RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I think at least some part of it is a sort of reflective reaction to some people being loudly unwilling to accept that RWBY does have its faults and being unwilling to compromise on that, giving rise to people being loudly unwilling to accept that RWBY has its good qualities and not compromising on that in response.

There's a difference between thinking a show's perfect, and not accepting any criticism, and thinking a show sucks, and sending the people making it hate mail. The latter is not a reasonable reaction to the former.
No, it isn't, but when have humans been reasonable?

That's not quite the point, tho. The point is that it's not the fault of crwby, or so-called "toxic positivity" that these people are acting like assholes. My thesis is that there's something intrinsic to these people that causes them to act like this, not external factors.
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I think at least some part of it is a sort of reflective reaction to some people being loudly unwilling to accept that RWBY does have its faults and being unwilling to compromise on that, giving rise to people being loudly unwilling to accept that RWBY has its good qualities and being unwilling to compromise on that in response.
Not really, RWBY receive plenty of critique back in the early days and still does now, including from major fans like myself; RWDE's become something to be dismissed because its gone from "A place where people complain/critique about the show" to a den of reactionary jerks who send death threats to CRWBY and keep using Monty Oum's name to prop up their arguments.
That's not quite the point, tho. The point is that it's not the fault of crwby, or so-called "toxic positivity" that these people are acting like assholes.
Yeah like, even if that were true, sending people death threats over it remains insane behavior.

Like, I hate FMA Brotherhood, I legit do not enjoy the series and think very poorly of its characters, plot structure and themes and the less said of its handing of genocide and race the better. Yet its propped up as one of the best anime's ever and critiquing it has seen people get harassed and bullied by its fans, but you know what I don't do?

I don't send death threats over it.
Yeah like, even if that were true, sending people death threats over it remains insane behavior.

Like, I hate FMA Brotherhood, I legit do not enjoy the series and think very poorly of its characters, plot structure and themes and the less said of its handing of genocide and race the better. Yet its propped up as one of the best anime's ever and critiquing it has seen people get harassed and bullied by its fans, but you know what I don't do?

I don't send death threats over it.

I edited the post you quoted, so I'd like to reiterate it here: my thesis is that there's something intrinsic to these people that causes them to act like this, not external factors. Most people handle disapointment in a healthy way, but HTDM doesn't, and it's not anyone's fault but their own.
@JayTee, I think a better word is "entitled" and "obsessive" and not "passionate". There are big differences between being passionate about something, and being obsessive about something or feeling entitled to a certain thing.
This seems like a distinction without a difference to me. A hyper fan is a hyper fan, regardless of the labels we apply.

I edited the post you quoted, so I'd like to reiterate it here: my thesis is that there's something intrinsic to these people that causes them to act like this, not external factors. Most people handle disapointment in a healthy way, but HTDM doesn't, and it's not anyone's fault but their own.
This is dangerous rhetoric. We shouldn't try and decide there's something intrinsically "wrong" with people, as it's dangerously close to dehumanizing them.
This seems like a distinction without a difference to me. A hyper fan is a hyper fan, regardless of the labels we apply.

This is dangerous rhetoric. We shouldn't try and decide there's something "wrong" with people, as it's dangerously close to dehumanizing them.

Please quote where I used the word "wrong". I'm sure you'll argue that I used healthy, and blah blah blah, but sending death threats to people is not a healthy response to something you'd dissapointed in. Sorry. And I'm not saying there's something intrinsically wrong with them, i'm saying there's something intrinsic (ie, it's not the external factors you and others keep going on about) about them that causes them to send death threats to people. It's different. I use words to mean things, and I try to be careful in the words I use.
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I edited the post you quoted, so I'd like to reiterate it here: my thesis is that there's something intrinsic to these people that causes them to act like this, not external factors. Most people handle disapointment in a healthy way, but HTDM doesn't, and it's not anyone's fault but their own.
Could you please stop conflating one awful person sending the writer death threats with everyone who critiques the show on the internet. Nobody should have to recieve death threats, but that dosen't make everyone responsible for the actions of one person who happens to agree with them on one point.
Please quote where I used the word "wrong". I'm sure you'll argue that I used healthy, and blah blah blah, but sending death threats to people is not a healthy response to something you'd dissapointed in. Sorry.
You asserted that there was something intrinsic to these people That caused them to fly off the handle like that. That implies that you feel there's something fundamentally wrong with them, which is a very dangerous mindset to take.

But does that justify death threats?
No, nothing does. I'm not sure what your point is, can you elaborate?
Could you please stop conflating one awful person sending the writer death threats with everyone who critiques the show on the internet. Nobody should have to recieve death threats, but that dosen't make everyone responsible for the actions of one person who happens to agree with them on one point.

I'm not conflating them, and I don't see how you got the impression that I thought everyone who criticizes the show is on the same level as the people who send death threats. I'm not talking about people who merely criticize the show, and in fact, in one of the first posts I made about this, I said that the way to deal with media disapointing you is to complain about it on forums. Please don't mischaracterize what I've said, and what I mean.
You asserted that there was something intrinsic to these people That caused them to fly off the handle like that. That implies that you feel there's something fundamentally wrong with them, which is a very dangerous mindset to take.

No, nothing does. I'm not sure what your point is, can you elaborate?

And I'm not saying there's something intrinsically wrong with them, i'm saying there's something intrinsic (ie, it's not the external factors you and others keep going on about) about them that causes them to send death threats to people. It's different. I use words to mean things, and I try to be careful in the words I use.
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And I'm not saying there's something intrinsically wrong with them, i'm saying there's something intrinsic (ie, it's not the external factors you and others keep going on about) about them that causes them to send death threats to people. It's different. I use words to mean things, and I try to be careful in the words I use.
Then please try and be more careful in the future, as intrinsic implies something internal and a part of an individual.
From what I gather whenever something gets popular it somehow always attract people who hate it. I remember growing up that hating Justin Bieber was a big thing when he was a kid. I mean their where games where his death was the goal online. With people wishing him a very violent death all over the internet.
Then their are the South Park Creators who received death threats themselves. I mean two people where arrested for plotting to kill both Trey and Matt for their show.
So what CRWBY is going through is not exactly new as terrible as it is but an ongoing problem facing those in entertainment for as long as entertainment is a thing.
Then please try and be more careful in the future, as intrinsic implies something internal and a part of an individual.

Yes, that's what I used the word to mean. I did not, however, and you have not quoted me as saying it, say that there is something intrinsically wrong with them. I'll continue to wait for you to quote me. I will not reply till you do.
Then please try and be more careful in the future, as intrinsic implies something internal and a part of an individual.

Even though if someone is sending someone death threats or threats of harm to someone then that usually means something is wrong with said sender?
I mean, I would like to think a normal person would not send another such threats.
No, nothing does. I'm not sure what your point is, can you elaborate?
Even though if you are sending someone death threats or threats of harm to someone then that usually means something is wrong with said sender?
I mean, I would like to think a normal person would not send another such threats.
Basically this. Like, if a person doesn't like RWBY, more power to them, but it shouldn't go to the point of them slinging death threats.
I'm not conflating them, and I don't see how you got the impression that I thought everyone who criticizes the show is on the same level as the people who send death threats. I'm not talking about people who merely criticize the show, and in fact, in one of the first posts I made about this, I said that the way to deal with media disapointing you is to complain about it on forums. Please don't mischaracterize what I've said, and what I mean.
Then why are you using the term HTDM? In my experince, all that means is you are publically criticising the show.
Yes, that's what I used the word to mean. I did not, however, and you have not quoted me as saying it, say that there is something intrinsically wrong with them. I'll continue to wait for you to quote me. I will not reply till you do.

Here, boldest for highlighting purposes:
I edited the post you quoted, so I'd like to reiterate it here: my thesis is that there's something intrinsic to these people that causes them to act like this, not external factors. Most people handle disapointment in a healthy way, but HTDM doesn't, and it's not anyone's fault but their own.

Even though if someone is sending someone death threats or threats of harm to someone then that usually means something is wrong with said sender?
I mean, I would like to think a normal person would not send another such threats.
It usually means that they've gotten too wrapped up in it, not that there's something fundamental about them as a person that causes them to send death threats.

Basically this. Like, if a person doesn't like RWBY, more power to them, but it shouldn't go to the point of them slinging death threats.
I uh, agree?
Where's the word wrong in the part you bolded? Where's the word wrong in the entire quote? Keep trying. I'll keep waiting.
You use the word intrinsic to describe something wrong with people. I said you should avoid that as it's dangerous rhetoric. You said you did not use it. I pointed out where you did use it at your request. Now you say you're waiting for me to point out where you used it again? I'm sorry I'm confused I'm not really sure what you're asking of me now.
Sorry, HTDM? The only thing I'm getting for that is this lol

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HTDM stands for “Host TDM” and refers to Plug-Ins that do all audio processing on the host CPU instead of the DSP chips found on your TDM hardware. They use a single, shared DSP on the TDM system to allow the audio from these host Plug-In processes to stream in or out of the system. […]