RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I mean Sun definitely has an issue when it comes to respecting boundaries post volume 3, which to an extent made him the friend Blake needed even if he occasionally crossed a line. But I don't recall him doing anything to really out her. Heck uh, the rest of Team RWBY probably did more in that department considering they told JNPR without Blake knowing about it. Which I attribute to Ruby, Weiss and Yang being well meaning but not quite understanding at that point.
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Another reason why "Fix-it" fics just DO NOT WORK is because.......they don't KNOW the story anymore than anyone else in the FNDM.
The people like Miles, Kerry and the rest know what is in the future. They know what will be revealed in time.
Meanwhile when people make "Fix"fics while the show is still going they end up tripping on their own shoelaces and putting their feet right through the holes in their pants.
A thing revealed later down the line can easily fix whatever "issue" the "fixers" thought there was.
But I guess Pride is the original sin for a reason.


anyway, a thought wormed it's way into my way today while at work.
The representative color of the Kingdoms.

Mistral - Blue - A calming, safe color. A "Safe Haven". However Mistral was far from safe. While we did not see much of it we do know that the Kingdom of Mistral has an extensive criminal underground. Not to mention Headmaster Lionheart turned out to be in the pocket of Salem. The color may be blue like the ocean, but like the ocean there were dangers hidden under the surface.

Atlas - White - White like the snow that covers the Kingdom, but also white like a blank canvas. With a white canvas you can create anything, perfect for a Kingdom known for being on the forefront of technological advancement and the home of the Relic of Creation itself. However white is also a color "purity" and uniformity, and Atlas has shown it looks down on any and all that would dare stain/sully it's perfect white.

but what can be said for Vale and it's Green, or Vacuo and it's Orange? What do you guys think?
So anyone have any thoughts about this theory?


Basically the idea is that time flows differently with time going faster on the island. Like a week could only pass for the others but RWBY and Jaune would experience a year or more. Near as I can tell the theory seems to hinge on the idea that The story of The Girl Who Fell Through The World talking about how the journey changed her and if they were there only a week then it would be hard for the journey to really change them but if they were there for a year and a year passed for the others well, that would mess things up pretty bad considering it would give Salem an entire year to operate without Ruby and her team. While Having time flow different would allow them to have time in this other realm without the implication of "RWBY screwed around and did nothing useful while Remnant burned". Also that this place would take a whole year to escape while time barely flowed back in Remnant would make it clear that this other place was not easy to escape from without derailing the plot. Because considering how stern the warning was not to fall, if the place could be escaped in a manner of days, it would kind of undercut that warning.

I'm not familiar with this person's work but I think the idea could have merit if the focus of Volume 9 is just on the girls and what happens on that island, which could be possible considering the volume is apparently a breather volume.
So anyone have any thoughts about this theory?
I heard a variant of this theory where the reverse happens in that the time on the island passes by slower so a week there means a month or so in the real world. This would (most likely) serve as a means to sweep all the unanswered problems of how Mantle evacuation to Vacuo was resolved under a rug and say "they resolved it while RWBY and Co were chilling on the beach", giving them some sort of clean slate to come back to. Not the best theory since it would only exacerbate the implications that they screwed around while Remnant burned, but if they ever wanted the easy way out...
So anyone have any thoughts about this theory?
I can see time dilation come into things, even if not so extreme, if only for narrative convenience of not missing too much while still allowing a lot to happen. However I'd doubt their time on the island will be 'that' long even just from their perspective, because conveying times passage like that and more to the point in a way that informs character is difficult unless they do some really out there stuff...

Which they might:

but what can be said for Vale and it's Green, or Vacuo and it's Orange? What do you guys think?
I think its an interesting idea but I don't know enough about color theory to really say ><

Also, yeah, that's another issue with fix its. Honestly if someone did a "Hmm, so with hindsight here's how I'd maybe suggest some tweaks to the RWBY story" I wouldn't hate it. I toy with that at times, but not in a way that just glosses over the animation costs, IE, any scene I suggest being added has to come at the cost of another scene, ETC, often the changes are like minor dialogue tweaks, like Blake referencing Sienna specifically in V1 ETC.
I can see time dilation come into things, even if not so extreme, if only for narrative convenience of not missing too much while still allowing a lot to happen. However I'd doubt their time on the island will be 'that' long even just from their perspective, because conveying times passage like that and more to the point in a way that informs character is difficult unless they do some really out there stuff...

Which they might:
I think a year or two could be conveyed without too much problems or skipped character growth if the season provided the volume is focused on RWBY and Jaune. As for the link? I would doubt it but I would have doubted Volume 8's ending at the start of the Volume and from what I've seen apparently Miles said Volume 9 was something they had an idea for before Volume 1 even came out (Which furthers my beliefs that Volume 9 is mostly if not entirely focused on RWBY and Jaune) and it's different and "A New flavor" so I think it could happen.
I think a year or two could be conveyed without too much problems or skipped character growth if the season provided the volume is focused on RWBY and Jaune. As for the link? I would doubt it but I would have doubted Volume 8's ending at the start of the Volume and from what I've seen apparently Miles said Volume 9 was something they had an idea for before Volume 1 even came out (Which furthers my beliefs that Volume 9 is mostly if not entirely focused on RWBY and Jaune) and it's different and "A New flavor" so I think it could happen.
I feel that'd be too much it puts me in the mind of Dragon Ball where whole years pass in the blink of an eye, and more tot he point I don't see a reason to stretch character development across such a massive time span. A few months maybe, but literal years seems unnecessary to me.
I can see time dilation come into things, even if not so extreme, if only for narrative convenience of not missing too much while still allowing a lot to happen. However I'd doubt their time on the island will be 'that' long even just from their perspective, because conveying times passage like that and more to the point in a way that informs character is difficult unless they do some really out there stuff...

Which they might:

I am not a fan of the idea that Ruby and the others will come back changed in a physical sense, at least not to THAT degree.
Like, that stuff alone sounds like fanfic wishful thinking. Not to mention I still fail to see why everyone is clinging so hard to the idea that this is not only Faunus Island but that characters will become part faunus.
I mean, if we really are going with this "The Girl Who Fell Through The World" angle and how she "came back changed" and how this in-universe fable is kind of the Remnant equivalent to "Wonderland", then honestly it isn't a physical change. It's a mental/personal growth/journey.
After all RWBY by and large has not been about physical change or getting physically stronger or knowing more skills than another. It's been more about personal growth, coming together, and gaining understanding of one's self and understanding others.

For me V9 will be more of where Ruby finally hits a wall herself, that being Penny's death, and learning to cope with that loss. And through her growth this volume she will come to understand Salem more. After all, they can't beat Salem in the standard sense of killing her/locking her up, and beating back the darkness will only put off Salem for a time, leaving future generations to deal with her. This has to end with them. This spite, this hate, it has to be laid to rest for any of them to truly be able to Move Forward. "Ancient Forbidden Knowledge" and turning into a faunus doesn't add anything to the narrative as far as I can see.
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I heard a variant of this theory where the reverse happens in that the time on the island passes by slower so a week there means a month or so in the real world. This would (most likely) serve as a means to sweep all the unanswered problems of how Mantle evacuation to Vacuo was resolved under a rug and say "they resolved it while RWBY and Co were chilling on the beach", giving them some sort of clean slate to come back to. Not the best theory since it would only exacerbate the implications that they screwed around while Remnant burned, but if they ever wanted the easy way out...

That seems to be the way these sorts of plots go since frankly its there so the big bad can conquer the world while the heroes are gone.
That seems to be the way these sorts of plots go since frankly its there so the big bad can conquer the world while the heroes are gone.
I honestly don't think it's gonna get to that extreme (since if she wins, there's really no world for her to conquer) but rather just skip the messy parts that aren't really important for RWBY like the evacuation to Vacuo and all the ramifications of it, so that when RWBY returns, it can get right to the nitty gritty.
ok just had more thoughts on the Faunus Origin Fairy Tales episode, and how it can tie into upcoming events without The Island being Magic Faunus Origin Island or turning any of our Fallen into Faunus.

Wash away the lies and masks.
Ok, so the waters from The Shallow Sea are said to wash away the lies and masks of those who step into them and reveal their true selves. Well this could allude to Ruby's optimistic façade finally breaking and we see how broken she has become. Not to mention the rest of the Fallen likely needing time to process stuff.

Different, yet the same.
The Animals and The Humans had issues that showed that while different they are also rather similar. The Atlas Refugees are likely going to have to deal with this if there is still lingering issues. Mantle and Atlas had plenty of issues, but in the end are the same. This could also pop up between the Refugees and the people of Vacuo.

"Were we like that?" "Yes."
When said Refugees arrive, many people think it will not be a warm welcome. This will also be another wake up call for people like Harriet (should the Ace Birds make it to Vacuo soon), who spent so long turning a blind eye to people in need and even trying to respond with violence when others have pleaded with her to see reason, and is now in the receiving end of the cold hate when she is part of the group in need.
Wash away the lies and masks.
Ok, so the waters from The Shallow Sea are said to wash away the lies and masks of those who step into them and reveal their true selves. Well this could allude to Ruby's optimistic façade finally breaking and we see how broken she has become. Not to mention the rest of the Fallen likely needing time to process stuff.
That would also apply to Neo given all we've learned about her in the book with her backstory.