RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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A closer look at the Disc Grenade. Neat detail, apparently the shield size is variable based on how long the activation button is held. That makes it even more potentially useful since it can be scaled to the situation at hand. I hope the settings we've seen so far aren't the biggest, it could really use a proper "block off a street" option.

Also I see dummies in the comments are still complaining about the Tank Build getting more Tank style powers, as if this is a whooly incomprehensible concept rather than the basic building blocks of all sort of video and tabletop games and fantasy stories.

Extra hilarious for complaining about Jaune doing nothing but blocking when one of the first fights in the season was him decapitating a fucking dragon while jousting on a hover bike and then followed up by him launching a grown man sky high with his shield's gravity blast, cutting his way through a small army of centinels while also driving a bike at high speeds and freaking bouncing on centinels with his shield like a Super Mario character and then capping the whole thing off by demonstrating that with a little bit of creativity a ranged barrier can be used for a lot more than just blocking attacks.

some people prefer action, big weapons, and big damages (I play league of legends and I am always seeing people just insist on building damage on a number of tanky and/or support champs, they want to make those "big plays" and feel powerful instead of being a walking meatshield). They loved his claymore mode and people to this day want him to do it with his upgraded shield.
thing is, Jaune probably had the claymore mode removed.
they just don't care about sensible things and just hold that big weapons, powers, and fights are all that the show should be since that is what got it the audience it has, evolution and progression be damned.
Description got updated.
Title: War
Description: It's all out war in Atlas. Our heroes face an impossible problem. Where do they go from here?
In other words we're all in trouble.
Harriet: Not true! They also protested us abandoning Mantle to die horrible Grimm-related deaths!
Winter: ... You think you're helping?
Salem: {currently fucking shit up}

Harriet: No! It's all your fault!

Jaune: No! Fuck you! It's your fault!

Winter: Uh, guys?

Vine: No, fuck you! You fucked everything up!

Yang: No, you did!

Winter: Hey, remember the fucking whale that came onto Atlas?

Ren: I'm just chill. Really, this shit's on us.

Marrow: Nah, man, this shit's our bad.

Watts: Hey, guys, gonna do the thing now.

Everyone Else: This is your fault!

Watts: ... Okay.

Sokovia intensifies
Salem: {currently fucking shit up}

Harriet: No! It's all your fault!

Jaune: No! Fuck you! It's your fault!

Winter: Uh, guys?

Vine: No, fuck you! You fucked everything up!

Yang: No, you did!

Winter: Hey, remember the fucking whale that came onto Atlas?

Ren: I'm just chill. Really, this shit's on us.

Marrow: Nah, man, this shit's our bad.

Watts: Hey, guys, gonna do the thing now.

Everyone Else: This is your fault!

Watts: ... Okay.

Sokovia intensifies

A closer look at the Disc Grenade. Neat detail, apparently the shield size is variable based on how long the activation button is held. That makes it even more potentially useful since it can be scaled to the situation at hand. I hope the settings we've seen so far aren't the biggest, it could really use a proper "block off a street" option.

Also I see dummies in the comments are still complaining about the Tank Build getting more Tank style powers, as if this is a whooly incomprehensible concept rather than the basic building blocks of all sort of video and tabletop games and fantasy stories.

Extra hilarious for complaining about Jaune doing nothing but blocking when one of the first fights in the season was him decapitating a fucking dragon while jousting on a hover bike and then followed up by him launching a grown man sky high with his shield's gravity blast, cutting his way through a small army of centinels while also driving a bike at high speeds and freaking bouncing on centinels with his shield like a Super Mario character and then capping the whole thing off by demonstrating that with a little bit of creativity a ranged barrier can be used for a lot more than just blocking attacks.
Both times we've seen the shield, all three segments of the ring were lit up before the throw, so we've probably seen max size.
some people prefer action, big weapons, and big damages (I play league of legends and I am always seeing people just insist on building damage on a number of tanky and/or support champs, they want to make those "big plays" and feel powerful instead of being a walking meatshield). They loved his claymore mode and people to this day want him to do it with his upgraded shield.
thing is, Jaune probably had the claymore mode removed.
they just don't care about sensible things and just hold that big weapons, powers, and fights are all that the show should be since that is what got it the audience it has, evolution and progression be damned.
Which is the 'claymore mode' you're referring to? Also, what are the 'sensible things' these people should care more about?
Using the sword while it's in its sheath, and the sheath has flanges somewhat extended.
Oh that? Funny name for it. Why would he remove it? It's a recent modification. I forgot how he used it though. Personally, he needs a ranged option of some kind, although he's been covering for it so far with his agility. The one who really needs a damage upgrade is Ren though. His machine pistols are useless against everything we've seen him shoot at.
For the upcoming episode I can't tell what 'where do they go from here' is supposed to mean. I want to see those fight scenes they've been hinting at in the intro though.
Which is the 'claymore mode' you're referring to? Also, what are the 'sensible things' these people should care more about?
Oh that? Funny name for it. Why would he remove it? It's a recent modification. I forgot how he used it though. Personally, he needs a ranged option of some kind, although he's been covering for it so far with his agility. The one who really needs a damage upgrade is Ren though. His machine pistols are useless against everything we've seen him shoot at.
For the upcoming episode I can't tell what 'where do they go from here' is supposed to mean. I want to see those fight scenes they've been hinting at in the intro though.

the "Sword-Sword", as it was more referred to by the fndm, was only used twice. Once vs the Nuck (V4 finale) and against Cinder (V5 finale part 1).
in a sense it was him wanting to be stronger and to hurt Cinder, but that proved to not be the way for him to go when it nearly got him and Weiss killed at Haven.
His strength has always been in being a support tank. Someone who can take blows and protect allies. It fits both his personality, design, and inspiration. Yet people see him get Big Sword and are like "Yes, more of that, please!"
As for the "where do the go from here" I'm pretty sure that is in relation to mainly Yang, Jaune, and Ren.
as well as possibly Winter and the Aces. They saw the Grimm breach the shield, but that thumbnail shows Jaune already cuffed and Yang seemingly in the process of being cuffed. So they lost Oscar, had a fight within their group, and are no being cuffed instead of being allowed to help. Meanwhile the various members of the Aces and Winter are each probably trying to figure out what they should do, keep following orders no matter what, or actually make their own choices.
Tbh I skipped through parts of that episode and missed that they were cuffed. Hopefully regardless of what the Ace-Ops decide Jaune, Yang and Ren can break out and return to the fight once their Auras are back up. Also, I want Qrow and Robyn to break out soon. Maybe if the Grimm damage the power to the base.
I am expecting James "No Scouts Needed" Ironwood will do brilliantly in the next episode.

After all, he has the tactical acume of Andrew Del "Intelligence Will Slow Us Down" Rio from Halo 4.
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I am expecting James "No Scouts Needed" Ironwood will do brilliantly in the next episode.

After all, he has the tactical acume of Andrew Del "Intelligence Will Slow Us Down" Rio from Halo 4.
Honestly if Salem gives him the chance to surrender, I'm 90% sure he'll take it.

Also, this, so much this, like be glib if one wants but seriously tired of this take:

Like people will go, "Oh but her step sisters were kids" and like, yeah so was Cinder, what's your point?

Also more to the point, unlike other abuse scenarios, this was not an average abusive parent who other children might have to fear harming them if they stopped being the "golden child". This is because Cinder was not part of their family, she was not a child, or sibling, she was a slave, she was property to all of them.

Its similar to how Madam wouldn't treat humans the same as Faunus she won't treat her children the same way she does the child she purchased to be a slave for them all.