RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Okay something's confused me. I thought the Dub and sub where releasing at the same time, why are the English VAs acting like they've been recording only recently?
If the production is being handled much like a typical anime the dub is still going to be the last part of the process, they just won't air the Japanese version until the English is complete. The Japanese voice recording done first for the animators to work off of, and the English recordings only starting once they have a finalized version so they can get all the timing right. Wouldn't make too much sense to do it the other way around even if this is an originally English series, if you want the animators to be influenced by the emotion of the vocal performance that performance should ideally be in a language they speak.

With the trend towards simuldubs, some dubs are starting recording a few days before the Japanese air date if they're lucky and releasing the dub less than a week later. Unless Ice Queendom gets a surprise release next week, English recordings starting now indicate a pretty comfortable amount of time for the dub team to work with.
I'm sorry, but since Yang is the only one who ever wears goggles, I am pretty sure she is the one contractually obligated to be the main character and get an Agumon rip-off in a Digimon cross-over.
Okay then. In that case, there was a small bit of news about that: the manga adaptation for it will premier a little while before RTX. Some are using this as evidence that the anime will premier around the same time

Oh nice, will keep my eyes peeled for it to be availible for purchase online then!
I had a mini break through just a bit ago.
On why people saying Adam and Ironwood were "changed" to be worse piss'es me off a lot , besides the normal common reasons, because I have actually Experience with it actually happening my two favorite marvel heroes are iron man and she hulk. And just so non comic readers get a short version wasn't great time to be a she hulk fan , or at least a older one where her hulkling out was more her getting a body how she liked and it being a positive for her, for like the last number of years , it's only been on a yo swing like this year. And iron man inspite of 2008 iron man moives hasn't been a great time sense 2000s.
This is clearly early Jaune. Atlas Era Jaune knows Nora has no rhetorical questions like that... And that said fire was actually deliberate and targeted.
A satisfying end to their arc is what people mean by deserving, whether as a matter of emotional response or moral prescriptivism, we get satisfaction from the bad guys getting their comeuppance and the good guys getting their happy ending.

I dunno, I see a lot of debate about whether characters "deserve" something as if they were real life people, or at least as if their plot resolution has direct moral implications for the real people. Mostly I see this in Steven Universe or She-Ra, but I also set it happen in RWBY as well.
I dunno, I see a lot of debate about whether characters "deserve" something as if they were real life people, or at least as if their plot resolution has direct moral implications for the real people. Mostly I see this in Steven Universe or She-Ra, but I also set it happen in RWBY as well.
Mhm, exactly this, lots of people who complain conflate "Did this character deserve this morally" with "Was this narratively cogent" which is more or less what that post is referencing, along with an implied aside about the very Christian cultural ideals of suffering, penance, worthiness, etcetera.