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- Australia
[X] Apocryphal Curse - Tribulation
[X] Indenture - Companion
[X] Tyrant - Trusted Counsel
-[X] Trust Gisena
[X] Extra +Gisena
That update was great! Loved all the Gisena banter and the description of the fish made me really hungry!
Option's all look enticing but this is the spread I prefer. King's blood to heal our wound and make following fights less risky so we can take more dangerous encounters for faster power growth without crippling ourselves for the next two months, during which we can hopefully get our hands on a more permanent healing affect.
For curse mitigation, Tribulation seems the better of the two Apocryphal choices since it guarantees that we get downtime after each proc and can plan important ventures that we can't risk for the time in-between.
Tyrant Trusted council is incredibly valuable and basically what we wanted Gisena for in the first place making her the better choice since her better social stats make her better able to convince us not to be crazy. Indenture so we don't lose access to the mitigation after leaving this world and +Gisena because I like her and so she's more inclined to help us out.
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