RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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For context, the tallest living person in the world is 8'2".

He's actually closer to 8'3". Regardless, yes, that would mean Hazel is a full foot taller than Yatsuhashi, the previous tallest character in RWBY.

Though, are we sure they meant eight feet as in his literal, actual height, or just as a hyperbolic number they threw out? Cause I don't think he looks that big. How tall is Adam?

He's actually closer to 8'3". Regardless, yes, that would mean Hazel is a full foot taller than Yatsuhashi, the previous tallest character in RWBY.

Though, are we sure they meant eight feet as in his literal, actual height, or just as a hyperbolic number they threw out? Cause I don't think he looks that big. How tall is Adam?
Adam's, like, 6'5" IIRC.

So, yeah. Absolute unit. (Realistically, Hazel's probably "only" somewhere in the range of 7'8"-7'10", though.)
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He's actually closer to 8'3". Regardless, yes, that would mean Hazel is a full foot taller than Yatsuhashi, the previous tallest character in RWBY.

Though, are we sure they meant eight feet as in his literal, actual height, or just as a hyperbolic number they threw out? Cause I don't think he looks that big. How tall is Adam?

Looks like that might be perspective. Look at their feet
I think Hazel follows what I have tentatively deemed 'The Gamagori Principle'. His height is always 'taller then you//tallest in the room', but the exact size may vary from scene to scene or shot to shot.
Forgive me if I'm misremembering events from Volume 4, but doesn't this short retroactively make Ghira kind of a shit dad? He apparently knew about Adam being a violent sonofabitch but was still super skeptical when Blake brought up the events of the fall of Beacon and didn't put up too much fuss when Blake started dating Adam. Then he acts all disapproving of Sun for some reason when the guy could not be more different than Adam.

Again I could be misremembering things but if I'm not this doesn't paint Blake's dad in a very good light.
Forgive me if I'm misremembering events from Volume 4, but doesn't this short retroactively make Ghira kind of a shit dad? He apparently knew about Adam being a violent sonofabitch but was still super skeptical when Blake brought up the events of the fall of Beacon and didn't put up too much fuss when Blake started dating Adam. Then he acts all disapproving of Sun for some reason when the guy could not be more different than Adam.

Again I could be misremembering things but if I'm not this doesn't paint Blake's dad in a very good light.

We don't know all the circumstances of the beginning of Blake and Adam's thing, but note, she was already kinda estranged with her parents for not doing enough and on the more violent end of the White Fang side- if with more morals than Adam. I don't think Ghira just shrugged and went 'whatever,' but he might've viewed it as just them being more politically similar and not realizing Adam was not just violent to humans, but manipulative and scummy.

Also, it could be a "the last BF didn't work out so now I'm more skeptical about BFs in general."
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Forgive me if I'm misremembering events from Volume 4, but doesn't this short retroactively make Ghira kind of a shit dad? He apparently knew about Adam being a violent sonofabitch but was still super skeptical when Blake brought up the events of the fall of Beacon and didn't put up too much fuss when Blake started dating Adam. Then he acts all disapproving of Sun for some reason when the guy could not be more different than Adam.

Again I could be misremembering things but if I'm not this doesn't paint Blake's dad in a very good light.

He wasn't very skeptical at all; he was disbelieving at first, because he hadn't heard anything about it, but when the Albains tried to play Blake's accusations off he immediately took her word over theirs.

And Blake apparently hadn't seen her parents since they left the White Fang or shortly after that, so he may not have even they had something like that. After all, the White Fang was controlling his access to information, and he apparently still respected Sienna enough to think she wouldn't do him dirty like that.

Which still makes Ghira out as a bad judge of character, but that's just a character flaw.
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He wasn't very skeptical at all; he was disbelieving at first, because he hadn't heard anything about it, but when the Albains tried to play Blake's accusations off he immediately took her word over theirs.

And Blake apparently hadn't seen her parents since they left the White Fang or shortly after that, so he may not have even they had something like that. After all, the White Fang was controlling his access to information, and he apparently still respected Sienna enough to think she wouldn't do him dirty like that.

Which still makes Ghira out as a bad judge of character, but that's just a character flaw.
I'm not really sure how Ghira is a bad judge of character, Sienna didn't approve of the attack on Beacon, the Albains were working for Adam when censoring info and she disagreed with Adam's supremacy doctrine. Both of them fought for equality, Sienna's methods (Which were noted to work, a claim that's never been refuted) just focused on making humans unwilling to express their bigotry for fear of the consequences because so far, that seemed to be the only thing humans ever listened to.

Edit: Sorry if Misunderstood your intent here.
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I'm not really sure how Ghira is a bad judge of character, Sienna didn't approve of the attack on Beacon, the Albains were working for Adam when censoring info and she disagreed with Adam's supremacy doctrine. Both of them fought for equality, Sienna's methods (Which were noted to work, a claim that's never been refuted) just focused on making humans unwilling to express their bigotry for fear of the consequences because so far, that seemed to be the only thing humans ever listened to.
Yeah, no. This is the same lady who instantly used the tragedy of the ambush to push her leadership agenda. Not even a second's thought towards Ghira's injury or those of the rest of the White Fang. She is just as self-serving as Adam. As I said on the last page, what she didn't say is just as important as what she did say. She notable did not condemn Adam for destroying one of the four institutions keeping the world from being overrun by murderous hellbeasts. She didn't have a word to say about the countless lives of humans and faunus lost in the fall of Beacon. Her only concern was that she thinks Adam bit off more than he could chew and that they couldn't fight the whole world. Implying she would if she had the manpower and thought that would get results.
My two cents from this short are basically one: Adam seems older than Blake here, by several years. I thought he came in after Sienna took over, but it seems like he was there from pretty much the start. It makes their relationship even more skeevy. Secondly, if they're going to be giving Adam more lines and a bigger role in the show they have to find a new voice actor. I know the show is staffed by whoever was on had at the time, but the guy playing Adam is about as convincing as a kid in his middle school play. Not even someone who wanted to be in the play either, he was just doing it to make his mom happy. Like at first it sort of worked because his voice was at odds with his appearance and made him seem more normal, but the actor has no range at all and delivers every line with a totally flat affect. They surely can find better people at their studio than this. Fuck get one of the Achievement Hunter guys to do it. Any one of them would be better than this.
Based on Blake's physical appearance in the short despite taking play several years before the show...

Adam: "How old are you?"
Blake: "Seventeen"
Adam: "How long have you been seventeen?"
Blake: "A while."
Based on Blake's physical appearance in the short despite taking play several years before the show...

Adam: "How old are you?"
Blake: "Seventeen"
Adam: "How long have you been seventeen?"
Blake: "A while."
I mean sure, that's mostly a limitation of the technology they're working with, however the reason Adam seems older in it has nothing to do with his physical appearance. It's mostly down to how he speaks to people and how they speak to him. In the opening heist it seems like this is a long time ago, and it's clear that Adam is meant to be young, but he's not so young that the others see him as anything other than an adult and a leader.
Based on Blake's physical appearance in the short despite taking play several years before the show...

Honestly looks like it took place just before the train heist, which would have been just before Blake made her way to Beacon/Vale (wouldn't make too much sense for her to leave early and have more chance of getting captured, at least). It would explain why Blake looked so extra guilty about leaving him behind at the end of the black trailer.
Honestly looks like it took place just before the train heist, which would have been just before Blake made her way to Beacon/Vale (wouldn't make too much sense for her to leave early and have more chance of getting captured, at least). It would explain why Blake looked so extra guilty about leaving him behind at the end of the black trailer.
I'm pretty sure his mask is different on the train heist actually. I imagine this was when Blake was like, fifteen/sixteen maybe? So she's been with Sienna's WF for a few years now but has not yet felt it/Adam has changed enough to run away. But that's just me, the models make age hard.
Clearly determining age in animation is difficult to begin with, and I'm betting they did not want to create a whole new model and rigging for a "two years younger" Blake that was only going to appear in a single scene.
Clearly determining age in animation is difficult to begin with, and I'm betting they did not want to create a whole new model and rigging for a "two years younger" Blake that was only going to appear in a single scene.
I'm betting that their models are not particularly detailed anyway so communicating that she's a younger teenager would be pretty much impossible.
Something I realized some time ago is that Dr. Polendina is clearly modeled after Dr. Light from Megaman.

So, we have a Dr. Light-esque Atlesian doctor, right? And now we have another, evil Atlesian doctor.

Note that he is very tall and lanky where Polendina looks to be shorter and rounder, his hair is gray rather than white, he has a big bad guy mustache rather than a full beard, and he likes to stick the letter "W" on stuff because it's the first letter of his last name. In fact, his initials are A.W. In other words...

He's Remnant's answer to Dr. Albert Wily.