RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Honestly I don't have high hopes for Ice Queen in general. At most I'm expecting a rehash of v1-3, but anime, and a larger focus on the Ruby vs Weiss conflict. Kinda neat, but also like, why?
I imagine it will look better in motion, lots of paused scenes from many series evoke weird vibes due to looking unnatural.

Also far be it from me to defend Tai from slander, but to quote a Reddit post:
Those pieces of shoulder armor are called pauldrons, or spaulders.

While they offer protection to an otherwise vulnerable area, they really restrict movement there. Think how hard it would be to move your shoulder with a big metal bowl attached to it.

Also think about how you might face an enemy if you were swordfighting. You probably wouldn't stand facing right at them - you'd have one side to them. So some people choose to use one side of their body for defense (big pauldron and a shield) and the other side for offense (flexible with a sword).

Also, asymmetry is just fashionable.

Anyway I just think seeing more Ice Queendom content is neat, getting to know how the designs translate to the anime's style is interesting to me as an artist.
Honestly I don't have high hopes for Ice Queen in general. At most I'm expecting a rehash of v1-3, but anime, and a larger focus on the Ruby vs Weiss conflict. Kinda neat, but also like, why?

I am going to go out on a limb and say you haven't payed much attention to the information that has come out so far for IQ since it's a side thing?
I am going to go out on a limb and say you haven't payed much attention to the information that has come out so far for IQ since it's a side thing?
Pretty much, side things rarely pique my interest. If it's not just a rehash, then that's neat and I'll actually be impressed that they were willing to put in the effort for something new.
Given the alt MC designs and Weiss/Pyrrha's specifically, and the statements from those involved a rehash sounds unlikely.

Anyway this article is hilarious XD

'Adam's Still Alive!' Shouts Dumbass Who Has Never Been Stabbed, Thrown Off a Cliff -

Adam Taurus, RWBY’s infamous dead edgelord and walking weeb thirst trap, still has people that believe he might come back to the show three Volumes later like some kind of religious figure. And although all evidence points to the contrary, the blind believers of this would-be zombie think he...
I know that is a joke but it got me remembering several cases of people IRL surviving what should have been lethal injury or circumstances.

I mean their was Hugh Glass who was mauled near to death by a grizzly bear and left for dead by his fellow fur trappers. Who then crawled 320 km of wilderness to reach the nearest settlement.
Or Juliane Koepcke who survived a 3000 mile fall when her plane crashed into the Amazon Jungle as the sole survivor where she lived off the environment until she was rescued after 11 days by herself . She was seventeen at the time.
Then their was the Phineas Gage who survived a 1 meter long train spike shot into his head and lived on for 11 years in the late 19th century.

I mean the human body can sometimes take so much damage and still survive but in other not so much.
I know that is a joke but it got me remembering several cases of people IRL surviving what should have been lethal injury or circumstances.

I mean their was Hugh Glass who was mauled near to death by a grizzly bear and left for dead by his fellow fur trappers. Who then crawled 320 km of wilderness to reach the nearest settlement.
Or Juliane Koepcke who survived a 3000 mile fall when her plane crashed into the Amazon Jungle as the sole survivor where she lived off the environment until she was rescued after 11 days by herself . She was seventeen at the time.
Then their was the Phineas Gage who survived a 1 meter long train spike shot into his head and lived on for 11 years in the late 19th century.

I mean the human body can sometimes take so much damage and still survive but in other not so much.

Yes, but those people were all badass. Adam was not. :)
Lets be real, the Jean Grey rule means that in fiction any character can come back from the dead at any time. The only mitigating factor is how badly the body was ruined before the final moment of screen time for a given character.

Adam was, what? Stabbed and thrown off a cliff? That's easy mode for resurrecting a character. Not that I expect it to happen, but if it did there's about a million other stories that set the precedent lol.
Comics aren't exactly the best basis for resurrections given they exist on the status quo is god and also started as funny books for small children. Maes Hughes isn't going to miraculously come back from the dead in any version of FMA just to name an example.
Yes, but those people were all badass. Adam was not. :)
Plus none were stabbed through the heart and dropped into freezing water, compounded with their head cracking on a rock.

A bullet through the brain can theoretically miss what is needed to kill a person while still doing damage the guy who got a railroad spike jammed in his skull can attest. Being mauled can do tons of damage to the outer body but how much that impacts the internals is not so clear cut as something piercing right through the primary organ of the body. The fall is genuinely shocking, though as with the other examples it was, technically speaking, one wounding event not several in short succession compounded with drowning in icy waters.
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In universe, he's dead barring ten different miracles. Out-of-universe and from a narrative stand point, I can't see any way bringing him back in any form would contribute to the story enough to make up for how it would hurt, both in regards to the ongoing plotlines and V6s ending in particular.
it still makes me shake my head every time I remember that a number of people thought "ADAM?!" when the face inside of The Hound was revealed.
like, they looked at a head with messy brown hair and a pair of ears matching said hair and thought they saw Adam's red spikey anime hair and pitch black horns.
it still makes me shake my head every time I remember that a number of people thought "ADAM?!" when the face inside of The Hound was revealed.
like, they looked at a head with messy brown hair and a pair of ears matching said hair and thought they saw Adam's red spikey anime hair and pitch black horns.
Don't forget silver eyes rather than baby blues.
The dominant colors, Blakes is more white than black in the later seasons, and Weiss is more blue than white.

Also their hairstyles are hilarious. Blakes looks more like a 50s helmet and Weiss looks like she has some kind of giant white anaconda gnawing on her head lol.
And Ruby's always had more black than red in her design, and Yang has always had more brown than yellow. Accents pop, it turns out.
The dominant colors, Blakes is more white than black in the later seasons, and Weiss is more blue than white.

Also their hairstyles are hilarious. Blakes looks more like a 50s helmet and Weiss looks like she has some kind of giant white anaconda gnawing on her head lol.

Given how colors are important in the narrative, and a number of fans have commented on this over the last few years, it is likely that the color shift is due to character growth.
Blake was haunted by the shadows of her past, while Weiss was pressed by the Elite Atlesian way of life imposed by her father.
In recent volumes Blake has been able to step out and away from the shadows and into the light, while Weiss has gained freedom to spread her wings in a free blue sky.

And Ruby's always had more black than red in her design, and Yang has always had more brown than yellow. Accents pop, it turns out.

This, too.
And Ruby's always had more black than red in her design, and Yang has always had more brown than yellow. Accents pop, it turns out.
Big difference here is that yellow is a naturally loud color so you need something more muted to hold it back or it gets too garish. Likewise black and red are such complimentary colors that they make each other pop in equal measure.

Given how colors are important in the narrative, and a number of fans have commented on this over the last few years, it is likely that the color shift is due to character growth.
Blake was haunted by the shadows of her past, while Weiss was pressed by the Elite Atlesian way of life imposed by her father.
In recent volumes Blake has been able to step out and away from the shadows and into the light, while Weiss has gained freedom to spread her wings in a free blue sky.
Gunna be honest, I don't really buy that at all. I mean, there's nothing really wrong with that interpretation, but its not really strong enough for me to invest in it.
Blake was haunted by the shadows of her past, while Weiss was pressed by the Elite Atlesian way of life imposed by her father.
Blake & Weiss's color schemes start out dominated by their abusers or their abusers/shitty society, and as they gave more freedom, overcome their abusers & trauma, they begin embracing their own color schemes more.

There's a whole video about this on Youtube, I would also note, as the video did, that Weiss has always had red in her design for example, which ties in with her grandfather while the white represented her dad who she's now overcome.

Purple also makes a ton of sense for Blake given the meaning of her last name, but also as we see even in V1 purple was subtle weaved into her design, IE around her ankles and travelling up, swallowed by the blackness that represented Adam.
Watch, by the end of the volume, the cast will be wearing the opposite of their actual theme colors.