RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Sorry, HDTM? The only thing I'm getting for that is this lol

What is HTDM? - SweetCare

HTDM stands for “Host TDM” and refers to Plug-Ins that do all audio processing on the host CPU instead of the DSP chips found on your TDM hardware. They use a single, shared DSP on the TDM system to allow the audio from these host Plug-In processes to stream in or out of the system. […]

HTDM, or HaTeDoM. It is an unofficial name made using the Team 'XXXX' format, like Team RWBY, Team CFVY, etcetera.
Lmao really? That's so dumb I'm not sure if I hate it or love it. Fandom jargon is wild lol

and there is also RWDE (Rude)
Both terms are usually interchangeable and refer to people who do little more than hate on RWBY.
These people have over the years made it hard for proper, good, actual critiques of the show to be heard by the rest of the FNDM (fandom) who have heard so much hate from the RDWE crowd that in time they have developed a kneejerk reaction to just about any criticism.
and there is also RWDE (Rude)
Both terms are usually interchangeable and refer to people who do little more than hate on RWBY.
These people have over the years made it hard for proper, good, actual critiques of the show to be heard by the rest of the FNDM (fandom) who have heard so much hate from the RDWE crowd that in time they have developed a kneejerk reaction to just about any criticism.
And Critics is spelled CRTC.
All of these are so fucking stupid lmao I love it
These people have over the years made it hard for proper, good, actual critiques of the show to be heard by the rest of the FNDM (fandom) who have heard so much hate from the RDWE crowd that in time they have developed a kneejerk reaction to just about any criticism.
This is made even worse when you have people lumping RWDE, CRTC, and HTDM under one universal "catch-all" term which makes other people think that, if you're a critic, you're also part of the Hatedom.
I think at least some part of it is a sort of reflective reaction to some people being loudly unwilling to accept that RWBY does have its faults and being unwilling to compromise on that, giving rise to people being loudly unwilling to accept that RWBY has its good qualities and being unwilling to compromise on that in response.
Kind of putting the cart before the horse there. 😑
and there is also RWDE (Rude)
Both terms are usually interchangeable and refer to people who do little more than hate on RWBY.
These people have over the years made it hard for proper, good, actual critiques of the show to be heard by the rest of the FNDM (fandom) who have heard so much hate from the RDWE crowd that in time they have developed a kneejerk reaction to just about any criticism.
That one is more complicated, because while nobody really identifies as part of the HTDM, most people critical of the show on tumblr do use the RWDE tag and identify as RWDE. I would be careful using that term RWDE unless you are talking about tumblr critics in specific.
I really don't think there is anything beyond that. It's very easy for enthusiasm to turn to vitriol when you get so wrapped up in something that you stop thinking straight.

In the case of Game of Thrones, most of the vitriol was leveled at the Showrunners rather than GRRM. It was an entire media fiasco That unperson-ed an entire franchise. Same thing with the ending to Mass Effect 3, the series most diehard fans became its most vicious attackers.

Fans are fickle, prone to turn on you very quickly. Hyper fans even more so and in even more extreme ways.
So why isn't RWBY treated like those are in your view? Why don't the people who don't like it move on with their lives?

Even the Justin Bieber comparison never seemed as malicious as the spite towards the people that make RWBY, being more aimed at a caricature of him based on his voice being annoyingly high when he was younger, and has long died out.

Though social media may not have been as prolific at the time to make an echo chamber that drives the most extreme of takes to constantly try to surpass themselves to prove how tough they are or something.
So why isn't RWBY treated like those are in your view? Why don't the people who don't like it move on with their lives?

Even the Justin Bieber comparison never seemed as malicious as the spite towards the people that make RWBY, being more aimed at a caricature of him based on his voice being annoyingly high when he was younger, and has long died out.

Though social media may not have been as prolific at the time to make an echo chamber that drives the most extreme of takes to constantly try to surpass themselves to prove how tough they are or something.
Because they still do like it and want to see it be even better.

The problem is that some of the grievances people try to bring up, many of them quite legitimate and not just the result of bias or ugly viewpoints, tend to be ignored or shouted down by those who have been primed to view any kind of criticism as simply hate.

So the people with grievances convince themselves that if they shout loudly enough and aggressively enough, their voices will be heard and things will get better.
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That one is more complicated, because while nobody really identifies as part of the HTDM, most people critical of the show on tumblr do use the RWDE tag and identify as RWDE. I would be careful using that term RWDE unless you are talking about tumblr critics in specific.

No, because there are also Youtubers who are clearly part of the RWDE camp and have joined it more or less because the show did something they did not like or because it gets them more clicks.
Example, Youtuber EruptionFang because of fall of Adam (this is an example of a "fan" who grew to hate the show because their favorite character died and turned out to not be as awesome and cool as they thought) and Youtuber Hero Hei who makes click bait titles and thumbnails (some of which have even been clipped porn art) and does nothing but spread every misstrep and drama that happens with Roosterteeth.

The RWDE/HTDM side would be FAR easier to ignore if they were confined to text posts and their own group threads, but some even have Youtube Channels where they can proclaim loudly their hate. And given how easy it is to spread information via video their hate and vitriol spreads farther faster than a lot of other videos.

As the old saying goes "A lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes."
No, because there are also Youtubers who are clearly part of the RWDE camp and have joined it more or less because the show did something they did not like or because it gets them more clicks.
Example, Youtuber EruptionFang because of fall of Adam (this is an example of a "fan" who grew to hate the show because their favorite character died and turned out to not be as awesome and cool as they thought) and Youtuber Hero Hei who makes click bait titles and thumbnails (some of which have even been clipped porn art) and does nothing but spread every misstrep and drama that happens with Roosterteeth.

Do these youtubers call themselves part of RWDE though? Thats a term I very rarely hear outside of tumblr and this thread. And very few of the people posting under RWDE would appreciate being lumped in with HeroHei.
Most people don't call themselves part of the "HTDM" or "RWDE" or whatever because they're not people who base everything about their lives off of fandom identity. Most people if you ask them will just say "I'm a critic."

Either way: What also doesn't help RWBY as a franchise when it comes to why people keep coming back to dunk on it is that its parent company is perpetually in the news for its failings and has become a giant fallen titan of the web industry on the level of Channel Awesome. Rooster Teeth as a company has become a shadow of its former itself, and despite what some of its fans insist whenever people talk about this, the writing is on the wall that the company only has a few years left at most- especially as recent news with the Discovery merger paints the image of a new boss who is cutting anything not making a profit. Public engagement in all metrics is down, views on Youtube are a joke, and trust among most of the remaining userbase is at an all time low. Red vs Blue is now going on four straight seasons of dogwater content, most of their other animation projects flopped, they don't want anything to do with Genlock anymore, and their games division did so badly they had to do company-wide layoffs.

Rooster Teeth maybe could have (and somewhat had) walked back the damage from the crunch scandal. They maybe could have salvaged their reputation after Mica Burton point-blank said she left the company because of their actions and not because of the community that harassed her into nearly considering suicide (the company that also only responded to Mica leaving with "Does that mean your dad doesn't want to work with us anymore?" because they are actual sociopaths). In an extremely lucky world, maybe they could have even earned back goodwill after Ryan Haywood. But they can't salvage themselves from all three, all happening year after year, all tainting giant portions of their back catalogue. The company as a brand is sheer toxin. They've been reduced to doing sponsored ads for a fucking loan shark company, that's how low they've descended. And that's not even getting into the erectile disfunction pills a few years ago.

And all of that without going into the laundry list of reasons people have for hating RWBY itself that go beyond "You're just salty your headcanon didn't happen." (because maybe one day that'll be an actual legitimate thing you can say in response to criticism that doesn't reek of copium) Be it the recent cases like Penny's suicide presenting an actively harmful message, the general quality drop since Volume 4, Volumes 5 and 8 being apocalyptically bad, the issues with Fair Game or the drama around Ironwood and Adam, the show keeps getting itself into controversies all while the show loses the energy it had years ago and is now just a soulless machine desisgned to keep the lights on at RT because no passion goes into that show anymore. And that's all without pointing out how recent seasons have consistently benched Team RWBY to let Oscar hijack the show, and the general appalling pacing issues that the show has had since day 1.
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Excuse me but what?????
Covered here in this Subreddit Drama post. tldr, RT started marketing ED pills to their audience of teenagers, people called them out and a bunch of the staff took to the RT subreddits to furiously defend the company.

By sheer coincidence, the company that sold the pills didn't mention that one of the side effects of the pills was hair loss. But funnily enough, they had a separate product that solved hair loss!