RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I think that given what's been established in the show thus far, this is still not a high level of concern; keep in mind Blake & Yang only reunited in V5 and only resolved their issues at the end of V6 which also involved a highly traumatic murder. Meanwhile V8 took place over like 24/48 hours, much of which they spent apart and in which any kind of revelations or reveals would have been overshadowed by the surrounding drama. IE people wanted a kiss when they reunited after the explosion but that would have been instantly under cut by Ironwood's ultimatum, ETC.
Plus, as an aside, this feels pertinent.
Sure, the show itself has been good so far, but given recent events it's reasonable to be shirty with Arrowfell's writers for not thinking that line of dialogue through. Which is all I am.

EDIT: Also Arryn's love of the ship isn't the same as, well, actual confirmation; it's easy for creators and actors to say a lot - even want a lot - but those wants can easily be shut down.
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Sure, the show itself has been good so far, but given recent events it's reasonable to be shirty with Arrowfell's writers for not thinking that line of dialogue through. Which is all I am.

EDIT: Also Arryn's love of the ship isn't the same as, well, actual confirmation; it's easy for creators and actors to say a lot - even want a lot - but those wants can easily be shut down.
(Shrugs) Your call.

Pretty sure this is a it more than just liking the pairing, Arryn's unlikely to have talked the ship up to the degree she has done without some degree of confidence and as has been noted the staff aren't the same as upper management.
Production cycles have something like a six month delay. This decision was made by some tech-bro higher up of RT, SHAFT, or Void_Chords who thought it would be a good way to make money. NFTs were definitely still the new hotness when the decision was made.
Production cycles have something like a six month delay. This decision was made by some tech-bro higher up of RT, SHAFT, or Void_Chords who thought it would be a good way to make money. NFTs were definitely still the new hotness when the decision was made.
Especially with their cash cow being stuck in a perpetual hiatus.
Figmas. FUCKING FIGMAS. I have been waiting for Figma to release RWBY figures for literal years, and they finally show up after RT has pissed me off so much I'm avoiding giving them money? GOD DAMMIT.

I have a friend who keeps a pet project of tracking people who work at the animation team that she started after Volume 8.

Per her, after the recent wave of departures or "Contracts expiring," there are maybe four actual on-staff animators who worked on Volume 8 that are still in the department now.

Either way, Mel was one of the last of the old guard for the team. Pity she's moving on but hope she gets a gig with better conditions.
That's literally what I described, you just go on to broaden your definition to "If the characters in an unfinished story aren't dating its queerbait until they do" which is not what Queerbait means.
i think @hellgodsrus responded pretty well to this, but in case you are genuinely confused, I do want to elaborate. Queerbaiting is when you take characters of the same gender, and present them as likely having some form of same-sex attraction. This can be done in a good deal of ways, it can be done via suggesting dialogue and the framing of scenes, as seen in Euphonium(1), or it can be done by having other characters outright suggest it, via acting cues, plot arcs, as well as exchanges between the ccharacters that all indicate that it is possible, as seen in Supernatural and Sherlock. However, the important thing is that the creators absolutely do not intend to follow through on this, despite by all appearances it being outright deliberate. It is rather clearly done to hook fans and use queerness as essentially an advertising angle that they do not wish to commit to. Euphonium did this by giving Reina a male crush and then never doing anything with the Kumiko angle that they set up, and Sherlock and Supernatural simply never commited to a romance with their characters, or in Watson's case, hooking him up with a female character.

If RWBY does not commit to showing Yang and Blake having feelings for each other, and following through on it, it absolutely could at least potentially be argued to be queerbait in the same way Euphonium is queerbait. Now there are some other defintions of queerbait among queer circles, relating to intent and degree, but that's a whole thing I don't think I need to get into here.

I honestly don't care that deeply about RWBY at this point, and I'm not saying Blake/Yang is definitively queerbait. I think that at this point it's rather obvious that if it is a thing it's likely to be a thing at the very end of the story or the epilogue, which in itself is almost certainly quite unsatisfying given how much they nudged at it and built it up, without a particularly strong narrative reason for it to only come together at a climactic moment the way She-Ra did. But that is separate from it being queerbaiting per se, so much as poor execution in representation. But regardless, I think that there seems to be a slight confusion of what queerbait is, or at least what hellgodrus was saying could be queerbait, so I thought I might try and elaborate.

1. Some people do argue that Euphonium wasn't queerbait or valid in its own way, but they are by far the minority and not super important here.
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The funny thing is that I looked through the designs of RWBY's Volume 7 outfits and did discover that they have indeed pouches. Even the members of JNPR 2.0 with the exception of Ren had a pouch or some sort of pocket. Even Qrow has at least two pockets.

However, it's mostly the minor characters that don't have pockets with the exceptions of Pietro, Jacques, Whitley, Flynt, the Happy Huntresses (except Robyn, surprisingly), Sleet, Cinder, and Neo. Not sure if there's a pattern here, but it's worth bringing up.

Other topic: Murder of Birds reacting to these recent layoffs that have basically become tradition at this point.

i think @hellgodsrus responded pretty well to this, but in case you are genuinely confused, I do want to elaborate. Queerbaiting is when you take characters of the same gender, and present them as likely having some form of same-sex attraction. This can be done in a good deal of ways, it can be done via suggesting dialogue and the framing of scenes, as seen in Euphonium(1), or it can be done by having other characters outright suggest it, via acting cues, plot arcs, as well as exchanges between the ccharacters that all indicate that it is possible, as seen in Supernatural and Sherlock. However, the important thing is that the creators absolutely do not intend to follow through on this, despite by all appearances it being outright deliberate. It is rather clearly done to hook fans and use queerness as essentially an advertising angle that they do not wish to commit to. Euphonium did this by giving Reina a male crush and then never doing anything with the Kumiko angle that they set up, and Sherlock and Supernatural simply never commited to a romance with their characters, or in Watson's case, hooking him up with a female character.

If RWBY does not commit to showing Yang and Blake having feelings for each other, and following through on it, it absolutely could at least potentially be argued to be queerbait in the same way Euphonium is queerbait. Now there are some other defintions of queerbait among queer circles, relating to intent and degree, but that's a whole thing I don't think I need to get into here.

I honestly don't care that deeply about RWBY at this point, and I'm not saying Blake/Yang is definitively queerbait. I think that at this point it's rather obvious that if it is a thing it's likely to be a thing at the very end of the story or the epilogue, which in itself is almost certainly quite unsatisfying given how much they nudged at it and built it up, without a particularly strong narrative reason for it to only come together at a climactic moment the way She-Ra did. But that is separate from it being queerbaiting per se, so much as poor execution in representation. But regardless, I think that there seems to be a slight confusion of what queerbait is, or at least what hellgodrus was saying could be queerbait, so I thought I might try and elaborate.

1. Some people do argue that Euphonium wasn't queerbait or valid in its own way, but they are by far the minority and not super important here.
I really don't want to come off as rude here, but I must confess I was entirely aware of the factors brought up in the first paragraph and I am very confused as to how you reached the conclusion I was not. My point in the section of my post you quoted was that I felt hellgodsrus was arguing that because a queer relationship had been hinted at/built towards but wasn't 'official' yet that the series was engaging in queerbaiting which I think is rather unfair as a means and metric of judging a show.

I don't disagree.

I think that's rather unfair given my previous points about only reuniting at the end of V5, only resolving Adam at the end of V6, then only having a brief period of calm in V7 where the Queerness of their interactions increased a lot, before everything went to hell again. I think a lot of the suspicion of the relationship comes from how long the series has been going on in real time VS how much time has actually passed in universe to be honest.
I think a lot of the suspicion of the relationship comes from how long the series has been going on in real time VS how much time has actually passed in universe to be honest.

Also, all too often I see people insisting that they can't be interested in each other because Yang expressed interest in boys way back in volume 1, or Blake once kissed a boy on the check. BISEXUALS ARE A THING PEOPLE! WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, WHO STOLE MY BEER?!
Still enjoying the IQ dub, Arryn's doing a scary good job making NegaBlake sound like Adam. Sounded like she channeled v5 angry Ilia too.
Also, all too often I see people insisting that they can't be interested in each other because Yang expressed interest in boys way back in volume 1, or Blake once kissed a boy on the check. BISEXUALS ARE A THING PEOPLE! WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, WHO STOLE MY BEER?!
Or vice versa and we have people insist that Yang and Blake were never interested in boys in the first place and that the brief scene where Yang was checking out the boys in Volume one or all those Black Sun moments were all just our imaginations/bait.