RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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if you are seeing "Atlas" as the enemy, you are in the same dividing trap the people in the show are in.
the real enemy is the mindset the kingdom has been in for 80+ years that is finally coming to a head.
now they are stuck in a major conflict that has both in danger, and Ruby and friends will have to knock a few heads while standing as a beacon of hope for both cities.
One way I see this happening is representatives of both sides working and fighting together to protect the Kingdom, not just a single city. I mean Marrow seemed kinda on the fence with things and I would hope FNKI would be more willing to work with Ruby and the others (like at Beacon) rather than "follow orders" and get in the way for long. If we do get FNKI VS RWBY/JNR I don't think it would last long and would just be FNKI either gauging our heroes commitment to the problem or long enough till the can dupe Ironwood.
One way the Mantle crisis could have been handled:

Vexed Viewer on Twitter

“People of Mantle are hurting and there's nothing we can do about the hole in the wall! #RWBY”

You do understand there's a bit more to it than that, right?

Edit: Like, this is actually frustratingly lazy.

Not only does this ignore that the hole is a physical representation of the neglect Mantel is facing, meaning that it's not the only problem and even if you fix it, it doesn't solve a lot of the issues. It also doesn't even work on a "logical" level.

The reason the hole is there is because of the refusal to allocate resources to its repair. Team RWBY would still need dust, probably more than Weiss has, in order to make a dust wall big enough to close the gap. Which means you still run into the issue of "sorry, we need it for the Amenity project" – so story-wise probably not viable.

Even if it was – you have no idea how viable that wall actually is. Sure, it might have worked to stop ice dust at the time, but that doesn't mean it's a viable building material. For all you know, it degrades quickly overtime when it's activated. We've seen dust used for enhancement and fuel, but I can't recall it being used to build things.

And even if all the stars align and this all works out, you have yet another issue. That wall Weiss creates? Full of juts and crevices. Those Grimm seen in that small clip? Sabretooth cats. A skill big cats are good at? Climbing.

So it doesn't stop them and gives them a way onto the platform on top of the wall which puts the soldiers on it in even more danger.
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Given how they demonize Atlas, it's gonna be more her encouraging Mantle to eat the rich and causing the Remnant equivalent to France's Reign of Terror with Robyn being their Maximilien Robespierre.

Looks at Robyn's behaviour throughout V7, yep a totally accurate assessment of her and not at all ignoring her established character to misrepresent the actual reason Atlas/Ironwood was being criticized and the reasons for Team RWBY actions at the end of V7. :eyeroll:
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So not only does the manga change up the match-ups from the Volume 2 finale
but it also almost makes it sound that;
1 - Roman and Neo aren't a unit of their own
2 - Roman and Ruby by the end seem to be enjoying their Villain VS Hero foil fight a bit to much
So not only does the manga change up the match-ups from the Volume 2 finale
but it also almost makes it sound that;
1 - Roman and Neo aren't a unit of their own
2 - Roman and Ruby by the end seem to be enjoying their Villain VS Hero foil fight a bit to much
Before his death I was starting to think that no matter what Cinder did it would always be Roman vs Ruby. She would always be there to stop him. Read a fanfic once where the very last scene of the series wouuld be an adult Ruby foilng him yet again.
OK that idea nearly snagged me at the end I'll give you that, bu it does beg the question of what the heck baby Ruby would be doing near such a battle.

Well whatever it is it might lead to more understanding of the flaws of Summer.
Each of the adults characters has had a flaw/and or made some kind of mistake that the current generation is paying for/trying to rectify in some way.

another possibility is that Ruby wandered by herself. *shrugs*
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Well whatever it is it might lead to more understanding of the flaws of Summer.
Each of the adults characters has had a flaw/and or made some kind of mistake that the current generation is paying for/trying to rectify in some way.

another possibility is that Ruby wandered by herself. *shrugs*
Definitely possible, I am unsure if that rule applies to adults and or if it does I would assume Summer's fault was trying to do stuff solo, but it could work if done right. Though my mind is just like.
Summer: My character fault is bringing babies to fight demigods!
Raven: How are we in a situation where I am the more responsible adult?!
Definitely possible, I am unsure if that rule applies to adults and or if it does I would assume Summer's fault was trying to do stuff solo, but it could work if done right. Though my mind is just like.
Summer: My character fault is bringing babies to fight demigods!
Raven: How are we in a situation where I am the more responsible adult?!

To play devil's advocate for shitty bird-mom for a moment
At least she left her kid in the care of people that could be responsible and bring her up right. Meanwhile the Schnee home fell apart and the Belladonna's let their only child go play with Sienna's increasingly violent version of the White Fang (we don't know if they tried to go to Sienna and be like "Find a way to get Blake to come home, please.").
To play devil's advocate for shitty bird-mom for a moment
At least she left her kid in the care of people that could be responsible and bring her up right. Meanwhile the Schnee home fell apart and the Belladonna's let their only child go play with Sienna's increasingly violent version of the White Fang (we don't know if they tried to go to Sienna and be like "Find a way to get Blake to come home, please.").
Oh I don't hold as much against Raven as many do, I just found the mental image amusing XD
I have complicated feels regarding Sienna & The Belladonna's relationship, further made complex with the inclusion of Adam's abusive/grooming tendencies, but those might be too much to get into here.
but it kinda feels counter-productive to the goal.
probably would of helped the message of the show to give us moments in Atlas with decent people outside of the returning Team FNKI.

Oh well. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda.
Eh, I think its fine that they didn't. A real common problem I have with most media engaging in anything to do with class divides is a "Oh the privileged powerful people are just like you, any problems are just a few bad apples, don't be mean!" theme which basically serves to subtly try and undermine any class based anger.

Plus Robyn's problem wasn't even with Atlas specifically, it was with Ironwood and the government.
Plus Robyn's problem wasn't even with Atlas specifically, it was with Ironwood and the government.
Well, she also had problems with Jacques Schnee specifically, rather than with the rich in general.

But yes, her principle antagonist was Ironwood.

One of Ironwood's critical mistakes was not realizing how much he needed to trust Sleet, Carmilla, and Robin.

See, his plan was to tell the whole WORLD about Salem, and before that to tell everyone in Atlas about her. But that necessarily includes Sleet, Carmilla, and whoever becomes the next councilor. And Ironwood heavily implies that he expected Robin to win and would have preferred if she did -- either way, he was going to get an opponent to his lockdown, so better to work with someone who wouldn't oppose him for selfish reasons.

Ironwood didn't connect the dots -- if he would have trusted Sleet, Carmilla, and Robin in their seats of power after they and everyone knew about Salem, then he could trust those three to not betray him to Salem... so he should have told all three of them about Salem EARLIER.

If he really, truly felt he couldn't trust any of them once they knew, then he would have been planning to execute a military coup from the beginning, with an actual plan in place, instead of only considering it after the election went to hell.

Before all of this, his critical mistake was not resigning from his post as General when he became Headmaster of Atlas Academy.

He thought he could handle the burden, but the dual responsibilities left him without enough peers and ultimately destroyed him.

He didn't realize the temptation of the power he amassed, because amassing power wasn't his goal. He assumed that since he was a well-meaning individual who only wanted to help other people, that he wouldn't abuse his power for selfish reasons. He fooled himself into thinking he would always be able to recognize the difference.
One way the Mantle crisis could have been handled:

Vexed Viewer on Twitter

“People of Mantle are hurting and there's nothing we can do about the hole in the wall! #RWBY”
You do realize that Wiess's walls are 1) pretty small and 2) not invulnerable, right? Like they'd likely fail very quickly if they held at all. On top of that, they don't exist forever so she'd have to put one in place either during or right before the attack. Which was happening while she was miles above the surface dealing with her father. By the time she had gotten in place closing the barn door would be pointless.
Given how they demonize Atlas, it's gonna be more her encouraging Mantle to eat the rich and causing the Remnant equivalent to France's Reign of Terror with Robyn being their Maximilien Robespierre.

... Wow. Just... fucking wow. I know you're convinced that the main cast of this show are all drooling idiots out to burn down society and shit on the ashes, but fucking WOW. Wanna throw in some 'The people of Mantle should he honored that the Great and Glorious General Ironwood decided to abandon them to be killed by Grimm' while you're at it?

One way the Mantle crisis could have been handled:

Vexed Viewer on Twitter

“People of Mantle are hurting and there's nothing we can do about the hole in the wall! #RWBY”

You know, if a single handful of Dust would magically make the giant holes in the Mantle wall completely fixed and unstoppable again, and Ironwood couldn't even spare THAT much... well, he'd be much worse than I've been saying he is.