RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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No. The fans losing their minds and doing their best to shout me down is entirely on them. Being super polite doesn't change the facts. Ryuugi is being calm and polite right now over on SB as he's criticizing the show, and whaddya know he's getting screamed at by the diehard fans. Criticism is no less valid just because it isn't said in the most polite manner, and frankly even if I did change my tone it wouldn't matter and overly-defensive stans would jump down my throat.
No. The fans losing their minds and doing their best to shout me down is entirely on them. Being super polite doesn't change the facts. Ryuugi is being calm and polite right now over on SB as he's criticizing the show, and whaddya know he's getting screamed at by the diehard fans. Criticism is no less valid just because it isn't said in the most polite manner, and frankly even if I did change my tone it wouldn't matter and overly-defensive stans would jump down my throat.
Part of the issue is that you constantly frame yourself as the one in the right while everyone else is a "stan" or a "rabid fan" or "overly-defensive," like you're doing literally right now.

It gets trying after a while.
Part of the issue is that you constantly frame yourself as the one in the right while everyone else is a "stan" or a "rabid fan" or "overly-defensive," like you're doing literally right now.

It gets trying after a while.
If this comment were coming from anyone else it might be valid, but... it's you, Stellar. You've constantly engaged in sniping and other bad-faith debating that has gotten you banned from both the RWBY Main and Ideas threads over on SB. And then banned again when your previous ban was up and went right back to your old behavior.

Have you ever considered that with my relative lack of infractions over the subject that maybe it's not me that's the problem? Yeah I'm not the nicest guy on the board and I can be pretty abrasive at times, but I aim most of my criticisms directly at the show, not other members. Something that can't be said for many others who jump in to defend it.
If this comment were coming from anyone else it might be valid, but... it's you, Stellar. You've constantly engaged in sniping and other bad-faith debating that has gotten you banned from both the RWBY Main and Ideas threads over on SB. And then banned again when your previous ban was up and went right back to your old behavior.

Have you ever considered that with my relative lack of infractions over the subject that maybe it's not me that's the problem? Yeah I'm not the nicest guy on the board and I can be pretty abrasive at times, but I aim most of my criticisms directly at the show, not other members. Something that can't be said for many others who jump in to defend it.

Didn't you get banned from this thread yourself, like twice? Also, I recall that you tend to not actually engage with people when people try to address your criticisms but that could just be me.
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No. The fans losing their minds and doing their best to shout me down is entirely on them. Being super polite doesn't change the facts. Ryuugi is being calm and polite right now over on SB as he's criticizing the show, and whaddya know he's getting screamed at by the diehard fans. Criticism is no less valid just because it isn't said in the most polite manner, and frankly even if I did change my tone it wouldn't matter and overly-defensive stans would jump down my throat.
You might not be able to control the behaviour of others, but you can control the behaviour of yourself.

Part of the issue is that you constantly frame yourself as the one in the right while everyone else is a "stan" or a "rabid fan" or "overly-defensive," like you're doing literally right now.

It gets trying after a while.
If this comment were coming from anyone else it might be valid, but... it's you, Stellar. You've constantly engaged in sniping and other bad-faith debating that has gotten you banned from both the RWBY Main and Ideas threads over on SB. And then banned again when your previous ban was up and went right back to your old behavior.

Have you ever considered that with my relative lack of infractions over the subject that maybe it's not me that's the problem? Yeah I'm not the nicest guy on the board and I can be pretty abrasive at times, but I aim most of my criticisms directly at the show, not other members. Something that can't be said for many others who jump in to defend it.
He does have a point though. All throughout this most recent debacle on your behaviour, you've constantly referred to anyone who refutes your points as a rabid fanboy jumping down your throat. You even leapt to the conclusion that Volant was pissed off with you. I'm currently stuck on the thinking that you're deliberately being abrasive to get a rise out of people, or have some sort of masochistic victim complex. Maybe even both, who knows.

Yeah I'm not the nicest guy on the board and I can be pretty abrasive at times,

The first step to working through a solution to accept that there is a problem to begin with, so we're making progress.

Now this derail has probably gone on long enough, so back on topic, I'm looking forward to seeing Atlas in the upcoming season, and finding out if it at all matches what headcanons I've had for it. The World of Remnant videos showed Atlas as having huge crystals of what is presumably Dust hovering around. I think the implication from that might be that sufficiently large chunks of solid Dust may impart an effect based on what kind it is to the surrounding area. Like a lightning chunk putting your hair on end or shoved into a generator to passively give energy without using up the Dust. Space heater burn Dust. Waterfall... water Dust?

It'd certainly make Dust mining an even more dangerous occupation than we previously thought.
Please stop. If we keep debating and trying to prove that our interpretation of the trends of these discussions is the correct one, we'll get nowhere. It's too built on our interpretation of tone and intent of a statement informed by our interpretation of the tone and intent of a previous statement informed by previous statements before that. It's a subjective rabbit hole and noone wants to go dig through months of forum posts and debate every one of them so there's no way to actually come to an agreement on it. Their previous experiences caused them to interpret it one way, yours another, and then you both agreed that if you're not trying to read a particular tone into it as part of a trend each statement can be read as innocuous. We should just stop at that, and we can have this as a moment of understanding and a positive interaction that more could be built off of in the future.
I did stop and then went back to the topic at hand of RWBY? I'm really looking forward to seeing what Atlas is like.
So on a less controversial subject...those background characters sure have improved! Remember when they were all just outlines?
i think there was a chibi skit on that, actually. plenty of opportunity for bad taste racism jokes too.

Come to think of it, Weiss doesn't need to take over the SDC or be a huntress, because she has a laid-out career path.

After all, she jobs in all of her fights.

Edit: that was meant to be a joke but looking back on the series it strikes me just how little team RWBY's efforts actually matter. Yang is set up as the heavy hitter but constantly gets taken out or humiliated in some manner and ends volume 3 by taking away basically everything I liked about the character, the joke about Weiss being a jobber isn't actually much of a joke and Ruby doesn't do much of anything and the silver eyes were entirely beyond her control. Sure she cut off Tyrion's tail but that was only because Qrow had already saved her life and Tyrion was doing some evil gloating after he already poisoned Qrow, and overall their successes aren't due to their own efforts but from outside circumstances.

Honestly Blake is MVP because she consistently comes out on top of her fights with the small exception of Adam who she takes out effortlessly two volumes later.
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what was ruby's role in the train battle? I can't seem to remember her having a spotlight beyond 'knock people on top of the train off the train'
what was ruby's role in the train battle? I can't seem to remember her having a spotlight beyond 'knock people on top of the train off the train'

Taking on the mechs with Oobleck and Zwei.

Btw, in terms of 'stuff team RWBY did that mattered,' I do think the train battle counts. Yes, there was still a breach that lead to the eventual battle of Beacon. Flipside, without them there'd be 1) no Hunters on-sit to buy time for reinforcements, 2) a gaggle of Paladins publicly attacking civilians and responding hunters when they do show up, increasing the threat level and casualties considerably. As well as Roman, the White Fang Lieutenant, and Neo... though I expect at least Roman and Neo to split when backup starts getting too significant, those are significant fighters who'll tie up the first responding students from fighting the Grimm.

While Glynda and Ironwood showing up with the army would still put it down eventually, RWBY+Oobleck handling a lot of the heavies before the breach even opened certainly cut down on casualties. The psychological impact of having a breach got through, but only the psychological impact.
what was ruby's role in the train battle? I can't seem to remember her having a spotlight beyond 'knock people on top of the train off the train'
She was supposed to be trying to reach the engine to stop the train, but wound up not getting there any sooner than anyone else.

Tactically, splitting up in the train fight wasn't a good idea, because it basically gave the enemy the chance to engage them individually and almost defeat them in detail, whereas if they'd stayed together they probably could have steamrolled through the opposition. But shounen anime tropes gotta trope, I guess.
She was supposed to be trying to reach the engine to stop the train, but wound up not getting there any sooner than anyone else.

Tactically, splitting up in the train fight wasn't a good idea, because it basically gave the enemy the chance to engage them individually and almost defeat them in detail, whereas if they'd stayed together they probably could have steamrolled through the opposition. But shounen anime tropes gotta trope, I guess.

Though in a tight space, it can be hard to use numbers, and Neo could stall them out for some time- enough for the others to come forward and make it a team vs team some distance from the cab. Maybe they steamroll, but 'have one split off to deal with the tarpits,' is not the worse approach.
Taking on the mechs with Oobleck and Zwei.

Btw, in terms of 'stuff team RWBY did that mattered,' I do think the train battle counts. Yes, there was still a breach that lead to the eventual battle of Beacon. Flipside, without them there'd be 1) no Hunters on-sit to buy time for reinforcements, 2) a gaggle of Paladins publicly attacking civilians and responding hunters when they do show up, increasing the threat level and casualties considerably. As well as Roman, the White Fang Lieutenant, and Neo... though I expect at least Roman and Neo to split when backup starts getting too significant, those are significant fighters who'll tie up the first responding students from fighting the Grimm.

While Glynda and Ironwood showing up with the army would still put it down eventually, RWBY+Oobleck handling a lot of the heavies before the breach even opened certainly cut down on casualties. The psychological impact of having a breach got through, but only the psychological impact.
Plus the plan was meant to go off later after everyone was out of town. They only left early because Ruby set off Torchwick.

She was supposed to be trying to reach the engine to stop the train, but wound up not getting there any sooner than anyone else.

Tactically, splitting up in the train fight wasn't a good idea, because it basically gave the enemy the chance to engage them individually and almost defeat them in detail, whereas if they'd stayed together they probably could have steamrolled through the opposition. But shounen anime tropes gotta trope, I guess.
Didn't they get separated by circumstance and that's why they split up?
They chose to split up with Ruby and Oobleck running on top to reach the engine and stop the train while the others went down to stop any more bombs.