RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Actually that does raise the interesting point that Ambro could create another soul person . Just ask him to build a meat puppet out of a person's body and it should work. I don't know why one would admittedly but in theory it should be possible.

A: She didn't finish. B: It left her dying, every implication is that Cinder successfully removing all of the power would have killed Amber and as it was Amber was basically on life support while they tried to find a new Maiden candidate.

She got part of the powers. Are we suggesting that Cinder's grimm arm can suck powers out of someone's soul now?

And instead left Amber in a comatose state that Oz and the others were unsure she'd ever wake from?
Had Qrow not jumped in when he did it is clear she would of been a dead body on the road.

Cinder got part of Amber's powers without killing her. Yes or No.
Guys, it's was explicitly a loophole. Ambrosius isn't allowed to destroy things, only create. So when asked to make a brand new mechanical body out of Penny's mechanical parts, he has to also make something to house her Soul or else she'll die, violating his rule. They did some creative rules lawyering. It persisted because it was part his magic, and part her own Soul exerting itself through his magic.
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She got part of the powers. Are we suggesting that Cinder's grimm arm can suck powers out of someone's soul now?

YES! Have you not been paying attention?
The Grim Bug in V3 managed to grab enough from Amber who had a broken aura at the time to take a usable chunk from.
Then in Cinder's following attempts with Vernal, Raven, and Penny we see Cinder use the Grimm noodle arm to try and take maiden magic from.

So where and when was that established? Also, wouldn't it just have been easier for Cinder to have killed Amber from the start?

It's not verbally established because it is something we see actually happen. You know, "Show, Don't Tell".
As for why not kill Amber? Because that would not be a guarantee that the Fall Maiden powers would go to her. This one was established through actual dialogue in a way when the Ozluminati had to explain the Maiden problem to Pyrrha.
So where and when was that established? Also, wouldn't it just have been easier for Cinder to have killed Amber from the start?
Because that ran the risk of the powers not transferring to her since Maiden powers transfer based on last thought. Absorbing them directly insures that if she's successful it all goes to her. And while never 100% directly state. Winter stating that Freya or whatever her name was now "A part of" Penny, the Conversation Penny and Winter have at the end of volume 8, the fact that no one considered it possible to save Amber, are just a few of the things they show that strongly imply Maiden powers merge with the soul similar to how Ozpin's soul merges with a new host.

As pugman said, they used show don't tell on this. but they definitely showed it.
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I mean you have to wonder how many details in RWBY are more a result of Monty wanting to throw in stuff that was cool and did not think that far past that.
Two words. ROCKET. CORGI. Monty did some awesome stuff, but it was Miles and Kerry on the writing side that blended it all together in a way that makes sense.
To be fair rocket corgi can easily be explained by the dog having a Semblance that lets it turn itself into a projectile. Kinda like Yang but focused on absorbing and releasing all the energy from a single strong blow. Maybe with some bounciness added in too.
To be fair rocket corgi can easily be explained by the dog having a Semblance that lets it turn itself into a projectile. Kinda like Yang but focused on absorbing and releasing all the energy from a single strong blow. Maybe with some bounciness added in too.

Yes, but it doesn't change the fact it was an idea Monty threw in at the last second because he thought it would look cool, and Miles and Kerry found out about it while filming the audio commentary later on.
Well here is a long overdue summary of an untranslated light novel of RWBY. The book came out 2017 so yeah it's been a while. Here is the wiki page in case you guys don't know what I'm talking about

RWBY the session fully summarized at last


so I don't know how many people know about this or not but there was indeed a Japanese light novel for RWBY released around 2017 I believe. For the longest while the most information you're going to get on this untranslated Japan exclusive book was on the RWBY wiki that only had a summary of the prologue and first one and a half chapters.......... That was pretty much it. I had no idea this book existed until I came across mentions of it on space battles so you could probably imagine how confused I was to learn of its existence around 2019 or 2020 I can't quite remember. Out of sheer curiosity I checked it out on Amazon and as it turned out they were selling it and there was like only five. One issue though. They were on translated in the original Japanese. Call it obsession or an impulse buy but I purchased the damn thing even though I couldn't read it. I just wanted it plus with their only being five left I felt like if I didn't get it now I never will. Also part of me probably was thinking maybe I'll have someone translated for me later on in the future. Turns out that someone was me technically. Recently playing around with my smartphone I realized I could use Google lens to copy text from any picture I've taken but also discovered the translate feature. So like the obsessive mad man I am I painstakingly took a picture of every single page past the first translated sections and then run them through Google lens to get it in English texts. I'm telling you now it is clunky as hell. It seems to confuse I or me, he and she, and L and R all the time which makes conversations tricky to follow because you don't know who they're referring to unless you're paying attention to the context and it bungles everyone's name.

So intro out of the way let's get to summarizing what actually happened in the untranslated sections of the book. I won't be covering the prologue first chapter and parts of chapter 2 because those actually were translated and are summarized in the wiki.

So no honesty not too much of interest happens in chapter 2 as it's mostly just the two teen making their way towards the resort island and settling in. They're just marveling at how Christine and beautiful the resort is and marveling at the wide assortment of animal based robots that essentially act as the staff for the resort since there are no human employees. Everything is automated. A lot of this tractor is filled with interteam banter, mostly of the Yang and Weiss arguing over what they should do at the resort island. Wayne wanted this to be a party vacation while Weiss wanted to make it a training exercise since the island had automated training facilities where they could combat robots. They argued a lot over it with Ruby desperately trying to get them to come to a compromise and failing and lamenting how she's not really being as good a team leader as she hoped to be. Blake...... Doesn't really say or do much you just keeps to herself reading her books and occasionally mention her issues with the white fang. They meet up with jnpr who get roped into Weiss and yang's argument and basically the teams swap members temporarily with one to do the training exercises and the other to go to fun beach stuff. The training team composed of Jaune, Pyhraa, Weiss and and Blake while the beach team is composed of ruby, yang, ren, and Nora.

Chapter 3 more or less starts with the two mixed up teens doing their chosen activities. Some minor stuff happens, a few unexpected interactions we usually don't get in the show proper, and a scene that has left me rather baffled in just how...... Yikes it is. Let's just say a random group of rowdy faunus guys hit on Ruby and yang up for a good time and weren't taking no for an answer and the only reason they didn't get their teeth punched in was because of grim attack took place at that moment. I'm not kidding that actually happened it took me a while to process that. Moving on the two teams of course fight off the grim horde after which they are thanked by the returning CEO of the SIC Adu Fort Lee. Due to the grimm attacks the CEO does the responsible thing and has the guests evacuated from the island for their safety. While evacuations are underway he recruits the two teams to deal with a massive buildup of grim at the center of the island. You see the SIC had an unfortunate history performing grim control experiments due to the machinations of the previous CEO and the result of those experiments are on the central island contained within a lake at the heart of the larger Island itself. The team do some fighting see some weird things that are very suspicious head back to the hotel to regain their bearings. One thing leads to another and they find out too much info the CEO doesn't want them to know so pretty much turns the entire Islands defense system against them.

So Grand revelation of what's going on here. Okay so anyway the major conflict of the story is with the SIC which has been infiltrated and taken over by a pro human radical organization. They are called silver bullet but the long ass name the translation kept giving me for their full name "silver ammunition of the innocent Brothers." My guess is the name sounds better and flows nicer in Japanese than it does in English so I'm just going to call them silver bullet since the heroes keep referring to them by that name several times. Their primary goal is either the expulsion of faunus from human society at best to outright subjugation at work. The guys running the island are basically the worst version. Basically they use the resort island as one giant trap for faunus since it's a island in the middle of the ocean where they can't easily escape, they have surveillance drones everywhere, the tickets the guests are using are bugged and constantly telling the staff where they are, and lastly they can jam communication so their victims can't even call for help. Once the faunus captured don't be sent to a quarry in the center of the island that is simply called the cage where they are forced to do slave labor for the benefit of silver bullet.

So of course after all of that the heroes wanted to do something about this messed up situation and also find a way off the island. They were able to escape the attack drones from the hotel and were hiding out in one of the unused storage facilities on the island up until fort Lee and his forces found them and blindsided them with his arm Cannon. It just so happened the first person he managed to shoot when he blind side them was Pryhaa so she was out of commission for the fight and everyone was forced to retreat pretty much leaving her behind to be captured alongside Iona(I'll explain the character section). If you guys are fearing that she's going to become a damselin distress don't because when she wakes up she quickly make short work of one of the guards who got too close for their own good and then proceeded to pretty much rip her way through the prison because a lot of the guards had metal and the drones of course were next to worthless thanks to her power. We even get a scene where fort Lee and his guards are watching Nikos tear her way through their prison and can't help but be impressed by her and have a sincere desire to make her join their organization. Though after analyzing her abilities he proceeds to send his elite squad armed with non-metal equipment. Oh by the way Nico's is lacking her weapons and armor during this little jailbreak of hers and she also is further handicapped that she has to protect Iona the entire time and her only weapon are a rifle she stole from one of the guards that is running out of bullets and is forced to resort to using it as a makeshift club. The team fort Lee sent after her was pretty much going to overwhelm her due to a combination of her being basically handicapped to her situation, them not having any metal for her to take advantage of, numbers, and having enough skill to be a genuine threat to her. Fortunately for her Jaune made it in time to deliver her weapons at which point she ripped through those guards like it was nothing.

Oh I should have probably mentioned this earlier but this book pretty much marks the only time the heroes actually kind of sort of teamed up with the white fang. You see the thing is apparently the SIC has some kind of illegal arms deal with the WF as mind-boggling that might seem to you considering what those two groups fight for and even Roman felt the need to comment on that. Roman knew of the SIC's silver bullet connections as well as their slaver ring operation but kept quiet on the matter because if the WF found out it would pretty much start a war between them and the SIC which would hinder him in his dust acquisitions and also he was hoping to use the information to blackmail the SIC into giving him more stuff. That plan of his fell through due to Blake making contact with the White fang using the fact she was once a member to get their trust and informed them of the literal slaver camp in the middle of the island at which point they dropped everything they were doing and pretty much went on a liberation mission. So thanks to the White fang and team jnpr much of Silver Bullet was tied up enough that team RWBY was able to face off against fort Lee on their own on a four versus one battle in the mines. Dude put up a good fight but in the end he lost but he made an attempt to call all his forces down on the mind to take out the heroes through sheer numbers and force of fire only to be shocked when he learns Roman took over his monitoring station has been scrambling his forces with b******* instructions the entire time and also took over the detonation system and set the entire mind to explode. Long story short the heroes were able to get out of the collapsing mine system due to Iona and a little luck, the majority of silver bullet ends up getting arrested, the prisoners were released though some of them disappeared and it's heavily implied that they joined the White fang for very understandable reasons, Iona is working with the authorities to look into the corruption of the SIC and weeding out any lingering silver bullet influences that might be still there, and fort Lee may or may not be dead since he was last seen getting sucked in by a mudslide but no body was found so there is a very slim chance that he might have survived but it's unlikely. The epilogue is mostly Ruby doing a debriefing with Oz on what happened on that island as well as ours sharing some info on the main villain since he knew the guy. Once done she's free to go off meet up with her team and they make plans to have fun since their vacation was cut so short due to grim attacks and insane villain plots. The end

Well that is about as much as I'm willing to go I will likely go into greater detail on the stuff I found most interesting in the book and discuss the major characters introduced in this book though there's only really two worth talking about. So see you guys later and tell me what you think.
And didn't one of the characters in Dr. Sleep have some Emerald stuff in her room?

Yep. When adapting from the book, they asked the actress playing the main character who her favorite female character was, and she said Emerald Sustrai. In the book it was Daenerys Targaryen, so the movie kinda dodged a bullet by changing it like that, since not long after Game of Thrones would proceed to shit the bed so hard with its ending that it went from a cultural phenomenon (if a divisive one) to something people barely ever talk about almost overnight.