How old are our three new adoptees?
Do they have any living relatives they are close to? Romantic relationships?
What's their relationship to the estate genin like?
Do they have anything of important to share regarding their as of yet not yet adopted chūnin colleagues on the estate?
Do they still go on missions? If yes, what's their preference?
Any fire ninjutsu, or literally any ninjutsu including non-combat ones? Because she seems like someone who could benefit from YSJ, but I don't want to push her too hard.
What is Mai's new specialization? Would she be interested in learning genjutsu (ask Mari if she would be interested in teaching it first before suggesting that), given how it roots you in place anyway?
Does Mari have a psych eval for Reo, including motivations and sources of doubt?
How come Atomu never learned MEW from us back when we were hiring MEW users as much as we could?
Do any of the three have ideas they want to share for the good of Uplift, the clan, Leaf, the people on the estate, or even just directly to the personal benefit of any one clan member (as long as it isn't at odds wit any of the former)?
Atomu: 43
His father died during the war, while his mother was discharged due to mental trauma. She now lives a reclusive existence, financially supported by Atomu and his two younger brothers. Atomu's relationship with his brothers isn't hostile, but they try not to see more of each other than necessary. He also has a ten-year-old civilian daughter, Kari. It is very rare for a ninja to adopt a civilian, and he is evasive on the subject.
No current romantic relationship. He acts embarrassed when you ask.
The estate genin are fond of Atomu, as he's responsible and has a friendly, positive attitude. He can have a little bit of a Rock Lee effect on people, however.
Nothing to add about the other chūnin that he doesn't think you know already.
Atomu gives you a weird look when you ask if he goes on missions, almost as if suspecting a test. He tells you that he used to be a scout and primary combatant before he lost his eye, and these days mainly takes guard duty and escort missions.
Atomu's missing fingers mean he couldn't try to learn MEW. He's wondering if, as Jiraiya's heir and a clan head with resources he can't imagine, you can find a way around that. (You can't.)
Reo: 36
Reo has outlived most of his relatives and doesn't talk about them much. You get the impression they died in the line of duty. He has a younger sister who was born without chakra reserves, the shame of the family until it made her the only family he had left.
No current romantic relationship; raising the subject seems to make him uncomfortable.
The estate genin respect Reo as a veteran, sometimes gruff and unapproachable, but reliable and a good source of advice.
Nothing to add about the other chūnin that he doesn't think you know already.
Reo gives you a weird look when you ask if he goes on missions, as if unsure whether you're young and naïve, suffering from clan privilege, or both. He takes guard duty and extermination missions; occasionally, he joins his old comrades for a well-paying combat mission, as they know how to work around his limitations, but not too often because fighting with him is still a risk to their survival.
Mari finds Reo to be a private person who's difficult to read. She's prepared to take a more aggressive approach to learning his mindset, but advises against it as it could cause a lasting rift if he decided you were setting a social spec on him.
Mai: Declines to answer (Mari figures late twenties-early thirties)
Mai has civilian parents, she eventually admits (first-generation clanless are considered the bottom of the barrel), but they live independently and rarely interact.
No current romantic relationship; she gives you a bitter look when you ask, as if to say, "Who do you think would want a burn victim?"
Mai gets some respect from the estate genin as a chūnin who's still fighting despite what's happened to her, but she doesn't have Atomu's charisma or Reo's force of personality to offset the stigma of being a cripple made hideous by her injuries.
Nothing to add about the other chūnin that she doesn't think you know already.
Mai acts hostile when asked whether she goes on missions, as if by asking you're questioning whether she's capable, but then apologises when she realises you mean no offence. She was and is a combat specialist, and prefers offensive missions where she doesn't have to worry about protecting soft targets (though her poor mobility means she has to stick to team missions for safety).
Mai is a ranged weapons specialist now, preferring kunai to shuriken. She's not keen to learn new ninjutsu, but you think the right approach could persuade her. On the other hand, she finds the mental violation involved in genjutsu to be profoundly disturbing.
None of the three have new ideas to offer right now, whether due to general lack of creativity or because they're still getting used to the fact that they're clan and their opinions matter.