Omake: Cultivation Planning Session
Cultivation Planning Session

It was widely understood around the leaf village that the Goketsu clan were weirdos. Not like, creepy weirdos or anything, that wouldn't be allowed on this platform. No, if you were to ask the average ninja on the on-goings of the clan and their specific objectives, the answers you'd get would range from a shrug or a weird luck, all the way down to a diatribe about how they've seen the supposed clan lord painted in green trying to 'train his sneakiness' by camouflaging on a wall on plain sight. In the middle of the day. The wall wasn't even green for the love of god Hazou would yo-

I digress.

So yeah, the Goketsu and their leader were kinda weird. This time though, things were getting out of control.

Inside the most insidy part of the Goketsu grounds, hidden from the world by several different barriers of seals and other transdimensionally aligned stuff, the highest echelons of the Goketsu Clan came together to hold a meeting. Everyone from the so-called Team Uplift, minus the weirdo-number-one and professional arms-manufacturer. The room was as bare as could be, just a sterile space with white walls, some candles on the walls for a proper atmosphere and a set of chairs with a table.

"And so we give opening to Meeting #4 Category B Rating:F3"1 of Team Uplift." Intoned Keiko from her chair, with all the magnitude and severity in her voice as she was able to direct.

Everyone looked at her for a moment, before Noburi raised his hand. "So…" he started, looking around the room a little. "Why exactly are we meeting? I thought we had already had our sub-sub-sub meeting yesterday about the way we're screwing the Hagoromo? And also, where is Hazou? Is he coming later?"

Mari shrugged. "I'm sure there is an absolutely valid reason for Hazou to not be here. And well, since when have we ever not gotten in an extra meeting on a good day? Perish the thought we actually do something interesting,"

Kei coughed on her hand. "This meeting is actually about Hazou."

"Yeah, what about him? Does he need help or anything?" Noburi asked. "You can help him with all this planning stuff, I'm not really that good at it."

"It's not that!" Kei grumbled, before sighing. "We have to make an intervention, something is wrong with Hazou lately."

"Kei dear, I'm sorry for saying this, but when isn't there something wrong with Hazou?" Mari said clearly amused.

"Please, don't tell me you haven't seen it." Kei asked imploringly.

From the other side of the table, Kagome tapped the table with his finger. "So you finally see it, huh?"

"Uhm.." Noburi mumbled slightly. "See what, exactly?"

"The ever changing moods? The ideas that come from nowhere? How he bounces from place to place as if there was something injecting thoughts into his brain?!" Kagome asked, increasing the level of his voice by the second.

Mari just sighed. "Yes, yes, we all know Hazou. I myself have learned how to deal with his…peculiarities, since this whole thing started."

"I find myself somewhat troubled to be saying this, Mari, but haven't you seen it getting worse lately?" Kei said while looking down at the table. "Just last week he was mumbling to himself all day until he went to sleep, something about 'armageddon initiative' and 'narrative tropes'. Shortly afterwards he disappeared for two hours just to come back with a twelve thousand, nine hundred and seventy three pages manifesto on strength maximizing and why increasing combat 'stats' is useless."

"That's just Hazou thought." Noburi argued. "I'm still not seeing your point."

"Noburi, yesterday he was laughing himself hoarse after seeing a green jumpsuit. He then went to a store and screamed about whales and eagles." Kei then executed sigh #23-b, also known as 'im-so-done-with-this-bullshit'. "Kagome, please help me here."

"I'm surprised it took you this long, honestly." The sealmaster said simply. "I thought that you would get it when he got into a fight with a ninja from lightning country some months ago over a shiny rock, saying it could create a 'gun of rail'."

Mari looked at him weird. "There is no lightning country in the elemental nations, Kagome."

Kagome shrugged. "Oh there was, it just disappeared one day after someone made a thousand dollar donation to the writer's paypal." Kagome looked around, and grumbled to himself seeing everyone's eyes glaze over. "Fucking stinkers."

"What?" Noburi was clearly confused at this non-sequitur.

"What I meant to say was," Kagome just continued, disappointed at seeing that they were still held by the matrix of narrative conventions. "He has started doing this kind of stuff since the rift got stolen by Orochimaru and we came back."

"The question is why, though?" Mari said, deciding to just follow along. "He has been relatively normal when speaking with me."

"Oh, he somehow becomes twenty percent more talented when doing interesting stuff on fixed two day periods, don't ask me how." Kagome shrugged. "I saw him once practicing, and after he finished harassing an anbu ninja his sealing had an immediate marked improvement."

"This sounds a little outlandish, you know that right?" Noburi was just weirded out at this point. "What, does he get rewards when he…entertains…the au-" Noburi suddenly blanched, his mind screeching at the thought.

Everything stopped.

He tried to continue speaking, but his mouth wouldn't answer.

He tried to protect himself, but his body wouldn't move.

He tried to think of a solution, but his mind wouldn't think.

What was he thinking anyway? Who was he? Why was he here? Oh, that was such a funny wall. A thin funny wall, red, purple, bluegreenyellowgold. Those eyes looked weird. Why was that whale looking at him? It was kinda big. Soooooo cute. The tentacles on the 'whale' were so funny! Hey, don't touch me, that's rood! Wait why does it have eyes? Oh it makes sense. Wait does it make sense? It makes no sense. NoooooOo waititsuredoes. W4it 5very!hing is fine! EEE5Everyth!84ueg fine. Oh look, more eyes! So pretty! OH they're approaching! Hey don't touch my face! Why do you wanna touch my brain? Oh yeah it's alright just go ahead. Where was eye? Oh right.

"-and by that focusing your efforts on the Water Flying Salamander Technique I think you can maximize your Qi usage to get the best out of your affinity while we get better cultivation materials for your next session of meditation." Hazou reasoned from his position on the podium of the Inner Sect's meeting room.

"Huh?" Noburi mumbled into himself, after having lost himself for a moment thinking about something else. Eagle northern tribal leader, what the hell was that?.

"Oh you're back." Kagome said, while vaguely scribbling cultivation notes on his notebook. "You normally take a bit longer to come back after touching that."

Noburi didn't even want to deal with that statement. "Don't you feel that things are getting weird lately?"

Kagome sighed. "The writers sold out and started posting on Royalroad. Sadly the readers over there prefer either cultivation or litrpg, and one fitted this quest better than the other."

Seeing Noburi's eyes get immediately glazed over, Kagome just sighed. "No, everything's fine. Just focus on the session and try to get help visualizing your meridians."

Noburi nodded and looked back at Hazou. Everything was fine.
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Murderers and Malicous Miscommunications
.......that unknown ritual is scary, and I'd much rather try Uplift's strategy, but I'm not sure why the playerbase seems so sure whe have the moral high ground over Nagato. Or that Nagato is so monsterous and unreasonable that any sacrifice is justified if it's in the name of thwarting him.

Murderers and Malicous Miscommunications

(Scene: Hazou while searching for Jiraiya in the afterlife spots Nagato approaching the Rift)​

Hazou: "Stop right there, Akatsuki scum! I won't allow you to reenter the Human Path to complete your monstrous ritual!"

Nagato: "Monstrous? What do you think I was attempting to do?"

Hazou: "You were going to subjugate all of humanity under your tyrannical rule, obviously."

Nagato: "What? Of course not: I was going to connect all humans' minds, ninja and civilians alike, into a network that anyone could access on their own volition. With perfect empathy and voluntary telepathy people would be better able to connect with one another not just as neighbors but as friends across all international borders too. We need that level of coordination to stop the destruction of humanity itself."

Hazou: "Yes, well, if those justifications were entirely reasonable why did you kidnap the jinchuuriki? That was definitely a horrible action."

Nagato: "I tried diplomacy initially, but I soon learned esoteric, malevolent outside forces were acting against me. I could not afford to waste time and I needed as much chakra as possible in a short amount of time, so as a utilitarian I decided that nine lives were worth less than at least one village's entire ninja population."

Hazou: "...That does sound pragmatic, but it doesn't matter: you allied yourself with mass murderers in order to achieve your dream!"

Nagato: "Regrettable, I assure you, yet I had no choice: as strong as I was I still needed capable allies to ensure my plan reached fruition fast enough to unite the people to resist the influence of the forces beyond the barriers. Hidan, as selfless as he was even with his functional immortality, opted to directly contest the entity known as Jashin's will by taking on all of Jashin's blood-lust in order to divert that bloodshed from affecting the ritual's preparations. Yes, hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people died, but an unconstrained Jashin and his ilk would lead to the eventual ruin of human civilization. Even as I knew my ritual was doomed to failure I gave my life for my compatriots in the hopes that they would find a way to contain the multiple entities threatening the longevity of humanity itself. Tell me: how successful have my friends been in that regard? Have they either infiltrated or assumed direct control over the Elemental Nations? Shouldn't they be looking for me here too if you, a... chunin? I have never met before are capable of reaching me?"

Hazou: "Uh..."

Nagato: "...Did none of this information reach the Elemental Nations after my death? Well, I suppose your opinion of me and my organization must be... low... if you consider us "scum". Hidan was originally in charge of public relations before his assimilation with Jashin given his ability to keep diplomatic channels open even when people tried to enthusiastically murder him. Perhaps Jashin overwhelmed him and all of his thoughts turned to bloodshed..? No matter: as long as no one else has embraced Jashin the entity should not be able to influence ignorant people on the Human Path for a time."

Hazou: "Er..."

Nagato: "If someone were foolish enough to embrace Jashin they would find themselves justifying large scale atrocities in order to advance their, but ultimately its, goals. Have you experienced any inclinations to wipe out large numbers of people who have never personally wronged you or yours? There may still be time to save y-"


Hazou: "You are absolutely right Yuno, thank you. Enjoy your stay in the afterlife, Nagato: you will never leave to threaten the Human Path again."

*after ditching and somehow ensuring Nagato can never cross the Rift*

Yuno, whispering in prayer: "As you willed it so it has been done, my lord."
Omake: Dearest Akatsuki
Dearest Akatsuki

Dearest Akatsuki,

I am writing in regret to inform you of some damage to your facilities that occured while reclaiming property that was stolen from us under false pretenses. This property damage occurred as a result of obstruction that was caused by one or more Akatsuki members, who were dealt with at our cost. As we occurred no personnel losses during this mission, we have graciously decided not to charge cleanup costs to Akatsuki.

We welcome you to join us at Hokage tower in two weeks' time to discuss our future friendly partnership. We offer in this an opportunity to have outstanding charges for past damages cleared. You are advised to count the dead in your number before attempting to kill or kidnap another Hokage, or to harm another Leaf ninja of any rank.

I hope this message finds you well,
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Omake: ItachiQuest's Final Lesson


"Moreover," Fugaku Uchiha said at last, "if you suspect that high-ranking members of the Uchiha clan are planning high treason against Leaf, do not gormlessly walk alone into a room with the mastermind."

Itachi started to move, but he was too slow. Fugaku snapped his fingers and a dozen Uchiha appeared out of nowhere, from the walls and floor and ceiling, unleashing a barrage of jutsus as would have been sufficient to kill the Sage of Six Paths himself. It was quite overkill, even for a genius like Itachi.

The agony lasted but a moment; Itachi Uchiha was dead before he hit the ground.

Author's Note: As Douglas Adams would say: don't panic. Keep reading the rest of this A/N and things will get better. This is not quest over. This author's note gives a bunch of necessary context and then we're looking for player input on what to do next.

Yes, Itachi is dead. Yes, the true culprit of the Uchiha insurrection you've been investigating was Fugaku all along. You have options on where things go from here, and we'll cover them farther down.

We believe this is the simulationist outcome, for reasons we will describe in detail below...

I TOLD you all! I TOLD YOU ALL IT WAS FUGAKU ALL ALONG. 'oh no he's our father and he loves us and he'd never betray us and all of hidden leaf just to unlock the true power of the sharingan using a forbidden ritual from the age of the sage of six paths' all y'all get btfo. this is what we get for investing everything into punchstats and nothing into socials or research.

lmao the old man played alllllll of us, well fucking done. gg


never trust clan heads lmaaaaaaoooooooo. not even your father.

welp. time for a new character, folks. let's play a missing-nin this time. i am sick to hell of village politics and the rigid mission framework where if we take half a week off to investigate a nearby shiny we run the risk of having a bajillion leaf hunter-nin sent after us. fuck that.

...And here we are. As we said above, we're looking for suggestions on what to do from here.

Yes, this will be done via voting but please do not post plans yet.

Let's discuss for at least a day and we'll open voting later. Everything is on the table, so please don't constrain yourself. We are open to continuing the quest with Itachi having survived the ambush somehow, but we do expect that version of the quest would be unwinnable—Fugaku has essentially uncontested control over Hidden Leaf, and would be able to send an arbitrary amount of hunter-nin after Itachi, even if Sasuke was capable of finding Itachi and overpowering Fugaku to help him escape.

We very much do not want to bias discussion but we would like to make clear the size of the possibility space, so we'll say that we're at least open to breaking simulation, rolling back time, and then...

Fugaku decides not to eliminate Itachi for some reason, or...
Not only does the ambush fail, but Itachi wins the fight for some reason, or...
Someone saves Itachi in the nick of time.
In all these situations, we would appreciate your help figuring out the details of how and why it happened.

Discussion time! What to do now?

Look, I'm as invested in this quest as anybody else, I've been here for nearly a decade as well watching us go from genin nobody to terrifying battlefield menace, but maybe it's just time to let Itachi go. This is kind of a fitting end, isn't it? Live by the sword, die by the sword and all that. We took our risks and we lost the gamble.

dude if we just let itachi die leaf is fucked. fugaku's gonna take over and complete his ritual to unlock the true power of the sharingan and everybody we love in leaf is gonna die. sasuke is gonna die.

Meh. Sasuke can go fuck himself. Didn't see him doing us much good when we got ganked now did he? Hell, the whole Uchiha clan can go fuck itself. We pour so much energy and investment into the clan and this is the thanks we get? If we get to retcon this I'm voting we kill the whole fucking Uchiha clan. Let's see how you're going to achieve your ritual NOW, dad.

Okay, hear me out.

The real issue here is that we've never had any time to level anything up but our punching stats.

We've been trapped between a rock and a hard place for the last three hundred or so chapters, because they keep sending us on jonin-level combat missions even though what we really needed for this 'investigate the insurrection' arc was socials and research stats. And that's downstream of how all of the EXP in this game comes from combat. We'd love to sit down and do some technique-hacking or sealmastery, but where would we get the EXP from? There's no system that lets us get EXP just for... training. We have to KEEP fighting powerful enemies, and as we do, the threshold for how strong an enemy has to be to give us EXP keeps rising, so we have to keep dumping EXP into punching to stay above the waterline, and the result is that we've hardly been able to do ANY science whatsoever.

Which results in the absurd outcome where, despite being the most powerful Sharingan user in the whole village, Itachipilot doesn't even know where to begin to guess at what Fugaku's ritual DOES, other than that it's some kind of secret form of the Sharingan. We had neither the socials nor the research stats needed to make any headway, so we had to rely on our dad the clan head to do all the socials and investigations for us, and what do you know, in the world where he's the traitor that gets us all killed!

Here's my proposition for how we solve this.

Firstly, not only do we miraculously survive the attack somehow, but in the process of surviving the attack, we ALSO unlock the true potential of the Sharingan.
Yes, I'm talking about the exact same thing that Fugaku's ritual is attempting to achieve for him. It'd be cosmic irony- in the process of trying to make sure we can't stop him from gaining the power, he inadvertently grants us the power and thus makes us an even more dangerous threat to his plans.

Let's say... Well, Fugaku clearly loves Hidden Leaf. I don't think that's feigned- I think he's the megalomaniac kind of villain who thinks that taking over is what the village needs to survive. So what if we say... that the true power of the Sharingan is connected to the idea of, killing someone you love and want to protect, with your own two hands?

So, what if we say, that just before we get killed in the Uchiha ambush, we manage to move just fast enough to kill our dad- he's a social spec, we already know we can beat him- and that unlocks the true form of the Sharingan for US, and that's how we survive the oncoming ambush.

What might the true form of the Sharingan allow us to do? Here are the necessary constraints:

- It has to give us the ability to do research more effectively. For instance, a Genjutsu-technique in which time passes much faster than in the real world would be a sufficient narrative justification to give us 'training EXP'. We can stay in the Genjutsu and suffer self-inflicted Mental Consequences in exchange for gaining EXP that isn't constrained by the bottleneck of having to fight dangerous enemies.

- It has to be powerful enough to let us survive a dozen Uchiha ambushing us all at once. Maybe it vomits out incredibly powerful flames that can't be put out or something? That sounds like a power that'd be broken enough to get us out of this situation.

Now, obviously we can't just have the power with no downsides, so maybe we can say that, since we didn't do the ritual preparations that Fugaku (presumably) has been doing beforehand, our super-Sharingan is imperfect and thus damages itself whenever we use it. This gives us a great plot-hook as well; we have to figure out the Deep Lore that the GMs keep hinting about, in order to repair our gradually-decaying super-Sharingan in time. This will incentivize us to invest into research stats in order to keep ourselves intact.

Here's my proposal for a power that might fit these constraints:


- Prerequisites: Sharingan 60, TYS 10+, killed one of your closest loved ones with your own hands...
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