RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So they've been going to school at Haven for this long a stretch? And no one commented on Cinder obviously being way older than a student has any right to be? Honestly that kind of boggled me to begin with. Cinders character design is so much obviously older than the rest of the students. She looked as old as Glynda to me, maybe even older. She was able to conceal her power from the teaching staff the whole time? And you know the whole evilness thing she practically radiates at all times.

My brother is 19 and is sometimes mistaken for a middle schooler (it helps that he's very short). I know a guy who just turned 20 and is often mistaken for being in his mid-30s. People can't guess ages nearly as well as they think they can, because a lot of people look younger or older than they are. And you know what happens if someone like that tells you their real age? Your first response is going to be "Oh, I'm sorry" not "You liar!!!!"

Besides, it's subjective anyway. I figured Cinder for maybe being in her mid-20s.

For that matter, how would she have gotten Mercury into the school to begin with when he killed his father and then just fled the scene? Does no one do background checks at these schools and think hey this kids father was murdered, his house torched, and then he was never found by the police and now he's shown up at a school. Let's not question this! I mean we can assume Emerald isn't in any criminal database. But Mercury should have been the primary suspect in his father's death if it was known he survived considering he fled the scene. He didn't even change his name.

1. This is not modern-day Earth, this is a world where villages and towns just disappear sometimes and the only stable, long-lasting states that we know of are four kingdoms that have large spheres of influence that they claim is their own territory. A lot of prospective students aren't going to have anything to go on for a background check, and that's not going to seem odd at all.

2. Mercury and Emerald are almost certainly both from Mistral, which is the 2nd most decentralized of all the kingdoms (beat out only by Vacuo, whose only "central government" is Shade Academy). Qrow himself says that Mistral's government only really controls the capital city. Mistral also has the largest criminal underworld of all the kingdoms, which the government either can't do anything about or won't.

In other words, unless Marcus Black was killed right in Mistral's capital, yes, it really is that easy for him to get away with it. And since they were outside of a solitary hut in the middle of nowhere when it happened and Marcus Black was a freaking assassin, I feel safe in assuming that wasn't the case.
I think Ruby is bad at the landing here because she's being forced to try and conserve ammo and that throws some of her previous fighting style out of wack.
So I'm going to assume the Golem is what a possession type Grimm looks like in it's natural environment and not crammed into a giant suit of armor to act as a test for Weiss.
Individual gardens simply can't provide the level of food necessary. It takes at least a few hundred square meters to provide food for a person. There's no space in the cities we've seen for that. I mean if you care nothing about malnutrition and just getting enough calories to not starve you get to about 3,000 people per square kilometer of perfect conditions farmland. Or a bit over 300 square meters of land maintained by each person if you're feeding them by individual gardens. That isn't something you can hide in a house, or have on a rooftop.
While I agree with the rest of your post this bit just isn't true. There has been a lot of research into compact high efficiency food production for space travel and colonies. There is a lot of variance depending upon the exact set-up but a reasonable setup seems to clock in at around 25m^2 which is less then a tenth your numbers.

Of course these systems generally require very careful care but a good chunk of that comes down to the fact they are designed to be 100% closed systems. The ability to steal resources from the atmosphere should simplify things a great deal. Furthermore I'd expect the Kingdoms of Remnant to have invested a good deal of research into such systems.

Still I highly doubt they'd go with each person running their own systems. Instead I'd expect dedicated facilities scattered throughout the city. If we use your number of 4,000 people per square kilometer then each square kilometer would require 100,000m^2 of growing area. If it was flat growing land then that would require 10% of the city be dedicated to farming but in practice you could fairly easily cut that number down through the use of vertical farms. Using ten floor buildings would cut the ground space down to 10,000m^2 or 1% the total area.

1% of the area is nothing considering places like New York have 14% of their total area dedicated to green space.
did Ruby just fully transform from a bunch of petals?
She may have, though it might be like her cape-tornado where its more imagery over physical, I think we'll need to wait for an in universe explanation for how it works before making any calls, but there was an interesting fic which ran with the idea Ruby is not a speedster so much as she falls apart into rose petals and reforms, if that's the case here then kudos to the author for catching it.
Welp its almost time, I'm actually gonna try and stay up for this despite the time difference, and after finishing reading over a hundred pages worth of 'yangalysis' I'm actually even more optimistic for this season than I was before. Also anyone interested in new and interesting insights on Yang, I highly recommend checking out their stuff. It left me looking at every scene with Yang in over the past three volumes in an entirely new light and hints at a possibly brilliant but subtle narrative having been weaved.

Here ya go, also sorry, I know this isn't the thread for it folks.
Petals Scatter by Aerowind Kinomoto
An early morning training exercise to learn more about each other's semblances takes a turn when the indomitable Yang is visibly shaken at the mention of being carried with Ruby's semblance. What could cause such a reaction? One thing's for sure, Weiss intends to find out. How bad could it be?
While I agree with the rest of your post this bit just isn't true. There has been a lot of research into compact high efficiency food production for space travel and colonies. There is a lot of variance depending upon the exact set-up but a reasonable setup seems to clock in at around 25m^2 which is less then a tenth your numbers.

Of course these systems generally require very careful care but a good chunk of that comes down to the fact they are designed to be 100% closed systems. The ability to steal resources from the atmosphere should simplify things a great deal. Furthermore I'd expect the Kingdoms of Remnant to have invested a good deal of research into such systems.
I'd be interested in some citations for that because I don't see any in a quick search. Microgravity to a properly engineered plant would also be a significant help since it wouldn't need to waste as much energy on cellulose structural elements that humans can't process anyway.

Closed systems don't actually make that much of a difference in growing plants because you're exchanging the air with the person eating the crops. Any oxygen the plants produce is converted to carbon dioxide when the human eats the produce. If you're producing the right amount of food per person then it's going to run in equilibrium just fine. Your closed system just has to have enough tolerance for the swings. Closed systems are also nice in that the various minerals that we have to use as fertilizers to get yields in farms so high can't escape.

I suppose with aeroponics you might be able to cut it down that much, but you'd also be making a very labor intense farm that way because large harvesting equipment couldn't work in such an environment. You'd end up needing a whole army of atlas quality robots just to run the farms.

Though granted aeroponic farms are probably the most likely way that Remnant could feed its population without having to protect vast areas of farmland from the Grimm.
Still I highly doubt they'd go with each person running their own systems. Instead I'd expect dedicated facilities scattered throughout the city. If we use your number of 4,000 people per square kilometer then each square kilometer would require 100,000m^2 of growing area. If it was flat growing land then that would require 10% of the city be dedicated to farming but in practice you could fairly easily cut that number down through the use of vertical farms. Using ten floor buildings would cut the ground space down to 10,000m^2 or 1% the total area.
It would also require you to provide the light. Which makes for very expensive food.

Dust is expensive, it's said from the very first episode. Which implies that electrical power isn't going to be cheap either, since many signs point to them never having developed alternative energy sources.

I didn't like this one. The "live studio audience" just isn't that amusing a joke to me.
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Sun's team was actually from Haven. Why did Sun and Neptune never comment on Cinder's team?
One fanfic I remember reading had the idea that it was common for the academies to recruit "ringers" from the local tournament scene, so a team that doesn't seem to have actually attended classes is unremarkable.

did Ruby just fully transform from a bunch of petals?
I think she does that in the trailer too. And there's a couple of scenes in V3 where we get a good enough look at her semblance that it seems apparent that there's no visible body though she's more of a "red lightning-shaped blob" than clearly a cloud of petals
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Well, here we go. Seventeen minutes until the season hits for sponsors. My hope for the volume is that we start to get some answers as to who Salem is, why Cinder works for her, and what some of Salem's potential endgame is (not her plans, just whether her goal really is "kill every human and Faunus on the planet and reduce Remnant to a smoking cinder" the way it seems to be). It looks like we'll get to see lots more of Remnant, between RNJR's road trip to Mistral, Weiss's time in Atlas, and Blake's flight to probably-Vacuo.

My fear for the season is that it's going to be a dreadful angst-pit. It would be so easy to fall into this trap of depicting relentless suffering because:

Ruby has just had every one of her childish assumptions about how the world works struck down. Her future life, her school, her place in society, it's all gone. Of course, she knew--note Mom's death--that hunting was dangerous business, but she also had a specific image of how that business fit into society. Now...not so much. This is compounded by watching a friend killed in front of her, not by a Grimm or by an ordinary villain like Torchwick (whom she had difficulty understanding anyway, see V3C11), but by a fellow student, a human betrayer. And on top of that there's the personal revelation that she has out-of-context specialness.

Weiss has had her independence taken away. We know that this is something that's special and important to her, maybe her whole core motivation, to get out of the box her family expectations put her in (her off-center ponytail as childish rebellion, her desire to go to Beacon instead of Atlas, even down to her trouble with summoning). But she was never really free before; as noted when her father cuts off her funding in V3C1 and backed up with her conversations with Winter, she was still on a leash, just one that got played out. Now that leash has been choked up short, and she may well have to break it entirely to get away (based on what we're told and what's further implied about the Schnee family)...or end up broken herself.

Blake is now in the wind. The fact that Adam was a psycho and an abuser fits perfectly with her "running away" motif established in V2, because this abuser is one with dramatic levels of power, not someone who can be beaten merely by finding the will to stand up to him--power that he firmly demonstrated in V3C11. And he's found her out and declared his definite intentions to subjugate her, destroy everything in her life of value independent of himself. Finding the courage to fight him is one thing, but finding the means to do so is quite another, and knowing that she feels that running is likely all she can do until that time, even though it causes pain to others. That tension between running and fighting is almost certain to dominate her psyche for the next little while.

Yang, of course, comes right to this. She's been hit hard in two separate ways. On the one hand, she's always been the invincible fighter; Neo in V2C11 was apparently literally the first she'd even lost. And now she's not merely been defeated, she's suffered permanent injury, and coping with that--and with the fact that both in being set up by Team Evil and beaten by Adam her strength failed the people she cares for, something that will hit her caretaker personality hard. Then, Blake's running away doubled down on her pain. Yang's always had abandonment issues: her search for her mother and finding why Raven left her is her personal arc, and while V2 indicated that she'd made some peace with that, now her partner/possible love interest has gone and done exactly the same thing ("you weren't good enough to protect me from Adam, so now I'm leaving you" is the deadly-on-point take out of this). And on top of that Ruby is essentially abandoning her too, going away on her own mission.

(Bonus: Jaune's lost a love interest while she pretty much explicitly told him that he was worthless in a fight and useless to help her in any way by rocketing him to safety; Ren and Nora have now lost their second home after apparently losing their first one pre-show.)

So, the pressure's on Miles and Kerry to somehow show us the importance and impact of these character-defining moments without wallowing in misery and pain like bad fanfic! Cue V4!
I thought it looked like the opening for a western tv show about magical girls myself.

Although, Power Rangers also fits.
Those also works. It's just so awkward though, especially when compared to the previous OPs and how the show is. New characters all look decisively Meh though. Except for the big black faunus guy, maybe. I swear I've seen a fanart of that guy before though. Or at least someone looking like him, in tuxedo, encouraging Blake who looks like she's going to get married (to Weiss?) or something.