RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Yeah, but the problem could be that WayForward will take the fall while people prop up RT in an attempt to deflect any blame they get.

Sort of like how people blame Shaft for any sort of shortcomings that Ice Queendom got.

Not likely in this case.

1 - Wayforward is beloved with a good track record, meanwhile RT's crap has been brought to light more and more.
2 - Animation issues for IQ are, as Teen already said, solely on Shaft, as they were the ANIMATION studio. Any involvement from CRWBY or RT were more support, i.e. there to make sure the anime was at least relatively in line with the RWBY series. A bulk of the work on the anime was handled by the Japanese team.
As a bit of an update to my last post, the rwby IQ pop up parade figs are on bigbadtoy store. They're cheaper, but they aren't listed as arriving till september (versus april for hlj). I may swap, even so. Shipping from japan is *expensive* (I promise, this will be the last time I post about these, I just wanted to give people an alternative)
I haven't heard many details about the full story of the game but I've seen the plot described as

"Goddammit Ironwood, how many people did you piss off and throw under the bus over the years!?"

So that amuses me.
First thing I heard about the story was "One of the major villains of Arrowfell is a union organiser," so it's good to see Rooster Teeth's politics have stayed the same- and that their sense of timing remains on brand given one of the major accusations that came to light last month was that RT engage in union busting.

Either way I do not see this game making a lot of money. It's released in a really bad window with Pokemon this week and Sonic/God of War last week.
One of the major villains of Arrowfell is a union organiser
said union organizer is dark skinned. Make of that what you will.
Once more, RWBY bail out Ironwood rather than let him get his just desserts, showing how they view him as someone more than the one dimensional dictator everyone else sees him as.
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Oh great so we're going to be doing this again.

Like I won't lie I don't particularly like a certain spoiler but the context around it is important.

Literally everyone in the conspiracy save an actual gangster is being manipulated by Bram Thornmane, who basically only in this for his own glory and power. Legitimate grievances are being manipulated and misused. And Blake calls out the Union leader.

Once more, RWBY bail out Ironwood rather than let him get his just desserts, showing how they view him as someone more than the one dimensional dictator everyone else sees him as.
Uhhh, Yeah. Why would they see him for the Tin Tyrant he actually is at this point? Part of the plot was how RWBY had their misgivings about Ironwood but generally had faith that he was something of a good leader who was just making mistake, not realizing just who they were dealing with.

And this does kind of feed into the greater narrative of "Ironwood's more than just problematic, he's the problem." Cause like, he's made enemies on literally every level of society, the girls don't see it yet but that says far more about him then his enemies.
Uhhh, Yeah. Why would they see him for the Tin Tyrant he actually is at this point? Part of the plot was how RWBY had their misgivings about Ironwood but generally had faith that he was something of a good leader who was just making mistake, not realizing just who they were dealing with.

And this does kind of feed into the greater narrative of "Ironwood's more than just problematic, he's the problem." Cause like, he's made enemies on literally every level of society, the girls don't see it yet but that says far more about him then his enemies.
Funny you say that because...

Because Tumblr is broken said:
Spoilers for the end of Arrowfell below
It's kind of hysterical to me that the game has James be angry on behalf of the harm caused to everyone not just the wealthy or just the poor. He points out the pain caused to everyone.
CRWBY is trying to act like in volume 8 he only cares for some people while having him show he cares about everyone and having him be repeatedly betrayed by people who where selfish jerks. It's truly a wonder James trusted RWBY JNRO as much as he did given all the betrayals he's suffered by so called friends.
We're supposed to think James doesn't care about people but he makes a point to call out harm being caused to people so it just does not work for what the show tries to do later on. A friend pointed out this just really shows how CRWBY only had James do what he did because they're angry people liked him rather then it being something they actually wanted to do "from the beginning".
We actually have a scene where Ironwood confronts the guy heading the conspiracy and calling him out for the pain he caused everyone. Not the rich, not the poor, everyone.
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Funny you say that because...

We actually have a scene where Ironwood confronts the guy heading the conspiracy and calling him out for the pain he caused everyone. Not the rich, not the poor, everyone.

Okay, And your point is? Do people not realize that late Volume 7-8 Ironwood was not how the man was the entire time? Like he could put on a face of giving a shit. Are you legit trying to argue he's not as villainous as the thread constantly argues he is because he's capable of the most basic of optics. Like this was a thing with Ironwood in the show, he made an effort to pretend he cared about the people and was somewhat empathetic to other's concerns, he's whole thing of "Oh I know people are hurting but it will all be worth it and I'll shoulder this anger". Like he seemed willing to cooperate with Robyn after all, but he still turned on Robyn in an instant.

I'm sorry but this is like "That dictator can't be evil, look at him, he petted a dog.".
Like I won't lie I don't particularly like a certain spoiler but the context around it is important.

Literally everyone in the conspiracy save an actual gangster is being manipulated by Bram Thornmane, who basically only in this for his own glory and power. Legitimate grievances are being manipulated and misused. And Blake calls out the Union leader.

That context does not actually help your case.
Saying "well the leader was just a bad apple" doesn't actually make the story not anti-union. Union busters have been portaying union leaders as corrupt men in it for wealth and power for centuries. The end result is still a story where forming a union either doesn't help or made things worse. When you put combine that with the white fang stuff, the common thread is that trying to address your legitimate grievances through collective action is not going to help you.
When you put combine that with the white fang stuff, the common thread is that trying to address your legitimate grievances through collective action is not going to help you.
Especially given that this is twice now that RWBY has been deployed as the Union Busters, who go in and quite literally disrupt unions who get too rowdy for the public's liking (the White Fang, Fifestone) while promoting those they think will have a more positive image (Ghira, Robyn) then leaving before ensuring if the people they've put in power are actually going to keep that power in control or if it's gonna fall into chaos.
That context does not actually help your case.
Saying "well the leader was just a bad apple" doesn't actually make the story not anti-union. Union busters have been portaying union leaders as corrupt men in it for wealth and power for centuries. The end result is still a story where forming a union either doesn't help or made things worse. When you put combine that with the white fang stuff, the common thread is that trying to address your legitimate grievances through collective action is not going to help you.
Especially given the last time RWBY handled a topic close to this, with the White Fang, where they fell into the exact same prathole.

The series itself had no clue exactly how rotten to the core the White Fang was even meant to be, with the show alternating between depicting them as terorrists for hire to factions like Roman and Cinder, or only being violent radicals because of the select few "Bad apples" like Adam and Sienna corrupting the ideals. And even with those characters, the show can't decide if it wants to pin all of the violent radicalism on Adam or frame it as that Sienna stoked the flames and let him rise on a throne made of blood.

And as you mentioned, the show ultimately derided the White Fang by having the overall message be that collective action wasn't worthwhile, which combined very poorly with the whole thing of the WF storyline spouting very outdated ideas about US history and race relations, particularly with the element of "You're only allowed to fight oppression if you're nice about it and if you fight back, you're no better than the people subjigating you."
Especially given that this is twice now that RWBY has been deployed as the Union Busters, who go in and quite literally disrupt unions who get too rowdy for the public's liking (the White Fang, Fifestone) while promoting those they think will have a more positive image (Ghira, Robyn) then leaving before ensuring if the people they've put in power are actually going to keep that power in control or if it's gonna fall into chaos.
Wait is arrow full a spin-off or what?? A video game. I don't know. I'm lost

Also, labor union is actually being brought up in this show? I'm surprised.
I have to admit, that I'm... somewhat more on the side of critics than I normally would be for that story spoiler. Like, one time of having someone in favour of collective action go too far and turn out to be actually driven by narcissism is maybe bad optics but ultimately explainable.

Two times, especially after multiple people point out to you that the first was bad optics, and especially when the parent company responsible for the overall franchise is known for union busting? I'd have to see the context to be a hundred percent sure but in a vacuum it looks bad.
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Arrowfell is a video game, but it is canon to the main show and set during the events of V7.
God fucking damn it.

Get fucking 9 All righty(I hope they leasing out the brand with the majority of r&d. Go on to nine because my fucking God

get the fuck out of Atlas already. It's so bland and abysmal.(honestly for destroying those support ships, Ruby should have been the one to do the killing blow on to ironwood) You want to be a tyrant? Come on tin Man. You ain't got shit.
At this point I could fully let loose

And Ruby fucking curb stomp him. (0 I know for a fact she is willing to cut a bitch,

She was willing to for Salem,(and only stop by immortality) and certainly for Tyrian

You know what actually made me interested in Ruby again? That fucking The red trailer (always) and volume nines . Because by fucking God I hate how boring The world is and it ever shifting. Landscape is interesting
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Extremist asshole hijacks a good cause for his own ends? Again? Well, at least this one doesn't dress like an edgelords wet dream. Still, ehhhh...
Get fucking 9 All righty(I hope they leasing out the brand with the majority of r&d. Go on to nine because my fucking God

get the fuck out of Atlas already.
We still need to squeeze out two Justice League movies and ensure RoosterTeeth survives the wrath of Zaslav and CRWBY survives the wrath of the CockBite first before we can get to the hijinx at the beach with the CGI mouse.

Also RWBY went Operation British on Atlas and Mantle so we don't need to worry about that plotline anymore going forward.
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Honestly my read of this is basically RWBY saying "Good people who follow the wrong person can do terrible things, so be careful who you trust." which is admittedly a theme that RWBY probably does too much but ehh. Like RWBY has shown it's not against rebelling against Authority since you know, Robyn.