
Work From Within argument (720 words, BrainInAJar)
Survey response (1090 words, Zampano)
KindGrace (884 words, Xalvitor)
Smoke and Miren reaction (869 words, Conjured Blade)
Smoke and Miren reaction (3200 words, Projectile)
Response to survey responses (1035 words, BrainInAJar)
Martial/Compact tactics (908 words, Projectile)
Independentaction (319 words, Duquette7)
Dulldrums (282 words, Duquette7)
Cloud-Shadow's Key vote analysis (588 words, SpectatingRaven)
Sovereign Jewel reaction (2231 words, Prospalz)
Uttermost Focus (169 words, Xalvitor)
Sorceress Banner comments (645 words, Xalvitor)
Gangs of AST with a pinch of Salt (3328 words, Sharkey_smt)
Bleach Quest GPT (19530 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Jounin Quest GPT (19480 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
AST Noir - The Big Debt Part 1 (980 words, Sharkey_smt)
Cloud-Shadow's Key vote analysis (2200 words, Zampano)
The Shadow of Nilfel reaction (1211 words, Enohthree)
Mindrail & Stormgrace (900 words, ImperatorV)
AST Noir - The Big Debt Part 2 (1518 words, Sharkey_smt)
Sovereign Jewel reaction (3044 words, Projectile)
Cloud-Shadow's Key vote analysis (488 words, formalAI)
Riceappearance (451 words, PurposefulZephyr)
Shaping and its effects on practitioners (1688 words, Zfglx)
Heavycrew (504 words, Projectile)
Mirrorhour (452 words, ImperatorV)
OrthodoxWord (689 words, Xalvitor)
Cloud-Shadow's Key analysis (2690 words, Projectile)
Fisherman by any other name (423 words, Enohthree)
Tactics for the Princess Tower Tumble (671 words, Enohthree)
Random Word Generator Elements (568 words, PurposefulZephyr)
Bearcanvaslegmuffinpresidentshoot (707 words, ImperatorV)
DeclarationTheory & NuclearNo (476 words, Redshirt Army)
Letter to the Editor of AST Times (591 words, formalAI)
Cloud-Shadow's Key vote comments & Praxis pining (784 words, Kurowari)
Attempted positivity (451 words, runeblue360)
Brand-Name Genes III (3446 words, Addio & Priest)
The Contest of Kings reaction (4513 words, Kurowari)
Scarlet Legion reaction (7518 words, Box Lunch)
The Contest of Kings analysis (3567 words, Zampano)
Eidolon of the Grand Travail reaction (3314 words, Orm Embar)
Endless Tides reaction (1642 words, Orm Embar)
On the Crown reaction (1950 words, Orm Embar)
The Platinum Expanse reaction (1452 words, Orm Embar)
The Shadow of Nilfel reaction (2741 words, Orm Embar)
Smoke And Miren reaction (2566 words, Orm Embar)
The Contest of Kings analysis & vote (1566 words, Unelemental)
The Contest of Kings analysis (1450 words, vali)
Response to Unelemental's analysis (860 words, Zampano)
Argument against Tears & for the Tower (748 words, Zampano)
Response to Zampano (758 words, Talace)
Wretched Essay (1542 words, vali)
The Contest of Kings reaction (1411 words, DarkSideBard)
The Big Debt - Part 3 (2260 words, Sharkey_smt)
Firescythe (452 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Gangs of AST addendum (620 words, Sharkey_smt)
Compelled to Battle reaction (3836 words, Zampano)
Morningwave (260 words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Contest of Kings reaction (1370 words, Sharkey_smt)
Artful Thorn analysis (780 words, Sharkey_smt)
Yet another simple transaction part 10 (2583 words, Xalvitor)
The Contest of Kings reaction (3632 words, Projectile)
Heart of the Matter reaction (3548 words, Zampano)
The Words of the Hills part 2 (3903 words, BrainInAJar)
Analysis of attitude implications in Contest's vote (1024 words, Zfglx)
Questing World (840 words, Aabcehmu)
TWotH pt. 2 vote analysis (1003 words, Projectile)
Heart Vote 1 reaction (1260 words, Zampano)
Mortalclay (388 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Aberration-slaying speculation (869 words, vali)
Gird for Battle & Contest of Kings reaction (850 words, noliar)
Ring, Tears, and Sky speculation (652 words, Unelemental)
Discord GPT shitposting (4600 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Devildoor (254 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Analysis of Tower in conjunction with other EFBs (1576 words, Zampano)
Tower defense, Rossian deontology vs. consequentialism (1700 words, Zampano)
Reaction to the Entire Fucking Thread (3243 words, Callidus)
Response to Zampano's Tower defense (827 words, Strange9)
Realms of Myth reaction (1283 words, Pechum)
The Contest of Kings reaction (2638 words, Hirorubie)
Contest vote & Decimation analysis (678 words, Xalvitor)
Surge of Surgecrafting ideas (2092 words, Aabcehmu)
Hero preferences (825 words, Callidus)
Who Dares, Wins vote analysis (1432 words, Callidus)
Who Dares, Wins vote analysis (661 words, Duquette7)
AUH argument (483 words, Duquette7)
Who Dares, Wins vote analysis (1983 words, Conjured Blade)
Dawn and Thereafter reaction (2621 words, Prospalz)
Conspiracyworm, Noiseheart, and Burnquota (838 words, Talace)
Starsand (234 words, HoratioVonBecker)
On the Crown reaction (2118 words, Prospalz)
Who Dares, Wins vote analysis & argument (2717 words, Projectile)
EotS argument & vote commentary (3038 words, Zampano)
Gird for Battle reaction (1301 words, runeblue360)
Tower defense & commentary on Cursebearer morality (607 words, BrainInAJar)
Post-EotS planning (2151 words, Projectile)
AUH vs. EotS comparison (1882 words, Conjured Blade)
Who Dares, Wins vote analysis (1075 words, Tyrant_Rayne)
Smoke and Miren vote analysis (1030 words, Tyrant_Rayne)
Who Dares, Wins analysis (1250 words, Hirorubie)
EFB analysis part 1 (1272 words, Tyrant_Rayne)
Gird for Battle reaction (1060 words, Enohthree)
EotS argument (1199 words, Three1415)
Necrochaos & Soulflag (402 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Empyrean Spread vote analysis (662 words, Mannan)
The Empyrean Spread vote analysis (665 words, ImperatorV)
Evening Spread argument & tactics (690 words, Orm Embar)
Indomitable Dominion arguments & planning (1075 words, Zampano)
Issues & Goals (736 words, Conjured Blade)
Anti-Bastion argument (656 words, Zampano)
Astral hunting ideas for Affliction suppression (615 words, Unelemental)
Indomitable Dominion arguments 2: Electric Boogaloo (1000 words, Zampano)
Singularity Shell, Phantomweight, Brand of the Alien, Rocketsurgery, and Surgecrafting notes (1298 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Empyrean Spread reaction (2365 words, Zampano)
The Empyrean Spread reaction (4435 words, Unelemental)
Shaping, Intro to Shaper Street (1656 words, Zfglx)
Rubblethrone (395 words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Lion Before Winter reaction (3617 words, Orm Embar)
Tripartite Evening reaction & tactics (3567 words, Projectile)
Argument against Cutting Through & Procrastinating (1600 words, Zampano)
Tripartite Evening vote analysis (1297 words, DarkSideBard)
All-Defeating Stance argument (1677 words, Projectile)
Gird for Battle reaction (3674 words, Projectile)
Adorie tactics & diplomatic considerations (1212 words, Zampano)
Voyaging argument(950 words, Zampano)
The Lion Before Winter reaction (1435 words, Enohthree)
The Words of the Hills Pt. 2 Curse analysis (1550 words, Zampano)
The Lion Before Winter reaction (4853 words, Unelemental)
Agents of the Throne New Intake Memos (2337 words, Enohthree)
TWotH authorial commentary (646 words, BrainInAJar)
Empyrean Sign tactics (1077 words, Enohthree)
Omake enthusiasm (556 words, Zampano)
TWotH setting information (1429 words, BrainInAJar)
The Lion Before Winter reaction (5895 words, Projectile)
Anti-Decimation strategies (1002 words, Unelemental)
Decimation thoughts (787 words, vali)
Priority Two vs. Voyage comparison(1615 words, Zampano)
Anti-Voyaging argument (575 words, Raydom)
The Hungering Veil reaction (4172 words, Projectile)
Casualty comparison (1420 words, Zampano)
Desperately typed Decimation tactics (1976 words, Projectile)
Supplementary Surges (403 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Argument against Stalks (602 words, Raydom)
Armament Fish tactics (1239 words, Tyrant_Rayne)
Pro-Stalks propaganda (638 words, Orm Embar)
Gird For Battle reaction (5156 words, Unelemental)
High-octane fishing tactics (741 words, vali)
Armsmaster, Icarid Invocation, Whispers of Yore (537 words, Box Lunch)
Fleeting Respite reaction (8101 words, Box Lunch)
Armament-Fish speculation(830 words, Zampano)
Comeuppance & Curses Negaverse (859 words, HoratioVonBecker)
C&C reaction and vote (1400 words, Zampano)
Responde to Zampano's reaction (721 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Hour of Reckoning analysis (1030 words, Orm Embar)
Hour of Reckoning reaction (4773 words, Projectile)
More Armament Fish tactics (630 words, Projectile)
Heavenlathe & Stormbone (474 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Shattering Ice vote analysis (2626 words, Zampano)
Gangs of AST1 CYOA Thing (1954 words, ImperatorV)
Exploration of Never Better's mindset (2009 words, Unelemental)
The Shattering Ice reaction (4365 words, Projectile)
Voice of the Tower (5965 words, Orm Embar)
Gilded Revelry, Raiments of Heaven, Elemental Sigils, and Invasive Paradise (1013 words, TwistedJester)
Stats listed by update, accounting for modifiers (1758 words, Conjured Blade)
The Lord of the Rings reaction (775 words, Conjured Blade)
Pursuit to the Utmost reaction (954 words, Conjured Blade)
Shaping, Magic versus Technology (1166 words, Zfglx)
Armament Fish tactics (2596 words, Projectile)
Further Fishing tactics (2624 words, Unelemental)
Tactics going into the fish fight (851 words, Enohthree)
Nine Quest: Time Waits For No One (1819 words, Taka)
Training With Ruby (646 words, Aabcehmu)
Eve of Devastation reaction (1308 words, Enohthree)
Titanomachy reaction (1000 words, vali)
Eve of Devastation reaction (5059 words, Unelemental)
Titanomachy reaction (4154 words, Projectile)
Titanomachy stat & advancement analysis (1361 words, Conjured Blade)
A Simple Transaction reaction (1070 words, vali)
Nine Quest: Jungle Run (833 words, Taka)
Devildoor Me (840 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Fisher King debate commentary (886 words, Sara)
Eve of Devastation (5348 words, Projectile)
Devildoor Me reaction & analysis (1352 words, Projectile)
Titanomachy reaction (5357 words, Unelemental)
Argument against combining Oblique with Vanguard (707 words, Zampano)
Astral negotiation tactics (324 words, Enohthree)
Build Option Analysis & argument for Rescuing Versch (1745 words, Zampano)
Boarding Call (940 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Oblique tactics (1220 words, Projectile)
Vendetta analysis (778 words, vali)
Shelter argument (550 words, Zampano)
Analysis of Shelter in conjunction with Silver & Nightmare Flight (510 words, Zampano)
Vendetta reaction (3575 words, Unelemental)
Azure AU build ideas & followup (1037 words, Zampano)
Ticket Punched (1068 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Argument for Diplomacy (854 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Diplomacy tactics (794 words, Orm Embar)
The Star-Forges of Plerion reaction (8689 words, Box Lunch)
Vendetta reaction (3929 words, Hirorubie)
Akashic Palimpsest (1172 words, Zampano)
The Hungering Veil reaction (1014 words, Conjured Blade)
The Ultimate Price reaction (1443 words, Conjured Blade)
Sea of Nullity speculation & tactics (487 words, noliar)
Microwave Magic & Navidsonism (753 words, Orm Embar)
Ticket Punched vote analysis (1038 words, HoratioVonBecker)
A Simple Transaction reaction (2060 words, Pittauro)
Vote Update 1 reaction (429 words, Pittauro)
Phoenix Rising reaction (3618 words, Hirorubie)
Unknown Devil (1141 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Nature of Magic reaction (470 words, Pittauro)
Argument for Absorb (767 words, HoratioVonBecker)
CYOA Book Supplement & build update (822 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
Lesser Remittances reaction (895 words, Pittauro)
The Truth Manifest reaction (1013 words, vali)
Current considerations (812 words, Wolfy)
The Truth Manifest reaction (3350 words, Hirorubie)
Compelled to Battle reaction (611 words, Pittauro)
Analysis of current goals (661 words, Conjured Blade)
Wings of Horn and Silk (653 words, Aabcehmu)
A Mind Amongst SORDS (2215 words, Sharkey_smt)
Speculation about the Realm of Evening & Ring (522 words, vali)
A Collective Bargain (2700 words, Zampano)
Crimson Devil & character sheet (1132 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
Things to Do Before Leaving the Voyaging Realm (585 words, noliar)
Speculation about the Azure Moon and links between AST I & EFB (523 words, vali)
Deliver Her in Grace (777 words, Enohthree)
Grail Keeper analysis (576 words, Wolfy)
The Truth Manifest reaction (5592 words, Unelemental)
Heart of the Matter reaction (1001 words, Pittauro)
A potential timeline (648 words, vali)
Heart Vote 1 reaction (558 words, Pittauro)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (1320 words, Pittauro)
Goals Analysis, take 2 (886 words, Conjured Blade)
Terrascape GPT shitposting supreme (19850 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
The Odyssey GPT-posting (19820 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
TCMM GPT-posting (3900 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Times and Tides reaction (839 words, Pittauro)
Unnamed Quest GPT-posting (16400 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Evening Sky reaction (868 words, Pittauro)
Intensive Research advocacy (725 words, Zampano)
Boss Gate (281 words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction (1646 words, Zampano)
Policy Brief: A Mining Union? Selected Evidence from Omake Power Exchange Rates (380 words, Zampano)
An Age of Dreams reaction (4342 words, Unelemental)
Thoughts on Plot and Characterization with Intensive Research +Strain (2875 words, Zampano)
Fisher King reaction (642 words, Pittauro)
Synthesis tactics (667 words, Conjured Blade)
Liberation & Star arguments (800 words, Orm Embar)
Tales Without Number reaction (1540 words, vali)
Tales Without Number vote analysis (2400 words, Zampano)
Praehihr & To Catch a Fish reactions (774 total words, Pittauro)
Tales Without Number vote analysis (2596 words, Unelemental)
Cloak & Well Sorcery speculation (570 words, Conjured Blade)
Analysis of findross and Surges (724 words, Conjured Blade)
Aloft to Murder reaction (632 words, Pittauro)
More tactics for Synthesis (1126 words, Conjured Blade)
Synthesis questions (522 words, Unelemental)
Synthesis strategies pt. 1 (741 words, Zampano)
Synthesis strategies pt. 2 (460 words, Zampano)
Lady of the Lake reaction (1075 words, Pittauro)
Platinum & Noble Materials: An Assessment of Economically Relevant Ritual Components (743 words, Tristepin)
Forced Induction vote analysis (669 words, vali)
A Hero's Panoply reaction (701 words, Pittauro)
Forced Induction vote analysis pt. 1 (582 words, Conjured Blade)
Hypothetical Ordinal choices for our companions (726 words, Orm Embar)
Forced Induction vote analysis pt. 2 (811 words, Conjured Blade)
Enduring and Fleeting reaction (791 words, Pittauro)
Analysis of Cursebearer sponsors (771 words, Kurowari)
Sponsor analysis (2485 words, Zampano)
Age and Treachery reaction (1400 words, Pittauro)
DarkSideBard's AST CYOA (33805 words, DarkSideBard)
Maximum Greed (1650 words, Zampano)
An Early Morning In Empty Vaults (445 words, qwolfs)
Hunter Hunted reaction (1276 words, Pittauro)
Initial Build (544 words, HoratioVonBecker)
CYOA Build and Discussion (2350 words, DarkSideBard)
Qwolfs' Progression Build (727 words, qwolfs)
Wolf Moon reaction (1056 words, Pittauro)
Synthesis posts that received a reaction (516 words, vali)
Potential Advancements Expanded reaction (440 words, Pittauro)
Argument in favor of Catherine's resurrection (593 words, Kurowari)
Hirorubie's DSB CYOA build (856 words, Hirorubie)
DSB CYOA: Anara and the Song of the Stars (1337 words, Zampano)
Fifth Sign analysis (417 words, Wolfy)
Argument for saving Arete with Daylian (415 words, Zampano)
First Light (788 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Welcome to Town (311 words, Aabcehmu)
Haeliel vs. SAVE Vote analysis (1300 words, Zampano)
Cost/Benefit analysis of Haeliel (926 words, Conjured Blade)
Synchronization Complete reaction (701 words, Pittauro)
Sable Shaw Quest OP (Approximately 1100 original words, HeWhoAdds)
Garden Party & Be The Dragon builds (3270 words, DarkSideBard)
The Devouring Wyrm DSB CYOA build (1423 words, Orm Embar)
Dunwall's Daughter (342 words, runeblue360)
Unsuitable, Unworthy, Undeserving (759 words, qwolfs)
Arete Expansions reaction (888 words, Pittauro)
Bellgone One (Ruby Quest) (548 words, Aabcehmu)
CYOA fixes & Jebus build (537 words, DarkSideBard)
Alienation Sorcery (1032 words, Zfglx)
Power of Love: Infernal Charms CYOA build (519 words, beowulf)
Final Destination: The Praxis Build (1052 words, runeblue360)
Petrina's choice of Lesser Remittances (TWotH quest) (1785 words, BrainInAJar)
To Write The Future (361 words, qwolfs)
The OP(?), Self-Mitigator (487 words, Birdsie)
Argument for Catherine's resurrection and the Dooms of Shadow & Dementia (546 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
A Moment's Reprieve reaction (1052 words, Pittauro)
Flow & Corsage interaction commentary & Gamer Purgatory Sable build (900 words, DarkSideBard)
The King's Scepter: Authority (277 words, qwolfs)
A Foolish Transaction (714 words, Shard)
The Knife of No City (1024 words, Orm Embar)
A Foolish Transaction: Powers (533 words, Shard)
Terra Firma & Interregnum Incarnate (1337 words, Orm Embar)
Bovine Lumina (3179 words, Birdsie)
Gangs of AST1 CYOA Thing DLC: Seraph Special (1326 words, ImperatorV)
Indenture Free Progression (887 words, beowulf)
Justice vote analysis (935 words, DarkSideBard)
A Foolish Transaction: Planning (704 words, Shard)
A Far Bastion reaction (960 words, Pittauro)
Thoughts on Haeliel & Wishes (633 words, Unelemental)
Seraph Special DLC build (436 words, HoratioVonBecker)
The Solitary Moon reaction (623 words, Pittauro)
Bellgone Two (Ruby Quest) (1055 words, Aabcehmu)
War and Wind reaction (1008 words, Pittauro)
Dedicate Crane of the Winding Circle (DSB CYOA build) (3950 words, Zampano)
Forced Induction reaction (635 words, TooSlow)
Stipulated: Some More Arguments (1978 words, Zampano)
A murder amongst SORDS (3850 words, Sharkey_smt)
The Winnowing Garden reaction (1312 words, Pittauro)
Cutting Through reaction (1130 words, Pittauro)
God's Curses On This Wretched World!! (Konosuba Quest) (6540 words, Birdsie)
Curses on this Wretched World reaction (1592 words, DarkSideBard)
A Foolish Transaction: Power's Perspective (768 words, Shard)
DSB Analysis Reaction (Birdsie, 637 words)
agumentic's CotWW builds (agumentic, 349 words)
Crimson Moon's CotWW build (Crimson Moon, 384 words)
Rihaku CotWW build reaction (Birdsie, 660 words)
Tyrant_Rane's vote and commentary (Tyrant_Rayne, 211 words)
Promenade of Glories reaction (1138 words, Pittauro)
Ah, My Useless Goddess... (Konosuba Quest) (4234 words, Birdsie)
Rihaku AMUG build reaction (891 words, Birdsie)
Ah, My Useless Goddess reaction & vote (1644 words, DarkSideBard)
The Ritual Grounds reaction (2263 words, Pittauro)
Ah, My Useless Goddess reaction & vote (1368 words, Crimson Moon)
Coin and Realm reaction (1267 words, Pittauro)
An Unsuitable Arrival (1112 words, qwolfs)
Red of Sky and Fang reaction (1352 words, Pittauro)
Reincarnation Into This Accursed World!! (Konosuba Quest) (5046 words, Birdsie)
Accursed World thoughts & vote (414 words, Crimson Moon)
Accursed World reaction & vote (1479 words, DarkSideBard)
Blessed Attributes analysis (769 words, DarkSideBard)
Doom of the Debtor & Curse of the Emergent and Oracular Series: 46,656,000 Degree Vision & Curse Series: Vampirism (551 total words, HoratioVonBecker)
Fending Off reaction (1565 words, Pittauro)
Nameless' Crown of Duplicity (353 words, Shard)
Argument against Blessed Luck (1041 words, DarkSideBard)
Set, Start!! (Konosuba Quest) (6615 words, Birdsie)
Plans for Set, Start (462 words, beowulf)
A Simple Transaction, Gabrielos Gaiden, Part 2 (4997 words, Birdsie)
A Foolish Transaction: Shardcraft-Curse Interactions (765 words, Shard)
Secrets of the Sword & Ring (669 words, Birdsie)
Harry Potter-themed Curses (1128 words, Birdsie)
The Furthermost Reaches reaction, part 2 (1711 words, Zampano)
Set, Start reaction & vote (4187 words, DarkSideBard)
Rune Knight Kazuma build (684 words, Crimson Moon)
Reaction: Reaction - The Reactioning (4212 words, Birdsie)
A Simple Transaction: Gabrielos Gaiden, Part 3 (4041 words, Birdsie)
Times and Tides reaction (2035 words, Zampano)
Excel in Truth (Konosuba Quest) (5166 words, Birdsie)
Konosuba's magic, classes available to Kazuma, and The Curse of Morgan Freeman (1109 total words, Birdsie)
Curse of the Humanoid Typhoon (107 words, Zfglx)
Evening Sky reaction (1193 words, Zampano)
'Quick' Omake roundup (516 words, Zampano)
Elder Scrolls-themed Curses (1231 words, Birdsie)
Acausal Reaction Technique (5200 words, DarkSideBard)
Stats for Nerds (Konosuba Quest) (3120 words, Birdsie)
Geas of the Hero & Curse of the Brocktonite (498 words, Orm Embar)
Stats for Nerds analysis & vote (912 words, Crimson Moon)
Super-Counter Reaction Golden Reply no Jutsu! (5100 words, Birdsie)
Shadowcord Shenanigans (1273 words, Fumbles)
Meditations on the Sword reaction (795 words, Pittauro)
A Simple Transaction: Parahuman Elite Edition (2128 words, Birdsie)
Another Candidate (4431 words, Talace)
AC build (389 words, Kurowari)
Quick Transmigration Cursebearer Fodder's Record of Resistance Pt. 1 (1646 words, Genesys)
Forbidden Technique: Boundless Reaction Triad Reincarnation! (4524 words, DarkSideBard)
ULTIMATE EX-CLASS TECHNIQUE! Mangekyou Omakegan: Infinite Fanworkyomi! (1123 words, Birdsie)
Gabrielos Gaiden: Swiftness Wins, Speed Wins, Knife Wins (4031 words, Birdsie)
Gabrielos Gaiden reaction (232 words, Gabriel97)
Parahuman Elite Edition #2: Electric Boogaloo (1032 words, Birdsie)
Scholomance Project (3710 words, Crimson Moon)
Aabcehmu's Self-Insert Cursebearer Negaverse (833 words, Aabcehmu)
Omake roundup, 2nd Edition and Argument in favor of Favor (689 total words, Zampano)
Sequential Confrontation, Shadowcord Battle, and Another Candidate reaction (5600 words, DarkSideBard)
A Split Spool of Spirals (5328 words, Tristepin)
Needs Must (2028 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Swift and Subtle! (1414 words, Tristepin)
Quick Transmigration Cursebearer Fodder's Record of Resistance Pt. 2 (1128 words, Genesys)
A Sense of Wonder (Konosuba Quest) (5038 words, Birdsie)
Evening Sky reaction part 2 (1789 words, Zampano)
AST: Gabrielos Gaiden (4570 words, Birdsie)
Fadeless Spirit (Konosuba Quest) (5010 words, Birdsie)
Speculation about the Diagram, Well Sorcery, and EFB's setting (864 words, vali)
A Simple Reaction (2629 words, DarkSideBard)
Quick Transmigration Cursebearer Fodder's Record of Resistance Pt. 3 (1088 words, Genesys)
Analysis and categorization of magics (1150 words, vali)
A Calculated Infraction (Konosuba Quest) (4005 words, Birdsie)
A Calculated Infraction reaction (1618 words, DarkSideBard)
A Foolish Transaction - Advanced Shardcrafting Techniques (737 words, Shard)
Throne and Alter reaction (739 words, Pittauro)
Throne and Alter - Vote reaction (597 words, Pittauro)
Gabrielos Gaiden X: Glad Bromance (10050 words, Birdsie)
Never-Ending (4350 words, Birdsie)
To War reaction (730 words, vali)
Alternative Armament approaches (453 words, Zampano)
Adorie and Tears speculation (1452 words, Garlak)
Anti-Armament tactics (500 words, runeblue360)
Thoughts on the platinum problem (648 words, Garlak)
Thoughts on Penitent & Triumphal Gleam (610 words, Garlak)
Once and Future reaction (1016 words, Pittauro)
More anti-Armament tactics (558 words, runeblue360)
Inner Business (Konosuba Quest) (2350 words, Birdsie)
Anti-Armament tactics (522 words, Orm Embar)
Pros and cons of fighting Procyon (428 words, Wolfy)
Thoughts on Hold the Line & Inner Business (1687 words, Garlak)
Quick Transmigration Record of Cursebearer Fodder's Record of Resistance Pt. 4 (1204 words, Genesys)
Argument for Hold the Line (745 words, Kurowari)
Chicanery (Gabrielos Gaiden) (5306 words, Birdsie)
Argument again Hold the Line (354 words, vali)
Morality of Holding the Line (456 words, BrainInAJar)
Armament Choices: Character Beats (2200 words, Zampano)
Anti-Armament tactics (722 words, Wolfy)
Consequences of Republic incursion into Nilfel (570 words, Zampano)
Argument for the 6th Sign (882 words, Wolfy)
Honor Unstained (893 words, Pittauro)
Analysis of the relative benefits of Signs vs. Rank (739 words, DarkSideBard)
DSB response (1037 words, Zampano)
Quick Transmigration Record of Cursebearer Fodder's Record of Resistance Pt. 5 (1638 words, Genesys)
Sky Above Sky reaction (1793 words, Pittauro)
Rank Computations for Signs Acceleration (600 words, Zampano)
Aggressive Research and 6th Sign Tactics (1740 words, Three1415)
Comparison of characteristics (1035 words, Zampano)
Heroic Upgrade candidates (558 words, Wolfy)
General tactics (519 words, runeblue360)
Climbing Further In This Accursed World!! (Konosuba Quest) (3511 words, Birdsie)
Possible Procyon fight (760 words, JOEbob)
The Stranger Things (Gabrielos Gaiden) (7954 words, Birdsie)
Valve-themed Curses (2517 words, Birdsie)
Potential advantages against Procyon & Armament weaknesses (1109 total words, GenericName)
Other possible Progression starting abilities (618 words, TwistedJester)
Arisen Again reaction (727 words, Pittauro)
Argument for Follow Through (627 words, Wolfy)
Shroud tactics & Ferveinwerr speculation (1145 total words, Garlak)
Measure the Pleasure (Konosuba Quest) (3350 words, Birdsie)
Plenary weaponization & the Armor of Midnight (626 words, Zampano)
Ghost Master (2235 words, Birdsie)
Measure the Pleasure vote & argments (529 words, Prospalz)
Four Times Aeira was a YA Novel Protagonist (and one time she wasn't) (899 words, Zampano)
Secret diary of Aeira, the secret YA protagonist of AST: (Part 1) (1025 words, Sharkey_smt)
Interpreting Truth (Gabrielos Gaiden) (8130 words, Birdsie)
Secret diary of Aeira, the secret YA protagonist of AST: (Part 2) (1100 words, Sharkey_smt)
Quick Transmigration Record of Cursebearer Fodder's Record of Resistance Pt. 6 (1455 words, Genesys)
The Cardinal Geometer (1282 words, Birdsie)
Secret diary of Aeira, the secret YA protagonist of AST: (Part 3 Finale) (1600 words, Sharkey_smt)
The Second Cardinal (533 words, Shard)
The Third Cardinal (1172 words, JOEbob)
Omake tactics for Procyon (950 words, JOEbob)
Triggerfinger (425 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Tactics using Artful Thorn mechanics (853 words, Zampano)
Argument for Seize the Day (490 words, Wolfy)
Thunder of Blood reaction (1227 words, Pittauro)
Titanhood (Gabrielos Gaiden) (4410 words, Birdsie)
Ally participation brainstorming (555 words, Zampano)
Avant-garde tactics (1036 total words, Garlak)
Veritas Odit Moras (Harry Potter and the Sheath of Excalibur) (2540 words, Birdsie)
Put Down (1494 words, runeblue360)
Woe to the Conquered (848 words, Prospalz)
Impunity reaction (1099 words, Pittauro)
Opposition (Konosuba Quest) (2179 words, Birdsie)
Meanwhile... In The Depths of the Cosmic Plane of Discord (1418 words, Birdsie)
Crushing a Pleb (Konosuba Quest) (3450 words, Birdsie)
Meta-Cardinal (288 words, HoratioVonBecker)
All Along the Watchtower reaction (399 words, Pittauro)
The Fourth Cardinal (1388 words, JOEbob)
You're Finally Awake (1365 words, Birdsie)
Rihakuverse Musical: The Maids of Fray (322 words, Birdsie)
Forward thoughts (1389 words, Garlak)
Condensed blurbs for Glory (610 words, Conjured Blade)
Emerald Blood (Harry Potter and the Sheath of Excalibur) (3540 words, Birdsie)
Forward reaction (3874 words, Orm Embar)
Accursed Implement vote & argument (581 words, Orm Embar)
Armory of Night advocacy (423 words, runeblue360)
AKFAS & Pierce Through commentary (528 words, Kurowari)
Anti-Armory argument (561 words, Resonant)
Goals Check-in (839 words, Conjured Blade)
AST 0 World Record Speedrun any% (1858 words, Birdsie)
EFB (short-lived) World Record Speedrun any%, Glitchless (914 words, JOEbob)
Glory vote analysis (1051 words, vali)
Tales Without Number reaction (1421 words, Conjured Blade)
Armament mitigation theories & Myth and Legend argument (992 total words, Garlak)
Population Nine (623 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Glory vote analysis (499 words, Conjured Blade)
Analysis of Apocryphal actions as they relate to the Glory vote (1813 words, Garlak)
Level reset speculation (623 words, Garlak)
Resident of the Great Basin receives an Accursed offer (3962 words, Conjured Blade)
Harry Potter and the Gift of Modern Weaponry (6683 words, Sharkey_smt)
Forward reaction (1235 words, Conjured Blade)
Unrelenting (Noble Scion) (1537 words, Birdsie)
Decimation math (514 words, Conjured Blade)
Crimson Flare arguments (413 words, Zampano)
Saber arguments (451 words, Kurowari)
KoW arguments (509 words, Resonant)
AST Noir - Vote DEATH or Die Trying (2203 words, Sharkey_smt)
Arete Miner-themed Curses (1420 words, Birdsie)
Accursed Implement reaction (1248 words, Pittauro)
Cost-benefit analysis of Crimson Flare & King of Winter (1202 words, Zampano)
A Meeting With Sisyphus (790 words, qwolfs)
Analysis of initial Curses in relation to the Forebear (884 words, vali)
Budgeting Arete for EFBs(652 words, runeblue360)
Industry in Pillars of Creation (1042 words, Sharkey_smt)
Vertiginous Heights reaction (416 words, Pittauro)
Kingdom Hearts Remittances (1632 words, ilbgar123)
Yu-Gi-Oh Curses & Remittances (1390 words, ilbgar123)
Companion stats (794 words, Conjured Blade)
Awakening (Devil May Cry Quest) (3125 words, Birdsie)
REVENGEANCE (Gabrielos Gaiden) (7280 words, Birdsie)
Nilfellian GPT snippets (12396 words, Sharkey_smt & GPT-2)
Galatea, Human Devil Golem (322 words, HoratioVonBecker)
Potential Pillars builds (705 words, Zampano)
A Wish for Power (1021 words, zinay)
Considering Pillars of Creation (828 words, Wolfy)
The Power of Bearing Curses (760 words, ir_fane)
EFB Tier List (2496 words, Wolfy)
Another Goals Check-in (499 words, Conjured Blade)
The Fifth Cardinal, Flame/Falsity/Festive/Fae (1450 words, JOEbob)
The 6th Cardinal, Angelus/Antithesis/Advance/Abraxas (1808 words, Birdsie)
Fisher King Curse, Leveraged Into Artifice (1575 words, ilbgar123)
The Seventh Cardinal, Magic/Merge/Moss/Muscles (1199 words, JOEbob)
Alternative build proposal (765 words, Zampano)
High Glades reaction (847 words, Pittauro)
Unbounded Horrors and Vampires & Eagles (Gabrielos Gaiden) (7920 total words, Birdsie)
Character & lore-based argument for Plowshares to Swords (708 words, Sara)
Without Getting Closer (Priest)
Five Fingers, Made a Fist (Priest)
Protagonist Sketch/Sketchy Protagonist (Microwave MKII)
Molten Hero (Priest)
Hunger drafts (Microwave MKII)
Hangry (Microwave MKII)
I'll Keep Coming (Microwave MKII)
Voidspace Hello Kitty Backpack (Microwave MKII)
The Allrian Affliction in action (Microwave MKII)
Allrian Affliction with music (Microwave MKII & Priest)
Family Fishing Trip (Microwave MKII)
Family Fishing Trip, finished (Microwave MKII)
Make a Contract With Me! (Microwave MKII)
New Threads (Microwave MKII)
Verschlengorge designs (Microwave MKII
More Verschlengorge (Microwave MKII)
Family Dinner (Microwave MKII)
Gisena sketch (Priest)
Hunger: Shadows Die Twice (Microwave MKII)
A Simple Transaction I: Vengeance (Microwave MKII)
Shadow of the Craven Knight (Microwave MKII)
In the Name of the False Moon (Microwave MKII)
Magic: The Nullifying (Microwave MKII)
Lo-fi hip hop beats Letrizia (Microwave MKII)
CALL: Push Select (Addio)
Marshmallow Hell (Microwave MKII)
Evening Gown (Microwave MKII)
Hunger & Gisena attacking the elderly (LordOfMurder)
Angry Birds crossover (LordOfMurder)
King Fish (LordOfMurder)
Superwhateverman (LordOfMurder)
If Only (LordOfMurder)
Buff Gisena (LordOfMurder)
THE FOUR-BEAR (Dark Abstraction)
Gisena Beam (LordOfMurder)
Gisena commission sketches (Microwave MKII)
Domestic Violence (LordOfMurder)
Sword goes BRRR (LordOfMurder)
Uttermost Blade (Priest)
Sir Arm Unrelated (Priest)
Lady Gisena Allria (Microwave MKII, commissioned by Dark Abstraction)
Piskel Panoply (HoratioVonBecker)
Found a Way (Priest)
Evening Sky (Talace)
Hunger's face pixel art (Talace)
Uttermost (Microwave MKII)
Unnatural creature in its natural habitat (Microwave MKII)
I want to fish in peace (Talace)
Cool Guys Cut Explosions in Half (Talace)
Bearic (Microwave MKII)
Resort Town (Microwave MKII)
Water's tolerable (Priest)
I wanna see! (Microwave MKII)
Magesight perks (Priest)
Fuckin' really, Versch? (Microwave MKII)
Cursebearer LVL 200 (Talace)
I'm... sorry (Priest)
Could be worse; could be the Three Wolf Moon Temple (Priest)
Lady Gisena Allria, latest edition (Microwave MKII, commissioned by Dark Abstraction)
AST JRPG (Talace)
Legendary Elixir Spring Carp (Microwave MKII)
"What is a man, Letrizia? A miserable little pile of XP!" (Addio)
A Simple Transaction banner (Redshirt Army)
AST: AtLA Edition (Redshirt Army)
Age and Treachery (Priest)
Today's Menu for the Hunger Family (Microwave MKII)
o o f (Priest)
Don't let it set in! (Priest)
Cut Through (Talace)
Forebear's Blade (Talace)
Cutting Through (Microwave MKII)
Cold, fathomless blue (Talace)
Lightspeed headpats (Microwave MKII)
Look, a fish! (Talace)
Hunger Light Drifter (Talace)
Cut through, even if it's the name of the option (Redshirt Army)
Catherine's last words (Microwave MKII)
The Kaguya (Microwave MKII)
"You ever wonder who that pirate was?" (Talace)
Staring into the sunset (Priest)
When the fish aren't biting (Priest)
Grayscale Hunger (Talace)
Cooking Halo (Microwave MKII)
Grayscale Hunger (adjusted) (Talace)
"If you wish." (Talace)
"At last, the Ring!" (Talace)
Distillation (Priest)
Training nap time (Priest)
Training nap time (updated) (Priest)
Really gets your blood flowing (Priest)
Inksky (Redshirt Army)
Really gets your blood flowing (adjusted) (Priest)
Quickwater (Redshirt Army)
Edeldross (Redshirt Army)
Lady Fairbright (Talace)
It (Didn't) Have To Be This Way (Microwave MKII)
Forgotten name and voice (Talace)
"I'M A WIZARD, HUNGER!" (Microwave MKII)
Portrait of the Future King (Priest)
To reach the Moon! (Talace)
To reach the Moon (tophat)! (Talace)
Rest, and dream of fish (Microwave MKII)
Dream of fish (Microwave MKII, coloured by Conjured Blade)
MAGIC!!! (Redshirt Army)
Dream of fish (Microwave MKII, coloured by Rotekian)
Lady Gisena Allria, complete (Microwave MKII, commissioned by Dark Abstraction)
ASCII fish (vali)
"Vanreir, I will avenge you." (Talace)
Approval meme template (Microwave MKII)
Verschlengorge's cockpit (Talace)
Hunger sprite (Talace)
Voting for the Fish (Maragas, template by Microwave MKII)
More ASCII fish (vali)
Smol Hunger moving (Talace)
Catherine (Priest)
yeeea boiiiyeee (Microwave MKII)
Aobaru (Talace)
Outer Temple Entrance (Talace)
The Ring, Hunger (Redshirt Army)
The Sword, the Forebear's Blade (Redshirt Army)
Aeira, called Shadowcord (Talace)
The Mantle, the Evening Sky (Redshirt Army)
Hunger as a bouncing slime (Talace)
Big Eaters (Priest)
A Hungry Head (Microwave MKII)
Unlimited Power (LordOfMurder)
Captain Accursed (LordOfMurder)
Four Bear Alignment Chart (PurposefulZephyr)
The Forebear (Talace)
Snail Hunger (Talace)
tea time (Priest)
Chibi Letrizia (Redshirt Army)
Chibi Aeira (Redshirt Army)
Chibi Gisena (Redshirt Army)
eat up (Priest)
Gisena Katsuragi (Priest)
Hunger WIP (Priest)
Groundskeeper Prelairn (Talace)
Prince carry (Microwave MKII)
Daily teasing (Sharkey_smt)
The Middle Temple (Talace)
Cut Through (ft. Forebear) (Talace)
Picturesque Lake (Talace)
Seated Swordsman (Priest)
Aeira (Microwave MKII)
Immortality-Severing Swordfish (Microwave MKII)
Aristeia Fairbright (Talace)
Sunset fishing (Talace)
The Inner Temple (Talace)
Give me the Moon (Talace)
Younger (Talace)
Rihaku (Microwave MKII)
The Tyrant (Priest)
The All-Carrying Stance (Microwave MKII)
A very good boi (Versch WIP) (Microwave MKII)
The Final Showdown (Tyrant vs. Hunger WIP) (Priest)
Cut o'clock (Sharkey_smt, template by Microwave MKII)
Inner Ring & Winter Moon (Talace)
Thus Always Unto Tyrants (updated) (Priest)
Verschlengorge grows (Microwave MKII)
Thus Always Unto Tyrants (final) (Priest)
Negaverse: [A]drift - Prologue Sequence (Talace)
Moments before disaster (Microwave MKII)
Cooking with your giant robot (Microwave MKII)
Gisena's Swimsuit Testing (Priest)
Negaverse: [A]drift - Names (Talace)
Stained Glass (Talace)
Hunger not choosing to cook the fish (Microwave MKII)
Inherit the World sketch (Priest)
Inherit the World commission (Priest & Microwave MKII)
Stained Glass Hunger (Priest)
Sten the Shattered (Addio)
The Elixir Sovereignty (Talace)
Inherit the World commission (updated) (Microwave MKII & Priest)
Negaverse: [A]drift - I Did Say This Would Get Surreal (Talace)
Cold Light (Talace)
Present for the Praehihr (Priest)
I See You (Talace)
Taka's Broken Sun (Talace)
Hunger vs. Groundskeeper Prelairn commission (Microwave MKII)
Vanta's arrival in the Manifest Realm (Priest)
In Her Arms (Microwave MKII)
Just Do It (Microwave MKII)
Hungirl (Priest)
Artful Thorn (Talace)
Shatter the Pane (Talace)
Propaganda brochure number 3453-RW (Sharkey_smt)
Tyrantfish (Talace)
Tyrant, ??/100 Affection (Priest)
Protect Hunger's smile! (Microwave MKII)
Eat that fish! (Maragas, template by Microwave MKII)
Maybe we can... talk this out? (Priest)
Hungirl album (Priest)
Sand, sea, sun, swords, and suffering (Priest)
"Got ya!" (Microwave MKII)
Prof. Versch assigns reading & Letrizia loses at Jenga (Microwave MKII)
"Cursebearer, huh? Must be nice." (Priest)
Promise (Talace)
Gisena NO (Microwave MKII)
Letrizia & Verschlengorge (Priest)
Negaverse: [A]drift - Prologue End, Motherfuckers (Talace)
The Accursed (Priest)
Seram staring at his iMango & R63 Vanta (Priest)
Praxis Runes (Projectile)
Refinement of Quickness (Priest)
The Accursed and/or Sleepy Uly (Microwave MKII)
Manifest Realm photorealism & Hunger's dreams, also posted here (Talace)
Once upon a time (Talace)
Make a contract with me! (Priest)
'Larissa' (Priest)
Hunger Gets Into The EXTREME Fishing Scene (Dark Abstraction)
Hunger vs. Groundskeeper Prelairn commission, updated (Microwave MKII)
Evening at the Kaguya (Talace)
Minipost mirror (Talace)
The Forebear's Blade, limned by liminal blue (runeblue360)
The Refinement of Shitposting (runeblue360)
Cut Through o'clock (Microwave MKII)
Cute Rotbeast (Talace)
You can never go home again (Talace)
A Noble Warcry Beeeyaaatch! (Microwave MKII)
Hunger vs. Rotbeast (Priest)
Companion staring contest (Microwave MKII)
Voyaging News (Sharkey_smt)
Isometric Hunger (Talace)
Second approval meme template (Microwave MKII)
Unlimited Meme Works (Xalvitor, template by Microwave MKII)
An Enemy Stand (?) (Priest)
Metal Gear Party Lineup (Microwave MKII)
New AST Times (Sharkey_smt)
Brown tone resort (Talace)
The Imprisoner, imprisoned (Priest)
GIMP memes (DarkSideBard)
Apocryphal-chan (Redshirt Army)
The Hunger Game WIP (Schmurf)
Belly of the Beast (Microwave MKII)
The Runes of the Royal Praxis (Redshirt Army)
Animated Aobaru (Talace)
Rihaku's profile phoenix (Talace)
Pixelated Alba (Talace)
Unelemental Avatar State (Talace)
Aobaru (Microwave MKII)
Letrizia exerting peer Pressure (Microwave MKII)
vali (Talace)
Rotslime vs. Hungerslime (Talace)
Addio (Talace)
All I need to do... is kill the hero, right? (Priest)
A bit too slow (Priest)
A quack of a better world (Talace)
Brand-name Genes I (Art by Priest & Microwave MKII)
Finished farming (Sharkey_smt)
Jiko's Quirk image (Priest)
Strategically placed Star of Grace (Sharkey_smt, original image by Microwave MKII)
Let us engage in friendship! (Priest)
All Might (?) (Priest)
Hunger's résumé (Projectile)
Do it for Fish (Sharkey_smt, component pictures by Talace & Microwave MKII)
The Tower of Sky (Talace)
Armament-Fish (Talace)
He had a school, once. A city, friends, neighbors... (Talace)
Hunger vs. Groundskeeper Prelairn commission, completed (Microwave MKII, commissioned by LordOfMurder)
Brand-name Genes II (Priest & Microwave MKII)
Streamline & a midnight drive (Talace)
lo-fi hip hop beats to write your constitution to (Microwave MKII)
Gisena pillow (Sharkey_smt, art by Microwave MKII)
Lilea Alabaster (Priest)
What happened to that pirate? (Talace)
Lucent Thorn, crash landed! (Talace)
Live2D Letrizia (Microwave MKII)
Industrial Realm & animated Tower (Talace)
Faceless Hunger (Talace)
It's ALIVE... 2D Letrizia! (Microwave MKII)
Yandere Apocryphal-chan (Priest)
Stained-Glass Hunger (Priest)
Rare images of Younger mid-Isekai (Talace)
The shield that guards the Realms of Myth (Talace)
Procreate shitposting (Microwave MKII)
The Forebear's Catacomb (Talace)
SSR Sorceress Aeira (Microwave MKII)
Elementalist training grounds (Talace)
Sky above Nilfel (Talace)
Leaving the Sovereignty for Opalescent Pastures (Talace)
Younger take two, demonic lancer edition (Talace)
Sorceress Gacha Banner (Microwave MKII)
Fellspite (Talace)
Swordspam (Talace)
Roilweft (Talace)
Aeira's headphones (Talace)
All a dream? (Talace)
New AST Times & Voyaging News (Sharkey_smt)
Network graph of voting choices (Zampano)
Brand-Name Genes III art (Priest)
More GIMP Memes (DarkSideBard)
Summoned Astral Denizen (Aabcehmu)
New AST Times (Sharkey_smt)
Old AST Times (Sharkey_smt)
Voyaging News (Sharkey_smt)
Rihaku's OCSI Archer Aobaru (Microwave MKII)
Perfectly Normal Child (Priest)
Off the coast of Nilfel (Talace)
King and Court Round Table meme (Enohthree)
Break of Storm (Talace)
CAKE (Talace)
Ulyssian/Moon (still say Elyssian's a great ship name) sketches (Microwave MKII)
Horrified Solidarity (Sharkey_smt)
Elyssian sketches with a side of shitposting (Microwave MKII)
Lilea on the Hunt (and also Seram, I suppose) (Microwave MKII)
Voyaging News: Armament Fish Round 2 (Sharkey_smt)
Sow the Wind commission draft (Microwave MKII)
Armament-Fish description diagram (Zampano)
Lord King Hunger (also doodles) (Microwave MKII)
B O B A, aka. bubble tea party (Microwave MKII)
New AST Times (Sharkey_smt)
New AST Times: Special 4Bear Edition (Sharkey_smt)
Metanoia (Conjured Blade)
Moon Presence (Microwave MKII, commissioned by Aabcehmu)
Breaking bread with Versch (Microwave MKII)
His First Salvation (Talace)
The Lord of Stalks (Talace)
Sword in the Stone (Talace)
New AST Times: Cut Through the Truth (Sharkey_smt)
Voyaging News: Juicy Gossip (Sharkey_smt)
Sow the Wind (complete) and Hunger sketches (Microwave MKII, the former commissioned by Orm Embar)
Voyaging News: My Dictator Can't Be This Cute (Sharkey_smt)
New AST Times: I Cannot Believe This Shit (Sharkey_smt)
Enough ruin to destroy the world (Talace)
Gisena vs. Aobaru meme (Sharkey_smt)
Moon Presence with added lighting (Microwave MKII, commissioned by Aabcehmu)
A door overgrown by a trellis of vines (Talace)
Some Strange Sky (Talace)
Procession & Album Cover 2 (Talace)
New AST Times: It's A Trap Edition (Sharkey_smt)
New AST Times: Gisena Edition (Sharkey_smt)
The Renaissance Woman (Microwave MKII)
Stone the Sword (Sharkey_smt)
The Forebear & Vesperikles (Addio)
New AST Times: Impostor Scandal (Sharkey_smt)
Voyaging News: Purple Bitch Edition 1, LP 0 (Sharkey_smt)
The Lord Lady Protector, Augustine (Priest)
Princess Adorie Mirellyian (Microwave MKII)
New AST Times: Arete Bonfire Edition (Sharkey_smt)
VoyagingNews: Accursed Offers Waifus (Sharkey_smt)
Gang vs. Gang chart (Sharkey_smt)
The Cursebearer's Association team photo (WIP) (Microwave MKII)
New AST Times: Intense voting and polls (Sharkey_smt)
VoyagingNews: 50 Arete to be spoiled (Sharkey_smt)
The Outer Shadow, Cups + Steeple Remittance, and the Walls of Myth (WIP) (Zampano)
New AST Times: Omake power levels > 9000 (Sharkey_smt)
Lady Crimson, Legionnaire's Blade, and Plerion's Laboratory (Talace)
Voyaging Times: Can we take him down? (Sharkey_smt)
Haeliel & Sharp Line (Talace)
New AST Times: Peace and Favor at last! (Sharkey_smt)
Art of Hunger (JOEbob)
Second Stage Hunger (JOEbob)
Gisena omegalul and Aobaru with Aeira (Birdsie)
New AST Times: Komm Süsser Tod (Sharkey_smt)
New AST Times: Verschlengorge - best boi? (Sharkey_smt)
Studying the Blade (JOEbob)
The Procyon Fight (JOEbob)
Dramatically Staring at the Moon (Talace)
Hunger on the stairs gif (JOEbob)
New AST Times: Five pick fight (Sharkey_smt)
Voyaging News: Fight to the death! (Sharkey_smt)
Nilfellian mines and Sunset on the Surgecrafters (Talace)
A Nameless Tower (Talace)
Hunger creating Edeldross animation (JOEbob)

Please let me know if I've missed anything you think should be listed here. All word counts contain only original words.
Last edited:
Vote Update 1
Choose 1. Decide carefully, as this will determine not only the hero's Curses and Remittance but his disposition overall. It takes a certain mindset to select Freedom given chance of Vengeance, or the opposite.

[ ] Dread but Dreaming - A force of nature more than a man, but perhaps that is for the best. With power such as this, the dream of a society aligned to his ideals is not so far away. But even if it's what they would have wanted, would it not be even better to have - them - back? Perhaps he recoils from even their memory. To face them would be too much. Sleep beckons, its insensate span anesthetizing the soul. Disturb not he who lies dread but dreaming, for he means you no harm. His task is done, and these long slow eons are not durance, but requiem.
-[ ] Keep the Plenary Brand, gaining 3 more Lesser Remittances.
-[ ] Drop the Plenary Brand, removing the risk of it exposing your Curse-related weaknesses.

*Safely explore the Praxis. Begin with a considerable basis in its techniques.
*When you are ready to act, do with the power what you wish
*Can advance in power naturally by studying the Praxis
*Difficult to integrate into proper society, may have to make your own
*Somewhat underwhelming long-term prospects due to Slumber. Compared to the other options, it takes a while to get things done.

Affliction of Slumber, Tyrant's Doom, Plenary Brand
The Sword That Ends The World


[ ] The Forsaken Mask - To enjoy the freedom you've earned, it's best not to take Curses that would be too much of a burden. The Doom of Lunacy may restrict your power, but the Plenary Brand makes your true strength apparent, and the threat of power is often as effective as its application. With the power to return those lost to you, a simple and unambitious life beckons. That said, it would be unwise to bare your true mien around child or wife. Even if they have the strength of spirit to withstand its abhorrence, they lack the strength of body to survive its rage. Woe betide he who would drive you too far, for your power unmasked is the doom of worlds.

*A comfy life with your child and wife
*Though it's obvious you have it, it's highly risky to actually unleash your power
*Difficult to train it as much of your capacity is sealed by the Doom, but easy to fit into society
*If you can find a compatible Lunacy target, such worries would be reduced
*A highly synergistic build. Three Wishes is the best Remittance for the Plenary Brand, Combat-type the best Type, Doom of Lunacy the best accompanying Curse.

Doom of Lunacy, Plenary Brand
Three Wishes


[ ] Vendetta - He did not volunteer for service, he was compelled. And his enslavers have betrayed and discarded him. So much for heroism. So much for ideals. So be it. Aside from his benefactor, he stands alone. Until the architects of his ruin lay broken beneath his feet, he will know neither peace nor rest. If Justice is five fingers made a fist, then Vengeance is a blade held aloft. Let it be their sword of Damocles.

Tremble, traitor gods and traitor kings. For the hour of reckoning is nigh, and the price of your hubris is blood.

-[ ] Remittance: The Sword - This option is undeniably powerful in the long-term if he can survive the first Geas world, but dramatically increases the effective danger of the first world in a way that is difficult to mitigate with Lesser Remittances. Note: if the hero dies early, which is very possible with this build, the quest will end and I do not intend to make a new quest for a while. In either case the hero's story will be over.
-[ ] Remittance: The King's - There are more ways than one to gain power quickly. Having existing power to leverage is one of the more reliable, and safer too. There is much to be said for immediate strength when one takes a combination of Curses as aggressive as this. One need not wield the sword that ends the world in order to shatter heaven.

Decimator's Affliction, Tyrant's Doom
The Sword That Ends the World / King's Scepter

*Unapologetic EDGE. If you like Baenlixnaire so much, why don't you be him?!
*A dangerous combination of Curses, but not overly restrictive outside of social situations
*You'll have to decide whether to aggressively mitigate the Affliction, spending time and effort, or to let it run, conserving your power to prepare for the Apocryphal Curse
*Unrestricted Progression married to purity of purpose will yield incalculable might in time.
*To be clear, while the hero will be obsessed with vengeance and consider it his foremost priority (can you blame him?), he will still be a functional human being capable of making human connections. This option will not turn him into a caricature.


[ ] Balance - The temptation of respite is strong. But his companions, his child, cannot go unavenged. Perhaps he can find it in himself to forget the hidden ones and let their depredations go unanswered. But that is the coping mechanism of the powerless, a squandering of the opportunity, so unthinkably precious, that has been presented him. What then is the path that balances humanity with satisfaction, safety with power? If impairment in certain arenas is the only cost of this strength, then he will consider it power bought cheaply, so long as his own decision-making is not compromised.

Affliction of Slumber, Champion's Brand

*Turn every social interaction into a simple transaction. It's safer that way.
*With efficiently conserved power and Regalia granting two instances of perfect time travel, well equipped to deal with the Apocryphal Curse in the short to medium term. Time travel is not just safety, but power - optimal knowledge of all secrets and circumstances that can be exploited to one's favor. With foreknowledge, the upheaval that characterizes interesting times can bring opportunity as well. Chaos, ladders, etc.
*Curse selection does not provoke enemies, so will likely encounter fewer and less dangerous foes in the first place
*Can still rely on those select individuals immune to the Champion's Brand to do things for him, but a Progression type can eventually do most things himself
*Slumber is a crippling affliction, but all Curses are crippling. Speed of Progression is still immense and he can still interact rationally with society, potentially hiring guards.
*Perhaps he will never profitably benefit from accelerated time, but the effort that would have been paid towards that endeavor can be spent on the next best thing.
*Such is the nature of unbounded Progression in every field.
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Nature of Magic
What was the art of the realm into which the hero first stumbled? Though he had mastered it to a prodigious degree, the exertion of his final onslaught degraded his power in this field as it did others. Now in his pre-Cursebearer state he was barely more notable than an average soldier, given the many ills and maiming wounds that plagued him. As a Cursebearer, that may no longer be the case.

By default, options that grant you immediate power will take the most efficient route of restoring, upgrading, or expanding on your chosen magic. You may gain access to other sources of supernatural power as well, such as the Praxis if a certain Remittance is chosen, or simply the magics and technologies of other worlds. Each would possess varying levels of synergy with the options below. Especially as a Progression-type Cursebearer, no field is truly barred to you save that which your Curses preclude. And, of course, it's easier to tread a path already taken.

[ ] Battle Mastery - At first glance a simplistic art, yet few are more sophisticated at their core. The power of battle magic appears almost shockingly literal: techniques of sword and fist sporting superhuman might, orbs and shields channeling stupendous energies, summoned beasts who charge fearlessly into battle. All the mainstays of a hero's arsenal are present, but their implementation cleaves conceptual lines with a precision that bewilders and frustrates. How can a torrent of lightning that vaporizes a giant leave the surrounding greenery unmarred, save for a cosmetically significant singe mark?

How can a technique of bodily resilience grant superior resistance to harm without affecting one's health or the texture of one's flesh? How can a technique sufficient to propel the hero in a sixty-meter leaping charge fail to generate enough force to break down a wooden door? How can a spell of healing restore one from the brink of death yet have no effect on maiming wounds? The values of the system seem orthogonal to physical reality or common sense, and yet prioritized over both.

Mastery comes not only from cultivating its spells and techniques, but from clever exploitation of their confounding results. Lateral thinking is key. You need to scale a wall, but only wield a spell which summons a horde of skeletons that mindlessly attack a single target? Target the wall and use the skeletons as a makeshift ramp. Need to carve a statue? Animate a pile of marble into the weakest tier of golem so that it counts as a foe, allowing you to shape it with offensive spells. Polymorph passengers into helpless frogs so that your ferry can fit more, lowering the fares for all!

*Leaps, charges, strikes, sweeps, stances, orbs, bolts, cones, blasts, shields, fields, auras, lances, and other active effects distinguished by their kinetic and spatial parameters
*Extremely efficient at what it does; no extraneous power is wasted on combat-irrelevant effects, and even the most destructive effects unleashed at point-blank range will leave allies and bystanders untouched. Does eventually cap out, though many effects retain their utility; reducing damage taken by 99.8% is frequently relevant.
*Recombination of techniques allows for surprising versatility for the quick-witted and sharp of mind.
*Forbidden Art: Spirit Mastery. The hero learned to burn his own fundamental essence in order to magnify the power of his techniques, but he burned so much during the final confrontation that he has lost even the knowledge to attempt this.

[ ] Seven Seals - The magic of the world was evocation of the self, the light of the soul made manifest. Each who had awakened to the light could offer their own unique capabilities, but few were as versatile and encompassing as this. The power to Seal can broadly be thought of as the inverse of reification: a flame becomes the character for 'Fire'; an onrushing torrent locked into a picture of itself. But this is an ability whose applications well exceed mere storage and containment. Not only can attacks from one foe be captured to be released against another, the nature of things sealed can be intensified through addition or fundamentally altered via combination. One may lack the equipment to meld fire with stone, but far easier to combine the character 'Fire' with the character 'Stone.'

And stranger effects than this are possible for a true master of the art: drawing upon sealed reserves without unsealing them; sealing and combining concepts; safely converting one's self into a seal, thereby to reside halfway into the Realm of Forms!

*An extremely versatile ability that allows for countless permutations
*Seal and redirect enemy attacks or convert any convenient form of quickly moving mass-energy into attacks; contain and constrict the abilities of foes; channel intensified sealed strength for superhuman attributes, seal one's own tiredness, or even become a being of pattern more than form and sear yourself across the span of reality!
*The first two Seals are easy to learn. Each subsequent level represents a rapidly escalating leap in difficulty. Progress will be relatively slow compared to other disciplines.
*Forbidden Art: Fifth Seal. The hero can no longer recall any details of the Fifth or higher Seals.

[ ] Accretion - A farmer's boy. A sword of fable. A perilous quest. Death or glory.

A form of symbiosis between wielder and object, integrating shared experiences, mythic archetypes, accumulated legendry and personal craftsmanship. The result is a being greater than the sum of its parts, not a man wielding a sword but Arthur with Excalibur, the blade closer to his being than his own sword-arm. That deep conceptual weight, wearing a groove in reality's current, permits the slow unfurling of impossible feats as a product of the partnership.

The power of Accretion is rarely replicable and never easily defined. Its greatest masters turn the tides of battle simply by taking the field, their presence an inexpressible radiance, sharp light beyond sense or reason, that erodes the existential basis of those who would oppose them. You will find them at the crux of fate, the critical point of inflection; there does that power reach its apex, starshine become a blazing sun, light and fire and fury as to bring the world to its knees.

*A power that is somewhat agnostic to the strength of one's foes. Battle Magic will never deflect a supernova; a master of this art might, though they'd have near equal difficulty deflecting a tank shell.
*Operates on a level beyond physical causality. With few exceptions, does not enhance physical parameters at all.
*With time and many shared tribulations, some of a union's powers may become relatively consistent and explicable. For example, the hero wears a suit of dark grey plate, and nothing may slay him short of annihilating the armor entire.
*Forbidden Art: Abduction. The forceful seizing of another's armament, inconsistent in application and terribly risky, as aspects of the prior wielder may impose themselves upon you. The hero stole into the Tyrant's Catacomb and emerged bearing the sword of the Tyrant's progenitor. That blade now lies broken, and with it its wielder.

The arts not picked will never have been present in the hero's initial realm.

Please remember to copy your vote for the previous choice when you vote here, so as not to override your previous vote.
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Lesser Remittances
The winning vote is Vendetta. Given the nature of Vendetta, please choose a Vendetta subvote alongside your votes below.

[ ] The Sword That Ends the World - Access to the Praxis, the fearsome supernal art of the Accursed himself. Only access, no immediate power. Given the obstacles arrayed before you, even if you choose optimally at each juncture, there is a between 1/3rd and 2/3rds chance you will die within the first few fights. Thread participation will not be able to change this, but you are free to take this risk. No one can say I have not repeatedly warned you.

[ ] The King's Scepter - The Accursed will grant you some degree of immediate power, which can be leveraged into further growth and which will provide substantial safety in the early stages of your journey.

I'm going to eliminate Battle Mastery of the three systems, but Accretion and Seven Seals are really close in terms of thread participation. As we build momentum, I hope we will be able to decisively close out these votes in a more timely fashion. Either way, this initial period of character creation is coming to a close. Please choose one of:

[ ] Accretion
[ ] Seven Seals


Cursebearer, Select 3 Lesser Remittances


[ ] Gisena Allria, the Nullity Sorceress

Physical **
Social ****
Mental ****

On the brink of her execution by a mighty foe, the Nullity Sorceress employed a novel and highly risky application of her powers to tear a hole between realms. Nihilistic, cunning, and disarmingly vivacious, she is an exceptionally talented technologist and socialite. Beautiful, and fond of using her charms to tease, manipulate, and frustrate friend & foe alike.

Modestly superhuman strength, speed, constitution, appearance, and quickness of thought. Her Sorcerous Graces allow her to nullify, negate, or weaken a very broad range of supernatural effects, or, in theory, aspects of reality. Well-suited to Curse mitigation. Can continue to advance by attaining Coalescences.

[ ] Ceathlynn "Catherine" of Amarlt

Physical *****
Social * / ***
Mental **

Considered a failed prototype in the Amarlt family's disavowed eugenic super-soldier program, Catherine was relegated to the role of a lab assistant in the Astral Exploratory of her nominal House. A high-energy rift experiment gone wrong displaced her in space and time. Hurled centuries into the future, she is now the sole pureblooded inheritor of the Amarlt lineage, the main branch having long consumed itself in a fiery internecine war.

Though she possesses peak human reflexes, agility, kinesthetic sense, bodily coordination and melee combat skills, lacking any supernatural abilities she is little more effective than most humans against soldiers armed with guns. However, virtually any form of supernatural augmentation or equipment would act as powerful force multipliers for her. For example, she has an astonishing talent for piloting advanced weapons systems. Reserved and timid, she has not yet found her self-confidence in social situations, though she displays implacable will in the pursuit of any mission assigned.

[ ] Prolessarch [2 Remittances]

Physical **
Social ***
Mental *******

A lich who studied under a legendary Great Sage, the easy-going and adventurous Prolessarch completed a powerful spell which allowed him to traverse the void between dimensions. Though he has lost the vast majority of his magics in the process of powering his immortality, he still possesses a keen analytical intellect capable of insights well into the superhuman range. A human supremacist and somewhat set in his views; the topic of elves is one of the few issues that can rouse him to anger.

A masterful researcher into all forms of supernatural power, his prodigious intuition allows him to grasp foundational insights with startling frequency. Though this is perhaps less relevant for abstract systems such as Accretion, it will certainly be a boon for other systems you encounter. Though his undead frame is no faster than a well-trained human, it possess a corpselike resilience and the ability to drain the life essence of sapient beings. Possesses functional immortality; he cannot be killed until all trace of his memetic legacy is erased from the universe. Able, convivial, a fiercely loyal friend, a monstrous and unwavering foe.

Unconcerned with the vast array of magical powers he has lost; confident in his ability to acquire temporal power when needed, though it bores him.

"Easy come, easy go, hm? Now tell me more about this 'Astral' Exploratory of yours!"


[ ] Hunger

A ring of power, two thin bands of black surrounding a band of blood-red. When worn, it merges onto the finger, unable to be removed. The user's appetite for all the visceral pleasures of life is notably sharpened, increasing motivation and drive but with the obvious side effects. Indestructible as far as you can tell.

Dramatically reduces the benefits of training, but explosively increases rate of progression during active conflict. An active Cursebearer would progress many times faster in total. You don't have to wear it yourself.

[ ] Talon

A long, raking talon of yellowed ivory, stained with blood on its lower side and warm to the touch. Upon slaying an enemy of notable strength, the body can be processed to yield an amount of wealth, resources, or relevant equipment commensurate to the power of the foe. If the bearer is in particular need of food, water, or shelter, slain foes become more likely to provide an appropriate resource. Can break, but can repair itself from a sliver by feeding on a notable foe's blood. Intimidating if worn.

[ ] Forebear's Blade

Reforged shall be blade that was broken.

- Infused with a spark of Accursed power, the blade slowly repairs itself as you progress, assuming a new form well-suited to the character and strengths of its master. As your power grows, so too shall its form be refined, become ever sharper and mightier without limit.

Seven Seals - The Soul Evocation of the chosen hero was Imprisonment, the power to seal. This blade extends, reinforces and magnifies the power of the soul, vastly enhancing the unique affinity of its wielder. Those struck by its edge can be sealed with far less resistance, while energies striking its flat are easily imprisoned. Seals draw by its point hearken as if cut into the primordial clay, becoming easier to comprehend and more potent in function. Increases effectiveness of Imprisonment on Curses.


[ ] Retinue
- You may designate up to five members of your Retinue. Each reduces your rate of Progression by 25% multiplicatively. Each advances in their primary area of specialization with Progression one-fourth the potency of your own. Needless to say this is an outrageous and irreplaceable boon. Retinue companions are easy to add, costly to remove.

Your Retinue companions may with a short ceremony voluntarily pledge loyalty to any member of your retinue or yourself. This axiomatically prevents that character from betraying the one to whom they have so pledged. Breaking a pledge is possible but is always time-consuming, obvious over any distance, extremely onerous and afflicts the forsworn with a particularly ironic flavor of the Apocryphal Curse centered upon themselves. Pledges can be voluntarily released by mutual agreement in a less time-consuming process.

You may pledge loyalty to Retinue companions as well. Pledges may be mutual or not, mutual pledges may be simultaneous or not. You must add a character to the Retinue before pledges (from or to) can be made.

[ ] Intensify - Sharpens and narrows the domain of your Primary Remittance.

*The King's Scepter - Substantially increases power level at the cost of non-combat versatility. Better fulfills its function of initial security and leverage, but scope of action is less broad.
*The Sword - Substantially increases rate of progress and overall effectiveness of the Praxis, but prevents you from ever employing any other supernatural arts. The jack of all trades cannot overcome the master of one.

[ ] Relinquishment - For each decade of service as a Cursebearer, gain one week of freedom from your Curses. Your burdens will be transferred to volunteering Cursebearers for that time. You are free to travel even with the Geas but must be back before the week is over. You may improve the term and frequency of Relinquishment by mitigating your Curses more.

[ ] Accursed Favor

Forgo a Lesser Remittance. Causes the Accursed to like you slightly more. Benefits uncertain, can be taken multiple times.
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Compelled to Battle
Compelled to Battle

The decision was made, the bargain complete. He felt the weight of each Curse settle upon him like a leaden shroud. But alongside came a spark of power, swift and irrepressible, coursing through nerve and vein, awakening some part of the Hero that had been. Sublime electricity like a held breath, like the stillness before a storm, skin of the world so paper thin that with a fingertip's exertion he could brush through, touch the capillary-walls of the weft between realms.

He was not fully restored. Nowhere near the fullness of his power, still but a shadow of the man that he was, soul and memory tattered with holes. That was the cost in selfhood that he'd burned to strike down the overlord.

But it was strength enough to start again, and with strength came even a dull flicker of hope.

When entire world had abandoned him, this being - cosmic monster, impossible horror, whatever it was - had reached out its hand. Whatever its reasons or timing, it alone had given him a chance. Had offered respite, or vengeance, to a tool so thoroughly expended that even the dim shadow of a future had seemed a faraway dream. He would not forget, that every tomorrow onward was possible only because of this being today.

"Thank you," he said, as it turned to leave. "I'll pay you back one day."

The Accursed raised an eyebrow, slight amusement in its eye. "See that you do."

Somehow he felt, despite the vast gulf between them - transcendent overbeing and depleted wretch - that those parting words were no cosmic transaction, but merely an agreement between men.

And then the Accursed was gone, the world resuming its mundane pace, footsteps thudding outside his door. Soldiers come to collect his presumptive corpse.

He inhaled deeply, the tug of the Geas like a hook through his chest, and let it carry him forward, to another world than this.

Plenty of time for sentimentality if he survived. In the meantime there were other debts to pay. And these would not be so pleasant. To fulfill the mission of his vengeance, the first step was simple.

Live, and grow strong.

There was no jarring transition. Barely had the impression of passage touched him before he arrived. He was standing on a hill of green grass under blue skies. The sun was stark and brilliant, a mailed fist of light bearing down. A breeze was blowing, cool and soothing but with the faintest scent of charcoal. He raised a hand to cover his eyes and took his bearings.

The mission of his Geas unfurled in his mind, the task upon which he'd wagered his life.

Conquer at least nine-tenths of the Human Sphere and rule for a period of no less than fifty contiguous years. Time limit: twenty-five hundred years.

He was unused to rulership, and his first attempts at politics would have killed him were it not for the Accursed's intercession. It would be a change of pace, to say the least.

But how much at all remained of the man he'd been? His name, his titles, half the memories that comprised his identity had been burned from his soul in the final conflagration of his battle with the Tyrant. He recalled that he had come from Earth, a planet of sophisticated technology, born in a land of the far East... or was it the far West? He had been a schoolboy, on the precipice of manhood. He had stumbled into a glade. The contours of his mundane life remained, but its details slipped like raindrops through his fingers.

All those memories he'd sacrificed in order to hold more tightly onto what truly mattered. The names and faces of those who'd fought besides him. Who'd given themselves so that he could live, shell of a man that he was. Those he'd befriended. Those he'd admired. And those he had loved.

He would seek vengeance for them, and for himself. Whatsoever architects had engineered the misery inherent to their lives, he would cast them down. No matter how high their thrones, how unassailable their power, he would not rest until they lay broken before him. And he would bring back all who had died to the Tyrant, when he was strong enough to keep them safe. There would be power enough even for that, someday. Power enough and more, if he was to someday keep his promise to his benefactor.

Someday. If he survived. If he completed this mission, and all the missions before him. So he was to be a tyrant? So be it. But the time for deliberation had passed.

There were more pressing concerns. A short sharp bark behind him, unnaturally loud, and he whirled to see a pack of armored creatures loping towards him, hyena-like mouths tasting the air. The frontmost pair charged, leaping forward with uncanny coordination, fangs bared and slavering.

Casually he adjusted his stance. The creature on his left sailed harmlessly by as he drove his bare fist into the one on his right. Its chest all but disintegrated, the shock of his strike describing a perfect circle of sky where its torso once was.

He twisted, reaching back with his hand to grab the first creature by the scruff, hurled it with catapult force into the ranks of its fellows, and leapt, falling like cannon fire into their midst. The force of those twin impacts sent the beasts into brief disarray, and he killed swiftly as they gathered, slaying three more before the pack regained its cohesion. Retreating slightly, they coalesced around him with an easy, dauntless fluidity, the dozen disjoint appendages of a single mind.

He'd never found any enjoyment in killing the Tyrant's men, offering surrender when practical. But he'd no such compunctions about the Tyrant's monsters. Despite himself, the once-hero smiled. It'd been too long since he'd killed something properly.

They sprang at him again, a whirlwind of fang and claw, but he swung his palm outward, neatly bisecting the creatures at his front, and shoulder-checked his way to the other side of their perimeter. Encirclement broken, the rest turned to flee. They didn't get far.

Supplies would be a factor, he mused. He wondered if these monsters were edible. But their bodies dissolved quickly, melting away in the few brief minutes of his scrutiny. Likely not edible, though it was unclear how exactly his status as a Cursebearer had altered his physiology.

A second pack approached, larger in numbers, though little more bothersome than the first. Still it seemed wise to track down and eliminate the source of these creatures before he began to tire. As he crested another hill, he could faintly make out a city on the horizon, smoke in countless tendrils twisting upwards from its walls. Grand spires of white stone jutted upwards from the fortifications.

Looming above were two grander figures still. The first was an wurm-like monster covered in armor plates, towering and vast, its top a grotesque cross of dragon and jackal, lower half a single muscular tail. It was locked in the throes of battle with a vaguely humanoid abomination, bipedal and armored as well.

A pang struck him at the sight of that second giant, as if the marrow in his bones had gained magnetic charge, pulling like a pointer hound in its direction. There was an affinity between them, not that of friends, not quite allies, but... a sense of camaraderie, as if in all of the vast, lonely universe they were the only two of their kind.


[ ] Humanitarian Efforts - The city is being pillaged or simply butchered by that creature's spawn. It appears to be struggling against its opponent, so there should be no need for you to intervene. Save as many lives as possible, rescue and evacuate civilians from the city and cull the ranks of the creature's horde. Best keep your distance from both abominations until you learn more. You don't quite trust this unnatural affinity. [+Charisma]

[ ] Cut Off The Head
- The wurm-beast shares too many similarities with the hyena-creatures that attacked you for this chain of events to be a coincidence. Likely it sent those hunting packs because it could sense whatever link exists between you and its opponent. If it so badly desires to be your enemy, you will oblige. Though you wouldn't be confident against a monster of that scale at your current strength, you should at least be able to avoid becoming collateral damage. And it has little attention to spare for the likes of you. Helping your... comrade kill it should address the root of the problem.


This was a highly contested vote, but after reviewing everything the King's Scepter faction had an substantial lead in fanworks. Please decide the nature of your final build. You will meet any companions shortly (would have been present for the first battles with Sword, but Scepter crushes them easily).

In the hero's estimation he is still far from his peak, but his current strength is very respectable. Roughly equal to his power halfway through his journey against the Tyrant, more than enough to subdue a force of hundreds with his bare hand. Your decision below may modify this.

[ ] King of Sorcerers - Expansive versatility at the cost of some direct power.

Seven Seals, Gisena Allria, Retinue, Forebear's Blade

*The most popular elements in one build
*Numerous sources of Curse mitigation
*Ability to bring in Retinue members and capitalize on character-unique synergies across Seals, Null Sorcery, and any magics or special technologies present here
*Powerful active defense and counterattack potential. Great utility from Seals.
*Direct offense slightly lacking.

[ ] Twice-Great - Magus-knight and apprentice.

Seven Seals, Ceathlynn of Amarlt, Hunger, Forebear's Blade

*Pay forward the Accursed's gift.
*Advance rapidly with Hunger, use the fruits of that growth to improve your seals of enhancement. Use said seals on yourself and Catherine to produce two formidable combatants. She scales as you do, and Hunger scales quickly.
*Catherine with your buffs is a superior physical force, while you retain the utility of sealing for support and counter-utility.
*Decent mitigation with the Forebear's Blade.
*Would be awfully convenient if one needed a spare pilot for some form of biomechanical abomination.

[ ] Luna Conquerer

Accretion, Gisena Allria, Hunger, Forebear's Blade

*The highest synergy of the popular Accretion elements
*Very high power, but somewhat lacks proactive utility. Accretion + Hunger + Forebear's Blade allows for a rapid rate of advance which means easier access to findross for Gisena if you can figure out the method.
*Strong through every stage of early, mid, and late game, so long as you have straightforward challenges.
*Accretion gives some natural resistance to the Apocryphal Curse which Gisena can also mitigate

[ ] Muscle Wizard

Accretion, Intensify, Retinue, Relinquishment

*The ultimate option, the destined path
*Just look at the thread tags
*Use Intensify to magnify the power of Accretion while narrowing its scope...
*Allows the power of Accretion to be applied to one's body itself, at the cost of locking it otherwise. Grants a broad and powerful defense against esoteric and mundane attacks.
*The hero's missing bodyparts make his body more unique and recognizable, and thus most suited to this unique path.
*Lategame, uses Retinue synergies to magnify his training in the pursuit of supreme perfection of body.
*Retains the fighting style he displays in this update, though with higher parameters when he gets serious (otherwise, this update is just the hero fooling around)
*Very powerful early and late, but weak midgame. Will more effectively complete present objectives.
*Extremely degenerate

There were gonna be a few other votes, like the hero's pseudonym and logistical issues, but we'll sort those out when they come up.
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Heart of the Matter
Heart of the Matter

Best to cut to the heart of the problem and remove the wurm-beast. The sheer scale of its battle with the giant was sufficient to cause collateral damage for every minute that it proceeded unnecessarily. He took stock of the implements available to him as he prepared to move.

There was the Blade of the Tyrant's Forebear. It had broken alongside him in the process of delivering his final blow to its first wielder's progeny. Had that been simple overexertion or evidence of a deeper connection? It hardly mattered now. When he'd abducted the Blade from the Tyrant's catacombs it had bonded to him fully, had leapt to his hand from the crypt, fierce and eager in its willingness to serve, the vigor of a weapon suffering dire neglect...

It had never betrayed him across years of insurgency. In time they had become a single being, their story a single legend, the hero true and Sword That Was Stolen, of disparate origin but as thick as thieves.

In truth it was inaccurate to think of them as separate entities. The sword was a part of him like his liver or heart, and just as essential to the hero's function. Before his infusion of Accursed power it had slumbered comatose, form and purpose shattered as he had been. All that remained of the bastard sword's blade was a jagged shard about a foot in length, but the Accursed's infusion of power had reached it as it had reached every other part of his self. The broken Blade had quickened once more, its mere presence imparting him with an echo of the Forebear's storied might, the power of Ruin suffusing his every strike.

But that was not the only artifact touched by the Accursed's spark. There on his hand was the ring Hunger, a band of black mythril surmounted by crimson, the final memento of his journey and the only one stolen from the Tyrant's corpse. Rumor abounded that the ring was the source of the Tyrant's martial gift, but in his hands it had only been a powerless token. Now it had awakened, bound to him by Accursed investiture and fused indestructibly to his index finger.

It impelled him towards action, towards greatness, the fulfillment of his human potential; prodded him to embrace the joys and sorrows of life fearlessly and without regret. So too was the ability it imparted: the hero's capacity to advance via personal training would be greatly diminished, but any form of conflict or genuine endeavor would grant power tenfold.

A shame his armor had been stolen from him in the hours leading up to his assassination. But the Forebear's Blade granted resilience enough.

He bounded forth, greenery whirling by as yards and miles disappeared beneath him, towards the city of white stone in which the colossi fought. The situation became clearer as he approached: the common folk of the city, better dressed and fed than those of the Tyrant's world, were fighting a desperate action against a horde of hyena beasts, which streamed like spilled blood from the dragon-jackal's wounds. The city was pervaded by them, creatures beyond number, and he drew his blade as he reached the walls, propelling himself with a crack of thunder through an open gate and into the fray.

Like a falling meteor he struck, the steady tide of beasts become a sea in tumult. The force of his impact rippled outwards, monsters hurled like stray droplets as the fight began in earnest.

There was no time to waste. He scythed though their ranks with brutal efficiency, carving a path to the progenitor dragon. Thirty stories it towered above them, blotting out sky and sun, its reddish-brown carapace mottled with scars. As creatures poured from a wound, the cut itself steadily shrank in size. Troubling.

Nearly of a height with it was its opponent, a bio-mechanical giant armored in dark grey with accents of red. Hydraulics and ceramic plate spoke to a degree of sophistication that was absent from the city around them, but its overall appearance was disheveled, parts ill-fitting or in disrepair. Its head bore little resemblance to that of a human's; a fierce and angular thing with livid gold eyes, sporting an enormous maw filled with cruel, curving fangs.

But that was hardly its strangest feature. At the top of each arm where the shoulder would normally lie was another armored head, neckless as if in place of a pauldron, similar in structure down to the fanged maw. These had eyes of green; the rightmost face stared appraising down at him. As he watched, the giant attacked, pulling aside the dragon's arm to bite at its neck, shoulder-face tearing into the flesh of that arm as it came into range.

It was probably this thing that had sparked his feeling of affinity, this devourer with three heads. Indeed he felt no hostility from it, though it hardly seemed overly solicitous.

He had almost reached the place of their duel, its radius of devastation increasingly apparent, when he was stopped short by a bolt of phantasmal force.

"Another outlander! Can you help me evacuate these guys?" An inappropriately cheerful voice accosted him. The interloper was a woman in a finely-tailored dress, its gossamer material streaked with trails of blood and gore, though none of it appeared to be her own. Blue eyes, pale violet hair and distractingly beautiful, inhumanly so. The hackles of his suspicion rose. Some form of Fey? Her ears seemed normal enough, but that could be glamour.

She was leading a large convoy of civilians out from the epicenter, so likely not an enemy. Her bolts seemed to stun and disorient those beasts they struck. It could be a ruse, improbable as it seemed. He'd allow it, at least until the civilians crossed the boulevard, but would stay on guard.

"Fine," he assented. "Stay out of my way."

"So grumpy," she huffed, arriving at his side. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?"

"Maybe I'm always rude."

She laughed airily. "A handsome knight like you? I don't believe it!"

He sighed. "Is now the time for this?"

"When better? We could die at any moment, you know. What, afraid you can't keep up?"

"Yes. So focus on the battle."

"Liar. You're even faster than me! So, where are you headed next? Going to attack that dragon? I could help..."

Finally the civilians were through. Tides of translucent force emanated from her, sweeping through the hyena-beasts emerging from the dragon. Where that magic passed, the creatures swayed and sat as if in a stupor.

She seemed capable enough. "Yes. Come if you like."

"How forward! I knew you liked me after all."

"...Circle around to the far side. I'll hit it from the front."

"As if you'd get rid of me that easily! If you get me to the head, I can bypass its healing. Then you finish it off?"

He grunted in assent. "Can you survive a fall? I could throw you into range, then sprint up the tail."

"A delicate flower like me? I'm not so acrobatic. Carry me?" She batted her eyelashes.

"Fine. Climb on."

"I'd prefer a princess carry, but this is fine too." She kipped up and hugged his neck, crossing slender legs against his stomach. He did his best to ignore the prominent sensation of her chest against his back. Her skin was milk-pale, no sun exposure, hands free of callous. Likely a life spent indoors, with servants for menial work.

Yet her speed and precision were above the level of ordinary humans. A product of her magic alone, rather than experience? No. She was composed in battle, suggesting some level of familiarity. Perhaps that selfsame magic reverted any changes to her form.

Once she was secure, he sprang forward, leaping up to land on the dragon's tail. From what he could recall, he'd never actually slain a dragon before. That would have been a memory worth saving.

Plunging his blade into its side, he ran up its length, too quick for it to toss. Had its attention not been diverted by a renewed assault from its chief opponent, perhaps it could have dealt with him, but not in its current sorry state. Where his blade passed, flesh parted cleanly and sloughed to the side, up and across the whole of its spine until it came apart as if unzipped. The sorceress followed up with another wave of her magic, nullifying its regeneration.

He attacked with savagery as they reached the head, blade-force projected into great thrusts and cleaving arcs to carve away at the dragon's skull. The sorceress shifted, holding her left arm against his collarbone to fire away with her outstretched right. Before long they had reached the brain. Crossed slashes cut it into quarters; a volley of bolts and it trembled, falling still.

The ring Hunger pulsed on his finger, a warm flood of power radiating outwards into his body, and through him the Forebear's Blade. The spoils of victory, progression so rapid it felt unfair. He would have to get used to that.

"I hope this thing doesn't dissolve beneath us," he grumbled.

"It won't. The flesh itself is nonmagical, it was only infused with magic. Mostly its nervous system, which distributed the power as it was needed." She leapt down to inspect its wounds. "What an interesting specimen! It's a shame biology's not my forte."

"You're a scientist?"

"The very best!" She exclaimed, standing up to face him with a lecturing finger. "Lady Gisena Allria, Sorceress of Nullity and genius technologist, at your service!"

"What do you think about that?" He pointed his chin at the humanoid abomination, which stared at them unblinkingly. Steam hissed out from a set of cylinders in its neck, a pillar of smoke to join the countless coiling upwards into the sky.

The sense of affinity had grown with proximity, almost sharp now like an ache. He was certain. It was this thing - the monster itself, not any pilot or creature that resided within - that held that affinity to him, aligned across some inexpressible valence.


[X] Luna Conquerer and [X] Cut Off the Head have won. With the abomination's help and Gisena's Nullity, the hero managed to slay the dragon and reap a bounty of strength.

Gisena Allria. She knows more than she lets on. Always suggesting, requesting or implying, never commanding directly. Does her power to nullify magic allow her to perceive the contours of the Tyrant's Doom? Instinct tells you that her powers could weaken your own, to a degree. Had she desired your death, she would have had numerous chances. That she hasn't taken one doesn't mean she's entirely trustworthy...

[ ] Trustworthy Enough - But the chance is low enough that you aren't terribly concerned. There are far more pressing matters in play. [Take 1 extra Selection below, +Gisena]

[ ] Keep Your Distance - You know too little at this juncture. Best to prepare countermeasures if you can. [Gain Null Resistance - Your magic can't be reduced below 30% by any source]

What did the murdered dragon yield? Choose 2, or 3 with Trustworthy Enough. Until the new mechanics are up, thread participation can earn extra picks.

[ ] Sword That Was Stolen - Thick As Thieves - The Forebear's cunning and force of personality. Highly likely to cause mental contamination. Can be taken multiple times. [+Charisma, +Intelligence, +Heartlessness]

[ ] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear
- Cloud-shadow of the Forebear's might. Legendary strength and speed, and the resilience to exert them. Can be taken multiple times. [+Might, +Agility]

[ ] Forebear's Blade - Fell-Handed Stroke
- A devastating blow of unutterable magnificence from which no recovery is possible. A powerful, but draining strike that inflicts cursed wounds from which spirit and will leak as freely as blood. Resists healing.

[ ] Hunger - Feast of Lives. The Ring Hunger brings unnatural vigor, staunching wounds and replenishing blood, but its true strength is evident only at the moment of triumph. Gain modest regeneration and improved health of the body. Briefly gain extreme regeneration upon defeating a non-trivial opponent. [2 picks]

*Your appetite quadruples and you become more carnivorous.
*So long as you feed this appetite well, reduce the Decimator's Affliction by .5% a year. Doesn't increase difficulty of future mitigations.
*Without a regular supply of animal-based foods, you will suffer increasing penalties to your bodily health, and increase the Decimator's Affliction by 2% a year.
*Healing's convenient to advance through battle. Lifesteal's great.

[ ] Hunger - Might's Repose. With every exertion comes a moment of repose; that is nature's proper order. Sleep and physical rest are not inconveniences to be pared away, but an inextricable part of life's rhythms. [2 picks]

*Like an Elder Wyrm of yore, the more you sleep, the more powerful you become.
*Sleeping at least 9 hours a day yields the following benefits: You become only stronger, wiser, and more glorious with age, never becoming infirm, as if the travails of aging themselves have an inverse effect on you. You gain a substantial bonus to physical attributes and a minor bonus to mental attributes for the day. You are immune to hostile effects that would tire or exhaust you or induce artificial sleep.
*You may sleep up to 90% of the time. When sleeping, you grow stronger with age at twice the normal rate.
*The strength of age is not the vigor of youth. It is stabler and more fearsome but less expressive, less joyful and innocent. It will not bring back what was lost, merely overwrite it with a power that in time will be far greater.
*Without extensive mitigation, those possessing the Affliction of Slumber cannot benefit from this.

[ ] Forebear's Blade - Unshattered. Turn your afflictions into strength. Your body is maimed, your blade broken; that does not mean you yourself are less than whole. Let the Broken Blade be the new complete form of the Forebear's weapon, a symbol of his dynasty shattered by your hand. Let your wounds be the battle-standard, tapestry of the sacrifices your journey demanded of you, forevermore a reminder of victory's cost. [3 picks]

*Helps the hero move on psychologically without reducing the relevance of his companions' sacrifices or his drive for vengeance.
*Massively increases your power level to about three-fourths of the hero's apex. [+Rank]
*Not his power three-fourths of the way through his journey, but three-fourths of the total strength at his height (not accounting for sacrificial techniques). It could take years to reach this level again.
*Power enough to bring ruin to high lords and kings with a single malediction, rout armies with a single strike, overwhelm and dismember horrid beasts out of myth. The cut of your blade is the end of sorcery; cities that oppose you are reduced to rubble, fortresses to ash. You outrace the thunderclap, or your words drown it out; stand against the flood or hurricane, and by sheer majesty of spirit turn them aside.
*Slows Accretion growth in the future as you cease to benefit from recovery boost. Further expends the To Shatter Heaven effect of the King's Scepter.
*You will remain forever maimed, and your blade forever broken, reducing its reach. In time you can develop capabilities to substitute for what you have lost.
*You're pretty sure the humanoid abomination is in a weakened state and its full power is vastly greater than even this.
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Heart Vote 1
Alright, we didn't quite get to an extra pick, technically speaking, but you guys were only ~8% away, so I'll give it to you but put you into Experience debt equivalent to 14% of the value. If anyone has strong objections to this please let me know. This particular form of debt has no negative repercussions aside from cost.

Synergy bonuses are not as potent as a true selection.

[ ] Auspicious Vanguard - First into the breach and ever vigilant. In perilous times, the elimination of weaknesses is key.
Synergy: Live Another Day - Competence bonus to survive dangerous situations.

Keep Your Distance [Null Resistance], Fell-Handed Stroke, Echo of the Forebear, Thick As Thieves

*A build that focuses on minimizing the chances of loss by covering every base.
*A wide variety of tactics and approaches are available to resolve problems: Gisena's Tide of Nullity + your Null Resistance, allowing you to fight with some superhuman parameters while your enemies are denied their magics; planned ambush via Thick As Thieves + Fell-Handed Stroke, brute combat via Fell-Handed Stroke and Echo of the Forebear, or simple maneuver via Thick as Thieves.
*Balanced form, a lack of weaknesses is power

[ ] Nightmare Praetor - Planning and preparation are the keys to victory. Not because things will go to plan, but because greater experience wins the day, and improvisation is merely the accelerated form of preparation.
Synergy: As Planned - Competence bonus to creating and adjusting schemes.

Trustworthy Enough, Thick As Thieves x2, Might's Repose

*The most popular options in one build
*Stacked intelligence bonuses from Thick as Thieves and Repose noticeably improves decision-making ability
*A build that focuses on accumulating long-term advantage via mental and social skills
*Naturally accrues power over time via Might's Repose
*Still highly dangerous in any fight they have prepared for, and quite potent whenever they are well-rested
*Better suited to politics & rule than most builds, may be uncomfortably ruthless
*High Intelligence, Charisma and sleepiness - bonds better with Gisena than other builds

[ ] Force Unto - Physical dominion and ceaseless momentum have defined your actions so far. No reason to stop now. Aggression and proactive force, a forward spear thrust into the pattern of the world, forcing it to respond to you.
Synergy: Bright Champion - [+Strength, +Charisma, +Wits]

Trustworthy Enough, Echo of the Forebear x2, Feast of Life

*Consistent strength and speed combined with relentless staying power. Overwhelm lesser foes, grind down the mighty with Gisena's bolts and sheer attrition. Gisena covers utility by neutralizing enemy utility, so raw attributes offer high synergy with her style of battle.
*Seek out battle to grow strong, that you might seek out battle and grow strong... until you are a force unto yourself, with strength enough to carve out your dominion
*A build that focuses on active growth in the short and medium term via the pursuit of battle
*Can be risky, especially with the Apocryphal Curse
*High physical parameters make it pretty good at piloting. Even has magical healing!
*Powerful synergy bonus

[ ] Unshattered - Cast aside this fledgling stage. Here, you do not belong. You, who sundered the Tyrant: your purview is the game of kings.
Synergy: Fell Tempest - Upgrades Fell-Handed Stroke.

Trustworthy Enough, Fell-Handed Stroke, Unshattered

*Overwhelming strength and glory of spirit allow you to more or less bypass the early game
*Power begets power
*The safest AND psychologically healthiest option
*Pretty much better than the other options even in their area of specialty; sufficient Rank allows for innate resistance to nullifcation; more effective in combat than A Force Unto, a more powerful schemer than Nightmare. Cuts down opposition in a torrent of fell power, breaking armies and nations with a single demonstration.
*Permanently crippled and slower advancement going forward
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The Furthermost Reaches
The Furthermost Reaches

"Hm? Asking my opinion now? Consultations aren't free, you know," Gisena teased.

He scoffed. "Riding on my back isn't free either."

"Are you saying you didn't enjoy that?" She giggled. "Well, I think it's a wonderful creation! I'd love to study it. But my realm didn't have anything like this. The technology's mostly a shell, isn't it? An accoutrement of the creature beneath."

"There is power there. Far more than it's shown to us." Briefly he closed his eyes, reaching out with his instincts. It reminded him almost of the Tyrant, or of his own power at the very height, but much greater. Even the Tyrant was a mere tributary compared to the ocean that slept within this beast. Power of enormous scope, but of a tenor that was similar to his own. And yet like him it was diminished, wan shadow of its full potential. Not dammed, but run dry. And yet it would not take so terribly much for the deluge to come again.

"Think it was holding back?" Gisena snapped him from his thoughts.

"No." He shook his head. "It's injured. Lessened."

"Probably safest just to observe and see if it does something," the Sorceress sighed. "How boring."

She turned to him. "So... Got a name?"

He scowled.

Gisena pouted. "I did tell you mine, you know. Noble title and all! That's valuable tactical intelligence."

A name. He'd sacrificed his name, and claiming another at this juncture would just see it slip from his mind. But he needed something for others to call him, that was true enough. He looked down at his hand and the blade that it held. A pseudonym would hold, if it was memorable. Something practical. And yet even a pseudonym held power. Properly chosen, it could bind his objects more strongly to him, or establish that he was separate from them.

Something easy to recall. Something as familiar to him as the back of his hand.

"Hunger. Technically I'm a City Lord, but they've likely had me deposed."

As he spoke, he felt the essence of the ring shift, become his in full, interlacing its nature with his own. Now, like a ring of power, he would only grow mightier and more cunning with time. Age would have no purchase upon him, and even the Tyrant's curse that had stolen his youth would be reversed and superseded. He hoped that taking this name would also bind the Decimator's Affliction, allowing him to exert some measure of control over it. That would be a priority in the near future.

"Hunger?" Gisena said brightly. "Hm... Lord Hunger. I like it. It's only a little pretentious."

"More than a little. Don't be polite."

"Arrogant and a liar too! Why do I put up with you?"

"I'm a noble. It's to be expected."

"Well, at least he's self-aware."

"Keep talking to yourself. It's better that way."

"Oh? Already in love with the sound of my voice?"

"A-ahem!" A voice boomed from the direction of the giant. "If you two are done flirting, we have important matters to take care of!"

It was a girl's voice, clear and high, but somewhat stilted, as if forcing herself to sound authoritative.

"Sorry, we're not!" Gisena answered cheerfully.


"We're not done flirting. Isn't that what you asked? So, mind waiting a bit longer?"

"Ah! Um..."

"Speak for yourself," he grunted, turning to address the giant. "Are you the pilot of that creature? What's your business?"

"Thank you, my lord. Yes, I am. I'd like to come out and speak to you face-to-face. Will you give your word not to attack my person?"

"I won't attack unprovoked. Do as you please."

Steam hissed from countless apertures as the giant's head and chest moved forward, revealing its internals. A dizzying array of runes and glyphs coated every inch of its bio-mechanical interior, faintly emitting the pale, cold blue of a winter sky. Within was a capsule, which hissed open to reveal a young lady in a pale military jacket with accents of gold. Lean and long of limb, she had delicate, fine-boned features and eyes a shade lighter than Gisena's blue. A long shock of hair trailed nearly to her waist, white in color but with all the luster and texture of youth. She looked to be in her late teens or early twenties. In the fingers of her right hand she held a small text, a manual of some kind.

Emerging from the capsule, she hopped up, landing neatly on the giant's shoulder, leaning forward on one heavy boot.

"Ah!!" Gisena clasped her hands together, eyes sparkling. She leaned over to whisper in his ear. "She's so cute! Can we keep her, hun? Please?"

"Do not call me that. And she's not your pet."

"Then, what should I call milord? 'Huney' has a certain ring to it... "

"Just Hunger is fine."

"What's this, a nobleman claiming to be just?"

"As you said. I'm a liar."

"You said you had business," he called to the girl, before Gisena could interject again.

The girl nodded, stealing a glance at her manual before speaking. "You're outsiders, right? Come in through an Astral Rift? We're lucky we found each other. This place has certain properties making it difficult to navigate. Most outsiders who arrive here either die or are never seen from again, but my Armament," she gestured at the giant, "can bring us to civilization."

"Okay. I'm listening."

"Well..." the girl frowned. "It's a lot to explain. Since we all look human and are even speaking English, I'm going to assume you're from a world with similar ontological parameters..."

"Hm." He had assumed the Accursed had given him a translation function.

Gisena perked up. "In my realm it's called Angletierre, but I've been speaking it because everyone else has. My native language is actually Joanian."

He raised an eyebrow. That wasn't easy. "You have no accent. Impressive."

"Of course! I am a genius, after all."

"Anyway!" The pilot said, "The place we're currently trapped is named the Voyaging Realm. We believe it's an artificial universe created by an ancient species who called themselves the Foremost. It's contained by an outer ring the size of a gas giant, with the space inside heavily spun, folded, and distorted. It's constantly shifting and some parts are dangerous. A small portion of the Realm is unaffected and humans have built a city and spaceport there. That's where I'm trying to go." She showed them a picture from her manual, depicting a highly advanced metropolis with towers of steel and glass, over which loomed a small flotilla of angular ships. If this was accurate, these people were far beyond the Earth of his time.

"Since my Armament is so badly weakened, I'd like your help making it there. In return you'll reach civilization and my government will probably pay you a hefty sum as well. If you're interested, we could even arrange longer-term employment. Rift outsiders with unique skills are always welcome. Any questions?"

"I don't work well with others," he said, "I'm happy to kill things for money, but I won't act under your chain of command. If that's fine, I've got a few more questions."

She nodded.

But Gisena interrupted, practically vibrating with excitement. "What incredible technology! Flying ships! Cities that scrape the sky! This day has turned out far better than I thought. When I opened that Void I expected only death, not to be sent to another world out of my wildest dreams!"

"Oh?" The girl cocked her head. "How did you two get here, if you don't mind my asking?"

"I used my powers to tear a hole through reality," Gisena explained. "I didn't think it would work, and almost burned out that Grace. I was trying to assassinate the.... hero of my world for murdering my sisters. It didn't go so well, so I had to run."

"You're quite brave, Miss Gisena!" said the pilot. "And you, milord?" She turned to him.

He frowned. "I was the hero of my world and assassinated after I slew the Tyrant."

Gisena beamed, wrapping her arms around his left. "We're a perfect pair!"

He shrugged her off. "This is the third dimension I've stumbled into. My home was a planet called Earth. We had a technological civilization, planes and satellites, but nothing truly interstellar. Tell me about your society. What volume of space do you occupy? How many stars do you control?"

"Well, it's complicated," the pilot temporized. "The Human Sphere encompasses about ten thousand inhabited worlds, and includes another twenty thousand uninhabited systems used for resource extraction. The Realm we're standing in technically isn't a part of it, aside from our spaceport and city. The Sphere is divided into three polities, and the nation I'm from controls about twenty-seven hundred stars. But, I actually work for a jointly-funded agency supported by all three nations, so... like I said, it's complicated. It's not really relevant, none of the states has much power here!"

"Fine. You mentioned a number of other hazards. Creatures like this dragon? Are they related to these Astral Rifts? Any strategic or tactical information we should be aware of?"

"Y-yes. How to explain this..." She mused, tapping her lip with a gloved finger. "So, your home world, you said you weren't interstellar. Were you bound by the speed of light?"

"We knew about it. We didn't have ships nearly that fast."

"Neither do we, really. Long-distance travel is mostly conducted with Astral technology, either supplementing our movements or tunneling directly into the Astral Realm. Doing this destabilizes the gradient between realities, sometimes creating rifts through which Astral denizens sometimes attack us. They're especially attracted to Armaments, which can forcibly re-stabilize that gradient in a large radius. Mine is so weakened that its beacon isn't strong, so we shouldn't have to deal with anything too serious, but the Voyaging Realm also has a natural rate of rift incidence. That's where you guys came from."

She hesitated, then continued to speak. "Any Astral denizens that appear from those in our vicinity are going to attack my Armament. The... dragon you fought was one. Additionally, there are some unusual creatures and societies in this Realm that are hostile to humans. Most of the creatures we encounter shouldn't be too terribly stronger than the dragon you killed. So, it'd really be safest if we traveled together! Especially if we could restore my Armament, even a little bit."

"So. We're trapped in a pocket universe that's immeasurably vast, within which space shifts so that locations don't correspond to each other. It's partially inhabited by monsters, and Astral Rifts occasionally deposit more monsters, which will automatically attack if you're in the vicinity."

She nodded. "That's right."

"So how can your 'Armament' navigate this place?"

She swallowed. "G-good question! Most Armaments are Foremost technology, mine included. There's an inbuilt navigational system for Foremost realms. I estimate it'll take us about t-two months to reach the city's staging grounds, give or take two weeks."

As far as he could tell, she was mostly sincere, though her time estimate was likely more certain than she felt. And if she wasn't lying, it would be difficult to escape this Realm alone.

He glanced over at Gisena.

"Oh? Do I get a say in this, milord?"

"No. I'm just looking at you for no reason."

"I do have that effect on people. And I'd love to go. So much technology to explore, it'll be exciting!"

He turned to the pilot. "Then we're in."

"Great!" She curtseyed neatly before them. "Duchess Letrizia von Artriez, pilot of the Devouring Armament, Verschlengorge. We'll be in your care."

Gisena elegantly returned the curtsey with one of her own. "Pleased to meet you, Zea! We're going to be best friends. Now tell me... what's a 'planet?' By what principle are they organized into 'star systems?' And what's that to do with the speed of light?"

"M-Miss Gisena, one at a time, please!"


As you have taken Nightmare Praetor, the hero has chosen the mechanically optimal pseudonym of Hunger, Lord Hunger to those who acknowledge his title. Slightly increases advancement rate from Hunger. Grants opportunities for mitigation of the Decimator's Affliction in the future.

[ ] On Second Thought... - You're fairly certain that sufficient Rank would allow you to navigate this place easily on your own, and partnering with a giant, mostly useless target that attracts monsters is just begging for the Apocryphal Curse to put all of you in peril. Not worth it for a nebulous payment from her government that's only 'probably' going to occur. Best for you and Gisena both to encounter their civilization on your own terms, when you are stronger.

*Probably safer
*There should be plenty for you to explore around here
*You're still not sure why Verschlengorge has such an affinity for you.

[ ] Plan Your Trip - Choose 3 options below.

Letrizia has supplies and advanced camping materials in her Armament, though you could probably live off the land.

[ ] Speak with Gisena I - Learn more about the Nullity Sorceress. The circumstances of your mutual arrival are suspicious. Inform her of your Curses and see if she can help. +Gisena
[ ] Speak with Gisena II - Speak on personal matters. Additional ++Gisena. Requires Speak With Gisena I.

[ ] Speak with Letrizia I - The girl seems fairly intimidated by you. Perhaps you came off as harsh. Put her at ease. +Letrizia.
[ ] Speak with Letrizia II - Explain the matter of your affinity with Verschlengorge. Perhaps she has some insight? Req. Speak with Letrizia I. Additional ++Letrizia, ?

[ ] Errantry - Perform various tasks for the people you encounter within the Voyaging Realm so as to more effectively forge your legend. Slowly increases Accretion Rank.
[ ] Errantry II - Perform more demanding, dangerous and time-consuming tasks. Increases Accretion Rank at a considerably faster clip. Risky. Requires Errantry.

[ ] Learn to Pilot - As you are bound to the Ring Hunger, your learning speed outside battle is slightly worse than an average mortal's. The intricacies of the Armament are easy to learn, difficult to master, and many functions are incomplete or unavailable due to its state. Still, there is time enough for the fundamentals of movement.
[ ] Commune with Verschlengorge - There is something here, something of great import, though you feel little sense of urgency... Req. Learn to Pilot.

[ ] Sleep Heavily - By default you will sleep 9 hours a day. Sleeping more increases the (at this time, fairly small) benefits accumulating from Might's Repose over time.

[ ] The Name of the Curse - Attempt to exert some measure of control over the Decimator's Affliction, by the combined power of yourself and your Ring.

[ ] Seek out Artifacts - With wandering monsters and strange civilizations come objects of power, everyone knows that! And bereft of your armor, you could use a third object to complete your panoply. In theory any object can do, but a formidable artifact would grant greater bonuses. Not guaranteed to succeed.

[ ] Seek Worthy Opponents - Actively pursue rumors of powerful monsters & the like. Hunt them down to advance your Progression. +Stats. Risky.

And now for the most important part of the vote. What to call Letrizia?

Req. Speak with Letrizia I

[ ] Letrizia
[ ] Zia
[ ] Zea
[ ] Zee
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