RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So, who wants to play Blake in D&D?

Pros: Hard to hit, consistent amounts of damage, surprisingly durable
Cons: Untapped potential (the stuff used can be more effective if you don't care about recreating Blake exactly), limited spell slots, low STR/WIS saves
So, who wants to play Blake in D&D?

Pros: Hard to hit, consistent amounts of damage, surprisingly durable
Cons: Untapped potential (the stuff used can be more effective if you don't care about recreating Blake exactly), limited spell slots, low STR/WIS saves

That just leaves Weiss for Team RWBY then.

ok so I just saw this comment on another site "I don't know having a punching bag willing to maul and or maim you for a single mistake does sound like something that will cause improvement. Also it doesn't stop when your are tired." and now all I can think of is a gheist possessing various training gear in a gym. XD Yang punches a punching bag, and it just wildly swings back at her, knocking her on her ass. "WHAT AND HOW?!"
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That second vid is making me hopeful that will see more widespread use of grenades in the show going forward. Also that RWBY and JNR have upgrades we still have not seen. I want Crescent Rose to get a scope upgrade.
Probably got caught up in one of their regular sweeps of names they don't recognize. I know they've had to do a few of those that were aimed at Adam shills.
Might be. If so, it would be nice if someone spoke up for me.

I once had someone block me, forget why they blocked me, forget even that they had blocked me, and sincerely respond to one of my posts in obvious ignorance of the fact that I couldn't respond. I had to go through a third party to confirm all of that, and they unblocked me so that I could respond directly.

But then there are the people who seem to assume that any disagreement with them on one point on a post they made about Blake or Bumbleby is infallible evidence that they're dealing with a homophobic racist. I believe this includes names like sir-adam(us) and bloodraven55.

However, mylordshesacactus struck me as someone who could tolerate the occasional, rational disagreement.

There's only one case (Saskyang/Rwbyanalysis) where I blame myself for getting blocked, because I just would not let someone be "wrong on the internet." Dashingicecream might have blocked me in solidarity.

I do wish for a second chance, but not so much that I'm going to block-evade them to make contact. Especially since they could just block that account, too, and then be even less likely to reconsider.

Worse, the issue is particularly thorny since, towards the end of the argument, Saskyang started accusing me of defending illicit media of minors. Which they could only arrive at through a tortured misreading of my argument that appropriate exceptions to the First Amendment must be recognized by the nation at large and passed into law through the appropriate channels, like how America rightly responded to illicit media of minors.

My point was that infringements on the First Amendment cannot be dictated by private citizens that no one elected to govern a fandom, so no one had the right to tell anyone what fanfiction they could write. If Saskyang wanted to ban certain kinds of fanfic, they would need to go through the government channels like everyone else.

But no, Saskyang and some of their fans accused me of supporting the exploitation of minors. Which might have made sense if I was defending such kinds of fanfiction, but I was not. Our argument was on the issue of whether or not anyone could write Ilia in a relationship with a dude. *waves a hand at all the fanfiction of straight dudes in homosexual relationships*

Whether the accusation was a delusion or deliberate deception on their part, if I had simply recognized that you cannot convince people to change their minds if they don't want to, and dropped the argument, we never would have arrived at that point.

So, while I would love to get an apology for that accusation, I hold no ill-will for Saskyang.

Even aside from that, while I would love for them to unblock me, I support their right to keep me blocked until the end of time.
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I'm not much of a Rose Garden guy but this is too hilarious and too daaaw 😻 not to post

And someone was considerate enough to gather all/most of the cast comments about what volume 8 will entail

RTX in a week or so. Getting hyped.

So not only
did Jaune get a shield grenade, but it can also return to him via Gravity Dust? And we still haven't seen Nora's upgrade.... Ok now I'm really hopeful that Nora goes full Classics/Myth Mode with Magnhild this season:

Also I note that they plan to bring the civilians to the crater. I have been wondering for a while if maybe Team Good Guy's plan will be to what Ironwood did in reverse.
Ironwood: The timeline has changed. And so we must change accordingly. We are going to take our plan for Amity Tower and apply it to the city of Atlas. It was Oz's plan in a former life. But he didn't take it far enough.

They have the Winter Maiden now. If they can sneak into Atlas and get to the Vault they can control the staff and use it to bring Atlas down to the ground. If the Staff can safely reunite Atlas with the ground without smooshing anything then that could be the perfect way to complete the evacuation in the blink of an eye. And with Atlas back on the ground it opens up the possibility of using the Staff for the defense of the reunited city (aka ALL of Atlas) such as by powering force-fields instead of lifting. Or getting the Relic out of Salem's reach and completing the Amity Project in a twofer by using the Staff as a CCT tower/lifting Amity.
So not only
did Jaune get a shield grenade, but it can also return to him via Gravity Dust? And we still haven't seen Nora's upgrade.... Ok now I'm really hopeful that Nora goes full Classics/Myth Mode with Magnhild this season:

Also I note that they plan to bring the civilians to the crater. I have been wondering for a while if maybe Team Good Guy's plan will be to what Ironwood did in reverse.

They have the Winter Maiden now. If they can sneak into Atlas and get to the Vault they can control the staff and use it to bring Atlas down to the ground. If the Staff can safely reunite Atlas with the ground without smooshing anything then that could be the perfect way to complete the evacuation in the blink of an eye. And with Atlas back on the ground it opens up the possibility of using the Staff for the defense of the reunited city (aka ALL of Atlas) such as by powering force-fields instead of lifting. Or getting the Relic out of Salem's reach and completing the Amity Project in a twofer by using the Staff as a CCT tower/lifting Amity.

Good plan
But I doubt it is THE plan.
But what I am sure of is that this plan is something that Oz and Oscar came up with together after Oscar landed.
If anything, I guess the crater would be a more easily defended area regardless.


Seems like GoD had a hand in the Faunus... Possible idea that the Gods are rigging the test?


Seems like GoD had a hand in the Faunus... Possible idea that the Gods are rigging the test?

Kind of reminds me of the scene from the original Clash of the Titans movie where Zeus casually wanders to the model of earth and moves Perseus to the training grounds where hes in a better position to become stronger. I like the gods just stealthily helping humanity 2.0 while claiming they're not involved. They don't want to actually kill off everyone again but don't want to break the ultimatum. Just feels like a typical god kind of thing to do. Hypocritical? Totally. But weve established that.

and then
Volume 7 and all of Ironwood's "Sacrifices" as well as the ones he is currently trying to make. Lord knows what people will try to "sacrifice" in volume 8. Poor CRWBY are gonna have to keep beating people over the head with this line of thought time and again, aren't they.
So.....can we add RWBY to the pile of modern series that frame their stories around (at least in part) deconstructing old heroic tropes and what not? SO far I have Steven Universe and She-Ra on my card.
Only a few days left:

BoringGeoff - Post - Rooster Teeth

I'm just gonna say it, FNDM. Y'all seriously NEED to tune into the RWBY panel during RTX at Home next week. We have some truly incredible stuff in store for you. New partners. New products. New surprises. I am dying to share all the big big news that the team will unveil. Trust me: your...
a day agoRWBY
I'm just gonna say it, FNDM.

Y'all seriously NEED to tune into the RWBY panel during RTX at Home next week. We have some truly incredible stuff in store for you.

New partners. New products. New surprises. I am dying to share all the big big news that the team will unveil. Trust me: your bodies are not ready.

Wednesday, 9/16 @ 12pm CT. Be there. You won't want to miss it!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Licensing Guy