RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Not for me just think he's cool.
Except that his excuses are even less valid than Cinder, he does far more damage and that a lot of that damage has NOT been undone. Objectively, Vegeta has hurt more people and left more scars that haven't healed, and his redemption only stuck after a long time.

Cinder and Vegeta are pretty much the same, so the fact that you find the same selfish wangst "cool" in him while condemning it in Cinder makes me think it boils down to "Vegeta has a penis and Cinder doesn't."

There's no reason to hate Cinder while applauding Vegeta unless you're a hypocrite. Darth Vader at least is a broken man consumed by self loathing and regret, and he WAS a great hero, which makes his redemption acceptable.
Uh your right about part of that and I got some wrong. All Namekian killed by Frieza and his men where brought back. All people killed by cell where brought back. Dende brought back all people killed by Buu with the exception of evil people along with the restoring earth.
Vegeta wasn't working for Frieza, this is addressed in the show and the manga, the Namekians Vegeta killed did not get brought back. Vegeta is not Cell so the people Vegeta killed while attacking 18, were not brought back. The Dragon does not grant the same wish twice, so the people killed by Vegeta, brought back and then killed by Buu were not brought back. I know where of I speak on this stuff, I just did a re-watch/read-through a few months back.
I don't HATE vegeta since he DOES grow out of it (even if it takes too long) but the hypocrisy is galling.

Edit: One thing I noticed. At least two fanfics about Cinder's origins (which came out before Midnight) involved her burning down the house with her abuser still inside. Even two that came afterwards kinda kept the motif (one had Cinder burn down the Glass Unicorn afterwards to cover her tracks; another had her rip her collar off before grabbing Madam by the throat and activating her semblance.)
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The Dragon does not grant the same wish twice, so the people killed by Vegeta, brought back and then killed by Buu were not brought back. I know where of I speak on this stuff, I just did a re-watch/read-through a few months back.
It was Porunga brought people killed by Buu back the second time. It seems you forgot their are more dragons then Shenron.
I don't know it sounds a lot like you hate Vegeta and don't have the same hate cinder
I like Vegeta. My point is that he and Cinder are pretty much the same in a lot of ways and yet you justify his petulant childishness while condemning Cinder's.

Vegeta's only likable because he does ultimately grow out of it even if it takes too damn long.
I do hate Vegeta but that's more because of his effect on the narrative and the fact the series handling of his redemption, relationships and everything else could be described as glossed over, to none existent. So his arc feels like garbage to me and his character obnoxiously galling for continually being rewarded for stupid, shitty behavior no one ever bothers to so much as call out, let alone address.
It was Porunga brought people killed by Buu back the second time. It seems you forgot their are more dragons then Shenron.
I like how you gloss over everything you got wrong, IE 90% of your posts defending Vegeta, to zero in on this like its a major gotcha over an afterthought at best. Especially when it doesn't even do anything to address Vegeta killing those people, everyone else put in the leg work to bring them back, not him.

SO yeah, the end result is the same, Vegeta did significantly vastly, incomprehensibly more damage to innocent people than Cinder has ever come close to doing and for significantly pettier reasons and practically none of it has ever actually been fixed. As in, 200 people no longer being dead does not undo the literal billions he has killed or indirectly caused the deaths of by helping the villains, both before and after his "redemption".
I don't know it sounds a lot like you hate Vegeta and don't have the same hate cinder
Nice way to not address the point, or argument, or anything really, do you actually have a counter argument or are you just going to throw out a baseless accusation with no work put into it? LordYam has put in the effort to explain, contextualize and justify their position and even addressed their liking of Vegeta and why. So far you've done none of that.
I think a good way to salvage Vegeta would be to at the end of Super have HIM make the wish that brings everyone back. It keeps the main point (that people can change their ways and that Zamasu is full of shit) while also having more of an impact since Old Vegeta would have absolutely used a selfish wish in that place.

It's like how Faramir's decision to let Frodo go has more impact when we learn that bringing the Ring to Minis Tirith is the only way he'll ever get his father's respect
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I don't agree but that's because I think his character in Super is barely even the same person as the Vegeta from Z and that his redemption', or even the tolerance he got from everyone else was never earned or well written to begin with, thus anything in Super is built on foundations of dust to me.

Whatever the case, one can actually compare Roman and Cinder a lot, both of them had rough childhoods, to say the least, and adopted ideologies rooted in self protection and self justification. Both seek power/wealth/safety to insulate themselves from being the victims again. Roman's rant at Ruby and Cinder's at Winter have a lot of the same elements, the main key difference is Roman's too scared to consider reaching for power himself and will cling to others with it, while Cinder wants to gain the power. But both covet it for what it provides them and do terrible things to secure it to protect themselves and are also just generally sadistic assholes.
Nice way to not address the point, or argument, or anything really, do you actually have a counter argument or are you just going to throw out a baseless accusation with no work put into it? LordYam has put in the effort to explain, contextualize and justify their position and even addressed their liking of Vegeta and why. So far you've done none of that.
I'm gonna be honest with you You're not gonna get the answer you're so hopefully looking for apparently. I in fact hate all but three Rwby villains because I find stupid self Righteous assholes who I hope die. It's got nothing to do with gender. Like sure you can come in and say actually it is because I like vegtea the best out of a series I dont like. But like people also compare her to Vader and I hate Vader as well. If you like you could be the second person to jump on me hating bauckugo but loving Doctor Doom. It has about as much to do as the Conversation about Vegeta
I'm gonna be honest with you You're not gonna get the answer you're so hopefully looking for apparently.

I in fact hate all but three Rwby villains because I find stupid self Righteous assholes who I hope die.

It's got nothing to do with gender.
I find you presuming you know what I want to be rather questionable at best.

So you continue to aggressively complain about, along with wanting Emerald executed.

So you claim.

I find your preferences in the villains and redeemed villains you want to suffer and die VS those you like rather suspect, in part because as noted here:
Whatever the case, one can actually compare Roman and Cinder a lot, both of them had rough childhoods, to say the least, and adopted ideologies rooted in self protection and self justification. Both seek power/wealth/safety to insulate themselves from being the victims again. Roman's rant at Ruby and Cinder's at Winter have a lot of the same elements, the main key difference is Roman's too scared to consider reaching for power himself and will cling to others with it, while Cinder wants to gain the power. But both covet it for what it provides them and do terrible things to secure it to protect themselves and are also just generally sadistic assholes.
You got spirit Red, but this is the real world! The real world is cold! The real world doesn't care about spirit! You want to be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history! As for me, I'll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat and survive!
& here:
Selfish, vindictive, cowardly, bigoted, murderous, casually cruel, undeniably smug, ETC.
Like sure you can come in and say actually it is because I like vegtea the best out of a series I dont like. But like people also compare her to Vader and I hate Vader as well. If you like you could be the second person to jump on me hating bauckugo but loving Doctor Doom. It has about as much to do as the Conversation about Vegeta
Your justifications feel rather inconsistent at best, usually flittering between some vague claim of morality which always seems to have a lot of double standards woven into it, hence the Vegeta points, or rooted in personal disdain, which as noted above, feels rather spurious given the similarities between the various villains.

Thus, because your arguments tend to vary between inconsistent to coming off as rather weak, one is compelled to look at what other defining aspects there are about the villains you want to suffer and die VS villains you like which are:

They're all women, or minorities, or both, either in universe or out, or both.

Meanwhile the only villain you seem to like is a white dude, who has all the flaws, issues, attitudes or otherwise personality traits you claim to hate, or has done similar degrees of damage to the aforementioned villains you hate.

Thus, its rather hard to come to any other conclusion than you have a massive double standard and because you can't seem to resist jumping into any discussion to spout off about how you hate Cinder, or Emerald, or Hazel, or how you like Roman and think the other villains suck. Meaning, you're going to keep interrupting other people's conversations with these angry or snippy posts, keep drawing attention to yourself and thus highlight the double standards which look plain as day to most outsider.
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I'm gonna be honest with you You're not gonna get the answer you're so hopefully looking for apparently. I in fact hate all but three Rwby villains because I find stupid self Righteous assholes who I hope die. It's got nothing to do with gender. Like sure you can come in and say actually it is because I like vegtea the best out of a series I dont like. But like people also compare her to Vader and I hate Vader as well. If you like you could be the second person to jump on me hating bauckugo but loving Doctor Doom. It has about as much to do as the Conversation about Vegeta
Up until the very end (where Vegeta finally acknowledges that Goku is better because he's selfless and fights for others) he is himself a stupid self righteous asshole. Yet you applaud him. You're inconsistent
I don't agree but that's because I think his character in Super is barely even the same person as the Vegeta from Z and that his redemption', or even the tolerance he got from everyone else was never earned or well written to begin with, thus anything in Super is built on foundations of dust to me.

Evidently his redemption arc was "One of the few woman characters in this series had pity sex with him, and so um, I guess we can't beat him up any more." So um, yeah.

Then again, there's a lot of anime where "redemption arc" basically boils down to "They haven't changed at all, they're simply fighting on the same side as us now." My favorite example of that is Hiei from Yuu Yuu Hakusho, though the series does go more in depth as to Hiei's motivations for the things he did. He never really stops being cold-blooded though.
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Evidently his redemption arc was "One of the few woman characters in this series had pity sex with him, and so um, I guess we can't beat him up any more." So um, yeah.

Then again, there's a lot of anime where "redemption arc" basically boils down to "They haven't changed at all, they're simply fighting on the same side as us now." My favorite example of that is Hiei from Yuu Yuu Hakusho, though the series does go more in depth as to Hiei's motivations for the things he did. He never really stops being cold-blooded though.
I mean you're not9 wrong, as I understand it the only reason Vegeta was kept around is cos Sayians were the new hot thing so he got to stay despite having worn out his narrative weight on Namek and pretty much only serving to stumble around breaking shit for the villains after that.

Mhm, Hiei's honestly a better though be it far from perfect example as he was basically working off a prison sentence at first. I think he still struggled a bit cos he was basically just a cliché villain on introduction and then suddenly shifted with no real explanation. But at least his initial aid and presence was explained, and he'd never done enough harm to warrant the same reception Vegeta deserved, even if Yusukue maybe should have been saltier about him kidnapping Keiko.
This scene I felt helped.
As I've noted, I feel we skip all the steps to Vegeta changing as a person or developing relationships with people, so dramatic realizations like this mean nothing to me.

For contrast, we actually see Emerald feel guilty about the scale of what they are doing, establishing that while she's comfortable with a certain degree of villainy, she does actually have limits and doesn't take active pleasure in destruction the way Cinder and Mercury do.

It was also well established at this point, even without the flashback, that she was there for Cinder over any kind of ideological reason, and that the relationship was abusive, which further contextualizes her actions and even her history as a homeless thief helps explain her veiled contempt for heroic figures VS Cinder.

Following that we see just how unpleasant the environment of Salem's Palace is for both Emerald and Mercury, how they are little more than her pets or tools and not even seated at the table, with the likes of Watts and Tyrian able to basically do as they want with them provided it doesn't piss Cinder off. Meanwhile Salem is alien, and haunting as hell in general.

Then we follow it up with V5, Emerald seems to be back in top form since leaving the castle, but that quickly gets shown for a façade once they actually have to fight, she's justifying herself, aggressively highlighting her motivation as Cinder at the slightest questions, almost like part of herself is unsure. Then Cinder seemingly dies and she has a full on breakdown.

Cue V6 and the the paper thin veneer of civility is off, Salem is terrifying, there is no kindness or mercy in her, Tyrian will torture and murder them the moment he's given an excuse, the only one who shows any consideration is Hazel but its gruff and distant so its unclear exactly how far that even goes. Emerald's left questioning her position, her choices and whether or not they are doing the right thing, one can interpret that as being for themselves or in general and it raises interesting points. Her loyalty to Cinder is further challenged and Tyrian the life coach even gives some advice, layered in promises of retribution if they follow it. We cap off seeing their disgust and horror at Salem's growing Grimm army, and one can recall Emerald found V3's finale sad, so naturally she's reflecting on that.

Then we get to V8 where Emerald is almost extra clingy to Cinder, as if trying to convince herself Cinder cares, that this was all worth it, that she isn't deluded, only to have that idea challenged by Mercury, implicitly mocked by Neo and belligerently dismissed by Cinder's contempt until she's finally had enough and starts making moves to at least escape cos that's all that seems doable at this point. But she runs across Hazel and Oscar, themselves engaging in the very act she likely was and is given a path out. But is also made something of a prisoner, but with her skills she could slip out.
She's unsure what to do with herself and her arguments its hopeless in many ways can be seen as her looking for validation from others that its OK to just run and hide. But then she sees Penny's situation, sees everyone trying to help her and she makes a choice, the person she once helped kill, she now helps save, and then, seeing they weren't willing to give up on Penny, tries to get them not to give up on beating Salem and resolves to help them going forward.

Now in Vacuo as Grim swarm in she prepares to fight to protect others, rather than Cinder or even herself.

Its an actual character arc, I love it.
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I find you presuming you know what I want to be rather questionable at best.
Hey Just like how I find you having any kind of idea what I am about questionable. Samezes
So you continue to aggressively complain about, along with wanting Emerald executed.

So you claim.

I find your preferences in the villains and redeemed villains you want to suffer and die VS those you like rather suspect, in part because as noted here:
Yeah I've been very aggressive Especially because your argument turn the boil down to "why do you hate women" and I've been nothing but fucken Transparent about my feelings on Emerald since the season was going on.
Yeah I do claim. Correlation is not causation. Like you just have to imply I hate the female characters I do because they are "Strong Woman" tm and we got a bad tumblr post
I mean I do not imply he is moral. In fact In fact I found his whole little pre-death rant to be him saying he is immoral.
Your justifications feel rather inconsistent at best, usually flittering between some vague claim of morality which always seems to have a lot of double standards woven into it, hence the Vegeta points, or rooted in personal disdain, which as noted above, feels rather spurious given the similarities between the various villains.
I'm a be honest I don't know what you're trying to imply by claim of morality. Because I've been saying the villains that make a claim for morality to be the ones I really don't like in Rwby. And from appearances with you to get brought up because I mentioned him in response to someone else bringing him up to cinder in the past and so He is going to be forever brought up anytime I disparage cinder I kind of wish it was from a anime I did like.
Thus, because your arguments tend to vary between inconsistent to coming off as rather weak, one is compelled to look at what other defining aspects there are about the villains you want to suffer and die VS villains you like which are:

They're all women, or minorities, or both, either in universe or out, or both.
Will you branched out from saying I hate women do I hate fictional and real life minorities we may make the Tumblr post bingo yet. Like there are 10 villains in Rwby, Not counting any side characters who can probably be crying to be the villain second to being a side character, 5 are male two of them I like of those two one is a fictional minority.
There are five female villains I like one of them.
There are zero Rwby villains I want redemption for their is 1 who is going to get Redemption for sure.

Meanwhile the only villain you seem to like is a white dude, who has all the flaws, issues, attitudes or otherwise personality traits you claim to hate, or has done similar degrees of damage to the aforementioned villains you hate.
I am Roman didn't Directly kill any real character
Thus, its rather hard to come to any other conclusion than you have a massive double standard and because you can't seem to resist jumping into any discussion to spout off about how you hate Cinder, or Emerald, or Hazel, or how you like Roman and think the other villains suck. Meaning, you're going to keep interrupting other people's conversations with these angry or snippy posts, keep drawing attention to yourself and thus highlight the double standards which look plain as day to most outsider.
I don't know what outside perspective but it also kind of sounds like you're just pissed off about your wifu character. That's the thing about outside perspective is they aren't right.
Up until the very end (where Vegeta finally acknowledges that Goku is better because he's selfless and fights for others) he is himself a stupid self righteous asshole. Yet you applaud him. You're inconsistent
I don't know what your definition of applaud is like Sure he's my favorite character from dragon ball but it's not a fucking high bar. I hate dragon ball it has cool fights sometimes but overall I hate it. I know a lot about it because it's a popular show and I watched anime in a block for years and if I wanted to see the anime I liked I had to be wake during dragonball. Oh I also liked dragon ball abridged because I like team four stars Comedy
Hey Just like how I find you having any kind of idea what I am about questionable. Samezes

Yeah I've been very aggressive Especially because your argument turn the boil down to "why do you hate women" and I've been nothing but fucken Transparent about my feelings on Emerald since the season was going on.
Yeah I do claim. Correlation is not causation. Like you just have to imply I hate the female characters I do because they are "Strong Woman" tm and we got a bad tumblr post
I mean I do not imply he is moral. In fact In fact I found his whole little pre-death rant to be him saying he is immoral.

I'm a be honest I don't know what you're trying to imply by claim of morality. Because I've been saying the villains that make a claim for morality to be the ones I really don't like in Rwby. And from appearances with you to get brought up because I mentioned him in response to someone else bringing him up to cinder in the past and so He is going to be forever brought up anytime I disparage cinder I kind of wish it was from a anime I did like.

Will you branched out from saying I hate women do I hate fictional and real life minorities we may make the Tumblr post bingo yet. Like there are 10 villains in Rwby, Not counting any side characters who can probably be crying to be the villain second to being a side character, 5 are male two of them I like of those two one is a fictional minority.
There are five female villains I like one of them.
There are zero Rwby villains I want redemption for their is 1 who is going to get Redemption for sure.

I am Roman didn't Directly kill any real character

I don't know what outside perspective but it also kind of sounds like you're just pissed off about your wifu character. That's the thing about outside perspective is they aren't right.
Yeah except unlike you I actually explain how I draw my conclusions rather than just throw them out of nowhere.

You started things y being aggressive, no one would have noticed or cared if you didn't need to go on hateful rants about wanting all the women villains dead every time they came up, or talking about how much better Roman was than them.
The words "Strong Woman" never flew from my keyboard.
Which I also already addressed, you make yourself a target by being so aggressive and now its part of your reputation, don't play the victim for a fight you started.

No I mean you act like there's some moral basis to your claims, like wanting Emerald 'punished' for her deeds, even though you don't give a shit about other villains who did far worse, hence the Vegeta point remaining pertinent.

All I did was outline the villain you hate and want to suffer and die VS those you like, and how your own arguments for or against them are incompatible due to their across the board similarities.

Which again, is not a moral argument, so you should never be judging the other villains' morals or by the damage they do; leaving only your "They don't try and justify themselves" which Roman does, he has an entire self serving ideology that's basically the same as Cinder's that he rants about. So again, you have a double standard.

I love that you don't actually have counter arguments so you just resort to baseless insults like 'waifu' stuff over actually engaging with what was said. I f you can't actually provide a counter argument just stop picking fights.

Look, you want some help?

I hate Tai. I fucking loath him on a narrative and thematic level, I detest the fanon surrounding him and I find his character in universe to be unpleasant and useless at best.

You know what I don't do?

I don't take every tangential opportunity to go on aggressive rants about how I want him dead, or to suffer or how X father is so much better than him, every time a topic even drifts vaguely in the direction of parents, fathers, ETC. Because I know its just going to get a bunch of people's hackles up and them jumping down my throat.

You want people to stop getting into arguments with you about vllains?

Stop jumping into every single discussion to rant about how either you want X women dead or love X man cos he's so much better than them despite having all the same faults and no one will be arguing with you. But until then, so long as you keep doing this shit, people can and will respond to your arguments, because they don't stand up under scrutiny and its really annoying.
The words "Strong Woman" never flew from my keyboard
I know they didn't oh warrior of the keyboard. I said they where a missing piece of the bad tumblr post of an argument you got there
like wanting Emerald 'punished' for her deeds, even though you don't give a shit about other villains who did far worse
I mean Roman was eaten I'm pretty sure Ty winners gonna be fucking killed in self as he should be. And I'm personally just kinda hoping Neo Seclude herself on the island. These are all punishments. Emerald forcing pyrrha into murdering Penny and helping then realizing cinder doesn't care about her isn't Especially when she goes on to nominally join the hero side.
I love that you don't actually have counter arguments so you just resort to baseless insults like 'waifu' stuff over actually engaging with what was said
No I was pointing out how stupid it sounds to take the outsider perspective as absolutely right Which is what you're doing.
They don't try and justify themselves" which Roman does, he has an entire self serving ideology that's basically the same as Cinder's that he rants about. So again, you have a double standard.
No I like that he doesn't try to claim moral high ground like the other villains do.
you make yourself a target by being so aggressive
I forgot to talk about this part actually do you know it doesn't help aggressiveness deciding I hate women. And Continually trying to hammer that point home because you're sure I will make me shut up because I don't fucking agree with you about a stupid made up character.
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I know they didn't oh warrior of the keyboard. I said they where a missing piece of the bad tumblr post of an argument you got there

I mean Roman was eaten I'm pretty sure Ty winners gonna be fucking killed in self as he should be. And I'm personally just kinda hoping Neo Seclude herself on the island. These are all punishments. Emerald forcing pyrrha into murdering Penny and helping then realizing cinder doesn't care about her isn't Especially when she goes on to nominally join the hero side.

No I was pointing out how stupid it sounds to take the outsider perspective as absolutely right Which is what you're doing.

No I like that he doesn't try to claim moral high ground like the other villains do.
Aggressive sarcasm and baseless accusations, along with weird sniping about tumblr don't actually qualify as a counter argument you know that right? Like they don't address anything said.

The villain who did far worse in this instance was Vegeta, again, your morality arguments are inconsistent so they come off as baseless.

And I was outlining why an outsider would look at someone who constantly harps on about how much he hates all the villains who are all minorities while lording the one villain who isn't and reach some fairly obvious conclusions when your own justifications for your stances tend to be rather inconsistent.

Except that's exactly what he does.

I forgot to talk about this part actually do you know it doesn't help aggressiveness deciding I hate women. And Continually trying to hammer that point home because you're sure I will make me shut up because I don't fucking agree with you about a stupid made up character.
You're the one who built this rep for yourself by ranting about wanting Cinder and Emerald murdered, I'm not at fault for you digging a big ass hole for yourself and then complaining about where all this dirt came from.

Also trying to do the whole "They aren't real" thing is again, another example of inconstancy that makes your stances seem baseless, because oh no, Cinder's so evil she killed Pyrrha that is immoral! But also it doesn't matter that Roman killed all these other people cos they aren't "real" characters and actually its all fictions none of it matters, which is why Vegeta is fine, except when you say it does matter which is why Emerald is bad, ETC.