RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Point about the rooms probably not being bugged but I did go on to mention that they discussed their plans in public a lot.
They didn't though. Lowly murmuring stuff in the middle of a party is not something that's going to get you noticed. Teenage girls rolling their eyes at something does not scream "totes spy" and likely wouldn't be caught by any security cameras anyway unless you have A.I to go through tens of thousands of hours of security feeds (which is what you would get every day if you placed cameras across the entire massive Beacon Academy). And honestly outside the Dance itself I can't think of a single time were they actually say anything remotely incriminating outside their presumably security sweeped dorm room. The meeting with Adam really doesn't count because that was in the city of Beacon itself and a specifically arranged meeting so they would have picked a location where they wouldn't be noticed.

"What are we going to do" is not incriminating.

"Learning is so much fun" is not incriminating.

"At least we know what we're up against" just makes it sound like they're doing what Weiss did in Volume 1, scouting out the competition for the tournament. Every team would have motives to do that, its not a spy exclusive thing. Heck its a weird thing for a spy to focus on since it would be simpler to just plant some bombs than to rig the tournament so that you can use a unheard of illusion power to trick someone else into murdering their opponent.
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One suggestion I saw in another RWBY thread for the laser pointer issue was that it was partially a joke. To Blake though she knew someone was pulling a racist prank on her. She, in her exhausted state, was going to rip the perpetrator a new one. She was mad. Then Yang revealed herself. Blake's face switches from frustration and a bit of fury to just confusion. Next we had Yang pour her heart out to Blake so we did not get to see Blake bring up the laser pointer issue.
They didn't though. Lowly murmuring stuff in the middle of a party is not something that's going to get you noticed. Teenage girls rolling their eyes at something does not scream "totes spy" and likely wouldn't be caught by any security cameras anyway unless you have A.I to go through tens of thousands of hours of security feeds (which is what you would get every day if you placed cameras across the entire massive Beacon Academy). And honestly outside the Dance itself I can't think of a single time were they actually say anything remotely incriminating outside their presumably security sweeped dorm room. The meeting with Adam really doesn't count because that was in the city of Beacon itself and a specifically arranged meeting so they would have picked a location where they wouldn't be noticed.

"What are we going to do" is not incriminating.

"Learning is so much fun" is not incriminating.

"At least we know what we're up against" just makes it sound like they're doing what Weiss did in Volume 1, scouting out the competition for the tournament. Every team would have motives to do that, its not a spy exclusive thing. Heck its a weird thing for a spy to focus on since it would be simpler to just plant some bombs than to rig the tournament so that you can use a unheard of illusion power to trick someone else into murdering their opponent.
Yet "It's not about overpowering an enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time." or "They'd be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for." sound perfectly okay, right?
Yet "It's not about overpowering an enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time." or "They'd be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for." sound perfectly okay, right?
Don't forget the girl without a fire semblance popping a popcorn kernel with their bare hands.
Admittedly they might not know whether or not Cinder had a fire semblance, but given they already had experience searching out new maidens whenever the previous one dies showing off maiden powers in public is risky.
Don't forget the girl without a fire semblance popping a popcorn kernel with their bare hands.
Admittedly they might not know whether or not Cinder had a fire semblance, but given they already had experience searching out new maidens whenever the previous one dies showing off maiden powers in public is risky.
Eeeeh, I'd give Cinder a pass on that. She's in a crowd and it was a very minor thing she did all things together.

But still, there's other reasons why they'd consider Cinder Fall. Namely because of her last name.
Yet "It's not about overpowering an enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time." or "They'd be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for." sound perfectly okay, right?
1. She said in the privacy of their room which they've likely already swept for bugs just in case. Not that its very likely there would be any in the first place since that would be a horrendous breach of privacy and could cause a massive scandal and get Ozpin fired and sued if it was discovered.
2. Again I already covered this, they're in the middle of a party with a ton of people and music. They weren't exactly talking loudly in that scene so there's no reason anyone should overhear it when everyone's busy trying not to step on their partners toes.

Don't forget the girl without a fire semblance popping a popcorn kernel with their bare hands.
Tonight on Jeopardy "What is Dust?" for 5000 Lien.

Elemental Powers are so goddamned common on Remnant that the idea that anyone is going to bat an eye at someone popping some popcorn with fire is completely ludicrous. Not to mention that if Cinder just beat people up with her bare hands and feet in the Tournament then nobody would have any reason to know what the fuck her Semblance is in the first place. Hell Leo could have just have put Semblance: Pyrothurgy in her fake transcripts. Although I don't see why he should need to bother since again nobody is going to give a fuck if some random person in a crowd of millions displays extremely minor flame powers.

These complaints just keep getting dumber and dumber.

But still, there's other reasons why they'd consider Cinder Fall. Namely because of her last name.
Gasp! Cinder Fall! A woman with a seasonal name? Say it isn't so!? Who has ever heard of such a thing?! :o

Look Cinder! Its the Winter Maiden! Hurry up and steal her powers before she can escape!

Aha! I've cracked the code! Ruby's mother was the Summer Maiden! Therefore Yang must be the Summer Maiden! Her burning hair wasn't her Semblance at all! :eek:

Because you know.... On a world where there's a really old, widespread and popular fairy tale about four young girls named after the seasons there's no possible way it could become popular to pick surnames or family names based on the seasons. Surely not. :V
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Tonight on Jeopardy "What is Dust?" for 5000 Lien.

Elemental Powers are so goddamned common on Remnant that the idea that anyone is going to bat an eye at someone popping some popcorn with fire is completely ludicrous. Not to mention that if Cinder just beat people up with her bare hands and feet in the Tournament then nobody would have any reason to know what the fuck her Semblance is in the first place. Hell Leo could have just have put Semblance: Pyrothurgy in her fake transcripts. Although I don't see why he should need to bother since again nobody is going to give a fuck if some random person in a crowd of millions displays extremely minor flame powers.

These complaints just keep getting dumber and dumber.
Every example has shown that dust glows when it's being used in such a fashion.
And I just said that they have lots of experience tracking down maidens given the powers get scattered to the ends of Remnant whenever the previous one dies, so they've probably got some skill in telling whether an ability is a semblance or maiden-given. Heck, Qrow recognized that a Maiden took part in the attack on Shion simply from the aftermath as opposed to some form of semblance or dust usage.
And I'm not saying it was suicidal, just risky.
And also, while what's happening to Faunus in the show is horrifyingly racist, the fact that Blake shows they have the instincts of their animal and they seem to be partially involuntary if the laser pointer is any indication is terrifying.
How was Blake behaving like a cat with the laser pointer? She basically tried to ignore it until it got too irritating and then tried to follow it back to the source.

Also what Jakobstj said about the bugging, Cinder tended to keep things in private room discussions and I doubt Ozpin could have bugged the rooms and gotten away with it for 80 years without that causing a scandal.
Yet "It's not about overpowering an enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time." or "They'd be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for." sound perfectly okay, right?
The first one is in a private dorm room and the other was in the middle of a dance floor, and both are super vague.

Don't forget the girl without a fire semblance popping a popcorn kernel with their bare hands.
Admittedly they might not know whether or not Cinder had a fire semblance, but given they already had experience searching out new maidens whenever the previous one dies showing off maiden powers in public is risky.
Why would anyone be looking in her direction at that specific time with such an innocuous action?
Dangit just as I hit reply too.
Every example has shown that dust glows when it's being used in such a fashion.
And I just said that they have lots of experience tracking down maidens given the powers get scattered to the ends of Remnant whenever the previous one dies, so they've probably got some skill in telling whether an ability is a semblance or maiden-given. Heck, Qrow recognized that a Maiden took part in the attack on Shion simply from the aftermath as opposed to some form of semblance or dust usage.
And I'm not saying it was suicidal, just risky.
I question the idea that the powers get scattered every time, as whoever the Maiden is thinking of when they die, if they meet criteria, is the one who become a Maiden and so a lot of the time, given very few people knew of the maidens, they probably died thinking of a relative or apprentice.

Plus Cinder's eyes didn't glow and fire is not in to itself an indicator of Maiden-ness, Yang produces flames just by will and Arslan punches fireballs after all.

Because you know.... On a world where there's a really old, widespread and popular fairy tale about four young girls named after the seasons there's no possible way it could become popular to pick surnames or family names based on the seasons. Surely not. :V
While you raise fair points it got a little intense for me, sorry.
How was Blake behaving like a cat with the laser pointer? She basically tried to ignore it until it got too irritating and then tried to follow it back to the source.
Mostly that she seemed to have a very hard time taking her eyes off of it, and she might have tried to crush it in her hand at one point, but that might have just been her making a fist.
Still, she was so focused on it that she didn't notice Yang until she nearly ran into her despite looking at her, although some of that might have been sleep exhaustion.

Why would anyone be looking in her direction at that specific time with such an innocuous action?
It's more when you're a spy that an invasion plan hinges on you shouldn't be taking any risks.
And I'm surprised this is what people are focusing on the most, by the way.

I question the idea that the powers get scattered every time, as whoever the Maiden is thinking of when they die, if they meet criteria, is the one who become a Maiden and so a lot of the time, given very few people knew of the maidens, they probably died thinking of a relative or apprentice.
Plus Cinder's eyes didn't glow and fire is not in to itself an indicator of Maiden-ness, Yang produces flames just by will and Arslan punches fireballs after all.
Unless they're too young, too old, or the person they're thinking of is male. I should have said commonly gets scattered.
And like I said, Qrow somehow determined a Maiden took part in the attack on Shion so there's probably some distinctive trait besides the glowing eyes given he just saw the aftermath, and lighting, wind, ice, and fire can all be done via dust.
Not sure how easy to notice it would be, but again, it's more that she's taking any risks.
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Mostly that she seemed to have a very hard time taking her eyes off of it, and she might have tried to crush it in her hand at one point, but that might have just been her making a fist.
Still, she was so focused on it that she didn't notice Yang until she nearly ran into her despite looking at her, although some of that might have been sleep exhaustion.
I'm pretty sure that's just because it was irritating and making it impossible to read.
I think that was exhaustion given the framing and set up.

It's more when you're a spy that an invasion plan hinges on you shouldn't be taking any risks.
And I'm surprised this is what people are focusing on the most, by the way.
I think because its such an small thing that doesn't really feel like it could clue someone in that people feel that way, though as to taking risks, Cinder was a mix of pragmatism and arrogance, her being a bit playful with a kernel of popcorn in a crowded stadium seems fairly minor in my eyes.

Unless they're too young, too old, or the person they're thinking of is male. I should have said commonly gets scattered.
And like I said, Qrow somehow determined a Maiden took part in the attack on Shion so there's probably some distinctive trait besides the glowing eyes given he just saw the aftermath, and lighting, wind, ice, and fire can all be done via dust.
Not sure how easy to notice it would be, but again, it's more that she's taking any risks.
That's what I meant be " if they meet criteria". Plus they've been running this conspiracy for awhile and don't seem to regard losing maidens as commonplace anymore and I imagine the Maidens are trained to think of a specific heir on their deathbed, anything else would be impractical.

As to Qrow's conversation, he referenced the amount of damage done over anything specific and noted he didn't know where the Spring Maiden was, given Raven is one of the few people in the know who isn't on his side or an enemy she is one of the more likely ones to have been able to find a missing Spring Maiden, so he may have just been fishing and gotten lucky.
As to Qrow's conversation, he referenced the amount of damage done over anything specific and noted he didn't know where the Spring Maiden was, given Raven is one of the few people in the know who isn't on his side or an enemy she is one of the more likely ones to have been able to find a missing Spring Maiden, so he may have just been fishing and gotten lucky.
For this, she never said anything about having the maiden, although Qrow is probably pretty good st reading her and just said he had a pretty good idea as opposed to being certain.
And Shion didn't really look wrecked compared to what a physically powerful hunter like Yang or Yatsuhashi does.
For this, she never said anything about having the maiden, although Qrow is probably pretty good st reading her and just said he had a pretty good idea as opposed to being certain.
And Shion didn't really look wrecked compared to what a physically powerful hunter like Yang or Yatsuhashi does.
That's more what I meant, he made some guesses about her having someone powerful, picked up some context cues and got lucky.

True, he may have seen the battle from a distance maybe?
True, he may have seen the battle from a distance maybe?
The he would have known for certain, and might have known
Raven is the Maiden
Feel free to not open that box if you don't want to.
Oh, and forgot about this one.

That's what I meant be " if they meet criteria". Plus they've been running this conspiracy for awhile and don't seem to regard losing maidens as commonplace anymore and I imagine the Maidens are trained to think of a specific heir on their deathbed, anything else would be impractical.
Don't think about white elephants. Heck, when they introduce the maidens they mention that many were killed for their powers and that Amber's last thought was probably her killer.
While they could probably train them to focus on someone, dying would making it somewhat unreliable. Still useful, but unreliable.
The he would have known for certain, and might have known
Raven is the Maiden
Feel free to not open that box if you don't want to.
Oh, and forgot about this one.
By seeing the battle from a distance I more meant he saw a storm get conjured up and rain down lighting on the town, not that he was within proper viewing distance.

Don't think about white elephants. Heck, when they introduce the maidens they mention that many were killed for their powers and that Amber's last thought was probably her killer.
While they could probably train them to focus on someone, dying would making it somewhat unreliable. Still useful, but unreliable.
I'm pretty sure they didn't say Amber's last thoughts were of her killer given how she was losing her powers and their notes about them being killed were, if I recall, referencing a period of time before they were kept secret and relegated to mere myths.
Dying of old age thinking about an apprentice seems plausible.
By seeing the battle from a distance I more meant he saw a storm get conjured up and rain down lighting on the town, not that he was within proper viewing distance.

I'm pretty sure they didn't say Amber's last thoughts were of her killer given how she was losing her powers and their notes about them being killed were, if I recall, referencing a period of time before they were kept secret and relegated to mere myths.
Dying of old age thinking about an apprentice seems plausible.
That's what I meant. I don't think full out, nigh-instantaneous, weather manipulation is something a semblance can pull off. The most wide-spread Semblance we've seen is Qrow's.

They stated both possibilities in reference to Amber. And yeah, I more meant violent deaths. Old age would probably work, unless the maiden had gone senile.

Here's the relevant piece of the transcript.
Ironwood: Under normal circumstances, yes. But this is a delicate situation. It's not uncommon for the last thoughts of the slain to be of their attacker. (glances at Amber) And to make matters worse, no one's seen the power split like this before. For all we know, it will seek out its other half.
That's what I meant. I don't think full out, nigh-instantaneous, weather manipulation is something a semblance can pull off. The most wide-spread Semblance we've seen is Qrow's.
Ah, sorry, I took what you were saying to imply he was close enough to the fight to make out faces and so knew full well the Maiden was there, rather than just guessing because of a seemingly freak/controlled storm conveniently smashing a town the bandits were raiding.

We do see Glynda create an ice storm and fix that plaza but she seems pretty unique.

They stated both possibilities in reference to Amber. And yeah, I more meant violent deaths. Old age would probably work, unless the maiden had gone senile.

Here's the relevant piece of the transcript.
Fair points there, though as I said, I think they mostly referenced the "Hunted for their powers" thing as before the time of them being relegated to myth, implying it wasn't as common anymore and so they may have more control over where said power end up, or did, until recently.
We do see Glynda create an ice storm and fix that plaza but she seems pretty unique.
Well, she mostly made a small cloud in the first episode, while in A Perfect Storm, the entire sky became overcast in a matter of seconds, and while it was already overcast when Amber cut loose, the clouds did seem to move about quite a bit and she caused lightning to arc throughout the entire sky.

It's more the wide-spread nature of the maidens powers I'm talking about, since they alter entire weather patterns when they put serious effort into things, with the few other of Amber's demonstrations being tornado's, manipulating leaves over a large area before freezing them, and massive fires. And Qrow and Glynda are the two with the widest-area semblances we've seen, which are substantially smaller than the weather manipulation.

And honestly, I don't know how good long-range vision corvids have, and couldn't find it via google. He might be like a bird of prey and able to make out faces half a mile away, but I honestly doubt.
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