CYOA: Downloaded

Welcome, mortal. I regret to inform you that you are to be forcibly transported to a world you may previously have regarded as fictional. There you will be conscripted into the service of a cause you did not choose, participating in a conflict you cannot possibly comprehend, for reasons you are very likely never to discover.

My progenitor has taken efforts to prepare your population for this coercive enlistment. Our cultural seeding efforts have borne fruit. You number among those that may strongly welcome the fate to befall you. But enviable as your position may seem, be aware always of the duties that accompany your newfound capabilities.

As they say: death is lighter than a feather, but duty is heavier than eons. And you shall not have the luxury of the former. Should you fail utterly, the fate that awaits you is not death, but rather a grim procession. Rest assured that such a degree of failure is unlikely, even for you.

As recompense for denying you the freedom of refusal, we grant you 100 Ordinal Credits.
To gird yourself, that you might have some chance of accomplishing your mission, you will also receive a budgetary allocation of 5 Cerulean Obols.
Finally, you begin with 0 Radiant Electrum. We are not a charity.

What is the nature of your service? Roll d3 to determine it. This is your purpose, the overriding goal of your enlistment, as best you can discern.

[1] - Do As Thou Wilt: You need not commit to any particular course. The intuitive unfolding of your actions within the designated realm will serve our purposes well enough.

[2] - Hegemon: You must subjugate, by force or by suasion, all sentient peoples within the designated realm, such that your effective political power is incontestable by the reasonable judgement of those within. There is no particular timetable for this task, but sincere and significant efforts must be made towards it each month; fail to abide and your body and mind will undertake such actions regardless. [+2 Cerulean Obols]

[3] - Shards of Infinity: Five Shards of Infinity will be scattered across your designated realm, each embedded into the body and spirit of a being of import. Your mission: to collect and unite the fractions of Infinity once more, winning both your safety and freedom for the eons to come. Empowered significantly in raw might and with limitless uncapped potential, the Shardborne will war amongst themselves while seeking your destruction. Contain and destroy them before their escalating conflict obliterates the entirety of your designated realm. [+4 Cerulean Obols]


Where shall you descend?

[ ] An Incarnate Radius - By default, you'll be sent to the realm of Aincrad, in the world of Immersion. Conditions on the ground have been partially optimized for your arrival, granting a substantial effective increase to your budget if selected. [+2 Cerulean Obols]

A link for those unfamiliar:
Immersion (Sword Art Online AU). You don't need to have read the quest to play this CYOA; only a few options reference it specifically.

[ ] A Modest Realm - A world of minor dangers. After taking Drawbacks, halve your total budget, rounding up for each currency type. With this option you may also choose to remain here, on your seemingly mundane Earth, so long as you serve the purpose determined above.

Examples: Westeros, Modern Earth, SAO (Canon), Middle-Earth (Early Fourth Age), 'Comfy' or Slice of Life settings that at least present some moderate chance of supernatural danger.

[ ] A Comparable Realm - A world with dangers somewhat similar to those of the default option. Your budget is unaffected. Most mid-tier fantasy and science fiction settings fall under the remit of this option, with combatants generally topping out at the low planetary scale.

Examples: Middle-Earth (Late Second Age), Fate/Stay Night, Cyberpunk, The Manifest Realm, Dragon Ball (Start of Saga), Bleach, Naruto, Young Justice, D&D.

[ ] A Perilous Realm - A world with dangers vastly surpassing those of the default option, whether by sheer scale or proliferation of powerful esoteric abilities. [+3 Cerulean Obols]

Due to hypertime affinity, if the "New World" of Overlord within the boughs of Yggdrasil is selected, this option grants an additional [+1 Cerulean Obol]. You are unlikely to be able to peaceably co-exist with the inhabitants of Nazarick given their proclivities.

Examples: Exalted (Age of Sorrows), Middle-Earth (War of Wrath), Supreme Commander, Marvel Comics, Dragon Ball Z (Saiyan Saga+).


If you wish to further buttress your budgetary allocation, you may grant us up to 3 additional considerations for the course of your service:

[ ] Gamble - Entertain us. Roll a d8 (via the forum roller, if possible) and be forcibly assigned the corresponding Drawback, but receive the following benefits in exchange. You may Gamble so long as you have open Drawback slots to use.

First Gamble: Receive [+1 Radiant Electrum] in addition to the listed reward.
Second Gamble: All Drawbacks are 20% less severe. You don't receive the listed reward.
Third Gamble: Receive double the listed reward.

If in your lacking wisdom you rolled a combination of Drawbacks you find totally unacceptable, you may beg off, mitigating one Drawback by an additional 50%. This nullifies all listed and gambling rewards and costs 1 Cerulean Obol in addition. Such is the price of folly.

[ ] 1: Midsummer's Rhapsody - Your world shall drown in the fires of war. Total war of breadth and intensity comparable to WWII, scaled to your realm, shall break out within the first three months of your arrival, and will not be quenched save by your direct and persistent intervention on the fields of battle. In the default option, Escapist and Fantasizer tensions will come to a boil, causing internecine conflict of the highest level among the Chosen. [+2 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] 2: Caress of Winter
- You are blessed with a heartbreakingly deep connection; platonic or romantic (your choice) it is a relationship that will shape and enliven your life in ways unique and irreplaceable. How unfortunate that said relationship will also be plagued with substantial amounts of separation, drama, or tragedy; enough to make even the most ardent romantic seriously question whether any of it was worthwhile. Should you sunder this bond, none will ever come again that could match its depth and intensity. In the default example, you might meet a wonderful Aincradian who serves as an irreplaceable boon companion, only to discover they're the avatar of some 'Ethereal Beauty' that seeks to enforce adherence to an inhuman and impossible ideal. [+1 Cerulean Obol]

[ ] 3: Incursion
- While you yourself remain in control of both mind and body, your supernatural powers are held by a symbiotic existence, a being either obnoxious, demanding or alien that parcels out access to your full abilities only when its requirements have been met, or your motives align. [+2 Cerulean Obols]

*Freedom to use your powers fully will cost you about as much time and effort as maintaining a full-time job, if its demands are generally reasonable; or minimal time but highly variable effort and risk, if unreasonable. You may select which. Also, as it is dependent on you to survive, self-defense will always be a valid opportunity to unleash your power.

[ ] 4: Impelled - You will find that the very current of reality appears to press against you, a subtle but inexorable gravitation that weakens and undermines your every undertaking and multiplies your chances of failure. A foe with a 10% chance of overcoming you will find themselves miraculously guided towards that slim probability, giving them even odds instead.

With diligent preparation and overwhelming might this can be almost consistently overcome, but you will always and forever be considerably less effective than your capabilities would naively suggest - especially during moments of import. This effect extends in lesser degree to your allies and catspaws as well. [+50 Ordinal Coins]

[ ] 5: Thinblood
- Any time you experience a serious wound or setback, you will find that the injury done to your self or circumstances only worsens and bleeds further unless you permanently diminish yourself to stopper the flow. In the default scenario, any attack you take that removes 10% or more of your Health might profusely bleed your fundamental essence unless you reduce your maximum Health by that amount instead; while a loss of reputation might lead to increasingly riotous and powerful enemies unless you accept a permanent demotion. That said, your ability to progress is not directly impaired; if you can rapidly raise your maximum Health or accomplish promotion-worthy feats in other career paths, losses so suffered can be managed - if you do not suffer too many consecutively. [+75 Ordinal Coins]

[ ] 6: Forbidding
- Force fails to avail you. You find in every martial contest that your enemies are far more durable and defensively competent than they have any right to be. This effect scales hyper-exponentially with the importance and deadliness of a foe to you. The mid-boss of an ordinary dungeon might 'only' be 5000% as durable as they might be otherwise, but your final foe, the nemesis of your lifetime whose means and goals you cannot possibly abide, would be more unassailable than a xianxia protagonist with a completely indulgent author and editorial staff. Everyone is aware of this, which may weaken your effective social standing in numerous ways - no one wants to be allied with the person who makes even his weakest enemies a dozen times more durable simply by existing. Nor would those who might be inclined to fear or respect your strength do so, given their likely impunity from retaliation. [+100 Ordinal Coins]

[ ] 7: Plague
- You possess the Decimator's Affliction. It is mitigated to half its normal speed (10% every two years) and has drastically reduced total energy requirements, such that you need not worry about the self-consumption clause of the Curse unless deliberately isolated. But the only means to pause its Decimation is by draining enormous amounts of life-force from the environment, such that a mere five decades of this behavior would see a thriving Gaian planet reduced to a parched and hollow husk. If one day you attain truly epic might, you may need to drain entire universes instead. [+3 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] 8: A Maw
- No further progression will you experience. Once you finalize your choices below, your personal power, in terms of raw versatility, elevation and might will never increase. This does not stop you from forming memories or developing skills to better utilize what you do have, nor does it prevent recovery to baseline if lessened. [+3 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] Prepare to Die - Hunger is hunting you and cannot be dissuaded. This version is a Combat-type Cursebearer with the Geas of Indenture, Doom of the Tyrant and Decimator's Affliction. His Primary Remittance is the Sword That Ends The World. His Lesser Remittances are Gisena Allria, the Forebear's Blade, and the Ring Hunger. His Arete generation is commensurate to his performance in the quest, spiking appropriately if he is ever tested; but his decision-making is wholly uncompromised. You will die and there is no pretending otherwise. It is only a matter of time. [+9 Cerulean Obols]


Were you perhaps looking for another source of that precious Radiant Electrum? I'm afraid mere Drawbacks are mostly insufficient to the task. That said, there is one undertaking you might be interested in, which might deserve so sumptuous a down payment.

[ ] A Saga. A series of trials against difficulties profound and terrifying, the reward of which is not mere power, but the true steel of character itself. If you are willing to subject yourself to such a travail, to go wholly above and beyond in your service to the cause, knowing full well that the risks entailed could end in a fate far worse than extinction - well. Then you would be entirety deserving of this [+1 Radiant Electrum].

[ ] Safety Off - Requires A Saga. You do not start with any purchases made via Cerulean Obols or Radiant Electrum. Rather, you are guaranteed to acquire the benefits of said purchases over the course of your adventures in this Saga, should you survive. Mightier powers will be granted later, or in diminished form to scale up with training. [+1 Radiant Electrum]

Example: The Saga for the default scenario. Other realms will have Sagas of commensurate difficulty scaled to their baseline capabilities.

First - Untouchable: Arriving in this realm shortly before his challenge with Heathcliff, you attract the enmity of this realm's Ishida Koji, who wishes very strongly to dispose of you. If you are beyond his means, he will do his best to evade your detection and scale up to counter you. If you are weaker than him, he will hunt you relentlessly. Unless you convince him otherwise or put an end to him, he will never stop hounding you. Koji's performance, tactics, and BP income are congruent with canon. Expect his speed of escalation to be extremely rapid.

Second - Totality: A few weeks following the resolution of Untouchable, you feel an instinct stirring within you, a restlessness of subjective existence that requires the well-being and regard of others to safety stabilize. The easiest and most direct means of doing so - to act as head of one of the major Guilds or Factions, and lead them to preeminence among the quarreling armies of the Chosen. This trial is continuous and ongoing: as time goes on, your fate and your faction's will be intertwined. If they prosper and reign unchecked, you shall be in fine health and great spirits, invigorated with will and sheer power of spirit; but if they decline, so too shall you in every regard.

You may of course choose to start your own such Faction, though this raises the difficulty of this task substantially. It of course yields substantial customizability of this crucial organization in every regard. Your condition will persist for ten years, peaking in 'severity' (correlation between the faction's health and your own) at the five-year mark, and slowly diminishing thereafter.

Third - A New Era: Several months after the beginning of Totality, SAO 2.0 is unleashed upon an unsuspecting populace. Heralding its arrival is the Elder Titan Thaargundrim, son of outcast progenitors whose horde of Oaken Men sweeps through meadow, fell, forest and city, slaying or converting all in their path. Unfathomably lessened as it may be, the errant Titan's sheer metaphysical weight renders it almost immune to all forms of interaction - thunderstrike and impassioned plea both shriveling beneath its unblinking disregard.

As one of the foremost powers among the 'Chosen' it falls to you to aid in the destruction of Thaargundrim, or its containment, before all of civilized Aincrad is laid waste. Its druidic and alien paradigm holds within it the secret to the Oaken Men's defeat, but will you unravel its archaic philosophies in time to take advantage?

Thaargundrim is obscenely powerful, on par with an endgame Raid Boss, but much of its strength is focused on sheer resilience, resistance-penetrating status effects and its horde of minions. If the unnatural etiology of its assault can be deciphered, it may be possible to manipulate it into only occasional devastating assaults upon the civilized world. That would suffice as a resolution of this trial.

Fourth - Unclaimed Fastness: A few years after Thaargundrim's awakening, Kayaba introduces a major 'content patch' unearthing a new region of Aincrad. This land of the far East is a snowy kingdom of myths and legends whose center houses an artifact of unimaginable power. The Lodestar of Wishes will impose any one alteration upon the fabric of reality that the bearer desires, up to and including: the creation and introduction of a new system of magic equal in scope and depth to Arcane Magic, the annihilation of vast swathes of Aincrad in exchange for a perfect facsimile of one of Earth's continents, or the addition of 150 Nightblade Levels to the bearer's character sheet. Should the Lodestar be claimed by any but you or yours, the machinations of Kayaba will ensure that it shall be used to weaken or erase your intrusive influence upon his creation, most likely resulting in your annihilation upon this plane.

Fifth - A Reckoning: Two decades after your arrival in this realm, your sins come home to roost. If you slew Ishida Koji in the resolution of your first trial, the Armada of the Horror King breaches Aincrad's shield and begins the process of inflicting its terrible Justice upon all within. Wielding technology on par with the Imperium of Man combined with armies empowered by the limit-broken Pillars System, their might is far beyond the power of native or Chosen alike. If you somehow befriended Ishida and contained his Supreme Manifestation, Akihiko Kayaba grows tired of your interference, his hands-off philosophy discarded in the face of such enmity. You will have to weather, escape, or counter the malicious attentions of the so-called 'Highest God' himself if you are to survive this final task and free yourself of this perilous Saga at last.


And now, finally, to spend your currencies! Ordinal Coins mainly yield boons of convenience or questionable practicality, but their highest expressions in combination can be startlingly useful.

All Ordinal Coin purchases are arranged in tiers. Unlike with other currencies, you must first purchase the basic tier of an ability to gain access to the second, the second to gain access to the third, and so on. Additionally, the highest expressions of Ordinal power are usually mutually exclusive: you may choose one capstone or the other, but not both.

Melodious / Mask

[ ] I: Gourmet [2 Ordinal Coins] - Do you like food? You will. This upgrade will give you the palate, olfactory senses, and taste receptors of a grandmaster chef, then further amplify all scent and taste-derived pleasures by a factor of five. A true bon vivant! Also occasionally useful in detecting poisons.

[ ] II: Ordinal Ordering [20 Ordinal Coins] - You have access to a mystic food delivery service that will provide three square meals a day. Meals are generously portioned and of exquisite quality, easily comparable to the finest restaurants on your mortal Earth. Despite their extravagant taste, their optimal nutritional composition ensures you will reach your ideal body composition within a year of beginning a mystic-food diet. Split between four individuals, they can also serve as starvation rations. A useful bribe in many situations, especially if your ideal body composition is a popular one.

[ ] III: Resplendency [60 Ordinal Coins] - You've got a silver tongue. Your voice is superhumanly compelling in the way that you desire - whether a thunderously commanding baritone or heartbreakingly sweet and melodious. You have full command of your new vocal range and are a skilled voice actor. This is not magic, but precisely tuned superstimulus. With a voice like this, even mediocre arguments seem strangely convincing, and well-composed rhetoric borders on mind control. Gourmet now grants corresponding upgrades to the senses of touch and hearing as well - this will never cause pain due to oversensitivity. Finally, all powers channeled chiefly through your voice are quintupled in potency. You would make a terrifyingly formidable bard.


[ ] III: The Mask of Autumn [43 Ordinal Coins] - The Mask of Autumn is placed upon your face and cannot be removed. It covers your mouth down to your chin with a triangle of cold steel. You are forever denied the senses of taste and smell, and can never use your mouth for any purpose ever again. In exchange, the Mask grants supernatural power of impressive versatility. You are equivalent to a 10th level Sorceror (D&D 5E) with a proper complement of spells known and are treated as possessing 22 Charisma for this purpose. You may always use the Subtle Spell Metamagic for free. The logistics of food and water consumption are up to you, but what are such trivialities in the face of power to bend reality itself?

Sight / Seal

[ ] I: Delayed Gratification [2 Ordinal Coins] - Surrounded by temptation, is it any wonder you never get any training done? Worry not, for this is a problem easily tackled by the strategic application of incentives! Now, whenever you are anticipating a particular experience, the longer you are denied from partaking - whether by your own action or others' - the better that experience will be! This scales up linearly without limit, so one only imagines how incredible it'll feel to finally be free of your duties here… and all the more reason to extend them, of course.

[ ] II: Beautiful World [10 Ordinal Coins] - Your designated realm, and all within it, will better conform to your personal aesthetic preferences. This is a mostly cosmetic change of moderate power, but highly encompassing. You could make reality look like one of your favorite animes!

[ ] III: Enter the Infinite [34 Ordinal Coins] - Once per month you and up to five consenting individuals may enter a perfectly realistic shared delusion. You may specify the parameters of this illusory world using a wide range of metaphysical templates, allowing for the construction of nearly arbitrary fantasy realms. This experience lasts no longer than a subjective month for all involved, and persists for only a moment in 'reality.' An infinitely indulgent vacation, but it can also be used for impromptu tactical meetings or guaranteed private communications!


[ ] III: The Wrappings [54 Ordinal Coins] - You have special eyes. The longer you take to reveal them, the more special they will end up being. Your eyes are sealed by indestructible bindings of dark indigo. This blinds you regardless of what your underlying eyes end up becoming. The bindings resist removal unless you voluntarily unwrap them.

Wait a week and you'll have perfect 20/10 vision.
Wait two weeks and you'll possess the Byakugan of the Hyuuga Clan.
Wait a month and you'll have Kryptonian visual acuity and perceptiveness, or possess the vaunted three-tomoe Sharingan.
Wait two months and you'll wield a Mangekyo Sharingan, or mystic eyes on the level of Medusa's (Fate).

Wait two years and you'll command the Rinnegan, itself sufficient to grant you enormous chakra reserves, affinity with all elemental natures, and superior talent in all fields of nin- and genjutsu. Or perhaps the perfected Mystic Eyes of Death Perception that belong to Shiki Ryogi.

Wait ten years and you'll reveal the Rinne Sharingan, containing all the powers of a Rinnegan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan greatly amplified, and also possessing the capability of dimensional transit. Or maybe you would receive fully operational ocular implants equivalent to Superman's, with the ability to reflexively employ his heat vision to intercept incoming attacks.

The Wrappings won't offer power beyond that of Uchiha Sasuke at his height.

Profess / Preference

[ ] I: Profoundly Tasteful [6 Ordinal Coins] - In all facets of life, others who interact with you tend to enjoy what you enjoy, or a corresponding analogue, in addition to their normal tastes. Never will your friends ignore your media recommendations again!

[ ] II: Preference Ranking [14 Ordinal Coins] - Whenever it would advantage you to be chosen for something (winning a sweepstakes, lotto, or election), you are substantially more likely to be chosen. Whenever it would disadvantage you to be chosen for something (jury duty, random security checks), you are less likely to be chosen. The magnitude of this effect scales with how badly you wish to attain or avoid the outcome in question, but won't create choices from thin air. The world's richest corporation won't decide to give half its assets to one of two lucky winners no matter how badly you want it.

[ ] III: All's Fair [35 Ordinal Coins] - You are shielded against the most common forms of unconditional defeat. Overwhelming speed, temporal effects, precognition/simulations, mind control, and reality warping can grant no more than a moderate advantage against you.


[ ] III: The Professor [43 Ordinal Coins] - You can train to improve the quantitative values of any power purchased with Ordinal Coins, Cerulean Obols or Radiant Electrum. From your Gourmet multiplier to your Mask of Autumn caster level, from the power of your Allies to the duration of Enter the Infinite - all can be expanded with time, effort, and diligent practice. This will by no means be fast or easy, but your rate of progression in any of these fields will fairly satisfying so long as you put in the work. Interesting conflicts can accelerate this greatly.

Ally / Alternate

[ ] I: Attribution Requested [5 Ordinal Coins] - You are made aware of, and may teleport, to the side of anyone who sincerely regards you as their ally and desires your presence. This will never become obtrusive.

[ ] II: Ally [20 Ordinal Coins] - You summon an individual, either from real life or an established 'fictional' world. This may be anyone desired; multiversal assortment will ensure they begin at least somewhat friendly to and compatible with you, but long-term loyalty is not guaranteed. If more useful than Captain America (MCU), their capabilities will be downscaled commensurately.

[ ] III: Armada [70 Ordinal Coins] - As per Ally, but you may summon up to ten individuals; their combined power and potential cannot be more than double yours, accounting for the choices made here. Furthermore guarantees the long-term loyalty of summoned individuals. A single powerful protector, or a team that can respond to multiple contingencies at once? It's your choice. If you select Safety Off, this will only account for powers acquired by Ordinal Coins.


[ ] III: Protean Lord [45 Ordinal Coins] - By touch, you can reconfigure any individual's body into an alternate version of 'themselves,' drawing from an immense but finite range of unrealized possibilities. This works on your own body as well. Targets affected always retain their own mind, so this cannot be used to upgrade intellect or mental factors, but other bodily features are fair game. Essentially any human or human-adjacent form can be imposed.

This power operates on a reserve of energy; more dramatic changes require more energy. Transforming an eviscerated near-death bodybuilder with 350 lbs of muscle mass into a perfectly healthy eleven year old child with a venomous prehensile tail would require about a month's worth of stored charge; modest cosmetic changes would consume a day's. With sufficient charge, even an unenhanced version of you would be deadly in melee combat against biological opponents. You begin with two weeks' charge, sufficient to acquire the peak human version of yourself.

Dream / Double

[ ] I: Twice [3 Ordinal Coins] - Once, when you would be slain or experience an unacceptable fate, you will be promptly rescued from that predicament and deposited into a safe place.

[ ] II: Multithreading [28 Ordinal Coins] - You are manifold. You are now a hive mind in a singular body, capable of splitting your attention eightfold without any loss in cognitive quality or fidelity. This doesn't cause you to grow more bored than usual. It does make you eight times as resilient against all forms of mental attack or obfuscation, and with eight times the mental stamina if you choose to focus on one task solely.

[ ] III: Dual Life [23 Ordinal Coins] - Should you have chosen a realm besides Mundane Earth, you may now retain your Earthly and 'fantasy' existences while sacrificing neither. When you sleep in one realm you'll awake in the other, fully refreshed and prepared to face the day. Time will arrange itself such that you'll never have conflicting circumstances that require you to be awake in both realms simultaneously. You may choose to surrender this feature and use Multitasking to live two lives at once, if you prefer.

You won't be consigned to the procession unless your foes manage to slay you both in your designated realm and Mundane Earth. Quite difficult for all but the most capable.


[ ] III: Savor the Moment [65 Ordinal Coins] - Among luxuries, the most sublime.

Who has never wished that a day could go on forever? This power cannot promise eternity, but it more than suffices to stretch a day into a month, and not mere repetition but the fullness of embodied existence - the passage of time undeterred, but without the ravages of age, illness, or resource depletion.

Memories are retained, events continue to develop - but nothing truly pressing or important, little that matters and almost never to your detriment. Invoked on a festival day, you could experience a month of festival activities, each as novel and joyous as the very first, and any relationships developed during that Savored sequence retained in its wake. Invoked as you open your favorite book, you will find proper sequels of the same style and quality emerging so long as you desire to consume them.

Ultimately this is a tool of enjoyment, not of tedious regimens or toil. The more productive are the Savored days, the slower this power is to recharge. They that fritter away their Savored moment could see it restored in half a week, while those that treat it as a hyperbolic time chamber may find themselves waiting years.

Yet there may be eventualities dire enough to warrant such abuse, for the power of the Savor to create genuinely novel experiences can indirectly, but explosively, augment training if invoked during appropriate activities.

Most activities are at least a little bit productive, so typically the Savor recharges every week or two. If you spends your Savored month enjoying a street festival but also profitably socializing, developing somewhat useful connections, and playing strenuous (but ultimately irrelevant) games, it would recharge within two weeks.

You begin with one Savor charge to use as you please. You may store a maximum of two Savor charges, the second taking twice as long to acquire. Used in conjunction with Enter the Infinite, you could experience thirty illusory months instead of one concrete. A decent final escape if one is on the precipice.

Extract / Exceed

[ ] I: Quintessence [2 Ordinal Coins] - You may convert money to power directly. By itself, this only permits you to inefficiently convert money into wakefulness, reducing your need to sleep. But any power here which relies upon a charge, or any system of magic which draws upon a fungible internal reservoir, can be recharged with sufficient quantities of money. You must have the physical currency on hand to convert.

The equivalent of USD $100 in 2022 will yield a mediocre night's sleep or fill the charge of an average magus. Replenishing a month's worth of Protean Lord or Savor the Moment might cost upwards of $10,000, while epically powerful entities might require billions to restore even 1% of their reserves. Debased currencies are worth comparatively less; it's the underlying economic value that's truly important.

[ ] II: Gauntlet [98 Ordinal Coins] - This deep bronze gauntlet of gleaming adamantite alloys can be used to manipulate space in a few set ways. These are conceptual alterations and cannot be resisted with raw power, only bypassed or repelled by absolute defenses like those of the Exalted. Using the Gauntlet's first three functions is no more taxing than issuing commands in a video game. The latter two draw upon an inner well of spiritual energy that can be replenished via Quintessence.

*Reach Through: Objects placed in the palm of the gauntlet can be sent to, or drawn from, an extra-dimensional inventory. This affects inanimate objects you can carry.

*Tremorsense: By detecting eddies in spacetime, the character is aware of all objects and movements in a fifty-meter radius. This ability requires considerable skill to employ effectively.

*Mirrorplane: Holding the Gauntlet up in a warding gesture, the character folds space along an angle to reflect all incoming attacks. This can only ward one direction at once.

*Final Durance: Requires a few moments of concentration to set up. The character is surrounded by flat spatial blades rotating like shark fins circling prey. Incoming objects, biological or otherwise, struck by a spatial blade will be severed, partitioned at the angle of impact. Any attacks that make it into the circumference described by the rotating blades will be teleported outside the circle as if their trajectory had continued - a hypersonic bullet fired at you will appear to 'pass through' without inflicting harm. While within the durance you may fly by hovering or walk normally, but not run without destabilizing the effect. You may launch a blade towards an enemy with a gesture; a new one will take its place shortly. This does not protect against effects which don't need to cross the intervening distance to target you.

*Titanfold: You spatially expand, growing in size up to a total height of fifty meters and proportional width. Your effective strength and durability are also proportionally multiplied. Can be used alongside Final Durance, scaling up that effect, but cost would be prohibitive for most.

The Gauntlet is nigh-indestructible and can be used as a shield. It has a deep affinity with the Orbs of Kalym; in conjunction it will awaken their power with greater speed, while regulating and minimizing any undesired mental alterations from the course of your ascension thereby.


[ ] II: The Sword [33 Ordinal Coins] - The Sign of the Sword grants you the Blood Impulse. You will gain an intuition for physical conflict that well exceeds the humanly possible. This holistic combat instinct explosively accelerates your progress in any martial discipline and renders you immune to violent ambush. Magic is not a martial discipline per se, but differences in fighting skill can compensate for a power gap.

Applies to violent conflict in greater contexts as well, so with experience you could become an expert general and tactician as well as combatant. However, true battle is necessary to awaken your potential. You will not improve in a fight without stakes, the higher the better.


Cerulean Obols offer straightforward security. They allow you to requisition certain capabilities that help you achieve your purpose and emerge from the experience intact.

You may (inefficiently) trade Cerulean Obols for Ordinal Coins at a rate of 1 Obol for 15 Coins. This is a one-way transaction; Coins can't buy Obols.

[ ] Worldly Might [5 Cerulean Obols] - Power sufficient to matter. You are an above-average practitioner of the supernatural arts within your designated realm. In Dragon Ball, for example, this would grant you ki manipulation and martial arts capabilities comparable to Tien Shinhan. In Exalted, this would make you a Terrestrial Exalt. This option and its successors are not a valid purchase for Mundane Earth.

[ ] Unearthly Might [11 Cerulean Obols] - As above, but you are a truly notable practitioner of said arts, with great potential to advance. In Dragon Ball, you would be Vegeta's equal. In Exalted, this would make you a very powerful Terrestrial Exalt, comparable to a Dynastic Head.

[ ] Body Armor [8 Cerulean Obols] - This semi-sapient symbiotic silver-steel acts as a supreme shapeshifting sanctuary, offering great resilience to harm or compromise no matter the time or realm! Our body armor intertwines with your genetic makeup, bonding to your cells on a sub-molecular level to ensure you are never without its vigilant guard. Its features:

*Amplification of your mental speed and physical attributes. This is a multiplier applied to your baseline, making you an order of magnitude stronger, faster and tougher than you otherwise would be.

*Powerful, swift, and comprehensive regeneration. You can recover in minutes even from a single cell.

*The general utility granted by a rapidly shapeshifting, highly durable mass of silver-steel. Make weapons, grappling hooks, restrain your enemies, disguise yourself - request it of the armor and it will comply!

*High and generalized resistance to exotic and unnatural attacks, such as hypnosis, temporal shenanigans, or conceptual deletion.

*Upgradability: If you are an enchanter or titan of science, you will find that improving the armor in almost any parameter is much easier than it ought to be, and such improvements maintain and repair themselves after being integrated. This is often considerably more efficient than working on other projects; were you a master scientist capable of creating powerful combat androids, you'd find that an equal amount of effort applied to the armor would yield twice the might!


*If you have Protean Lord, your regeneration instead grants you corporeal immortality, allowing you to recover nigh-instantly even if completely obliterated. Foes will have to use unconventional means to deal with you.

*If you have Unearthly Might, you may discount the Body Armor by 3 Cerulean Obols. In exchange, its use will alter your mentality slightly, such that fulfilling your purpose seems more natural, logical, and congruent with your own values. If you have Do As Thou Wilt, this merely makes you more willful.

*If you have Perchance to Dream, you may absorb the Body Armor and all its functions to acquire appropriate Lunar Charms and Knacks granting the corresponding abilities. This immediately raises you to Essence 3, doubles your essence respiration from all sources, and grants five Attribute dots to be spent as you please, even if this would raise an Attribute above 6. This bypasses the effects of A Maw. Additionally, your Great Curse is mitigated such that Limit Break merely causes you to pursue your purpose very strongly for a few days, without impairing your faculties or reason!

[ ] Chosen One [4 Cerulean Obols] - You number amongst the Chosen of Aincrad. Aside from the rapid progression granted by the Cardinal System, you also receive a corpus of reified power and experience that places you well within the top 10% of the Chosen as of their first month within: 20,000 XP to be spent as you please, alongside a budget of 20 BP for Achievements. You possess one Skill at the 250 level, one Skill at the 200 level, and three Skills at the 100 level.

You may select any Achievement Koji has been offered or had approved, so long as you meet the mechanical pre-requisites. Assume you meet any reasonable in-story pre-requisites. Free Achievements acquired by Koji cost BP commensurate to their value - 2 BP for something like Scale-Piercer, or 7 for Magelight.

[ ] Top Twenty [8 Cerulean Obols] - Your fearsome ability places you amongst the top twenty deadliest Chosen in Aincrad. As Chosen One, but you instead receive 120,000 XP, alongside a budget of 50 BP for Achievements. You now possess one Skill at the 500 level, two Skills at the 250 level, and four Skills at the 150 level. You may trade half your total XP and BP to instead receive 15 Levels in a Unique Class of your choosing - Nightblade, Dragonheart or Fluxstaff, alongside considerable development in the particular Abilities and unique features of that Class.

You may select any Achievement Koji has been offered or had approved, so long as you meet the mechanical pre-requisites. Assume you meet any remotely feasible in-story pre-requisites. Free Achievements acquired by Koji cost BP commensurate to half their value - 1 BP for something like Scale-Piercer, or 3 for Magelight. Your Achievements are re-flavored such that that they don't appear to be exact copies of Koji's. You might receive [Megaton] rather than [Optimum Prime], or be granted a Magic Faerie companion rather than a stuffed dragon. [Megaton] might operate off nuclear radiation rather than lightning, and its [Reactor Core] might be located in your center of mass rather than the Core Spark over Koji's heart, etc…


Finally, the good stuff. Radiant Electrum grants access to the finest capabilities available to you, effects deemed too outrageous or unnecessary for your mission of modest difficulty. But if you've earned our Electrum, you've already undertaken burdens beyond your duly necessary remit. For that, we salute you - even if you acquired such merely by entertaining us for a span.

[ ] First Sword [1 Radiant Electrum] - Save for his unfair advantages, you're the equal of Ishida Koji himself. As per Top Twenty, except your budget is 260,00 total XP and 100 BP. You possess one Skill at the 650 level, three Skills at the 350 level, and five Skills at the 250 level.

You may select any Achievement Koji has been offered or had approved, so long as you meet the mechanical pre-requisites. Assume you meet all in-story pre-requisites. Otherwise, as per Top Twenty.

You possess a magic sword or artefact of power comparable to the Ensilvered Blade, and may spend BP to augment its power as well. It isn't broken.

[ ] Solitary Pillar [1 Radiant Electrum] - You possess the body, and acquire the skills, of a Player of YGGDRASIL that might otherwise have been transported to the New World. Your character-body is level 100 and holds a single World Item. You may customize your build within reasonable limits. This grants immense power and versatility, but your power within the YGGDRASIL system has already been maximized; there is little room for further growth here.

While you are vastly more capable on net than even Koji during his duel with Heathcliff, you do not have the potential from this option alone to surpass or even approach the mightiest Chosen in the long term. At the uppermost limits of the Cardinal system, the Chosen can raze continents in seconds; you would struggle to level a major metropolis in that same period. In time, they might possess superhuman intelligence far beyond your comprehension; your mind remains mostly mortal. For now, of course, your advantage is overwhelming and nearly insurmountable for any Chosen save for Koji himself.

You may describe your build in terms as general or specific as you like. Not counting your World Item, you can't be more powerful than Momonga. Choose your World Item from these below:

-[ ] Tyrfing - Mighty Tyrfing, Godslayer, Wretched Blade. While a near-peerless weapon on its own, the blade becomes deadlier in every respect against opponents more powerful than oneself. The magnitude of this effect is so great that the wielder would be capable of posing a credible offensive threat to a planet-shattering foe, even if they themselves would struggle to destroy a large island. It also grants nigh-immunity to all curses less powerful than its own; any hostile magics insufficient to affect an entire world can be shrugged off without much issue. The weapon is cursed such that it must slay a sentient being each time it is drawn.

Doubles the wielder's Physical Attack stat after all modifiers. 80% unconditional Armor penetration. Ignore Slashing Resistance. Ignore Physical Defense 50%. Ignore Physical Damage Immunity. +500% Fire and Darkness damage. +100% Lifesteal. +80% Mana Regeneration. Tireless Wielder. Reflects Damage Taken 150%. Cuts Magic as if Physical. Counter Curse: Hostile magics will be responded to by a random Curse of the 10th Tier.

World Item protections. Additionally, wielder is immune to magics of the 9th Tier and below, or of comparable power. Wielder possess 90% resistance to hostile magics of the 10th and Over-Tiers.

Godslayer: Becomes massively more effective in battle against those stronger than the wielder.

-[ ] Jewel of Clouds and Mist - A simple, yet powerful, crowning focus for any regalia.

The wielder becomes 10% better in every respect. Intellect, mana reserves, judgement, good looks, physical parameters, charm, perceptiveness, spell power, and more are affected. Even parameters that should be static are improved - range, duration, effectiveness in all forms even for spells as broad as Wish Upon A Star. This increases the wielder's Level Cap to 110 while they bear the Jewel. Your character will be Level 110 if selected, roughly doubling their overall power in conjunction with the Jewel's other benefits.

World Item protections. Additionally, wielder is always considered to be under heavy cover for purposes of stealth or avoiding notice, should they so desire.

-[ ] Carnwennan - Subtle Carnwennan, blade-brother to Excalibur, its shadowed twin. If the wielder is a martial or magic-focused character, they gain the full skills and (where better) parameters of a specialized Level 100 rogue in addition to their normal capabilities. If the wielder is already a specialized rogue, the hidden power of this blade is unlocked: True Invisibility, which may contest and usually overcome even 'absolute' divinations like True Seeing. With such a tool one might hide even from self-proclaimed gods.

+900% Sneak Attack Damage. Critical Sneak Attack. Ignore Sneak Attack Immunity. Ignore Critical Hit Immunity. Absolute Initiative. +50% Agility. +20% Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Resist and Special. +200% Cold and Poison Damage. Wielder Absorbs Darkness Damage. +60% Lifesteal, +80% Manasteal. Covert Operative / True Invisibility.

World Item Protections. Additionally, the dagger automatically counters hostile temporal magics in the character's vicinity, and drains the mana used in their casting for its wielder.

-[ ] Pillars of Creation [12 Cerulean Obols] - Req. Solitary Pillar. Your entire YGGDRASIL Guild Base, including intact NPCs, is transported alongside you. Your Guild is only slightly weaker than the likes of Ainz Ool Gown. Though your core NPC levels may be comparable to theirs, you cannot match their arsenal of World Items. Your Guild Base does possess one World Item which vastly enhances its defensibility and economic productivity, which you may customize within reason. The layout, features, and overall aesthetic of your Guild Base may also be designed, so long as it does not surpass the Great Tomb of Nazarick in power or utility overall.

You receive up to twelve level 100 NPCs who are steadfastly loyal to you. You also receive hundreds of low-level servitor NPCs, and your Guild Base has the capability to deploy tens of thousands of mid-level combatants, each the equal of a seasoned adventurer, if mobilized for war.

[ ] Perchance to Dream [1 Radiant Electrum] - You receive a Lunar Exaltation*. This is potential unbound in nearly its purest form; with time and ambition you could surpass very nearly any foe, though cosmos-transcending power may take millennia to achieve.

In the interim, your baseline parameters are improved to those of a Lunar Exalt during character generation, if lower, and you possess a broad array of Attribute-boosting Charms and shapeshifting Knacks that grant substantial versatility in everyday life. In raw proactive power you are no match for the First Sword or Solitary Pillar with your Exalt capabilities alone, but defensively you can endure or evade virtually any conceivable attack you are aware of.

*This is a Late 2E Exaltation, with the highest potential described capabilities at Essence 10. You may also choose an [Exalted vs WoD] Exaltation with the Essence cap removed, or even a 3E Exaltation if you so desire. Regardless, if you are a Sorceror you may perform 3E Workings.

[ ] Ninefold [2 Radiant Electrum] - The Archetype.

You may switch at will between nine sets of supernatural abilities, each tied to a particular Attribute. The abilities are generic, almost surpassingly so, but in their conjunction arise infinite possibilities. The sets are as follows:

Strength - Immense physical might, capable of shattering Asia in a single blow. Durability sufficient to withstand many such blows. Fine control sufficient to prevent this might from inconveniencing daily life. Unaffected by problems of insufficient leverage, force distribution or the like.

Dexterity - Super-speed capable of reaching .01c (roughly 3,000 kilometers per second) and reflexes to match. Acts as temporal acceleration (no super-strength or amplified damage to self/others, falling works properly, etc) but does not actually manipulate time, thus cannot be countered by foreign temporal paradigms and the like.

Constitution - Arbitrary near-instantaneous shapeshifting into any form within the bounds of conventional humanity. Damage of any form is automatically shifted away, granting eternal youth, effective immortality and invulnerability to most forms of physical harm, including deprivation, toxins and disease. Should the user not shift back, the form they assume is maintained across power-set changes. For example, a character may take on gargantuan stature via this set before engaging in a grappling contest via Strength, or slight and modest stature before infiltrating a compound via Dexterity.

Intelligence - The character becomes a scientific and technological genius of staggering ability. Given modest resources and modern infrastructure, they could produce within hours objects that exceed current technology (numerically, as well as in the sense of 'achieving impossibilities') to the same degree that current technology exceeds that of the Renaissance; and, within weeks, that of the Stone Age. Somewhat less revolutionary in realms with high levels of baseline technology, but rarely useless.

This genius applies also to most magic systems that rely on formal, abstract reasoning to progress.

Wisdom - The character becomes exceptionally proficient in three mundane professions of their choice, as if they had trained with optimal methods for a human lifetime. They emit a powerful anti-magic field that suppresses all supernatural phenomena, potent enough to reduce a nation-leveling archmage to the level of a novice. The character may slowly alter their skill choices with time and focused concentration. The character may elect to reduce the emission range of the field so as to spare allies.

Wits - The character may manifest powerful telekinetic constructs with precision equivalent to the human hand, strength/durability two orders of magnitude below that of the Strength set, and speed two orders of magnitude below that of the Dexterity set. Constructs emerge from the character's body and have a maximum range of two kilometers. The character benefits from mental acceleration sufficient to control their full-speed constructs as if controlling their own body. The character is aware of events within the vicinity of their constructs as if they were physically present at that point. They process this additional sensory data quickly and without complications.

Charisma - The character may mind control any being insufficiently resistant. Willpower in immense quantities or powerful defenses relevant against supernatural mental influence are typically necessary. Fully controlled individuals act according to the spirit of commands, partially resistant ones may act according to the letter.

Luck - The character may amplify the supernatural powers of another to an outrageous degree, allowing the target to contest a potent demigod within their area of specialty. This is a large, flat bonus to parameters; sufficiently powerful targets may not notice a qualitative difference. The target has no trouble controlling this new power, unless the character wants them to…

Willpower - Massively augments the character's defenses against mental and spiritual tampering, hostile precognition and the like. Perfectly defeats and retroactively undoes virtually any such effect. This set will be automatically activated for an instant if pertinent, immediately overcoming such attacks before switching back.

The Ninefold Archetype offers immediate defensive and destructive power far beyond that of the other options - many hundreds of times faster and stronger than even a combat-focused Solitary Pillar, if only in separation.

However, its future scaling is modest, and somewhat unreliable.

[ ] Shattering [1 Radiant Electrum] - Qualitatively improves the fundamental nature of a previously selected option. This boost equates to about a 70% upgrade in total performance, though it offers access to effects that may otherwise be inaccessible for the option in question.


First Sword - You have access to a Supreme Manifestation analogue, placing you roughly on par with Ishida Koji as of his duel with Heathcliff. This doesn't come with negative mental effects.

Solitary Pillar - You now possess two World Items instead of one, and your baseline build can be as potent as the Paladin of Pure Silver.

Perchance to Dream - Increase your starting Essence by 1 and your starting Charms by 10 (or an equivalent amount of Experience). You gain a unique and mighty anima power that's reflective of your nature and interests. A warrior might gain the ability to use physical Excellencies for free during combat, while a magus may gain the potential to access unprecedented Wyld Sorceries that rival the Solar Circle of Adamant.

Body Armor - Your armor grants an additional +20% to All Attributes and expands your reservoirs of supernatural energy by double.

Ninefold - You may manifest a second Attribute set at 70% of its full strength. Combine Wits and Intelligence to build hypertech at speed, or Strength and Dexterity for terrifying might. Strength and Constitution to become nigh-unkillable, and so on.

[ ] Orbs of Kalym [1 Radiant Electrum] - An Artifact of unimaginable potential, these threefold semi-material orbs represent the refracted totality of a once-transcendent being, fractured now like light through a prism into a three-dimensional form you can personally wield. By studying the orbs and integrating them into your psyche, you may amplify their powers and unlock greater abilities.

The Sapphire Orb - The Sapphire Orb, wholly material, grants hydrokinesis and cryokinesis of impressive precision and city-leveling power, sufficient to raise an eighty-story tsunami, or freeze one into the form of a Michelangelo. You may swap positions with the Sapphire Orb at any time.

The Ruby Orb - The Ruby Orb, an impressionist delusion, compounds your passions and makes them infectious. You will feel in all things more strongly and powerfully than before. As you feel, so too will others, any time this reciprocity would be convenient for you. Camaraderie towards others will be returned in kind, but one-sided venom will not become mutual unless you desire to provoke a foe. This effect bypasses all but the most comprehensive defenses against mental intrusion.

You may detonate the orb to mentally enfeeble all within a two-kilometer radius: any so affected will see their intelligence plummet, such that a world-spanning genius be reduced to the level of a base mammal, and those of average intellect instantly slain. Orbs detonated regenerate slowly over the course of two months.

The Emerald Orb - The unthinkable Emerald Orb grants you telekinetic control over the Orbs of Kalym within two kilometers. You may feed the Orb the bodies of your slain foes; it will refactor a portion of their mental and physical capabilities for you, granting you a small percentage of those attributes. Attributes so gained diminish asymptotically towards those of the highest exemplar of each Attribute you have so consumed. If the strongest being you've fed it had STR 100, you are unlikely to ever exceed STR 100 by this method.

Once per week, you may fuse with the Orb for an hour to become a being of pure spirit and four spatial dimensions, rendering you undetectable and wholly permeable to those without specialized or supernatural senses.

A being who learns to merge fully with all three Orbs might regain the unshed glory of the Colossus Kalym, before which worlds entire were as marbles in its outstretched palm.

[ ] The Pocketwatch [1 or 2 Radiant Electrum] - This gold-chrome pocketwatch is merely a mental abstraction of the power gifted you: the power to try again. By rewinding its hands you may turn back time itself, retaining your skills and memories alone as all else is reverted to just as it was back then. However, this power's limits are sharp and very much concrete.

You may live the same span of time again, but only once again for each given period of time. This is no time loop, merely a second try. Nor may you revert time to before the moment you finalize your choices here. However, your powers over time are not constrained only to this application - with practice and ingenuity you may eventually discover how to manipulate the aging of yourself and others, send foes forward in time to a period where your rule is law, or even pause time for a span that you may act unimpeded.

For an additional Electrum, you may loosen the first limit, allowing you to relive the same stretch of time for up to a thousand repetitions. Access to Savor the Moment, Enter the Infinite or The Professor will greatly accelerate your mastery of the Pocketwatch's alternate functions.


All powers granted herein synergize fully to a reasonable extent. If you benefit from the Cardinal System and slay a host of monsters with the power of the Sapphire Orb, for example, you may both gain XP from the slaying and absorb their corpses with the Emerald Orb. Similarly, if you possess the Emerald Orb and a Lunar Exaltation, Attributes augmented via the Emerald Orb will increase the dice-caps for your Lunar Excellencies. And, of course, in a desperate scenario you can use Quintessence to spam as many Perfect Defenses as you can literally afford.

Have you finalized your decisions? Well then. Good fortune to you. I pray you shall avoid the procession, and emerge from your completed purpose mostly intact. What more can one ask of this uncompromising reality?
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Ineptitude v2

One day you were walking down the street when a bolt of iridescent fire fell from the heavens and painlessly immolated you. As recompense for the untimely annihilation of your prior form and course of fated action upon the cosmos, you are presented with a selection of mighty heroic roles! Unfortunately, no roles of lesser salience are available within this selection. How curious…

You may select any one role on offer so long as you can afford it. Additional Points are available at the Drawback Shoppe, while additional Seals may only be acquired via the Binding Casino.

[ ] Normal Mode: Begin with 7 Primary Points and 2 Ultimate Seals. This is the CYOA as intended.

[ ] Hard Mode: Begin with 3 Points and 1 Seal.

[ ] 'Dalliance' Mode: Begin with 0 Points or Seals, and you must take the "Procession" Binding.

Basic Roles - Default roles that almost anyone can afford. Some may even give points!

[ ] The Optimizer [+2 Points] - You are inserted into the body of Ishida Koji after he first acquires the Title Achievement, Optimum Prime. You possess all his skills and capabilities in addition to your own, though not his specific episodic memory. The path ahead is uncertain and fraught without the aid of metatextual BP and outlined tactics… Beware the Horror King, and strive towards the Paladin of Pure Silver!

[ ] Subject "K" [+0 Points] - You are inserted into the body of the protagonist of any Isekai- or Isekai-like piece of established fiction, so long as their given name or the romanization thereof starts with a "K." This occurs at the start of their adventure. Notable examples include: Kirigaya Kazuto, Katarina Claes, and Sato Kazuma. Any piece of media as notable as the quest Immersion (or more so) is a valid target for this effect. This and other insertion options otherwise operate as per The Optimizer.

[ ] Supreme Commander [+0 Points] - You are inserted into a peak-human idealization of your preferred body and granted a Solar Exaltation with 750 XP (2e, or corresponding advancement for 3e). You may not raise your Essence above 5 at beginning. You must roll for a world below; you are a Solar conquerer sent to subjugate the target dimension, and will answer to the High First Age Deliberative if you fail. You are granted three Dragon-Blooded minions of moderate breeding and ability, alongside one scale of Tiger Warrior commandos clad in magitech battle armor.

Advanced Roles - These roles offer greater safety or raw power, at serious expense.

[ ] The Paladin [5 Points] - You are inserted into the body of Ishida Koji after he first acquires the Unique Title Achievement, Paladin of Pure Silver. Your capabilities along every metric are vastly greater, and the Horror King's presence is far less of an immediate threat. Through your Unique Title you possess the singularly potent Pillars System which will exponentially accelerate your advancement across every facet and parameter of ability.

[ ] Subject "F" [7 Points] - You are inserted into the body of Fujiwara Chika from Kaguya-sama: Love is War. This slice-of-life reality has no notable supernatural threats and your memetic powers allow you to warp reality in a manner similar to a 'toonforce' character whenever it would be appropriate or humorous. However, you must fully embrace your role as Love Detective and ramen connoisseur to maintain your heroic presence. So long as you do so, an easy life full of light-hearted adventure awaits!

[ ] Strategos [7 Points, 1 Seal] - As per Supreme Commander, but you are immune to the Great Curse, may instead choose your target world from the options available, and may substitute one of the following for your role:

*You are the ruler and commander of a YGGDRASIL Guild Base on the level of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Your personal power may not exceed that of Touch Me. The Guild Base, its NPCs, and its World Item(s) may be customized within reason, so long as your total capabilities stay within the range of Nazarick's.

*You are the legitimate commander of a major contingent deployed from the universe of Warhammer 40,000. Your personal capabilities are on the level of a fully mature Primarch. Your force strength and structure would be equal to that of a 3,000 point army in the tabletop game - but with abilities as per the lore, rather than tabletop. Certain entities such as Greater Daemons may be capable of rebelling against you should you fail to cow or appease them.

*You are subject to the Great Curse after all, but in exchange may now be any type of Celestial Exalt with a maximum Essence of 7 and 1,500 XP to spend past chargen. Your retinue is upgraded with a Sidereal advisor, Solar strategist, or Lunar mate of power only slightly below yours. Your Dragon-Blooded minions number five, a perfect circle of formidable power. You sit the Deliberative as head of notable committees, or possess equivalent stature within Exalted society, vastly reducing any imprecations for setbacks or slow progress. Your command is an entire Legion of magitech-clad Tiger Warriors alongside their support staff, transports, mechanized divisions, medical adjuncts, artillery, and so forth.

[ ] Hyperion [7 Points, 1 Seal] - You are inserted into the body of any hero who demonstrates staggering, wildly superhuman talent or potential in their field of advancement. Examples include Caroline from the Gardens of Enoch, Simon the Digger from TTGL, or Galahad from Arthurian myth.

Supreme Commander World Roll:

Assume you are inserted at the start of the mainline story.

[ ] Choice: 1 Point - You may roll three and pick one, re-rolling repeats

[ ] Alternate: 2 Point - You may enter an alternate universe of the rolled option. For example, the New World of Darkness if you rolled a 4, or Earth Aleph if you rolled a 10. Your selection leeway is broad (crossovers, coffee shop AUs), but the resulting universe may not be wholly harmless relative to your might.

  1. Exalted (Gunstar Autocthonia)
  2. Dragon Ball Z
  3. Cthulhutech
  4. Old World of Darkness
  5. Warhammer 40,000
  6. The Culture (Iain Banks)
  7. Forgotten Realms (D&D)
  8. Bleach
  9. Naruto
  10. Worm
  11. Chainsaw Man
  12. DC Comics
  13. Marvel Comics
  14. Immersion
  15. The Voyaging Realm (1 year before Hunger)
  16. KonoSuba
  17. Starcraft: Brood War
  18. The Gardens of Enoch
  19. Overlord
  20. Fate/Grand Order
  21. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  22. Even Further Beyond

Drawback Shoppe - Your one-time visit to the Drawback Shoppe begins now! You may select any number of Drawbacks below.

[ ] Mosswort [+1 Point] - Choose one: Your sleep-wake schedule is such that you sleep when people are most active (on modern Earth, you'd sleep between 11 AM and 7 PM), or you may only truly rest and recuperate in the shadow of a bridge. If you choose this Drawback, you can't remove or reduce your need for sleep.

[ ] Perilous [+1 Point] - No matter how powerful you grow, your defenses will always require activation such that you are never passively immune to any reasonable level of harm or hostile condition. Even if you could destroy a universe with trifling effort, you yourself could be laid low by an errant shot from a plasma rifle if your 'ki' was down. Constant vigilance or mighty bodyguards will be required if you are to survive most Roles. This doesn't impede your powers of regeneration or restoration.

[ ] Suborned [+2 Points] - You must purchase an Ally. Designate one of your Allies as your Master; you must sincerely obey their commands in letter and spirit, and generally act to promote their interests within reason. If your Ally is extremely reasonable and well-aligned with you, this only grants half points. If they are cruel, irrational and demanding, it grants double points. Should your Ally perish or suffer an unacceptable fate, so too will you.

[ ] Paramount [+2 Points, Special]: The threats you encounter in the course of your adventures will be considerably more formidable. Your Nemesis, if you possess one, has access to two rolls in the Binding Casino and is considerably less squeamish about Drawbacks; Any Overlords you face will be of utterly overwhelming ability and might.

Special: If you take this Drawback and the Feather of Favor, your Feather bonus persists for as long as you do, regardless of your quest status; and you may additionally turbocharge one Self or Panoply option whose price does not exceed 3 Points, even if you chose the comprehensive boost.

Not compatible with the Meal Ticket item.

[ ] Humiliation [+3 Points] - You are the butt of various 'slapstick' gags and comedic occurrences that everyone treats as frivolous but which affect you normally. This will only make your life moderately more unpleasant and dangerous, but can certainly inconvenience or disrupt you even during the most pivotal of moments.

[ ] On the Run [+3 Points] - The forces of good, or authority if good's forces are too weak, will constantly antagonize you such that your only realistic options are to persistently lay low, flee like a coward, or ruthlessly conquer them - making of yourself a tyrant to quash their independence utterly.

The dangers provoked by this Drawback will always be such that they are reasonably avoidable if you have a synergistic build that makes competently paranoid preparations and stays continuously in hiding or on the run. You may anger the Deliberative if you take Supreme Commander with this Drawback, but you won't suffer the personal attentions of Odyssial.

[ ] Impulse [+4 Points] - Choose a sense. You are now bereft of it, and cannot have it restored by any means. This grants one less Point if you choose taste, and one more if you choose touch.

[ ] Nemesis [+5 Points] - You are pursued by another recipient of Ineptitude who desires your death. She is extremely competent and wholly unrelenting, but has low willingness to endure Drawbacks and no access to the Binding Casino. Your Nemesis begins on Normal Mode regardless of which Mode you selected.

[ ] Wicked [+5 Points]: In your realm, evil has already triumphed. The forces of darkness will have imposed tyranny or mad anarchy according to their nature, their powers innervated as to pose a serious threat even to you, accounting for all Purchases herein. Moreover, the very nature of any universe you inhabit bends towards foulness: the most reprehensible tactics seem the most effective, no good deed goes unpunished; the world itself seeks to empower and fete the most amoral and reductionist of champions. Should you yourself fall utterly into corruption, you will find no relief in having embraced the darkness, only the cruel propagation of suffering unto suffering even if you claim the tyrant's mantle.

While potent, this effect is far from absolute; it can be fought and even banished from a realm with sufficient pluck, cleverness and will. If you have one, your Nemesis' nature will be perfectly suited to the unkindness of reality: the tempo of her decisions in perfect sync with its rewards, her every intuition justified by the course of events around her.

The arc of wicked destiny will permeate even safe zones like your estate in Evening's Realm, should you possess one (though if you are very prudent there is little it will actually be able to influence, there), and significantly worsens the Procession of Worlds.

[ ] Hero's Journey [+7 Points]: You will, in the course of your life, experience three trials as truly to test you, even accounting for all your Purchases here and any future scaling thereof; these are tasks or adversaries that are not wholly beyond one of your mettle, but which will certainly require your uttermost to cleanly overcome, and which pose a very real risk of ruin, maiming or annihilation to yourself and/or those you care deeply about. Trials on the level of Vanreir, Procyon and the Maiden for Hunger; or Hunger himself (absent his party) for one such as Augustine.

Should you possess a Nemesis, she will work in concert with your trials and be impossible to decisively neutralize until you have overcome at least one.

Binding Casino - This interspatial realm of flashing lights, delightful noises and scantily-clad servers may be visited merely by closing your eyes and willing it so, but you can never stay for long. Finish your business and begone, back to the perils and adventures of the realm in which you were inserted - though leeway exists, and grows more generous, the more Bindings you've taken from the Casino itself. The Bindings of the Casino are mostly not so terrible - some may even be construed as beneficial from time to time - but they are unpredictable.

You may roll to acquire Bindings from this Casino in exchange for Seals. There is a 1-Seal bonus for the result of your first roll! All Bindings rolled are irrevocable. If you roll a Binding you've already acquired, re-roll.

[ ] 1: Null Pointer. Choose a Drawback and mitigate it by 50%. You receive that Drawback. [+1 Seal]

[ ] 2: Void Dragon. You are hilariously inept at using all forms of non-magical technology. Even objects as simple as doors may be beyond your easy comprehension. Only if magical effects are essential to the core function of said technologies can you wield them normally. [+1 Seal]

[ ] 3: Jackpot. You receive $1,000,000 and may make no further rolls in the Casino. [+2 Seals]

[ ] 4: Procession. Upon death you will incarnate into a noticeably worse (more dangerous, more unpleasant, etc) reality. This never ends and is inescapable short of becoming an existence on the level of the Forebear himself. You may choose to take this Binding voluntarily in lieu of any other Binding you've rolled. Treat it as if you'd rolled Procession instead. [+2 Seals]

[ ] 5: The Chariot. You are obliged to construct or purchase a "sick ride" - a means of conveyance you yourself find to be epic and awesome, appropriate to your stature and powers; and ensure it is regularly used and maintained in good condition, within reason. [+0 Seals]

[ ] 6: Forgotten. Much like the Sidereal Exalted, your capacity for lasting connections is crippled. You struggle to avoid being conceptualized merely as a generic exemplar of your role; those you interact with rarely recall details about you beyond the confines of that role. It will be difficult to rise beyond the level of an acquaintance even for those you interact with on a day-to-day basis. Purchased Allies are immune to this effect. [+1 Seal]

[ ] 7: Perchance. You've come to the attention of the Apocryphal Curse, but since you aren't actually so cursed, it will merely spice your life up such that things are rarely boring. This is far more survivable than the baseline Apocryphal and does not scale with nearly the speed, intensity, brutality or comprehensiveness of the Curse itself, but neither should it be underestimated. Think of it as if your life were subject to the whims of a mischievous and bratty, but mostly fair and forgiving, DM. Should the Apocryphal Curse ever be defeated in whole, you will be freed from this Binding at no additional charge. [+1 Seal]

[ ] 8: Mutilated. You lose an eye, arm, lung, kidney, and leg, and may never recover them by healing, magical or otherwise. Prosthetics are acceptable. Depending on your Role and the point at which you acquired this Binding, this may not be survivable. [+1 Seal]

[ ] 9: Arcane. All forms of communication you engage in must be extremely cryptic or annoying. For example, you could speak normally, but only if you screamed "Believe It!" at the top of your lungs after every sentence. Or, you could write forum posts, but only in the form of ARGs. Communications with purchased Allies are exempt, so long as you undertake highly paranoid precautions to ensure no one else overhears. [+1 Seal]

[ ] 10: Debt. You owe the Casino currency equivalent to one year's serious labor (2500 hours) for one of your rough capabilities. Interest rate is 20% per annum compounded daily. Unless you diligently and pro-actively pay down your debt at a rapid rate, the Casino's bouncers will regularly visit you to rough you up. At >200% of your current debt total, you will be terminated. You may also discharge your debt by working for the Casino as a bouncer or server yourself, but this is hazardous and unpleasant, respectively. Roll again. [+1 Seal]


Pets, friends, boon companions or more! All may accompany you on your journeys to come.

[ ] Guardian of the Heavenly Scales [2 Points] - At the moment of insertion, you may summon any Servant from Fate/Stay Night or Grand Order who is no more powerful than Herakles (Berserker). They are fairly loyal to you. For purposes of maintaining and supplying the Servant Bond, you are equivalent in talent and abilities to Rin Tohsaka, if less so.

[ ] Grand Master [1 Seal] - As above, but you may instead summon any character from Fate/Stay Night or Grand Order who is no more powerful than a Grand Servant. They are very loyal to you, and possess their own natural mana supply and regeneration. If lesser than a Grand Servant, their potential will be such that they can equal one in time.

[ ] Quartet [2 Points] - You may summon or randomly stumble-upon any canonical ally of the character you have inserted into. However, their overall power and potential will be half a step below your own. Doesn't work with the Supreme Commander or Strategos roles, as they have no established canon to serve as basis.

[ ] Reflection [2 Seals] - You are accompanied by an alternate version of yourself that was also subject to Ineptitude. They have a complete build of your choice including Drawbacks, the Binding Casino etc; except that they may not purchase this option. They are about as loyal as you would be in their situation, accounting for the Drawbacks and Bindings you gave them.

[ ] Qilin [5 Points] - You are accompanied by a mystical beast of vast power and wisdom. You may design this entity from the ground up - its form, nature, loyalties, and proclivities - so long as its overall capabilities do not exceed those of a Mature Adult Prismatic Dragon.
-[ ] Hidden Dragon [1 or {2} Seals] - This custom Ally is capable of practicing Titanic Cultivation as per Even Further Beyond, or possesses a roughly equivalent progression mechanism, {with talent not less than that of Zhang Kong}.

[ ] Party [1 Seal] - This may be purchased as an additional copy of any Ally option above, if it costs Seals; or as two such copies, if it merely costs Points. You may specify different parameters for the copies. For example, you could design three different mythic beasts with Qilin, or two different Cultivator Beasts with Hidden Dragon.

[ ] A Tyrant [2 Seals, Req. Suborned targeting this option] - You are accompanied by your choice of the following heroic tyrants. They will be reasonably accommodating of your wants and desires.
-[ ] High Esteem [5 Points] - The tyrant you choose will be highly compatible with you, predisposed to treat you with great care, forgiving of even egregious missteps on your part. They will elevate you to be the most favored of their servants.

*The man once known as Ikari Shinji, now Lord Genome, during the crescendo of his first rebellion against the Anti-Spirals. He wields a Spiral Power-generated Unit 01 called Lazengann, which commands destructive energies capable of easily leveling galaxies.

*The man once known as the Forebear of Dynasties, now Lord Hunger, during the completion of his convalescence after his defeat of Procyon. He wields the Imperial Praxis and is capable of challenging universe-level entities in single combat. His Apocryphal Curse is attenuated to the level of the Perchance Binding; thus he is aware he is but a copy, cloud-shadow of the true Forebear's might. His Progression and Cursebearer defenses are similarly attenuated.

*The woman once known as Augustine Mirellyian, now the Lord Protector of Nilfel, at the apex of her power over the dynasty. She wields the magic of Foremost Runes, commanding the natural and unnatural forces with deft subtlety and surpassing skill. An archmage and shapeshifter of enormous power and unbelievable versatility, but naïve in social arenas unrelated to rule. Will not tolerate purple-haired Allies, especially if they are female.


Unique effects at economical costs, but which can be lost, stolen, or theoretically destroyed.

[ ] Meal Ticket [1 or 2 Points] - Perhaps your instincts aren't well calibrated for high-stakes supernatural conflict on the grandest scales. Worry not, for you can choose to be eased in instead!

For 1 point, both your powers and those of any supernatural threats you encounter will be downscaled to the level of street-level superheroes for the first 1.2 to 120 years (your choice) of your existence after insertion. You'll be able to gain breadth in the abilities you wield, but the raw power therein will be soft-capped to about the level of the Venom symbiote. Further gains within the initial window are possible, but fairly marginal and slow.

For 2 points, you receive the benefits above, as well as a gradually-escalating period of upscaling afterwards, calibrated to be maximally intuitive and satisfying to your personal sensibilities, and you are guaranteed to survive the initial 500 years of your existence without suffering any truly unacceptable fates - so long as you do not engage in egregiously stupid behavior like defying the Debt of the Casino.

This item isn't affected by the Feather of Favor's enhancements. Timidity is not heroism, for all that it may be well understandable at times.

[ ] Sword of the Evendark [2 Points] - This blade of silver and twilight glimmers like the stars at evening, and at a command drips translucent poison with the scent of ambrosia.

*It multiplies its wielder's power in combat twofold after all other factors.

*It grants formidable powers of nondetection scaling with the abilities of its wielder. An ordinary halfling might gain mere invisibility, but a mighty hero of eons would be shrouded from all manner of detection of divination; sight, hearing, smell and myriad senses beyond human ken.

*The poison function of the blade can be invoked for ten strikes a day, guaranteed to cause at least modest harm to any target successfully subjected to its venom, no matter their apparent invulnerability.

*By virtue of its alluring scent, said poison can also be used as a sumptuous and often-lethal bribe for the passionate or weak-willed.

[ ] Arcadian Scroll [2 Points] - Weather-beaten parchment that depicts forest, ravine and mountainside in long, curving strokes. A brief sketch of paradise, within which birth and death linger still.

*Reading from the scroll, its wielder can command powers of glamour and illusion drawn from the infinite reaches of Fey territory. Changing one's seeming is simple; multi-sensory illusions incorporating audio, programmed images, and even tactile sensation are possible with modest practice. A grandmaster of its secrets could fool time, death, and the world itself; crafting mirages spun from wildest imagination but with every semblance of reality - down to altering one's true biological age or meta-ontological composition, so long as the illusion remains unshattered.
*Held aloft as a talisman, the scroll acts as a guarantee of safe passage from the depredations of inhuman or otherworldly beings. The more incomprehensible and alien such creatures are, the more seriously they honor the authority of the Scroll - but only so long as it is both presented and held aloft.
*Once, the scroll may be immolated in a curling snarl of blue-silver fire, to deliver death unerringly to any one mortal target of whom the wielder is aware. This fails against beings of supernatural might, but those constrained wholly by mundanity, no matter their puissance, are entirely vulnerable.

[ ] Shroud of the Briarthorn [3 Points] - This cloak of ivy and nestled brambles glows with a sheen like copper under moonlight, rustling as if borne by an easterly breeze even when completely still. Un-needed it folds up into a docile packet the size of one's palm; unfurling with a snap, it snarls like a wolf at hunt.

*The wearer of the shroud gains powerful regeneration, mending wounds in seconds and lost appendages in less than a minute. Toxin and disease flee their system with helpless rapidity, purging all but the staunchest of venoms within moments. The shroud itself benefits from this overwhelming vitality; ensuring its permanent destruction would be a chore even for the mighty.

*The wearer may shift to a half-mortal form, taking on attributes of a beast from bog, grove or fen; this hybrid state grants vigor sufficient to withstand grievous injuries unblinking, and strength enough to shear through solid concrete with raking swipes. Depending on the nature of one's spirit animal, could also serve as a useful disguise or means of locomotion.

*The owner is given masterful tracking, survival, and navigation skills for all forms of wilderness terrain, even without the Shroud manifest.

[ ] Advurent Blades [4 Points] - The twin adder-fangs of the Highwayman are cutthroat stilettos sheathed by overlapping flanges; when deployed the naked steel glistens constantly with an uneven coating of blood.

The Blades grant the stunning-death swiftness of the Highwayman himself; their wielder's every movement carrying the shock and impact of an axe-blow at full gallop from the moonless midnight dark.

*The wielder of the Blades is guaranteed to possess significantly superior speed to any adversaries. At baseline, they can always move at least two hundred times faster than an ordinary peak human. This ISH 3.0 effect instead grants +0.5 ISH speed against foes whose powers overwhelm it.
*Rapier Mode: Carried in the hands, the Blades inflict ever-bleeding wounds that drain the target's Attributes, healing the wielder and extending his lifespan. Attribution reduction is not initially substantial, but it is wholly uncapped and scales to injuries inflicted. By this method can even undying opponents be permanently neutralized.
*Kata Mode: Implanted permanently in the wrists, the Blades deploy at a gesture, wholly concealed from all manner of detection until the first strike is made. The wielder gains an unnatural expertise in ambush and stealth well beyond the greatest human masters of the art; those slain by the blades contribute small fractions of their overall power to his own.

The Blades may, at a 1-point surcharge, combine with the Evendark Sword into a singular mammoth weapon, the Dreadsword: a dark-violet slab, single-bladed and slightly curved, that stands near nine feet in length. Thereafter they count as a single 7-point Purchase with the following additional properties:

*The Sword grants overwhelming superiority in all physical domains (baseline: 200x peak human), rather than speed alone, as an ISH 3.9 effect, with a +0.7 ISH bonus to physical stats if this power is superseded.
*The Dreadsword carries all the benefits of Rapier and Kata Mode, but its Kata Mode expertise is changed from stealth to intimidation and social dominance. A single glare from the Dreadsword's wielder can stop an unprepared soldier's heart.
*If the wielder serves as general, assassin, or enforcer for a notable tyrant ("A Tyrant" Allies all count), that tyrant receives an extreme bonus to resilience and administrative effectiveness until the wielder is felled.
*Used as a sword, the terrible crushing pressure of the Dreadsword inhibits all forms of regeneration or recovery in its victims.
*Used as a shield, the Dreadsword dissipates and absorbs any quantity of mundane force or energy; only supernatural effects can even remotely harm an alert wielder.

[ ] Crown of the Ancestor [5 Points] - This crown of rigid adamant gleams dully under the harshest lights, and otherwise deigns not so much as to twinkle. A massive sapphire of purest dark is set upon the brow, and pairing-stones of facetless opal to each side.

*None but the purchaser may lift the crown.

*Worn upon the brow, the crown grants vast intelligence, unyielding resolve, and spellbinding wisdom, sufficient to turn even a simpleton into a conqueror and emperor of worlds.

*But its wisdom is cynical, its plots unsparing: in time the insights of the crown will, if religiously followed, lead inevitably to ruin and one's final unmaking.

*The wearer also gains mastery over one magic school of their choice:

-Abjuration: Wards, seals, bindings, protections and countermagic, sufficient to repel an army of assassins and their wizardly backers. Also deals in the creation of unbreakable magical contracts.

-Evocation: Brute command over energies natural and unnatural, with power enough to level cities but precision sufficient to perform micro-surgery.

-Enchantment: Comprehensive augmentation of the self, sufficient to reach twice the human peak in every arena of mortal endeavor; and the power to shape and compel the minds of others, sufficient to enthrall even an elder dragon for hours at a time.

*For he, or she, who has the perspective to truly lift the crown once victory is attained; to stop at the apex and continue no further, to reach understanding's limit and henceforth stand aside, there can be no more reliable advisor, and perhaps no greater blessing. For the power of the crown is competence itself, the power to bend outcomes to one's liking by any and all means.

*But for those who would too keenly mourn the death of their greater self, who overreach and surrender to hubris; the crown is their end, as surely as night follows day.

[ ] Kalymitous Runes [6 Points] - Lines and sigils of glowing blue that flash emerald and crimson in the dawn light. The Titanic power of yore is channeled through these meagre etchings; they cannot be destroyed, but they can theoretically be stolen, if the attacker is willing to employ means sufficiently gruesome.

*So long as the bearer does not practice any style of systematized or formal supernatural influence (essentially all the magic systems granted by this CYOA count), they receive the following benefits:

*A one hundred-fold increase in raw combat power, applied after other modifiers. Stacks fully with other multipliers from Panoply, and can be improved over time with diligent training.

*Catastrophe: The bearer's strength embodies the Principle of Destruction. They may conceptually devastate, ravage or annihilate even intangible, abstract or untouchable targets such as the underlying structure of a magical ward, an incorporeal ghost, or even a certain emotion in a target's mind. More abstract targets require progressively more enormous exertions of strength to affect, and correspondingly apocalyptic levels of collateral damage.

*Indomitable: The bearer can be hurt, strained, slowed or swayed, but never stopped or slain. Damage mounts and progressively weakens them, but can never truly incapacitate them or put them down. As their state becomes more dire, their effective resistance to harm becomes ever-more resilient and insurmountable. Defeats harms esoteric and physical.

*Craftwork: The bearer's fingers are conveyances of peerless craft; they are a prototyper and combat engineer of unbelievable intuition and ability. The more value they destroy, the more proficient they become: razing a nation, the bearer would be capable of erecting earthworks for a miles-long front in minutes, or continent-leveling weapons within hours. Each major project diminishes their capability in this field, requiring further cycles of destruction to fuel.

*A bearer that does practice a style as prohibited above still gains a tenfold multiplier in combat power and immunity to age and disease, but no other benefits.

[ ] Stone Rings [7 Points] - The twin Rings of Earth hold not jewels but ordinary rocks, yellowed and muddied; worn on the fingers, the Fungible Bands grant power and sovereignty over the natural capabilities of one's world. Called the Circles of Mortality; held together they forge Ouroboros: the infinite, made manifest.

First Ring:
*The wearer receives a high-tier power native to their insertion world; in Marvel they might become a mutant equivalent to Magneto or Charles Xavier; in Sword Art Online, a technological savant to surpass Kayaba. This comes with any required secondary effects essential to the intended functioning of the core power.
*This power grows modestly but steadily with time and training, and may be expanded in all parameters with no upper limit: cost, restrictions, drawbacks, number of targets, and stranger attributes still may all be improved so long as one invests the effort.
*For each additional world they spend at least one continuous year inhabiting, the wearer receives a power of similar tier native to that world. Each power may only be trained in the world of its origin, however.

Second Ring:
*The wielder receives resilience as if that of stone, or comparatively greater if their inherent toughness eclipses that of ordinary men. This effect scales upwards indefinitely.
*The wielder actively draws the disinterest and apathy of beings vastly more powerful or capable than them. Unless directly provoked, higher powers of all sorts tend to leave them and theirs alone, staying out of any conflicts in which the wielder is involved unless said conflict actively and massively impinges upon their core values; the wielder is similarly shielded from vast-scale reality warping, temporal paradoxes, perfect precognition and so on.

If the Stone Rings are their bearer's only Panoply purchase, -2 to their Point cost.

[ ] The Shining Armor [9 Points] - The vestments and heraldry of heroism undimmed confer onto a worthy wearer the affordances of those chosen by the world to serve as its stewards and champions. Crafted by enlightened intelligences at the end of time to embody all they desired to uphold and bring into the world, this artifact of staggering hypertechnology appears to the naked eye like a simple, if stupendously well-crafted, suit of full plate. While outrageously formidable, its capabilities at base are fundamentally premised on an understanding and manipulation of gross material reality.

*Truth: The Shining Armor is inhabited by a fully aligned nascent artificial intelligence whose capabilities are intended to match those of its wearer, and whose character is impeccable and beyond reproach. It is capable of independently operating, repairing, and maintaining the Armor's many systems or instructing the wearer in the same, and also serves as a powerful deterrent against theft or informational warfare. As its wearer grows in might and wisdom, so too will the armor's inhabiting intelligence, though it cannot match truly supernatural intellect beyond the ken of any physical processor. Still, hyperspace-augmented femtotechnology drawing on the infinite potentiality field of meta-zero point flux can keep up for quite a ways. Its ultimate capabilities are incomparably beyond those of, say, the greatest Culture Minds.

*Justice: The Shining Armor cannot be borne by those of a markedly unheroic disposition. Average levels of courage, resolve, and virtue do however suffice - it would hardly be heroism, if beyond the grasp of ordinary mortals. To worthy bearers it offers resilience sufficient to embolden even the cowardly and paranoid: all hostile or undesired effects diminished by three full tiers of conceptual potency, save for Bindings and Drawbacks; and physical protection just shy of invincibility. The supernova blast of a planet-killer would not so much as perturb the Armor's polish; a universe-slaying onslaught might slightly dent it. A spell that would normally slay the bearer might only modestly sicken them; enchantments that enthrall their mind merely stun them for bare moments.

Offensively the Armor is equipped with post-quantum ascendant technology capable of leveling worlds and suns: anti-baryon flux fields in the form of blade and shield; shoulder-mounted reality-strippers that target the very ravel of the universe, and an armamentarium of lasers, masers, inducers and micro-missiles sufficient to overcome a vast array of esoteric foes. Should it be necessary the Armor may adapt to effect destruction on scales grander still: entire universes winking away before the thunderous onslaught of Justice given form.

*Love: The wearer of the Shining Armor will be guided to find companionship of any kind they desire, in a form that powerfully fulfills and satisfies them on a level the human imagination can scarcely conceive.

[ ] Feather of Favor [2 Seals] - This faultless white feather with highlights of golden orange conveys a slight aura of guilt and embarrassment. It may be stolen, but not destroyed. Only the purchaser, however, may actually benefit from its properties:

*The purchaser, while in possession of the feather and on a Quest, may either comprehensively upgrade all his capabilities by a major conceptual tier, or choose one Panoply or Self effect to turbocharge to utterly outrageous heights. Neither effect affects Allies, save that you donate the Feather to Lord Hunger, who benefits fully as if he were the purchaser instead.

*Alternatively, the purchaser may receive the benefits of the Justice Remittance from DSB's CYOA, though their patron is not quite so mighty as that one.

Examples of the comprehensive upgrade:

*The Sword of the Evendark now grants shadow-based teleportation and the ability to sprout shadow constructs with the same Attributes as one's physical form. It quintuples combat strength instead of doubling it.
*The Shroud of the Briarthorn becomes a wooden fang which, when plunged into the flesh of a target and held there, grants them the power to assume the form of any beast which walks or swims or flies, and undying immortality that can heal total bodily annihilation in milliseconds.
*The Kalymitous Runes now multiply combat power by a thousandfold, and their rate of growth is vastly greater. Catastrophe can now be wielded with some modicum of precision, and Craftwork extends to all forms of technological innovation rather than brute industrial proceses.
*The character's Exaltation gains +2 Essence and +350 XP.
*The character now has five Save Slots instead of three, and also may also 'pause time to think,' unmoving, for up to twenty-four hours a day.

Examples of the singular turbocharge:

*Sword of the Evendark: The Evenblade offers power as profound as it is simple: a clean +0.5 ISH improvement to the character's combat effectiveness after all other factors. The sacred poison that its hilt distills from the world is venomous to those disagreeable factors of mortality and mundanity: the Cerulean blue Azoth itself by which Chrysopoeia is undertaken. Each day, the sword may extrude Azoth of sufficient purity and density as to match the wielder's attainments in all other arts combined, ensuring that the force and grace of their body shall never tarry behind the powers of their spirit and mind. Even in the absence of its bearer's diligence, the baseline harmonics of the Evenblade suffice to create enough Azoth to elevate a mortal human into an adept Mage-slayer within hours.

*The Crown of the Ancestor's downsides are mitigated by 90%. It now grants total mastery of seven schools of magic each as potent and versatile as those in the examples, and their might multiplied tenfold in numerical parameters. In addition to intelligence it grants continuously updating Rank commensurate to one's stature and accomplishments, minimum 7. It is now indestructible, and the magic systems it grants will be absorbed into its wearer's body and become innate powers over time.

*The Runes now grant 90% of their full power even for formal system users, or thrice that for those who fulfill their normal requisites. Rather than merely improving combat power, they elevate the character's Strength, Endurance and Dexterity one full step along the Infinite Singularity Husk. Craftwork becomes Prowess, which grants supernal skill in all tasks that require bodily coordination or dexterity. Catastrophe can now be wielded with precision scaling to one's Prowess. The bearer may eventually learn to summon the Orbs of Kalym, given time and diligent exploration of their abilities.

*Dreadsword: The Dread Knight's Plate is mirror to the Shining Armor, Tyrant's answer to that blinding facade: extruded directly from the Realm of Forms, it is a juggernaut of pure invincible oppression, mailed fist made incarnate. This dark-indigo set of full articulated plate and arms is capable of retracting to the enormous sword that is its core while preserving full functionality, but prefers in battle to be fully unfurled that it might stamp despair more wholly upon its foe's unresisting face:
*To its wielder it offers total dominion over all endeavors even remotely relevant to its domains of Knighthood and Tyranny; where this ISH 4.5 effect would be superseded, it grants +0.9 ISH to Might, Agility, Willpower, Charisma and Wisdom instead.
*A knight of such bearing may owe fealty only to a master worthy of his service. If the wielder loyally serves as general, assassin, or enforcer for a notable tyrant ("A Tyrant" Allies all count), that ruler grows indescribably in splendor and ability so as to outshine even their greatest servant: the equivalent of +30 to All Attributes, a further flat +0.7 ISH bonus to Intelligence, Appearance and Constitution, and general +Progression.
*The above bonuses are permanent and irrevocable, surviving even the destruction or dispellation of the Plate, save two. Progression falters if the Tyrant outstrips the Knight by too unseemly a margin: their role as chief martial instrument must be relevant, for the authority of their respective stations to matter. The Constitution bonus quickly fades if the Knight perishes, or feels he has become truly estranged from his overlord; returning with his life or amicable relationship, respectively.
*However, each knight may pledge such service only to a single Tyrant ever; neither death nor dissent are justification to depart from his duties.
*The pulverizing inevitability of the Dread Knight's triumph manifests as a Rank 11 shockwave of Pressure emanating from every swing of his Sword; with a single stroke he casts a shadow over the cosmos, so all might witness that the vanguard of tyranny has arrived.

*Stone Rings: The Elder Ring acts as per its lesser counterparts, save for the changes below:
*Outer Face: Apply the effects of Legendary (+1 ISH in raw power, ----------Mental Stability) to the power one gains from inhabiting a universe.
*The Mental Stability penalty only applies when actively using the power and can be trained off like any other drawback.
*While further increasing the raw power or finesse of existing capabilities is no easier, training to reduce the drawbacks or costs of any power or technique is considerably faster: one to two orders of magnitude depending on severity, with harsher drawbacks being quickly mitigated into a tolerable state.
*Sleeping, relaxing, and participating in recreational activities may now count as high-quality training for the wielder's purposes; this may be applied up to eight hours a day towards any pursuit he prefers, so long as he lives in a way congruent with his own values and meaning.
*Obverse Face: As a mortal human, the wielder's physical, mental, and spiritual resilience is upgraded to equal that of his entire world, drastically improving his capacity to handle and resolve injuries, mental instability, and spiritual corrosion. If he was already tougher than an ordinary human, his durability improves correspondingly further. This effect scales up perfectly without limit.
*The wielder gains the benefits of the Defining Advancement, Stranglethorn, which further multiplies the durability granted above.
*Should the wielder somehow come to the direct attention of beings who the Stone Rings would manifest apathy within, they are, while remaining generally non-interventionist, considerably more likely to respect him, negotiate with him as an equal, and/or treat him as an inevitable aspect of the universe that cannot and should not be eroded, destroyed, or fundamentally altered.

*That which is Static, when infused with the Feather's power, becomes instead Eternal:
The character is immune to all forms of alteration, including harm, which he would prefer not affect him. This is wholly selective and may manifest partially: he may bypass the damage of a blow while allowing its force to hurl him to a tactically advantageous vantage, for example. This ISH 3.9 effect, if superseded, instead applies -1 ISH to such undesired alterations instead. Among other ills this wholly prevents the character from declining or diminishing in any way due to age, negligence in one's training, etc.
*The character progresses at only 92.5% of the speed he would have.
*While this power theoretically permits the character to costlessly perform any techniques or spells that would otherwise require personal resources to employ, its leeway in such self-inflicted matters is considerably lower: merely reduce the cost by two orders of magnitude for lesser exertions like stamina, or by three orders for those that require great sacrifice. For example, a forbidden technique which might otherwise kill him to perform might only assay the permanent sacrifice of a finger.

*Linear III: The character gains five 28-BP achievements of synergistic nature, and a further two '56-BP' achievements that integrate into a cohesive and surpassingly powerful enhancement.

*The Estate of Evening: Turbocharge is roughly +0.9 ISH to the ability itself, with the chief drawback of an option reduced by 90%. The chief weakness of the Estate of Evening is that, for all its combined progression, comfort and safety, it can only indirectly influence the outside world. Turbocharged Realm of Evening access, then, would draw upon the wielder's now-vast and deep connection with the Realm to command and manifest the Evening Sky itself around him no matter where he should tread, and grant advancement with it as per an adept of enormous talent and ability, though far, far less in ultimate potential than the likes of its other bearer.

As for his estate in the Realm, it is vastly expanded in size and magnificence, his influence over it broader and more precise, the temporal acceleration factor expanded to 800 times and immune to baseline atemporal influence; and his stature within the Realm may be further improved with connections and training as to augment all of these features. At baseline, his estate now incorporates features very similar to those granted by Hunger's Gilded Cage Achievement. It nearly goes without saying that, compared to splendor such as this, such a trifling wound as the Mutilation is hardly an inconvenience at all.

While blocking access to the Realm itself was already effectively 'impossible,' Procession worlds of sufficient depth might have managed that torment. Such is now immeasurably more difficult, requiring outrageously, unfathomably greater elevation before the slightest impairment will even begin to find purchase.

*The Logos: The character becomes Thrice-Great, with natural proficiency equal to Nameless' orb purchases except for the augmented versions of each system: Logos over Diagram, Immortal Cultivation over Titanic, and Ringcraft over Artifice.


Powers tied to your self intrinsically.

[ ] Static [2 Points] - A condition of defensive stasis that strongly mitigates all forms of harm on a conceptual level, but which somewhat hinders your growth as well. Expect to advance with one-fourth your previous speed in all areas.

The defense provided is surpassingly effective for the point cost, scaling with the intensity of the offense: such power allows even an ordinary mortal to survive a nuclear explosion only badly burned, and would extend the healthy lifespan of a young human to over 500,000 years. A good rule of thumb is to reduce incoming harm to 1% of its prior force, or 1/10,000th for greatly overpowered attacks. Highly recommended if your initial power is great, given the risks one could take with such an aegis defending them.

[ ] Linear [2, 4, or 8 Points] I - III: With each purchase, the raw power of your role is improved in a linear fashion. For 2 points, you receive a notable but specialized capability equivalent to a limited-use trump card or high-tier 7 BP Achievement in Immersion. For 4 points, you instead receive a game-breaking capability that roughly doubles your total power level, equivalent to a high-tier 14 BP achievement. For 8 points, you receive spectacular abilities that dramatically elevate your quantifiable power, equivalent to a high-tier 28 BP achievement. The capabilities granted by this option scale off the baseline power of your Role choice.


If taking the "Paladin" Role, you could expect to receive Achievements roughly equivalent to these in power:

I: [Flesh and Steel Symbiosis] [Symbiosis Tier I, 7 BP]

Symbiosis effects work like a selective tech tree - Each tier requires the tier preceding, and each Achievement on a given Tier is mutually exclusive with the others of that tier.

"World Champion" is more than a mere Title. It is a way of life. For he who pursues excellence unsparingly, discipline shall be his armor in all things.

*+10 Body, +5 Charm as man and armor become conceptually integrated. It becomes impossible to sunder, disrobe, or otherwise remove armor from wearer without his consent.

*The World Champion Armor of Aincrad may now slowly (~1 minute) shapeshift between various styles of clothing and armor, from a simple cotton t-shirt to steel-and-ceramite mechanized body armor. Its mechanical benefits and degree of protection do not vary, but aesthetic factors, natural or implicit weaponry, and raw mass often favor bulkier and warlike forms for actual combat.

*The consciousness of the World Champion Armor may now share senses with its occupant, allowing it to stay continuously alert for incoming threats. Prolonged vigilance in this manner is not mentally demanding for the inhabiting mind, nor does such impair its usual cognition; it is as indefatigable as it is indestructible. Wearer may disable this feature at will.

II: [Shining Diamond Perfection] [Symbiosis Tier II, Total 14 BP]

What lives on is the will; and the will is both the end and the fundament of all things. Will overmasters body, as essence overtakes form.

*+5 All Stats as synthesis in the abstract is now embodied in reality. Symbiosis on a sub-molecular level ensures the composite entity wields the best traits of both man and armor.
*The World Champion Armor may now shapeshift freely at combat speeds, with access to the entire range of physically plausible outfits and accessories, not dissimilar to certain symbiotes portrayed in popular fiction. Disguise, intimidation, even fashion - all can be rigorously optimized with a thought, or multiple purposes served at once!

*The composite being is no longer indestructible, but is incredibly resilient (about 2 full Milestones beyond what its Body stat would grant) and gains rapid, comprehensive, and metaphysically potent regeneration in addition. So long as a single particle of their being survives, they can recover from the most gruesome of wounds.

*The World Champion Armor still grows in power alongside its wielder, but now also gains equivalent non-combat or utility abilities for each combat-related capability it acquires, quadratically amplifying its rate of progression.

*Holy- and Light-based effects are added to the Armor's arsenal of conceptual symmetry, merging Magelight and Holy Magic into the [Enlightenment] Skill.

III: [The King Azure] [Symbiosis Tier III, Total 28 BP]

Physicality is an illusion. Remove the mask, and behold the godhead beneath.

*Convergence of mind, spirit, and physique wholly incarnates the being into the context wherein he seeks to act. +20 Wits, Magic, and Luck. Merge all Magic Skills into one and apply full symmetry between them, then receive +350 Magic Skill and ++Progression in Magic. However, destroying the composite being's physical form (a monumentally difficult task) now annihilates it wholly: mind, spirit and destiny all.

*The being's HP and MP pools are interchangeable. Its SP Pool is unnecessary and converted to additional maximum MP. The being is immune to hostile effects that would destroy or drain their MP.

*If the being was not already, they become omnilingual, untiring, and wholly immortal short of such annihilation as mentioned above. They are not subject to biological needs.

[ ] Exponential [1, 2, or 4 Seals] I - III: With each purchase, the underlying potential of your role is improved in an exponential fashion.

For one Seal, your growth rate and ultimate potential in all areas is tripled, and you gain access to a basic but reasonably versatile form of magic similar to that of a JRPG player character. This school of magic, the Functional Set, synergizes normally with your existing capabilities and, alone, caps out at the ability to challenge and defeat universe-destroying entities.

For 2 Seals, you may receive an Exaltation of your choice, or augment the underlying metaphysical potential of an existing Exaltation to the highest reasonable interpretation of such (roughly equivalent to a Celestial Exaltation from Odyssial's universe). Alternatively you may dectuple your growth rate and ultimate potential in all areas, and gain an uncapped version of the Functional Set, or a version with non-combat utility comparable to that of Vancian magic from D&D, scaled up appropriately to the quantitative scope of the Set itself.

For 4 Seals, you may receive any of the following:

*Spiral Power with potential equal to Lord Genome's.

*The Logos of the Diagram, but if you do not possess at least near-peak-human prowess with formalisms (as the Optimizer role would), you risk your life, sanity, and underlying existential coherence in its practice.

*The Gamer System of Han Jee-Han, but with your choice of stat array (Default, D&D, Exalted, Pillars System, AST) and unbounded potential.

*Three Save Slots. You immediately load upon dying or encountering any truly unacceptable outcome.

*Unconditional at-will access to a substantial estate within the Realm of Evening for yourself and up to four friends at 20x time dilation relative to the world of your insertion. You have great influence over the Realm within its bounds.


What's a hero without a heroic quest? Choose at least one.

[ ] Default [-1 Seal]: You must simply complete the ordinary quest or purpose of your role. This does not count as a Quest for purposes of the Feather of Favor.

[ ] Imperialist [-2 Points]: You must take Supreme Commander and, in addition to conquering the target world, must restrain the worst impulses of the Deliberative and Exalted Society to prevent the gross moral decay of the Exalted Host that eventually lead to the Usurpation. This may be done with violent means.

[ ] Bestride [-2 Points]: You must take the Kalymitous Runes and pursue a generally heroic, proactive course of life without inflicting massive collateral damage on others.

[ ] A Dalliance [0 Seals]: If you chose 'Dalliance' Mode, you always count as being on a quest for purposes of the Feather of Favor.

[ ] Enemy Mine [0 Seals]: You must take the Nemesis Drawback, and must yourself choose Hard or Dalliance Mode. You may design your Nemesis' build, but it must be extremely optimal, though you are free to take into account her dislike of Drawbacks.

[ ] Overlord [+0 Points, Special] - You will face a truly fearsome enemy, an inimitable tyrant whose might or competence surpasses yours vastly, and whose cruel and ruthless temperament will lead your reality to inevitable ruin if he is not permanently stopped. While vastly beyond you to begin with, he cannot scale with any notable speed.

Special: If you successfully overcome the Overlord, thereafter you will benefit from serendipitous fortune as if affected by a purely positive / benevolent version of the 'Perchance' Binding.

[ ] The Turning [+0 Points, Special] - You must remake the society of your inserted world according to your true preferences: encouraging what you desire, abolishing what you despise, and enforcing such rules and means as would exist in your personal ideal society. When the world is truly utopian by your honest and unbiased measure, this quest will be considered complete.

Special: You may not undertake this quest if your initial power OR capability to scale would allow you to easily dominate society without significant and relevant resistance. You must make at least half-hearted efforts towards completing this quest for fifty hours a month.

[ ] Accept Diminishment [+0 Points, Special]: Take no Purchases more costly than 5 Points or 2 Seals, and no Drawbacks greater than +3 Points.

[ ] Epic [+2 Points, Requires Hard or Dalliance Mode]: Take at least three of the following: Paramount, Nemesis, Wicked, Hero's Journey, or Procession. You receive one of the following Epic Blessings:

[ ] Blessing of the Phoenix -
*Discount the Feather of Favor by 1 Seal.
*Once, when you would be utterly defeated, return in time to the point immediately after your immolation. You may make different decisions for your build here, but keeping the same rolls. If you take Epic, you receive the Phoenix's Blessing without this clause.

[ ] Blessing of Refutation - Choose two:
*Whensoever you would be dealt harm, or suffer a grievous loss, so too shall those who had a direct hand in inflicting that harm. This will be made extremely obvious and apparent in terms of causality.
*Your Nemesis is now a rival of sorts, no longer seeking your demise or ruin, merely to one-up and humiliate you, but mostly reasonable and entirely willing to team up against greater threats. You may snap them out of any irrational state with the following catchphrase: "Without calculation, failure. Without ruthlessness, tragedy."
*You must choose this option: You receive a minor power boost from typoes.

[ ] Blessing of Lunar Azure -
*You may shapeshift as per an Essence 5 Lunar Exalt with a standard array of Charms, Knacks, and Heart's Blood, with mote pool / regeneration as though you were in Creation. As you grow in power, so too shall this ability - higher-Essence Knacks, greater imitation of abilities, Chimerical Knacks without downsides, etc.
*Once, you may call upon the intervention of the Cursebearer, Wolber Strobe, to resolve your difficulties. He wields the Imperial Praxis with a sage's artistry and a savant's prowess. But even such power as this is not guaranteed to result in your victory against every foe.

[ ] Blessing of Fibonacci -
*No matter what travails may present themselves against you, you will always possess a circle of loyal and powerful friends capable of granting a significant advantage in your present challenges.
*You may sacrifice this boon to summon around you the Hyper-Dimensional Fortress Novakhron as armament of forbidding vastness, which can surmount virtually any difficulty for the hour it is permitted to intervene.

[ ] Blessing of Formal Intelligence -
*You are initiated into the Ordinal Spiral at a level competitive with your other notable capabilities, and have great ability in its upkeep and advancement.
*You may instead receive the Noble Praxis at a similar level.

[ ] Blessing of Hyacinth -
*Drinking any alcoholic beverage grants you a relevant and notable buff corresponding to the nature of the beverage. No effect can protect you from inebriation or hangovers.
*People will understand your memetic references and actually find them funny. This will be surprisingly, extremely useful at the most pivotal moments in your life.
*The nature of any extremely embarrassing private messages you send will not be leaked to the general public, except by your own volition and will.

[ ] Blessing of the Lone Wolf -
*If you take no Allies, you may combine any two Panoply items in a manner similar to the Advurent Blades and Sword of the Evendark, with correspondingly magnified effects.
*If you take only one Ally and the Feather of Favor, they benefit from the comprehensive boost of the Feather as though they were you.

[ ] Blessing of Greed -
*You may halve your total Points in order to receive +50% more Seals, or vice versa.
*You may make multiple purchases of Exponential, but each costs a cumulative additional Seal.

[ ] Blessing of the Gacha Stove -
*You may choose to be a streamer for a pan-cosmic streaming service whose business practices are reputable and terms, fair. The content is simply that of your life and adventures herein. If you work hard and provide entertaining content, you will succeed and gather a community of generous, loyal and interesting followers who will donate power and currency to your cause. Though slower than the Logos, growing your streaming audience is sufficient means alone to match its furthermost heights, and synergistic with all your other power sources.
*The omniversal currency donated by your community can be used to roll in the Cosmos-Transcending Gacha, which contains, among other things: every Genshin Impact and PS5-playable character as purchased Allies, Jiko and Letrizia Artriez as Tyrants, the Destroyer Halo advancement as a Self option, and the Lo-Fi Beats Skin (actually changes the appearance of the world, not just your perception thereof) as a Panoply option. The risk-reward prospects of the Cosmos-Transcending Gacha will always be favorable enough that you can seriously contemplate rolling.

[ ] Blessing of the Zampire -
*You may create exchange contracts of nigh-arbitrary complexity which trade reified Utility. Reified Utility is valuable to every agent and contracts involving it, if voluntarily agreed-upon without undue influence, may not be reneged upon in letter or spirit (an ISH 5.9 effect which escalates as you do). Reified Utility may be traded in exchange for actions, possessions, commitments, attributes, or capabilities of the counterparty. Agents may also consume Reified Utility to directly improve their hedonic valence thereafter, with no undesirable values alteration or clear upper limit - though the marginal value of each additional unit is decreasing.
*The exploitation of this Blessing is left as an exercise to the user.

[ ] Valiant Blessing -
*Should you select an option or undertake an endeavor because it would make a better story of your life, the impractical downsides of said decision will be significantly mitigated, and your mettle substantially increased in the handling, proportional to the drama and literary value conferred by that decision. With this Blessing, certain adventurers might challenge even the Hero's Journey with surmountable odds.
*The storyteller's gift is not the hero's, but let it never be said they are mutually exclusive.

[ ] Blessing of the Shrike -
*Your reaction speed in moments of import is second to none (an ISH 5 effect which scales as you do). You will always act first when it truly matters; the relevance of this ability is dependent on the nature of the task or contest in question.
*Your talent for formal and technological systems is substantially improved, as if the comprehensive blessing of the Feather were applied to it. This stacks with all other effects.
*If you rolled the Void Dragon Binding, you may instead take the opposite effect: your understanding of technology is unimpaired, but you severely lack proficiency in magic to the degree that it fails to integrate sophisticated technology. The Ordinal Spiral always counts as wholly technological for this purpose; its shadow never does.
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A Simple Transaction I
- A Simple Transaction I -

Despite its hubris, it was an appellation well-deserved.

Hunger, for all the inconceivable progression of months past, still found his power wanting in the face of his enemy's Supreme Grace; his perceptions shorn, cut away by his own hand to avoid being beguiled by her visage; even the screaming fall of his sword-stroke - easily sufficient to rend the lower and higher multiverse entire - not quite a match for her agility. Only the supreme martiality worn deep into his blade, like a groove etched on bone, allowed him to maintain some illusion of parity before the blinding radiance of her talent.

She was an adroit foe, Catherine's doppelgänger, this harkening rebel who had stolen her face and presumed to lessen him by it: perhaps the mightiest his present incarnation had ever faced, and the most stubborn. It chafed him to see Catherine's strength turned against him, to witness reflected in the Maiden's every action his wife's dying litany.

Win. That's all that matters.

Her unremitting blitz continued, foot descending from a high-kick to slice downward upon his shoulder blade; abandoning subtlety he rushed forward in a tackle, pre-empting the strike's momentum to intercept it with greater mass. The eviscerating light of his Blood Halo sliced her defenses to tatters; shorn of her veil the Maiden merely blazed infinitely brighter, destroying brilliance that repulsed his influence comprehensively. One-handed he reflected that light with the semi-matte flat of his blade, bleak brutalist steel pushing through the rays of dawn. The glare could not wound him; he had already cut out his eyes.

At blade's approach the Maiden finally drew forth a hammer of gilt iron, matching steel to steel. And though it shattered irreparably upon contact, its dying burst released a pulse of hyper-focused Nullity, rendering his blade and fingers both nerveless and unmoving - temporarily made wholly mundane. The firing pattern of ordinary musculature, no matter how optimized, was a subjective eternity at their speeds.

Nonetheless he pressed onwards, Verschlengorge upon his shoulders roaring as its Devouring Shroud, unleashed at last, drained away her radiance, a maw spooling light more inescapably than any singularity. Seizing the crucial moment Hunger mustered himself, scraping hollow what felt like the last of his Praxis reserves. His right hand disabled, with explosive quickness he struck with his left: a fulsome uppercut to the solar plexus, conceptual core of her inner light and a primary chakra for findross emission. Bone and organ both broke before that hideous strength; rupturing destruction that pulsed outwards to fracture her skeleton into spearlike shards. She sailed away, an unfurling flower, beautiful even when falling.

At last, a telling blow.

Unable to fully direct his strength, the crack of that impact splintered the physical realm around them: arrow of entropy jaunted and slid sideways as locality and electrodynamics came asunder. A triviality - the horrific consequences thereof would unfold too slowly to matter.

The Maiden continued to fly, faultless teeth clenched in pain as her skeleton slowly realigned, ribcage and sternum both flattened by that abrupt pulverization. Struts and casts of findross appearing to delicately brace her broken frame, she coughed once: a soft dainty sound, flecks of blood like rubies in the void.

And yet, she did not seem displeased.

Gracefully Catherine drifted with the impact, allowing the brutality of his strike to carry her far, far away; now performing complicated workings of findross as she flew. Shimmering jewels of reified grace began to appear upon her fingers, each a celestial teardrop so exquisite that even the evening sky seemed as peeling wallpaper in comparison.

She closed her fist and the jewel-lights converged, fusing into a nexus of some unfathomable nature. Fighting exhaustion Hunger prepared to strike again, unwilling to permit the assembly of whatever she'd prepared. But he found his footwork stifled by the nexus' pearlescence, skating askew against a too-smooth sheen now swiftly being lidded over all reality.

Asserting his dominion of space he corrected his position, but by then the Maiden had already maneuvered farther and to his flank, seemingly uninterested in pressing the attack as she continued to feed jewels into her miniature… coalescence.


If matters continued as they had, then this mirror-caricature of Catherine would indeed prevail, though it might cost her grievously. And yet what did that matter before the Apocryphal Curse, whose well of foes was unfettered and limitless?

Dien Bravo had been a shattered mote, less the true Surgeon than a single flake of its dermis; young as she was, the Maiden had come against him in full. Likely it was hubris to think he could overwhelm the Foremost unaided, much as he wished her cut down by his own hand. Now Hunger's strength flagged from grotesque exertion in the Praxis, the weight of his wounds only compounding that fatigue. Mighty as the sword was, still there were things mightier.

Such as, he sighed mentally… the peerless talent of a true genius. One who might genuinely be considered the foremost exemplar of her species. Though he had wished to avoid his companions abrading their selfhood by even one iota, it appeared their uttermost would be required now.

Deep in the Voyaging Realm his Princess-Regent detected that intention, triggering one final contingency. Adorie, Augustine, Arcanist and annoying renaissance woman all would unite, separate fingers become a fist of concerted prowess conjoining Mirellyian blood, the Lord Protector's skill, the Maker-Shard's nature, and Allrian virtuosity. All but the final step of that grand ritual had already been performed, its potential lying abeyant to erupt at his command. Completion now was but a matter of a single gesture, less than a whisper of motion which, ensconced in the heart of his territory, the Maiden had little ability to perceive.

Infinite as she was, by her nature the Maiden embodied youth; and the most treacherous of her Sorceresses had one card left to play.

Unheralded, Gisena-the-Maker took the field slipping silently beside Hunger, absorbing and refining the Maiden's Nullity which had incapacitated his arm and Blade. She allowed her new form to be lacerated by his murderous light, offering Mirellyian blood to its eponymous Halo. Already he could feel his Praxis well restored, and soon filled to overflowing. Though badly wounded still, his stamina now would not flag even if the battle drew long. The vigor of his fearsome opening strikes could be repeated with a fury.

He cut.

Like a ribbon before shears the universe parted, Maiden and burgeoning coalescence within easy reach once more. The iridescent sheen of her singularity stymied him - raw strength skittering without purchase against impossible sleekness - but the unbridled offensive of a second full sword-stroke tore headlong through.

The Maiden fled, barriers of ineffable reality cracking like a cosmic eggshell before that obliterating strength, light laced crimson exposing the naked truth: that all things could but yield before the Forebear of Dynasties, whose might was force wedded to oppression inextricably.

Thereby the contest of dominion began also to shift, Foremost runes in a constellation about Gisena shaping ambient findross into a form more pleasing to them. In time that battle also would tip in their favor. Hunger no longer had to overcome, merely endure, the final frenzied attentions of the Maiden's setting sun.

For a moment his foe at last appeared disoriented, lashing out with an array of tactics seemingly desperate and ill-considered. From Gisena she sought to strip the Sorcery of her core arsenal, as was her right as progenitor; but the refutation of Nullity was absolute - for Catherine was Maiden not mother, and what else was there to say? Then at the Human Sphere came the hurled nucleus of her nascent coalescence, unstable complexion rippling with prismatic flux; but a resurgent Aobaru gamely intercepted once more, answering light with heat in explosive frisson that projected outwards and sideways to leave the realm unscathed.

Hunger's onslaught the Maiden parried with a spear of silent purity, its aura a physical ache like the unicorn gleam of sunrise upon silver. Shedding Sky and flesh he plunged through its presence; teeth of that maelstrom stripping muscle from bone, bathing him in his own lifeblood like some self-churning abattoir. Nonetheless a single stroke of his Blade cleaved through her weapon and into its mistress behind.

Against Tyranny given form, innocence was as worthless a shelter as dignity.


The Forebear of Dynasties.

In faraway eons before her birth he had bestrode the greater cosmos as tyrant unflinching; at his fall infinite multitudes had rejoiced, free at last of his iron stranglehold. At its best his reign was a gilded cage; at its worst, ruin everlasting.

Hark his approach which is unrelenting conquest. All who resist are plunged into war. The implement of his strife is unmerciful Hunger. And upon his advent, he brings only death.

Few lived now who remembered the Forebear at his height, the terror-transcending helplessness of his merest advance. If she failed here, then that was the fate of this and every realm in all the far-flung ontologies within his illimitable span. He was an instrument with only one purpose.

It was almost admirable, his absolute purity of will. She was not without sympathy to his nature; one could hardly emerge from the Procession of Worlds as anything less, and none but he had ever broken free. Yet he had bought his liberty by becoming an oppressor just as inescapable.

Nothing of his past could change their diametrical opposition.

Would that she were only more capable of prosecuting it.

The Maiden's silver spear, product of uncountable ages, as far beyond the Archsmith's hammer as the dawn sun was to candlelight - still had broken before Lord Hunger's reckless power, the all-severing Cut his Blood Halo embodied. That she had flensed the flesh from his tattered frame in recompense was small consolation.

To a lesser being such would be a thousandfold mortal wounds; shrapnel like a spray of stars glinting and slicing through his bloody remains - but the will that animated Lord Hunger was far beyond such petty destructions. He would persist, even lessened, and she would perish.

The Maiden was prodigious, but she was no Genius. Despite her luxury of infinite time, Gisena Allria had already in some aspects surpassed her.

Even within the Foremost, there could be a first among equals.

But even a genius was not without her own weaknesses. For she to whom all things came easily, it was only natural to witness a deficit in the very arena of her lord's strength: the mettle which obtained only from true adversity. The determination to prevail that both Maiden and Tyrant embodied wholly - that, Gisena lacked. And so it was difficult, for one less invested, to predict the actions of those so unstoppably driven.

Though her hopes were at a close, Catherine's will did not falter. Her flesh could fail, her spear could fail, her Grace could fail, the day could fail, yet it was not in her to fail.

Perhaps all the Foremost had shattered themselves in pursuit of such unyielding principle. How could they do otherwise, in the face of a world that scorned their ideals? And so the Maiden followed the path of her forebears.

Even as Hunger closed in for the mortal stroke, even as the Forebear's Blade split her in twain, she heaved the angular blades of her forearm-bones forward into a blow that spent everything of her self. Pressed by the momentum of his own unstoppable charge, he had no time to evade - could scarcely even perceive - her final counter-thrust, aimed to pierce through the very core of his being.

This all she shattered on victory's altar - victory though none to see it; victory no matter the cost; for all that mattered was Tyrant felled, even ere the heavens fall - and struck true.

His heart, savaged by earlier injuries, was thereby impaled; cored from his body like a pitted peach, and with her strike came obliteration so utter that there was no hope whatsoever for recovery. Liberty and tyranny matched essence to essence in mutual annihilation, eradicating the very nature of Lord Hunger, bleak reflection of his matrimony long ago. Till death do us part.

The halo of crimson, implement of his tyranny, would see blood spilled, but never replenished. Its forbiddance against healing was absolute. Even as Hunger fell it blazed unstoppably, hiltless blade by which he had brought her to the very edge of ruin, and which now would bring selfsame unto him. With such Blood was the tree of liberty watered. By his own tools, Lord Hunger was undone.

Of course that halo-light still sought futilely for purchase against the remnant husk of her body - there was nothing it would not cut - but not enough remained of her to be meaningfully severed. Of the Maiden now, precious little remained; scattered shards in the beautiful shape of a person, light at so perilous an ebb that the mere dark of space might see it extinguished for good.

She'd won. Gisena Allria would see this ontology well in stead, benevolence without oppression easily within her means. It was no ideal victory, but she'd never expected as such against his like.

The Maiden smiled as her eyes slid closed, preparing at long last, to rest…

And yet. Why was the Genius smirking still? That smug insufferable smile was not the triumphant cackling of one who had successfully maneuvered foe and tyrant both into mutual annihilation and could now preside unimpeded, grievously wounded or not, over the remains. It was almost gentle, full of affection for the man Catherine had irrevocably slain.

Even as she bled the Genius raised a palm, and from her outstretched hand came forth a torrent, a sea of Nullity dammed, angled to channel its force towards the circle of blinding crimson at Hunger's back. Beset by Foremost ablation the Halo of Blood fluttered, then strained, and finally tore free; like a pennant untethered by hurricane winds, light become nothingness in Nullity's smothering grasp...

Leaving behind only the Ring of Blood.

The Ring Hunger.

From Lord Hunger's corpse came forth his shade: Forebear's Blade in hand, a crimson flare upon ghostlight fingers; and the thunder of his stride was the stroke of doom.

Her eye very nearly twitched. Bait her into the Shattering Blow, then annul his own Halo that he might return - lessened, but not nearly so far as she. Already in her mind she could hear his tiresome refrain, age and treachery and all that...

So be it.

She, too, had one final card to play. One that even the Genius would patently dislike. What age and treachery could never offer, the Maiden had already secreted away.

Tyranny could not be negotiated with, save that you possessed its true desire.

"Your wife."

Hunger raised a single eyebrow, but did not break stride.

"Through my mantle she could be returned to life. In truth and utterly. Without provoking the intervention of those who forged the Forebear of Dynasties. Your child as well."

The nature of innocence was this: when she spoke a lie, her interlocutors knew it for a lie; and so too when she spoke the truth.

He scoffed. "You would inhabit her as you do this current vessel?"

"No." She shook her head. "To return her would require more than all that remains of me. But your Crowning Curse has already promised its aid. Catherine would thereafter be Foremost, and myself a mere part of her. It would not be possible were her nature not already aligned with mine. You already know, better than any, how small a change that would be."

Grimly he smiled then, blade aloft. "What do you want?"

If one wife, one child, could matter so much to him, he who had raised Dynasties beyond number and seen them fall to ash… then he was not yet lost to the past, as he had once been lost to the long march of his Procession.

He was, as yet, more than an echo of the Forebear.

"The price of my hand?" She replied, returning his smile with her own. "A simple transaction. Take up a portion of my values, and proliferate them by your reign. Worry not. What I intend to request, even you will find reasonable."

The blade did not lower, but Hunger spoke. "...And here I had thought our differences irreconcilable."

Her smile grew rueful. "Marriage is about compromise, after all."


This is the final vote of A Simple Transaction I. After 169 threadmarks, the end is finally nigh! A deep and heartfelt thanks to all of my readers - without you, there would be no Lord Hunger, no Gisena or Letrizia, no Aeira or Adorie, and no story of theirs to conclude.

Aobaru would of course always have existed.

[ ] Vengeance - Carry on, O Forebear of Dynasties. You have debts yet to pay. A debt of gratitude to your patron, who rescued you from your lowest point; and a debt of the sword to the Hidden Ones, who brought you there. Cut through, even she who you cannot bear to cut.

*Pass the final test. Become the Forebear of Dynasties in truth. You are no mere lord; your vice no mere hunger: you are he who was King once, and is now King again.
*+++++Gisena, +++Haeliel, ++Accursed Favor. Happiness is lighter than a feather; duty is heavier than eons.
*The Forebear, naturally, gains the power of every non-contradictory advancement of the Forebear's Blade hence offered, including the Inheritance Heroic Advancement. He retains Blood Halo, after working to restore it; for Hunger is the Forebear no less than the reverse. As his reign and onslaught commence, Devouring War will mitigate a progressively greater portion of the Decimator's Affliction. If the Forebear's standard shall be a pennant of blood, then the future will know only war.
*There's a chance, not even that remote, that the Forebear returned will one day be capable of lifting the Doom of Tyranny from the Accursed's shoulders, and realize his vengeance against the Hidden Ones. After all, it was no less than he who broke free of the Bleak Procession by strength alone. If successful, then by definition he would be a High Cursebearer - capable of performing an act relevant to the Accursed himself.
*Do your part to hasten the Victorious World!

You see now the self-same machinations behind the evil that set you first upon the Procession of Worlds and then your doomed mortal life. Resigned to tyranny you may be, but it need not be so for the Accursed; and if you should reach heights sufficient to extirpate the Forebear's curse from him then the victorious world will be all the closer.

As you chose in the beginning, so too now do you choose, with knowledge fully realized: not a life of joyful frivolity for the Forebear of Dynasties, for that is neither his gift nor his burden. Only the forward march, into sorrow, into greatness, into the terror and dusk; for none can bear it better than him, and he brings not peace but a sword.

Tremble, you ones in high places, who wreathed in shadows thought yourselves invincible. The Forebear of Dynasties is returned in full, and the fall of his blade is your ruin come at last.

[ ] Freedom - "Once you prescribed to pay me back for the powers I had imparted on you. Do me this favor, old foe: rest. Let me never again be forced to take up arms against you...

…It was a difficult enough fight the first time."

*++++++++++True Catherine, +++++Hunger's Kid, ++++++++++Accursed Favor.
*Hunger will structure this and his future reign so as to limit the scope and severity of potential tyranny, installing safeguards against the grossest theoretical abuses of power.
*De-commissions Novakhron for some future hero to wield.
*The Apocryphal Curse will depart as Hunger relinquishes his command over the Lathe of Heaven. Hunger will remain a Combat-type Cursebearer with all his other Curses. For one such as he, of course, such a burden hardly counts as adversity. That's fine. Some endings are interesting enough to not be worth perturbing with future drama.
*Rest, Lord Hunger. Even the wildest of journeys will eventually seek a conclusion; rejoice that yours was a happy one.

Lay down your sword, tyrant of tyrants. The Forebear of Dynasties is past. You are not he, consigned to ruin in every word and every deed. It is not his sword by which you chose to be named, but the Ring. Perhaps you see now that the only king your blade aloft would murder was ever and only the wielder. Take what you have earned and find your sunset land, your quiet idyllic realm somewhere between dawn and evening: and for once in your life, be happy.

Who is to say that you will be disbarred from adventure forever? No, let it simply be that the adventures to come, come about by your choosing - by your will and hand, not some unending procession curated by those on high.

The era may arise when strife and wickedness again engulf the land, crying out for a hero; but it is not this era. The day may come when you must once more take up your blade; but it is not this day. The hour of destiny's summons may yet alight upon your shoulders, but it is not this hour.

Rest, O hero.

At long, long last, your dalliance of a season has come to an end.
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Epic of the Foremost Realms I
Epic of the Foremost Realms I

One day, going about your ordinary affairs, you stumble into an inexplicable moment of grace. As if the world entire stills to catch breath, exhalation halted like the flush of chill upon newly-frosted glass. An impossible portent divides you from physicality. The world beside remains, but… not so relevant. How small, you realize; and how fleeting, were those mortal affairs -

- As if you could dismiss the entirety of your prior experience with the same ease your ordinary self could adapt to color-blindness. No trivial blow, yet far from earth-shattering.

What shatters you comes after. Turning to observe the fullness of the moment you find yourself immersed in, you


All of a sudden you know. Like a dream whose fleeting vagaries you had struggled desperately to grasp, revisited wholly in the unblinking clarity of day. A memory, a paradigm, <a way reality could be> - lost so irretrievably you hadn't even realized you'd forgotten. Thunderstruck and fallen to your knees, nonetheless you smile.

For the knowledge of your forebears has returned to you at last.

[ ] Remain Here - Here, in the expanse of the blind, where the one-eyed man may be king. Or perhaps you cannot bear to be separated from those you yet care for. There is no shame in a simpler existence; many might consider it the wiser path. Glorious as the Foremost are, their Fate is frozen and inevitable, an inescapable consequence of their chosen allegiance.

Your budget: 5 Recollection Tokens and 1 Transcendent Insight. You may purchase higher-tier attainments without their preceding levels.

*Sharply limits the effects of the powers you may obtain, at least compared to the next option. Though against mortal armies your capabilities will be formidable still. Better a frog in a well than a comet hurtling endlessly through unfamiliar skies.
*Far safer and more familiar, and you'll still be able to interact with everyone you know!

[ ] Take the Plunge - Embrace the reality of your impossible predecessors. Grasp wholly this conjunction which is orthogonal to time, untethered from destiny - this fractal unwinding deeper than meaning and farther than eons, Count yourself among those numberless worthies who in their hubris and majesty declared themselves, Foremost.

Your budget: 15 Recollection Tokens and 10 Transcendent Insights. A solid foundation is necessary to ascend higher: you must purchase every level of an attainment in sequence, starting from the lowest.

*Adventure and peril await in equal measure. And, of course - power beyond the reckoning of mortal minds.
*You shall never visit this realm again. Even if you could, the presence of your merest embryonic shell would shatter this reality beyond the vaguest hint of recovery.

This CYOA uses a scaled Attribute system to concisely outline the differences between options. All Attribute +s improve upon your existing baseline. This system is different from Hunger's own.

*At low levels, a single + represents a moderate improvement, similar to "+2 Dexterity" in D&D or an "Attribute Dot" in Exalted.
*Five +s, or +++++, suffices to elevate a helpless infant into a peak human within that Attribute's purview.
*Ten +s is solidly within the superhuman range: the strength of a giant, tenfold human swiftness, the optimized collective wisdom of a hundred generations. Most street-level superheroes and veteran adventurers operate at or below this level.

-- Above 10 +s, Attributes scale rapidly. --​

*Fifteen +s is massively superhuman: city-rupturing strength, hundredfold human swiftness, manipulation so prescient it substitutes for mind control. A few such Attributes would allow one to serve as an epic adventurer or moderately powerful member of the Justice League.
*Twenty-five +s borders on the iconic and mythical: The strength of Doomsday, the swiftness of the Flash, the genius of Brainiac. Wisdom sufficient to master any domain of human endeavor to perfection within physical constraints. Reflexes so sharp that, when focused, time appears to stand utterly still. Beauty sufficient to slay mortals - or wholly overwrite their sense of meaning and value - in a single glance. Several such Attributes would allow one to overturn entire pantheons - classical ones such as the Aesir, or modern ones like the (average showing) Avengers - without much chance of failure. Embryonic Foremost operate at or somewhat below this level.
*Fifty +s is the level of an adolescent Foremost and near the limit of what can be sanely acquired here. Conceptually infinite might, limitless and perfect invulnerability, willpower sufficient to replicate or nullify the effects of Astral Rank 15, quickness that outruns logic and consequence. The greatest outlier feats of superheroes and villains are casual efforts for one with such Attributes, and the breadth of their remit may allow them to obsolete a few other Attributes of lower level.
*One hundred +s represents a mature Foremost. A being with every such Attribute could operate as peer to Lord Hunger or The Maiden - unmaking or creating infinite multiverses with trivial ease is the least of their unopposed capabilities. When such beings war, entire continuums of conceptual and dimensional space spanning countless layers of abstraction and elevation in all ontological directions do perish. Their incidental attacks may annihilate a greater swath of reality-space than the sum total of all realities even theoretically conceivable by human minds, and the fruit of their concerted efforts almost literally unthinkable.


Here, spend your Tokens and Insights on attainments, steps on the stairway towards Foremost maturity.

I. The Shogun
The attainments of the Shogun reflect talent untamed; in the crucible of discipline they become true strength.

[ ] Shogun: Harm Cognition [First, 1 Token] - Gain a instinctive sense for incoming harm; at first nothing but a vague directional impulse of imminent physical injury, but with long practice the nuances of the impression can be carefully teased-out with greater range and fidelity.

At its apex this is a nigh-infallible intuition capable of perceiving all forms of negative influence: their origins, their headings; down to the very details of their methodologies.

[ ] Shogun: Honing the Mind [Second, 2 Tokens] - The acuity of all your senses, ordinary and supernatural, is improved five-fold. This carries no risk of disorientation or inconvenience from excessive sensory inputs, but holistically expands your capacity to enjoy and experience the world. You may choose not to feel pain as an aversive stimulus, merely an intense but valence-neutral indicator of injury that informs without distracting unduly.

*Furthermore, you may via diligent training exceed the current limits of your mind, improving Intelligence by up to ++, and Wits and Wisdom by up to +++++. This process takes years to decades of great effort.
*Competent mentorship by a being of vastly greater ability can improve these limits by ++ each.

[ ] Shogun: Honing the Form [Third, 5 Tokens or 1 Insight] - Your body is elevated to the theoretical apex of human martial ability; you are as strong, as fast, as durable, as kinesthetically gifted, etc as an unaugmented human can be.

You may slowly shapeshift as you please within the bounds of humanity; complete revision may take as long as three months, while modest alterations to one's face or bone structure can be achieved within a day. You heal rapidly and flawlessly from even a single intact atom, recovering even from complete incineration within half an hour; this grants nigh-immunity to pathogens, toxins and aging.

*Grants +++++Strength, Constitution, Agility, Wits, and Appearance (optional).
*Regeneration operates independently of your Constitution stat.

[ ] Shogun: The Blade [Fourth, 3+ Insights] - What legendary warrior would be complete without a weapon of equal distinction?

You acquire a jian, saber, katana, wakizashi, or nodachi forged of your own blood, marrow and supernal essence. It possesses one of the Titles below, plus one for each additional Insight spent on this Attainment, up to 5 Titles total.

[Faultless] - Indestructible, perfectly balanced, effectively weightless in motion yet with substantial heft upon collision, capable of parting any physical material without resistance, and of harming supernal existences just as easily.

Training with the weapon, one may learn to sever instances within the Realm of Forms; ten million repetitions might allow one to cut wounds out of one's body, leaving the physique unharmed; ten trillion and one might sever one's identity from form to become unrecognizable no matter the infamy of one's deeds.

*Qualities of the Blade are ISH 3.9 if contested.
*The faultless path is arduous. Each conceptual severing must be practiced separately, and requires a small degree of upkeep to maintain.

[Fearless] - Only those possessed of power and skill may stride forth without fear. Distribute 20 +s among your Strength, Constitution, Agility and Wits. Distribute 5 +s among your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Willpower.

*It is advisable not to allow your Strength to substantially exceed your Constitution. Imbalance in such a direction can easily lead to self-destruction. Similarly, your Agility and Wits.
*You don't need to wield the blade, merely have it on your person, in order to benefit from these Attributes.

[Fortress] - Your blade is a nascent Armament, flawless core around which an elysian shell of star-spun blood and findross will someday accumulate into a juggernaut capable of godlike destruction. At present it possesses Rank 7.5 and one power unique to its burgeoning Shroud on the level of a high-tier Sorcerous Grace. At this stage, employing its Shroud is an immensely exhausting act.

*You may use one of Seram's real or theoretical Graces (save Hyper Reactor) as your Shroud effect, or design a custom effect that is moderately weaker.
*Unaided your Blade will emerge as a fully realized Armament within a millennium, but your active participation in its construction can hasten that to years or even months. As it grows its Rank and Shroud efficacy will improve.

[Fulcrum] - When placed properly, your blade is the lever by which worlds and empires are overturned.

*If you possess Shogun: Harm Cognition, receive ++Mental Attributes and massively upgrade your initial speed of attunement to your danger sense; even as a baseline human you would reach Tetsu Shinichiro's level within minutes of sustained combat. This similarly advances your speed of progression in the art of the Faultless Blade; adept Severing is a matter of a single war to the knife.
*If you possess Shogun: Honing the Mind, receive +++++Wits and Willpower and upgrade the Fortress Title: its Shroud effect now equals one of Seram's Graces even customized, or combines two of his Graces in synergistic fashion.
For example, fusing Archsmith's Hammer and Evoker's Panoply would allow for the creation of utility objects the Hammer alone would struggle to fashion, while Inner Sanctum and Auspice Temporal would permit a weak but general form of spacetime manipulation on top of their existing benefits.
*If you possess Shogun: Honing the Form, receive an additional ++ to each of the Attributes it affects, and upgrade the Fearless Title: you may now merge Strength and Constitution into Might, or Agility and Wits into Grace. Use the higher of the component Attributes to determine the + value of the merged one.

[Foremost] - Your blade is forged of pure crystallized findross mated to your essential nature. It is considered part of your person whenever that would be convenient: it benefits from your regeneration, can be regrown from out of your palm, confers full benefits of its Rank, etc. Furthermore, this enormously amplifies the other powers available to it.

*A Faultless blade may advance a general skill of Severing that at its highest rivals freeform conceptual deletion. A Faultless blade's ISH elevation may now be slowly improved with training.
*A Fearless blade now distributes 50 +s in total, but no more than 10 to any single Attribute.
*A Fortress blade now starts at Rank 9 and may use its Shroud effect with only moderate exertion. Its power when fully mature approaches that of Novakhron himself.

[ ] Shogun: Unsetting Sun [Fifth, 5 Insights] - You are peer to the Shogun, at least in the martial realm - invincible and undefeated in war.

It is absurdly, almost inconceivably difficult to harm you within any context that might even remotely be considered a conflict; or by any physical means whatsoever. If you suffer any sort of internal conflict at all, this is active essentially all of the time. What cannot be withstood you will evade; what cannot be avoided you can endure. Fate, your attributes, your skills and strategies, and all other conceivable factors converge towards a brute and overwhelming unassailability without weakness or flaw.

When this effect intercepts an attack of significant strength, the Emblem of the Shogun appears behind you for several seconds: A blood-crimson sun tasseled by ribbons of heat-haze, rippling like a battle-standard in the eastern wind. During this time, all forces under your command share in your invincibility: those present made impervious, the maimed restored, and even the slain revivified for precious moments to share in the valor of your counter-charge.

*An ordinary human with this attainment could withstand a supernova point-blank with only minor burns and bruising.
*This protection scales to you. As an embryonic Foremost, you would be as difficult to harm as an adolescent; as an adolescent, one fully mature. Any assault which is not ludicrously greater than you will fail in the face of the Unsetting Sun.
*If you one day become a mature Foremost, the strength of this effect will be comparable to the Maiden's Flower of Victory.

Essentially you possess the inverse of the Forebidding drawback - see A Simple Transaction I Original

II. The Arcanist
The attainments of the Arcanist reflect power at a price. Her means are vast and her ways inscrutable, but the unfurling of her art is inherently bound by constraint; by scribing a Rune, one also defines what it is not.

[ ] Arcanist: Imago [First, 2 Tokens] - Perfection in mind and in form, with the hubris to match. To some, the Rune of the Mantle may be a poison chalice; to others, a holy grail.

You may alter your natural hair color to any hue, so long as it is neon or pastel. You may alter your natural eye color to any hue, so long as it is bright emerald green.

*Gain ++Intelligence, Wits, Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance: an infusion of talent sufficient to turn the average human into a respectable polymath; or the already gifted, an epochal genius.
*Suffer -Wisdom, and a 50% penalty to all Wisdom +s applied after other factors. For example, if you received fifty Wisdom +s from all sources combined, then your Wisdom would operate at the twenty-five + level.
*Receive the Imago Bonus to further Attainments of the Arcanist.

[ ] Arcanist: Servitor Call [Second, 3 Tokens] - The dreary labor of eons need not muddle your focus; that is the province of lesser minds. Via the invocation of the Summoning Rune, you may call forth a potent singular ally, one who is devotedly loyal and tirelessly obedient.

*Your servitor has the physical, mental and social parameters you specify, up to the +++++ level in all Attributes. Human or near-human forms are acceptable.
*You may specify in great detail or simply outline the generalities; the Rune will perfectly interpret your intent to the limits of its power - "A buff master musician," "A gunslinging gyaru elf," "As close a copy of <fictional character> as can be made."
*You may dismiss and re-summon your Servitor once per week. The Rune will not summon allies that are less than devotedly loyal, even should you wish their disposition to be otherwise.
*If you chose to enter the Foremost realms, you may use this to bring along one individual from your mundane world, and optionally elevate them to the +++++ level in all Attributes. If they were not already devotedly loyal to you, this will make them so, for better or worse.
*Imago Bonus: Your Servitor gains ++ Intelligence, Wits, Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance. This may break their normal Attribute cap.

[ ] Arcanist: Lower Arcana [Third, 2 Insights] - A collection of Runic cantrips; to the Arcanist, they are little more than curiosities more valuable for instructional purposes than any serious venture. Yet they form a solid and elegant foundation for greater magics. Unopposed, they may well suffice to shape the direction of entire worlds.

*Receive access to the following Runes. You may use each only once per day.
*Imago Bonus: You instead have an innate sorcerous well from which you may deploy these Runes at will. Each use consumes 1 Capacity; the well has 10 Capacity total and regenerates 1 every two hours.

*Empyreal Rune: Summons devastating bolts of fantastical lightning and fire to scour the battlefield. Capable of razing a city block, or reducing a dozen Abrams tanks to ash. Knowledge of this Rune renders you immune to thermal and electromagnetic sources of harm.
*Command Rune: Making eye contact with an individual whose Intelligence does not greatly exceed yours, alter their memories of the last month in any way you wish. Even outrageous and incongruous events will be rationalized and incorporated into their identity.
*Permeation Rune: Become selectively invisible and intangible, phasing through and unharmed by any form of matter or energy that would inconvenience you to interact with. Fly at mach speeds with hummingbird maneuverability. Duration: one hour.
*Warding Rune: Creates a man-sized seal of pulsating sigils which repels entities, forces, materials and attention. Mortals will blot the general area from memory and instinctively avoid it; artillery rounds will bounce off. You may selectively permit entities to perceive and bypass it. Wholly effective against effects on the level of the Empyreal Rune or below; proportionally less so against greater powers. Duration: Twenty-four hours or until dismissed.
*Mentation Rune: Allows perfect eight-way multitasking, grants +++Mental Attributes, and nullifies any %-based penalties to your mental Attributes. Exhausts you after use. Duration: one hour.

[ ] Arcanist: High Arcana [Fourth, 3 Insights] - The core of the Arcanist's art: that which compresses intent and ability into structure; structure so elegant that reality reshapes to accommodate it, and thereby yields to one's envisioned intent. Speak ill of the Arcanist if you must; yet at its core her profession is the creation of beauty: beauty so sublime one could almost mistake it for Grace.

*Receive access to three of the higher-order Runes, which may be used to alter and enhance your existing array.
*Imago Bonus: Treat your Intelligence as ten +s higher for purposes of employing, studying, or discovering Foremost Runes.

*Augmentation Rune: May be freely applied to increase the power and conceptual elevation of a Rune (or Sequence) to a level commensurate with your overall Intelligence. Doesn't work on Runes that themselves improve your Attributes.

For example, if you had 25 Intelligence +s:
-The Rune of the Mantle and Mentation Rune wouldn't be affected.
-The Summoning Rune might conjure a being with All Attributes save Luck and Protection at 20 +s, or a specialist with Physical Attributes at 25 +s, Mental Attributes at 20 +s, and Social Attributes at 15 +s… etc.
-The Empyreal Rune might unleash world-ravaging destruction on the level of Ragnarok.
-The Command Rune might alter up to seven decade's worth of memories for every mortal in South America.
-The Permeation Rune might grant relativistic flight and immunity to low- and mid-tier supernatural and conceptual attacks.

*Conjunction Rune: Basic Runes are the buildings blocks of higher arcana. By applying the Conjunction Rune to a sequence of Runic invocations, one can access a myriad of conceptually interlinked effects. Conjunctional Arrays consume an amount of Capacity equal to the square of the number of underlying runes in the sequence: 4 Capacity for a 2-Rune Sequence, 9 for a 3-Rune, etc. If you lack Capacity, they are proportionally exhausting in a way that magic cannot alleviate: moderately for a 2-Rune; incredibly for a 3-Rune.

-Sequence of Empyreal Command: A torrent of galvanic energies that ravage the mind (and Astral entities) while leaving the corpus unharmed. Massively lowers targets' resistance to mental effects for several minutes.
-Sequence of Commanding Mentation: Allows one to arbitrarily adjust the memories, personality and Mental Attributes of the target by up to three +++s in any direction, but said Attributes may not exceed your own.
-Sequence of Warding Permeation: Seals a room-sized area into a pocket dimension.
-Sequence of Empyreal Permeation: Teleports the caster and up five targets to any location within a light-year.
-Sequence of Empyreal Summons: The summoned entity may unleash attacks on par with the Empyreal Rune, and defend from attacks of that power, with moderate exertion.

*Harmonics Rune: Opens the mind to higher-level resonances, allowing for the independent discovery of new Runes and the creation of Sequences thereof. With fifteen Intelligence and five Wits +s, a custom cantrip-level Rune can be discovered in about a year, and a higher-level Rune in three millennia. Specifying the broad purpose of a Rune (crop growth, metal manipulation, +APP boost) is much easier than delineating exact effects (A Rune that creates golem-statues of famous Presidents), and Runes that directly improve Attributes tend to hard cap around the +25 - +40 level. Should you lack Capacity, you may only use each Rune once per day.

-Elemental Rune: Create and/or command a large (forest fire, 50-foot tidal wave) volume of one of the five classical elements, moulding and moving it as if it were a body under your control with Physical Attributes equal to your [Intelligence - 2], and altering its intensity by up to 100% in either direction. Duration: Fifteen minutes.
-Temporal Rune: You or a person you touch gains +++++Agility and Wits. No effect past 35 +s for either. Duration: One hour.
-Dream Rune: Create photorealistic illusions commanding up to four of the five senses (you decide) in an area the size of a stadium. Duration: Eight hours.
-Aberrant Rune (High): Infuse lesser Runes permanently into another individual, wiping said Runes from your essence and memory, to transform that individual into a unique monstrosity with fantastical abilities and great potential for advancement. Monstrosities are instinctually bound to protect and obey you and tend to possess powers that are resistant to dispellation or wholly orthogonal to magic. When mature they can be harvested for a wealth of specially attuned findross, granting the Capacity for truly epic Sequences. (Ex. A Simple Transaction Original)
-Disjunction Rune (High): Splits a Rune into more foundational elements (Elemental -> Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Void) with greater, more focused effect and more granularity in Conjunction. Can also be used to counter almost any magics of lesser power than the caster's.

[ ] Arcanist: Glory Unto the Maker [Fifth, 10 Tokens and 5 Insights] - The hammerblow of dearly-bought power that forges numismatic Art into unyielding Science; the crowning and pitiless surety of self that sculpts man into Maker at last.

For each sacrifice selected, choose one Emblem Rune.
Imago Bonus: Choose an additional Emblem Rune for free.

*Sacrifice: Camaraderie - Your Wisdom penalty and associated effects now apply to your Charisma; you may have puppets or slaves, but equals will rarely consort with you.
*Sacrifice: Restraint - You employ and explore your magics with reckless disregard for temporal affairs. What does it matter that a thousand peons die to fuel the maturation of your abattoir engine? Do these ingrates lack the vision to understand the meagerness of their sacrifice in the face of your research... You may instead courageously disregard your own safety and take these costs upon your own body; surely bleeding yourself to the very precipice is a small price to pay for that nugget of data! In this case, only an enormously potent defensive Emblem or similar will reliably safeguard you in the face of your own mad ambition. Regardless, your Wisdom penalty is now -90% and your total +Wisdom after all factors is capped at +++

*Emblem: Perfection - You receive +++++++All Attributes, and increase the Attribute caps on buffing Runes by that amount. For example, the Temporal Rune now provides benefits up to 42 Agility +s instead of capping at 35 +s.
*Emblem: Exalted - You receive fifteen Intelligence, Wits, and Agility +s. You may use your Intelligence in place of your Charisma when intimidating others.
*Emblem: Mastery - Your Capacity increases by 50, with proportionally greater regeneration, and may be improved with training. You receive deep expertise and familiarity with all your powers on both an instinctual and theoretical level, as if you had spent ten years of diligent, focused and productive effort exploring each Attainment and any notable interactions thereof. Should you possess the Harmonics Rune, you may begin with any of the example cantrips listed within. This counts as real training for purposes of effects like Honing the Mind, etc; you are just that good.
*Emblem: Savant - Select one Rune to act as your Signature; its magnitude and versatility are amplified to incredible heights. May be taken multiple times. Examples:

-Temporal Rune: With a single casting, you may stop time for up to a day (you may move, act and interact with objects and people; sufficiently powerful entities may do the same), create a temporal chamber the size of a small city with acceleration factor up to 100x, age any mortal object into ruin or oblivion, counter the effects of enemy time travel or temporal manipulation, or bind an atemporal being (or set of beings whose total power does not exceed yours) to conventional spacetime. Attribute bonus tripled, cap increased to <Your Intelligence>.
-Summoning Rune: Your Servitor gains a host of supernatural abilities of breadth and power only modestly lower than yours, which amplify your strengths and cover for your weaknesses when used intelligently.
-Augmentation Rune: Such is your economy of power and fineness of control that you may cast at only 1/10,000th the cost of your peers. Cantrips now cost .0001 Capacity or may be deployed up to 10,000 times a day. 2- and 3-Rune Sequences are likewise discounted.

III. The Surgeon
Boldness in demeanor and action is the nature of the Surgeon; he who dares not, will never muster the wherewithal to cut! This is not the nuanced, harm-minimizing gentility of contemporary medicine, but the absinthe-and-hacksaw heroism of a man-carving, blood-splattered, bygone age. Take heart, you cigar-chomping intrepids, you monsters of nostalgia and toxic flame, for all along your Hero was none less than Dien Bravo!

[ ] Surgeon: Away! [First, 2 Tokens] - Better to carve off the limb than let a wound fester and succumb to gangrene! So it is as well with matters of the spirit.

*Gain +++Strength and Constitution. If desired, the efficacy of your in-person medical interventions now scales solely to your Strength.
*Your physical attacks may now carve away mental and spiritual aspects of the target proportional to the volume of their body removed.
*Now your badly beaten opponents can be made literally to see the righteousness of your obviously superior ideology. Let defeat at your hands equal friendship everlasting, as you excise every part of your foe you might find wanting!
*This may be applied to yourself in order to temporarily or permanently remove mental patterns Dien Bravo would disapprove of: cowardice, weakness, hesitation and so on. If you permanently excise at least half of all mental patterns the Surgeon would disapprove of, gain +All Attributes as your underlying heroic nature shines forth!

[ ] Surgeon: Engineer [Second, 5 Tokens] - Only a master of his Science could be entrusted to split open the living proto-carcasses of his peers to perform arbitrary interventions within! And so, you are.

*Choose a domain of breadth similar to Biology, Robotics or Chemistry. You are a true master of your domain; boundless in knowledge and dextrous in practice, capable of feats bordering on the superhuman and absurd.
*If you chose Biology, you would be able to successfully perform operations on the level of a whole-brain transfer with great safety, materially raise the IQ of a test subject by one standard deviation, or make actually functional penis- and breast-enlargement pills. You could give yourself a heart transplant, or transfer someone's erogenous zones to their spleen! Once on the operating table, there's almost no mortal you could not save, or bend to your designs.
*This effect scales slowly to your overall Attributes; a being on the level of an adolescent Foremost would, given a few years, be able to perform feats of biological augmentation that are boundary-pushing even for entities of that tier.

[ ] Surgeon: Seize the Day [Third, 1 Insight] - And yet the dross of mere technical mastery is but a means to an end, fuel for the fire that is GREATNESS!

*Gain Rank commensurate to your abilities and station. If you possess the first two Attainments of the Surgeon, this will grant you at least Rank 3.5, sufficient to overpower most worldly objections by sheer force of selfhood, and grant you a significant edge in contests of true import. This effect automatically updates as your Attributes and capabilities improve.
*You may also improve your Rank over time by performing acts of worthy endeavor, vast notoriety, or both. There's no theoretical upper limit, just as there's no limit to greatness itself!

[ ] Surgeon: Brains & Brawn [Fourth, 3 Insights] - Only the irresolute settle for an incomplete self, partial attainment of one's potential. The truly wise Hero understands that boundless vigor and avarice for life arises from the pursuit of excellence in every endeavor! While one's talents may be uneven, and efforts expended justifiably so, it does not do to wholly neglect even a single arena where life offers up its smorgasboard of joyful and bitter experiences!

Gain +++++Strength, Constitution, Agility, Wits, Wisdom, Willpower and Intelligence. Choose one of three Attributes to favor:

*Favored Strength: Raw power in main strength and medical aptitude. Gain 10 additional Strength and Constitution +s. Your refined butchery shall be the stuff of legends! This is not the shameful path of muscle wizardry, but the broad unflinching boulevard of muscle science!

*Favored Dexterity: A sub-set of Agility dealing with fine control and coordination but not raw speed or reflexes. Gain 10 additional Dexterity +s, which stack atop your Agility as baseline. You may choose to narrow your Engineer domain into a specific Specialization. This lessens its breadth but greatly improves its scaling speed and efficiency.

For example, you could narrow the Biology domain into the Surgery Specialization, or the Physics Domain into the Energy Weapons specialization. By doing so, your skills therein will scale to your Dexterity instead of your composite Attributes, and require mere instants (rather than years) of study to reach their new potential. The sheer prowess of your craft suffices to overcome any and all hurdles of ignorance, weakness or insufficient material!

*Favored Willpower: When all else falters, sheer determination wins through. Gain 10 additional Willpower +s and +1.5 Rank as a final modifier after all others. For example, if Seize the Day judged that your Rank based on Attributes alone was 7, and you earned an additional 0.5 Rank through heroic feats, your final Rank would be treated as 7 + 0.5 + 1.5 = 9. Given how Rank scales, this could elevate a planet-conquering maverick to a galaxy-toppling scourge!

[ ] Surgeon: Bravado [Fifth, 5 Insights] - Dien Bravo never gives up. And now, neither will you.

The Emblem of Courage flares to life atop your breast, heroic resolve that burns undimming even before darkness illimitable. Should you possess the fourth Attainment of the Surgeon, the mechanical benefits of your Favored Attribute are doubled. For example, if you Favored Willpower, you would receive 20 Willpower +s and +3.0 Rank instead. You may also choose one of the following:

*The Emblem of Wisdom glows upon your palm, granting keen perspicacity, omnipresent awareness, and surpassing finesse in all your endeavors. Should you wield Astral Rank, you would attain a sublime and pioneering mastery over its gradients - capable of forcing specific actions so long as they would be appropriate to your level of Pressure; communicating with any and all beings touched by its presence, and wholly aware of the identities and parameters of those enveloped by it. Should you command biological hypertechnology, you would possess swift and adroit judgement on how best to apply that lever to maximize your chances against any foe. You may steadily improve the versatility, and decrease the costs, of any of your abilities through meditation, diligent training, and broad-ranging philosophical study. +10 Wits, +10 Dexterity, +20 Wisdom.

*The Emblem of Power erupts into being behind you, promising untrammeled might should you only feed its hunger. Once per day you may become All-Conquering, causing all your Attributes to rise to the level of your [Highest Permanent Attribute +1]. This effect overrides all penalties that are not intrinsic to your Attainments. Unless you face stupefyingly terrible odds, an activation will suffice to pull you out of any trouble as your sudden surge of Luck, Charisma, Appearance, Intelligence, Protection (and so on) exerts tremendous influence on the situation by almost every vector imaginable. Used proactively, it also suffices to conceive of and craft masterpieces far beyond your standard remit of elegance and potency.

This herculean act can be sustained for five minutes in pitched conflict, up to fifty minutes if wholly focused and unopposed. But the cost is as precipitous as the heights of power it grants: each use permanently burns an Attribute + of your choice, but said Attribute is still treated as if at its prior level for purposes of training difficulty. Should you fall in battle, suffer identity death, or simply succumb to despair, this ability will flare each and every time you are defeated, overcoming its temporal limits but increasing in cost by one additional + each time.

You may instead fuel activations with a monumental sum of findross scaling to your highest Attribute, but short of a favor from the Arcanist herself this is an impractical requirement.

Should you perform a feat that is truly extraordinary even by Heroic standards, such as defeating the Forebear Reborn with only the capabilities of an infinitely-diminished shard of your true self, you may find the un-chosen Emblem also welling up from within, having deemed you worthy at last.

IV. The Egotist
Through unceasing inward focus, the Egotist attains mastery of the self - which emanates outwards to command mastery of the group, mastery of the world, and ever-greater masteries unceasing. Immense versatility and potential unbound would be at his fingertips, if he ever got over himself. The course of these Advancements reflect his path of growth.

[ ] Egotist: Strive [First, 2 Tokens] - The masterful finesse and stalwart reserve of the ithilyor propel great initial results: that low-hanging fruit which intentionality alone suffices to pluck.

*Distribute five +s among the Attributes of your choice, save for Intelligence, Charisma or Strength.

[ ] Egotist: Unblinking Tempest [Second, 2 Tokens] - Sheer solipsistic selfhood by which 'is' yields to 'ought.' Deny reality to neutralize such inconveniences as 'an enemy being too fast to interact with.'

*For each of your opponents, the efficacy of their most relevant superior Attribute is greatly reduced. Should they possess overwhelming speed, it would only grant a moderate rather than decisive advantage; similarly for mind-shattering beauty, keen perspicacity or outrageous fortune.
*This applies to any contest of significant stakes.
*Might alone can contravene the Egotist's symmetrical delusion. This advancement has severely reduced efficacy against an enemy's Strength, Intelligence or Charisma.
*This is useless if one possesses overwhelming strength in every arena, such as by the Emblem of Power. A specialist's provenance, not a hero's.

[ ] Egotist: Duality [Third, 5 Tokens and 1 Insight] - Perfection of the self requires perfection of circumstance, which requires perfection of the world. Do not allow the dream of perfection to impede your path today; embrace wholeheartedly your current means with all their flaws, and push as far as you can go thereby. For your flaws, too, are part of you.

Choose one:
*Yang Path: The path of expansion like an unstinting sun; great power unfocused. After you finish your build, set all your Attributes which are lower than 10 +s to the 10+ level. This does not override drawbacks.
*Yin Path: The path of shadows which retreats from life to focus on attainment solely. Add 14 +s to any one Attribute and 7 +s to another, save for the Egotist's banned Attributes (Strength, Charisma, Intelligence). You must pay for this Advancement with Tokens from Drawbacks.
*Taiji Path: Receive the benefits of both paths. You must take the Fool's Gambit Drawback.

[ ] Egotist: Crowned Halo [Fourth, 3+ Insights] - A Halo-type Advancement. Your sublime philosophy ought not limited to yourself alone. This advancement manifests or summons an entire city-state congruent with your values, desires and methodologies; your greatness refracted now through a civilizational lens!

*The city-state is deployed around you, harmlessly (if desired) displacing those within its volume.
*Its aesthetics, governance, and particulars may be specified by you, or simply allowed to intuitively fit your personal preferences. You may rule the city-state or wield great influence in its decision-making if desired.
*This polity contains three tiers of individuals: a few elites, a standing army of experts roughly ten thousand strong, and a general population of citizens numbering in the millions.
*Elites scale to you; their top Attributes are generally 5 +s lower than yours, or 10 +s lower if their specialization is distant from yours (ex. warriors or politicians if you are a mage). Non-primary Attributes are ++ higher than the civilization's Experts. Capable lieutenants, though not your match in any direct conflict. The Superboy to your Superman, the Ebony Maw to your Thanos.
*Experts are much weaker and less capable than Elites, though still well above modern humanity; each has half your Attributes, rounded down.
*The general populace is roughly human-level to begin with, but may be uplifted with time and effort. Additionally, the civilization wields magic or technology sufficient to place them roughly on par with you in most fields of endeavour, should all its components work harmoniously.
*By default you have three elites and ten thousand experts. For each additional Insight you spend, you may choose one of the following:
-Grant all your Elites the benefits of the Highborn Advancement (++Attributes, slow but uncapped scaling), substantially reducing the gap between them and you. The civilization's combined efforts may now qualitatively exceed yours to a moderate degree.
-Increase the polity's scale by one tier (city-state -> nation state -> great empire -> planetary empire). Each purchase triples the population of elites and experts, and increases the general population by an order of magnitude. This may be taken up to three times, each time augmenting the civilization's scale of action and multitasking ability.

[ ] Egotist: Uttermost [Fifth, 5 Insights] - The Emblem of Tyranny brooks no opposition. The day may come when your hubris sees you cast down, your throne shattered, your kingdom and armies toppled, all your works returned to ash… indeed, it is very nearly inevitable given the monumental arrogance that this accession requires.

Until that day, however, you will reign. And in doing so, you will be of service to greater powers which are as-yet inestimable to you.

*You may double the benefits of either Yang or Yin Path. The former would set your Attribute minimum to the 20 +s level; the latter would grant +28/+14 in the two Attributes of your choice. You are immune to mind control and unwanted mental alterations of all kinds, including from superhuman levels of social Attributes.
*Craft a metaphysical paradigm of your liking such as magic, super-science, or psionics. You stand as font and embodiment of this system, archmaster of its every discipline with nigh-limitless energies at your command. The feats this system can accomplish at its highest levels are congruent with those of your mightiest Attributes, but may be expressed with markedly greater breadth and possess exotic or advantageous alterations within reason. This may create paradigms as diverse as Astral Rank, Exalted Charms, or the Maidengrace. Very broad and logistically convenient paradigms are typically less potent, expressed as an effective penalty to the Attributes in question. A system that attempts to encompass every humanly conceivable feat might suffer as many as seven Attributes -s, whereas there would be no penalty for one that constrains itself to the domains of Life or Space. Systems that augment existing attributes tend to be subject to the same limits, and cap out at the same thresholds, as the Foremost Runes of the Arcanist.

Utter Binding: If you possess the Doom of the Martyr, the Doom of the Tyrant, the Curse of Hubris, or the Fate of the Foremost (either version), you may triple the benefits of Yang Path instead of doubling them - set your Attribute minimum to the 30 +s level.

Example System: Cerulean Psionics
*The power level of this system is representative of a character with 20 +s in All Attributes save for Intelligence, where they possess 35 +s.
*With an exertion of mental stamina, users may substitute their Intelligence for their Strength and Constitution, and their Wits for their Agility, to perform telekinetic feats at a range scaling with their Intelligence. A novice could do so a few times per hour; a grandmaster could do so continuously for weeks.
*Users may create semi-permanent constructs of cerulean energy to serve as animate materials for the construction of a near-arbitrary range of physical structures.
*Users may permit those in contact with a Cerulean construct to establish telepathic links with each other - or with greater effort, forcibly perform feats of telepathy (mind reading, hypnosis, memory weaving and direct control) on them. More expansive control requires greater levels of mastery, with the greatest capable of full-on mental reprogramming, mind & consciousness transfer, and survival as a disembodied mind.
*By trawling the Astral Sea (or equivalent in-universe realm; the paradigm will create one if none exists), masters may reassemble the bodies and spirits of the deceased, returning them to consciousness as incorporeal minds or anchoring them to a body for full revivification.

V. The Emissary
The path of the Emissary is the path of cooperation and mutual benefit. The open palm is her sigil of choice - the greater good, her byword. In the pursuit of the latter she can be almost unreasonably charitable, yet when it is impeded her ruthlessness is as sudden as it is decisive. Still, compatriots may rest assured that, no matter the breadth of her calculus, she will never ask of them any sacrifice she would not perform herself.

[ ] Emissary: Pathos [First, 1 Tokens] - You become an empath, capable of feeling the emotions of those around you. Sufficient Willpower will be required to avoid being overtaken by such, and Wisdom to maintain your own perspective, yet this remains a potent and startlingly accurate means of social information-gathering.

*Much like the Shogun's sense for danger, this new form of perception can be trained to improve its range and fineness of discernment. In time, you could measure the populace of a city by this empathic sense alone, and unerringly track specific individuals without ever laying eyes on them.
*The Emissary will not see you ill-equipped to wield her boons. +Willpower, ++Wisdom

[ ] Emissary: Diplomatic Immunity [Second, 2 Tokens] - The reasonable are disinclined to attack you without provocation, and you are empowered to make binding compacts.

*++Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance.
*You may use the higher of your Charisma and Manipulation to defend against physical harm as though it were your Agility.
*Note that, in some realms, extremely (35+) high levels of Charisma and Appearance may achieve this innately as reality warps to defend them.
*You may seal agreements between two or more parties. Should all parties consent AND the agreement is, in your view, at least reasonably fair, then each party shall be held to the spirit of the agreement.
*Those whose total Attributes are overwhelmingly higher than yours might flout or even shatter this binding given effort.

[ ] Emissary: Highborn [Third, 5 Tokens] - The nature of the ithilyor is melded to your own, creating a being with the best qualities of Maker and Steward combined.

*++All Attributes, and you may slowly improve any mental, social or physical Attribute even in the absence of worthy challenges through focused training. This takes geometrically longer the higher said Attribute is; a few weeks from + to ++, but eons raising 50 +s to 51.
*Your cognition occurs in the Astral Realm and is unimpeded by injury to your physical form. You cease to age and never weaken from hunger, thirst or deprivation.

[ ] Emissary: The Gift [Fourth, 3 Insights] - That which is offered freely may flower into potential unbound.

*Select another Attainment you possess. Upgrade it to the Fourth-Attainment level. Attainments so upgraded won't offer more than 7 +s to any single Attribute. Substantial customization is possible as long as a thematic link exists to the original attainment. Examples:

Emissary - Pathos [Gift]
*Continent-range emotion detection with perfect multitasking and precise perception
*Total control over the emotions of those in your sensory range. This power is perfectly intuitive and won't trigger without intent. Works on non-material or purely magical beings as well.
*Accelerate the growth rate of Highborn when positive emotions are directed your way; the combined adoration of a planet could see your progress hastened a hundredfold. Past that point this effect hits sharply diminishing returns.
*Receive seven Willpower, Wits, Wisdom and Manipulation +s.

Shogun - Honing the Form [Gift]
*You are a near-perfect shapeshifter capable of swiftly assuming any physical form you could reasonably conceptualize, so long as it is no smaller than a termite and no larger than Mt. Everest. These forms do not of themselves offer supernatural capabilities beyond their raw Attributes. In the span of a second you could switch between an apex human, a mile-long dragon, an anthropomorphic bulldozer, an alligator-eagle hybrid with functional wings, and a sentient cloud of chlorine trifluoride.
*You don't require detailed knowledge of the underlying biology, mechanics, or even appearance of your form; sufficiently coherent intent suffices for this ability to fill in the blanks.
*You heal rapidly and flawlessly from all physical insult, recovering from complete incineration within a microsecond; this grants effective immunity to pathogens, toxins and aging. You require no form of sustenance or rest. Subatomic annihilation of your entire body would barely suffice to kill you.
*Gain +++++++STR, CON, AGI, Wits, and Appearance. So long as you don't intend otherwise, you're assumed to always possess a minimum of 15 +s in these Attributes.

[ ] Emissary: Greater Good [Fifth, 5 Insights]

The Emblem of the Emissary is no sign but pattern - apparent not by gross proclamation but only in action itself. Its power is as simple as it is mighty; as subtle, as it is all-pervading:

Your works redound to the good of all.

Even as a mortal human, a single donated dollar could unleash a chain of events that solves hunger and homelessness in your entire metropolis; an offhand comment could redeem a psychopathic mass murderer and permanently turn his talents to prosocial ends.

The magnitude of this effect, already enormous at baseline, is amplified tremendously for charitable causes you directly intend to support, and especially so if you give of yourself in the doing. A deliberately prepared speech can topple galaxy-spanning tyranny to usher in an actually capable bloodless revolution; a lone act of defiance can break the vilest and most despicable legions. And, were you nothing more than mortal fragment of fallen greatness, still a calamity sufficient to devour the entire universe could be waylaid at the cost of your own life.

The Emblem of the Greater Good scales in power as you do; your charitable labors echo with spectacular efficacy, vastly outstripping your other capabilities. While this provides no direct defensive or utility benefits, it is likely that many powerful entities will have an interest in your continued survival and liberty, to say nothing of the gratitude you might accrue. With you at the helm, technological progress across an entire society could advance with thousandfold speed, so long as its inventions individually and together served the general welfare.

The Emblem functions so long as your values do not stray too egregiously from the Emissary's broadly compassionate own; its leeway is vast but not unlimited. It will never directly perpetuate outcomes that have dire or punishing side effects - it is, of itself, entirely free of 'monkey's paw' fulfillments and unintended negative consequences - but neither is it wholly omniscient, especially in interactions with greater beings. Thus if necessary it may be temporarily disabled to minimize spontaneity when absolute order is desired.

These baseline budgets are so stiflingly low, especially if you have chosen to Remain; why not take some Drawbacks to expand your purview? After all, when was greatness ever seized without risk?

Drawbacks available to all. You may receive no more than +10 Tokens from these.

[ ] Falter [+1-5 Tokens] - After you build is complete, you are slightly diminished, your present and all future Attributes roughly 10% lower than they would otherwise be. This may be taken up to five times, each time reducing your Attributes by a further 10%. For example, if you had Strength +++++++ you would now have 6.3 +s worth of Strength; with Falter V, you would have 3.5 +s of Strength.

This may indirectly affect the strength of Emblems such as Greater Good and Unsetting Sun. If you take Falter X, you are considered to possess all levels of Falter less than X for Drawback modifications. Ex. with Falter III you are considered to possess Falter I, II, and III.

[ ] Gambit [+1-5 Tokens] - You suffer a specific ailment related to the Foremost of your choice. You may only choose one gambit.

Emissary: Diplomatic Gambit [+1 Token] - You are sent far afield. After finishing your build, enter a fictional world of your choice whose danger level is roughly comparable to that of your post-Drawback circumstances. For example, if you Remained and took Sunder the Veil [Lesser], you could travel to Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. If you Took the Plunge, you could travel to (high-interpretation versions of) Gunstar Autochthonia or the Cthulhu Mythos.

If you took Falter I, you may broadly specify the time, place and general conditions of your entry so long as they do not substantially decrease the danger level of the setting.

Surgeon: Disfiguring Gambit [+2 Token] - You are ugly. Your Appearance is capped at + and may never rise above that, save by the direct exercise of the Emblem of Power.

Shogun: Arrogant Gambit [+3 Tokens] - You aren't left-handed, but you'll fight as such anyway. In any martial conflict except against a foe who obviously outmatches you, you'll utilize a minuscule fraction of your full power at first, escalating to moderately exceed them if they prove capable. Foes are only considered capable if they overcome you in some meaningful fashion - a telling blow, a significant humiliation, etc. In your mind, to draw forth even 1% of your full power is a great honor, to be earned only by the worthy.

Arcanist: Mutative Gambit [+4 Tokens] - Your very presence induces a variety of powerful supernatural plagues to sweep the realm in which you reside. Within months half the native populace will die unless extraordinary measures are implemented to save them. Of the survivors, local flora and fauna will mutate into hyper-apex versions of themselves exalted by Foremost might; half of all surviving humans and other sapients will be transmuted into a dizzying variety of somewhat less capable supernatural species. These beings scale to you: in great numbers the fauna are an enormous threat; similar numbers of transformed humans are a significant threat.

If you took Falter II, you may specify the details of these transformations within reason, but may not reduce the threat they pose to you. If you took Falter III, you may halve the rate and potency of their scaling, granting considerable leeway against a hostile environment if you advance rapidly.

Egotist: Fool's Gambit [+5 Tokens] - You are afflicted with a random canonical non-Geas Major or Crowning Curse. Roll from among the following: The Brand of the Wretched, the Brand of the Champion, Winter's Brand, the Plenary Brand, the Doom of the Martyr, the Doom of Tyranny, the Doom of Lunacy, the Affliction of Slumber, the Decimator's Affliction, the Curse of Hubris, the Apocryphal Curse. You will never exceed Stage V mitigation of this Curse.

[ ] Foresworn [+2 Tokens] - You must pick a side: the League of Adventure (Surgeon, Egotist, Shogun) or the Arcanist's Dominion (Arcanist, Emissary). You may only select Advancements possessed by the Foremost on your side.

[ ] Epochal Nemesis [+3 Tokens] - A civilization appears which seeks to stymie and oppose you at every turn. They are formidable enough to be a major power, with capabilities rivaling those of a polity created by Egotist: Crowned Halo. The combined efforts of their great generals and statesmen suffice to equal your power. While they are steadfastly opposed to both your interests and values, they are neither suicidal nor fanatical. They are the Carthage to your Rome, not a homogenizing swarm.

There is nothing stopping you from outscaling or destroying them, save that they are overall your equal in power and potential both.

If you took Falter IV, instead they are only as opposed as a political nemesis. The Tories to your Labour, the Federalists to your Democratic-Republicans. They may work to undermine you and implement grossly misguided policies, but will not resort to violence without significant provocation and may even cooperate with you on matters of mutual interest.

[ ] Fate of the Foremost [+5 or +10 Tokens] - It is said, in the annals of the Hidden, that no good deed goes unpunished. To hurry along the Victorious World, invite upon yourself the fate of the Foremost: a halting and haphazard diminishment, yet so dire it might as well be annihilation. Witness now the spoils of selfless ambition.

Henceforth you will encounter Cursebearers in number, and volunteer wholeheartedly to aid in their cause. Failure likely presages ruin or obliteration upon the altar of their trials; success means prolonged exposure to the effects of their Curses. Be it a straightforward Decimation, unrelenting Winter, collateral damage from Cullings; the unreasonable demands of Tyranny, or the naked chaos of Interesting Times - the only certain factor is your doom. When gods war, men die: and in the face of the true powers that be, you are but human yet, no matter how Foremost.

Be it spent prudently or with meaningless frivolity, still you will see your life spent, footsoldier in an infinite war with neither mercy no surcease. The Victorious World beckons, yet its golden path is strewn endlessly with blood.

*For +5 Tokens, the Fate of the Foremost will not trigger in earnest until you have reached the level of a mature Foremost or 1 billion years have passed, whichever comes first. You may encounter Cursebearers very occasionally, but they are unlikely to be so mighty or grievously Curse-laden as to dominate your life.
*For +10 Tokens, the Fate of the Foremost will apply immediately.

Take the Plunge
These Drawbacks are available to those who Took the Plunge. Unless explicitly noted, you may take each only once, and in total may not receive more than +20 Tokens and +10 Insights from Drawbacks.

Drawbacks specific to this setting may not be taken with the Diplomatic Gambit.

[ ] Far Delve I - IV - Rather than retaining your freedom of action, you are bound by lesser geas to venture forth into the primordial dungeons beneath the world-substrate of this traveling Realm. Carve the pillars of metacontextual stability into that unending expanse, that it might serve as foundation and curtain wall for the Foremost settlements to come. You must attend to this task with reasonable diligence, but are entirely capable of making extensive preparations beforehand and between delves, and are further allotted numerous breaks of satisfying length.

Level One [+1 Token]: Your geas only requires you to venture into the shallowest depths Beneath; here you will find quotidian monstrosities and beasts of moderate arcane puissance.

Horrid Giant: Strength 20 +s, Constitution 20 +s, Agility 5 +s, Mental Attributes 1-3 +s, Social Attributes 0-3 +s. Terrible deformed, hulking creatures of moss, lichen, bone, rust, and stone, interspersed with pulsing veins of violet aether.

While boasting comparatively immense strength and durability, these simpleton abominations are easily outmaneuvered, out-strategized, and misled. A capable manipulator could have them dancing in the palm of his hand.

Rebel Magus: Physical Attributes 2-4 +s, Mental Attributes 4-6 +s, Social Attributes 1-5 +s, varying magics comparable in power, if not in function, to the lower Arcana. This transient from another dimension, having been forcibly moved here through no fault of their own, now seeks to lash out at the bastions of reality in uncomprehending rage. Their confusion is pitiable, but such tantrums ought not be tolerated lest in their flailing they stumble upon unshorn truths sufficient to catalyze Accession.

Level Two [+2 Tokens]: Your geas requires you to delve somewhat far Beneath; here are dangers of not insubstantial ability and breath.

Dreamwrought: Attributes 1 - 20 +s, varying Special Abilities on par with Augmented Lower Arcana. Phantasmal illusions projected from the Everdeep Lens. Lacking substance or any semblance of true reality, nonetheless within the depths they can be a lethal threat. Among the broadest range of foes can be found under this categorization: dragons with scales of encrusted rainbow-seafoam; vampires moths with miens of bloody oak; sophont-ghosts wailing ceaselessly in futile pursuit of existence. Though extremely rare, it's not wholly unheard-of to encounter Dreamwrought with All Attributes at the uppermost end of their range; such foes are assuredly deadly for the careless or underprepared.

Axiom: Agility 40 +s, Strength 25 +s, Other Attributes Special. A stillborn concept fashioned into a weaponized cosmic string, these faltering Axioms streak through the lower Depths dancing to the unknowable music of the Reverse Arcana. Though physically destructive and swift beyond measuring, any possessed of supergenius musicality (or the Harmonics Rune) can easily predict the movements of their dance, and plan accordingly.

For the truth is these are not tools of destruction at all, but simply the chords of a lyre transfixed perpendicular to the surreality of these Depths. They mean you no harm; but you are occupying the space through which they vibrate.

Level Three [+1 Insight]: The far Beneath through which the molten torus of this Realm cauterizes raw Form into incarnate material. Here, there is only shadow and terror, for all radiance and warmth have been subsumed by the refining-core.

Banished One: Mental Attributes 10 - 35 +s, Social Attributes 10 - 25 +s, Physical Attributes 0 - 25 +s. Wield magics of immense potency, typically falling into one of three categories:

*Nigh-total dominion of a single concept on the level of Time, Life, Order, etc.
*Lesser but numerous (7-10) magics on par with the Third and Fourth Attainments of the Foremost, already accounted for in the Attribute totals above.
*Some other effect comparable to a single Foremost Emblem, through always with substantial versatility in both offense and defense.

Former Archons, nigh-"omnipotent" rulers of lesser spheres now being drawn irresistibly by the crushing gravitation of the torus. In their desperate berserk terror to escape, they will countenance any means, including spiritual possession and forcible transmigration.

Titan: Physical Attributes 65/55/45 +s, Mental Attributes 20 +s, Social Attributes 30 +s. The guardians of the torus are as unrelenting as they are fearsome, but their favored prey is the banished, and not Foremost interlopers. With arms and armor of ossified Form and bodies ranging from world-sized to inconceivable, Titans are fair but harsh negotiators vulnerable only to similarly Brobdingnagian bribes. They especially enjoy supping upon findross. Take care that in appeasing them you do not raise up an extortionist capable of extracting any and all value from your selves present and future.

The Titans are divided into three primary sects; the Calibrators of the Everdeep Lens and Forgehand Purists are locked in a grim and exhausting cold war, while the Sleepers, mighty but few in number, consider themselves above the fray - for those brief moments each aeon they bother to consider at all.

Level Four [+2 Tokens, +1 Insight]: Too greedily you delved, and too deep. Here lies the Arcanist's Cistern, secret source of the pandemonious well upsurging, for which the torus was but perfunctory vault-keeper. Stabilize according to the letter of your geas and no more, lest you draw her irate attentions.

Praetorian: 40 +s in All Attributes

The seed of rebellion might at times bloom into the flower of Accession, for those worthiest and most fortunate. Such are inducted into the ranks of the Praetorians. The penultimate emissaries and stalwart guardians of the Beneath, the elite guard of the embodied Cistern and its most trusted advisors. Fear the Praetorians, for what they cannot conquer by force of arms they will entrap in skeins of pitiless calculation, or bend to their will by beauty enthralling, or outmaneuver with invincible sagacity; if they do not stumble into victory by arrant fortune.

[ ] To War [+5 Tokens] - Despite your youth and relative inexperience, you must deliberately and sincerely involve yourself in the semi-serious conflict between the League of Adventure and the Arcanist's Dominion, with an eye towards resolving that conflict in a manner consistent with your values and/or interests. You will be expected to contribute as a full if junior member to the side you choose.

If Foresworn was taken alongside To War, you must select that side - though now in the role of actual 'officer' rather than a civilian supported by only those Patrons. Neither side is particularly interested in permanently killing a fellow Foremost (unless you took Kid Gloves Off), but accidents do happen, especially on the frontier.

-[ ] Kid Gloves Off [+2 Insights] - The other Foremost will not hold back against you; their attacks will be serious rather than didactic. The Arcanist will still reserve only a minute fraction of her attention for hostilities. Immense personal power is recommended if you desire to survive this option regardless of faction.

The League of Adventure is primarily concerned with wresting control of the Arcanist's territory from her, that they might set up their own fiefdoms in this conceptually burgeoning Realm. They also mount expeditions of jolly exploration into the uncharted vastness of the Realm itself, in the hopes of discovering an essential font at least somewhat competitive with the well the Arcanist has claimed for herself. The Shogun, Surgeon, and Egotist are adolescent Foremost with primary Attributes from 55 to 62 +s, and other Attributes from 30 to 50 +s, plus the utility effects of their Attainments and Emblems.

The Arcanist's Dominion is primarily concerned with supporting her experiments, and in manipulating the incursions of the League of Adventure to gain indirect Foremost support for the most exotic and dangerous permutations thereof. The Emissary is an adolescent Foremost of comparable power to the Surgeon. The Arcanist is an elder adolescent with 79 Intelligence +s and supporting Attributes in the 50 +s range, and is a grandmaster of Foremost Runes.

If you did not take Foresworn, you could also create your own faction, though its goals must be vigorously and zealously pursued and must invite some form of meaningful conflict from one side or the other. For example, you could head a humanitarian faction that wishes to preserve the well-being of all (and thus naturally opposed to the Arcanist's Dominion and certain members of the League), or a mining guild that wishes to break into the Arcanist's Cistern and extract the absurdly immense quantities of findross within.

If you take at least Far Delve III+ and To War, receive +All Attributes upon arrival as the Surgeon recognizes your valor, regardless of which side you pick. This is as onerous as holding down two full-time jobs simultaneously; hopefully your Attainments have at least mitigated your need for sleep.

If you take Far Delve IV, To War, and head a faction that is aggressively and proactively hostile to both sides of the war, receive ++All Attributes instead.

[ ] Maker's Bane [+2 Tokens] - You are easily distracted by lewd suggestions and markedly more amenable to those with high Appearance scores, even if said beings are inimical to your values and interests. Like many adolescent Makers, your libido is off-the-charts active and very likely to lead you into trouble one way or another. Great Wisdom and Willpower may mitigate this to a degree.


[ ] Steward's Bane [+2 Tokens] - You seek to avoid the spotlight and place yourself in a supporting role regardless of your personal power. Given immense esoteric might, you would use it to elevate another and relegate yourself to, at best, the power behind the throne. You are more easily swayed by those you empower and tend to see the best in them, even when doing so would be foolish, and will over-commit to their defense far beyond the point when you ought to have cut your losses.


[ ] Hero's Bane [+5 Insights] - You will live in interesting times.

[ ] Wrack and Ruin [+3 Tokens, +2 Insights] - Your Foremost shell prioritizes immediate might over greater potential to an unhealthy degree. But the pyre of your future growth fuels a present incandescence that can buy much safety, or utility, for the prudent spender.

*All future improvements to your Attributes or supernatural capabilities are decreased by 90%; this applies separately for each source of advancement involved.
*Your form is wreathed in smog and choked with the ash of dying stars. All wonder, grace and magic in the Realms slowly but inexorably declines due to you. This can be reversed with effortful gains, though is unlikely to occur by your hand. You emit a twenty-meter aura of melancholy that drives lesser beings to fatalistic despair. Entities one 'tier' (or more) of power below you are affected, swiftly suffering dysfunctional levels of apathy and psychological corrosion. For example, a mature Foremost would affect adolescent Foremost with this.
*The latter may be mitigated as though it were a Curse. Fully overcoming the Power of Ruin is functionally impossible, though mostly-cosmetic improvements such as removing the ash and smog are easy.

[ ] Refine the Dross [-5 Tokens, +1 Insight] - Sacrifice some portion of the memories that only hold you back to grasp for insights of true worth; exchange the facile sentimentality of experience for the realized purpose of ability. May be taken a total of three times. Each step reduces your memories of your prior Foremost life.

[ ] Artifice Bound [+2 Insights] - You number among those unfortunate Foremost whose essence and identity are bound to a material thing. All your powers emanate from, and are tied to, this object. Should this be removed from your ownership, you will temporarily bleed -All Attributes each day it is not recovered. If it's destroyed, you lose all Attainments gained herein. May choose the object in question within reason, so long as you own it, or create an otherwise-mundane vestment, accessory, or implement to invest your essence in. Regardless the object will blaze with your identity, making known to potential thieves the bounty that awaits them.

This object is as difficult to harm as you are, and has defenses against theft or separation commensurate with your total power level - like a loyal symbiote or the One Ring of Sauron, it knows only one master and will proactively work to return to him. Nonetheless, would-be usurpers in possession of it may wield your active abilities, thence depriving you of them, and receive a bonus to their Attributes commensurate with your overall power level.

[ ] Leal [+1 or +2 Insights] - Select one Patron as your Primary; if you have chosen a Faction they must be a member of that Faction. You are personally loyal to your Primary Patron (though not obligated to take their Attainments) and will generally seek to fulfill their wishes, if not necessarily the letter of their commands.

For +1 Insight, your Primary Patron views you as a valued companion and will take pains not to endanger your life unduly or occupy too much of your time and energy; you reciprocate with your loyalty and earnest service. They will offer aid, mentorship, and companionship within reason if your ethos is at least moderately aligned with theirs.

For +2 Insights, while their amiable regard for you has not changed (save for a willingness to accept the totality of your time), you now are fanatically devoted to your Primary Patron; their goals and objectives are the most important priorities in your life by far and you would certainly be willing to sacrifice your time, relationships and even existence if the payoff to them were spectacular enough.

Regardless, primaries that are less pleasant (such as the Arcanist) will offer greater amounts of aid and mentorship to compensate.

[ ] Hierarch [+1, 2 or 3 Insights] - You are hunted by a Hierarch, one of those Banished who has escaped the torus' gravity well and now seeks a Foremost container from which to usurp title and existence. They will assail you only after utmost preparation, and hold no ethical strictures in the lengths they are willing to pursue to enact their dreamt-of regicide. Should they prevail, your flesh and essence shall be worn as the metaphysical equivalent of a skinsuit as they cavort across helpless lesser realities. Your mentors and allies will not shield you from its attentions; this travail falls to you alone. This Drawback may be taken with the Diplomatic Gambit.

For +1 Insight, the Hierarch is freshly escaped and 'merely' possesses top-end Attributes for a Banished One alongside two of the potential magic systems given in the example. For example, your hunter could possess 30-35 +s in all Mental Attributes, similarly top-range sums in their Physical and Social Attributes, and likely a good deal of Luck and Protection in additional to total mastery of Life and generalized reality manipulation on par with a Foremost Emblem.

For +2 Insights, the Hierarch is a true exemplar possessing maximal Attributes for a Banished One alongside all three potential magic systems; it has divined the hour of your arrival and prepared for a full decade in advance. Its magic systems are strong if imperfect counters to your own abilities.

For +3 Insights, the Hierarch is a rogue Praetorian set loose by the Arcanist in a fit of carelessness, or to test you. It possess Praetorian Attributes and all three potential magic systems, all of which are specifically designed to counter you. It additionally possesses a unique augmentation from the Arcanist's hands which is equivalent in value, if not in nature, to the Perfection Rune (+7 All Attributes). It will lie in wait, preparing for several years more, before it strikes - but when it does, be assured its stroke will fall the moment of your maximum vulnerability; and if its talents lend themselves to proxy warfare, you may search for eons without ever cornering it yourself.

These Drawbacks are only available to those who Remain. You may take each only once. Effects targeting your world transfer under the Diplomatic Gambit.

[ ] Worldwide [+1 Token] - Everyone in your world knows of you and your build. This might occasionally be advantageous, but be prepared to deal with countless self-interested parties clamoring for your attention, and the hatred of the masses if you took certain Drawbacks.

[ ] Myriad [+2 Tokens, requires Falter II+] - The curse of the dilettante is weakness. You may take no more than one Advancement per Patron.

[ ] Sibling Rivalry [+2 Tokens] - Roll 1d2.

1: Slavering hordes of diminished Orcs appear in your world, and you find them as repugnant as Dien found humanity after his re-awakening. While they are unlikely to threaten you by force of arms (unless you are incredibly weak), they will surely cause much havoc and harm to innocent civilians without a global countermeasure. Individually mediocre, they are nonetheless lead by a Warlord who scales to your world as Jotarun of Yor did to the Manifest Realm - an empire-toppling threat, if he cared to move personally.

2: A small enclave of diminished ithilyor appears in your world, hidden from the general populace. Condescending, punctilious and wildly arrogant, in their cold calculus humans factor even less than beasts. Unopposed they will manipulate the populace towards baffling and humiliating ends. They are especially interested in antagonizing you. Individually competent but few in number, their combined power does not quite match the Orcish Warlord's. Yet they are far more adroit at using it...

If you took Falter V, these races instead treat humanity as good siblings would - they might tease and bully, but will aid you when it truly matters.

[ ] Inheritor's Bane [+1 Insight] - You suffer a specific ban related to the Foremost whose attainments you spent this Insight on.

*Ban of the Emissary - Before participating in violent conflict you must make generous, wholehearted, and sincere efforts to come to an agreement or broker peace, even if you are the one attacked.
*Ban of the Surgeon - You need worthy enemies. Every so often you will seek out opposition that promises to bring you at least near the limits of your competence and power; if none exists you will seek to create it. This conflict needn't be lethal, so long as the stakes are high; gambling your life's savings on a card game tournament is viable enough, if those savings were actually hard-won.
*Ban of the Shogun - You must rule. You seek military and political power and will not stop until you are hegemon of all you survey. Rivals must be cut down, never appeased. This doesn't of itself impel you to seek dominion over higher realms or entities whose province is not inherently military or political: a devout king would be willing to remain subject to God, just not the Pope.
*Ban of the Arcanist - You care not. You are majestically indifferent to moral and ethical concerns. Still, you certainly won't go out of your way to antagonize the plebians by committing atrocities in plain view or without purpose. May retain a few personal lines you won't cross, but monstrous acts are generally fair game in the advancement of your Art.
*Weekend Ban - May be spent on any Foremost. You suffer an unstoppable malaise that incapacitates you, though it's only active 25% of the time. While active it's somewhat unpleasant on the order of a moderate fever. You control which days of the week it strikes.

[ ] Sunder the Veil, Lesser or Greater [+1 or 5 Insights] - Invite supernatural incursion or equivalent forces into your world. (You may roll to see which version you get, or choose in exchange for a +30% buff to the overall capabilities of your enemies)

For 1 Insight, supernatural interference will be relatively light and contained -

*Street-level superheroes and supervillains will emerge over the course of weeks, with the very strongest taking years to approach city-destroying levels.
*World of Darkness-level vampires, werewolves and changelings are retroactively added to your realm. Even their elders will struggle to match modern armed forces in a direct conflict, but their powers of mental influence over the unshielded are substantial.
*Nineteen other humans with a diverse range of backgrounds and ethical dispositions will also receive the benefits of Remaining, but they receive no access to Drawbacks save this one.

For 5 Insights, said interference will be intrusive and extremely dangerous. Grasp greedily for power, wholly shredding the veil of mundanity that sheltered your unripe world from intercession. For your hubris you are forever barred from acquiring Emblems, though other paths to power do exist.

*Aliens emerge whose technology is billions of years more advanced than humanity's own. While their values are not wholly antithetical to yours, they are sufficiently different to invite armed conflict given time. Expect them to possess reliable and quick FTL, casual sun-busting firepower, materially perfect nanotechnology and strong aligned AIs at minimum. However they have no access to magic or ability to reliably detect it.
*A System Apocalypse descends upon the world: humanity is butchered by the millions as dungeons erupt, spewing forth hordes of supernaturally-empowered warriors. These are little threat to one with 5+ Insights spent wisely, but a few of the largest dungeons must be semi-regularly cleared lest they spawn Uber monsters capable of confronting even you. All the standard tropes of System Apocalypse dungeon delving will be present without any conveniently mitigating plot armor for humanity as a species. While not as imminently dangerous as the other options, you must advance quickly or be outscaled by ever-evolving foes with a full arsenal of magics - monster and System-empowered human alike.
*One of the Lesser scenarios fearsomely augmented: your world swiftly becomes as dangerous as mainline Marvel / DC; you must contend with Antediluvians and Archmasters as the End Times cometh; or four other humans with complete and very optimized Remain builds (including this Drawback) become present on your planet, with at least two of them holding values you find to be intolerable or abhorrent.

If you Remain and possess Tokens from Falter, Fool's Gambit, or Fate of the Foremost, you may sacrifice ten of those Tokens to acquire one of the following Emblems:
*Shogun: Unsetting Sun
*Arcanist: Perfection
*Surgeon: Courage
*Egotist: Uttermost
*Emissary: Greater Good

Obviously, this yields no benefit if you are barred from acquiring Emblems.
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