Personally I'd prefer Conclusion over A Thousand Cuts for a pretty simple reason, opportunity. Conclusion is only an option AFAIK, because we Sated our Hunger. If we don't take it now we'd have to wait till the next time we've Sated our Hunger in the process of killing a peer opponent for it to be available again. This may not sound like a problem, but look at it a bit, because this is
not the only Hunger proc we've had, yet it is the only Sated proc we've gotten. Until we know what circumstances lead to Sated then its risky as fuck to pass up on Conclusion and gamble that we'll see it again soon enough.
That said, a question for you
@Rihaku. I haven't read the original quest, so I'm not sure the answer, how long will Elves in general and Gisena in particular likely live, without the Decimation Curse factoring in?