RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Then you are a fool. They already did a scene demonstrating Aura. It was Ren's fight with the King Taijitu. It was quite obvious since Pyrrha was doing a voice-over explaining Aura during the entire encounter and the scene cut to Ren during specific parts of her explanation. The same episode also demonstrated Aura by having Jaune heal the cut on his cheek with Aura.

Having a second scene demonstrating the exact same properties of Aura (defense and healing) that we had already seen earlier in the same volume would have been redundant. What it did serve as was a early hint at what Jaune's Semblance would be, Aura Amplification. Hence it being the only time where Cardin (or anyone else) hurt themselves when punching Jaune (or anyone else) with a active Aura.
While I broadly speaking agree, following their track and name calling feels unnecessary to me and detracts from your post.
I didn't remember this, so I had to go back and check if it's actually a thing that happened.

...Curse you for making me rewatch a shitty Jaune episode.

EDIT: Yeah, there's some sort of bright flare when Cardin is about to punch him that apparently hurts Cardin?

That doesn't seem to relate at all to the Semblance that he develops in Volume 5, which was to share Aura with others.

They might have originally been planning on a different Semblance for Jaune and then changed their mind later.

Note that Jaune healing a cut *super* quickly was also implied to be his semblance. So I think he can temporarily boost his too (like burning fuel in exchange for output).
Note that Jaune healing a cut *super* quickly was also implied to be his semblance. So I think he can temporarily boost his too (like burning fuel in exchange for output).
Except that scene was implying that healing injuries was supposed to be a basic function of aura, especially since at that point semblances weren't introduced as a thing yet.
Jesus Christ, it looks like you made a whole image edit with Youtube being down at the moment.
They did do outlines seasons in advance, and RWBY'd already done her petal thing, Adam had done his moon-cut (including the 'spending time charging up' showing his semblance mechanics were fully in place), Weiss her runes, and I think Blake her shadow clones... Glynda her TK as well.

Some stuff they've adjusted or changed on the fly, but the basic mechanics? Those were finalized at least by the WBY trailers, and maybe R as well.
Don't be rude.

EDIT: Yeah, there's some sort of bright flare when Cardin is about to punch him that apparently hurts Cardin?

That doesn't seem to relate at all to the Semblance that he develops in Volume 5, which was to share Aura with others.
Actually it was aura amplification with the healing being done by Weiss's own boosted aura.

They might have originally been planning on a different Semblance for Jaune and then changed their mind later.
Well Grimm Eclipse featured a video-game-mechanics version of Jaune's Semblance a year and a half before it featured on the show.

Also according to the wiki:
"Jaune's Semblance was first seen in "Forever Fall, Pt.2".[2] When Cardin attempted to punch him, he visibly winces while Jaune remains unscathed and surprised by the turn of events. Miles Luna has described this as Jaune using his Semblance to amplify his Aura cloak to block Cardin's punch.[3] Based on this, it can be inferred that Jaune is capable of amplifying his own Aura to enhance his defensive capabilities."
You can't use the fan wiki as a defense for your argument. That's little more than arumentum ad populum with this work.
That seemed more like stylization and exaggeration than an actual display of any unique powers.
Do you have proof of this claim?
I don't recall anyone else conjuring Glyphs, or absorbing lazers, why wouldn't they be unique powers?

You can't use the fan wiki as a defense for your argument. That's little more than arumentum ad populum with this work.
Notice the numbers in there, those link back to sources.
That seemed more like stylization and exaggeration than an actual display of any unique powers.
Just because you misunderstood something doesn't mean your right.
After all later information/events back it up.
Unless of course you would like to provide evidence to the contrary?
EDIT: Yeah, there's some sort of bright flare when Cardin is about to punch him that apparently hurts Cardin?

That doesn't seem to relate at all to the Semblance that he develops in Volume 5, which was to share Aura with others.

Looking at it closer, It looks like Jaune did not in fact had his aura up at all, and that he simply just finally activated it without help for once. After all the first punch did in fact bruised him. One could argue that he also tapped into his Semblance to further amplify his aura to make it so that Cardin did the = of punching something really hard, which tends to hurt.
Still, could go either way at this point.
"You can't use a source of information that has been contributed and corrected by dozens of fans as proof for your argument".

So what then?
Not what I meant to say. I meant that anyone editing the wiki is just using the exact same retroactive reasoning this and is therefore gullible enough to believe that actually counted as substantive foreshadowing rather than a display of Aura or a vague bluff trying to pass as foreshadowing.

Also, I really hate how they went about in Season 5 saying that aura is something you actively have to maintain just to excuse characters getting cheapshotted. Reminds me of Halo Reach and Metroid: Other M using similar excuses for the same reasons.
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Not what I meant to say. I meant that anyone editing the wiki is just using the exact same retroactive reasoning this and is therefore gullible enough to believe that actually counted as substantive foreshadowing rather than a display of Aura or a vague bluff trying to pass as foreshadowing.

Also, I really hate how they went about in Season 5 saying that aura is something you actively have to maintain just to excuse characters getting cheapshotted. Reminds me of Halo Reach and Metroid: Other M using similar excuses for the same reasons.
As requested previously, do you have any proof to these claims of yours, or an actual argument beyond just stating an insult? Because as it stands,I do not feel you are debating in good faith.
I thought I stated from the beginning that I have no desire to respect this show?
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You can't use the fan wiki as a defense for your argument. That's little more than arumentum ad populum with this work.
How so? The two sources used are directors commentary and RWBY Rewind and while the specific RWBY Rewind episode/episode transcript isn't listed, the directors commentary is:

"White screen from Cardin Winchester punching Jaune Arc.

68. Monty: Oh.

69. Miles: (inaudible) Look at Jaune's, Jaune Arc's... Uh...

70. Monty: First hints of a Semblance.

71. Miles: Yeah."

It is clear from this dialogue that Jaune is using his Semblance when he repels Cardin. Unless you can interpret in some other way?

I thought I stated from the beginning that I have no faith in the words and actions of the show or its creators and fans?
Then you might as well leave the thread.

I honestly have no idea how you expect anyone to be able to debate with you when you "have no faith in the words and actions of the show or its creators and fans" i.e. won't believe or evaluate anything shown onscreen, any WoG referenced or any fan opinion or interpretation that clashes with your own (which you presumably have at least some 'faith' in).

I mean are you a fan of the show yourself or are you just here to critique and whinge about something you neither understand nor enjoy, for some unfathomable reason?
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Rule 4 Violation: Don't be Disruptive
I WAS BORED. I was bored and had nothing better to do than whine about how the show's events don't agree with my perferred interpretation of the show and about how a bunch of lines from WoG and source material that I don't like are treated as having more value than my headcanon.
I thought I stated from the beginning that I have no desire to respect this show?
So why are you debating to the death over this? At least with Mook, Zam, and everyone else, they care about the show to defend it and debate endlessly on topics. Hell, some people who expressively hate RWBY do so because they have had some respect for the show at some point and some still do to this day.

Even me, who has stated time and time again that there are moments in RWBY I despise or otherwise don't like, for instance the aforementioned "aura retcon" that's been divisively split on, still have some respect for the show's lore, music, and even some story beats.

I WAS BORED. I was bored and had nothing better to do than whine about how the show's events don't agree with my perferred interpretation of the show and about how a bunch of lines from WoG and source material that I don't like are treated as having more value than my headcanon.
You've basically just said that you wanted to complain about how your headcanon is superior than words spoken by the actual creators of RWBY and the show itself.

You outright said that we're not allowed to bring a wiki that's been constantly groomed by fans to prevent vandalism or misinformation because "anyone can edit it" without understanding that Wikis aren't as free frontier as you might expect. Go ahead. Edit Jaune's Semblance with your headcanon and see how long it lasts there.
I'm not editing the wiki. I wanted to try saying that I thought WoG saying that was a hint at his Semblance was obvious BS that hints at literally nothing but that he has a strong aura. The power of giving other characters overshields should not equate to the power of pushing people back in a bright light when they're grabbing you IMO.

Basically, my entire series of posts can be summed up as "I don't like *thing*".
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Anyone know where I can listen to the Volume 5 soundtrack? I can't find it on youtube or spotify.