RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Well after two weeks of emotional rollercoasters, that was much less emotionally intense, still good.

As was noted to me, this was definitely part one of a two parter.

Oh hey we actually got Summer Rose.

Baby Ruby had a big head.

I question them pausing at that moment considering the mess they were in but Jaune REALLY needed that moment with the Genial Gems, and it's what got them to the Tree.

I did want more emotionally wrecked Yang but The show is clear that despite what Ruby's actions basically came across as last time, the tree is not death. So I understand why they handled WBY's reaction the way it was.

And the Penny and Pyrrha Torture did come after all for Jaune, just later.

So Lewis did write the tale. So what became of Alyx?

Ruby going for that Axe gives me the mental image of Ruby bursting out of the tree as Summer Rose and I don't think Yang would ever recover from that emotional damage.
oh this episode
The Genial Gems.....Ruby in the tree and the others just having to accept what comes out.....ooooh this is gonna trigger people.

Herb has dem legs. XD

Alyx is Blacksmith because she wanted to fix what she broke, meanwhile Neo can't cross the portal because she has no attachments.

Blacksmith was forging Little! :D

That portal back to Remnant had 2 dragons, one with wings and one without. I'd say this is more proof that there are JUST TWO GODS.

Jaune got bumped. I am gonna guess he is going to be caught by an Afterian and brought back up. Or maybe Ruby.

Speaking of Ruby, you can tell she is getting SO CLOSE to understanding.

And then it ends as she reaches for Summer's weapon.

Agreed on the weak portrayal of WBYJ's emotional response to The Drinkining. It's not... too egregious, but it could have definitely been better. Even just having a general mood of 'No Smiles' would have helped improve it. Seeing Yang beam, even for an important moment such as Jaune growing and healing, was more than a little jarring.

Her fretting at the Ruby statue was great, though.

At the end of the day, it kinda feels like the ten episode runtime is showing its more obvious drawbacks now, in the final third. Still fucking loving it, but yeah. Ah well.

Anyways! I can't wait for Ruby to bust out of her wooden cocoon next episode. What a cool idea, those are. Still no idea how she'll turn out lol
My discomfort has returned unfortunately:

RWBY's grasp of the concept of choice has always been a bit shetchy to me but this takes the damn cake. When you get down to it Ruby fucking offed herself. That is not a choice to be respected you fucking morons! What in god's name is wrong with CRWBY that they think this is okay? Why the fuck would they havve everyone be so fucking calm about this like Ruby made some wierd but harmless lifestyle choice and not the magical equivalent of jugging bleach?
for me
I had no problem with the WBYJ scene at the start of the episode. They needed that happy, calming moment so they could come to terms with things and thus make it to the tree. Sure people have suggested they could of drank tea to get to the tree just as fast....but this episode shows that if they did they would of been Wood Cocooned, too.
My discomfort has returned unfortunately:

RWBY's grasp of the concept of choice has always been a bit shetchy to me but this takes the damn cake. When you get down to it Ruby fucking offed herself. That is not a choice to be respected you fucking morons! What in god's name is wrong with CRWBY that they think this is okay? Why the fuck would they havve everyone be so fucking calm about this like Ruby made some wierd but harmless lifestyle choice and not the magical equivalent of jugging bleach?
I do think this episode had more on it's plate then it could handle. but to be fair.
The show has made it clear the tree is not death, the paper pleasers were not a suicide cult after all. If anything this episode seems to suggest Ever Afterians lose their memory by choice and Ruby could come out still Ruby. so the past two episodes have been comparable to seeing people jump over a waterfall, the gems were comparable to seeing some of those people safe in sound in a raft at the bottom. Ruby did what she did in a moment of despair but the implication for a few episodes has been clear that is not death.

The Jaune scene was weird I won't lie
Honestly I think the only issues the episode had were it's length, ultimately feeling the first part of a two part, and

The Jaune scene. I get that was an important moment for Jaune and they didn't want it to come across as Jaune having a good moment while everyone else was miserable but there had to be a way to balance it out so everyone else isn't weirdly happy during a crisis.

Remove that scene, hell just remove the smiles, the episode is fine but short. And this volume has been just excellent all around so far so I'm not gonna let it ruin anything for me.
I can already see the dramatic cracking of the Ruby statue as the finale goes on until she bursts out of it.
Kind of expecting Little to not show up until the end where they get a sad but sweet goodbye with Ruby and we see them waving goodbye as the doors close. Little coming through with them is just as acceptable though. As someone on a Discord said Little to be the one to be able to cross (if they aren't penny) showing CC that they never needed a human, just the right heart.
an interesting thing
Weiss unknowingly gave the other side of the coin of Roman's little speech from back in V3.
"You wanna play the Hero?! Then Die like every other Huntsmen in history!" - Roman
"We've been telling ourselves that failing means we're no good. But, I can guarantee that even the Best Huntsmen in history...they've all lost. But, they were still incredibly brave. And good." - Weiss

The burden is heavy, the burden is hard, and in the end everyone and anyone eventually losses....eventually dies. However that fear of failure, of inevitability, should not stop someone from trying, from being brave and standing up, from just....being GOOD.
That is being a Huntsmen, that is being a hero. That is still Jaune...and I'd say that is still Ruby. They try, they are brave, and they are Good.
So, I think the Ruby portions of the episode were solid. She's no longer at the point of suicide, but all the doubts and general depression Neo preyed upon are still there. She doesn't know what she wants, she just knows she doesn't feel she can continue being who she is right now.

The WBY-J portions of the episode were a lot weaker. Walking through the story beats in my head, I think this is where the runtime really hurt the episode. Jaune is Ruby's narrative foil and it was important to handle his own epiphany and healing. Especially since those revelations give context to why and how WBY reacts to Ruby's situation. However, the episode doesn't give WBY the time to breathe and shift emotional gears. Which makes them come across as unconcerned with Ruby's actions and fate. Case in point, immediately going from futilely rushing toward the Tree to Jaune's trauma and epiphany.
I also feel like Jaune claiming he only wanted to save the Paper Pleasers because he enjoyed the rush is a bit disingenuous. I am certain he did enjoy the rush of success, but he obviously was afraid of failing to protect them too.
probably some impatient fuckwit.
or a hater trying to wreck shit.

either or.

this is the second big leak for me this year that I have to avoid now, as an info book or something for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom also leaked within the last 2 months or something
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My schedule's been shit so I never did get around to really examining Ruby's team's attempts at support in detail like I said I would, and at this point I may as well just wait 'till the end of the volume. I know I'm against the grain of most of the thread and so y'all would probably rather I didn't, but I still try to stick to what I say even though none of this, like, matters to anything. :V

Pending whatever happens in the finale next week:

They look like they're going with Ruby mostly sorting her issues out in her own dreamscape which is fine for what it is, but I really wish they had gotten Yang, Weiss, and Blake more directly involved. The Tree-as-therapy metaphor also starts to break down if you take it too far, as the 'no fire nor flood' line about the genial gems in that light starts to veer uncomfortably into 'Hey, they did the thing and now their trauma doesn't matter at all!' rather than it being a thing you cope with.
I bit the bullet went looking and couldn't find anything concrete but that could be because i have no clue how to navigate 4Chan. I'd like to think it would be more widespread by now if the leak was actually true.