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Not A Nurse, but we know this is solvable/mitigable from real-world coma patients. even just turning them regularly would do a ton to help.
And we don't have to haul them across the world or keep them alive forever. spend 1-2 days taking a Jashinist temple, then camp there for a month or so, then kill them and relocate to a new location with ninja to get more chakra and our next combat stagnation. that kinda action is risky though, and we couldn't repeat it to many times.

But I'm actually really liking the Pirate/Boat idea. it seems like a great way to dodge attention and keep moving, while transporting a score of coma-patients.
The care ratio is something like 1 patient per 3 nurses, of round-the-clock care. You're talking about having Noburi do it all by himself for 5-10 patients. It would be a struggle to even keep them all fed. Let alone properly turned etc.

I expect we might be able to keep them hydrated and that's about it. They'd die in a few weeks from starvation.
The care ratio is something like 1 patient per 3 nurses, of round-the-clock care. You're talking about having Noburi do it all by himself for 5-10 patients. It would be a struggle to even keep them all fed. Let alone properly turned etc.

I expect we might be able to keep them hydrated and that's about it. They'd die in a few weeks from starvation.
Noburi has jonin-level mednin and the Vampiric Dew. Gotta be worth something.
The care ratio is something like 1 patient per 3 nurses, of round-the-clock care. You're talking about having Noburi do it all by himself for 5-10 patients. It would be a struggle to even keep them all fed. Let alone properly turned etc.

I expect we might be able to keep them hydrated and that's about it. They'd die in a few weeks from starvation.
I think it's fine if they die in a few weeks. We're not keeping them around long term, just have the ladies get more cultists in a month or two. Honestly probably only have to do this 1-3 times before we're out of time for d-day.
Omake: The Chase is On

Omake: The Chase is On​

Suzuki Saya stood in the middle of a small island, pop-marked throughout by man-deep craters –the unnatural regularity of spacing, and the perfectly circular rim of the impact craters, made Saya think that it was a ninjutsu effect, rather than some sealing failure or evidence of chakra beast activity.

Perhaps some variation of the Water Dragon Bullet? She made a mental note of it, since her target had been known to be learning Technique Hacking, and it wouldn't be too difficult to find some backwoods hack, willing to trade some lessons in return for some of Leaf's wealth. It had also been long enough that perhaps one of her target's teammates was beginning to learn Water Element –her target's file indicated a history of personal disinterest in combat ninjutsu.

What was more likely, though, was that the Akatsuki had been here, first, and had been displeased with their findings. Or had torn up the ground in a carelessly destructive way to dig up any hidden evidence. Saya had found similar tableaus of destruction, over in Tea, after all. Her professional pride made her want to sneer at the overwhelming waste of chakra. All muscle, no finesse.

Now it was her turn.

"Lightning Element: Cat Eyes," She intoned. Lightning element chakra, tightly controlled, flared within her eyes. As always, it burned enough to make tears fall down her cheeks. But, like the best ninjutsu, it did its job well, and had been long-since refined to the point where any side effects would be delayed beyond her life expectancy.

Saya spent the next week searching through the island, recasting her signature lightning ninjutsu whenever time and chakra allowed. Though the craters went as deep as a twice the height of a fully grown man, Saya used Tunnel Excavation, Hiding Like a Mole, and Living Roots –the "Hunter Nin Package" as her sensei had affectionately called them –to search thrice deeper than even that, often walking through the tunnels a second time with Cat Eyes activated, to better catch sight of things she might've missed the first time.

In conclusion? There was definite evidence that her target, Gōketsu Hazō, had been here. Small, almost nonexistent, shreds of paper –the fine quality of sealing paper was such that, although the pulp was compact enough not to overly smudge, it also didn't decay quickly… and on an island with minimal chakra beasts? The fragments lingered, even if they had been buried deep underground by an unknown earth ninjutsu.

Despite herself, Saya felt the distant stirrings of respect for her target. He was smart, and had made solid attempts to hide his party's presence. This also confirmed a warning ("unconfirmed, medium confidence") in her target's file.

Courtesy of Lady Hyuuga and Lord Aburame, her target was suspected to have an unusually high degree of skill with a fine-detailed Earth Element ninjutsu. Now that this was confirmed, Saya reevaluated her target's threat rating –though further details about the ninjutsu were unknown, Saya suspected that it would be a safe assumption that the Mad Lord had weaponized it in some way.

She also found micro-fragments of telltale Gōketsu-red Granite. Her target was well-known for his reliance on the Multiple-Earth Wall ninjutsu for base construction, though his proficiency at hiding the aftermath was new. Still, amongst the dun, sandy earth of the island, red granite fragments stood out like a sore thumb –even deep underground.

Had the granite been broken by fists, ninjutsu, or explosives? Though Saya was leaning towards "explosives," considering who her target was, she honestly couldn't tell –the sandy earth had rubbed away whatever soot there might've been, and the fragments were too spread out for her to compare locations for shape and size.

Curiously, Saya didn't find the industry standard tells: piss and shit. Most of her targets leave behind a latrine, or a waste-bucket. The smart ones even bury it. Her current target, though, didn't leave that behind. And as deep into the ground as Saya had searched, her target couldn't have buried it.

He must be sealing up the refuse in a storage seal. Which was effective, but it was also resource-intensive in terms of sealing resources and scribing time.

Saya made a note to update her target's file, and to recommend looking into nearby trading towns. If they were lucky, then perhaps her target had sent one of his teammates on a shopping run for more paper –and an unknown person, buying up a mountain of seal-quality paper, would stand out in a civilian's memory.

Saya crawled out of her tunnel, looking up at the golden sunset's reflection on the ocean. She would rest, tonight, and then head back home in the morning.

Saya allowed herself a sigh of relief. Despite all the setbacks, despite all the dead ends in Tea and Iron, her mission wasn't a failure. She could finally, finally, report back to Lord Eighth with some good news.

Saya looked forward to seeing the Hokage's face when she told him.

Good news had been in short supply for the past… long while.

The island was described as "small," but there were also descriptions of grass and dragonflies, so it can't be a small little sandbar. So let's set the default time ladder for examining the island at "one day."

Saya sees that the Akatsuki didn't find anything, so while she sneers at their muscle-headed attempt to use ninjutsu to cover for good old-fashioned skill, she also knows that S-rankers are S-rankers for a reason. So even as she sneers, Saya's still going to time ladder down to "an entire week" to try and maximize her chances at finding any evidence of habitation.

She's also going to spend 2 FP on Invokes. Which isn't a huge amount of FP, but Saya hasn't found anything at any of the other sites, and she also needs to keep some FP in reserve so that she can safely make the trip back to Leaf, should she find anything.

Now onto declaring a TN.

Team Missing Nin has two paranoid sealmasters (one of whom appears to have experience in a wide variety of things), a long list of paranoid missing nin practices that have been refined over the years, various applicable ninjutsu that can be leveraged in creative ways, and, of course, the Almighty Lists.

So we're going to set the TN to 90, and the degree of success will influence the findings.

We're also going to reduce the bonus granted from Cat Eyes. Its duration is combat-applicable, so although it's not going to be activated during the whole search, Saya can still dig tunnels, and then walk through them a second time with it cast. Doing that enough times over the course of a week means, I think, that Cat Eyes should still have a limited bonus.

Further, although Tunnel Excavation, Hiding Like a Mole, and Living Roots aren't going to provide a mechanical bonus, they will make it so that certain evidence becomes narratively discoverable --rather than being narratively impossible to find.

Examination: ?? + ?? (time ladder) + ?? (Cat Eyes) + ?? (Invoke "Professionals Have Standards") + ?? ("Intelligence and Wit over Chakra and Brawn") +/- ?? (dice) = ??

Well, a win is a win, I suppose.
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Noburi can safely knock someone out for 24hours via chakra drain. Just drain them every 12 hours and we're good.
I want to be clear that you're proposing we ask Noburi - who has a lot of personal feelings about being a chakra battery - to turn other people into chakra batteries pretty immediately after he said that he's ultimately too big-hearted to pursue either the Tsunade or Orochimaru paths because he cares about people too much?

He can safely knock someone out for 24 hours. We have no reason to believe this means that he can keep someone in a coma indefinitely.

We dealt with this when we were trying to figure out what to do with our captives in Squirrel. There is no safe way to keep a ninja around unless you are willing to start chopping off limbs, and we're not.

If we seriously care about chakra availability we should fess up to Ma and Pa and get them to teach Noburi Sage Mode. From there, we produce a rune which converts nature to useable chakra: Noburi can describe the manipulations and we can replicate them, and he can dump the chakra into water. Depending on how Sage Mode actually works, we might not even need the Rune - if Noburi can pull chakra out of the air he can just feed it to us.
Caveat - a reminder that we'd prefer not to deploy Superchillers, if we can, and also that if Kei discovers that we're researching them and didn't tell her she will blow up at us. This is not to say that we shouldn't do it, but we should probably at least get Remote Explosion done first to see how effective it is.
We are running out of time. It may be time to take the first steps on that path. Whatever they may be.
Okay I retract my support for capturing cultist once I realized how much time we've wasted in this cave of absolutely mid rewards. Adventuring is just fundamentally the objectively wrong decision. Just gotta lighthouse if we want to get anywhere
We dealt with this when we were trying to figure out what to do with our captives in Squirrel. There is no safe way to keep a ninja around unless you are willing to start chopping off limbs, and we're not.
I think most of the people suggesting this are more or less fine with letting them die. After some optional torture.

I know that I for one, don't object on moral grounds, I simply think it's impractical and not a good ROI for our time.
I think most of the people suggesting this are more or less fine with letting them die. After some optional torture.

I know that I for one, don't object on moral grounds, I simply think it's impractical and not a good ROI for our time.
Even if we decide that it's okay to let them die, how long would they actually last? Presumably we'd want to keep them going for at least a few weeks, but it's not obvious to me that 'we're planning on killing you in a month anyway' meaningfully reduces the risk profile.

I don't per se object on moral grounds. I think that Noburi extracting the chakra system from a captive and keeping it alive in a barrel would be...fine. Maybe not very useful, but fine. My practical objection is that Tenten would probably balk, Kei would get depressed, Mari wouldn't be able to look at the thing, Kagome would freak, and Noburi would simply refuse.

Let's not give orders we know won't be obeyed, or which will at best be met with grudging acceptance while eroding our ability to command.

Regardless if we want to access more chakra I think we should just trust Ma and Pa. They aren't going to pass messages once we explain and Sage Mode could be the buff we need, or at least a piece of the puzzle.
Regardless if we want to access more chakra I think we should just trust Ma and Pa. They aren't going to pass messages once we explain and Sage Mode could be the buff we need, or at least a piece of the puzzle.
They did not care when we tried explaining previously and they're extraordinarily pissed at Noburi regardless of his reasoning

There's only one cure for essie brain and that's also being an essie and beating some sense into them - unfortunately not an option at the moment
Noburi did say that they'd be chill if we gave them a shiny... Maybe a TR rune? Slap one in a cave, and the Toad Sages can let their favored students train under its AOE?
This requires infusing a rune on the Seventh Path. Or do you mean we are the favored students? Seems pretty self-serving
In the words of Ami: "Have multiple ends for doing one thing" :V

But yeah, we'd need to infuse a rune (or even multiple runes) to help the Great Seal, anyway. So this could serve as a test case in observing the effects.

And even if they use it for only Toads, banning humans from using it, it would be worth it to buy back Noburi's training.
Hazou-pilot is an experienced Summoner and an experienced sealmaster. He should be able to accurately gauge the threat, imo.
Neither of those have historically been sufficient for him to gauge jack or shit when it comes to how exactly seals fundamentally work or what the fundamental makeup of the Seventh Path is. We pretty much only have the lore from Ma & Pa plus their spleen towards Jiraiya daring to infuse some seals on the Seventh Path that one time.
I have no idea why we'd work on superchillers. We have plenty of options that aren't that.
I'm happy to throw a prep day at Kamikaze because apparently when Hazou talked big about Superchillers he neglected to mention that if he actually made that rune it would destroy itself in the hypertornado and grace this planet with a runic failure. The potential to quickly research an EM rune is something we ought to have in our back pocket in case the deadline approaches and our other ideas haven't worked out, so I'm okay with checking "EM Rune but it actually works thx" without any intention to start working on it.

That said, yes, no intention to actually work on it. Even if the prep day shows it's a tough project and not the light work that Superchillers would be, that just means we still keep the idea in our back pocket but pull the trigger slightly sooner so we still have enough time to make it in worlds where we fail to develop enough non-EM firepower. We are not at that point, so I do not want to actually research an EM rune now. Ideally we'll never have to.
I'm happy to throw a prep day at Kamikaze because apparently when Hazou talked big about Superchillers he neglected to mention that if he actually made that rune it would destroy itself in the hypertornado and grace this planet with a runic failure. The potential to quickly research an EM rune is something we ought to have in our back pocket in case the deadline approaches and our other ideas haven't worked out, so I'm okay with checking "EM Rune but it actually works thx" without any intention to start working on it.

That said, yes, no intention to actually work on it. Even if the prep day shows it's a tough project and not the light work that Superchillers would be, that just means we still keep the idea in our back pocket but pull the trigger slightly sooner so we still have enough time to make it in worlds where we fail to develop enough non-EM firepower. We are not at that point, so I do not want to actually research an EM rune now. Ideally we'll never have to.
I'm a bit confused, since Hazou has made explosive runes which function in the same manner as Superchillers (they create a big boom in an area, destroying the rune). Is there a reason we were not concerned about explosive runes causing a runic failure that is inherent to its design, and that this design cannot be trivially transferred over to the Superchiller?
I'm a bit confused, since Hazou has made explosive runes which function in the same manner as Superchillers (they create a big boom in an area, destroying the rune). Is there a reason we were not concerned about explosive runes causing a runic failure that is inherent to its design, and that this design cannot be trivially transferred over to the Superchiller?
From my understanding the triggering of a seal/rune explosive spends all of its effect in an instant. The medium is rendered inert and then destroyed from the incoming explosion.

A superchiller must be continually active for the winter storm to remain during which time it might be destroyed by said storm and then fail. That is, unless it behaves more like the original jutsu and the chilling continues even if the original source goes away. But seals/runes inherently behave differently from jutsus.
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I'm a bit confused, since Hazou has made explosive runes which function in the same manner as Superchillers (they create a big boom in an area, destroying the rune). Is there a reason we were not concerned about explosive runes causing a runic failure that is inherent to its design, and that this design cannot be trivially transferred over to the Superchiller?
Apparently Hazou naturally builds runes to survive their ordinary operation, so an explosive rune will be hardened against its own explosion. It's just, apparently the "ordinary operation" of Superchillers is just to cool air, and the hypertornado is just an incidental side-effect, so Hazou won't build it to survive the hypertornado/fail safely from hypertornado damage unless specifically prompted.

It might not be all that difficult, but it is apparently something we have to specify, and do a new prep day on.
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I'm a bit confused, since Hazou has made explosive runes which function in the same manner as Superchillers (they create a big boom in an area, destroying the rune). Is there a reason we were not concerned about explosive runes causing a runic failure that is inherent to its design, and that this design cannot be trivially transferred over to the Superchiller?
QM posts on Discord indicate that the Superchiller destroying itself is not considered inherent to its design. Making things cold is inherent to its design. Making things cold in a specific, common way is highly destructive but not inherent to the Superchiller.
The care ratio is something like 1 patient per 3 nurses, of round-the-clock care. You're talking about having Noburi do it all by himself for 5-10 patients. It would be a struggle to even keep them all fed. Let alone properly turned etc.

I expect we might be able to keep them hydrated and that's about it. They'd die in a few weeks from starvation.
Unlike actual coma patients we have the option of letting them wake up inside a 5SB'd MEW box to feed, exercise, and relieve themselves, then draining them unconscious again by poking Water Whip or a misterator through a prearranged hole in the wall as soon as they start to try anything unexpected.

To be clear, I don't think it's a particularly good idea overall, just more feasible than you're making it sound.
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