RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I haven't seen the episode yet(damn my own stinginess), but I am going to ship Qrow and winter aren't I?
Critique of the fight from AnimeSuki. Not putting it in spoilers because there isn't any spoilery stuff.

MeoTwister5 said:
Qrow vs. Winter. Finally a fight worth watching... which is honestly not saying much comparatively speaking. The large difference in style is now readily apparent. It's still better than the first 2 episodes, and maybe it'll get even better, but it's still a long way from what we're used to. The fights of season 3 uses a lot of scene cuts and transitions which REALLY breaks the fluidity of the action, as opposed to the single long shots of the first two which lends to its dynamic flair and motion.

At this point it's probably safe to assume that the style will be radically different now and it's time to stop expecting a return to the fights of the first 2 seasons. Either this is intentional, or it's RT pretty much admitting to the fanbase that they can't recreate that same sort of magic of the first 2. I don't know. It's still an awesome watch but I will probably have to deal with the fact that I will always feel like something will always be missing.

I personally find this odd because the new fight choreographer (Shane Newville) worked alongside for 7 years and allegedly has the same style as his late predecessor, and he was the guy who (unless I'm mistaken) animated Pyrrha's fight. We all know how good her fight with CRDL and Mercury were, and I'm not seeing any of that here.
Do we know of any other students that would make a good substitute of Jaune had died with his lack of a landing strategy? I mean, I've run into several fics where he did die, but they all try and keep him relevant somehow. Ozpin basically admitted that the initiation was do-or-die from the get-go. It's probably mentioned on the application as well, if only to keep out the lawsuits.

I can't think of any other named first year students other than CRDL. And even then only Cardin is named AFAIK.
So I'm reading @Salty's comments as he's watching through the episodes, and I agree with a most of them. TBH I stopped watching after Dance Dance Infiltration. I want to like RWBY, but I can't. There's just so much wasted potential. Maybe it gets better later on, but I already went through a season and a half. I believe I stated once that I liked Jaune's character. I still do, somewhat, but the disproportionate amount of focus he's getting really puts me off.

It started off pretty strong, but then it ground to a halt. Really, all this "according to keikaku" stuff is getting old, fast. I want more focus on the White Fang and their supposed doing the wrong things for the "right" reasons, not this Cinder hack who is the "(wo)man behind the man." It would be better if, like Jaune, the "keikaku" bullshit was in the background, training and fighting against the Grimm taking the forefront.

Watch the opening. It clearly shows the Grimm are a great threat and mankind is only slowly beating them back. Entire schools are designed to train elite warriors to fight the Grimm hordes. But the only time Grimm were threats was the S2 finale when they invaded Vale, and even then it was only thanks to Cinder and the White Fang. But what truly disappointed me was that the White Fang are still following Cinder because... reasons?
I always thought it would be interesting if Cinder's 'Just as planned' bit at the end of Volume 2 was actually a bluff, of sorts. After all, she had to be angry about the whole mech chase earlier, and the Breach definitely did not go off as planned. She just happened to be bluffing for her subordinates so they won't doubt her. All while furiously improvising and making a new plan.

Meh, a man can dream.
The thing about these "all according to keikaku" arcs in any fiction is that they are really freaking hard to pull off without seeming like a complete asspull. It takes a lot of writing chops to make it work, and a lot of writers can't hack it. This is, sadly, one of those cases.
The thing about these "all according to keikaku" arcs in any fiction is that they are really freaking hard to pull off without seeming like a complete asspull. It takes a lot of writing chops to make it work, and a lot of writers can't hack it. This is, sadly, one of those cases.
The problem is also that we don't have a clue what this famous plan is about.
Entirely possible, but considering we've never seen her lose her cool it's hard to tell. Closest aspect that comes to mind was in S2Ep1 when she was chastising Merc and Em for not keeping a low profile.

Exactly. Cinder is panicking and things aren't going to plan. She's just really good at bluffing.

....I may need to write that.
Will the old style of fight scene animation come back? People are right, there's just no FLOW anymore with all of these camera breaks.

Russel Thrush and Sky Lark went on to the Doubles match? Sky? Why not Dove? We've seen that Dove can actually fight, and fight extremely well together with Russel.

Penny is confirmed to have entered the tournament normally, with a team, and we see the face of her partner for the Doubles round - an Indian-looking girl, with her bindi forehead-dot and dark coloration (except for her curiously blue eyes). I wonder if they were a normal team who had a member fall sick or die.

More Team CFVY, with more of fan-favorite Coco but still no sign of that fucking box. I mean Velvet. But we get more Yatsuhashi, and that's not bad.

Qrow's ability to gather intelligence would seem to have been limited by the fact that the enemy leader and her followers recognize him on sight.

Meanwhile, Cinder is confident that he has no idea what THEY look like.

However, Qrow HAS been able to learn that Cinder's resources (presumably in Mistral) are scary enough that "they ARE fear" and don't care about Ironwood's fleet.

Who or what is Autumn, and what does Cinder have to do with her/its condition?

Qrow claims that the leaders of the other two Academies (Shade and Haven) also participate in Shadow World dealings to keep the world peace. Yet he says that Ozpin had to bring James in on this conspiracy. Since James is the head of Atlas's academy, this suggests that Shade and Haven's headmasters may not be aware of THIS particular threat.

Which would seem to contradict the idea that Cinder's power comes from the Powers That Be in Mistral, otherwise Mistral's headmaster would be involved in taking care of their own backyard.

Even though he's in control like he wanted, James is still reasonable and respectful enough to talk with Ozpin, LISTEN, and heed his advice. Once again, showing that a Big Military Man doesn't have to be either a bad guy OR an idiot.

Accidentally caught the Black Queen piece (no, wait, it's a King piece?) that flashed on Ironwood's smart phone after he pulled it out of Ozpin's desk. That would be the "new access point" that Cinder was talking about. She wasn't in control of the match-ups before, only after.

Clever little friend doing heavy lifting? Neo's no where to be seen, so she's apparently up to something big.

A member of Team ABRN and Team BRNZ are sitting behind Team RWBY, talking to each other.

Dove of Team CRDL is sitting behind Team JNPR.

No one is sitting behind Team SSSN or Cinder.
I think it's going to be a bit more dramatic than that, with a hell of a lot of fire. Fire, fire everywhere.

"Of course. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Why am I not surprised?"

Unless she got ambushed, Cinder vs Ruby 1v1 would still have her in full bluffing mode. After all, how could she lose against a single teenager? ;)
"Of course. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Why am I not surprised?"

Unless she got ambushed, Cinder vs Ruby 1v1 would still have her in full bluffing mode. After all, how could she lose against a single teenager? ;)
That will depend on where said teenager will be in her Huntress formation during that last battle, Ruby could very well be an adult by the time that final confrontation happens. (that's it if it will really be the last confrontation of the franchise)
That will depend on where said teenager will be in her Huntress formation during that last battle, Ruby could very well be an adult by the time that final confrontation happens. (that's it if it will really be the last confrontation of the franchise)

I mean, unless they plan to cover five years in the show (Which I'd be impressed with) She'll still be a teenager.

Now, the fire and death from the Volume 1 opening comes up after her grand design has come crashing down, in which case she just cuts lose entirely and gets to burninating
I mean, unless they plan to cover five years in the show (Which I'd be impressed with) She'll still be a teenager.

Now, the fire and death from the Volume 1 opening comes up after her grand design has come crashing down, in which case she just cuts lose entirely and gets to burninating
That's what I expect. RWBY is going to wreck her plans just by existing (because anime protagonists), and Ruby herself will become a thorn in her side like no other. And then once everything Cinder succeeded at fails, she will completely break and everything starts burning. Then the most epic remix of Red Like Roses starts to play, and Ruby does what every anime main character does... Win.
That's what I expect. RWBY is going to wreck her plans just by existing (because anime protagonists), and Ruby herself will become a thorn in her side like no other. And then once everything Cinder succeeded at fails, she will completely break and everything starts burning. Then the most epic remix of Red Like Roses starts to play, and Ruby does what every anime main character does... Win.

Yup. I expect it might be something like this.... "You....All my plans, years of work, ruined because of a single girl. Well congratulations Ruby Rose. You saved the world. But now I'm going to make sure that you don't live to enjoy it."

Assuming she's still conscious after the beatdown following, I'd probably add some taunts about abiding by the process of law and throwing Cinder in jail, or the moral ambiguity of killing her and making sure that she can never be a threat again. "Go on, swing the blade. Make that Headmaster of yours proud."

Of course, Shattered Mirrors Cinder would be a lot more vitriolic at this point, but that's because the Cinder in said fic is basically on mind altering drugs by that point, so you're not going to get a reasonable response from her.

Another prediction: Cinder will come close to winning, only for her and the Fang to try a mutual backstab at the same time, giving the heroes the edge to pull a victory. Because it makes sense, though I'm undecided if Roman would also try for a backstab, simply be neutral, or continue to align with Cinder.
Critique of the fight from AnimeSuki. Not putting it in spoilers because there isn't any spoilery stuff.

Hm. They're not wrong about this fight, certainly. Qrow vs. Winter took a lot of animesque shortcuts--flash-stepping, quick camera cuts, long, drawn-out still shots for "dramatic effect", that kind of thing. I can't really say I noticed similar shortcut-taking in the first two episodes, though. Additionally, I suspect this is a cost/time thing more than a Monty's-not-in-charge-anymore thing--Volume 3 seems to be much more fight-dense than 1 or 2, and something's gotta give. When it comes time for a properly climactic fight I suspect they'll give us something that would make Monty proud. In the meantime this season has continued to improve on literally everything else--the writing, the voice acting, the story; heck, even the non-fight animation.

EDIT: Also, we finally got our first big hint about why Cinder is such a big deal in this episode. Up until now she's mostly given the impression of being...well, a damn good fighter, on par with any Huntsman or Huntress, but not much to make her worthy of archvillain status. But then that line from Qrow:
"I've been out there, and I've seen the things she's made, and let me tell you--they are fear."

Cinder makes things. Extremely scary things.

I have a feeling that one of those things is extremely short and heterochromic.
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And people thought Winter was the shitlord, Qrow is such a troll.

Also that fight was amazingly awesome and who ever predicted Cinder was controlling the match ups made a brilliant deduction.

Also, reigning theory, Cinder can steal Semblances's and that is Autumn's 'condition'.

Also Cinder is apparently making things, I am deeply worried and disturbed by the implications.

Also am I the only one who feels it was a bit unfair Winter got chewed out given Qrow murdered two of her guards in a clear case of robocide?

Ohyeah, best lines:
Winter: He was drunk!
Glynda: He's always drunk!
Qrow: (Drinking)

Sigh, I knew there'd be tons of complaints about the fights and RWBY 'not being the same any more' but its still frustrating to see.