RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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They previewed some of RWBY Chibi at the theatrical showing of V1. It is utterly adorable.
Ruby is not a very good cook, and is easily distracted by a bag of chocolate chips.
All right you've seen it, what's it like dialogue wise? Is it active talking, little hmm's and haw's also are there backgrounds? I can imagine it being props in a white void and still being good, but I'm interested in knowing.
All right you've seen it, what's it like dialogue wise? Is it active talking, little hmm's and haw's also are there backgrounds? I can imagine it being props in a white void and still being good, but I'm interested in knowing.
Mostly hmms and such, from what I recall. The sets are fully present, not just a white void.
My solitary take away from the commentary was that they cut a scene of Weiss completely losing her shit.

I... I need to see that. Fuck the rest of the episode. I just need to see Weiss completely lose her shit and break down into hysterical uncontrollable laughter. Full on "I'm embarrassed I'm doing this but god help me I just can't stop" foot stomping doubling over uncontrollable belly laughter. Then she nearly falls out of her chair, because holy shit she just can't take it.

Ruby tries to join in with her bestie, but doesn't really get what's so funny and comes off completely wooden. Blake looks on in a mix of awe and horror as Weiss apparently loses her sanity. Yang films it.
Whle the mental image is hilarious I'm a little glad they didn't have Weiss laughing at Neptune like that and I don't even ship them, it just would have felt, eh I don't know, too mean spirited as a joke for me. Though Weiss flipping out like that in some other situation would be grand.
5th chapter of the Manga is up and from the looks of it, it is a retelling of the Black Trailer with more introspective from Blake towards Adam. Chapter 6 might give us the story of what happened after the heist since the chapter ends just before the final battle of the Black Trailer.
So is everyone superhuman in this series? Is it something anyone can achieve by training?
So is everyone superhuman in this series? Is it something anyone can achieve by training?

Yes. Everyone in setting (and even animals) has an "Aura" which, once active by a ritual, basically gives them video game style hit points. They can take damage but until their Aura is depleted they won't start being physically hurt*. They also gain access to a semblance which is basically a superpower like control over magnetism or bursts of super-speed.

*The exception being that if hit with a sufficiently powerful attack it can "penetrate" the aura and case physical damage without depleting it.
Also one person only get one Semblance (ie. superpower).

That makes me think: Is implied that some people have their Aura unlocked since birth, or does it have to be unlocked by ritual for everyone? I have this idea of Hunters parents unlocking their kid's Aura when puberty kicks in, and culturally it's considered a very important moment in the life of Hunters, a "coming of age" ritual when they deem their children worthy of starting training to become Hunters, and for the kid it's the moment their life as a (future) Hunter really starts.
I always figured when and how it was unlocked was more random, some might only get it in puberty, some might have it done when infants, other when just starting combat school. A fic I read actually drew an interesting point about how Pyrrha and Mistral seem kind of, traditional, while Vale seems ore laid back about Hunters in general so cultures would have an effect as well.
Are these Aura people rare? Because it seems to be, because we only see a relative few number of Hunter-type people, and a good chunk of the world uses robots.
Are these Aura people rare? Because it seems to be, because we only see a relative few number of Hunter-type people, and a good chunk of the world uses robots.
They're implied to not be that common, of course since most of the story takes place in a Hunter training school, we see a lot of them.
Although something to note is that not every Aura users are Hunters or Hunters in training: Junior and the Malachite twins, as well as Roman and Neo are Aura users without being Hunters. IIRC the DVD commentary states that "the streets are an excellent school" to explain from where Roman, Neo, Mercury and Emerald got their combat skills (and Aura activation)

But since Aura is stated to be the manifestation of the soul, everyone from humans to animals can develop an Aura. Grimms, lacking a soul, can't have Auras and thus nor a Semblance. (thankfully for the rest of Remnant, who really don't need to have them even more powerful)
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Are these Aura people rare? Because it seems to be, because we only see a relative few number of Hunter-type people, and a good chunk of the world uses robots.

Everyone has aura, but the average citizen has no reason to activate it, so they don't.

Anything with a soul can develop their aura, animals included - we've seen the dog get lit on fire and punted through Paladin mechs without concern. He also happily headbutts a Beowulf. That said, that sort of nonsense is probably atypical, since he belongs to a bunch of Huntresses.

As for the robots...

That would be the nation of Atlas. Since their government, military and Hunters academy all function as a single entity, and because they're real big on fancy tech, they do have a sizable amount of robots - but normal soldiers still make up the bulk of their forces, and tend to be the ones used in day-to-day operation. The robots are mostly just expendable mooks, really.
They do have Huntsmen, too; Weiss' family is Atlesian, and there's a team in the Vytal Festival Tournament. Huntsmen are typically recruited straight from the academy and incorporated into the military, though. The other nations don't like that.

Anyway, TL;DR, yes there are robots, but they're as well as Huntsman and the normal military, not instead of.
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Of note; Combat robots have been a thing in Remnant for a while, but it's notable that early in the series Atlas unveils their much-hyped new model of combots, who are basically replacements for flesh-and-blood mooks in a world that is fully aware their survival largely hinges on ragtag heroes.

It's also worth pointing out that there's clearly some significant range to Aura. Pyrrha remarks that Jaune has huge amounts of it, so presumably having a strong Aura is a prerequisite for being a good Huntress.
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I'm only in the early parts of Volume 2, but can someone explain why we don't see more tanks and conventional armies? They got those fancy jets and the like, so why rely on Hunters? I assume they're more or less the badass spec-ops of the world.
I'm only in the early parts of Volume 2, but can someone explain why we don't see more tanks and conventional armies? They got those fancy jets and the like, so why rely on Hunters? I assume they're more or less the badass spec-ops of the world.
Because for the most part, Hunters kick the crap out of them.
Pyrrha remarks that Jaune has huge amounts of it,
If I recall she said he had a lot of it, which isn't quite the same as a huge amount and no one else has commented on it since then so while likely canon, well, sorry if this was rude but I git a bit wary when I feel it gets over sold.
I'm only in the early parts of Volume 2, but can someone explain why we don't see more tanks and conventional armies? They got those fancy jets and the like, so why rely on Hunters? I assume they're more or less the badass spec-ops of the world.
More or less what Imrix said, a good example of someone at a Hunter level VS an army get shown later in some fights that will show the disparity of power between the two groups.
I'm only in the early parts of Volume 2, but can someone explain why we don't see more tanks and conventional armies? They got those fancy jets and the like, so why rely on Hunters? I assume they're more or less the badass spec-ops of the world.

Because we're mostly seeing students go up against monsters and/or criminals, not actual military action (especially that early in the series). Atlas, to go back to the previous post, is abnormal in how it combines its military with its Huntsmen. The other kingdoms keep their military separate from their Academies.

They do use airships in the military.

As for tanks... well, Paladins probably fill that slot, because mechs are cooler I guess?

Basically, you'll get a better look at the military in season 3. Atlas' military in particular. I don't think we've really seen any of the others yet.

Because for the most part, Hunters kick the crap out of them.

Also that.

The soldiers and robots and stuff do more or less fine against your standard Grimm.

Huntsman, on the other hand - even students - mow through them real easy.
Because for the most part, Hunters kick the crap out of them.

More or less what Imrix said, a good example of someone at a Hunter level VS an army get shown later in some fights that will show the disparity of power between the two groups.

Yeah but I have yet to understand how a bunch of Hunters can take out entire battalions of tanks or how they can firembombing by fleets.

Hunters would be nice and all, but on fighting Grimm, I'd rather take the Imperial Guard of the series rather than a few hundred Hunters.

Because we're mostly seeing students go up against monsters and/or criminals, not actual military action (especially that early in the series). Atlas, to go back to the previous post, is abnormal in how it combines its military with its Huntsmen. The other kingdoms keep their military separate from their Academies.

Is there a reason for the separation? Hunters are by definition, monster-killing soldiers. It would be wise to combine your spec ops with your main military arm after all.

Also, why are they called Kingdoms? Like I said, still in early season 2, but I have yet to see any mention of royalty.

As for tanks... well, Paladins probably fill that slot, because mechs are cooler I guess?

Seeing as team RWBY, a bunch of rookies, can take on one Paladin, it makes me question how effective these mechs are. Say what you will about 40k's mechs, but the Titans have entire armies backing them.