RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I hope in volume 7 they delve into Cinder and reveal she was raised by Salem to be the way she is, and due to being literally raised by the devil as a protege she never had time to be a normal human girl and only ever was taught to scheme and backstab and dominate and fight

And so her endless desire for power is how she was raised/an attempt to please salem, but since she's a human being she has other needs which were totally neglected because salem no longer has them. meaning that even if she gained infinite power it would never be enough because she needs love, friends and happiness but is too fucked up to get it. (Like trying to quench your thirst with pizza)

That would be a pretty sweet way to fix her character and retroactively justify all of her bullshit so far, and then she can die at ruby's hands as an almost tragic villain for us to feel sorry for, a little bit.
I hope in volume 7 they delve into Cinder and reveal she was raised by Salem to be the way she is, and due to being literally raised by the devil as a protege she never had time to be a normal human girl and only ever was taught to scheme and backstab and dominate and fight

And so her endless desire for power is how she was raised/an attempt to please salem,.

Except more murdery?
and an adult?
Except more murdery?
and an adult?

Cinder is probably not an adult. Neither is Neo, mercury or emerald.

Notice that they didn't send hazel, watts, tyrian, adam or roman to infiltrate beacon. This most likely means that those people are 21+ but CMEN is likely 19 tops, the way they all treat cinder suggests that she's youngest too.

If Cinder was like 25 she wouldn't pass for a freshman at anything. Unless she happens to be 25 and look 17

But yeah she would be a much better character if she ripped off azula more but i wasn't consciously thinking that. I was just sure that it was a great backstory idea, now i know why lmao.
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Cinder is probably not an adult. Neither is Neo, mercury or emerald.

Notice that they didn't send hazel, watts, tyrian, adam or roman to infiltrate beacon. This most likely means that those people are 21+ but CMEN is likely 19 tops.

If Cinder was like 25 she wouldn't pass for a freshman at anything.

But yeah she would be a much better character if she ripped off azula more but i wasn't consciously thinking that. I was just sure that it was a great backstory idea, now i know why lmao.
Hazel would be a stupid choice since Ozpin would recognize him instantly and Hazels hatred for Ozpin would compromise the mission. Roman is also far to infamous a criminal in Vale to be able to enroll without triggering red flags. Adam is also a little to well known to be able to effectively infiltrate and the instant Blake saw him the jig is up.
Notice that they didn't send hazel, watts, tyrian, adam or roman to infiltrate beacon. This most likely means that those people are 21+ but CMEN is likely 19 tops, the way they all treat cinder suggests that she's youngest too.

If Cinder was like 25 she wouldn't pass for a freshman at anything. Unless she happens to be 25 and look 17

Yeah, because none of them could pass for teenagers, which is all they actually needed to do. No one's gonna believe a 9 foot growly-voiced bear of a man or a middle-aged dude with a big bristly mustache are 17 years old, but someone like Cinder is just young-looking enough that you can wave it off as just looking mature, because people who look several years younger or older than they are is absolutely a thing within limits.

But there are absolutely people who are 25 and look 17. Those're the people who get carded well into their 30s when they're buying beer, or my 22 year old brother who's been mistaken for a middle school student because he was in a park across from one.
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Yeah, because none of them could pass for teenagers, which is all they actually needed to do. No one's gonna believe a 9 foot growly-voiced bear of a man or a middle-aged dude with a big bristly mustache are 17 years old, but someone like Cinder is just young-looking enough that you can wave it off as just looking mature, because people who look several years younger or older than they are is absolutely a thing within limits.

But there are absolutely people who are 25 and look 17. Those're the people who get carded well into their 30s when they're buying beer, or my 22 year old brother who's been mistaken for a middle school student because he was in a park across from one.
True Story, but when I shave and people see me for the first time they sometimes think I am 18 or 22....I am 34 years old.
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He brought up JNPR and how the story doesn't revolve around them.
Thanks for quoting as I refuse to watch his videos.

Anyway his point has no ground to stand on, whether or not JNR are main characters or not doesn't change the fact his argument is that inter team relationships are a problem because it causes two people to care about each other more, which Arkos and Renora already do. Plus if we ignore the romantic aspect Yang and Ruby probably cared more about each other when starting at Beacon than they did their team mates, where was the outrage then? Seriously this is just another desperate attempt to discredit BB by someone who hates it and it isn't even an internally consistent version of that.

Plus by his logic he should also hate Black Sun cos that would make Blake look outside her team.

Look I think we all agree that the important thing is not about BumbleBee or BlakeSun but that Illia is left alone and unloved no matter who Blake chooses :V
Prismatic Ponytails for the win.

(Bangs drum) Let Weiss and Ilia date!

Well, there were a couple guys suggesting she hook up with Sun because of both of them being runners-up for Blake.
That is gross and horrifying.
Probably just like "Dang, guess you're into tall women" as she has healthy responses to negative feelings down these days.
She starts wearing really high heels in response to this.
They get progressively higher each time she visits.
An intervention is called when the heels are taller than she is.
Ahh but I have evidence as well

Imagine there's also gifs of Yang winking at Blake, Dancing with Blake at the Dance, Yang saying she loves it when Blake is Feisty, Her saying "What if I needed her here" last Volume and her reaction to Blake reappearing at the battle of Haven.

Also I'm not even one to deny that Blake and Sun had feelings for each other but what does them running alongside each other in Volume 2 prove?
Here's a fun one:
I'd like to remind everyone that after Yang dances with Blake, she stands on the balcony for the entire rest of the dance staring at her like…. this….

Klance has taught me not to hold my breath when it seems a LGBTQ ship is sailing and to wait for more concrete evidence such as to see what develops in the next volume.
RT already had a main character be gay in Day 5.

Camp Camp had the Cool Gay Dads that keep getting more screen-time, plus the nerdy kid being told that he's cool because he danced with two girls and a guy.

Nomad of Nowhere has Toth and Skout, two main characters who are clearly gay for each other.

11 Little Roosters had their 007 parody play up Bond's Casanova tendencies by having Gavin the 3rd have sex with practically every man and woman in the show (I'm pretty sure he slept with more men than women even).

recently revealed that Valentina/Val is genderfluid.



Edit: Here's a more convenient comparison

RWBY has Ilia being explicitly a lesbian, defying the Psycho Lesbian trope and end up happily alive and potentially returning in the future. Saphron and Terra are a happily married lesbain couple that could just as easily have been cast as straight (Terra could have been a dude and nothing would have changed) who do a good job of playing a supporting role and who are happy and safe after the volume ended. Scarlet is apparently gay and we will likely see more of him in the future. The only reason Pilot Boy wasn't gay is because they worried about the implications of having the first explicit gay character be kind of a jerk who died almost right after being introduced. In the background we have these two guys:

And the show is exclusive to their site now, so they don't have to give a fuck about other platforms (ex: Youtube) demonetizing them for showing :turian:questionable:turian: content. Basically RT can show whatever the fuck they want on their shows and they are taking full advantage of that. So I don't think there's a need to worry about them pulling a Voltron. Especially with what Miles said on the Rewind about being scared of fucking up when writing something that means a lot to people and not wanting to pull a Infinity War "Thanos really loves Gamora even though he's been abusing her practically her entire life" moment.

Why are people that strongly convinced that Monty "make Master Chief a woman and have them be lesbians with Samus" Oum wouldn't have approved of a lesbian pairing of Blake and Yang, anyways? I can get not liking the pairing, but not the idea that Oum wouldn't be endorsing it no matter what their characterization was,
Homophobes, salty shippers and people who just want to hate on the show because it gives them attention have no lows to which they will not stoop in order to make their opinions seem valid.

since he's just as much at fault for RWBY being what it is as Luna is.
A wildly successful show that despite its flaws has always clearly had a lot of love put into it and which as a result has touched the hearts of millions, become hugely successful with manga, novel, comic book and video game adaptions/spinoffs/etc, paving the way for the upcoming gen:LOCK juggernaut that could potentially catapult the company to new heights? :eyebrow:
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How the fuck would him turning evil have made any sense?! For that matter, how would him just suddenly dying at the start of next Volume without saying anything or making any noises work either? What, does he just have a heart attack in the opening shot? Even if they do kill him in the first episode, he'd need to say something. If you're arguing they shouldn't replace his VA, shouldn't you be arguing for him to be put on a bus like Glynda was?

"Hey, sis, you were right." Bam, done, gone.
But why though? Vic wasn't even their first choice for the role. Why is replacing him and not altering the story so hard for people to wrap their minds around.
My guess is that they just got really attached to Vic's performance as Qrow and in there minds replacing him is tantamount to sacrilege so they think it would be better to kill him off. Or maybe they think that if the voice actors could be replaced so easily then they should have done so with Glynda already instead of putting her on a bus since she is one of the more bad ass characters and people would have liked to have seen more of her.
Honestly writing Glynda out of the story is a lot easier than Qrow is for one simple reason, she wasn't physically with the main cast in a small transport to their next stop. She could be written out because she had already been written out. Qrow hasn't been and can't really be in a way that makes sense.
But why though? Vic wasn't even their first choice for the role. Why is replacing him and not altering the story so hard for people to wrap their minds around.

Fuck if I know why, I'm just pointing out that there's already an established character trapdoor to show how they could get rid of him if they decide to.
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Honestly writing Glynda out of the story is a lot easier than Qrow is for one simple reason, she wasn't physically with the main cast in a small transport to their next stop. She could be written out because she had already been written out. Qrow hasn't been and can't really be in a way that makes sense.
And I seriously doubt we've seen the last of Glynda. It's obvious that the cast will return to Beacon at some point and Glynda has already been stated to be the person most involved with trying to retake it. Not to mention that her symbol looks suspiciously similar to the Relic of Choice, which might be hinting at some connection there. I doubt she's a Maiden but since the Last King of Vale seemed to have the Relic of Choice and Destruction she could be his granddaughter or something.
Not to mention that her symbol looks suspiciously similar to the Relic of Choice, which might be hinting at some connection there.
I'm just gonna leave my tinfoil hat theory from two months ago here, don't mind me

The relic is a crown, but unlike the other academies, Beacon's symbol, the crossed axes (and the laurel wreath, which could technically be considered a crown) isn't indicative of the relic it guards. And Ozpin himself said that the Relic Of Choice is much harder to find than the other ones last volume. The symbol on Glynda's cape is a crown. And since the Relic Of Knowledge is technically alive, then why can't the other relics be sentient? Especially the Relic Of Choice, what could be a better example of that relic's nature than it choosing to live as a human?
I'm just gonna leave my tinfoil hat theory from two months ago here, don't mind me
I mean..... Maybe? I feel like that would veer a bit too much into "What a tweeest" territory to be honest but I suppose it could be appropriate for the Relic of Choice to be the only Relic to choose to take an active part in the war for the soul of humanity. But then why does Glynda have Aura, Semblance, Dust manipulation and other stuff instead of Relic powers? Why telekinesis instead of mind control or something else that's related to choice? I could maybe see her having the key needed to even find the Vault, or it requiring both a blood relation of Ozpin in addition to a Maiden...

I don't know. Wait and see I guess.

Speaking of Beacon though:

Yes please. I would love it if Salem showed up in the next season of RWBY Chibi. Especially now that we got the deets on her relationship with Ozpin. Their Chibi counterparts acting snippy with each other like the jilted lovers that they are would be hilarious. :drevil:
Honestly writing Glynda out of the story is a lot easier than Qrow is for one simple reason, she wasn't physically with the main cast in a small transport to their next stop. She could be written out because she had already been written out. Qrow hasn't been and can't really be in a way that makes sense.

Ship crashes or gets shot down (by grimm? Atlas air defense? Whatever) and Qrow throws everyone else out first intending to fly out in bird form last but his wounds are heavier than he thought and he can't make it out before it explodes, killing him

Characters spend the rest of the episode dejected and mourning, then episode 2 is them walking up to atlas in solemn silence, timeskip between 2 and 3 so we don't need to see them cry and mope for a month and the plot/action can keep on rolling