RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Give it another six years or so; it might be on the table for an anniversary release of the series, like RvB ultimately received for the Blood Gulch Chronicles.

All respect to Rooster Teeth, but redoing the entirety of the blood Gulch Chronicles is easier then doing just three or four episodes from the first season. Machinima became popular because the actual animation was easy as hell
All respect to Rooster Teeth, but redoing the entirety of the blood Gulch Chronicles is easier then doing just three or four episodes from the first season. Machinima became popular because the actual animation was easy as hell
True, but it might be worthwhile for an anniversary release. That's the sort of thing that justifies splurging, especially given the definite limitations of the original episodes. At the very least, Volume 1 does not show its age well at all.
OK that's was pretty boss and interesting stuff with the background characters designs, if what RT said about ABRN's designs is true than they're definitely in Mistral now. I did find the repeated "Gasps" of shock kind of grating, but then again Ruby did get a freaking Beowolf thrown at her, overall I like the fighting style they've meshed out, it is different from Monty's but still had a great deal of what made that style awesome. Still love the new Grimm and Ruby's shift in Semblance is interesting, Nora is great, and aw, the rest of RWBY :( Also hey we got to see Blake's face in this one, they're goes my mask head canon XD
Watch the YouTube one with captions on, they're hilarious, and probably written by Barbara.
Huh, something I didn't notice. Whereas before, Ruby's Crescent Rose was spotless and pristine, now it's all battle worn and chipped.
So I just got back into RWBY thanks to the new trailer.

Can I say hype?

On a side note, how is Japan reacting to the new trailer, and is the RWBY manga any good?
So I just got back into RWBY thanks to the new trailer.

Can I say hype?

On a side note, how is Japan reacting to the new trailer, and is the RWBY manga any good?
Don't know Japan's reaction, and the manga's pretty good. So far, they've just been adapting the trailers, but the art's cool, and they've expanded some stuff from the main story.
You know, I just realised something.

A lot of people must have died during the fall of Beacon, a lot of them, if not most, were not at Vale.

Think about, Cinder message telling everyone about a secret war, Atlas attacking Vale's civilians, the CCT is down, a Kingdom fell.

Panic must have ripped his way through the world, and while the Kingdoms are defended enough to handle the increased Grimm activity must villages are not.
So I don't know about anyone else but looking at Weiss in the latest trailer I can't shake a feeling of emptiness in her eyes, specifically like there isn't any light in them. Now from my experience with animated media a loss of shine in one's eyes usually indicates either the person is mentally traumatized (or in deep deep despair) or brainwashed.

Which begs the question, what is Weiss going through. Now obviously there is going to be some isolation and worry for her friends...but I can't get the idea that Weiss's father is trying to brainwash her into being his perfect little Heiress.
So I don't know about anyone else but looking at Weiss in the latest trailer I can't shake a feeling of emptiness in her eyes, specifically like there isn't any light in them. Now from my experience with animated media a loss of shine in one's eyes usually indicates either the person is mentally traumatized (or in deep deep despair) or brainwashed.

Which begs the question, what is Weiss going through. Now obviously there is going to be some isolation and worry for her friends...but I can't get the idea that Weiss's father is trying to brainwash her into being his perfect little Heiress.
Well, that sent a chill into my very soul, especially seeing as I've been listening to "Its mu Turn" recently which is all about Papa Schnee trying to destroy Weiss's free will to better control her.
Well, that sent a chill into my very soul, especially seeing as I've been listening to "Its mu Turn" recently which is all about Papa Schnee trying to destroy Weiss's free will to better control her.
Yeah and all things considering I can see how he'd do it, one of the key aspects would be simply taking control of everything in her life. He determines how she dresses, how she eats, when she wakes up, when she goes to sleep, who she interacts with and so on. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he confiscates everything related to her time in beacon and outright prevents her from doing anything related to being a huntress (Probably by cutting off her supply to dust and taking away her weapon).

Although not being able to openly train her skills would probably lead Weiss to learn a lot more subtle applications and maybe even figure out how to summon her knight's sword on command.
Yeah and all things considering I can see how he'd do it, one of the key aspects would be simply taking control of everything in her life. He determines how she dresses, how she eats, when she wakes up, when she goes to sleep, who she interacts with and so on. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he confiscates everything related to her time in beacon and outright prevents her from doing anything related to being a huntress (Probably by cutting off her supply to dust and taking away her weapon).

Although not being able to openly train her skills would probably lead Weiss to learn a lot more subtle applications and maybe even figure out how to summon her knight's sword on command.
Having done some reading on the subject and given what we've heard of him I can totally see him trying to pull stuff like this, based on what Winter said he seems to have very firm ideas of what is expected of Weiss/his daughters and fighting or leading don't seem to be high on that list.

Gosh, one thing I am very worried about with Yang and Weiss is them falling well behind the others, though the idea of her being able to summon her knight sword and training with that is all kinds of boss.

(Weiss, staring down WF attacker)
"Fool, I am never unarmed."
(Conjures Knight arms behind her and a blade in her hands.
Having done some reading on the subject and given what we've heard of him I can totally see him trying to pull stuff like this, based on what Winter said he seems to have very firm ideas of what is expected of Weiss/his daughters and fighting or leading don't seem to be high on that list.

Gosh, one thing I am very worried about with Yang and Weiss is them falling well behind the others, though the idea of her being able to summon her knight sword and training with that is all kinds of boss.

(Weiss, staring down WF attacker)
"Fool, I am never unarmed."
(Conjures Knight arms behind her and a blade in her hands.
Honestly I don't see any of team RWBY really falling behind the others that much, more I see them developing in different ways. In terms of Weiss and Yang it's mostly going to be overcoming their weaknesses and turning them into strength.

As an example for Weiss her biggest issue was a reliance on Dust and a lack of a real hard hitting attack, if she gets cut off from dust and prevented from properly practicing she'll likely focus on her summoning which as we all know can get really damn impressive with her Knight.

But yeah back on Weiss's situation I sort of want an event she is forces to attend by her father and having to do the expected socializing with a bunch of stuck up rich girls her age who are probably also a bit racist. We'd see her with that dead look in her eyes going through the motions only BAM!! White Fang attack followed by the guards getting their asses handed to them and the rich people running while we see Weiss just stand there. Then the light comes back to her eyes and she kicks ass purely with her semblance (with the Knight's hand bitch slapping away a White Fang mook)
Honestly I don't see any of team RWBY really falling behind the others that much, more I see them developing in different ways. In terms of Weiss and Yang it's mostly going to be overcoming their weaknesses and turning them into strength.

As an example for Weiss her biggest issue was a reliance on Dust and a lack of a real hard hitting attack, if she gets cut off from dust and prevented from properly practicing she'll likely focus on her summoning which as we all know can get really damn impressive with her Knight.
Good insight there, I hope that's what ends up happening.

I am now imagining her just summoning her knight like "The unstoppable Exodia!" or just mass spamming summoned swards and launched them like she's Gilgamesh.

But yeah back on Weiss's situation I sort of want an event she is forces to attend by her father and having to do the expected socializing with a bunch of stuck up rich girls her age who are probably also a bit racist. We'd see her with that dead look in her eyes going through the motions only BAM!! White Fang attack followed by the guards getting their asses handed to them and the rich people running while we see Weiss just stand there. Then the light comes back to her eyes and she kicks ass purely with her semblance (with the Knight's hand bitch slapping away a White Fang mook)
That would be all kinds of epic and glorious, I love the idea of the light coming back into her eyes as well, it'd be subtle, in universe, but very clearly communicative to the audience.
Good insight there, I hope that's what ends up happening.

I am now imagining her just summoning her knight like "The unstoppable Exodia!" or just mass spamming summoned swards and launched them like she's Gilgamesh.

That would be all kinds of epic and glorious, I love the idea of the light coming back into her eyes as well, it'd be subtle, in universe, but very clearly communicative to the audience.
Banesaw: "Well well, Heiress Schnee. We never did finish our dance."

Weiss: *calmy sipping tea* "I'm honestly inpressed you survived the Breach, I was certain the explosion would have killed you."

Bane: "It didn't, but I will kill you this time. An unarmed little girl is useless against me."

Weiss: "Fool." *glyphs appear around her, swords popping out* "I am never unarmed."
Banesaw: "Well well, Heiress Schnee. We never did finish our dance."

Weiss: *calmy sipping tea* "I'm honestly inpressed you survived the Breach, I was certain the explosion would have killed you."

Bane: "It didn't, but I will kill you this time. An unarmed little girl is useless against me."

Weiss: "Fool." *glyphs appear around her, swords popping out* "I am never unarmed."
Pretty much exactly what I was imagining :D

Though now I almost feel bade for Bane, dang it I want a White Fang with more depth XD
Honestly, I don't expect a lot of surprises in Vol. IV as far as character arcs go. Ruby and JNR are actively pursuing the plot. I figure that they will do most of the interacting with active enemy (Salem/Cinder)-driven plotlines. We'll very likely see some of the "fallout" of the Fall of Beacon as they advance and while we're looking at the other three characters.

Yang has, after all, lost an arm and is now coping with the concept, for the first time in her life, of losing. The fact that Blake ran off into the night after Yang tried to protect her, and Ruby's off fighting evil, will just hammer this home for her. Her character arc will center around that, on accepting the possibility of loss and on being able to get back in the fight, and probably to a certain extent that she needs to be less reckless in her actions.

Blake, meanwhile, has just had her tendency to run away from conflicts and try to handle everything herself (see Vol. 2) reinforced by Adam's direct threat to destroy everything she loved and his almost negligent cutting down of Yang. She's dust in the wind, trying to fight everything on her own, and she'll need to learn to reconnect with others and to trust them and stand tall even when it's hard.

Weiss, similarly, has fallen back into her father's clutches, into the strictures of the rigidly ordered life that she'd been trying to escape. She'll need to gather the strength to break free and be her own woman once and for all.

How far they get on their arcs is unknown. I figure that V4 will end in one of two ways: either with Team RWBY getting back together, or with each of the four characters reaching the end of their individual arcs and realizing that they need to get back together (which would mean that V5 would begin with Ruby collecting them).

Either way, I expect a lot of personal angst and soul-searching this season.
Well.... He had a little, kinda, if nothing else he seems to have a personal grudge against the Schnees/SDC which given what Weiss and Blake have said about it could be taken to mean a lot.

Of course this is also my head-canon for what is behind the mask:

"The quarries leave their mark."

Either way, I expect a lot of personal angst and soul-searching this season.
I largely agree with this, though in regards to Yang I don't think she was ever arrogant enough to think she couldn't be beaten, heck she shrugged off being taken out by Neo, and as for recklessness, she did just see her partner get stabbed in the gut, I imagine most people wouldn't be keeping a chill head at such a time.
But yeah back on Weiss's situation I sort of want an event she is forces to attend by her father and having to do the expected socializing with a bunch of stuck up rich girls her age who are probably also a bit racist. We'd see her with that dead look in her eyes going through the motions only BAM!! White Fang attack followed by the guards getting their asses handed to them and the rich people running while we see Weiss just stand there. Then the light comes back to her eyes and she kicks ass purely with her semblance (with the Knight's hand bitch slapping away a White Fang mook)
And then you remember that she has a second model wearing what looks like a ballroom dress! ;)