RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Compare with Ren, who was created and voiced by Monty, but handled with much more restraint.

Kind of too much restraint though, I think. I think he had, like, two speaking roles of about 2-3 sentences each in the entirety of Volume 2. I'm not saying he needed his own subplot or anything, but he definitely deserved a little more than that.
Also wish he'd done more than throw some watermelons, get turned into a bowling ball by Weiss, and then get smacked into next week by Yang during that food fight.
Rezzing the Cinder Plan thing.

Even if I don't agree with all your points, I'm glad that you were able to make them without getting attacked by the rest of the thread. There are certain communities where RWBY discussion is distressingly uniform and dissent is squashed with a prejudice, so it's nice that it's not happening here.

On another note, does anyone else get the sense that Jaune's so bad at fighting because he wasn't ever meant to fight? Like, he's a square peg trying to force himself into a circular hole. From the very beginning I was thrown by how he described his father, his father's father, and presumably his entire patriarchal bloodline as "great warriors", which in contrast to Ruby who described huntsmen as romantic heroes. Jaune's legacy, and thus the lion's share of his self-worth, is tied to his ability to make war. And ultimately, I don't think that's who Jaune is. I think it would be a fantastic reversal to have Jaune not grow into a great huntsman, but into a peacemaker, a pacifist, or a martyr. Someone who is capable of rejecting the idea of violence as the solution to their problems.

Now, I'm obviously not suggesting every character lay down their arms, the setting justifies huntsmen as heroes well enough, but the setting is also big enough to fit in a character like that as a hero, too.
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Even if I don't agree with all your points, I'm glad that you were able to make them without getting attacked by the rest of the thread. There are certain communities where RWBY discussion is distressingly uniform and dissent is squashed with a prejudice, so it's nice that it's not happening here.

Yeah. We mentioned this a few pages back. Nobody here is going to pretend RWBY is even a fraction as good as its more adamant fans pretend it is. Then again I ascribe to the idea that you can genuinely enjoy something that isn't very good, and not just as guilty pleasure, but actually enjoy it on its own merits.

Now, I'm not suggesting every character lay down their arms, the setting justifies huntsmen as heroes well enough, but the setting is also big enough to fit in a character like that as a hero, too.

Assume no major twists, the hole to Jaun's peg seems to be tactician. He is, surprisingly enough, actually good at shuffling his team around and is at least sturdy enough to not die while doing it. I'll be immensely surprised if he ever becomes more than a mediocre hunstman in his own right though.

Edit : Honestly the 'I faked my test results to get in' subplot was a complete waste of time that could have been better used exploring . . . just about anything else. Even if the thing that was being explored was still Jaun.

I assume there's a greater reason for Jean's existence in the story. If that's the case I think he could have been better written by just being a bottom of the rung huntsman whose status is as much due to trying to ram his square head into a round hole as it is due to his frankly mediocre talent.
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Which has no ominous implications at all, obviously.
Well, let's see

The Meta was driven insane by the fire-themed Sigma, constantly looking for more AI fragments and Freelancer gear in an effort to become whole, or in the Counselor's words 'The Meta didn't want to be perfect, it wanted to be human.'

Tucker would later don the armor of the Meta, but using it required the sacrifice of a close friend.

Nope, no ominous implications at all.
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The fight we've been waiting for since the volume 2 opening is on!
Way I see it, Merc has three options.
1. Take Yang out FAST before she ramps up sufficiently.
2. Pull a Neo with indirect damage to aviod charging Yang etc.
3. Survive/avoid her Super-Saiyang mode and just keep chipping away at her until she falls over.

This all depends on any invisible helpers (Hi Neo)/BS Semblance that he's hiding.
Way I see it, Merc has three options.
1. Take Yang out FAST before she ramps up sufficiently.
2. Pull a Neo with indirect damage to aviod charging Yang etc.
3. Survive/avoid her Super-Saiyang mode and just keep chipping away at her until she falls over.

This all depends on any invisible helpers (Hi Neo)/BS Semblance that he's hiding.
I think he is skilled enough to do #1 and #3, but #2 goes against his normal style too much.
I also am not sure whether the latest episode's fight scene was lackluster because of the animation, or RT's shitty web player.

On the one hand the animation really wasn't up to par. It was very jagged to watch with whole exchanges of blows seeming to be condensed into three or four frames. On the other hand I thought the actual posing in the frames was a bit better on average and loved Flynt and Neon's body language. It did an excellent job of conveying their personalities in the middle of the fight and actually seemed better animated (mo-cap?) than in previous seasons (body language in general, not Flynt and Neon in particular, that would be crazy).
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I mean while Port was counting down. Yang and Weiss looked confident, then Flint and Neon looked confident, and WY apparently seemed surprised that their opponents were confident?

Just rewatched that part. I think it's the sudden switch from "trolling douchebags" to "game face" that just kind of threw them off. Yang in particular looks a lot less surprised and a lot more "the f*ck's with these guys?"
Right so, I've been thinking about what Flynt said about the Schnee Dust Company running his dad's little shop out of business, and it got me thinking about the poor old man who seems to have new job every time we see him.

I think we might know why now.
Even if I don't agree with all your points, I'm glad that you were able to make them without getting attacked by the rest of the thread. There are certain communities where RWBY discussion is distressingly uniform and dissent is squashed with a prejudice, so it's nice that it's not happening here.

On another note, does anyone else get the sense that Jaune's so bad at fighting because he wasn't ever meant to fight? Like, he's a square peg trying to force himself into a circular hole. From the very beginning I was thrown by how he described his father, his father's father, and presumably his entire patriarchal bloodline as "great warriors", which in contrast to Ruby who described huntsmen as romantic heroes. Jaune's legacy, and thus the lion's share of his self-worth, is tied to his ability to make war. And ultimately, I don't think that's who Jaune is. I think it would be a fantastic reversal to have Jaune not grow into a great huntsman, but into a peacemaker, a pacifist, or a martyr. Someone who is capable of rejecting the idea of violence as the solution to their problems.

Now, I'm obviously not suggesting every character lay down their arms, the setting justifies huntsmen as heroes well enough, but the setting is also big enough to fit in a character like that as a hero, too.

I kind of agree, I know some people put forward the tactician theory but I do not see it, I see him more like a defender archetype in RPGs, he is there to take the hits for other people and this is something he has shown himself willing to do. He wants to be the guy charging forward and be the hero when he should be standing firm under the hail of blows protecting others. His semblance so far seems to be implied to be defensive in nature and Pyrrha mentions he has an abnormally large aura which would allow him to take the hits.
[Discussion] Volume 3, Chapter 6: Fall
Jaw dropped, they were right.

Well, its my sub par recap time.
Welp looks like its time again, ah so nervous!

Video game trailer again, looks like that may be the norm for the rest of the season, I can dig it.

Opening with Pyrrha and Ozpin offering surprisingly enthusiastic kudos and assurance that it was no surprise Pyrrha was chosen for the final round, she seems proud, Qrow, moody. Pyrrha, ever humble, Qrow critical of the rest of JNPR. Fairy tale questions, Pyrrha seems uncomfortable, understandable. OMG world building, four seasons fairy tale, love the animation, not sure I like the origin of the seasons but that's just me. And apparently its true...

Holy crap, magic is real.

Apparently a maiden receives the power from a season and it goes in some sort of beyond the control of people like Ozpin.

Oh gods, poor Pyrrha she looks so uncomfortable, can't blame her they are not explaining this in a manner that would be comfortable, its like, super awkward, but fitting given their personalities.

Beacon has a vault, I am intrigued. It reminds me of infinite city. Glynda doing some cool teacher stuff. Ozpin is slouching, Qrow is critical of apparently stupid rules for choosing new maidens. I can see why though, power going to the last person they thought of if they are a young woman or someone random, not exactly easy, like a needle in several haystacks. Ah so due to Cinder they are pushing up the date of telling her and Grim are apparently getting stronger and more prevalent.

Autumn was attacked and lost some of her power, Cinder, its all coming together! Oh this is creepy, two chambers, 001 and 002 one with the current fall maiden who looks burnt up and comatose, apparently barely being kept alive by Atlas tech. Ah that's an interesting note, last thoughts would logically be of an attacker and if said attacker is a young maiden, my, clever Cinder is clever. Interestingly this would explain Cinder's line about taking the enemies strength and also implies that while granted some form of great power presumably a strong "normal" opponent can still take them.

I like this, Pyrrha is upset and wondering 'why" not tell everyone about someone so important and all the threats, her question makes sense, though the Grim might make that a problem, pre-knowledge of the guardians may have potentially averted this issue simply by virtue of butterfly effect and given people some enemy to focus on.

How old is this brotherhood?! Also apparently Remnant has religion of some sort, I think Ozpin snarked at Ironwood about the army again XD Pyrrha agrees, oh she's so awesome! Also everyone says humanity, this bugs me. Atlas tech can transfer these powers? Wow, then again they can make souls and Pyrrha thinks it sick which is understandable. They can transfer Aura, binding people's lives together and potentially eliminating their personalities, holy crap!

Cinder looking smug as usual, Coco looking kind of cranky. 8 finalist, new characters, interesting. The polite bartender again! And now Cinder's leaving. Epic levitating stadium is epic.

Still thinking Mercury may have a wind related Semblance, fight is so smooth so far. Yeah this isn't an uneven contest yet! Air ball meteor storm! And now the stadium is on fire! Mercury still looks cocky though. Well, he did. I think we just saw what it looks like when Aura fields dissipate, looks cool. Wooh, Yang kicked ass! Wait, oh dear, I think there was some illusion Semblancing going on there, Mercury attacked, Yang smashed his leg but people were booing her and the cameras were cut, Cinder's plan is causing discontent and are those,. Grim? How good is Goliath Hearing!?
Yang just got arrested!? Cinder controls the cameras, no no no!

Oh poor Yang, she looks so confused! :cry:
Holy damn this episode. SO MUCH PLOT. And that ending!

So Pyrrha seems to be Pyrrha throughout the episode, but the shoe may or may not drop on that eventually. Who knows? Maybe the smirk at the end of last episode is just a smirk...

RWBY goes Deathly Hallows on us and Pyrrha recounts the fairy tale of the Four Maidens, who are blessed by a mysterious hermit for showing him kindness and receive incredible magical--explicitly not Dust--powers themed after the four seasons. The Maidens have existed for thousands of years, and after their powers were used for war, were removed from public knowledge by a secret order and faded into mere legend. Ozpin, Qrow, Goodwitch, and Ironwood are all members of that order, and work to protect the Maidens.

The Autumn mentioned a few episodes ago is revealed to be the Fall Maiden, who was attacked and left in critical condition, part of her power stolen. It's revealed that the power of the Maidens simply passes onto another after death. However, Ironwood has developed technology that could remove the Maiden's Aura and store it, thereby artificially passing on the Maiden's power to a successor: Pyrrha. She willingly steps up at first, but is mildly horrified when she learns at what needs to be done for her to receive it. Either way, she's given until the of the Vytal Festival to decide.

Anyway, back to the tournament: Yang vs. Mercury time! Cinder doesn't seem to be into it, leaving to do nefarious things before it even starts. Pretty even match at first, until Mercury unleashes his breakdance projectile tornado thing, and rains hell on Yang. But of course, that just activates her Semblance, and she knocks him flat shortly after, depleting his Aura. A meh conclusion. But Mercury, being a villain, moves to attack her as she walks away. So Yang clocks him in the knee, breaking his leg--going up against an Aura user without Aura yourself is no joke.

Gasps throughout the arena! Oobleck and Port order the camera feeds to be cut! And Atlesian police surround Yang, ordering her to stand down. She's obviously confused, since Mercury clearly attacked her first... And then she sees the instant replay up on the big screen: Mercury, just standing peacefully conceding his defeat... And her, breaking his leg in a clearly unprovoked attack.

And meanwhile, all this negativity at what should be a celebration of sportsmanship and fair competition, prick the ears of the Grimm...

EDIT: Oh, and just saw the name of the episode is "Fall." That's some blunt double meaning going on there.

EDIT: Huh, the final moments of the episode as Yang is surrounded by the military is scored by a melancholy piano rendition of "I Burn." That's a helluva gut punch after last week's triumphant jazz remix.

So yeah, a lot's happened. The back half of the season's gonna be a doozy.

EDIT: Oh damn, episode 7 won't be released until the new year. What a vicious cliffhanger...
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I think it says a lot about how much I've come to like the characters, Yang especially, that the ending has left me so worried I feel a little ill. I was not built for watching shows as they are being made, I can't handle the stress! Also I think we just saw our first "game over" for team RWBY it, I am expecting Yang may end up locked away for awhile as what she did will look like a brutal and totally unnecessary assault. This could affect her reputation for ages, she may even end up broken out by Raven or trying to escape on her own and Ruby will be so upset, heck all of RWBY is going to catch a lot of crap for this I expect especially if they insist Yang must be innocent.
I felt the exposition in the first half was well done for the most part. So the maidens/Guardians are an actual thing, not a crafted role! Also holy shit Ozpin/Glynda/Ironwood/Qrow look like fucking super villains in this scene.

Cinder FALL took AUTUMN's powers. She either chose that name on purpose, or is from a dynasty of evil fucks who target the Fall maidens.

Pyrrha looks so, so unhappy about this. Why would they tell this her right before her fight? Autumn better be about to die.

Ironwood, this Aura-merge plan sounds incredibly unsafe. Rather than become the Fall maiden, I think it's going to make Pyrrha the Fallen Maiden.

The choreography for Merc v Yang was INCREDIBLE. Yang was on fucking point with her dodging and footwork. I'm still not sure if Merc knew about her semblance or not, it looks like he expected that last salvo to totally KO her. The surprise could have been him acting, but the leg breaking could also have been him activating the contingency plan, I'm sure he wouldn't let her do that if he'd been able to continue in the tournament.

Supporting the "Merc wasn't supposed to lose at this point theory" is that the illusion seems poorly crafted... Yang shot him with her gauntlets on screen but in reality she only punched him, right? The investigation should bring up the discrepancy (unless more illusions to change his injuries FUCK YOU NEO `:mad:). Edit: nope she actually shot him. gdi Yang.

And was Cinder really that worried about Yang winning? Surely they would have targeted Pyrrha for reputation tarnishing... However, it still did its role causing a ton of bad feelings. GRIMM INCOMING.


*coughs* Anyway I'm thinking it's a combination of talents at work here- Neo does the visuals, and Emerald does the sound. Otherwise I don't see how no one heard Mercury's final taunt.
Okay so this might be the best episode yet!
This episode showcases by far the best part about Rooster Teeth, the transitions between comedy and Drama are always top notch. But JESUS CHRIST WHAT A FUCKING ENDING HOLY CRAP, This does mean one thing though, neither RWBY or Cinder team will win the tournament, so that's interesting.
I wonder, is Autumn her name or are they calling her by her title? If its the latter then, well, that's kind of messed up.
Never mind, I was wrong, turns out her name does come up.
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I wonder, is Autumn her name or are they calling her by her title? If its the latter then, well, that's kind of messed up.
The Maiden's name is apparently Amber, so it seems "Autumn" is indeed a title. Now I'm curious what relevance the other two seasonal names have, since those are actually their names. Are Winter Schnee and Summer Rose actually Maidens (or former, in Summer's case)? Or is it just a red herring?

I'm actually really excited for this reveal, since it finally gives something tangible to Cinder's plans--she must be in the know about the Maidens, one way or another.
The Maiden's name is apparently Amber, so it seems "Autumn" is indeed a title. Now I'm curious what relevance the other two seasonal names have, since those are actually their names. Are Winter Schnee and Summer Rose actually Maidens (or former, in Summer's case)? Or is it just a red herring?

I'm actually really excited for this reveal, since it finally gives something tangible to Cinder's plans--she must be in the know about the Maidens, one way or another.
Yeah, sorry I was told over on SB but it seems I didn't edit my awareness of Amber's name in over here fast enough. Sorry :oops:

Summer may have been a maiden, the 'silver eyes line' may also have meant something now. Not so sure about Winter, personally I think its unlikely and she may have just been named for the fairy tale. Though someone over on SB suggested Papa Schnee was in the know and wanted to increase the chances of Winter being chosen but she passed "maiden" age and so Weiss was made heiress.

I am definitely intrigued, also magic is a thing, kind of nervous and excited at the same time I guess.
So we're all agreed that the 'You have silver eyes' thing back in episode one was totally related to this Maidens business, right?
Undoubtedly. Much like Red vs Blue and Project Freelancer, I'm betting the Maidens are going to be a driving force for the series for a good while, especially if Cinder's plans are finally resolved this season or next.

Seriously, after Cinder steps down as big bad, I'm laying down money that the next main villain will be an evil Maiden or someone manipulating one.