RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Grimm don't attack animals. Faunus are human-animal hybrids.
Grimm are drawn by Negative emotion. Unless you can prove to me that Faunus feel less emotion than normal humans, then I doubt that was the reason. More likely they survived by dint of good defenses and strong walls.

Now, thoughts on the new ep:

-Neo doesn't seem at all threatened by Yang. She only loses her composure once 'Red' shows up.
-Both Neo and Roman's weapons seem to be multi-use tools. That's probably common with Hunter Trained Criminals.
-Red's weapon seems to have a ton of Dust settings, and makes me think it's the love-child of Weiss and Adam's weapons.
-I think Red is related to Adam. Similar fighting style, Special Grimm Mask, similar color schemes. My question is: Mother, or Older Sister?
-Chainsaw Dude was awesome and kind of scary.
-Dust can affect how a Semblance manifests. I wonder if the type of Dust could affect Ruby's Speed semblance, and how?
--Does this mean that Yang's Fire effects may just be there because she likes using Fire Element Dust?
I guess Zwei's durability makes sense since animals have aura too...

But it gives me the mental image of warriors before the discovery of dust tying an animal to a plank and using it as a shield because they're obviously more durable than any other materials around. And slaughterhouses using chainguns because nothing less will bring the cows down.
I guess Zwei's durability makes sense since animals have aura too...

But it gives me the mental image of warriors before the discovery of dust tying an animal to a plank and using it as a shield because they're obviously more durable than any other materials around.

As funny as that is, it has been shown that one's aura is not infinite (nor does it make you completely invincible and immune to pain) and it decreases with damage (as shown with the little meter that Glynda had on her scroll in Jaundice), eventually the animal would have its aura enter the red from being used as a weapon. And then we'd have a plank covered in Rover's blood. :(

And that's if all animals naturally have their aura active, for all we know, they could need someone to unlock their aura like Pyrrha did for Jaune.
As funny as that is, it has been shown that one's aura is not infinite (nor does it make you completely invincible and immune to pain) and it decreases with damage (as shown with the little meter that Glynda had on her scroll in Jaundice), eventually the animal would have its aura enter the red from being used as a weapon. And then we'd have a plank covered in Rover's blood. :(

And that's if all animals naturally have their aura active, for all we know, they could need someone to unlock their aura like Pyrrha did for Jaune.

Better their blood than yours. ;)

Just use something other than the family dog...
I don't actually think that's true (My vote goes for Yang's mom, lady wanted to see her daughter's first mission!) but Future!Ruby would mean Bad!Future which means Dead Blake, Weiss and Yang. Which means Ruby could be honoring them with her new weapon choice.

Theory 1. FUTURE Ruby

Theory 2. Summer Rose. Her color scheme matches Ruby so I don't think it's Yangs mom. Ties in with the fact that Summer was a mother to Yang as well by virtue of how young Yang was when she lost her birth mother.

Theory 3. Third Party working with Adam. Was observing the battle for her own reasons and only intervened for ulterior motives.

Three is the most plausible but I think 2 has the greatest narrative likeliness.
Theory 1. FUTURE Ruby

Theory 2. Summer Rose. Her color scheme matches Ruby so I don't think it's Yangs mom. Ties in with the fact that Summer was a mother to Yang as well by virtue of how young Yang was when she lost her birth mother.

Theory 3. Third Party working with Adam. Was observing the battle for her own reasons and only intervened for ulterior motives.

Three is the most plausible but I think 2 has the greatest narrative likeliness.
Summer Rose's dead.

Yang's mom disappeared.

Thus, it's Yang's mom, not Ruby's.
Summer might be dead. All that's known is that she went on a mission, and never came back. It's possible she was labeled KIA in a mission beyond the borders, and her body was unretrievable, but someone in the wild found and saved her. Or she could just be MIA. Which, by this point, means everyone assumes she's dead.
Summer might be dead. All that's known is that she went on a mission, and never came back. It's possible she was labeled KIA in a mission beyond the borders, and her body was unretrievable, but someone in the wild found and saved her. Or she could just be MIA. Which, by this point, means everyone assumes she's dead.

This is my reasoning. They never found the body. Or at least we haven't been told as such. Of course that doesn't mean much all things given. Im likely wrong.

I just don't buy it just yet is all. Not thematically. This show is not subtle.

Why for instance would Ruby have such a closely matching color scheme while Yang does not? That seems like too much of a giveaway for a mysterious protector.

Maybe Yang took after their dad but the series aesthetic hasnt had overlapping color schemes on a single team yet and we know that their dad Crow Summer and Yangs mom were all on the same team.

But maybe it's all a red herring. :p
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The thing is, the series spent the time to expose how Summer was dead (or considered so) and the fact that Yang searches her mother.

Story-wise, it's more logical to assume it was Yang's mom than Ruby's.
Summer might be dead. All that's known is that she went on a mission, and never came back. It's possible she was labeled KIA in a mission beyond the borders, and her body was unretrievable, but someone in the wild found and saved her. Or she could just be MIA. Which, by this point, means everyone assumes she's dead.

She's dead enough to have a grave, and a grave in a remote location at that, which suggests she may have been buried near where she fell and not simply memorialized without a body.
Also am I the only one who things something is up with Neo, when the Mystery Woman arrived her 'oh crap' reaction seemed a little bit too quick.
Neo was probably the best person to fight Yang. Yang is tough, but she doesn't have as much technical skill as some of the other characters. Getting hit to gain more power doesn't do anything for Yang if she can't land a solid hit in the first place. Likewise, Chainsaw was the best to fight Wiess, as he was tough enough to take anything Wiess can dish out, and is skilled enough to get a solid hit on Wiess. If Yang had fought Chainsaw she probably would have won, and if Wiess had fought Neo Wiess would have won.
Neo was probably the best person to fight Yang. Yang is tough, but she doesn't have as much technical skill as some of the other characters. Getting hit to gain more power doesn't do anything for Yang if she can't land a solid hit in the first place. Likewise, Chainsaw was the best to fight Wiess, as he was tough enough to take anything Wiess can dish out, and is skilled enough to get a solid hit on Wiess. If Yang had fought Chainsaw she probably would have won, and if Wiess had fought Neo Wiess would have won.
As well as deflecting or sidestepping Yang's strikes, Neo seemed to reflect some of Yang's attacks against her (see the first punch Yang opened up with). I think that might have confused Yang's semblance, assuming Yang can't punch herself to get fired up. Neo landed relatively few strikes of her own and only moved in for the kill after Yang tired herself out.

(Also, I love Neo's expression when she prepared to stab Yang. Even if she remains a mute character, she's still gaining personality.)

Weiss put up a better fight against the White Fang lieutenant than Yang did against Neo, but she lost because her fighting style is more formal (see her internal thoughts when facing the pack of Beowolves in Volume 1) and she can be taken off guard by fisticuffs (see the Black Knight in Weiss's trailer).

I'm not sure if Weiss would have won against Neo, but Yang would certainly have fared better against chainsaw dude. Kind of funny how they should have swapped opponents.