RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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"Maria Calavera" as if her design wasn't slightly sinister to me already :rofl:
To me it looked like a not-insignificant amount of mass was added, like 25%. And it looks like part of the metal was used to allow it to change into his sword-sword. Far more than a simple tiara could provide.

I'm kind of annoyed at the RWBY rewind. Mostly because one of the commenters was really obnoxiously pushing Bees while completely ignoring all the blatant BlackSun stuff.
I assume the gold parts of his gear is gilded on (then a tiara's worth is probably more than enough), not made out of solid gold because it isn't a practical material for weapons/armour anyway.
"Maria Calavera" as if her design wasn't slightly sinister to me already :rofl:

I assume the gold parts of his gear is gilded on (then a tiara's worth is probably more than enough), not made out of solid gold because it isn't a practical material for weapons/armour anyway.
Is her Armor even made of gold and not say bronze which would make more sense given who she was based on since Gold is pretty useless as armor given that it is heavy and soft.
Not to mention that mentioning that she has multiple sets of armor kinda diminishes the sadness of the whole "I got this armor from a friend" scene.
Why? Is there a particular reason a dead person having more than one outfit makes carrying around some of their clothes less sentimental?
To me it looked like a not-insignificant amount of mass was added, like 25%. And it looks like part of the metal was used to allow it to change into his sword-sword. Far more than a simple tiara could provide..
Most of the added mass is white and probably not made out of Pyrrha's armor, just more of the same stuff he originally used. It's only some of the accents that are from Pyrrha.

Is her Armor even made of gold and not say bronze which would make more sense given who she was based on since Gold is pretty useless as armor given that it is heavy and soft.
Good point. Achilles was bronze age.
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But Remnant is not a Bronze Age civilization, so I would assume that any bronze in Pyrrha's equipment would be strictly decorative, not structural. You don't make your weapons and armor out of weaker material just because you're feeling retro, not if you want to continue to live.
Look dude, these kids make functional weapons out of cafeteria food. Any excuses of practicality should be tossed right out the window.
That's really high-grade cafeteria food, though.

I mean, they had swordfish. MY school cafeterias never had swordfish available.

So you can't necessarily generalize.
On the flip side, it's exactly why you can't expect common sense from this show and why it doesn't matter how Jaune got Pyrrah's armor.
Do people eat whole swordfish? Don't they like, descale it or debone it or cook it or something?
Traditionally that is how it would have been shipped to Beacon unless they got it fresh from a fisher mans market. But then again when has details like that gotten in the way of Monty running on full rule of cool??
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*shrug* Maybe the swordfish was a decorative centerpiece, or stuffed and mounted. Maybe Nora is just crazy enough to shove a whole swordfish in her mouth. Maybe Blake just likes the smell of it. Maybe it was in hammerspace. Who knows? The whole scene is just there for comedy.

But the thing about the food fight is that they were, y'know, playing. They didn't need their edible weaponry to last more than a few minutes and didn't want to actually hurt each other. That's not going to be the case with real weapons. Aura might be able to reinforce things, but that doesn't mean that you don't want them to be a strong as possible. Otherwise you're just pointlessly wasting energy trying to keep their strength up. And armor is something that's only going to come into play when your Aura is gone.

Bronze is heavier and weaker and more expensive and there is literally no reason to use it when steel is available.
And a scythe is like one of the most impractical weapons ever amd Gamnol Shroud should not function at all. Oz fights with a fucking cane and Glynda has a literal riding crop. We have a girl whose hoverboard transforms into guns. Any sort of practicality was tossed out the window long ago.

Now Miles and Kerry tried to hype up this season by saying that Ruby would break or something like that, correct? Now how will they do that if nothing else manage to develop her character? Something that is incredibly unlikely to happen (because we got to have that star power) is kill off Qrow. He is kind of a detriment to the story anyway. And before you say "oh but the protagonists would be outclassed by the bad guys" isn't that kind of the point of many stories? Overcoming impossible odds through great effort and team work? By having Qrow carry them it takes away most of their agency. As it is, it feels like these characters have almost no agency anyway, being told what to do rather then doing things and making their own decisions. Yeah we still have Oscar who can use time magic but as it was established last season, using any significant amount of power knocks him out.
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There's a difference between putting something impractical in your story because it's fun and looks cool and putting something impractical in your story that's just stupid for no reason. Using a giant scythe or a kusarigama or some other crazy thing is the former. Making weapons out of bronze outside the bronze age is the latter.
Given how impractical Pyrrha's "armor" was I doubt it was worn for protection, but given the blacksmith said it was good metal, it presumably was some form of good metal.
Given how impractical Pyrrha's "armor" was I doubt it was worn for protection, but given the blacksmith said it was good metal, it presumably was some form of good metal.
It's true that cleavage-baring armor is worse than useless. But that's a really common form of stupid found in most forms of art.

If you look at it, Pyrrha's armor corset appears to be mostly leather with just some metal trim. The metal armor is in the greaves, one vambrace (on her shield arm, strangely enough) and possibly the gorget.
It's true that cleavage-baring armor is worse than useless. But that's a really common form of stupid found in most forms of art.

If you look at it, Pyrrha's armor corset appears to be mostly leather with just some metal trim. The metal armor is in the greaves, one vambrace (on her shield arm, strangely enough) and possibly the gorget.
While true, given Aura and the fact some characters wear no armor I always assumed it was decorative over practical unless one was a coward or trying to show off. But that is just me.

Huh good insights there.
Or maybe on Remnant bronze is a lot tougher than IRL. Or maybe metalsmithing isn't as good because of the Grimm and bronze is like the best metal. Or the opposite, and they've somehow refined bronze into super bronze.
It's true that cleavage-baring armor is worse than useless. But that's a really common form of stupid found in most forms of art.

If you look at it, Pyrrha's armor corset appears to be mostly leather with just some metal trim. The metal armor is in the greaves, one vambrace (on her shield arm, strangely enough) and possibly the gorget.
I'm pretty sure she sticks her shield to the vambrace with magnetism to reduce the chance of it being knocked out of her grip.

And Pyrrha's armor almost makes sense, if you assume she relies on her shield to guard her torso but is worried she can't drop it in time to deal with sudden low attacks.... It's awkward to try and shield your shins.
Something that is incredibly unlikely to happen (because we got to have that star power) is kill off Qrow.

He's definitely going to die lol, the OP makes that pretty clear.

And before you say "oh but the protagonists would be outclassed by the bad guys" isn't that kind of the point of many stories? Overcoming impossible odds through great effort and team work?

Sure but there has to be balance and care taken. If the villains are too far ahead of the heroes 1 of 2 things will happen

1. The villains will do the dumbest most suicidal possible thing (volume 5)

2. There will be a huge potentially story ruining deus ex machina (volume 3)

Luckily they set up the series correctly, cinder will be solo this time and we know a team can defeat a maiden, we know RWBY can handle all of salems other henchmen if they need to, raven is no threat, etc.

So Qrow could die, and when he does die it won't be a disaster.