RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Oh no, he isn't talking about Cinder blindsiding her. It was the entire fight before that moment where it might as well have been 1v1.

I'm gonna agree with thesevenwielder on Weiss jobbing hard. Because god damn we've seen this girl fight before. Watch this for example.
From what I can tell they were trying to show that Weiss was becoming to reliant on her summoning powers ever since she mastered them, I believe she saw them as a sort of I win button but when you have someone who is fast enough that can disrupt your summons well yeah problems arise. Also we don't know what Vernals Semblance was so for all we know she had an ability that could counter Weiss.
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Season 2 was the first showing of her being useless without a weapon, punched out by a mook.
Oh right that was when she fell down the hole on Mountain Glenn, right? Okay so its been a thing for even longer which is nice.

From what I can tell they were trying to show that Weiss was becoming to reliant on her summoning powers ever since she mastered them I believe she saw them as a sort of I win button but when you have someone who is fast enough that can disrupt your summons well yeah problems arise. Also we don't know what Vernals Semblance was so for all we know she had an ability that could counter Weiss.
Here's the thing with that. She tries multiple times, even when its definitely a bad idea. Watch the video I just posted or go watch the actual fight. The only time she used it with any sort of intelligence was when she created the Ice Wall to act as cover but then that failed. So she tries it again but with nothing to stop Vernal from shooting her! And reliant? She's used it about...fucking three times before this fight. The first time was when she actually managed to do it in Volume 3, the second time was on the plane, and then when she summoned it in Raven's camp. The second time she actually had to use it because she was flying on a plane and had to fight an opponent she couldn't deal with the normal way. The third time wasn't even a fight because she only used it to break out of a cage.

The worst part is that Yang had the same problem but unlike Weiss there was a lot of setup to it. Yang had multiple fights where her strategy worked and the few fights where it backfired on her in such a way that she'd be dead if not for outside interference. So they managed to fuck up something they already knew how to do if what you're saying is actually true.
Please note that those fights are 1v1 encounters not the battle royal with High level oppponets all around that was the battle for Haven. So what it really comes down to is that Weiss was so focused on Vernal that she did not see Cinder aiming for her.
It still counts as 1v1 because that's how RWBY operates now.
From what I can tell they were trying to show that Weiss was becoming to reliant on her summoning powers ever since she mastered them, I believe she saw them as a sort of I win button but when you have someone who is fast enough that can disrupt your summons well yeah problems arise. Also we don't know what Vernals Semblance was so for all we know she had an ability that could counter Weiss.

Yea, Weiss was letting herself get messed up by trying that rather than being flat-outfought.

And it kinda makes sense: Yang underwent self-discovery and re-training. Ruby went adventuring, Blake fought the White Fang. Weiss... stayed in her room and practiced summoning until the Bee fight, which is decided by summoning. She got an upgrade like the rest, but also was in one solitary fight between the finale of 3 and 5. Weiss is rusty, and it wasn't set up in prior fights because, well, what prior fights?

(Also, time dialation isn't as strong as the vid showed ^^)
This I am going to slightly disagree with since I feel that Ozpin just gave Oscar the Abridged version of the events in question but there was a lot more going on and that is what really pissed off Hazel, that Ozpin just wrote off his sisters death so easily as "Just a training accident".
See, I'd like to believe that this is the case. But the problem is that we have no evidence in the story to point to that.

Tyrien though actually does interest me since he sees Salem as a goddess to the point that her mere disappointment in him breaks him. What is the story behind that why did he choose to go along with her and what actions did she preform that made him think of her as a goddess given flesh. Plus it would give us a good ballpark for Salems power level compared to everyone else in the story.
Dude's crazy. Either he was crazy before he met Salem or agent crazy after encountering her. As for a way of showing off Slaem's Power, I admit it has potential. But also the possibility of turning her into just another bad guy who's got a bigger stick then the heroes.

I don't have much confidence in RT's ability as writers or interest in RWBY right now. Especially with how hard they've been shilling GEN:Lock.

That and I'm worried that with the Relics, the Maidens and Salem we're going to go into DragonBall Z or Bleach type power creep.
Yea, Weiss was letting herself get messed up by trying that rather than being flat-outfought.

And it kinda makes sense: Yang underwent self-discovery and re-training. Ruby went adventuring, Blake fought the White Fang. Weiss... stayed in her room and practiced summoning until the Bee fight, which is decided by summoning. She got an upgrade like the rest, but also was in one solitary fight between the finale of 3 and 5. Weiss is rusty, and it wasn't set up in prior fights because, well, what prior fights?

(Also, time dialation isn't as strong as the vid showed ^^)
If that was the intent, it was poorly executed. Verbal doesn't really come across as any worse then Roman as an enemy. Also, I think Weiss getting her ass kicked by Vernal AND Cinder impaling her AND Jaune being the one to heal her is the problem.

If it had just been Weiss having trouble with Verbal, that'd be fine. Weiss getting stabbed by Cinder just feels like a cheap attempt at drama and shock. Then have Jaune be the one to heal her come across as an ass-pull.

Also, WTF are you people on about with RWBY only fighting one on one before now? Are you really forgetting the Vytal festival? And we know Pyrrha took on multiple opponents during practice fights while at Beacon. I sincerely doubt that it was exclusive for her.
Also, WTF are you people on about with RWBY only fighting one on one before now? Are you really forgetting the Vytal festival? And we know Pyrrha took on multiple opponents during practice fights while at Beacon. I sincerely doubt that it was exclusive for her.

In-universe, that is correct. Out of universe... eh?

This getting into a different topic, really, but the show's always been bad when they try to do actual team fights. Really look at most of the Volume 1-3 fights and you'll notice that most fights aren't actually full team affairs. Rather, characters will just kind of "tag out" and disappear offscreen, like against Roman in the Paladin. There are several points where, if you really think about it, it seems like half the team is doing nothing but sitting offscreen when they don't have to be. That's even why Sun and Neptune were just thrown out of the fight entirely; they were originally going to be in there the whole way, but they made the fight too complicated and time-consuming. Which is also why Blake apparently needs Yang's Semblance explained to her despite having been her partner for like a semester and a half by this point (originally it was going to be Neptune Ruby was talking to).

Monty talked about this in the director's commentary at least once, when talking about the food fight: he said he had wanted Jaune to have more to do in the fight, but actually having a 4v4 was too much hassle, so periodically people keep getting "taken out" of the fight temporarily by being knocked down or away and then just get up offscreen when Monty's ready to bring them back in.

So, the complaints about the Battle of Haven, where characters just seem to be completely absent for long stretches of time or sitting with their thumbs up their asses, characters getting punked and taken out of the fight for long stretches, etc.? That was all there from the start, it's just that Monty was very good at hiding it and this was the big, ambitious showdown where the lack of artistry in that regard became more blatant than it's ever been.
That and I'm worried that with the Relics, the Maidens and Salem we're going to go into DragonBall Z or Bleach type power creep.
The thing is we might already be in DBZ/Bleach power creep. Take Adams defeat in Volume 5 notice how most people point out that he should not have been taken out so easily....well that is DBZ power creep since Adam was established(in a good chunk of the fanbase) earlier as a massive bad ass who should be able to beat Blake no problem but instead we got well...that. I also recall quite a few people upset that Roman got taken out so easily in vol. 2 since he was able to fight Blake and Sun evenly at the same time. Until Romans last scene where people thought he threw the fight to infiltrate Ironwoods operations...which he did sort of.

So in the end yeah we have may have unfortunately entered a territory that cannot be undone.
Oh no, he isn't talking about Cinder blindsiding her. It was the entire fight before that moment where it might as well have been 1v1.

I'm gonna agree with thesevenwielder on Weiss jobbing hard. Because god damn we've seen this girl fight before. Watch this for example.

I can't tell if they nerfed her abilities or if they just forgot. The subtleblunt shift in everyone's combat ability has bugged the fuck out of me for the longest time. Only Yang's fighting style remains mostly unchanged and that's not much of plus when she's mostly hand to hand.

Oh yeah watch this completely bullshit fanon video that portrays Weiss's time dilation as a fucking JOJO STAND when it isn't even remotely close to being that powerful or convenient. :eyeroll:

Please also ignore actual canon scenes that shows that it takes several seconds of standing stock still to apply a time dilation buff and that said buff still couldn't stop Weiss from getting stomped by a big guy with no special abilities and whose only weapon was a oversized chainsaw. :rolleyes:

Like, how exactly would standing still to try and fail to apply a time dilation have been superior to standing still to try and fail to summon a giant knight exactly? Vernal is clearly being portrayed as being faster than Weiss so even if Vernal hadn't just shot her just like when she tried summoning all it would have done is put them on a roughly equal playing field for a few seconds before the buff wore off.
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The thing is we might already be in DBZ/Bleach power creep. Take Adams defeat in Volume 5 notice how most people point out that he should not have been taken out so easily....well that is DBZ power creep since Adam was established(in a good chunk of the fanbase) earlier as a massive bad ass who should be able to beat Blake no problem but instead we got well...that. I also recall quite a few people upset that Roman got taken out so easily in vol. 2 since he was able to fight Blake and Sun evenly at the same time. Until Romans last scene where people thought he threw the fight to infiltrate Ironwoods operations...which he did sort of.

So in the end yeah we have may have unfortunately entered a territory that cannot be undone.
Eh. I wouldn't go that far. YET. It depends on how good V6 is. RT still has time to fix their mistake.

Also, you see, I have a conspiracy theory. That V5 was rushed because orgionally V5 wasn't supposed to be the Volume where RWBY reunited. But RT changed their plans due to realizing they couldn't do so many plots happening side by side and fan backlash. Because of this, they had to do some hasty rewrites; see how easy Yang found Raven and how Weiss Just So Happened to fall into Raven's hands. Likewise, that all the various factions Just So Happened to arrive at Haven at the right time.
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Oh yeah watch this completely bullshit fanon video that portrays Weiss's time dilation as a fucking JOJO STAND when it isn't even remotely close to being that powerful or convenient. :eyeroll:

Please also ignore actual canon scenes that shows that it takes several seconds of standing stock still to apply a time dilation buff and that said buff still couldn't stop Weiss from getting stomped by a big guy with no special abilities and whose only weapon was a oversized chainsaw. :rolleyes:

Like, how exactly would standing still to try and fail to apply a time dilation have been superior to standing still to try and fail to summon a giant knight exactly? Vernal is clearly being portrayed as being faster than Weiss so even if Vernal hadn't just shot her just like when she tried summoning all it would have done is put them on a roughly equal playing field for a few seconds before the buff wore off.

(Also, time dialation isn't as strong as the vid showed ^^)

The video is hyperbolic, and its like that for comedic purposes, but the point still stands that Weiss has a lot of tools at her hands but continued to use one tactic that continuously screwed her for the entirety of the fight. Also note in that same scene you posted that Weiss took the time to knock down the mook and that her time dilation actually takes a shorter time than her summoning to be used. There's also the fact that the glyphs she uses to launch projectiles don't require much focus.

My main issue is that Weiss didn't make any actual attempt to fight Vernal. She just kept trying to summon something and even after it didn't work she continued to try to use that tactic. Her last attempt was launching Vernal into the air and then attempting a summon. It just looks bad. I think I'd have preferred it if she lost solely to just being beaten around period.

And as for her losing to Banesaw, I will argue to my death that if they wanted him to function as an implacable tank they could have done better. When she rushed him she managed to juggle him and yet he's still able to immediately stand up, grab her out of the air, and proceed to bat her through the door? It would have been better if he had hunkered down, tanked the hits without getting knocked into the air, and then proceeded to grab her from the air and bat her around.

This is a matter of opinion but instead of Weiss losing to Banesaw being an example of her being weak I just saw it as Banesaw being above your average mook. I'm honestly disappointed that he hasn't shown up at all and that they've probably forgotten or dropped him completely from the show.
The video is hyperbolic, and its like that for comedic purposes, but the point still stands that Weiss has a lot of tools at her hands but continued to use one tactic that continuously screwed her for the entirety of the fight. Also note in that same scene you posted that Weiss took the time to knock down the mook and that her time dilation actually takes a shorter time than her summoning to be used. There's also the fact that the glyphs she uses to launch projectiles don't require much focus.

My main issue is that Weiss didn't make any actual attempt to fight Vernal. She just kept trying to summon something and even after it didn't work she continued to try to use that tactic. Her last attempt was launching Vernal into the air and then attempting a summon. It just looks bad. I think I'd have preferred it if she lost solely to just being beaten around period.

And as for her losing to Banesaw, I will argue to my death that if they wanted him to function as an implacable tank they could have done better. When she rushed him she managed to juggle him and yet he's still able to immediately stand up, grab her out of the air, and proceed to bat her through the door? It would have been better if he had hunkered down, tanked the hits without getting knocked into the air, and then proceeded to grab her from the air and bat her around.

This is a matter of opinion but instead of Weiss losing to Banesaw being an example of her being weak I just saw it as Banesaw being above your average mook. I'm honestly disappointed that he hasn't shown up at all and that they've probably forgotten or dropped him completely from the show.
I'm pretty sure he died in the train crash or was arrested right after.
The thing is we might already be in DBZ/Bleach power creep. Take Adams defeat in Volume 5 notice how most people point out that he should not have been taken out so easily....well that is DBZ power creep since Adam was established(in a good chunk of the fanbase) earlier as a massive bad ass who should be able to beat Blake no problem but instead we got well...that. I also recall quite a few people upset that Roman got taken out so easily in vol. 2 since he was able to fight Blake and Sun evenly at the same time. Until Romans last scene where people thought he threw the fight to infiltrate Ironwoods operations...which he did sort of.

So in the end yeah we have may have unfortunately entered a territory that cannot be undone.
I rather strenuously disagree with this, Adam wasn't overwhelmed by Blake's power, he got knocked off balance because he was pitching a fit about having his control of the situation taken away from him and lashing out, what's more, that kind of aggressive style doesn't suit him well, especially not against someone like Blake who is all about maneuverability.

I feel its important to keep in mind that Adam, whenever he has won, has note done so in fair circumstances, he's always had help or some kind of advantage that puts him in control of the scene. Spider bot, he needs to hide behind Blake to charge his Semblance, which he relied on to win cos he couldn't do anything to the spider bot without it. Blake, he's her abuser her and goaded her into attacking him very directly which is the opposite of what her style is good for while charging up his Semblance. Yang, he stabbed Blake and then refused to get away from her to goad Yang into attacking him while not knowing what his Semblance was.

Adam's good at manipulation, ambushes, he's not been established as a badass 'overwhelm's his opponents with skill and power' fighter, but an underhanded manipulative one who relies on making his opponents come to him and give him their strength or taking them out by surprise.

As to Roman, he went into that fight really cocky, while Blake was far more controlled than when she fought him the first time and he also didn't know about her secret weapons, that feels less like a power creep to me and more the element of surprise.
I rather strenuously disagree with this, Adam wasn't overwhelmed by Blake's power, he got knocked off balance because he was pitching a fit about having his control of the situation taken away from him and lashing out, what's more, that kind of aggressive style doesn't suit him well, especially not against someone like Blake who is all about maneuverability.

I feel its important to keep in mind that Adam, whenever he has won, has note done so in fair circumstances, he's always had help or some kind of advantage that puts him in control of the scene. Spider bot, he needs to hide behind Blake to charge his Semblance, which he relied on to win cos he couldn't do anything to the spider bot without it. Blake, he's her abuser her and goaded her into attacking him very directly which is the opposite of what her style is good for while charging up his Semblance. Yang, he stabbed Blake and then refused to get away from her to goad Yang into attacking him while not knowing what his Semblance was.

Adam's good at manipulation, ambushes, he's not been established as a badass 'overwhelm's his opponents with skill and power' fighter, but an underhanded manipulative one who relies on making his opponents come to him and give him their strength or taking them out by surprise.

As to Roman, he went into that fight really cocky, while Blake was far more controlled than when she fought him the first time and he also didn't know about her secret weapons, that feels less like a power creep to me and more the element of surprise.

What I was going for is that the majority of fanbase has already entered power level territory when it comes to how fights should be, for example the Adam fight in there mind was lack luster since Adam was built up as this grand and powerful villain who took Yang down in one stroke thus in the minds of the fanbase he was supposed to be a far more powerful then most of the cast at that time, combine this with Cinder basically subjugating him with only half of the Maiden power shows how strong Cinder was in comparison to him. But then in Volume 5 where he is just taken out so easily regardless of past indicators that he should not have been hence all the backlash since in the minds of the fanbase RT just screwed the power scaling of the villains.

Another thing to contest that I see alot of is the concept of fully trained Hunter vs Partially trained. Basically the difference between Ruby and Qrows combat abilities during the Tyrien fight is an excellent example of this difference since it seems to imply that "Fully Trained" Hunters would have been able to deal with Tyrien far better then a bunch of combat school "drop outs"
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What I was going for is that the majority of fanbase has already entered power level territory when it comes to how fights should be, for example the Adam fight in there mind was lack luster since Adam was built up as this grand and powerful villain who took Yang down in one stroke thus in the minds of the fanbase he was supposed to be a far more powerful then most of the cast at that time, combine this with Cinder basically subjugating him with only half of the Maiden power shows how strong Cinder was in comparison to him. But then in Volume 5 where he is just taken out so easily regardless of past indicators that he should not have been hence all the backlash since in the minds of the fanbase RT just screwed the power scaling of the villains.

Another thing to contest that I see alot of is the concept of fully trained Hunter vs Partially trained. Basically the difference between Ruby and Qrows combat abilities during the Tyrien fight is an excellent example of this difference since it seems to imply that "Fully Trained" Hunters would have been able to deal with Tyrien far better then a bunch of combat school "drop outs"
The fanbase's opinion on this kind of doesn't matter to me given they also thought the wannabe manipulative mass murderer was a morally grey character. My main point is that Adam is not established in his battles as a super badass, he's an ambusher, an underhanded fighter who falls into a heap the moment he's not in control of the situation, he shows no backbone the moment Cinder actually scares him and he didn't beat Yang in a fight, he lured her into a trap. EDIT: My point being that regardless of what the fanbase thought of him, that is not necessarily what was shown.

I'm genuinely kind of unsure what you are going for with this.
The fanbase's opinion on this kind of doesn't matter to me given they also thought the wannabe manipulative mass murderer was a morally grey character. My main point is that Adam is not established in his battles as a super badass, he's an ambusher, an underhanded fighter who falls into a heap the moment he's not in control of the situation, he shows no backbone the moment Cinder actually scares him and he didn't beat Yang in a fight, he lured her into a trap. EDIT: My point being that regardless of what the fanbase thought of him, that is not necessarily what was shown.

I'm genuinely kind of unsure what you are going for with this.
What I am basically going for is that the show inadvertently or unknowingly created a power level system based on the feats of the villains abilities/actions etc throughout the show which alot of people took to be the measuring stick that the cast needs to measure up to or train in order to surpass what we have seen from the opposition. Then the Volume 5 Battle for Haven came and basically threw the stick away and alot of people were either angry that the villains got nerfed or confused on the whole mess.
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What I am basically going for is that the show inadvertently or unknowingly created a power level system based on the feats of the villains abilities/actions etc throughout the show which alot of people took to be the measuring stick that the cast needs to measure up to or train in order to surpass what we have seen from the opposition. Then the Volume 5 Battle for Haven came and basically threw the stick away and alot of people were either angry that the villains got nerfed or confused on the whole mess.
As I said, the fanbase is not my concern here, you said power creep might be a thing already, I am offering a counter argument to that claim, I don't care what the fanbase thinks of Adam or the power scaling for the most part,I am talking in universe and regards to the writing over the assumptions of fans.
Power creep? I thought everyone was actually going down in skill as time went on tbh.
I honestly don't get how Blake knocking Adam down the way she did is such a big deal for everyone. It's not like she literally defeated him and drained all his shields when she hit him, he just knocked him down. The only stupid part was how he just ran away so goddamn easily in the next episode.
I honestly don't get how Blake knocking Adam down the way she did is such a big deal for everyone. It's not like she literally defeated him and drained all his shields when she hit him, he just knocked him down. The only stupid part was how he just ran away so goddamn easily in the next episode.
He was surrounded by a bunch of armed combatants who all wanted his blood. Adam was escaping but he was also baiting them. Blake outright says as much when Sun goes to follow him. Adam was in a bad position and he knew it.
He was surrounded by a bunch of armed combatants who all wanted his blood. Adam was escaping but he was also baiting them. Blake outright says as much when Sun goes to follow him. Adam was in a bad position and he knew it.
Then why did nobody follow him? He's a guy with a sword, not a monster or battle mech. And it's not like the Charlottesville rally was doing anything anyways, besides maybe detaining the 3 or 4 goons Adam was with.
What I am basically going for is that the show inadvertently or unknowingly created a power level system based on the feats of the villains abilities/actions etc throughout the show which alot of people took to be the measuring stick that the cast needs to measure up to or train in order to surpass what we have seen from the opposition. Then the Volume 5 Battle for Haven came and basically threw the stick away and alot of people were either angry that the villains got nerfed or confused on the whole mess.

This is basically the RWBY fandom having bad takes and then getting confused when their bad takes are contradicted by canon (if in a very underwhelming episode) or getting upset.

I'm not seeing compelling evidence for power creep tbh.
Then why did nobody follow him? He's a guy with a sword, not a monster or battle mech. And it's not like the Charlottesville rally was doing anything anyways, besides maybe detaining the 3 or 4 goons Adam was with.
Because one trained killer running through the dark woods at night is a lot harder to track down. Plus there was still a massive fight going on in the main building that demanded some attention. Beyond that Blake pointed out that Adam sort of burned his bridges at this point so he's not as much of a direct threat.

PS The fuck the the Charlottesville rally have to do with any of this? Did you just insert it to be edgy or is their some subtle point I'm missing here?