Partial Sealing License Info
  • Can be done offscreen:
    • Check status on our license to sell seals

The license has come through. Each month, you are allowed to sell:
  • As many of the following seals as you want, although 50% must be sold at the fixed Tower rate:
    • Alarm (Also, you are required to donate 50 of these per month to the Tower. This is a Tower rule, not a Merchant Council rule. The donated tags are distributed to the ninja forces.)
    • Explosive tag (As above, but 100 seals.)
  • As many of the following seals as you want, to anyone, at market rate:
    • Party Trick
    • Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier
    • Air Freshener (probably no market)
    • The eight basic Chime seals (probably no market)
    • Air Dome
  • As many storage seals as you want to civilians, who will then resell them to ninja or hire ninja to activate them. Up to 5 to ninja, and as many as you want to the Tower.
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Skywalker seals and the economy
So...who has the patent-equivalent for selling Skywalkers? Are we making bank on all those seals being made and sold to the Tower?
All sealmasters capable of making skywalkers are required to make at least 100 of them per month as a tax to the Tower. (That's about 17 hours of work per month.) After that, all additional production must be sold to the Tower at a standardized price of N ryō/seal, where N is 150% of the next highest-value seal (assessed on a per-element basis) has a standard rate. Currently N = R200. It's been made clear in a non-official statement that this is a temporary arrangement and if it results in an inadequate number of seals coming in then the tax will be increased.

In addition, there is a one-time payment of R10,000 ($1,000) for any sealmaster who can demonstrate they are capable of making skywalkers. Demonstrating this is as easy as booking an appointment with a 3-person team of Tower-certified sealmasters (none of them from the same clan, or from your clan) and then making a skywalker in front of them. Everyone who knows sealing is strongly encouraged to get authorized; malingering by not getting authorized when you are in fact skilled enough (in the judgement of the Tower) to learn to make skywalkers carries penalties.

A skywalker seal is a pair of elements, meaning it takes 10 minutes to scribe. You can produce 6 skywalkers per hour at a rate of R200/skywalker, so that's an effective rate of R1200 (i.e. $120)/hour.

As of the latest assessment, you are earning a total of R120,000 / month from skywalkers: R60,000 cash-in-hand from Kagome spending 50 hours / month and R60,000 cash-in-hand from other sealmasters selling to the tower. You are also receiving R240,000 / month into the credit account with the Tower. The monies earned to date have already been figured into your current bank balance.

Note that every sealmaster has the following tax obligations per month:
100 skywalkers [1,000 minutes]
50 Alarm seals [250 minutes]
100 explosives [500 minutes]
For a total of 29 hours/month of tax-mandated unpaid labor, or ~7 hours/week.

Important fact: Using skywalkers without specific approval from the Tower is considered high treason. They want all production going to them, not getting stockpiled by the clans.


Note that when it says "150% of the next most valuable seal", that is assessed on a per-element basis. So, skywalkers are 150% the value, per element, of the next most valuable seal.

Skywalkers are R200 for a 2-element seal, meaning R100/element.The next most valuable seal is 5SB, which is R75/element, meaning that the Tower will pay R375 overall for a 5SB seal.

The original part was modified to reflect this information.
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Ongoing Gōketsu Projects
Creating a new project/plot thread list because I didn't see one in anyone's signature, please inform me of any I missed (I am sure they will be plentiful). I'll need to go back and check dates later. Not intending to track plot threads that have fully completed, same for projects unless more can be done with them.

  • Goketsu Estate/Property Experiments
    • Aqueduct - Aqueduct. Start date (Ch. 325). Status: Ongoing
    • Koi farm - The FOOM holy grail, the chakra Koi make Noburi able to grant an absurd amount of chakra for training. Start date (Ch. 365). Status: Ongoing
    • Iron Mine - Large plot of land far from Konoha, rich in iron and chakra infestation, will take a lot of work to be useful. Start date (tbd). Status: Not in use.
    • Schools, hospitals, infrastructure - These are probably fine to be offscreened forever. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
      • Note: Tsunade mentioned our Hospitals were understaffed in an interlude.
    • Sewage/Plumbing - You know what this is. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Naked Jaybird - Our very own restaurant. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Storage Seal Bank - Okay I definitely forgot this one. Store stuff for Leaf civilians, get money. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

  • Military Projects We Intend to Share
    • Skysliders - Gliders. First successful model achieved, 8:1 glide ratio and bulky. Start date (Ch. 514). Status: Ongoing
    • CHAOS Suit - Still needs demonstration to Asuma after we said we would. Start date (tbd). Status: Not done.
    • Something something telescope merchant - Despair. Start date (tbd). Status: Neverending

  • Private Military Projects/Research/Training
    • Reactive Armor - Kagome finished these seals. Start date (tbd). Status: Currently They Would Damage the User. Needs further input from Hazou.
    • Akimichi Technique - Whole Clan is training it. Start date (Ch. 514). Status: Ongoing

  • What Hazou Does Day to Day (in addition to Misc. Political meetings and training)
    • Teaching Harumitsu - The latest development of the Hagoromo/Goketsu beef, Hazou gains a sealing apprentice. Start date (Sept. 8th). Status: Ongoing
    • Great Seal Replica - Hazou collabs with Leaf's Sealmasters regularly, improving his replica. Oro isn't impressed. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

  • Misc Political/Economic Projects
    • Mass glasses production - Everyone shall see Uplift in 20/20 view. Start date (tbd). Status: Plausibly Ongoing since we have money again?
    • Wakahisa Trade Deal - Got us koi and some jutsu, plus 10 million ryo a year. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Salterns - Sea salt generators, for more money. Start date (tbd). Status: Not in use. Might be worth setting up in 7th Path?
    • 7th Path Trading - For now, only uses trading between summon clans. Inter-village trade yet to be implemented. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
      • Note: Also being used as a military asset due to DRAGONWAR. Also a major income source, especially for Goketsu.
    • Mari/Merchant Council - Mari is slowly conquering the economy because she's bored. Start date (tbd). Status: Someone please stop her
    • Punished Haru - Demoted to Civilian. Awkward... Start Date (Ch. 449). Status: On hold due to war.
    • Mari's Students - Mari is training civilians in socials/spy skills. Start date (tbd, ch 270). Status: Ongoing
    • Kei's Uplift - Kei & the Nara are creating the infrastructure for civilians of Fire to be educated. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Helping Ino - She implied the Yamanaka could use the help of the Goketsu, and asked for us to mass distribute YSJ. Start date (tbd). Status: Distributed to Goketsu only.
    • Buffalo trade - Dogs helped us get food for Leaf citizens. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Silk Trade - Skyslicers gave us literal miles worth of Silk, with more on the way. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Clerks for Tsunade - Gave her some GED clerks for the hospital. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • NOBURI roads - Creating roads via MARI all over Fire, starting with local cities. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

  • Adoption Plotlines & Other Mentorships
    • Kagome's Students - Honoka and 2 genin are being tutored by Kagome. The genin can make explosive seals. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • SSSSS - Nara and Goketsu each promised to adopt a couple of SSSSS in exchange for their help in Isan. Start date (tbd). Status: Unknown.
    • Akane's Training - Akane has been training with Tsunade for some time now, still meets up with her occasionally for advice. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Mari's Successor - Mari is teaching Haru to be Danzo. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

Plot Threads:
  • Summon Quests
    • Cannai's Poem - Mysterious references to the Sage, very spooky. Start date (tbd). Status: Currently dead-ended. Adventure is out there!
    • Canvass' Quest - She wants to prove herself by finding a Summoning Scroll. Start date (Ch. 492.1 :evil:). Status: Ongoing...
    • Cantilever - Potentially interested in spending more time with Cantelope, Summoning could help with that. Start date (tbd). Status: Unknown.
    • Cannon - Make her some chakra metal teeth or find her ancestors' old ones. Start date (tbd). Status: Not pursued.
    • Canaria - More interested in culture and taleswaps than fighting. Made a one-time contract for Summon Game Night. Start date (tbd). Status: No contract.

  • Summoning Scroll Locations
    • Kangaroo Scroll - Last guy to have it was last seen working for River. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Kraken Scroll - Either in Cloud or in Hidden Depths, depending on if you believe Enma or Kagome more. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Otter Scroll - Somewhere between Fang and Claw. Probably impossibly hard to find, considering how long it's been there. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Bear Scroll - Owned by Mareo, our crazy great-uncle. Start date (tbd). Status: Claimed
    • Squirrel Scroll - Located in Eastern Continent. Jiraiya's old clothes have Squirrel Summoner's blood. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Hare Scroll - Belonged to a Clan that never joined a village, Summoner was located near a coast. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Hornet Scroll - In some mountains, somewhere. We'll need to study history to figure out where the Summoner lived. Start date (tbd) Status: Unclaimed
    • Rat Scroll - On the Crimson State Island, somewhere. Belonged to the Megumin clan. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Capybara Scroll - Originally in Tea, sold in Rice. Unknown buyer. Start date (Ch. 124). Status: Unknown.
    • Raccoon Scroll - According to Mareo, in the same neighborhood as Squirrel Clan. Start date (tbd). Status: Claimed?
    • Skunk Scroll - According to Mareo, in the same neighborhood as Squirrel Clan. Start date (tbd). Status: Claimed?
    • Chicken Scroll - Mareo claims his rival was the Chicken Summoner, Bear Boss insists they don't exist. Start date (tbd). Status: ???
      • Ask Mareo if he meant the Archaeopteryx Clan?

  • Esoteric Lore and Reality Failure
    • Reality Rifts - Kagome seems to believe rifts to the Paths exist in the wilds somewhere. Start date (tbd). Status: Not pursued
    • The Watchers - People who supposedly fuck you up for messing with sealing. Very little we know about them. Start date (tbd, Ch. 117). Status: ???
    • Lupchanz - B̷͍͊ë̴̗́ ̴̲͊ṅ̴̮ö̸͚́t̴̢̓ ̵̲̅ạ̴̚f̴̹̐r̷̩͌a̸̺̍i̶̥͋d̸͇̽ Start date (???). Status: ???
    • The Five - Spooky beings from beyond the veil. Associated with a thinker clan from each major village. Start date (???). Status: ???
    • Hidden Depths - "Holders of the Kraken Scroll" according to Kagome, though no one else has heard of them. Start date (tbd, ch. 68.2). Status: ???
    • Hidden Whirlpool - Possibly erased from existence, either by themselves or...weaponizing the Grue... Start date (tbd). Status: ???
    • Sealmaster Prison/Factories - A thing from Kagome's past that we know little about, except that it's a sealmaster prison and others know of it. Start date (???, ch. 77). Status: ???

  • Threats and Political Plotines
    • AMITY - Temporary world peace? Start date (Ch. 501). Status: Ongoing
    • Hidan - Location still unknown. Start date (tbd). Status: Unknown
    • Hot springs shenanigans - Mist is taking control of Hot Springs, amongst other shenanigans. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Yoshida - Either Kagome needs to go to Isan once the alliance is confirmed or Yoshida will visit him. Start date (tbd). Status: Courting
    • Honami - Brief ally in Hot Springs. Probably dead because of us, but you never know. Start date (tbd, ~ch. 60). Status: ???
    • DRAGONWAR- The eaters are coming the eaters are coming! Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Haru's Charity - Haru donated money to a village. A lot of money. Start date (tbd). Status: Haven't checked on it since then.
    • Necromancy - We're on our way. Start date (tbd). Status: Probably softlocked by Sealing skill.

  • Powerups
    • Iron Nerve Socials - Clan training Hazou never received, but would presumably get a stunt for learning. Start date (never). Status: Currently unavailable.
    • Sage mode - One of Jiraiya's Top Hacks. Start date (n/a). Status: Noburi has started making progress here.
    • 8 Gates - Gai's and Lee's Secret Weapon. Start date (n/a). Status: Unavailable?

  • Misc
    • Seal for Noburi - Free research seal as a birthday gift. I can't remember if we did this or not. Start date (tbd). Status: Hasn't been done, I think.

  • Projects we want to start but haven't started yet:
    • Bunch of sealing BS, there's better infoposts on that
    • Mari Technique Hacking therapy jutsu.
    • Helping Tsunade a shit ton more. Giving her money, chakra, new jutsu, new recruits, new friends
    • Making more money
    • Teaming up with Sand Village puppetmasters to make good prosthetics (for ninja at least since it will probably require chakra manipulation)
    • Sealmasters Guild? Establish safety practices, share advice, make sealing more accessible and safe.
    • Introduce more shinobi to the GED to improve ninja-civilian relations
    • Wiping out all chakra beasts in Fire

Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, do these project descriptions along with people assigned to tasks help? megazaku Hazou Generally reviewing and approving proposals As Clan Head, most proposals running about the Clan as a whole gets kicked up to Hazou. This item is a catch-all for pretty much...
Looks like hygp made a list sort of like this at one point, leaving this here for myself mostly
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Atomu, Reo, and Mai's profiles
How old are our three new adoptees?
Do they have any living relatives they are close to? Romantic relationships?
What's their relationship to the estate genin like?
Do they have anything of important to share regarding their as of yet not yet adopted chūnin colleagues on the estate?
Do they still go on missions? If yes, what's their preference?

Any fire ninjutsu, or literally any ninjutsu including non-combat ones? Because she seems like someone who could benefit from YSJ, but I don't want to push her too hard.
What is Mai's new specialization? Would she be interested in learning genjutsu (ask Mari if she would be interested in teaching it first before suggesting that), given how it roots you in place anyway?
Does Mari have a psych eval for Reo, including motivations and sources of doubt?
How come Atomu never learned MEW from us back when we were hiring MEW users as much as we could?
Do any of the three have ideas they want to share for the good of Uplift, the clan, Leaf, the people on the estate, or even just directly to the personal benefit of any one clan member (as long as it isn't at odds wit any of the former)?
Atomu: 43
His father died during the war, while his mother was discharged due to mental trauma. She now lives a reclusive existence, financially supported by Atomu and his two younger brothers. Atomu's relationship with his brothers isn't hostile, but they try not to see more of each other than necessary. He also has a ten-year-old civilian daughter, Kari. It is very rare for a ninja to adopt a civilian, and he is evasive on the subject.
No current romantic relationship. He acts embarrassed when you ask.
The estate genin are fond of Atomu, as he's responsible and has a friendly, positive attitude. He can have a little bit of a Rock Lee effect on people, however.
Nothing to add about the other chūnin that he doesn't think you know already.
Atomu gives you a weird look when you ask if he goes on missions, almost as if suspecting a test. He tells you that he used to be a scout and primary combatant before he lost his eye, and these days mainly takes guard duty and escort missions.
Atomu's missing fingers mean he couldn't try to learn MEW. He's wondering if, as Jiraiya's heir and a clan head with resources he can't imagine, you can find a way around that. (You can't.)

Reo: 36
Reo has outlived most of his relatives and doesn't talk about them much. You get the impression they died in the line of duty. He has a younger sister who was born without chakra reserves, the shame of the family until it made her the only family he had left.
No current romantic relationship; raising the subject seems to make him uncomfortable.
The estate genin respect Reo as a veteran, sometimes gruff and unapproachable, but reliable and a good source of advice.
Nothing to add about the other chūnin that he doesn't think you know already.
Reo gives you a weird look when you ask if he goes on missions, as if unsure whether you're young and naïve, suffering from clan privilege, or both. He takes guard duty and extermination missions; occasionally, he joins his old comrades for a well-paying combat mission, as they know how to work around his limitations, but not too often because fighting with him is still a risk to their survival.
Mari finds Reo to be a private person who's difficult to read. She's prepared to take a more aggressive approach to learning his mindset, but advises against it as it could cause a lasting rift if he decided you were setting a social spec on him.

Mai: Declines to answer (Mari figures late twenties-early thirties)
Mai has civilian parents, she eventually admits (first-generation clanless are considered the bottom of the barrel), but they live independently and rarely interact.
No current romantic relationship; she gives you a bitter look when you ask, as if to say, "Who do you think would want a burn victim?"
Mai gets some respect from the estate genin as a chūnin who's still fighting despite what's happened to her, but she doesn't have Atomu's charisma or Reo's force of personality to offset the stigma of being a cripple made hideous by her injuries.
Nothing to add about the other chūnin that she doesn't think you know already.
Mai acts hostile when asked whether she goes on missions, as if by asking you're questioning whether she's capable, but then apologises when she realises you mean no offence. She was and is a combat specialist, and prefers offensive missions where she doesn't have to worry about protecting soft targets (though her poor mobility means she has to stick to team missions for safety).
Mai is a ranged weapons specialist now, preferring kunai to shuriken. She's not keen to learn new ninjutsu, but you think the right approach could persuade her. On the other hand, she finds the mental violation involved in genjutsu to be profoundly disturbing.

None of the three have new ideas to offer right now, whether due to general lack of creativity or because they're still getting used to the fact that they're clan and their opinions matter.
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Investigative Report: the Hagoromo Clan
Investigative Report: the Hagoromo Clan

The Hagoromo see themselves as guardians of tradition stretching back to the Sage. Their clan culture emphasises responsibility (they must fulfil their duty, because there's no one else who can do it), diligence (there is a correct way of doing everything, and everyone is counting on them to get it right), scholarship (it's up to them to understand and interpret the past everyone else has forgotten), and purity (they mustn't stray from the path, or who will make sure everyone else follows it?). They are said to lead relatively disciplined, regimented lifestyles, and spend a lot of time studying historical and religious texts. In-depth knowledge of these areas is a marker of seniority.

The older Hagoromo are hardcore conservatives who consider all change to be bad since it takes humanity further away from the golden age of the Sage's time. As far as they're concerned, all humanity is sinful, themselves included, but they are amongst the least sinful because they're at least trying to follow the rules, whereas society at large hardly seems to even care what they are. Younger Hagoromo are divided between the orthodox faithful, those enjoying the moral superiority while only paying lip service to the actual ideals, and those earnestly (and quietly) struggling to reconcile teachings from centuries ago with a reality that no longer quite fits, though it's hard for an outsider to tell which is which.

On the whole, Mari considers them to be somewhere between the Hyūga and the Akimichi. They are judgemental and bigoted, but they are not blood purists, and the average clansman considers a sincere effort to follow the Will of Fire in all things to be a tolerable second best to living according to the letter of the scripture.

However, multiple comments from those with long-term ties to the Hagoromo suggest that the events of the past year have been pushing the Hagoromo towards greater fanaticism.

The Hagoromo used to make an excellent living as scribes, with sidelines in bookbinding, illumination, and papermaking. That crashed with the invention of the printing press, which they believe to have been an act of economic warfare against them from the Nara. Relations have been strained ever since.

They still have the papermaking business, but it's a sideline. You have identified their sources and the location of their papermill.

Their primary business is textiles. They have their own fields from which they source raw materials, and you have located those fields and the farmers that work them. (About 100 acres divided among 3 fields, each one a few hours outside of Leaf.)

They have a standard set of purveyors from whom they buy food etc. You have identified them. There are 30 ninja in the clan post-Collapse and about 200 civilians. You know where their compound is.
Wakahisa Koi
Information Needed for Koi Heist
@eaglejarl and @Velorien, can you give us that information? The relevant information Noburi would have known from living there, our observations from the Exam, and anything Asuma may have offhandedly mentioned and definitely not intentionally to assist with any sort of heist, nothing that wouldn't be known OOC.

The Wakahisa have a large estate on the outer edge of Mist. It's 30-40 acres and includes not one but two hot springs. The koi pond is in the approximate center of the estate and is quite large -- about 50m across and 1.5m deep. It is downstream from one of the larger hot springs, such that the water in the koi pond varies between 'warm bath' and 'chilly'.

Half a dozen parts of the pond are sectioned off with netting to form smaller areas where koi can be isolated from one another for breeding (they are cannibalistic and will eat the eggs/young of other koi) and for introducing newborn koi into the main population gradually. (They often attack unfamiliar fish, but allowing them to interact through the mesh for a time reduces the frequency of attacks.)

Koi will overheat and eventually die in water over 70F. They spawn when the water is in the 65-70F range; three of the sectioned-off areas of the pond are near the inflow from the hot spring; the water there is hot enough that female koi will usually spawn if moved there. Similarly, the downstream end is cool enough that koi in that area won't spawn except during the hottest parts of the year.

Noburi knows that the caretakers try not to have an individual koi to spawn too often. He does not know the gestation time, age to adulthood, or how often it is safe for them to spawn.

The bed of the pond is rich in marshweed, a calorie-dense food that is edible by most herbivores and omnivores, including koi. (Humans can eat the stuff and live on it with only moderate supplementation, but it tastes vile.) There isn't enough there to support the number of koi curreently in the pond and the quantity of food required increases based on the number of fish. Fortunately, the koi are omnivores and not fussy. The Wakahisa buy massive quantities of koi food, although Noburi doesn't know exactly what. He does know that it's important to spread the feeding sites out so that the koi don't get impatient and attack one another, or hog all the food such that some koi don't get any.

  • A school of koi is defined as 1 or more koi each of which is within about 10m of the school's centroid. Each koi in a school…
    • ...has a max of N CP, where N is the number of koi in the school
    • ...requires about M kg of food per day, where M is the maximum number of CP that koi had that day. This is intended only as a guideline; the QMs aren't going to track it precisely.
  • The koi have a raiton attack (which may or may not be the same as an electricity attack). It is AOE spherical and targets Physique. Fish in larger schools have stronger attacks. Koi are immune to this attack.
  • Koi will usually issue a warning zap whenever a non-koi approaches, although they generally don't put much oomph into it unless they are hungry, angry, or frightened.
  • They take 8-10 hours to fully regenerate their chakra.
  • Moving into a school raises their maximum CP, not their current CP.
  • When koi move apart after spending chakra or being drained of it, they can end up dead. It's unclear the exact mechanism, but presumably it has something to do with their maximum CP dropping (and therefore their current CP dropping) while the effect of the spend/drain is still applied and they end up drained below 0 CP.
    • Yes, they are dumb enough to kill themselves like that
  • Koi will happily eat themselves to death, so feedings must be spaced out over the course of the day in order to give them time to digest.
  • As a very rough rule of thumb, a koi pond should be 5,000 liters (1,250 gallons) per fish. There's 1,000 L per cubic meter. Depth doesn't help much as they generally stay at the surface and rarely dive more than a meter. (These are for chakra koi in MfD; don't use this as real-life data.)
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Dragon Descriptions
Did the Arachnid observers get rough descriptions of all 5 Dragons left? Rough sizes and appearances? So we can tell if the Dragons we're observing are the same from time to time

All reports of the Dragons are vague, contradictory, and often sound like insane ravings to anyone but a sealmaster. It does not help that they are mostly from insectoid species who have different senses and patterns of thought to each other and to humans. The following are Hazō's best attempts at interpretation.

The most ordinary-looking Dragon is a reptilian creature with two to thirteen legs, one to seven wings, and zero to ten heads with one to uncountable eyes. It is of a colour, monochrome, with scales of a tesselating geometric pattern. Not only do no two observers agree on its appearance, but the same observer will give different reports on different days, and insist that the previous ones were mistaken. The Dragon's eyes, however, are always iridescent, and however many there were of them, they were always looking only at the survivor giving the report.

Another Dragon is a viscous, crimson, amorphous mass. It does not fly; it propagates. Its size is not consistent, and it is never quite clear how far away one is from it. Those who misjudge the distance are pulled in by pseudopods that lash out with incredible speed, and very slowly absorbed into the Dragon as they struggle. It has an acrid scent which can be smelled from further than should be possible, and emits a pleasant low sound as it moves, like the vibration of a quieting gong.

Another Dragon is made of reflections. Only a creature with multifaceted eyes can get a sense of where it begins and ends, and it is only clearly visible when flying low enough to reflect the ground or high enough to reflect the clouds, in complicated broken shapes. Its breath is not fire; it is a ripple in the air that disassembles.

Another Dragon is beautiful. Air caught in its feathered wings becomes a song, even to species who until that moment did not understand the concept of song, and did not have words for it. When asked about its appearance, they can only say that it was beautiful. No survivor sent to scout this Dragon a second time ever returns.

The final Dragon's form is unknown. Anyone looking directly is plunged into sudden night-time, and therefore can't see it from a safe distance. The world continues to be at night for a few seconds after looking away. Anyone approaching to an unsafe distance is destroyed with a crackling sound like wickework being bent as they pass some unseen boundary.
Isan Recap
Mari has decided that, since matters are getting serious, she should make sure Hazō gets a proper bird's eye view of the situation before making the next move. Here's what she has for you:

The High Priest is planning to decide which EN village to make an alliance with. His realistic options are Mist, Cloud, and Leaf (Rock is too far, and Sand is too weak). He has expressed scepticism of Leaf because of its losses at Nagi and the Great Collapse. Yuno believed that his announcement would come somewhere near the end of the Holy Month (a time to reflect on the village's past), which has just ended.

The team are currently guests at the Kannagi estate.

Your assets

• The Takahashi, the ninjutsu specialist clan, hate the High Priest and want a Leaf alliance. They are firmly committed to your cause. Clan head Takahashi Saburō is Keiko's former summoning instructor and someone she feels loyal to. Dissidents within other clans also consider Takahashi to be a rallying point.
• The Yoshida, the sealing specialist clan, want a Leaf alliance, and will provide support when a suitable opening presents itself, but will not stick their neck out for you if it looks like you're going to lose. Clan head Yoshida Tsukiko has secretly submitted a rather one-sided alliance proposal, which Keiko intends to accept after some "fine-tuning" with the aid of the Nara.
• Among the otherwise hostile Inoue, there is a new minority faction that supports Keiko based on her perceived heroics during the failed hunt. Their views on a Leaf alliance are unknown.
• A number of Isan's outcast ninja hate the High Priest and are firmly committed to your cause.
• The craftsmen and merchants of Isan are favourably inclined towards a Leaf alliance. However, as civilians, their direct influence is limited (although Isan's civilians have much higher relative status than EN ones).

The High Priest's assets

• The Azai, the tapir specialist clan, are behind the High Priest, as he is the clan head's cousin.
• The Inoue, the loremaster clan, are behind the High Priest for religious reasons, with the exception of the minority faction mentioned above.
• The Aida, the former scroll guardian clan, are behind the High Priest as he is offering them a new purpose.
• The High Priest is publicly recognised as Isan's leader because Ui directly gives him guidance. As such, key village institutions such as its police report to the High Priest.

Other agents

• Arikada Hibiki, the biosealer from the Sacred Spiritual Seekers of the Scaly Sage, is nominally an ally of the High Priest, and implicitly one of his sources of information about the outside world. However, he also reveres Orochimaru, and Snowflake has told him that Orochimaru is now in Leaf and that her sister has a close relationship with him. Further discussion was interrupted by a quisling tyrant.
• The Kannagi, the weaponmaster specialist clan, fear the High Priest because Yuno's betrayal left them in a vulnerable position, and he could destroy them by turning public opinion against him. They would gladly be rid of him for this reason, but can't afford to take risks unless victory is certain. Yuno is a Kannagi by adoption, so her marriage provides them with ties to Leaf. Additionally, clan head Kannagi Yoshirō blames Keiko for failing to prevent his son's death in the hunt.
• The Gasai, the taijutsu specialist clan, are low on the totem pole of the High Priest's regime because he doesn't think their martial arts are a significant asset in dealing with the outside world (unlike, say, seals and ninjutsu). They may not be as loyal to him as others, although you have not confirmed their views.
• The Murasaki, the healer clan which does not have medical ninjutsu, do not have outspoken political views. Noburi proved his basic medical competence to clan heir Yabu, but went on to insult her by not letting her insult Yuno.
• There also exist lesser clans, which vary in their views.

Public Opinion

• The High Priest has been, indirectly and deniably, undermining Keiko's reputation by emphasising her lack of interest in and respect for Isanese culture and religion. After the disastrous hunt, he is also calling her capacity for leadership into question. More broadly, by shifting the emphasis in Isanese religion from Akio to Ui, he is attempting to portray the Pangolin Summoner as irrelevant to Isan's own future.
• Keiko has been using the hunts to demonstrate her commitment to Isan's welfare at her own risk, as well as her ability as a warrior. Being seen going into battle with pangolins at her side has also strengthened her association with Ui. The team as a whole have also been attempting to create an impression of Leaf's wealth and cultural advancement. They are at an advantage because they are the only EN village representatives to be able to promote their village directly right now, although they are also suspicious foreigners with a blatant agenda.
• Yuno continues to be seen as the cursed child, impeding her own abilities to promote Keiko and the Leaf alliance. Her presence in Keiko's retinue reflects badly on her, but it's a small consideration on the scale of everything else that's going on.
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Skyslider specs + Rat/Leopard scroll info
Skysliders are actually working now? Damn, that's awesome! I mean, these aren't ready for any real use yet but PROGRESS!

Skysliders have the following characteristics:

  • The pilot lies down in a wooden tube that has levers up front and pedals at the back.
  • Numbers:
    • 8:1 glide ratio (about half of what a modern hang glider has), meaning that if you launch from a mile in the air then you can go eight miles before landing. Obviously, you can extend this distance by gaining altitude from a thermal, or by ridge running.
    • 40' wide by 15' long.
    • Weighs about 90 pounds, mostly from the wooden tube that the pilot lies down in.
    • Max speed under optimal conditions of 25-30 mph -- slightly faster than a running ninja. Speed under normal conditions is about 15-20 mph. Going slower than 10-15mph will offend the sky spirits which leads to, as Michiki puts it, rapid terrain approach, lithobraking, and a resulting major enlargement of the airframe's no-launch window.
  • It is possible, although dangerous, to use jutsu while flying as long as weather conditions are calm. You need to place your forearms on the steering levers in order to free your hands to make handseals. This is contraindicated by the design team, although they are a bunch of civilians so they aren't going to tell a ninja that it's incredibly dangerous and stupid. Regardless, using jutsu while flying is like driving with your knee while you use both hands to light a cigarette -- you can do it, but you shouldn't and you definitely shouldn't do it often or when you're under stress.
  • Their performance characteristics (speed, stability, etc) vary somewhat from day to day depending on how grumpy the sky spirits are feeling. [NB: This actually means atmospheric conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, etc.]
  • They handle bad weather poorly. If it starts to rain or a major windstorm comes up, you want to get on the ground quickly or else the sky spirits are likely to become offended.
  • They turn like a barge and if you try to turn too fast you will definitely offend the sky spirits.
  • Occasionally the sky spirits get offended for no particular reason.
What about our other estate ninja, did they not have any missions?

They did not. They are all cripples of one kind or another who don't get sent on missions unless there's no other choice.

They do still sign up on missions at the mission desk of their own accord, but that's less often.

Canvass - BloodhoundTracker117
Cantelope - MalamuteCombat162
Cangue - Afghan HoundCombat137
Canaut - St BernardCombat153
Canabisu - TerrierDiplomat147

The above are now canon and on Hazō's sheet.

Please correct me if these [estimates regarding how much time Akane had for training] are wrong.

They seem good to us.

@eaglejarl , Any news on the Hornet, Hare, Rat and Leopards? Scrolls or otherwise.

The Rats and Leopards were in fact at the Conclave despite my earlier error. Noburi and Kei spent some time talking to them. You learned the following:

  • The Rat Scroll was last held by a ninja of the Crimson Sunrise clan. No one has heard from him in a hundred years and the Scroll is presumed lost. The Rats did not recognize any of the names (Wind Country, Rock, Cloud, Land of Fire, etc) that Noburi and Kei tried on them, so presumably the summoner was from somewhere well off the beaten track. Also, notice that they haven't checked in since before the Village System came into existence.
  • The Leopard Scroll is currently in active use, although the Leopards are being cagey about the name of their Summoner or his/her location.

Also, is there any other concern from your QM-discussion [about the underground bunker/training facility] that you feel I did not adequately address? I feel like everything you mentioned could be worked around one way or another, but you mentioned the task being physically impossible so checking seems prudent.
We are not convinced that this is possible to build with the resources and knowledge available to you, and even less convinced that it's possible to maintain OPSEC while doing so.
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Bear Summoner and other things
Recent questions:

@eaglejarl @Velorien What do we know regarding the Bear Scroll,btw?
Canso has determined that the Bears currently have a summoner named Hagino Mareo. He's in his 80s and he hasn't summoned anyone to the Human Path in decades as far as Canso can determine. Mareo comes to the Seventh Path to get drunk and hang out, but his only surviving contracts are with a particular sleuth at the north end of Bear County and he doesn't travel much so most of the citizens of Bear don't even know that he exists. He was originally from the Land of Honey but he went missing 50+ years ago.

Canso was very surprised to hear all this since when she originally spoke to the Bear Lord and asked if he would like a summoner, Kumafuwafuwa said 'Yeah, that would be cool. I'll check on where it [the Scroll] last was and get back to you', implying that there wasn't a summoner at the moment and the Scroll was lost. Turns out that he was covering for Mareo but he did in fact mention the conversation to the old man, who responded "Hah! Go tell the little pipsqueak that the Scroll is mine and I'm not giving it up! Be sure to be plenty rude about it too -- it's not like they could find me way out here!"

Kumafuwafuwa relayed this message but was not in fact rude about it.

@eaglejarl @Velorien
Aside from Tsunade mentioning to not be interesting to Oro. Did Hazou ever receive any of [the information about Orochimaru that he told the family to gather back in ch298]? Especially considering Hazou angering Naruto into leaving, and the Collapse happened shortly afterwards. If not, would a Fate Point in the action plan be enough for Hazou to have reminded Team Uplift to do it and receive the info?
People did in fact ask around but the information was mostly useless. Tsunade wasn't willing to talk. Kabuto yammered on about how brilliant 'Sensei' is and how far he has advanced the state of medical knowledge and how his great thirst for knowledge renders him an aspirational figure and blah blah blah, but nothing actionable. Anko studied with him briefly before he went missing and reports that he's a complete freak -- brilliant, but lacking in all the normal passions that make people predictable. Spends all his time on his research instead of normal things like sex, friends, or drinking. Often rude but less because he's trying to be and more because he's impatient and has a staggering degree of social blindness.

Can we assume that Gaku and Keiko are diligently managing our finances and that we don't need to personally involve ourselves in efficiently extricating the clan from the high-interest loans we took?
Yes, you do not need to involve yourself.

Since we keep giving out scrolls like candy, should we go ahead and start summoner training early for a few Jonins (or at least start Kagome on it)? If training can't start until you actually get the scroll, then nvm.
Summoner training can start whenever, no scroll needed. You do need a teacher, who is typically another summoner. Asuma was appalled when he heard that Kei had been taught by a non-summoner who was simply repeating book learning.

The problem with summoner training is that it's a full-time job for three months and it needs to be one-on-one (or possibly very small groups). It's not practical to be running missions or spending lots of time working on combat jutsu while you're doing it, much less being deployed to the front in a world war. As a result, people typically don't do summoner training unless they actually have a Scroll in hand.

Given how few Scrolls exist, the training is very unlikely to be of use to any particular individual, making it even less appealing.

I'd definitely approve with having Kagome learn Summoning right now, though! ^.^
Note that Kagome started the training and then stopped because (a) you dumped a bunch of research on him that seemed higher priority and (b) Asuma was busy and there didn't seem to be a pressing need so he was fine to take a break. This false start will cut a few days off the normal 12-15 week training time.
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