RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So how many episodes is this Season gonna be?
Hopeful outcome: 14 Episodes, each about 20 or so minutes.
Likely Outcome: 12 Episodes, some going to just 12-15 minutes but most making up for it with 20 minutes.
Pessimist Outcome: 8 Episodes, each with 10 minutes not counting credits and OP. The finale will be 8 minutes to make room for trailers.
Most Pessimistic Outcome; the company burns down tonight and everything for the season is lost, insurance doesn't cover the cost of rebuilding and we never see any more.
Extremely Optimistic Outcome:

A future AI becomes sentient, invents time travel, and sends a cyborg back in time with copies of RWBY volumes 6-49, which are immediately released on the internet.
Extremely Optimistic Outcome:

A future AI becomes sentient, invents time travel, and sends a cyborg back in time with copies of RWBY volumes 6-49, which are immediately released on the internet.
Entirely Optimistic Outcome:

He also improves Volumes 1-49 by adding in deleted scenes or scenes that didn't make the final cut and neatly ties up every loose end for Volume 50.

So we have a name for the lady, Maria Calavera, and even Oscar is pissed with Ozpin.
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You see, it's stuff like this that is why I doubt the Wizard's claim that Oscar and Oz will merge, with Oscar being in charge. If Oz was telling the truth, Oscar could circumvent him entirely by pulling up memories of his own free will. I get the feeling that the scene in v4 where Oscar "remembers" the teacup gifted to him is less him pulling up those old memories and more as Oz presenting them to Oscar to push the Wizard's narrative of "no, oF cOuRsE you will be in charge, ThIs WoN't HuRt A bIt.

I'm not sure why so many people point to the trees and background as impressive improvements in animation when there is something so much better to point out. The introduction of different ages and body types for the ladies. Up until now, every female character has been conventionally very attractive and even characters like Glynda, Kali, and Raven, who are probably in their mid-to-late forties, look closer to late twenties in age. But in the preview for this volume, we see a heavy-set, middle-aged woman and a shriveled old lady. Who knows, maybe the new engine will retcon Glynda and Raven's appearances so they will be less fetish bait and look more their age.

Also do you know what would be really funny? People coming up with all this hype for Maz Katara but then her unceremoniously dying in one or two episodes after she was introduced, like Sienna. A massive red herring.
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It still bugs me that Blake has two sets of ears.

If a future AI is going to use time travel to improve RWBY, priority 1 is that Faunus should have human ears, or animal ears, but not both.
Some interesting insights and side by side comparisons:

Now this just makes me want a
Yang vs. Adam fight where the two clash differences.

"Blake left me! She left you! She doesn't even have an idea of what she's fighting for!"

"Yeah, well, all that matters is that she's here by my side..."

"Then allow me to shed some light on the topic: she'll give you nothing but grief. You want proof? I'll show it."

Now if only the fight can be awesome and not just "Yang head butts him and that counts as catharsis"
Isn't that just a case of reading way too much into lazy reverse-shot directing?
This is RWBY. We always read too much into things. Even when the creators insist we shouldn't.

"How did Jaune get Pyrrha's armor?"


"Lol, Pyrrha has like, twenty sets in the closet. Don't sweat it."
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I never get why people have issues with the two ear thing to be honest, like, Faunus traits aren't exactly super consistent, there was one person with a trunk in place of a nose, but like, broadly speaking I'm unsure why two sets of ears is a problem.

Isn't that just a case of reading way too much into lazy reverse-shot directing?
Should I assume this is directed at my posts? If so, given the repeat comparison. contrasts between said characters in the show and just how much the behavior lines up but is contrasted as spelled out in the first post, I disagree, but if you read it that way your call.
This is RWBY. We always read too much into things. Even when the creators insist we shouldn't.

"How did Jaune get Pyrrha's armor?"


"Lol, Pyrrha has like, twenty sets in the closet. Don't sweat it."
That's not a good trait for a writer to have. Doubly so when they instead mock the person who brought up the plot hole.
That's not a good trait for a writer to have. Doubly so when they instead mock the person who brought up the plot hole.
Not to mention that mentioning that she has multiple sets of armor kinda diminishes the sadness of the whole "I got this armor from a friend" scene.

That said, it also diminishes the "REEEE! JAUNE MELTED DOWN PYRRHA'S ARMOR!" argument.
So I've seen some claims going around recently that Ironwood somehow betrayed us by not telling him about Penny, but I fail to see how that counts as betrayal. If you really want to go that route, it works both ways. If Ironwood 'betrayed' Oz by keeping her secret, then Oz is guilty of betrayal upon betrayal upon betrayal. Constantly keeping information from his allies. Very important information too, that is important for survival. A lost more important than Penny's nature. And it's not just to the kids, but to his closest allies. Glynda even remarks to Ironwood that Oz has a habit of keeping secrets, she just doesn't have a problem with it.

Also happy birthday to Sun and Penny, who debuted on October 31st.
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"How did Jaune get Pyrrha's armor?"
I've never understood why this was a thing that "needs explaining" in the first place. We were shown the tiara intact after Pyrrha was incinerated, Cinder was driven off, the dragon was petrified, and somebody was already there to retrieve Ruby, so how hard would it be for them to get the tiara, too?

I posted something along those lines previously (in a thread I can't properly quote from because it's locked now):
What gets me about this is that it's so totally unnecessary. It's an incredibly easy thing to explain away. It took me about three seconds from reading that to go, "Qrow probably grabbed it when he was retrieving Ruby." And even if Miles Luna couldn't think of that and didn't want to admit to making a mistake, why not just pull a Wedge Antilles and play coy about it, let the fandom theorize for a bit, then take the best answer they come up with and run with it?
I've never understood why this was a thing that "needs explaining" in the first place. We were shown the tiara intact after Pyrrha was incinerated, Cinder was driven off, the dragon was petrified, and somebody was already there to retrieve Ruby, so how hard would it be for them to get the tiara, too?

I posted something along those lines previously (in a thread I can't properly quote from because it's locked now):
I think it has more to do with the amount of metal that they melted down to upgrade Jaune's armor would have been insufficient for what we see later on.
I mean, if you're just adding a thin layer of decorative gold accents to something, you don't really need a lot.
To me it looked like a not-insignificant amount of mass was added, like 25%. And it looks like part of the metal was used to allow it to change into his sword-sword. Far more than a simple tiara could provide.

I'm kind of annoyed at the RWBY rewind. Mostly because one of the commenters was really obnoxiously pushing Bees while completely ignoring all the blatant BlackSun stuff.
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