RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Where did she get that mustache from?

And Zwei really does see Blake as more than a chewtoy. Although I'd love to see how he came to that conclusion in the first place.
[Discussion] Chibi Season 1, Episode 15
New RWBY Chibi:
Oh Jaune, such a dork, and no respect for others people's property I mean really XD

Do not touch Yang's stuff, seriously, do not, I loved her response!

Hahaha, Ruby is such a frakking troll and I love it!

Neptune clinging to Sun is hilarious and adorable and Sun is just like so used to this its great. And I was just going to ask how he showered with such a paralysing fear to, hah! Wow, brutal! :D

Nora got Ren a present wrapped in his colours, nice! Nora is adorable and also a mess XD
New RWBY Chibi:
Oh Jaune, such a dork, and no respect for others people's property I mean really XD

Do not touch Yang's stuff, seriously, do not, I loved her response!

Hahaha, Ruby is such a frakking troll and I love it!

Neptune clinging to Sun is hilarious and adorable and Sun is just like so used to this its great. And I was just going to ask how he showered with such a paralysing fear to, hah! Wow, brutal! :D

Nora got Ren a present wrapped in his colours, nice! Nora is adorable and also a mess XD
Link: RWBY Chibi: Episode 15

Available for sponsors today, anyone with a free RT account tomorrow, and the general public on or YouTube next week.

Favorite parts: Jaune muttering that he'd be a good boy too if it got him kissies, and the entire Ren/Nora sketch.
[Discussion] Chibi Season 1, Episode 16
RWBY Chibi:
HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, get them Weiss, show the, how dare they mock you! HAhahahaha! Seriously that was fun after Ruby and Yang acted like dicks.

Don't be a dick Sun! Aw now I feel bad for Yang :(

Jaune's reading a book called 'another pun'?

Also wooh Chibi Grimm! Ruby gives no f***S! Jaune you get more than enough screen time!

Blake also gives no f***s
Just a reminder, RWBY Chibi Episodes are the same length as most of those from season one, once you remove the intro and outro.
Can a computer guy please explain what this stuff means?
Creating shows like RWBY takes a massive amount of rendering power especially for tiny details such as fire effects, for example most Video Editing software for shows like Angry Joe or Atop the 4th Wall depending on the software being used can be made on a single high end system and need around 16GB of ram maybe around 2 GPUs depending on what effects your using and a fairly good CPU, Intel i7s for example as the minimum where as an animated show like RWBY especially to render all the effects/camera work etc require a sh#t ton more. There were reports that the rendering of either season 3 or Chibi was causing cables to melt. The set up presented here especially the 24 Nvidia GTX cards(although I can't see the model but for now I am going assume the 1080) shows that they are going all out for volume 4's development. This is especially vital if your are rendering in HD.
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[Discussion] Chibi Season 1, Episode 17
RWBY Chibi:
Wow the dorms have like one rest room and if Pyrrha weren't so nice I'd think she was trolling, love her shrug/look thing, also ouch, haha and Nora has the best screen shift!

Beowolves around every corner, area blondes are underappreciated and Nora can tamer Grimm!

Nora breaks all the Beowolves, poor things!

Sun and Neptune should do a musical, also they should probably hand in those Junior Detective badges, I think they were meant to after the Breech XD

Old man is wealthy!

Chibi Em and Merc! Hahaha they only appeared for a second but it was worth it, those magnificent bastard thieves!
Can a computer guy please explain what this stuff means?
Creating shows like RWBY takes a massive amount of rendering power especially for tiny details such as fire effects, for example most Video Editing software for shows like Angry Joe or Atop the 4th Wall depending on the software being used can be made on a single high end system and need around 16GB of ram maybe around 2 GPUs depending on what effects your using and a fairly good CPU, Intel i7s for example as the minimum where as an animated show like RWBY especially to render all the effects/camera work etc require a sh#t ton more. There were reports that the rendering either season 3 or Chibi was causing cables to melt. The set up presented here especially the 24 Nvidia GTX cards(although I can't see the model but for now I am going assume the 1080) shows that they are going all out for volume 4's development. This is especially vital if your are rendering in HD.

And they apparently needed to basically hijack every computer in Rooster Teeth when rendering the scene where Pyrrha and the Ozluminati take that long walk down Ozpin's secret dungeon to Amber, largely because of how difficult the torches were to render. It was also a hard and laborious process to get the walking to look right because everything had to be chroma-keyed in, since RT's mo-cap room is tiny so they couldn't mo-cap people walking for more than a few steps. That episode was done only an hour before it had to be released, almost entirely because of that scene.
Yep, those are GTX 1080 (they showed the boxes on a previous tweet) and commented that they would change them for GTX 1080ti when they'll be released and their price become less prohibitive.
Why not just go with a bunch of Titan XP? They're pretty expensive, yeah, but they should give a really high level of performance.
Why not just go with a bunch of Titan XP? They're pretty expensive, yeah, but they should give a really high level of performance.
Well you pretty much answered your own question,RT does have a budget for everything and while yes RWBY could be considered a "cash cow franchise", after season 3 especially the ending and all the grumblings it resulted in there were threats of not watching it on youtube and subscribers cancelling there subscriptions and thus loss of revenue. So not enough Revenue means a not so large budget.
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Why not just go with a bunch of Titan XP? They're pretty expensive, yeah, but they should give a really high level of performance.
Well you pretty much answered your own question,RT does have a budget for everything and while yes RWBY could be considered a "cash cow franchise", after season 3 especially the ending and all the grumblings it resulted in there were threats of not watching it on youtube and subscribers cancelling there subscriptions and thus loss of revenue. So not enough Revenue means a not so large budget.
Actually, that exact question was asked in the reddit thread, and the reason why they chose 1080s instead of Titans are mainly technical: rendering is a rather parallel process, meaning that it's more efficient when more ALUs (Arithmetic Logic Unit, the parts of a chip tasked to make the calculations) are working together, in "parallel", so in this case, more is better, and to the price of 26 1080s, they can only have 15 Titans, which don't have as many ALUs, the tech-guy responsible for the rendering hardware in RT explained it in Reddit:
Titan X has 3584 [ALUs] and the 1080 has 2560. For our case. I have 26 1080s or for the same Price I could have 15 Titans.

So that's 53,760 with the Titans or 66,560 with the 1080s.

Here's the Reddit thread in question.
Contrast with processes working in "serial", where there's an order in which the projects must be treated, so a GPU will have to wait until the other GPU finished the previous project in the line before working, in this case yes, a more powerful GPU is better, but this is not that case.
So in the end, it boils down to the question "why pay a fortune to have something that will be less efficient if you can have a better result with a cheaper solution?"
Contrast with processes working in "serial", where there's an order in which the projects must be treated, so a GPU will have to wait until the other GPU finished the previous project in the line before working, in this case yes, a more powerful GPU is better, but this is not that case.
So in the end, it boils down to the question "why pay a fortune to have something that will be less efficient if you can have a better result with a cheaper solution?"
But in the end it still comes down to budget since if they had a larger budget for computer tech they could have gotten 26 Titan X's
Ah, thanks. So it basically boils down to them not having that much of a budget and having to make the best of what they have, aye? Hm, what hardware did they use before the new one anyway?

Also, I got a question: In Season 3, when Yang and Weiss fought Neon and Flynt, they knew that they came from Atlas. Which means that the other participants should be able to know where the other participants came from as well (most likely by searching their names on the internet or something, if there aren't any team/participant profile set up on the tournament's sites or something). The question is that, if that is true, then how was Cinder and her team (do they even have a real team name? I kinda just call them Team CEMN and that's just kinda awkward because... well, innuendo) able to pose as Mistral (IIRC) students? Shouldn't the other Mistral students or any of the other teams that are researching them be confused because for the former they don't know her or there are no data on them?

And I don't think they had the time to enroll on the school because we've seen Cinder since the start of Season 1 and at the end of Season 1 as well...

Edit: No, wait, I guess it's possible that they enrolled during the time between the first episode's heist (since there was time for Ruby to get enrolled then and the exact time was not specified) and then pulled a Sun after becoming a representative team of Mistral. Unless there was anything else I missed?
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