RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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The God of Light is genocidal, he cannot be in the right and the story have a satisfying ending because he could decide the experiment displeases him and kill everyone at any moment, the GoD is actively worse.

Frankly the fact they talk of the world and its people as an experiment and casually violate their own rules tells me the exact opposite, and gives me cause to think the "trope" of 'the lesson' will be subverted.

Light is not genocidal just because he didn't step up and slap his brother before the thanos snap.

Which is funny considering how the incident that led to Salem's immortality was the result of Light not leaving Darkness alone and strangling his creation.

Light didn't strangle any of Dark's things. He just reminded Dark they had an agreement and that Salem was tricking him into breaking it.

In the end this is why I feel every character will learn a lesson of some kind, and this will include The GodBros.
Those that could not learn their lesson fall (Adam) and those that do can learn to move on (Jaune).
Since Salem can not completely fall due to the immortality curse the only narrative end for her is either to learn the lesson and get to finally pass on (which would also give Oz a chance to finally pass on and no longer have to take room in someone's head), or continue to be the enemy of humanity for all time and thus meaning the show will have no solid end and all Ruby will have done is forced her back for a time (even Cure Flora in my above post got her enemy to concede defeat and willingly leave, which feels like a better end than knowing the angry Grimm Queen will eventually come back one day and thus any children our heroes have will be potential targets for her wrath in the future).
If Salem can't learn the lesson than that puts a hardy road block in Oz's mission and thus leaves us with more Oscars for the future.

So ya, if they can't learn then it's just gonna be more suffering for all time no matter what other miracles Ruby pulls out from her cloak.

As for the GodBros, they might not be immune to Lesson so for all we know Ruby and her friends could speech them into not snapping Humanity 2.0 out of existence.
Like admittedly I feel like Light's whole "no bringing back the dead" thing lost all meaning the moment he made Salem immortal and then revived Ozma. defeating his point twice over.
Light is not genocidal just because he didn't step up and slap his brother before the thanos snap.
... He's straight up said he will commit genocide.

As for the GodBros, they might not be immune to Lesson so for all we know Ruby and her friends could speech them into not snapping Humanity 2.0 out of existence.
That's not a good ending, that's just briefly convincing two abusive monsters with all the power in the universe not to kill them all in that exact moment & they could change their minds at any time.

As to Salem, as noted before, the gods lesson is meaningless to me because its an artificial system they created and violate on a whim, there is no lesson for her to learn from them because the rules and systems are entirely arbitrary.
God of Light is clearly fallible himself, considering how heavyhanded he was with his brother when he resurrected Ozma. Didn't even ask his brother for permission to enter, or ask him to explain himself. Just kind of flew off the handle.

So, while I think he's clearly a decent guy and objectively better than his brother, he might have a little bit of a controlling streak in response to his brother's abuse.

Definitely room for him to learn a lesson from a Ruby Lecture, but I think we need to see more of the God of Light's fallibility. He'll have plenty of opportunity to do that after being summoned.

He just has to make some off-handed comment about something he wants to do that Ruby doesn't care for, and she can tell him off for thinking humanity wants it.

Title: Midnight
It's time.
Duration: 19:38
Loving the consistent length time
Part of fascism is nationalizing the major industries to bring them under strict government control.

If Ironwood managed to escape with Atlas, he would inevitably try to control the SDC through Whitley, or remove Whitley and put Winter in charge. Without discharging her from the military.

Even before our heroes arrived, Ironwood was a family friend and welcomed by Jacques into their home. Ironwood might have been using his two seats to allow Jacques to crush all competing Dust companies in Atlas, creating a monopoly that was amenable to Ironwood's requests for assistance with military research-and-development projects.
Part of fascism is nationalizing the major industries to bring them under strict government control.

If Ironwood managed to escape with Atlas, he would inevitably try to control the SDC through Whitley, or remove Whitley and put Winter in charge. Without discharging her from the military.

Even before our heroes arrived, Ironwood was a family friend and welcomed by Jacques into their home. Ironwood might have been using his two seats to allow Jacques to crush all competing Dust companies in Atlas, creating a monopoly that was amenable to Ironwood's requests for assistance with military research-and-development projects.
Uuuum I think that's incorrect:


The Great Depression spurred State ownership in Western capitalist countries. Germany was no exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s.

Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government. The firms and the services transferred to private ownership belonged to diverse sectors. Privatization was part of an intentional policy with multiple objectives and was not ideologically driven. As in many recent privatizations, particularly within the European Union, strong financial restrictions were a central motivation. In addition, privatization was used as a political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party.
If Emerald does waste the last question on knowing if Cinder wuvs her... She kinda signs a death warrant from Salem "She uses people until they are no longer useful" Boston.

Light didn't strangle any of Dark's things. He just reminded Dark they had an agreement and that Salem was tricking him into breaking it.

Which involved rekilling Oz.

The Schnee Manor is so stupidly and unnecessarily big in a way that just screams "we have way too much money and have nothing better to do with it than to flaunt our wealth!"

Title: Midnight
It's time.
Duration: 19:38
Loving the consistent length time
Huh. Well this suddenly feels very relevant:
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Volume 8 Chapter 6: It's Time: My Reaction Below
We open on Cinder's backstory & her tears add to the water on the floor.

Sunken eyes, bullies, fighting back, intriguing!

Oh this is suspect.

Ah free child labor, what a reason to adopt a child, you fucking asshole.

Gosh those twins are fucking assholes!

She's working so damn hard!

Oh snap pure rage drew out her Semblance!

Also what the fuck does the step mom have a shock collar on her!?

Oh hey the people who said Cinder's original abusers ingrained those lines into her, oof.

Oooh she was gonna kill-em, this Rhodes guy seems nice I am suddenly getting Ventress vibes from Cinder, I am sure he will have a long and happy life XD

I'm intrigued where Cinder got Midnight if not from Rhodes.

Ooooh snap that was metal as fuck, just full on powering through the electrocution to kill her.

OK I did not see 'that' ending coming for Rhodes, woah!

Emerald really showing commitment by taking Cinder's Grimm hand, and ooh Cinder knows to be afraid right away & mercury is clearly looking for a new boss.

Cinder looks like a kicked puppy when Merc says he doesn't work for her anymore, but like, really Cinder, you shouldn't be shocked.

Oh thank goodness Oscar's getting a break, he looks like he got the shit kicked out of him, which he did, but dang, yeah son establish your independence! Honestly his dynamic with Ozpin is a lot more fun now that its not on Oz's terms only.

Interesting, so was the swap part of the plan, I think it must have been, what's the goal here?

Also Hazel's rationales flow well with his personality.

Oh that's ominous.

Interesting and fun how Salem has separated Cinder's subordinates from her & placed Mercury with the big kids.

Ooof, I was hoping Salem would have more regard for Penny's personhood than that, also please stop stroking Tyrian, PDA is not acceptable in the workplace.

Ooof the juxtaposition hurt, and what the fuck Salem, what is this!?

Oh hey its just like I said, the Ace-OPs (barring Marrow) turn into squabbling First Years without an adult to reign them in cos they never had to mature or learn to be self actualized individuals.

Harriet you are literally planning to run away and leave the whole world to die, that's like, the definition of selfish.

Hahahaha, oh my gosh, she just used the destruction water on the city and hit it from below, erasing the shield in one spot long enough to unleashing the contest Grimm and they are tunnelers!

Salem's eyes shining is great.

Monstra swarming in is terrifying, no one has time to even think, aaaaah, also fuck me its huge and wow lots of farmland, neat world building detail.

And it vomits up Grimm, what fun XD
Salem decided if she's going to be a proper Big Bad she needs to do all the evil and I'm totally here for it. But without breaking her habit of sitting and monologuing. But hey if she wants to sit and monologue I'm not going to tell her no. Especially if she decides to step onto the battlefield herself.
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Half Cinder backstory. Nothing too unexpected other than that she murdered the Hunter who trained her. Hazel and Emerald are fools but we knew that already. At least Oscar is intact, even if injured. What are Atlas' airships doing? 1 shot then nothing. Why is this the first time in how many years we've seen the Atlas airship lasers fire? The Atlas defence shield failed quickly. So they're screwed. With Ace-Ops and Winter out in the Tundra, Atlas' best chance of survival is the RWBM(N) team hiding in Schnee Manor, who are fugitives. So that's going to be fun. Hopefully Fiona and Joanna can hold out to defend those in the mine until JYR get back.
So Cinder's background pretty much what was expected, constantly pushed down and everyone who was kind to her betrayed her. But we didn't see how she or anyone has been personally recruited to serve Salem. Hazel seems to imply for him its because Salem's invincibility is immutable fact in his mind, there is no point in not serving her. I think the same is true for Mercury and maybe Neo, at this point they don't think escape is possible and want to stay on The Queen's good side.

Emerald is ride or die for Cinder, very curious what she will do if Cinder is nommed by Hound/Grimmified after this mission. If she has also internalized that fighting Salem is pointless will she turn her rage on softer targets like Neo did with Ruby?

The flashes between Cinder's 2 main torturers seem to imply Cinder is at her limit for obeying, and will push through the torture to attack Salem next time she's punished. Perhaps striking a blow against Salem will show the other minions and open Oscar's path to flipping them? But then again Salem seems to be aware of Cinder's issues and unexpectedly chose to flip to carrot over stick for the first time in a while, which the master Cinder turned on NEVER did. I'm genuinely unsure how this situation will pan out for everyone involved. It seems very hopeless now, but there's still 8 episodes to turn things around.

Also physically altering semblances double confirmed with metal skin Semblance Huntsman. Who was really not the brightest man, while it was compassionate to teach Cinder he only interacted once in a blue moon for training and told her to just stoically endure 7 more years of torture before she could be free... what if... you cut the slave necklace off... and helped her leave now...

Ace-ops don't think Penny is a person, clearly pissing Winter off. Yes good please desert soon :3

Oh god. The bottom of Atlas was almost completely undefended, because despite his paranoia of spies coming in through Mantle... Ironwood never expected a real threat to come from that direction.

Ironwood's run away plan triple confirmed to be doomed, even if he had risen too high for flying Grimm all Salem had to do was have minions (Neo) manually fly some of those centipedes up to make Atlas plummet. Going loud like this is to send a message about resisting her (is she broadcasting the attack to the Kingdom as it happens? RWBN got a feed of the shields going down at Schnee Manor).
Anyone else think that moment where Oscar and Oz synced up was an obvious sign of them merging? Like, Oz played it off as them just being a lot alike, but it seems pretty evident to me that they aren't necessarily alike, they're becoming alike.

That said, I'm not sure Oz is conscious of the fact at this point. There have been hints that the merge isn't certain to end up with Oz as the dominant personality, that he's been changing just as much as Oscar, which is what I'm hoping for.

Also, I really liked how Oscar is tough as nails when he's been being held captive and beaten within an inch of his life, but the moment Oz takes the reigns, he loses his cool and panics. :rofl: Just goes to show how much fucking trauma he has with regards to Salem.
Ironwood's paranoid sacrifices have cost him everything. By isolating Atlas and losing allies, by keeping everything that might have impeded this attack within the city, he left the approach for Salem's forces open.

He has lost this battle before it even started.
Clock strikes Midnight indeed.

Cinder's backstory kinda reminds me of Asajj Ventress. Not exactly, but sorta.