RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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He wasn't just the lead animator, RWBY was his brainchild.

Thankfully his team has the know-how to continue the project, but I doubt they'll be able to find someone of Monty's skills to handle the combat scenes. They'll likely have to hire a few people who specialize in different parts of CGI fight choreography.

Also, they'll have to replace Ren's VA, since Monty was him....

Or it turns out that while the camera wasn't on him in the finale, Ren got his vocal chords ripped out by an Ursa and is now a full-fledged mute.
So, I'm not sure if anyone's aware of this or if this was announce in some art thread I don't know about or if it was mentioned earlier and I didn't see it or some other fourth reason, but at the Let's Play Live! event they are giving away I think like 22 free copies of a RWBY fanbook made by artists in Japan.

There's a CrunchyRoll article about it here if anyone's interested in it.
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So, I'm not sure if anyone's aware of this or if this was announce in some art thread I don't know about or if it was mentioned earlier and I didn't see it or some other fourth reason, but at the Let's Play Live! event they are giving away I think like 22 free copies of a RWBY fanbook made from artists in Japan.

There's a CrunchyRoll article about it here if anyone's interested in it.
Hm, I hope that Lunaris managed to get in it, that'd be nice for her.
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So, slight story idea that I'm toying with but not confident enough in my ability to do horror.

It's been a month since Vale fell. Everyone who could fight did, but many good Hunters and Huntresses died that day. The survivors fled into the wilderness, desperate to make it to any sort of safe haven, although few would actually survive long enough to find one.

Team RWBY and JNPR have stuck together in an attempt to fight their way through endless hordes of Grimm to reach one of the other kingdoms, which they hope have not fallen in the interim.

Both teams, however, are down one person. Both Ruby and Ren during the defense of Vale. Both teams grieve in their own way.
Weiss is a little more than traumatized by the experience, but she's not sure whether she's just dealing with the loss badly, or something else is going on.
You see, she hears Ruby.
She sees her too.
But she's not the same.
Ruby was kind, strong, a beacon of hope and optimism.
There's something sinister about this apparition.

This mockery of Ruby haunts Weiss every waking moment, and in her dreams.

Weiss tries to ignore this vision, writing it off as trauma or something.
But when the apparition begins affecting the real world, endangering Weiss's life, she's forced to come to the conclusion that the apparition is in fact real, and wants Weiss to die.

The others simply think Weiss has gone off the deep end, but she knows better. She has to find out what's really going on before it's too late.

Anyways, yeah, horror story, incomplete idea.
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Burnie's post on the one month anniversary.
Burnie said:
burnie Cast & Crew
One Month OnIt was early February, about one week after you died. I was standing at the top of a snowy hill in upstate New York, watching my boys sled down a hill and climb back up. Growing up in Texas, they had never seen snow and this was the year I was determined to change that. Ashley and I talked about canceling the trip after you passed, but you always told us to move forward. And years ago I told myself that nothing would pull me away from my time with my children. In my mind, you and I had said goodbye already. We said it when I stood in that hospital room in the setting sunlight after you had already taken your last breath. When I put my hand on yours and thanked you for being in my life. I thought of that as my goodbye.

So there I was standing on the hill in early February, watching the boys make their runs. They would sled down the hill, then climb back up while arguing about who had dragged the heavy sled back to the start more times. And when they reached the top they would ask me if I saw. You know the way that kids do. Watch dad, look. Did you see? And I would say that I did. And then back down the hill they would slide. It went on like that for a while. Sliding and climbing and them asking did you see and me saying I did. As though there wasn't anything else in the world to see. The day was as close to perfect as days get.

The snow started then. Big snowflakes, fat. Some as large as half-dollars. So big I could hear them falling and plop plop on the snow around me. If you had put them in one of your movies I would have said they looked too fake. And you would have done your half-smile, half-shrug and said yeah but big snowflakes look cooler. And that would have been that.

The boys asked me if I saw their last run. Did you see? I said you bet I did. One more run, boys. Snow's here and it's time to call it a day. So they nodded and they slid down the hill, laughing and whooping and making the day almost perfect one last time. At end of the run when they reached the bottom of the hill, they seemed suddenly so far away to me. Just two blurs through all that thick, unreal falling snow.

And as the boys began climbing back up the hill, I watched that snow start to fill in their footsteps and the channels the sled had dug through the powdery hillside. I watched it slowly covering the tracks of their day. And I had this moment of panic. A dark, black thought that my boys would climb the hill and their footsteps would fade away, buried flake by flake inevitably by the falling snow. There would be no evidence of their time there. No one would know about all the joy they felt that day. I thought of the fleetingness of all we do, each of us. The efforts we put in to our lives and our work in the hopes that either might be relevant for a year or two or a decade. But then slowly, inevitably they are covered over by time and lost to all but those who were there and cared to remember. And after that… gone.

The boys were halfway up the hill when I could hear them joking, talking about the day. Debating over which run was the best. Arguing and jockeying in that weightless manner that only children have. It reminded me of sledding with my brother when we were children, but my memories of those days were not of sleds or of words. Those details had been lost to time long ago. The memories had transformed to something else I couldn't grasp anymore but that had nonetheless drawn me back to the hill that day to share with my boys. The way my own father had been drawn to do the same. In ways I had no ability to comprehend, but that no snow could bury.

I realized that joy isn't a thing that lives and dies. It's not something we make on our own or keep to ourselves. It's something that is handed to us by those before us, around us. And we take it and we shape it and add to it and pass it on. And in those moments it becomes a part of us and we of it. My boys would carry the joy from that day in unrecognizable ways, for as long as they could carry it. And when the day comes that they can no longer carry it, they will have long since passed it on to the people in their lives. In ways I will never see and to people I may never know because I won't be there.

And then I thought of you. And all the beauty you added to the joy while it was in your hands. You didn't just add to it, you made it fight and you made it jump and you made it dance. People came from everywhere to watch and I was one of them and it was beautiful. I thought then of all those people you touched who would take that joy and build on it and shape it and pass it along. And the people they passed it to would in turn do the same and so on and so on. And the joy you have made will live and breathe and move forward in so many ways that we as people can't and in so many ways that we as people can't even imagine.

So, I stood there at the top of that hill, amidst all those drifting, giant snowflakes and I did the only thing that made any sense to me at all. I cried.

I cried at the beauty of that thing.
I cried about all the future days of your short life that would go unlived.
I cried about that great joy untethering. Out of your hands now and already moving through the universe, passing from person to person through all of time.
But mainly, I suppose I cried because I missed my friend.

And then the boys reached the top of the hill.
They asked me if I saw.
I said that I did.

And then we went home.

Goodbye, Monty.
Well, here's an interesting thing. A RWBY weapon generator.
Full Name: A spear combined with a rocket launcher
First name: A spear combined with an assault rifle.
Nickname: Gloves combined with a bolt action sniper rifle
Last name: A lasso combined with duel-wield sawed off shotguns
Screen name: A javelin combined with a sawed off shotgun
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Real name: Lance combined with a submachine gun...yeah that seems reasonable

Nickname: Sheathe combined with a grenade launcher.... what.....what!! How does that even work!!
Using my forum name gets me dual wield pickaxe submachine guns.

I am now a Mook from a Final Fantasy game. :(
Real name: Battle Axe+Assault Rifle
Nickname: Lance+Rocket Launcher(hell yes!)
Forum name: Broad Axe combined with Dual wield Light Machine guns(What? That's insane)
DND character #1(current): Nunchuku Muskets(Mami and Sun had a baby)
DND Character #2(RWBY Campaign): Quarter Staff+Bolt action sniper rifle

That last one is actually what she's using in the campaign :cool:
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Real Name: A talwar combined with a boomerang? That... I could kind of see that actually, and it sounds awesome.
Forum Name: Dual-wielding daggers combined with submachine guns. Also pretty good.
RWBY Diceless RPG Character: A spear that is also a .50 cal sniper rifle. That actually is the weapon of one of the characters, but not mine.